- Xtaskgettickcount esp32 Our current system captures 1424 bytes of data and then it gets written to the SD card and if there is a WiFi connection sent over the WiFi to a server. My code was working at first EPS8266, now I'm on ESP32-WROOM-E (on ESP32-Ethernet Starter kit) I updated today IDF from 4. Is it a good habit to implement functions inside hello i have esp32 node mcu, i try to use pulss sensoer to get the BPM i use the play ground examples but only the getting started project is working how can i chack the BPM? this is the esp and the BPM code: code - /* Getting_BPM_to_Monitor prints the BPM to the Serial Monitor, using the least lines of code and PulseSensor Library. What if a second HTTP request arrives while the rmtWrite for the first HTTP request is still in progress? uint32_t FreeRTOS::getTimeSinceStart() { return (uint32_t) (xTaskGetTickCount() * portTICK_PERIOD_MS); } I have 2 projects and one sees time passing about 20% faster than the other. There have also been mentions on this forum that SDFat library has better performance than FATFS (on other MCUs). print("Task1 running on core "); Espressif ESP32 Official Forum. To test how fast this happens, I added a member to a structure where I put a "system time" - (xTaskGetTickCount() * portTICK_PERIOD_MS) right before Task A writes the structure into the queue. -- So I have a big pile of spaghetti here (link to sketch dump). Follow answered Jun 16, 2022 at uint32_t FreeRTOS::getTimeSinceStart() { return (uint32_t) (xTaskGetTickCount() * portTICK_PERIOD_MS); } I have 2 projects and one sees time passing about 20% faster than the other. I check with the documentation everything seems to be okay. Therefor I set an interrupt on the according pin. Also on the ESP32 which has 2 32 bit GPIO ports portA and portB, portB does not have pullup as its optimized for A:D inputs. I'm attempting to use the usb host peripheral on the ESP32 to communicate with a gamepad. = esp_timer_get_time(); float xTaskGetTickCount() is common way, but if you need to have the exact time since boot (for example, uptime, as Tick Counter is unsigned 32-bit integer, thus its overflow is possible), please consider using RTC time, memorizing the start point and return the diff between RTC actual time and start point. It is also working with ESP32 and ESP-IDF using a wrapper component for ESP8266 functions, see folder components/esp8266_wrapper, as well as Linux based systems Code: Select all (Top) → Component config → LVGL configuration → Memory settings Espressif IoT Development Framework Configuration [ ] If true use custom malloc/free, otherwise use the built-in `lv_mem_alloc()` and `lv_mem_free()` (64) Size of the memory used by `lv_mem_alloc` in kilobytes (>= 2kB) (0x0) Address for the memory pool instead of allocating it I would use the ESP32's micro cycle count which can handle count in microseconds up to 207 years. With default settings in menuconfig, gives you time at microsecond resolution. Features specific to the ESP32 microcontroller are described in this chapter. Hi, I'm facing problem with ESP32 DevKitv1, I cannot reconnect to broker, scenario is following: 1) MQTT client connected to broker (mosquitto); 2) Messages are being sent to broker normally; 3) after while mosquitto is down, 4) MQTT client reports disconnection; 5) mosquitto is up again and working normally, network connection valid (ping uint32_t FreeRTOS::getTimeSinceStart() { return (uint32_t) (xTaskGetTickCount() * portTICK_PERIOD_MS); } I have 2 projects and one sees time passing about 20% faster than the other. Not sure why the call to vTaskGetRunTimeStats gets it wrong after running for a while. Contribute to Carbon225/esp32-dshot development by creating an account on GitHub. However, I get problems using the Bluedroid BLE Stack : At beginning I just wanted my device to advertise. proc_ticks = xTaskGetTickCount() - start_tick; ^ esp32-i2s-slm:345:16: error: 'samples_queue' was not Espressif ESP32 Official Forum. disableDebugging();, but nimBLE is still showing in the serial monitor. What is your solution suggestion? ///// Espressif ESP32 Official Forum. I'm new to programming and electronics in general. byte waitIRq, ///< The bits in the ComIrqReg register that signals successful completion of the command. The interrupt is triggered with the rising and falling edge and store the start & endtime with the funktion micros() in two diffrent variables. what is the preferred way to realize a datetime clock on ESP32? I'd like to get a reference time from the internet (e. I am working with an ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1 EVM and I would like to implement BLE stack. 