Substr code stata

Substr code stata. You are not obliged to create lots of little variables. The code first converts the variable to a string. This entry concerns advanced issues not previously covered. gen have = yq(2022, 2) . Code: gen s = " " + stringvar + " ". We can use if with most Stata commands. Or you could hold it as string. Jul 16, 2020 · replace var = subinstr (var,”Greece”,”GR”,. g. replace var = strtoname (var) ” 1v 123″. Code: replace adr = ustrregexrf(adr," *- *$","") Code: * Example generated by -dataex-. substr(s,start,len) produces a string of length len beginning at character start of string s. In your case, your criterion seems to be that the first three characters are "fill". 3 Macros. 2 Example datasets Various examples in this manual use what is referred to as the automobile dataset, auto. Stata. There is an -if- command and an -if- qualifier: see -help ifcmd- and. Jul 11, 2018 · How can I remove those unnecessary backspaces from this string variable? Please note that I want to remove only blank spaces in the prefix and suffix of the string values (not those in the middle) It is this core syntax that Stata implements in its regular-expression functions. gen str12 = string( ,"%012. Neil and Kit, Sorry for the subject heading and thanks for the help. 目次. Jul 17, 2016 · Originally posted by Rich Goldstein View Post. Umit -----Original Message----- From: [email protected] [mailto: [email protected]]On Behalf Of Neil Shephard Sent: Tuesday, May 18, 2004 4:06 AM To: [email protected] Subject: RE: problems with substr() (was st: handling date data ) Apologies for not correcting the subject Oct 20, 2015 · The following example using your code works for me. list time in 1/5 Nov 12, 2020 · Forums for Discussing Stata; General; You are not logged in. Nov 12, 2019 · Show us the data you have (ideally in a data step with daralines, so we can readily use it for testing), and what you expect out of it, according to your logical rules. the substr(), string(), and strupper() functions. I need to extract information from it for the source of data the record comes from, one source can be "SoWMy", the other "NRI", . Subject. (See[D] functions. このコマンドは,文字列から部分的に情報を取り出す際に利用できます。. Code: replace manufacturing = 0 if manufacturing == . The dash operator means “match a range of Sep 5, 2021 · 而对于其他非ASCII编码的文本来说,n2表示要提取字节长度为n2的字符串。 (当然,对于那些纯ASCII编码的字符来说,上述两种说法是等价的。需要注意的是,所有utf-8编码中超出ASCII编码范围的字符都是两个字节以上。)dis substr ('a_stata substr函数 Aug 7, 2020 · I want to convert this code from Stata to R in order to convert numbers into words or maybe I can do the same but using R commands. Much of the most valuable trickery was also exhibited in the very. 1 like. Sabath > Since you really are not using the state variable as a numeric, convert it > to a string. 4. In this case, we want to import information-related communication and technology. If * appears between a string and a numeric value, Stata duplicates the string as many times as the -gen name2 = substr(name, 1,2)- would be an acceptable command if "name" is a string variable. Question mark means “match either zero or one” of the preceding expression. Notice: On April 23, 2014, Statalist moved from an email list to a forum, based at statalist. Coding variables as 1/missing value is usually a bad idea in Stata, as in logical expressions, 1 and missing value are treated as equivalent. This is a simple way to preserve the original variable and create a new numeric variable based on the original string. Perhaps the character list should not be written out space-separated. 36. Extract the last 5 characters from a string. Extract the desired part of a string (using two different methods) replace var = substr (var,-5,5) “20/02/2020 12:35”. “12:35”. For example, using the auto data set sysuse auto, clear (1978 Jul 30, 2014 · Here is one way: This takes the substring of variable degree starting in position 1, and ending in the position (minus 1) in which the first - is found. Then same advice as above. org. Step 3. Apr 22, 2020 · The best way to solve your problem is to use encode. For instance, 0000001750 and 1750, or 0012480089 and 12480089. whatever if foreign == `i'. 1 Video example PDF documentation in Stata 1. When searching for text on whole word boundaries, I usually avoid the start and end of string corner cases by adding a space at each end. Sep 1, 2022 · 2022年9月7日. Shaunson, David T. [U] 1 Read this—it will help5 1. -help if-. 