Awaiting ed assignment " Then it was assigned to an Editorial Assistant (EA) for admin check. Any info would be most helpful! Thank you! publications; journals; Share. . When Emergency Departments are overwhelmed and a large volume of admissions are awaiting beds, hospitals begin to consider refusing ED: Not Assigned EOS: XXXXXX Awaiting ED Assignment 已经2个多周仍然没有到under review,是否正常?? ED: Not Assigned和Awaiting ED Assignment分别代表什么意思?文章到什么程度了?? 真心求助投过该期刊的高手,详细说一下该期刊都会经过哪些状态??每个状态时间 20230316 Submitted 20230316 Awaiting ED Assignment 20230317 Under review 20230505 Awaiting EIC Decision 20230515 Major Revision 20230612 Revision Submitted 20230612 Under review 20230628 Awaiting EIC Decision 20230701 Major Revision 20230804 Revision Submitted 20230804 Awaiting EDO Processing 20230804 Under review 20230807 Awaiting AE Assignment. This is a placeholder queue that does not require check these manuscripts periodically • Awaiting Reviewer Scores: Manuscripts where reviewers have agreed to review, but have not submitted their review Overdue Reviewer Scores: Manuscripts where Awaiting Admin Processing状态持续时间一般不会超过2-3个工作日。 (2)Awaiting SE Assignment: 当稿件转到EIC名下时,如果EIC判断稿件不合适,会在此状态下拒稿;如果没问题,EIC会准备分配稿件到资深编辑Senior My paper was accepted a week ago, at that time the status in the ScholarOne manuscript center changed from "accept" to "awaiting production checklist". 11 Awaiting AE Recommendation 2023. But today suddenly the status changed back to It seems to have skipped 'awaiting referee assignment' -> 'awaiting referee scores'. Find out the status indicators, decision notifications, and author services for your Learn about the stages of the review process for your article submitted to a BMJ journal, from quality checks to peer review to editorial decision. 2. 2). 28 1. After a week of submission, the status changed to "awaiting reviewer selections". The article also discusses the impact of permafrost thaw on carbon mobilization and the importance of the region as a carbon sink. 40 2. ” I submitted my manuscript to a journal. 1k 8 8 gold badges 56 分配责任编辑吧,一周很正常的,我还等过分配副主编一个月邀请审稿人又一个月的,寻找审稿人一般是awaiting reviewer assignment 发自小木虫Android客户端 赞 一下 (1人) This is a good example of patient-centered care—but presents a real challenge to bed assignment (Figure 2. You're probably really waiting on another reviewer, not the editor. 01 Minor Revision in 2 Weeks 2024. Last week I sent a gentle reminder to the editor and got no response. Later, it has been under "Awaiting review scores" for the past 25 days. 22 Awaiting ED Decision 2024. loan assignments that have not yet received approval from the TPD Servicer, the school should instead refer the loans through the “regular” liquidation and assignment process and submit them to Department’s Perkins Loan Servicer, ECSI. , the complete select, invite, and assign process for at least three reviewers) should normally be completed within 10 business days of receiving the paper. Status Submission ini ada be Does it mean your paper will go through another round of review? Not necessarily. However, for some other journals, ‘EE’ stands for ‘Executive After the second round of revision, the status of my manuscript changed from "awaiting ED final processing" to “awaiting production checklist”. Awaiting ED Assignment 2024. The second update, Awaiting Referee Selection, means that the manuscript has completed the internal check and is now awaiting peer review. After six months, I received the reviews and was asked to do major revisions. Awaiting Editor Assignment: Multiple editors may be assigned to your submission, depending on the journal's workflow. 13 Submit 2024. I have heard from my peers and other co-researchers and investigators, that the EIC decision should not be taking so long. Modified 5 years, 1 month ago. However, till today I haven't received any email. After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. This status typically means your manuscript is awaiting assignment to an editor after the initial review of the submission. 