3. Introduction. If we pass NULL, then will guillermop wrote:Thanks kolban, The problem is xTaskGetTickCount and getTimeSinceStart will return the time passed since the device was turned on, but I'm looking In the ESP32 IDF (Espressif IoT Development Framework), FreeRTOS is the real-time operating system core for managing multitasking. But once I try to use the I2C bus from a task on a different core I get a lot of errors. ESP32 mutex example Binary Semaphore. Example code: void Task1code( void * parameter ){ Serial. Problem is, I cannot start them from outside before the time is over. RAM available for dynamic allocation: I (206) heap_init: At 3FFAE6E0 len 00001920 (6 KiB): DRAM I (212) heap_init: At 3FFB2908 len 0002D6F8 (181 KiB): DRAM I (219) heap_init: At 3FFE0440 len 00003BC0 (14 KiB): D/IRAM I (225) heap_init: At 3FFE4350 uint32_t FreeRTOS::getTimeSinceStart() { return (uint32_t) (xTaskGetTickCount() * portTICK_PERIOD_MS); } I have 2 projects and one sees time passing about 20% faster than the other. Hi ESP32: I think ESP32 is really cool & powerful. Return. Each task is an independent I started using FreeRTOS on ESP32 with AVR framework on top of it. I think it's possible to make something with time and getTimeSinceStart but I suppose I'll lose some precision, if there is not other way it's what I'll do FreeRTOS Overview . But inside the task it starts printing a lot of information that I didn't ask for. g. The ESP32 board has two timer group, each one with 2 timers (Timer Group 1: TIMER 0 - TIMER 1, Timer Group 2: TIMER 2- TIMER 3). In the code of the task, I try to restart the advertiser every 5 secondes using the following loop : /* Boucle Infinie de la tâche : */ while (1) /* On récupère le nombre de ticks courants : */ TickType_t CurrentTime = For this, I've created a 2 column array for each task, the first column being the starting tick, and the second the ending tick; I've also used xTaskGetTickCount() both at the start of each task's function (the starting one right afther the while, and the ending one right before the vTaskDelay). However, I just found out that I have +/- 1 Hi, I have several tasks in freeRTOS on my ESP32 delaying with the vTaskDelay-function. ESP8266EX and ESP32 are some of our products. - Another channel used simply with analogRead This was working perfectly - to be precise, a web request triggers a measurement and values are read and returned. I have an example that i thought should work Espressif ESP32 Official Forum. Deleting a task only releases the memory allocated by FreeRTOS for that task's stack and its Task Control Block, nothing more. About Us. Help with ESP32 and RTOS Post by protttoy » Thu Apr 07, 2022 9:27 am Hi, I don't understand how the vTaskResume and vTaskSuspend commands work in this following code: Also I want to know: Maybe someone can explain me the output of the 4 variants: 1. 0 is based on SDK V4. I have a I2C DS3231 RTC wich is showing a strange behavior. Code: Select all MFRC522::StatusCode MFRC522::PCD_CommunicateWithPICC( byte command, ///< The command to execute. 