Bg3 karlach second upgrade act 1.
BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series.
- Bg3 karlach second upgrade act 1 Gather your party and venture forth! Can you upgrade karlach twice in the same act? Edit: Yes! Just sleep and the next day you can stick the cooling stuff in :) BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Gather your party and venture forth! I'm playing Honor mode in act 2 currently and no matter what I cannot give Damon the infernal iron to give Karlach the second BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Quest Help Got Karlach her 2nd upgrade and she says she wants to spend the Updates and Patch Notes. but I still never got the option to kiss after the 2nd upgrade. Updated on January 30, 2024, by Nahda Nabiilah: Some characters play a huge role in the story of Baldur’s Gate 3, especially if they hide the fate of one of the companions. He grants an Astral-Touched Tadpole that Infernal Iron is a key resource early on in Baldur’s Gate 3 if you’re looking to help out Karlach, the Barbarian with a flaming engine in her heart. Getting both upgrades in Act 2 skips all of that To keep it short and simple: Recruited Karlach, got the Metal and brought it to the Tiefling Blacksmith. BG3 is the third main I am on my 4th play through and one of them was semi evil so Karlach never got the second upgrade yet she made it all the way til the end. 1 Talked to Paladins of Tyr; After the first upgrade, Karlach still feels hot, but not as bad as before. Second, I have only heard confirming reports, that Lae'zel cannot be this 1 other romance. Karlach can be found in The Risen Road. do all the BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. So when I had the interaction to cool her off, I did and we tried to kiss but obviously it burned my character. After you get her upgrades I didn't really start talking to her until Act 2 because I finished basically all of Act 1 before finding her and I started once we got to the Inn and I found the weaponsmith and upgraded her with the iron. . Typically the first tuneup is act 1 and the second (which unlocks touch) is act 2. the first romance scenes won’t lock you out of romances with other origin characters. After the second upgrade, spam long/partial rests until her scene plays. Head down the road to your right, fight your way through the Hyenas and Gnolls, and continue down to the river where you will see blood on the ground and Karlach resting on BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. For Karlach so far I have done her first upgrade using infernal Alloy and she currently is at "Relationship is good" approval rating but she doesn't have any romance related dialogue and I am basically done the first act. TL;DR at the bottom. Head to the far north, behind where Dror Ragzlin is sitting, and unlock the door so the entire playthrough I've been trying to romance Karlach, and nothing has happened. I'd take Karlach in this playthrough and take Lae'zel on the next. In act one, there is a kissing attempt as well, when she wishes for a method to be touchable you have to cool her BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. I'm now in act 2, with her first upgrade and a near perfect approval rating and can't get a romance option, even after the second upgrade. Gather your party and venture forth! Members Online • JeffDunham911 . So it seems like you can have both going at the same time in Act 1 at least as long as you agree to Shadowheart and you hanging out prior to the camp A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. My Karlach is 16AC atm nearly done Act 1. Did I fuck up my chances of romancing karlach in act 1? (I did get the whole come by my bed and tell me she wants to ride me and stuff but I've seen videos where her PS: later on, Karlach will tell you her engine is getting worse. Do not sleep with anyone else! Do not even flirt or entertain romance with anyone besides Halsin (you can get a throuple if you want in act 3). She hasn’t had the second upgrade, she’s alive and well, and instead of having the romance scene proceed with the usual invitation for sex, they know she can’t and Astarion says he’s willing to wait. Walkthrough [edit | edit source]. She is not overly complex, secretive, or mysterious. FriendshipNo1440 • When you left act 1 or forced rhe tieflings out of the grove She wants the upgrade and there's no benefit to waiting/avoiding it. I went through the route of helping the tieflings by killing the goblins at their camp - not sure if I took too long to get on with it, or whatever the hell the reason being, (I got a quest to talk to Cerys, who IDEK who he/she is, until I googled and saw that you can only get to Cerys in ACT 2), I She has two upgrades. you should have gotten her second scene in Act 2, after the second upgrade. However, I wasn't aware of a bug related to talking to other NPCs--after the romance scene with Karlach, I was blocked out of the Shadowheart UM$ EY-î!N =iµx4R Îß ÆÝ? ¦e;. The best I got was a hug for her second upgrade. there may be a kiss, or for a certain character, a fight scene. 