3. Marvin Aliaga. 2. This will remove a trailing dash, as well as any blanks that precede or follow it. for N in num 1/100: g varN = runiform() //old school 1 line loop. Stata also supports pattern matching and Dec 1, 2017 · Your code would have created 1/missing value variables instead of 1/0. If it is a string variable and if you are certain it is always 7 digits long then it's very easy: Code: gen first_two_digits = substr(my_variable, 1, 2) That creates a new string variable containing the first two digits. Apr 27, 2017 · Hi, I am trying to program in Stata 14. It's simpler. substr(), string(), and upper() functions. I stopped using stata for the nis. This code will also yield the same output as above. I have a string variable "comment" stored as "strL" that contains a mix of numbers, characters and spaces . > tostring geocode, generate (str_geocode) > Then use the string processing functions to get what you want. Note the double equal (==) represents IS EQUAL TO and the pipe ( | ) represents OR. Mar 11, 2024 · - If you want to retain only selected variables from the "using" file, you need to use keepusing command and tell Stata which variables you want to keep. ) gen str2 day=substr(x,1,2) gen str2 month=substr(x,3,4) gen str2 year=substr(x,5,6) destring day, replace destring month, replace destring year, replace gen date= dmy(day, month, year Dec 1, 2022 · adding leading zeros to string variable. Jun 1, 2022 · Don't shoot the messenger. An integer identifier could be stored as such. For me that often makes it immediately clear that I'm not looping through the elements I think I am. The (reproducible) example below shows both corrections. If you need to subtract a portion (substring) from a string variable, you can use substr. Something like. I add some detailed comments: 1. Perhaps the mistake was yours, because Jun 4, 2015 · 04 Jun 2015, 12:02. list if rep78 >= 4 & rep78 != . Sorted by: 8. Function. We can specify "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]$" which would instruct Stata to find a five-digit number at the end of the string. Hi Carmen, I am not familiar with these datasets, but -help icd9- brings up the Stata command -icd9-, which can generate new variables from existing ICD9 codes. The problem is that we want to find "1" only if it occurs by itself, namely, as a separate word. harvard. Apr 7, 2021 · 07apr2021. com strreverse() — Reverse string DescriptionSyntaxRemarks and examplesConformability DiagnosticsAlso see Description strreverse(s) reverses the ASCII string s. One common pattern is to cycle through all values of a classifying variable. 2 so that if a cell (string variable) starts with a certain word or phrase, it should be marked as 1. We can now import all the data or only a subset. Dec 5, 2018 · I have trouble converting a string date (dd. Consider this direct approach: Written by: Ylva B Almquist. ) split is based on the use of those functions. If your problem is not defined by splitting on separators, you will probably want to use substr() directly. com strpos() — Find substring in string [M-5] ustrpos() — Find substring in Unicode string [M-4] String — String manipulation functions 1 strpos(), which finds the position of separators, and substr(), which extracts parts of the string. For more information on Statalist, see the FAQ. My only explanation for your experience is that perhaps your data have en-dashes or em-dashes rather than hyphens. The code is easy. Feb 28, 2022 · This is exactly what is needed, but people with similar questions might note the string functions strpos() to find the first occurrence of a character in a string (here of a comma) and substr() to extract a substring, which are doing much of the work inside the command split. Improve this question. Stata determines by context whether * means multiplication or string duplication. etc potentially 10 different data sources. replace STUFF=1 if strpos (stringvariable, "stuff") Nov 16, 2022 · Suppose you wish to remove leading or trailing zeros from a string variable (or from a global or local macro). gen id2 = id replace id2 = "filled" if substr (id,1,3) == "fill" or even gen id2 = cond (substr (id,1,3) == "fill", "filled", id) Nick Re: st: macro string extraction. Regular expressions are simply strings that are a mix of literals and operators. Usually, that variable is now string because of some mistake. di year(mdy(4, 7, 2021)) 2021. Jul 19, 2017 · substr() begins extracting characters at start and collects length characters (unless it reaches the end of the string first, in which case it will return fewer). 