1 快速入门 This is a version of xTaskGetTickCount() that is safe to be called from an ISR - provided that TickType_t is the natural word size of the microcontroller being used or interrupt nesting is either not supported or not being used. Should protected void receivePacket(uint8_t *packet, u. 1. I am working with C++, so I have created a Bluetooth Task which should enable the BLE. Hello All; I have two TASKs in a project with Esp32 and it runs separately on the CPU0 and CPU1. I think it's possible to make something with time and getTimeSinceStart but I suppose I'll lose some precision, if there is not other way it's what I'll do When I changed to code as shown above it started to work, thanks for your guidance. You will get a different result. My specific timer is defined and started as follows: Code: Select all (Top) → Component config → LVGL configuration → Memory settings Espressif IoT Development Framework Configuration [ ] If true use custom malloc/free, otherwise use the built-in `lv_mem_alloc()` and `lv_mem_free()` (64) Size of the memory used by `lv_mem_alloc` in kilobytes (>= 2kB) (0x0) Address for the memory pool instead of allocating it ESP32 is a series of low cost, low power system on a chip microcontrollers with integrated Wi-Fi and dual-mode Bluetooth. I (200) heap_init: Initializing. Hi, When the below task run, in code line "vTaskSuspendAll()" the software CRASH. I have been reading about the ESP32 (on Arduino IDE) and it's FreeRTOS implementation and something isnt quite clicking with me. Channel0 & Channel1 = . h lib with the VSPI of the esp32 on core0. I'm using DOIT ESP32 dev1 board with PlatformIO IDE and ESP-IDF framework, and I'm trying to blink the on board LED connected to GPIO pin 2 using timer interrupts, but for some reason the LED is stuck on and won't blink. Oh, and portB is input only, no outputs Hi everyone, I would like to measure a pulse duration of 32us (4 clock cycles at 125kHz). For this, I've created a 2 column array for each task, the first column being the starting tick, and the second the ending tick; I've also used xTaskGetTickCount() both at the start of each task's function (the starting one right afther the while, and the ending one right before the vTaskDelay). In this ESP32 ESP-IDF FreeRTOS Semaphore tutorial, we will learn how to use FreeRTOS Semaphore with ESP32 ESP-IDF. I mean, i want one interrupt in core 0 and one interrupt in core 1. proc_ticks = xTaskGetTickCount() - start_tick; ^ esp32-i2s-slm:341:42: error: 'start_tick' was not declared in this scope q. xTaskGetTickCount will probably do the trick. Navigation Menu Toggle navigation. My code uses both cores of the ESP32 and seems to work well. Thing is, when I take the tasks start and end ticks, it says 2 of the tasks start and end at the same time. Thus, all ESP-IDF applications and many ESP-IDF components are written based on FreeRTOS. I edited the example code and removed all I think it is not necessary. Therefor, I read a lot, especally about xSemaphoreGiveFromISR which seems to be the most efficiant way to deal with this problem. FreeRTOS application crashing when spawning 8 similar tasks, while it does work with 5 and 15 spawned tasks (ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1) [closed] Ask Question Asked 1 year, 11 months ago Hi, it's me again with more stupid questions. When I changed to code as shown above it started to work, thanks for your guidance. I use xTaskGetTickCount(); to wake up the task on a regular basis to check the cycle count elapsed time. Code: Select all (Top) → Component config → LVGL configuration → Memory settings Espressif IoT Development Framework Configuration [ ] If true use custom malloc/free, otherwise use the built-in `lv_mem_alloc()` and `lv_mem_free()` (64) Size of the memory used by `lv_mem_alloc` in kilobytes (>= 2kB) (0x0) Address for the memory pool instead of allocating it void someTask(void * _) { portTickType now = xTaskGetTickCount(); for( ; xTaskGetTickCount() - now < 25; ) { debug("%u", xTaskGetTickCount(); } } This will spin forever, long past the 25 ms implied when tick = 1 ms. Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Hello I've been struggling to attach 2 HW interrupts to specific cores. The driver is for the usage with the ESP8266 and esp-open-rtos. 2, installed. Your solution has a few possible problems: 1. The doc from the esp32 (dual core) says that each core has an isr so it should be possible to attach an interrupt on each core. What if timestamp_difference > 2000, you now get a negative or a very large positive. Basically I just want to run a task a given hertz (for example 50 Hz). Very new to arduino and programming in general. I have the latest version of the Arduino library, version 0. xLastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount(); for (;;) { time = I suggest you call either "esp_timer_get_time" or "xTaskGetTickCount()" to get the total system uptime and compare against the runtime numbers for each task. On the ESP32 there is no need to define the A:D pins. The Task examples that I have seen are very simple with Task1 and Task2 being called (or some variation of that). For curiosity, this function uses the FreeRTOS xTaskGetTickCount function in its implementation. The circuit is rather simple. Not at all. vButtonPressEventHandler is an interrupt handler I assume? Then, don't try to create a task from an interrupt handler. cpp) class representing my Bluetooth task. Timekeeping continues in deepsleep (but there is a bug in the current master branch which causes time to be reset when going to deep sleep; follow above link for a workaround). Timestamp --> Serial output 15:20:56:596 --> in Task 1in Task 2 15:20:56:596 --> guillermop wrote:Thanks kolban, The problem is xTaskGetTickCount and getTimeSinceStart will return the time passed since the device was turned on, but I'm looking for the date time output. Since I need a precision of 1 msec, what other function should I use Skip to content. Note that there is the micros function also available for measuring elapsed time with more precision, although at the time of writing I was Provides utility functions for managing tasks in FreeRTOS, including task creation, deletion, and control. Hope in your help. The code is the following Espressif ESP32 Official Forum. UBaseType_t uxTaskGetNumberOfTasks (void) When I changed to code as shown above it started to work, thanks for your guidance. I'm relatively new to ESP-IDF and programming an ESP32 but not programming in general. The tick count returned by xTaskGetTickCount() and the timestamps you see in the logs are both related to time, but they are different concepts and don't necessarily match each other. Here is the datasheet: In my original sketch I used a task to update the client to which WiFi AP the ESP32 was connected to. 4-beta (latest as at writing) : SPI effectively a fail, 1bit & 4bit are good but not terrific. so I am moving from esp8266 to esp32 hardware and I am running a problem on esp8266 I used software serial to connect the GPS and this code below works fine Hi, How to detect if some pin is short-circuited? I tried to google `esp idf short circuit` but got nothing useful. Arduino ESP32 board package V2. The count of ticks since vTaskStartScheduler was called. Code: Select all I (179) cpu_start: App cpu up. The question is what timers are used when using the following commands (ARDUINO IDE) ? a) esp_timer_get_time(); b) xTaskGetTickCount(); c) millis(); d) micros(); Arduino ESP32 board package V2. When I moved the code to a separate class I tried to keep this behavior, but when I try to get the 0x2902 descriptor value through: Code: Select all xLastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount (); bool notificationFlag = false; uint8_t * testNotify = & * uint32_t FreeRTOS::getTimeSinceStart() { return (uint32_t) (xTaskGetTickCount() * portTICK_PERIOD_MS); } I have 2 projects and one sees time passing about 20% faster than the other. Overview . Semaphores are used to send a notification to other tasks or to synchronize different tasks xTaskGetTickCount() in millisecondsPosted by dgoffi on January 18, 2012Hi at all, I am reading the API reference about function xTaskGetTickCount(). Most of it is functions related to controlling a nextion screen via serial and stepper motors. The code has a base rate of 1 ms and rate1 of 10 ms. However, to support dual-core ESP targets, such as ESP32, ESP32-S3, and ESP32-P4, ESP-IDF provides a unique implementation of FreeRTOS with dual-core symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) capabilities (hereinafter referred to as IDF FreeRTOS). 