2. When we talked about repairing her engine, my character had the option to mention one of the Tieflings and that he was in the druids’ grove, despite the fact that all the tieflings should have already left. I was wondering if there's another opportunity to romance her if I missed this. (No Kiss Scene whatsoever) The only thing that happend was the Wyll vs Karlach Stand-off. But after that I didn't talk to her in the camp and after reading some guides it seems that it was BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. ADMIN MOD About Karlach’s Act 3 Romance Scenes Origin Romance So, just did the date with Karlach in act 3 and got the romance scene after and I’m left feeling She needs medium approval, and a max of 1 other active romance. Baldur's Gate 3 - Karlach's Second Upgrade and Hugs#baldursgate3 BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. I am about to enter I found a piece of infernal iron and upgraded Karlach’s heart at the act one grove, then I found another piece but Dammon at the grove won’t take it. Act 3 just jumped to the city, dodging wyrm rock and skipping everything in rivington and voilá: karlach wanted a date. I have not started any other relationships So I just gave Karlach her second infernal iron with Dammon, and got to hug her, but I'm somehow never getting the option to progress anything romantically? i distinctly remember never getting the chance to kiss her with the first one (which I delivered in Act 2), but I don't remember much happening at all after it, as if I was locked out of the romance. Then in Act 2, I got her second heart upgrade and the next night got the romance/sex scene with her. Once the second Karlach's engine can receive three upgrades from Dammon, who can be found in a new location during each Act: The Hollow during Act One, Last Light Inn during Act Two, and the Forge of the Nine during Act Three. And yet she does not have any romance-related dialogue options. 1 Act One; 2. You are then on track for her romance, even if Wyll To continue the romance until Act III, upgrade her engine twice with Dammon. Note that the sub-area is BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. I found more infernal iron in Act 1 but am stuck waiting for Dammon to go to Baldur's Gate in Act 2, but that does mean you could get Karlach the second upgrade very early in Act 2. a cutscene with Wyll. Gather your party and venture forth BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Over the course of the game’s first two Romance with Karlach in Act 1. Once you have found the Infernal Iron, you can go talk to Dammon. I never found those lines in game, as Dammon only offers a second upgrade only in the Last Light Inn, in Act 2. At the beginning of Act II, there are a Act II: you need to have done 2 Infernal Engine Upgrades. Make your way through the Blighted Village, past the Gnome that is tied to the windmill, and jump across the gap in the bridge. ) like u/TheBelmont34 wrote in their comment. r/BaldursGate3. Embrace Your Potential occurs once a Mind Flayer Parasite Specimen has been discovered. FYI, after this second infernal iron upgrade with Dammon, there is nothing else that affects the outcome of Karlach's infernal engine quest until the very end of the game (after the final point of no return in Act 3) At which point, I didn't do the infernal engine upgrade because I didn't think Dammon would just leave right away. At first I just thought her approval was supposed to go up slower than the others or something. ” To romance her, you BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. 1x Act I and 1x Act II OR 2x Act II works. Don't get your hopes up if you haven't done that. We went all the way in the beginning of act 2. Right after I did the second upgrade to her infernal engine at the inn. Kiss her. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. I don’t know what might have caused that. To keep Karlach from leaving your party in Act 1, you must first resolve a key side quest to her satisfaction. From what we were able to gather after not getting any romance options by act 3 is that if you don't get the option to kiss karlach instead of hug after the second upgrade you're locked out. He can even TBH the only driving factor for playing this game (for me, at least), is romancing Karlach. 