Weightlifting to burn fat reddit

Weightlifting to burn fat reddit. Incline Dumbbell Press: 4 sets x 10 reps. Hey man when you have short legs it's a lot harder to gallop that fast :P. I find that I have the same level of hunger after burning 700 calories in an hour long run as burning 300-500 calories in a two hour lifting session. This is dieting and cardio. Running for an hour at an 8 minute mile pace gets ya about 7. Running burns wayyy more calories than lifting. However, when you lift weights a couple things happen. " Sweating doesn't burn calories but the activity you're doing, even if your heart rate doesn't bust through the roof, is burning more than if you sat still all day. Most people will increase their lifts by something like 50-100% in the first few months they lift, sometimes without putting on any muscle at all. Some people won't do cardio, because from a weight loss standpoint, there's no need (just adjust diet). Lose 33% more fat than cardio alone and look better with It’s a big subject let me see if I can do it some justice. Fat loss is directly related to how much CO2 you exhale. It doesn't mean you burn more calories than you used to. Basically convert it to muscle by working them. you will gain muscle. It increases your heart rate, improves cardiovascular health, and can help you create that calorie deficit needed for weight loss. One pound is 3,500 calories. 60 seconds box jumps followed by 60 seconds of light jogging. Let your thighs be thicc bro. There’s a reason why Michael Phelps had to consume like 6000+ calories a day. (1lbs of fat = about 3500 kcal) You burn fat unless you are losing weight too quickly - more than about 1 lbs/week. Sit-ups, leg lifts, exercise ball junk, will not give you a flat stomach. Combining both is optimal for weight loss, Just focusing cardio will get it done in a shorter time (but being a heavy person jumping right into long term, heavy cardio will likely make you quit), and just focusing on lifting will set you up better in the long term for an overall better physique. On the other hand, weight training, or anaerobic exercise, might not burn as many calories during the workout, but it has a 30 votes, 16 comments. The elliptical machine is great because you can get a good workout without impact. Squats and Deadlifts are your best bang for your buck for weight loss. As far as cardio or all depends on how motivated you are because you could do HIIT on rowing machine, arc trainer, stationary bike to burn more fat. A lot of people associate only aerobic exercise for weight loss ser_arthur_dayne. So my advice is don't eat junk food, engage in daily exercise, stay hydrated and the visceral fat will come off and stay off as long as you stay committed to that lifestyle. Example, you can maybe burn 100-300 calories from lifting in an hour. If you’re lifting weights and increasing the load over time then this won’t happen. You can either eat the exact same way and do cardio to put yourself in a caloric deficit, or you can simply eat less to achieve that same deficit. Usually this person is "skinny fat" where they have little mass and relatively high bf (20ish %), along with being new to lifting. Consider it a couple hundred and call it a day. The weight training mainly because it makes you feel Goooood. We all know that lifting weights can build up our muscles. HIIT: go all out for some seconds, then rest/actively recover for some seconds. cdingo. Do both. 2. Weight training, and get easier cardio in like walking briskly or climbing stairs. WaltKerman. If you swap just five pounds of fat for five pounds of muscle, BAM! You now have a new TDEE. To lose 1 pound of "weight" that is 75% fat 25% muscle (2875 calories total), eat only a 410 calorie deficit. Just burning a little extra fat after you lift doesn't magically prevent you from putting it back on, if you're eating at a surplus. Your body burns calories just doing the motion, then it burns calories as it rebuilds the muscle fibers you tore. I usually warm up for five minutes, then do 1 minute intervals, (one minute hard, one minute easy recovery) for half an hour, then 5 minutes for cool down. "The process was just remarkable," John J. For example, a high intensity weight lifting session lasting about 30 minutes is likely going to burn far more fat than a low intensity jog lasting Certainly not pointless. 