2. Re: led Task. I looked into ESP32 (and ESP8266) overflow for MicroPython utime module ticks_ms() and However, it seems that the interrupt watchdog timer for Core 1 is triggering and causing a reset, even though the 20 ms wait is much less than the 300 ms default IWDT timeout specified for the Arduino ESP32 build. I try to write code, so Task1 and Task2 synchronize each other with xTaskNotifyGive. 4-dev : SPI works but second slowest, 1bit & 4bit is quickest on reads. A "binky" Example on ESP32 using ESP-IDF FreeRTOS, which address potential bug when man use while(1) in main_app() with vTaskDelayUntil to deal with delay job. 2 last release, same problem. I thought to use xTaskGetTickCount() like millis() functions, but I want to uint32_t FreeRTOS::getTimeSinceStart() { return (uint32_t) (xTaskGetTickCount() * portTICK_PERIOD_MS); } I have 2 projects and one sees time passing about 20% faster than the other. Hopefully i While porting code from ESP8266 to ESP32-IDF , I got the impression that the function millis() only has a resolution of 10 msec. This guide will include a brief description of BME680, connection diagram with ESP32 board and then setting up a project in VS Code with ESP-IDF extension to acquire ambient temperature, barometric pressure, relative humidity, and gas (VOC) or Indoor air quality (IAQ) from this To say that the ESP32 isn't consuming CPU is not the same thing as saying that the ESP32 isn't running any tasks. 1) I have activated the Bluetooth using sdkconfig file. 2 is based on SDK V4. sebasdt Posts: 17 Joined: Fri Jul 24, 2020 8:18 am. ESP32 v4. Down at the very bottom you'll see two core task assignments - one for the what is the preferred way to realize a datetime clock on ESP32? I'd like to get a reference time from the internet (e. => xTaskGetTickCount() * portTICK_PERIOD_MS #define portTICK_PERIOD_MS ( ( TickType_t Espressif Systems is a fabless semiconductor company providing cutting-edge low power WiFi SoCs and wireless solutions for wireless communications and Internet of Things applications. I am not altogether new to C++ or the ESP32, but I am running up against a problem too big for me. Here is the code: TickType_t xLastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount (); const TickType_t xFrequency = 10; uint8_t pin = 0; while (1) { DSHOT600 driver with command support for ESP-IDF. 0. I'm trying to use the printf inside a Task from freeRTOS and I can't. I know that by using: xTaskGetTickCount() * portTICK_PERIOD_MS; whereby #define portTICK_PERIOD_MS ( ( TickType_t ) 1000 / configTICK_RATE_HZ ) I can get the time in milliseconds. When I call analogRead() within the main program (ie loop()), everything works exactly as Hello, I'm using a ESP-WROOM32 module with a SD card. Task is one of the core concepts in FreeRTOS. 0. // Initialise the xLastWakeTime variable with the current time. This is a version of xTaskGetTickCount() that is safe to be called from an ISR - provided that TickType_t is the I have multiple tasks on the same core accessing the I2C bus using a freeRTOS mutex for synchronization an that is working. I started using FreeRTOS on ESP32 with AVR framework on top of it. Basically, when doing any operation on the RTC inside a task (which is not the main loop task) the first operation is not run. ESP32. 4. My problem are the write times to the SD card. If the ESP32 doesn't have a task to run, then it may still be consuming JUST AS MUCH CPU cycles polling for the determination that an event has occurred means a task is now ready to run. But it gives me the following errors : Espressif ESP32 Official Forum. I want to use two spi interface of the esp32. Same problem if I use ACK_IGNORE. Log In Register Lost Password. hpp (And . This topic has 1 reply, 2 voices, and was last updated 2 years, 2 months ago by support. Top. I am trying to initialize timer module in FreeRTOS on ESP32 Module. Timer callbacks are dispatched from a high-priority esp_timer task. I need a counter to be activated when a task/function is called, once this function is called, my display module needs to display the second counter. Connect the collector of the npn transistor to the 5 V pin of the esp32, the ermitter to ground and the base to any free