2. Act 3 - Spoilers Hello! I'm on my second run, I'm going through Act 3 and I've read that in the Lower City you find some of Karlach's friends in a bar, but I'm not BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Only then you can safely enter the Mountain Pass sub-area. In Act 1, you’ll be able to give Dammon Infernal Iron to upgrade Karlach’s heart. She feels more powerful than ever, but it's not enough to solve the problem. I've lost the quest marker for Karlach, but I found her in a second playthrough so I went to where she was Act 1 - Spoilers Basically, I did the Emerald Grove/Goblin camp quest lines first, and then afterwards recruited Karlach. as very good but i have not been able to trigger the first night scene after giving Dammon the first infernal iron in act 1. the second scene is when you can get locked out of other romances. It unlocks the use of the Illithid skill tree. I absolutely LOVE the game but the romance system is wonky to say the least. I moved the Act 2 story along before I could get Karlach her BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. There are some dialogues for avatar Karlach that mention her having a second upgrade while still in Act 1. Hopefully a Karlach romancer comes and BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Gather your party BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. In the meantime every other companion had like 3 moves for romance. In Act 2, after patching up her infernal engine with Dammon - you'll only have "friendly" dialog options to respond with. He will give Karlach her second upgrade, and it will make Karlach able to touch anything without burning it. That sucks. However while looting the goblin base, i found a second piece of Internal Iron, and Karlach even commented Romancing Karlach | Act 1 Continued Dammon is a Tiefling Mechanic that can upgrade Karlach’s Infernal Heart using Infernal Iron . Also, it might be helpful to long rest/partial rest until you run out of cutscenes once you reach Act 2, but before you fix the engine. Turned them all down and now Karlach won't 00:00 Karlach Romance in Act 106:44 Karlach Romance in Act 214:28 Karlach Romance in Act 314:56 Take Karlach to the Circus in Rivington19:28 Take Karlach to Go to BG3 r/BG3. That said, i was able to trigger the Karlach romance scene by taking an immediate second rest afterwards. Act 3 - Spoilers Has anyone found out how to save Karlach from her infernal engine yet, I have spoken to Dammon in the lower city but it turns out, that we can upgrade karlach heart at act 1. Gather your party and venture forth! Not in Act 1 (and you don't really get Minthara in act 1 anyways). A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. you need to long rest back to back to back to back to back (etc. Karlach will never get the second upgrade to the engine as the tieflings perished after being evicted by the druids with the goblins still active, meaning she will have a poor life until geting the fiery bang. But I must have accidentally chose romance options for Karlach, because in Act 3, I have the option to let her know that I've chosen to be with Gale. Hence if you didn’t upgrade Karlach in Act 1, you could still engage in romance with her. In interest of The Dark Urge quest line I killed the cleric in the inn of act 2. Act 1 - Spoilers First play through, love it so far! But I’m stuck on “neutral” for karlach, despite doing a good play through, I saved the druids and teiflings In my current playthrough I want to romance Karlach. The first stabilizes her, the second let’s her touch people. you can sneak in and attack from the second floor on HM. So I kept exploring, and I ended up talking to everyone in the Last Light Inn, which gave me some dialogue about Gortash and Karlach's past with him. First upgrade was on Act 1, and found Dammon first thing after reaching the inn on Act 2. ADMIN MOD Karlach act 3 question . BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Gather your party and venture forth! Members Online • omnibalsamic. Missed Dammon in Act 1, can I still BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. However, we have come across a dilemma in terms of interest. She has a robe on which gives wrath, gloves of dex which makes her dex 18. baldurs gate 3 short clip_____Welcome to GameGroom YouTube channel! I'm your friendly gam BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. ADMIN MOD Karlach Act 3 Progression IIRC after the second upgrade the subquest "The Hellion's Karlach Cliffgate is an Origin Character and a recruitable Companion with the Outlander background. The next step in the quest occurs after Help Your Protector. Dammon can be killed in many different ways. he can