24 Awaiting Reviewer Scores 2023. After another month, I got back the review, asking to work on minor revisions. D. Giridhar Maji. I submitted a short paper to a math journal more that one month ago. But only after two days under review the status changed to “ AE stands for "Associate Editor. This change has occurred Three weeks ago, I submitted my paper to a social sciences journal with impact factor. Awaiting EIC Decision这种状态,一般是责编AE已经给出了决议,然后编辑部后台在做后续工作。 假如AE给的是大修或者拒稿,后台工作量很小,往往直接通知到作者了,避免耽搁。 假如AE给的是录用,那后台工作量可就大了: 我前几个月的一篇文章投稿后经历了Awaiting Admin Processing,Awaiting ED assignment,Awaiting Reviewer Assignment,Awaiting reviewer scores,前几天从Awaiting reviewer scores直接又变成了Awaiting Admin Processing,我觉得很奇怪,看版里大家的状态一般Awaiting reviewer scores完了不都Awaiting ED decision么,请问我这个状态是怎么回事,出 The manuscript being stuck at Awaiting Reviewer Assignment for a month is not uncommon. This status indicates that a Managing Editor is being assigned based on that Explains what happens after you get the decision letter, including the three types of decisions: Accept, Revise, and Reject. According to the process described in IEEE Transactions, "Awaiting AE recommendation" status means that the AE has collected all reviews from the reviewers who were assigned to review your manuscript and that the AE's decision for acceptance is pending. 19 Submitted 2023. The status of my submission is still "awaiting assignment". Click in the 'Take Action' column to view the submission or assign reviewers. Ask Question Asked 5 years, 1 month ago. ""Awaiting AE recommendation" status means that the AE has collected all reviews from the reviewers who were assigned to review your manuscript and Manipal Academy of Higher Education. Awaiting Reviewer Scores. 如submited to journal就相当于with journal;Awaiting AE Assignment就相当于no editor invited和editor invited的地方。 而有些杂志的状态显示也是不走寻常路,如下面这个期刊的,就是要你登陆界面后多次点击才能够看见,而图示的状态为提交 投稿费 。 2020-02-26:Awaiting Editor Assignment,指派责任编辑,第一步开始了。 Awaiting Editor Assignment,指派责任编辑. 08. Awaiting Reviewer Selection 2. 24 Awaiting AE Recommendation 2024. 30 Reject Translated into English: 2023. This change has occurred 2. In these cases, the reason for the assignment should be marked as “Liquidation. Follow edited Apr 19, 2018 at 11:33. 24 Awaiting Reviewer Selection 2023. In Wiley, when you submit a paper, it undergoes an initial check by the Managing Editor to ensure adherence to the submission checklist. The Assignment Status for a mandate will vary depending on the progress of that mandate in the provider assignment process. 3 Recommendations. What does this mean? Meaning of change from Awaiting Reviewer Assignment to After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. I submitted the revised manuscript after one-and-a-half months. For 2 weeks, the submission status was showing ‘Awaiting admin processing’. Government of West Bengal. 2 Editor Declined Invitation :此状态表明之前找的那个编辑太忙,正在联系其他编辑。如果编辑接手了就会开始邀请审稿人了。 After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. A few days ago, it was changed to "awaiting reviewer selection". Choose 'Editor Center' and then click on 'Awaiting Referee Selection' C. 1104 awaiting ed recommendation 7. If the article is rejected or sent back for either major or minor revision, the handling editor should include constructive comments from the reviewers to help the author improve the article. And after 4 months the status changed to "awaiting EIC decision". This change has In my opinion, ED in ScholarOne refers to Editor and GE refers to Guest Editor. In Manuscript Central, there were some changes of the paper’s status during the first two days, and as far as I can remember, these were Awaiting ADM Processing and Awaiting technical editor selection. This change has occurred To get right into it, your (seniors’) understanding of the ‘Awaiting EiC Decision’ in ScholarOne's Manuscript Central (called ‘Decision in Process’ in some other systems) is correct to some extent. Editor Declined Invitation ——如果编辑接手处理了就会邀请审稿人了。 4. So, please give me The World Islamic Science and Education University (WISE) My manuscript submission status in manuscriptcentral changed from ‘Awaiting Reviewer Assignment’ to ‘under review’ last three 请教“Awaiting AE Assignment”问题文章结论:在学术论文审稿流程中,"Awaiting AE Assignment"阶段是指等待副编辑的指定和评价。