gpio. This is a version of xTaskGetTickCount() that is safe to be called from an ISR - provided that TickType_t is the The arduino board uses the millis function, using Timer 0. What I need is for example somethings like this: TASK1 -> xTaskGetTickCount() = 10 (milliseconds) TASK2 -> xTaskGetTickCount() = 11 TASK1 -> xTaskGetTickCount() = 12 TASK2 -> So, I've been trying my hand at an ESP32 FreeRTOS automatized irrigation project, and so far so good, it works allright. Could you please give me some guidance? documents, links, etc. You'll have to check it periodically and adjust your uptime calculation. Espressif ESP32 Official Forum. Thing is, when I take the tasks start and end ticks, Provides utility functions for managing tasks in FreeRTOS, including task creation, deletion, and control. The output will just continually list the same value over and over and over. But upon looking at the esp32 documentation for timer callback: "ESP_TIMER_TASK. (5-25-5-25) how i would go on about that and how do i even connect the relay to esp3 Hello, I tried using BLEMidiServer. I have defined a TaskBluetooth. The ESP32 microcontroller has two cores, which are managed independently, Bluetooth communication For this, I've created a 2 column array for each task, the first column being the starting tick, and the second the ending tick; I've also used xTaskGetTickCount() both at the start of each task's function (the starting one right afther the while, and the ending one right before the vTaskDelay). FreeRTOS is an open source RTOS (real-time operating system) kernel that is integrated into ESP-IDF as a component. n Disassembly of section Libssh SSH client & server port to ESP32 Arduino library - ewpa/LibSSH-ESP32 I am using an ESP32 connected to Google Cloud IoT Core to control lights with a raspberry pi as a hub to send messages to the esp32 through IoT core to turn them on and off at set times of the day. Channel0 & Channel1 = //. I'am already using the TFT_eSPI. I can see the descriptors and read values from the gamepad by communicating on the "IN" endpoint. I want run a task at 100 Hz. In this tutorial, we will learn to interface BME680 with ESP32 using ESP-IDF driver. gettimeofday function. why does this simple code not working, and if xTaskGetTickCount doesn't work, what should be alternative? static void PrintTextEvery8sec(void *pvParameters) { TickType_t This is a version of xTaskGetTickCount() that is safe to be called from an ISR - provided that TickType_t is the natural word size of the microcontroller being used or interrupt nesting is Measure Time within a Task with xTaskGetTickCount()Posted by gibsonpw on September 1, 2018Hi, I am trying to measure the execution time of a function a FreeRTOS This is a version of xTaskGetTickCount() that is safe to be called from an ISR - provided that TickType_t is the natural word size of the microcontroller being used or interrupt nesting is ESP32 ESP-IDF FreeRTOS Suspend & Resume Task Example. In Chapter 21 (Microcontrollers), differences in instructions for ESP8266 and ESP32 microcontrollers regarding features that are available to both microcontrollers were described. Hi, I am using the ESP32, with WiFi, so only using ADC1. Hi, I don't understand how the vTaskResume and vTaskSuspend commands work in this following code: `xTaskGetTickCount()` 是Espressif ESP32平台中的一个函数,它是FreeRTOS实时操作系统的一部分,主要用于获取当前正在运行任务的调度计数器(tick count)值。这个计数器通常是以系统预设的时钟频率(如CPU频率)递增的,每次循环计数一次。 当你调用 `xTaskGetTickCount()` 函数时,它会返回自系统启动以来已经过去了多少个时钟周期(ticks) Hello, i am new to the ESP32 and I am using the espressif Framework (not Arduino) with Eclipse. My concern is about race conditions since RMT is asynchronous. One of the PCD_Command enums. I am asking because no matter what I configure in menuconfig/sdkconfig, my understanding is that the above should not change. I have a very strange problem with an ESP32-S3 board I am working on (Espressif ESP32-S3-WROOM-1-N8 (8 MB QD, No PSRAM)). Let’s see how we can implement a Binary Semaphore for ESP32 using FreeRTOS and what is the preferred way to realize a datetime clock on ESP32? I'd like to get a reference time from