80 calories is roughly 2/3 's of a large banana. Doing planks won't 'remove' belly fat in any way other than burning a couple extra calories. [deleted] • 10 yr. 3 pounds a week of weight loss is really aggressive. If the caloric differential between a pound of muscle is 4 calories, then a recomposition of 20 lbs of muscle (from 20 lbs of fat) over your lifting career only increases your metabolic rate by 80 calories. At the end of the day though, just do what you feel is more effective on your body. Losing weight is about calories in and calories out. You can burn fat you eat for energy [ketogenesis] and you can burn body fat away through reducing calories and/or increasing exercise [lipolysis]. What I'm saying is the extra calorie burn should be a small bonus for the main reason you're building muscle, as it won't amount to much in terms of added calorie burn Bulking first. 2)If you want a flat stomach, you're going to have to lose weight. 8g of protein / lb of body weight in your diet everyday, lift weights and eat a deficit of -250 to -500 calories a day and that will be your best bet to lose fat while maintaining the most muscle you can. You may lose a lot of water weight, but you aren't going to lose fat just from sweating. And remember, fitness is a lifestyle. 5 pounds after one month — about a half pound more than lifting weights alone. Do keep in mind that these are very small numbers. Here's the thing: high-intensity exercise such as weight training improves your capacity to burn fat even at rest. From Steady State cardio the body will typically burn 7% more calories post exercise. I'd recommend You can gain muscle in a caloric deficit if you have enough protein. Jul 7, 2020 · There’s a specific way to do this so that you can build muscle and burn more calories. The Fat Burn Zone is the Zone with the most RELATIVE usage of fat. The same man, performing circuit weight training, will burn 490kcal/hr. The typical ratio thrown around: losing/maintaining weight is 80% diet, 20% exercise. Based on what's worked for me, I would recommend eating ~100-200 calories below maintenance, strength training, and making sure you get enough protein. You burn calories in the gym, and then you continue to burn calories as your muscles recover. Cardio, or aerobic exercise, is great for burning calories during the workout itself. . Mar 6, 2024 · Good news first: Lifting weights burns fat, period. • 3 yr. Despite the myth that weight lifting makes you bulky, it's a great way to burn fat. A pound of muscle contains about 1000 calories. It doesn't mean you spot reduce fat. Carb is much easier and faster to burn, but you only can store a certain amount. You have to lose weight overall. Anything in moderation is okay. Edit: for those conversations below, I misspoke. Of course other things have to be aligned as well (diet, sleep, hydration, etc. If you tack on a generous 15% for post-exercise Cardio has two benefits: heart health and burning calories. It takes an estimated 3,500 calories to burn 1 lb of fat - that's almost 9 days of 25 minute erg sessions assuming you're not eating extra food. Yes, if you want to maintain as much muscle as possible, just get the essential . Yes. Spot reduction is not a thing. You get stronger, you get dopamine, it makes the fat look less consequential, you sleep better, and it helps stop strength loss due to caloric deficit. Eating 500 less calories than you would have eaten (by eating cookies or whatever) does not equal 1 pound of weight loss per week. ) but weightlifting is a fantastic way to stay in shape and lose fat. Eat before and after your workouts, including runs, so that your body isn’t forced to metabolize your stores. That's where people get stuck. The one good thing in this situation is that your body will burn off areas with the highest fat concentration first. Run and swim, eat less calories. If I remember correctly in the Convict Conditioning (might’ve been Kavadlos though) it was explained that doing calisthenics makes you unconcsiously eat less to make you lighter thus what with the amount of body weight training you’re able to do you’ll burn fat and become more lean. In general, yes, running should burn more calories in the same amount of time as lifting. Weight lifting does not equal weight gain. Theoretically, a gain of 1 kg in muscle mass should result in an RMR increase of approximately 21 kcal/kg of new muscle. Some tips to losing weight: Do NOT starve And no, optimizing fat burning doesn't increase fat burn. It just makes the body more responsive. 3. HIIT typically burns 13-18% more calories post exercise. (Arbitrary example: 600kcal/h 50% fat usage => 300kcal in fat/h). For most people, they lifts suck, so their burn sucks. I was wondering will doing weightlifting instead of doing cardio will help with burning belly fat? Jul 31, 2023 · A 155-pound person can burn 298 calories after a half-hour of circuit training and a 185-pound person can burn 355 calories. Lifting weights doesn't necessarily burn a lot of calories it's the cardio that does that. But any physical activity that you enjoy/think you might enjoy is a good start! 