only upgrade once in act 1 After that, tell her you like her got the second upgrade, kissed Karlach and went straight back to camp hoping for some sexy time BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. I'm gonna guess those that initiate romance with Karlach in Act 3 is using mods. I missed Dammon in Act 1 and did all her upgrades in Act 2, and still triggered her romance. Then 2nd upgrade (with a kiss this time), then long rest and BOOM: blue flames. I was, at the moment still am, boning Lae'zel when it happens. Stuck trying to romance The key points in triggering Karlach's date scene is to upgrade her engine twice by the end of Act 2, start the romance in Act 1 (the kissing scene where she burns you), activate 2nd romance scene in Act 2 (becoming more intimate) and have high approval. I got infernal Iron but after the Tieflings had left the grove so I managed to do both upgrades at the Inn, does this impede the romance with her, or does it not? BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. You HAVE to give it in a later act. Members Online • 3D_FighteR. But there's not really any proper continuation of her quest after the 2nd upgrade. Hey everybody, Just wondering. So I imagine that kept the romance going into Act 2 because I soon got that Lae'zel romance scene after getting Karlach's second upgrade So, a buddy and I have been playing BG3 and I picked Dark Urge as my origin and have been enjoying the storyline. Like to the point of teasing Karlach before getting her 2nd upgrade about all the things my bard couldn't wait to do to her, which apparently excited her to the point of shivers with her saying she couldn't wait either. Karlach is among the easier characters to bond with. This allowed me to complete both their second stage relationships basically back to back (Second upgrade & Complete Creche) What happened was I lost the dialogue to "discuss the other relationship" and both Karlach and Lae'zel proceeded into I was curious and worried that because I finished the Infernal heart, both the 1st and 2nd upgrade at the Inn after the Grove that Karlach's romance line will not be activated. Reply reply More replies. Still have several pieces of Infernal Iron left over. you can do one in Act I and one in Act II or both in Act II, rquiring a long rest in between pit stops. I’d romanced Shadowheart and at the celebration at the end of Act 1 I told Karlach I liked her but she rejected me because approval wasn’t high enough (she’d only But Karlach will always be the girl I'm going for with my main character, so I started like I always did with my Karlach romancing runs. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. I cleared out the camp and returned to the Grove, but the smith had no option to talk about it. If I've done 2 Karlach's quests in Act 1 - defeated guys which were after her (during the mission she was in my party and after that quest I talked to her and chose all necessary lines) and also gave a piece of infernal iron to Dammon so he could fix Karlach for the first time. She is at max approval too. There might not be a way to repair her heart entirely Baldur's Gate 3 https://www. Enjoy I can confirm that romance with Karlach can only be started at the end of Act 1. Players unable to romance Karlach, re-rolled the party, did nothing but break up with Lae'zel, and suddenly they could romance Karlach. She is a Zariel Tiefling and a Barbarian first appearing during Act One. you just need to long rest between the BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. 1. That is incorrect. live streams into a single grand adventure In Act 1 and early Act 2, you can have a maximum of 2 active romances but your companions will force you to choose one of them in Act 2, thus locking in the fling to something more serious. Not sure how it works but I didn’t find the blacksmith in act 1 first and so he moved on, at the celebration I drank with shart, act 2 I found Dammon and upgraded her engine twice and she wanted to sleep w me when we got back to camp. After performing the 2nd upgrade and the battle, went back to camp and got. We got her late in act 1 and didn't have enough approval with her by then probably. I searched further and managed to find a video showing Origin Karlach and Astarion in Act 3. It's not likely. Gather your party and venture forth! Karlach in Act 1 r/BaldursGate3. She was the one who came to me for the party after the Druid Grove. I don't know if resting will do it but speak to him again in the city and he should do the second upgrade. The same Wyll that I haven't used more than 5m in this run. Karlach is a fan BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. There is 100% a way to save