这个环节至关重要,因为AE(相关编辑)会根据审稿人的意见对文 We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 展开1条回复 2024-10-14 ms8000000197750088 来自四川省. Initially, once your paper was submitted, the status showed "Admin not assigned. ) In rare cases if several rounds of invitations to review are all declined, please notify the Editor with details about how many reviewers were invited/declined. Q. One month from submission to final decision does seem quick, especially if it seems to have gone through a peer review, as indicated by the ‘Waiting for Reviewers’ Scores’ The outcome of the review process might be difficult to anticipate based on the status of the article, as the particular meaning of this status varies from journal to journal. This is when the status Meaning of ‘Awaiting Editor Assignment’. The status “'Awaiting AE evaluation'” means that that the peer review has been completed and now the Assigned Editor (AE) will consider the feedback provided by the peer reviewers and arrives at a decision. This is a proactive move towards reducing the environmental impact caused by the production and distribution of printed journal copies and will allow the journal to invest in further innovation, digital development, and sustainability measures. 近期一直在投稿,也是ScholarOne 系统,我个人过程如下 1 Awaiting Admin Processing 2天 2 Awaiting Reviewer Selection 2 天 3 Awaiting Reviewer Assignment 25天 4 Awaiting Reviewer Scores 34天(major revision) 5 3周后修回 6 Awaiting Admin Processing 2天 7 Awaiting Reviewer Scores 7天 8 Awaiting ED Recommendation 14 9 Awaiting CE Desicion (已经八天, AE stands for Associate Editor. Today the status again changed to "Awaiting Assignment to Batch". There are two bullet points that have remained unchanged for about 8 weeks now - one saying 'awaiting reviewer scores' and the other saying 'awaiting recommendation'. "Awaiting ED Decision" would suggest that a decision is pending on your manuscript, which may not be a rejection - but in fact could be a suggestion to revise and resubmit, or even an acceptance. My first submission attempt was rejected by journal, but they offered resubmission after incorporating review comments. 26 Awaiting VEIC Assignment. "Awaiting reviewer invitation" should strictly be a very brief status, since the time between the editor deciding to invite reviewers and the editor actually inviting reviewers should be very brief, on the order of a few minutes. View all Q&As on this topic Visit the Q&A Forum. • A value of Awaiting First Attend means the mandate has been assigned to a provider. 20 Awaiting AE Assignment 2023. This change has occurred I submitted my paper on June 24 and after few comments from the admin on the paper files I resubmitted the paper. 15 UnderReview 2024. Resources for authors and journals Upvote this Answer; Comment. If however, the paper didn’t go for peer review, this status in that case may mean that the AE/ME (or whatever the handling editor role is called here) has had a look at the paper, and for various reasons, decided not to send it for peer review and has referred this decision to the PE/EIC, and is awaiting their (final/next) decision. Rejected on 10-16 without reasons or suggestions. I think two weeks later the status changed to "awaiting reviewer assignment" then today it changed to "awaiting ED decision". For four years, it has been my greatest privilege to serve the electron devices community in this capacity. You will now see a list of your assignments. What does this status change mean? Should I consider this an 'accept'? Thank you in advance. 投稿命中率:5. Awaiting ED Assignment on 2024. So, what does the status “awaiting Online publication from 2024. This could be because potential peer reviewers It is currently "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment. Thereafter, it is allocated to an Action Editor (Editor or Associate Editor). Associate Editor の指名待ち Awaiting EIC Decision. After 18 days the status was "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment". 6. This change has occurred - The status of the chapter. Coder. It then moved to ‘Awaiting reviewer selection’ and stayed at that stage for 9 days. It depends on whether the editor invites new reviewers. 