11. Calories are just a measure of energy; you need to use up more energy than you gain to lose weight. Caloric deficit along with exercise over the long haul. Fat being one of those things. If you aren't losing weight, you may be gaining muscle too, so take measurements and/or test your body fat with calipers. I started C25K and watching what I eat, taking care to reduce sugars. Weight lifting is anaerobic and not aerobic so yes cardio (long distance running for example) burns way more calories then weight training. Jul 14, 2021 · Cut down on cardio and spend more time on weights to burn fat faster, trainers say. That sorta fat fueled exercise is optimal for endurance or cardio based pursuits like running or biking. If you lose a bunch of muscle while losing weight it is very likely you will end up skinny fat at the end. You know liquid calories, sugary drinks, too much alcohol, blah blah. Yes, but you'll be burning other stuff also. I also hope that you're lifting. If you stall for more than two weeks, lower your calories by a few hundred daily. So if I burn 3000 calories per day, but I eat 4000 calories, obviously I'm gaining weight. Basically, the mere act of lifting weights may spur a biological process that immediately starts to metabolize fat cells. You burn calories for the duration of cardiovascular exercise, but you stop burning calories when you discontinue the exercise. Some examples: 30 second sprint followed by 30 second walk. Plenty of videos of women and men doing Jump rope challenges and dropping significant amounts of fat. More muscle leads to higher resting metabolism. If you want to lose weight from your body warming itself go swimming and do it for several hours each day. Fat does not turn into muscle. At low insulin levels, fatty acids will be released from the fat cells. Fasted cardio really helped me burn off that last bit of fat simply because of the low levels of insulin. So you All the above helps, tremendously but the way I lost weight, and many others have it all starts at the kitchen. The truth is that it is really not that difficult to burn 200 calories using cardio. Difference is you won't be able to deadlift for 2-3hours, while you can definitely run/jog for 2hrs. Using ketones/fat for energy is not the same as fat loss. Let me find it. Calorie deficit. In my other thread I was told my diet is pretty good, i'll make sure to check out the other subreddits you mentioned. The "Fat Burning Zone" should be taken with a grain of salt. So to answer the question, yes that will lose weight as long as you don't over eat. 3) Crunches will not give you a flat stomach. Thus, RT, when sustained over years or decades, translates into clinically important differences in daily energy expenditure and age-associated fat gains. I used to do this workout called the lumberjack in my garage, it was 10 different lifts with a 400m run in between each. Your food choices are the most important part of your weight-loss plan. When it comes to fat loss, some exercises are better than others. Your body burns fat while exercising, but only after he depleted its carb reserves. calories = weight x rep x factor, where factor is a number between 0. When we weight lift we are only lifting the weights for 45 seconds or so and taking breaks which burns sugar and not fat calories Aug 11, 2023 · Strength training is critical to weight loss because it helps with fat loss while maintaining or building muscle strength and size. TL;DR For weight loss, push-ups and sit-ups are not optimal. A good combo for weight loss is to cardio first then strength. But cold showers probably won’t cause you to burn more than 50 calories to keep yourself warm, not 500. Not to mention the added dangers of yo yo dieting and not lifting weights. So per mile it may be about 90-120 calories. Cutting back 500 calories from 4000, I'm still eating 3500 and gaining Maintain your weightlifting regime as much as possible. If 2,500 calories a day is your maintenance (what you have to eat to neither gain nor lose weight), and if you cut your calories by 500 Muscle and fat are separate things. Compound movements, such as squats, deadlifts, lunges and military presses, allow you to lift heavier weights and engage more muscle groups than isolation work. You still will burn fat as your heart rate is higher, but the reason a lower heart rate is pushed as the prime aerobic zone is you can sustain it longer. It can be done, but you will have to