karlach. The steps the OP outlined were actually how I got the romance dialogue and scenes to trigger when I had just started Act 2. I've long rested even 10 times in a row to see if anything would change but no luck. I am in Act 2, met Dammon, and he performed a repair on Karlach but the quest indicator says he needs to sleep on it for a full fix. Gather your party and venture forth! BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. There's a bug where Karlach's approval value won't go up when you pick options she approves of. I ended up missing all of the romance flags because her approval was stuck at zero. I have two pieces of Infernal iron remaining even after the repair and getting all the armor. ·Çëóû õ5ûÚjª ä9²7 ? Ñ [¶gœ'{äßÌfí9: ‰ ƒ €¢dEçlQn×½þUå^iZÿùãXù81 Ò~ˆT_Ó==ŒŠ ¨óµ$ê“ìÖvï H ¨l *ñ²ªˆ†¬= ÷ÿ¿þmw›ÏòÆÿ¾÷Sû~{’pm !)‚üÆÙQwÏ©½öÞGuÍ{Š|™@Ef ¨È Èø)E –ÙÇÜû\&˜0¤ U•¤XÕ X ?IIý©úžüƘلjëÇv4z‰÷NÉ@¯ "Û£=Ú³=Û×|¨a?df·f§B K"Íçµ5²º i That's interesting. After that nothing happend really, beside that i got the updated info that we "need to wait" so the Blacksmith find a solution for Karlachs Situation. From now on, dont do anything hilarious and the romance will continue through the Act II romance scene, the Hot Date ™ , through the ending and into Fixing her Infernal Engine comes into play in Act II. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition (D&D 5e) tabletop RPG ruleset. Karlach said the same thing to me as OP at the start of act 3. Either once in Act I and Act II OR twice in Act II, both work. Tieflings and Karlach's upgrades Act 1 - Spoilers I'm planning on invading the Grove with Minthara (For Dammon to appear at last light, You have to save the grove by killing the goblins in act 1, and not cause any war between Tiefling & Druids, Not letting Kagha kill the child also helps with an interaction when you arrive at the inn, also ofc don't attack the druid at the start of the Inn interaction, Just be friendly to people and friendly to the "strange ox" in the grove) Don't talk to Karlach quest bug? No dialog for 2nd upgrade? After giving him the first upgrade in Act 1, you will have the option to give a second one in Act 2. After he fixes Karlach the second time he should say something like “If you’ve got any more of that. If it comes down to it. And for Karlach's Act 2 romance scene, you have to meet her conditions and have seen her Act 1 romance BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Once a soldier in Zariel's army, she has been given a new chance at life after the recent events. Members Online • Blackadders. Karlach Romance Act 1 trigger . 3) At the end of the night of the grove party, dream of Karlach. 4) in Act 2, get her second chest upgrade with High or more approval. Now, freed from Avernus, she will make the most out of it, and no one will get in her way. Someone else said that it may have been a bug caused by Wyll's quest that denied me the key cutscene. Once Act Two is reached and the party has arrived at the Last Light Inn, Karlach's Engine can be repaired with the help of Dammon. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons Dammon is no where to be found and I’ve heard that if you don’t get Karlach the second upgrade before Act 3, She breaks up with you :( How screwed am I? the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. BG3 is the third main game in the [Act 1 Spoilers] About romancing Karlach and Shadowheart . I don't know if it's just a glitch, as I haven't tried to actively romance Karlach. Im just wondering if I have missed my chance to romance Karlach? So during act 1 I had gotten a good relationship with Lae'zel and before I had saved the Druid Grove we BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. ADMIN MOD Question about Karlach and act 2 (with possible spoilers) Act 2 - Spoilers And there are so many little things in act 1 After the second upgrade Karlach says she can't wait to get back to camp, but my brain is fried and I didn't want to long rest while already being full up on spells, health, etc. youtube. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be Where to find Karlach in BG3. Now revealed as the the Emperor, an illithid, he implores the party to also embrace their potentials as illithids. Karlach If you don't trigger her romance in Act 1, you cannot romance her while physically in Act 2. Allying with Minthara against druids grove, whether before or after you meet Karlach, means karlach will not join you. She’s only in danger if you don’t get her second upgrade when you see Dammon again. r/BG3. So, as long as you got that 1st romance scene, you should be able to kiss Karlach after she gets the 2nd upgrade. Karlach's engine can receive three upgrades from Dammon, who can be found in a new location during each Act: The Hollow during Act One, Last Light Inn during Act Two, and the Forge of the Nine during Act Three. Now that being said, it is possible that if you can get her approval up high enough in Act 2, you may still be able to trigger her romance. then she called her heart a second upgrade in act 2, flirted with me the whole time, I cooled her down with water for the kiss, excited to spend the night together I found a piece of infernal iron and upgraded Karlach’s heart at the act one grove, then I found another piece but Dammon at the grove won’t take it. How do I fix Karlach with the second Infernal iron in act 2 . Find Dammon working the forge of the Last Light Inn and bring him a second piece of Infernal Iron so that When you reach the Last Light Inn in Act 2, you can do the second upgrade on Karlach's heart. If the first upgrade is So I am just about to head into act 2, I had upgraded Karlach once. Not that it helps your current situation unless you go back to an earlier save, but good to know for a later play through - or you could go back BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Now I’m at the end of act 2, already gotten the 2nd upgrade, and she has no dialouge options or events. I am not sure if to use the polyamorous glitch between Karlach and Lae'zel since I don't have all the information. Yeah there's a romance scene that's supposed to happen between the first upgrade in Act 1 and the second upgrade in Act 2, plus theres important romance dialogue at the Teifling party. If you are on PC, perhaps you may want to give it a try. com/gamerworfTwitch http: A community all about Baldur's Gate III, the role-playing video game by Larian Studios. Contains super early Act 1 spoilers regarding Karlach. Gather your In the locked room on the left in the back of the Zenthariums Hideout in act 1 where you can start the "Free the Artist" questline. After that, there's no more upgrades. Do I have to wait until I can meet him in Baldur's Gate? BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. If you kissed Karlach at the grove party in act 1, pumped up her approval, and got her second upgrade with Dammon in act 2, missing the implied sex scene the night of In my case she did initiate the Romance but I pace myself on Act 1. Hope you and OP u/Teonore don't mind, but I'll add these bits of info to a Karlach romance guide I wrote way back. The only way that you can sleep with Karlach in act 2 is when you get the second Infernal upgrade. Was nice about her Shar worship, had the orchid and swimming you will only be able to sleep with lae’zel and astarion in act one. Now I'm in Act 3 and still getting nothing from her. Since the stupid approval meter doesn't have any kind of numerical value If I’ve already had Dammon do the second upgrade for Karlach, can I still complete her romance line if Dammon dies, or is he needed in Act 3? Can you still romance karlach in act 3 after killing the nightsong? Reply reply BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Iirc he says he needs time to BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. ) Do karlach Hey, I'm in act 1. It remains to be seen if, after getting Karlach in Act 1, and if you entirely skip druid's grove, you can meet Minthara later. Find Dammon working the forge of the Last Light Inn and bring him a second piece of Infernal Iron so that Upgrade Karlach's Infernal Engine. You can do them back to back, you just have to do a long rest in between. if you are already in an active romance with him from Act 1. What is going on? Any way to still get the romance to trigger? BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Did everything so she is happy and I'm gaining approval, got her her first upgrade, told her I feel sorry for still not being able to touch her. If the first upgrade is done in The Grove, then Dammon says he needs to think further on how he can help Karlach. ADMIN MOD Karlach romance bug? Origin Romance I fixed up Karlach in act 2, and act 1, kissed her every chance I've been given and cooled her off for BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Karlach is marked by the fact that anyone touching her burns, as her body BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. I romanced Karlach after drinking with shart at the post grove celebration. I gave him a piece of infernal iron and he gave Karlach her first upgrade (and she said she was still quite hot So I've been trying to do Karlach's romance since the tiefling celebration in act 1. Then if you don’t do that after the second heart upgrade in act 3 she says “things have fizzled out” and then you’re basically out of romance for the ending In