10. What can this mean? The platform is • Assign Reviewers: Manuscripts awaiting responses from invited reviewers. Awaiting Editor Assignment:你的文章将被编辑分到相关主题,以方便联系相关审稿人。 4. Going by that assumption, the status of your first manuscript "ED: Not Assigned, GE: Not Assigned, Awaiting JM Checklist" means that no action has yet been taken on your paper. Clicking on this link takes you directly to the Task tab of that Manuscript. You should receive notice shortly on the If accepted, the paper is sent to production. But After revising and resubmit an article (the first peer review result was "minor revisions"), the status changed after 3 weeks to "Awaiting Decision". For example: • A value of Requested Contract Agency means the mandate is ready to be contracted to a contract agency. After 40 days of the status being Awaiting Reviewer Selection, it changed to Awaiting EIC Decision. 等待审稿人返回评审意见阶段。如果被邀请审稿人不想审,就会Decline(拒绝),编辑会重新邀请别的审稿人。一般会有一个审稿限期,但这个时间长短取决于审稿人是否守时。该 The journal Electron Device Letters (EDL), as the name suggests, is for publishing letters, that is, shorter articles – about four pages long (including references), going by the description on the journal site. Awaiting Editor Assignment——指派责任编辑 . awaiting admin. Do I just keep waiting, send another email? What should I do with this frustrating After more than a year of passing through review > major review > review > minor revision > review, the status has been ‘Awaiting EIC decision’ for the past 20 days. ' However, I'm wondering that [the] ED, who is in charge of the editing team, has assigned [this status], but the GE hasn't assigned yet. What does this mean? Was the manuscript reviewed? I think the status should have changed to something like Awaiting Reviewer Scores before Awaiting EIC Decision. This change has occurred After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. On the tab 'Select Referees' you can Ketika kita selesai mengirimkan artikel ke suatu jurnal, sering kali kita menemukan istilah-istilah di bagian STATUS SUBMISSION. We oversee this process to e AEs should continue rounds of invitations until 3 or more reviewers accept the assignment. 20200913 draft (double column for regular word), awaiting admin processing 2. After resubmission, it went to "Under review" quickly. Eventually, an editor will make a decision and you will get your paper back with comments from peer reviewers. Assuming the paper hasn't undergone peer review yet, "awaiting PE decision" may mean that the AE/ME has had a look at the paper and for various reasons decided not to send it for peer review and has referred this decision to the At first, the status showed "awaiting AE recommendation". Papers that do not meet these criteria will be rejected. Global Ecology and Biogeography will be published in online-only format effective with the 2024 volume. 偏重的研究方向:细胞生物学;基础研究 经验分享:请问投稿后会给所有作者发邮件通知吗. At the third day, I saw Awaiting EE Decision which is still there. Working together with an outstanding Editorial Board, a most supportive Editorial Office, and a worldwide pool of dedicated reviewers, during this time we The status ‘ED: Not Assigned’ means that an Associate Editor has not yet been assigned for your manuscript. (‘Referee’ is another I submitted a manuscript to a journal that uses the ScholarOne system. Viewed 2k times 1 . And now statues is "awaiting ed final processing". 3. A few days ago, the status changed from 'Awaiting reviewer response' to 'Awaiting reviewer scores. But, quickly after this, the status changed to “awaiting EIC decision” within 2 weeks and is stuck at that for 3 weeks. Can anybody please tell me what does it indicate? Awaiting Editor Assignment 指派责任编辑 。 Editor assigned 是把你的文章分给一个编辑处理了。 Editor Declined Invitation 如果编辑接手处理了就会邀请审稿人了。 总结:一般情况下,投稿(submit)状态后一个星期内会出现编辑处理稿件(with editor)这个状态。 谢谢 那上面的那个“ED: Not Assigned EO: Pieters, Luc” 是什么意思?与显示的这个状态Awaiting ED Assignment ” 有什么关系吗?还有这个“Awaiting ED Assignment ”大约要持续几天的时间呀?非常的感谢 , Awaiting Admin Processing: Awaiting initial review by the Sage Path Office to ensure we have the correct information to process your manuscript. 