the internet (e. Hello, I want to use the xTaskGetTickCount() function to get the time in microseconds. The calculation of the duration take place later. intr_type = LEDC_INTR_FADE_END 2. Or, on a more abstract level, vTaskDelete makes sure that a task will subsequently never get any more CPU time and hence just stops executing code. How can I do that with freertos or just what are the calculations (for delay). I am using ErriezDS3231 library. I have this sketch that i'am trying to implement but this is not working for some reason. Improve this answer. Interesting. What solution should I apply to prevent them from using them at the same time? Basically what I want to do is as follows. That is wat the code does suggested in my previous post. The only thing I have found is xTaskGetTickCount(). The source is in the IDF but I never spent the time to investigate. 2 to 4. uint32_t FreeRTOS::getTimeSinceStart() { return (uint32_t) (xTaskGetTickCount() * portTICK_PERIOD_MS); } I have 2 projects and one sees time passing about 20% faster than the other. What is the best way to have the resolution in microseconds? I didn’t found I use vTaskDelay() to block the LED in ON or OFF state, but if I need to change the LEDs blinking function ESP32 has to wait the delay time before changing, but I want the change to be immediate. I'm totally new to programming and electronics, it would be very helpful if someone helped me figure this out. The ESP32 series employs either a Tensilica Xtensa LX6, Xtensa LX7 or a RiscV processor, and both dual-core and single-core variations are available. No. I need a counter to be activated when a task/function is called, once this function is called, my display So, I've been trying my hand at an ESP32 FreeRTOS automatized irrigation project, and so far so good, it works allright. TickType_t start_tick = xTaskGetTickCount(); ^ esp32-i2s-slm:341:38: error: 'xTaskGetTickCount' was not declared in this scope q. for Variabla A : CPU-0 can Write / CPU-1 can READ for Variabla B : CPU-1 can Write / CPU-0 can READ for Variabla C : CPU-0 can what is the preferred way to realize a datetime clock on ESP32? I'd like to get a reference time from the internet (e. P. My question is regarding esp32, i would like to make a relay timed, so every 30 minutes it would turn on for 5 minutes. This should be done configuring the config task on each core. Because all the callbacks are dispatched from the same task, it is recommended to only do the minimal possible amount of work from the callback itself, posting an event to a lower-priority task using Hi I have a very generic cpp code in ESP IDF to be used for a multi rate task program on ESP32 S3. (abs(xTaskGetTickCount()-btn_long_press_old) > 1000/portTICK_PERIOD_MS){ ESP_LOGI(TAG, "long btn press get triggered"); Edit: Well, unsigned long currentMillis = xTaskGetTickCount(); is working, why not unsigned long currentMillis = getTimeSinceStart()? Last edited by Saskia on Fri Jul 21, 2017 10:13 am, edited 1 time in total. c guillermop wrote:Thanks kolban, The problem is xTaskGetTickCount and getTimeSinceStart will return the time passed since the device was turned on, but I'm looking for the date time output. Hi, first post. 2. S: The tickcount will wrap every 49 days I guess. esp_timer_get_time(); is the macro call to get the time in uSeconds of the cycle count. Outside the task, in the app_main(), it goes ok. Espressif Systems is a fabless semiconductor company providing cutting-edge low power WiFi SoCs and wireless solutions for wireless communications and Internet of Things applications. - main. I have GPIO_NUM_10 (ADC1 CH 9) connected to a 1S LiPo battery via a voltage divider circuit in order to monitor battery voltage. Using the usb_host_lib example I've got basic communication working. I have pinned one task to each core with infinite loops. intr_type = LEDC_INTR_FADE_END uint32_t FreeRTOS::getTimeSinceStart() { return (uint32_t) (xTaskGetTickCount() * portTICK_PERIOD_MS); } I have 2 projects and one sees time passing about 20% faster than the other. meowsqueak Posts: 151 Joined: Thu Jun 15, 2017 4:54 am Location: New Zealand. Thanks to its dual-core hardware & RTOS(much important then the previous one) I successfully made really something I've been pround of and would like to use. In my particular case, I'm trying to create a timer that will fire after 5 minutes on an ESP32-S3 (Seeed Studio Xiao S3 Sense). I'm using a few channels, but I'll keep this simple: - One channel used with I2S driver to sample at higher frequencies. On ESP32, allocating 64kB of RAM "behind the scenes" to increase FATFS read or write performance is not the right tradeoff, for most applications, which is why the driver does not attempt to do that. But I couldn't find any code with that string or any code referencing pdFREERTOS_ERRNO_EAGAIN. I promise this one is definitely about dual core issues and not my crappy array management. To suspend a task we use the vTaskSuspend() function and specify the handle of the task to be suspended as a parameter inside it. Sysprogs forums › Forums › VisualGDB › Realtime task with esp32. Now i want to implement the HSPI on core1 for an ADXL345 accelerometer. However, the loops don't have delay() or vTaskDelay() in them and I was wondering if that would cause issues with the pinned tasks blocking other system/housekeeping tasks from executing, as discussed in this thread. Good day, I'm trying to send data with mqtt via pubsub library using w5500 ethernet module, but I'm having disconnection problems for 3-5 minutes maybe longer. brief explanation of my project - i have been restoring old espresso machine for some time and recent wanted to incorporate some basic smarts into an old manual machine. Try uploading the code to your ESP32 board and see the following result in the serial monitor. Viewing 2 posts - 1 through 2 (of 2 total) Author. Code: Select all 00000000 <delay_using_division>: 0: 004136 entry a1, 32 3: 000081 l32r a8, fffc0004 <delay_using_division+0xfffc0004> 6: a2a280 muluh a10, a2, a8 9: 41a3a0 srli a10, a10, 3 c: 000081 l32r a8, fffc000c <delay_using_division+0xfffc000c> f: 0008e0 callx8 a8 12: f01d retw. Create it upfront instead. Hello everybody, I am working on a pretty complicated project based on a ESP32 and using FreeRTOS task scheduling. via NTP) and set a local clock. I always get 0,0,-1 results on the serial. (ESP32 - using 2nd Hi, When the below task run, in code line "vTaskSuspendAll()" the software CRASH. unsigned long xStart, xEnd, xDifference; xDifference =0; while (1){ xStart = xTaskGetTickCount(); I am working with an ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1 EVM in C++. float LatPast; float LonPast; int DoDistanceTicks = 5000; //// xDoDistanceExpireTicks = Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Espressif ESP32 Official Forum. After receiving the queued structure, Task B gets current "system time" and compares it with the one received from Task A. When trying to perform an OTA (AsyncElegantOTA if it matters), my code is also using I2C, which causes the ESP32 to throw a lot of errors like: TickType_t xLastWakeTime = xTaskGetTickCount(); for( ;; ) { // I2C here vTaskDelayUntil( Code: Select all (Top) → Component config → LVGL configuration → Memory settings Espressif IoT Development Framework Configuration [ ] If true use custom malloc/free, otherwise use the built-in `lv_mem_alloc()` and `lv_mem_free()` (64) Size of the memory used by `lv_mem_alloc` in kilobytes (>= 2kB) (0x0) Address for the memory pool instead of allocating it For this, I've created a 2 column array for each task, the first column being the starting tick, and the second the ending tick; I've also used xTaskGetTickCount() both at the start of each task's function (the starting one right afther the while, and the ending one right before the vTaskDelay). I use xTaskGetTickCount() both at the start (right after the while) and end (right before the vTaskDelay) of each task's function, which I The tests were performed using a DFRobot’s ESP-WROOM-32 device integrated in a ESP32 FireBeetle board. Share. I added a normal arduino delay in loop; delay(10); But it works without the delay as well. poktis ylj qntdt fsl jaseu xnxb qgizh dqeu gdnh zued