Act 1 I saved the Grove and the Tieflings left well before I even met up with Karlach. Can Karlach survive bg3? Yes. However while looting the goblin base, i found a second piece of Internal Iron, and Karlach even commented on it. 2 Meeting Karlach. I can't get Shadowheart's romance to trigger in act 1, and I did everything right this time I believe. This triggers her romance scene with low priority, meaning it usually is last in line for the long rests. The original hub of information and discussion on Larian Studios' Baldur's Gate 3 (III) For other installments of the franchise, see /r/BaldursGate. BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Gather your party and venture forth! You can't give the second iron in act 1 if you mean that. Don’t worry: there is no actual timer in place. The next (and earliest) time you can upgrade Karlach's Infernal Engine will be in Act 2. After that I finished some quests and returned to the inn. Below is a list of all known acts that Karlach approves of in BG3: General acts of heroism; How to Romance Karlach in Act 1. These are extremely rare materials. Gather your party and venture forth! Otherwise you don't get the opportunity to kiss/sleep with her after the second upgrade. Anyway uh yeah I did do the upgrade in act 1, but missed the kissing scene at the tiefling party. BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. So I am just about to head into act 2, I had upgraded Karlach once. The rest are not important when it comes to Karlach's romance. Missed Dammon in Act 1 - Am I screwed for You know, where you can trigger Karlach tearing up the place to relieve the stress. ADMIN MOD Can’t romance Karlach Act 1? Act 1 - Spoilers Doing my 2nd playthrough and trying to romance Karlach but seems no matter what I do, her BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. i literally was romancing every single OC (except for karlach who rejected me lol). However, if it's possible, it will require you to return to Act 1 and get her "ride you 'til you see stars" long rest scene in an Act 1 camp. I’ll see what I can make for you. you have to kiss her after Dammon's second upgrade. Upgrade Karlach's Infernal Engine. and I take a lot of long rests to heal after long battles). second playthrough decided to romance karlach 60h in didn't realize you had to start her romance in act 1, third playthrough tactition again, now 13h in I had the BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Can you only upgrade Karlach once in act one and must go to the Last Light Inn in act two for the second upgrade? BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. The second upgrade won’t be available until Act 2. com/playlist?list=PLrFPOohHqme4YyQmi8BPOlQPZblPDzgbgMy Social LinksTwitter https://twitter. Later, in Act 3 you can meet a Dryad and have a chance to play out a match-making dream sequence with Karlach as your partner but, BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Two upgrades are needed to trigger her Act II romance scene. Can you only upgrade 2. Gather your party and venture forth! So I have the issue in ACT I, Karlach is with me and I have the Infernal Iron in my inventory, but Dammon and my Tav act like I don So I forgot to talk to Karlach after giving her the second upgrade for her heart at Last Light Inn. But in Act 1, I bounced between Gale and Astarion before settling on Gale. As such, when getting her second Engine upgrade rolled around, I missed my opportunity to romance her. The only way around this is to kill karlach and send her back BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. I would like to proceed with another upgrade for her heart since the smith mentioned it is possible. ADMIN MOD Karlach scene not triggering after 2nd upgrade . ADMIN MOD Does anyone know how to kiss Karlach in Act 1? Origin Romance I have the option ‘I know some magic that might help me I romanced her on my bard and they were all over each other. I guess guess Karlach upgrade 1, rescue Tieflings and get the party scene with Karlach, then go straight to last light inn to get the second upgrade, long rest for until you get the Karlach romance scene, then go straight to the gauntlet of shar, cast knock on the door down there and deal with the Nightsong, then leave act 2. I'm doing a good Durge (Lurge) Honor run with a halfling monk/rogue. Take as many rests as you want, she’ll be fine. There, Dammon would just start crying for help running into the shadowcurse killing himself (I assume this is a bug unless I missed something?) I already got the upgrades for Karlach's engine and Dammon told me, that the engine would eventually kill her. I can't be 100% sure with her as she wasn't my option but I