3. This change has occurred 请问投到Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electnics 的论文处于Awaiting ED assignment, 是代表什么意思呢,是在主编手里吗,这个期刊审稿快吗 zxw19900328 2025-01-02 4669 次浏览 赞 704 What does a status change from "Awaiting reviewer score" back to "Awaiting reviewer assignment" mean? Answered by Editage Insights on 16 Mar, 2020 . I'm aware of the typical workflow of a journal. Improve this question. These submissions can still be located via search. It has been three weeks since. Is it possible to get a desk reject after the "awaiting reviewer selection" stage? Reviewer assignments (i. The Editor can now see the submission, and must assign an Editor or Section Editor to it. Awaiting Editor Assignment: Your article has passed initial quality checks by the Editorial Production Assistant and is in the process of being assigned to an appropriate Editor who will evaluate your article for scope, quality, and fit for the journal. Note: Assignment Status listed will vary based on the tab. From some previous posts I assume that such After one day the status was EA assignment pending and after two more days it was under review. I can't find the exact average time but for most papers, it took two to three months between submitted, revised, and accepted status. e. 13. 1. Cite. 24 Awaiting A direct change after submission (or after the initial admin check) to ‘Awaiting AE Recommendation’ typically means that the Associate Editor (AE) has had a look at the paper and decided not to send it for review. Reviewers are normally asked to submit their comments within 60 (calendar) days in which to carry out a first review. Show Review in Original Language (0) Awaiting Reviewer Assignment: Potential reviewers have been identified, and the editor is in the process of assigning them to review your manuscript. 5. 0928 awaiting reviewer assignment 5. This could be another Submitted on 2024. Awaiting Editor Assignment is one of the stages where your article is being evaluated by an One of them got accepted within 10 days, but the status for the other one has been "Awaiting AE assignment" for 15 days now. My manuscript submission status in manuscriptcentral changed from ‘Awaiting Reviewer Assignment’ to ‘under review’ last three days ago. Dr Kamath Madhusudhana. A InfoHub: Provider Assignment May 2022 Page 1 of 9 Provider Assignment: Awaiting RSA, Assignment Status Values The Assignment Status for a mandate in Provider Assignment will vary depending on the progress of the mandate through the provider assignment process. 1 Awaiting Editor Assignment :指派责任编辑 Editor assigned ,是指把稿件指派给别的编辑。 3. Depending on the journal's workflow, this status could also indicate when the editorial office Also known as: with reviewers, with referees, under review, awaiting referee assignment, awaiting referee reports, awaiting reviewer scores, awaiting reviewer invitation , reviewers assigned, manuscript assigned to peer-reviewer/s (NPG) 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 I have submitted the paper on 31st January 2021. 30 Accept I submitted a manuscript to ScholarOne about 10 weeks ago. 2024-10-16 ms4000000497789877 来自湖北省. Awaiting Reviewer Invitation: I submitted my paper to a journal twelve days ago. Awaiting Assignment: the submission has been completed by you; you can no longer delete the submission from the system yourself. Awaiting Reviewer Assignment: Potential reviewers have been identified, and the I submitted a paper more than one month ago. 24, assigned ADM. Where a chapter needs reviewing, it will show up as Awaiting ED Decision or ED Make Decision (with the date when the review is due) - Click on the blue tick in the Take Action column on the right to begin reviewing a chapter Clicking on the Blue tick will bring up the following ED Review and Decide screen: 2. a) Is it possible to be rejected at this point? I had submitted an article using the ScholarOne manuscript system. 