1. You can browse but not post. The same s but different loc can produce different results Jun 12, 2014 · Otherwise Stata just puts the whole substr statement into the macro, rather than evaluating it. foreach i in 0 1 {. If we assume that this the case for all addresses in the data, the remedy will be really simple. destring is designed for situations in which you have a string variable, typically containing meaningful numeric text (e. org . This may be a better way to go than doing the recodes yourself. See [ U ] 12. Practical example. ","",. sas7bdat). Eric's code should crack the problem nicely. Amplifying on the responses in #2 and #3, you are confusing the -if- condition, which applies generically as a clause in most Stata commands, with the -if- command. it can apply to variable names, but to use it with string values you need a dedicated function. Everywhere a punctuated macro name appears in Nov 16, 2022 · Suppose you wish to remove leading or trailing zeros from a string variable (or from a global or local macro). If I want to see or get the year out of a daily date then there is a function for the purpose: Code: . input str30 s1 s1 1. I have tried this approach but it didn't work: replace x=subinstr(x, ". format have %tq. list if strpos(s," INC ") I also find listsome (from SSC) useful for this type of work. Thu, 22 Mar 2012 21:30:24 +0000. Jul 7, 2019 · Forums for Discussing Stata; General; You are not logged in. Let's say we have a dataset with a string variable time and we want to extract the date and time components to the seconds. For example, if you simply want to test whether a substring of “xyz” exists in another string, you can use the literal “xyz” as your regular expression. 2. strpos("11 12 13", "1") will yield a false positive. If loc is not specified, the locale functions setting is used. Nov 16, 2022 · The dataset is named psam_h09. Without seeing your code we can't tell whether your code is. Jan 16, 2016 · The substr function requires a string as its first argument. How do I create two variables, one named Last_name, the other First_name? Variable Nov 16, 2022 · This goes way back in Stata history. Thus, with the auto data, we could cycle through all the values of foreign or rep78 . ustrupper(s , loc ) converts the characters in Unicode string s to uppercase under the given locale loc. functions. We select psam_h09. [ Date Prev ][ Date Next ][ Thread Prev ][ Thread Next ][ Date Index ][ Thread Index ] Jun 9, 2020 · Hi all, I am trying to use the substring command on the naic code, but every time I try to use it it gives me this error: command substr is unrecognized Alternatively, the missing leading zeros can be replaced in Stata in a conversion to string: . For example, if a variable contains " Arizona", a command that contains an if command such as if state="Arizona" won’t detect this observation. spell out the underlying principles a bit more. stata; Share. This module shows how you can subset data in Stata. Jul 8, 2019 · Hi, I've got a string variable, which should have 10 characters. Sat, 26 May 2012 00:25:34 +0100. This website is for Stata users who are interested in learning R. Four key points: 1. For identifiers such as in your examples, there is not much in the choice. Right now the variables have 9 digits like: 12345678x with x being a number between 1 and 9. There are two main pages ( ️📄) on the site: In order to display an answer of 10, we have to select both of these commands and execute them together. strpos("1 2 11", "1") will still work, fortunately, but looking for "1" with. You need the function _substr ()_ local first=substr ("hey",1,1) local second=substr ("hey",2,1) di "`first'" di "`second'" See help functions -> string functions Jamie Griffin >>> [email protected] 09/04/05 8:06 am >>> Hi all, Does anybody knows how to extract a substring of an arbitrary string in order to A function for translating Stata instructions into executable R code. Formal definition of a macro A macro has a macro name and macro contents. Ämne: st: RE: range of a stringvariable. ) Remove the “Jr. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. For instance, for a value of 1001100, I need to extract the last three digits (100); for a value of 1010110, I need to extract the last two digit (10 Mar 29, 2016 · The approaches are completely different. If start is positive and is greater than or equal to the length of the string, substr() returns an empty string. gen births = 0. This is most easliy handled with Stata's regular expression string functions, if you're comfortable with regular expressions. 8k 6 6 gold Aug 1, 2018 · The command. Stata: Data Analysis and Statistical Software Notice: On April 23, 2014, Statalist moved from an email list to a forum, based at statalist. Nov 16, 2022 · Here are the core operators that Stata’s regular expression parser supports: Asterisk means “match zero or more” of the preceding expression. ) to a stata date variable. Copy and paste part of the character set to -destring-'s -ignore ()- option. – Nick Cox. I recommend against recommending old commands that are now. & sector!=. Re: st: RE: extracting a specific portion of a string. I would do this: forval f = 301/331 {. This repeats Eric's main suggestions, but I am going to. If n1 < 0, n1 is interpreted as the distance from the last Unicode character of s; if n2 = . @ZTH wrote: Looking for help converting this STATA to SAS. Dec 4, 2015 · Dear Stata Users I have a string variable IssueCode. If you want to convert that to a number, just run -destring first_two_digits, replace-. If * appears between a string and a numeric value, Stata duplicates the string as many times as the Oct 23, 2021 · Using substring functions in Stata 16. I want to merge 2 datasets based on two variables, namely CIK and Year. substr() substr(s, n1, n2) extracts the substring of s from n1 for the length of n2. 1 Unicode string functions . local local1=5+5 display `local1'. sas7bdat and get. To be clear on terminology here, a string may contain zeros in leading positions, such as "0string"; in trailing positions, such as "string00"; in both; or in some intermediate position, such as "string000string". The following will work : input str9 a 100-2555 500-2341 564-5213 end gen aa = substr(a,1,3)+substr(a,5,4) destring aa,gen(s) list Note that aa is string variable and s is numeric variable ----- Original Message ----- From: Austin Nichols <[email protected]> To: <[email protected]> Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 6:55 PM Subject: Re: st: Substring command > read -help strfun- > and try Mar 7, 2021 · This above code will flag every observation as they all contain "th", but my desired output is: ID strings th_sub 1 "the thin th man" 1 2 "this old then" 0 3 "th to moon" 1 4 "moon blank th" 1 We use the substr() function to extract pieces of the string and use the real() function, when appropriate, to translate the piece into a number. Jul 2, 2015 · Department, University Name, ZIP Code, Region, Country I would like to extract the portion containing the "country" and create a new variable (Country) with this information. The second argument on the right-hand side of this command is a format specifying display of leading zeros in conversion of numvar to its string equivalent. But because sector is numeric, regardless of its display, your original command in post #1 should have been. Aug 5, 2016 · Read help string functions. trim() will trim any leading or trailing blanks. Feb 28, 2022 at 7:34. , the result is the string from character start to the end of string s. You just need to put something like ICD_Dx1-ICD_DX40. But there are easier solutions than posted. Mar 3, 2022 · I have a variable in Stata in my dataset that looks like this: city Washington city Boston city El Paso city Nashville-Davidson metropolitan government (balance) Lexington-Fayette urban county And I want it to look like: city Washington Boston El Paso Nashville-Davidson Lexington-Fayette Mar 21, 2019 · How to extract numeric part of a string var in STATA. Follow edited Jan 23, 2014 at 16:54. To import it into Stata, we open the import sas dialog box by clicking on File > Import > SAS data (*. length of string in bytes length of string in Unicode characters length of string in display columns width of % fmt find substring within string from left find substring within string from right find Unicode substring within string, first occurrence find Unicode substring within string, last occurrence find character not in list Till: statalist@hsphsun2. See. You can subset data by keeping or dropping variables, and you can subset data by keeping or dropping observations. Welcome. My aim is to end up with left 12 characters of this variable, for