do know act 2 has very few scenes with some companions. wording used suggests that this may be the last we see any fruitful narrative karlach updates for a while. I started BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. But no, nothing confirmed I’m pretty sure he says he BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Because you can't touch her without getting burn. In doing so we also ended up killing the whole settlement including Dammon. All of Act 2 there was no real conversation topics except about her time in Hell and being sold. Baldur's Gate III is based on a modified version of the Dungeons & Dragons 5th BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. During the next long rest (and if no other events are queued), the player character can have sex with her. Got the 2nd upgrade, made out, then bumped uglies. I have now started act 3 and have repaired her engine. To test it out, Karlach will ask you to do something. I have 5 infernal iron pieces but there is no dialogue for the deed. Upgrading Karlach's Once the second upgrade is complete, Karlach can touch other people again Can i get the second upgrade for Karlach during act 1? Act 1 - Spoilers It's my first time playing this game BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. Using Dammon, we can upgrade Karlach early in Act 1 and progress the relationship storyline. Was flirty and everything else. I missed out on Dammon in Act 1, but found him in Act 2. I didn't get the Act 1 scene with Lae'zel in that playthrough because Lae'zel wasn't exactly keen on getting burnt to death but iirc I think I chose the option that was like "I would if I could". I wasn't sure what it was using either but I had used 1 on Karlach in act I, used a second in act II, then still had 2 left. Can anyone confirm or deny if there's a chance to start romances you didn't start in act 1 in act 2??? Archived post. Baldur's Gate III is based Hello. Romancing Karlach | Act 1 Continued Dammon is a Tiefling Mechanic that can upgrade Karlach’s Infernal If you kissed Karlach at the grove party in act 1, pumped up her approval, and got her second upgrade with Dammon in act 2, missing the implied sex scene the night of that upgrade doesn't necessarily mean you're locked out of the romance. Don't know if Larian intends to tweak the dialogue at Risen Road to address the fling Karlach is having with Lae'zel, or possibly update the Lae'zel Act 1 romance scene with origin-Karlach to match Karlach's lore/story of being unable to touch anyone until Act 2. Act II: two upgrades to her Infernal Engine, either once in Act I and once in Act II OR twice in Act II with a loing rest in between to make the second available. If you kissed Karlach at the grove party in act 1, pumped up her approval, and got her second upgrade with Dammon in act 2, missing the implied sex scene the night of BG3 is the third main game in the Baldur's Gate series. On my current game on the other hand, towards the end of act 2 Karlach for the first time in 4 games told me she feels her engine is about to explode , she looked very sweaty in that scene. Kryrimstercat115. Members Online • Inner-Age8779. Immediately shut down anyone else firmly, no maybes. (lvl8) I built up romance with Gale in Act 1 to the point of doing the Weave scene, but then I got to really liking Karlach and pursuing her quest line. Act 1: Shattered Sanctum: You can find a second piece of Infernal Iron in the Shattered Sanctum in the Goblin Camp. the beginning I wanted to romance Karlach and I had gotten the infernal irons but I didn’t give them to Dammon in act 1 and when I realized this I had already started All i did in the shadowcursed lands was karlach' second upgrade and romance scene, then cleaned up moonrise, fetched nightsong, back to moonrise to finish act2. Did everything right, tried to get as much approval as possible from her, did not romance any other character and just gave her the second upgrade in act 2. Pick up SH > Astarion > Gale > Lae'zel > Withers > Grove > Swamp/Ethel > Blighted Village > Spider Well > Goblin Camp up to Priestesss Gut > Underdark > Grymforge > Finish Goblin Camp/Save Grove > Risen Road > Karlach > Waukeen's > Gith encounter > Mountain Pass > leave Act 1 Its only now in my second playthrough that I'm trying a different route. hoping that it was going to be needed in Act 3 to "cure" Karlach? Specially when I saw the Steel Watchers Foundry, I thought: "Well, this is it, somewhere down there I A friend and I are playing together and ended up in this situation as well. PracticalMail. BEFORE YOU DO THE SECOND UPGRADE, long rest until all camp scenes have played out. abahuj lqhwuo eiezg bedxp pub scyzvnn ddmh ihz hgawz uweegis