随后也会有2种状态. This change has occurred What does "Awaiting Assignment to Batch" mean? Hot Network Questions What is the answer to the Kneser–Tits problem over a finite field? How might a moral subjectivist be able to debate morality with a moral objectivist? Is the history of the Reformation taught as a purely theologically motivated event within the protestant churches? What do reviewers look for? This will vary from title to title, for example a journal with a strong research focus will put more emphasis on research methodology, while journals publishing case studies will focus on the quality of the case and accompanying teaching note. But my question is as below. The following is the time node of the first review submission: 2021-3-07: submission 2021-3-07: awaiting admin processing 2021-3-08: awaiting ae assignment 2021-3-11: awaiting reviewer selection 2021-3-22: awaiting reviewer assignment 2021-4-06: awaiting reviewer scores 2021-4-30: awaiting ae recommendation 2021-5-07: awaiting ed decision Awaiting Editor Assignment 指派责任编辑 。 Editor assigned 是把你的文章分给一个编辑处理了。 Editor Declined Invitation 如果编辑接手处理了就会邀请审稿人了。 总结:一般情况下,投稿(submit)状态后一个星期内会出现编辑处理稿件(with editor)这个状态。 Abstract: At the end of 2022, my tenure as Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Electron Device Letters came to an end. Peer review scores have been sent to the editor and the status is awaiting editor decision for almost 4 weeks now. Locate the manuscript using the Quick Search or “Manuscripts Awaiting Revision” queue. These revisions were trivial, and so I resubmitted after one week. After a short time, the status of the manuscript changed to ‘Reviewer selection,’ then ‘Reviewer assignment’, then ‘Reviewer selection’, and then ‘Reviewer assignment’ again. How long do I need to wait to get the result? Thanks! I submitted an article to a ScholarOne journal. procession 一般3-4天后就会安排主编。 awaiting reviewer assignment 等待指定审稿人。 主编在选择审稿人,等待审稿人回复是否同意审稿。一般在一周以内。看审稿人回复速度。 awaiting reviewer scores 等待审稿 I have submitted a research paper in Elsevier journal. They also said I would receive an email regarding the proof check. 2、awaiting reviewer assignment 等待指定审稿人。 主编在选择审稿人,等待审稿人回复是否同意审稿。一般在一周以内。看审稿人回复速度。 3、awaiting reviewer scores 等待审稿人审稿意见。 美陶 要求审稿人三周内给审稿意见。但 You will see little messages like ‘awaiting editorial approval’, ‘awaiting reviewer scores’, ‘awaiting editorial board comments’ and ‘decision pending’ as your article wends its way through this process. It summarizes the recent progress, including the stocks and fluxes of permafrost carbon and their responses to thawing. 0925 awaiting ed assignment 4. Since then, the article has been jumping between "Waiting for Reviewer Assignment" and "Contacting Potential Reviewers" (10 changes of status now). The following query and answer may be of further help to you: What does awaiting ED decision after awaiting BM assessment mean ? | Editage Insights 你的状态同时显示了很多阶段,这不太正常,有一个可能性是这是论文目前经历过的所有状态,这表示你的论文从 Admin: Not Assigned,经过了 EA: [name] 然后再变成 Awaiting ED assignment,而目前是 Awaiting CE decision。 所以,一开始你投稿后,系统显示 Admin not assigned,接着分配了编辑部助理 (Editorial Assistant, EA awaiting reviewer assignment 等待指定审稿人。 主编在选择审稿人,等待审稿人回复是否同意审稿。 sci状态为awaiting ed recommendation,被拒的可能性大吗你好下面简单地介绍一下SCI审稿过程中的几种状态(为网络转载,仅供参考):审稿中涉及到的人: EIC-Editor in Initially your manuscript will go through stages such as “Awaiting Admin Checklist” and/or “Awaiting Editor Assignment” depending on how new submissions are initially checked on the journal. 展开2条回复 . Then the status changed to "Awaiting AE Recommendation" after a month. Awaiting VEIC Assignment. Show Review in Original Language (0) Submitted on 10-9, awaiting assignment by the editorial department. Awaiting Reviewer Selection:这部分是编辑开始邀请审稿人,由于不是每个审稿人都有时间,因此存在拒绝后重新找,因此这段过程也比较花时间。 5. This means that while the manuscript cleared the desk screening and was deemed good to go for peer review, the journal is finding it somewhat challenging to identify the right peer reviewers for your paper. You have not mentioned the statuses that your paper went through before reaching "Awaiting ED recommendations. See an answer from Editage Insights and a follow-up question from a researcher. Also, the journal has accepted my article. This change has occurred SCI 期刊投稿各种状态详解及实例综合(学习各种投稿状态+投稿经历总结) Submitted to Journal 刚提交的状态——新手请看这里!!!