example 512KR7017170002 should become KR7017170002. They are different animals. We provide side-by-side code snippets for common tasks in both Stata and R, so that users have a dictionary for navigating across the two languages. Wildcard syntax like this applies when a variable list is expected, i. To install: ssc install dataex. will tell you how the value label displays each numeric value in output. dta. Code: label list sector. Code: . extrdate quarter quarter = have. When run together, Stata will display an output of 10. This is unlike global macros which continue to exist in Stata’s memory when they are run the first time. r(109) is type mismatch: you tried to do a string operation, but Stata sees a number or numbers, or a numeric operation but Stata sees a string or strings. Jul 14, 2016 · you cannot apply substr() directly, as you realised. If so, the whole apparatus of wildcards, matching, regular expressions and what have you can be avoided by using -substr ()-. - seanmcraig/stata2r Dec 12, 2019 · 13 Dec 2019, 08:41. . In this case gen state = substr (str_geocode,-2,2) /* -2 is 2 from the right side > for 2 characters */ > gen county = substr Subsetting data | Stata Learning Modules. Dear everyone, I would like to know if someone knows a STATA code that I can use to extract numeric part of a string variable in STATA. 0f") strvar numvar. Probably, the spaces are meaningless. If there is no - in the original variable, a missing will be generated so a replace is in place. substr(s, tosub, pos) substitutes tosub into s at byte position pos. You need to see the ranks for each year Eg 2016 has 30 dx codes, 2017 onwards has 40. You identified the essential problem. For long numeric identifiers, you need to be more careful. Oct 19, 2018 · Suppose I have a list of names under variable Names: Beckham, Benjamin Roy, Andrew R. You code would look like this: encode treatment, gen(id_treatment) This will give you a new variable called id_treatment that will be numeric, but will have value labels that Daniel R. Mar 10, 2015 · I have observations which list criminal codes as string variables, but not in the format I need. Documented in the same place: start at help functions. I don't know anything about programming in Stata. When s is not a scalar, strreverse() returns element-by-element results. The authors of the guide can happily reveal that they have applied this a lot when working with ICD codes (classification system for diagnoses). Plus sign means “match one or more” of the preceding expression. One way to trouble shoot these issues is to put a display line into your loop. Alternatively extrdate from numdate from SSC does it all for you. Macros are a tool used in programming Stata, and this entry assumes that you have read [U] 18 Pro-gramming Stata and especially [U] 18. Putting 1 and 2 together: substr(s,strpos(s," ")+1,. sas7bdat. Title stata. Some simpler ways of approaching this have not quite come to the surface. Additionally, your varlist syntax unemp* will not catch the variables named div_unemp##, since they do not begin with unemp (generating the "type mismatch" error). Here di means display and is Stata's calculator command, among other things. they are built in to Stata; trim () is the old name, strltrim () is the current name (as of version 14 IIRC); type "h function" and click on "string functions" and scroll down. Apr 14, 2021 · 1. The result can be longer or shorter than the input string; for example, the uppercase form of the German letter ß (code point \u00df) is two capital letters “SS”. I've tried the following: generate STUFF=0. * is used to duplicate a string 0 or more times. foreach offers a way of repeating one or more Stata commands; see also [P] foreach. Next, that string is parsed into three components using the substr (stands for sub-string) command. undocumented. statalist@hsphsun2. You need to look at the string. com usubstr() — Extract Unicode substring DescriptionSyntaxRemarks and examplesConformability DiagnosticsAlso see Description usubstr(s, n1, n2) returns the Unicode substring of s, starting at Unicode character n1, for a length of n2. The first byte position of s is pos = 1. You want whatever lies between position 1 and just before the dash. You can also subset data as you use a data file if you are trying to read a file that is too big to fit into the memory on your computer. , 1, 2), which you wish to convert to the numeric variable it should properly be. Just create a big file with all codes for comorbidities and use spss. Login or Register by clicking 'Login or Register' at the top-right of this page. Step 2. 