一般的步骤是这样的:网上投稿-Submit a manuscript:先到每个杂志的首页,打开 哔哩哔哩 This article shows the editorial process after Submitting a manuscript to a journal. And from the past few days, I see it as "Awaiting AE recommendation". Stage 1: Initial quality check This stage includes checks on authorship, competing interests, ethics approval and plagiarism. However, yesterday the status reverted back to "Awaiting Reviewer Selection". ‘Awaiting Editorial Office Processing’ means that the manuscript was awaiting an Editorial Office (EO) or Associate Editor (AE) check for aspects such as adherence to guidelines, match with the journal’s scope, and novelty 2023/02/22 Awaiting ED Assignment, Awaiting AE Assignment 2023/02/25 Awaiting Reviewer Selection 2023/02/27 Awaiting Reviewer Assignment 2023/03/5 Awaiting Reviewer Scores 笑拥而过 2023-03-17 No urging for manuscripts, let it be natural, more casual. 1108 About awaiting assignment status of manuscript. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. The Editor-in-Chief (EiC) makes the final decision on manuscript, with the associate editor (AE) making the initial decision. “Awaiting ED Assignment→Awaiting ED Decision→Awaiting Decisionやった。” - Awaiting Referee Assignment - Contact Potential Referee - Under Review - Awaiting Associate Editor Recommendation - All Pending Manuscripts - Waiting for Revision When there is a pending action item, you will see a red arrow next to a manuscript link. 26. These stages tend to be moved through fairly swiftly as they are just the editorial team checking that your submission is suitable for peer review After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. I am not really sure what ‘EE’ means on ScholarOne. At this point, reviewers should also be sent an email or letter letting them know the outcome of their review. After one round of revision, needed by the reviewers, associate editor (AE), and Editor-in-Chief (EIC), the Awaiting EIC Decision has changed to Awaiting ED Final Processing. Even yesterday the status was still "awaiting reviewer selection", but today it was changed to "awaiting EIC decision". However, after a few days, I got a desk reject notification. Now the status has changed to ‘Awaiting ED recommendation’. Peer review is the process used to assess whether an academic paper is suitable for publication based on the quality, originality and importance of the work. May I ask if this is normal? How long have I to wait before formally I have submitted a research paper in Elsevier journal. Answer this question Reviewer Assignment:The status "awaiting reviewer assignment" indicates that the editorial team is in the process of selecting and assigning new reviewers to evaluate your revised manuscript To find out more about publishing your work Open Access in Science China Life Sciences, including information on fees, funding and licences, visit our Open access publishing page. " 2024. If the editor says the ms needs 2 reviews to make a decision and 3 people agree to review it, the ms will say awaiting ed decision once 2 reviews come back, but the Peer review process. I am afraid that after this long period, the editor will reject the manuscript. Awaiting ME Assignment: Multiple in-house Managing Editors may be assigned to assess the manuscript depending on topic. The Assignment Status column indicates the assignment stage of the mandate. 1010 awaiting reviewer scores 6. Under review/Awaiting reviewer scores. Editor assigned——把你的文章分给一个编辑处理了。 3. I know the next stage is to Editor In chief. 4. " Generally, the status changes to "Awaiting ED recommendations" once peer review for the paper is done and the reviewer comments have come in. Does this indicate rejection? Meaning of Awaiting EIC Decision for over 20 days B. Provider Assignment: Awaiting SETSS Authorization, Assignment Status Values Special Education Teacher Support Services package (P-4) should be issued for the mandate Verify if an independent provider has already provided services for (IESP/CSP/SP): - 3. 14 Awaiting ED Decision 2023. The status is still "awaiting assignment" and I checked the online system which shows that even no editor has been assigned to my paper. I have previously published in the same journal Summary: The study focuses on the permafrost carbon cycle in the Tibetan Plateau. 01 Awaiting ED Decision 2024. I took this to mean that the paper has passed the desk review, since the editor is selecting reviewers. 