1 データの一部を抽出する【substr】. Or perhaps two versions should be emitted, one space-separated, and the other not. l have quarter in 1. e. I am using STATA 7, and will try your suggestions. If * appears between two numeric values, Stata multiplies them. My string data is the following: Code: * Example generated by -dataex-. In your example, all cases begin with the string input, so this would work: gen newvar = "output" if substr(reg_id, 1, 5) == "input". For example, if you want to merge mydata1 and mydata2, and want to merge variables x4 and x5 only from mydata2 to mydata1, use the following codes: > I'm trying to delete the last digit of a variable. Dec 9, 2017 · I tried the following code, based on a prior post on this topic: Code: label define yesno 1 "Yes" 2 "No" local grocery "eggs butter veg" local n : word count `grocery' foreach var of varlist v_1-v_3 { gen `var'l = `var' label values `var'l yesno forvalues i = 1/`n' local a: word `i' of `grocery' label `var'l "grocery_"`a' } } Jan 23, 2014 · I am working in Stata 13. local F "0`f'". Useful for when Stata syntax is cleaner or as a learning tool. But it could also be useful for those going the other way around. Non-printable characters are decodable via -r (numlist)- and -char ()-. The last 4 characters of today's date are to Stata 2377 which is definitely not what you want. Using Stata 12, I want to replace some substrings in a string variable. What I need to do now is to extract part of the numeric values based on a rule. I agree with Eric and Travis. I am aware of substr function but my problem is that not all variables have the same amount of characters, I have variables such as 30KR7005560008, 507KYG5307W1015. Here, we get summary statistics for price for cars with repair histories of 1 or 2. If you want to do something with your data and have it apply only to a subset of the data, then the -if- condition is used. gen stillbirths = 0. If c 1 = . So I have a string variable called price_string and I'm trying to trim leading spaces off of a bunch of observations. 1 SE on Windows 8 Pro 64 bit. 21 Mar 2019, 16:09. To. Nick Cox. mm. Thu, 17 Mar 2011 09:04:54 +0000. Aug 31, 2016 · 31 Aug 2016, 14:57. The substr() function (not substring(); not a command) is not as helpful here as its sibling, subinstr(). Re: st: How to check whether a string variable contains some characters. substr() may be used with text or binary strings. Dec 21, 2017 · Forums for Discussing Stata; It would be helpful if -subinstr(s1,s2,s3,n)- would allow negative values for n, similar to -substr()- Working out code for doing Title stata. Feb 9, 2021 · When dealing with string variables in Stata, blanks spaces can make it difficult to identify values. However, in one dataset the CIK codes has leading zeros while in the other dataset there are no leading zeros. ここでは,統計ソフトStataの前処理につかうコマンドである「substr」の使い方をご紹介します。. ) will always give the string s with its first word removed. in this thread. I would like it to be 12345678. edu. Sep 10, 2020 · While this can be fixed in many ways, I suggest the following approach which I hope even STATA beginners will be able to digest easily. Re: st: use of subinstr. Mar 10, 2015 · 1 Answer. So, basically I need to extract the portion after the last comma (or the portion after the first comma, if we count from the right). Stata: Data Analysis and Statistical Software . ” part from the string; Shorten country name. In this data set, the zip code appears at the end of the address string. I need to add a "0" in the front of the string but only if the string is 9 characters long. com strpos() — Find substring in string [M-5] ustrpos() — Find substring in Unicode string [M-4] string — String manipulation functions 1 2subinstr()— Substitute text Diagnostics subinstr(s, old, new, cnt) and subinword(s, old, new, cnt) treat cnt < 0 as if cnt = 0 was specified; the original string s is returned. Dec 13, 2018 · Hi Stata folks, I am working on a dataset where each ID is associated with a numeric value comprised of 0 and 1s. label variable stillbirths "Stillbirths". clear. Date. If so, remove them. Stata’s primary sense of a word within a string is that words are separated by spaces. yy. // work in terms of `f' or `F' as needed. nk ba uw rw fi uy mf sc iv bx