22 Awaiting AE Recommendation 2024. It depends upon the impact of journal score. So, your manuscript is awaiting a final decision. This change has occurred This refers to the internal check by the journal, for basic aspects such as novelty of the research, quality of the writing, scope match, and adherence to the journal guidelines. This means that your manuscript has cleared the admin check, that is, it was found matching the journal’s scope and also adhering to the journal’s guidelines, apart from a Learn about the editorial and production processes of submitting a paper to one of the Society's journals. 2020-02-27:Awaiting Reviewer Selection,挑选审稿人。我以为会比较慢,就隔了一天,状态就变成了等待选择审稿人,在 1. The status has not changed to ‘Under review’. So I thought it passed the associate editor's evaluation and now they were looking for reviewers. 0 2023. The journal says on average they take 30 days to Awaiting Reviewer Selection: The editor is trying to find suitable reviewers for your revised manuscript. Please note that manuscripts are removed from Manuscripts Awaiting Revision once the revision due date has passed. If the paper was sent back for revision, the From the change of status above, does it mean that the AE rejects the paper and then send it to the EiC to confirm the decision? Awaiting AE Assignment的意思就是等待指派副编辑对论文进行审稿处理,也就是期刊的初审,在投稿以后,期刊的内部人员会先对文章的基本格式、新颖性和研究方向等等进行初步审核,经过初步审核以后,才会把相关的稿 In addition, for all my submissions in the past, the "Under review" status has always meant that the paper was actually with the reviewers as opposed to with the AE waiting for the assignment; papers have been in the 一篇临床的文章投了BJO,是上个月月底投的,已经半个多月,状态一直是你"Awaiting SE Assignment"。 期间有过这样的状况:初次投稿时,由于格式问题第二天就被退回来过,然后是改了两天之后重新投过去的。 分配责任编辑吧,一周很正常的,我还等过分配副主编一个月邀请审稿人又一个月的,寻找审稿人一般是awaiting reviewer assignment paperhunter Awaiting ED Assignment是等待分配负责稿件处理的学术编辑,等学术编辑接手后再邀请审稿人。 (1) Awaiting Admin Processing: 这是稿件顺利投出后的第一个状态,此时稿件由期刊秘书处理,如果稿件有问题,那么秘书会直接拒掉;如果形式审查没问题,秘书会将稿件送主编(Editor-in-chief,EIC)进一步处理。Awaiting Admin Processing状态持续时间一般不会超过2-3个 A month ago, I submitted my paper to the Emerald journal, which uses the ScholarOne manuscript system. On July 12 the status was Awaiting AE Assignment Awaiting EIC Decision Does it mean rejection? After two rounds of revision, the status of my manuscript has changing from "Awaiting Reviewer Invitation" to "Awaiting Reviewer Assignment" within a span of three months. 7. 1 Awaiting Reviewer Assignment 2023. And after 4 months the status changed to "awaiting EIC Learn what the status "Awaiting ED decision" means and how long it takes to get a verdict from a journal editor. (Until then, MC will show the paper as being overdue for the "Assign Reviewers" task. 14 Resubmit 2024. Queued for Review: the submission has been vetted and is now in the review process. I submitted an article 5 months ago to a journal. This is usually because of a scope mismatch, or in some cases, the novelty and/or quality of the research/paper not being I submitted a manuscript that went through the entire peer review process. The article is quite technical and multidisciplinary, so I understand that finding reviewers is hard. 0916 was returned (the author's information and thanks were not hidden), and the editorial department gave the template. Whether a long time at this status hints towards a negative outcome. This document explains what each After almost three weeks of being in Awaiting Reviewer Assignment, the status has changed to Awaiting Reviewer Selection. 谢谢 那上面的那个“ED: Not Assigned EO: Pieters, Luc” 是什么意思?与显示的这个状态Awaiting ED Assignment ” 有什么关系吗?还有这个“Awaiting ED Assignment ”大约要持续几天的时间呀?非常的感谢!!! Provider Assignment: Awaiting SETSS Authorization, Assignment Status Values Special Education Teacher Support Services package (P-4) should be issued for the mandate Verify if an independent provider has already provided services for (IESP/CSP/SP): - Thank you for your question. This document describes each Assignment Status value in Provider Assignment (PA) on the Awaiting Contract Agency sub-tab and provides the necessary action when the mandate is from a previous IEP.
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