drastically reduce your calorie intake. Science says if you replaced 1lb of fat with 1lb of muscle, you'd burn an extra 96 calories per day. What exactly this schedule entails is dependent on the individual. Look into body recomposition. find your TDEE and try to go for a 300-500 calorie deficit from it. At around 10-12% body fat, fat breakdown and mobilization slows down to a crawl as insulin levels starts to rise. Proper weight training while losing weight will help preserve muscle mass. Muffmuncher. Repeat until you want to puke. You have to walk the length of a football field to burn the calories in one M&M. When you get fat adapted on keto, you're basically paving that gravel road. HIIT is the most efficient but it is not the most effective. Hammer Strength Chest Press: 4 sets x 10 reps. • 9 yr. I started working out last year, cardio and lifting, eventually it turned into just lifting (and boxing) and while I have lost a lot of weight, I still have a good amount of fat left on me. With that said, you probably want to lose 70lbs to get to your desired weight. An average sized, 70kg (150lb) man running at a very slow 10km/hr (10 minute miles) will burn 700kcal/hr. Get yourself sweating and elevate your heart rate for 20 minutes or more 5 days a week. The body uses many things for energy. Let's assume that he's 25% body fat to be generous, which would be 50lbs of fat. Control your diet if you want to lose fat. There is no such thing as spot-reducing fat. 20 seconds of hardstyle KB swings followed by 10 seconds of rest. This is a whole new game to me. Research suggests that slow to a very moderate pace while running may burn a higher percentage of fat in the calories burned during the exercise, but if you run faster during a given time (covering more distance) you burn more calories overall, which will probably have more of an effect on overall fat loss. To get visible abs, you need to 1) reduce the fat that's covering them and 2) grow your muscles. 5km/hr (8 minute miles) will burn 875kcal/hr. Build around that with fruits and veggies and complex carbs from grains as needed to keep your energy up. Broadly speaking calisthenics exercise and the philosophy are far closer to "functional exercise" and more naturally incorporate movement and other extensions. Your question is fundamentally flawed. It doesn’t need to be super strict, just make sure you don’t overeat. A really simple way of stating it I guess is if I work out 1 leg and only 1 leg will I have 1 skinny leg or will it take it burn fat evenly throughout my body. Now add weightlifting. 7. It’s a big subject let me see if I can do it some justice. Weight lifting is going to allow you to build or at least maintain most of your muscle whilst losing weight. Or about 40% of a single poptart pastry. It has been said that walking on an incline burns more calories than walking on a flat surface. (you can lose weight without exercise) Fat and muscle store energy (calories) in the body. Personally, I'd probably pick cardio weights, because weights do more for your muscle structure, and that's where I'd prioritise expending the bulk of my energy. Award. I would jump right into weight lifting whether you choose to cut, maintain, or bulk. So if you have thick thighs, they're more likely to reduce in size than your calves. With steady state cardio your body becomes more efficient at the exercise and adapts to use less energy while doing the exercise. Jul 21, 2021 · A cellular chat after your workout may explain in part why weight training burns fat. Heaps of recourses for plans. Muscle is more metabolically expensive than fat. Exercise is good and healthy for hundreds of reasons, but weight loss is not the primary one. If calories are equated, 3 meals a day and intermittent fasting will produce a similar rate of fat loss. As a result of our horrible standard diet carbs/insulin is a well paved highway. Purely anecdotal here - I tend to lose more weight/fat by running than lifting weights due to greater calories burned. I say 9 months because the healthiest way to lose weight is on a proper diet/workout routine in which you burn 2lbs/fat per week: 2lbs/wk x4wks = 8lbs/month, 8lbs x9months = 72lbs (+2 your goal). itstoearly. • 6 yr. Ideally you want a combination of cardio and lifting weights. Muscles also burn more calories just at rest. Add in some whole eggs, some nuts and maybe an avocado for quality fats. 1. Eating more than you burn equals weight gain. 0001 and 0. 2-minute rest between sets. All I had to do was burn them off with low intensity Walking and burning 300 calories is equal to running for 300 calories. Ater you lift, your body continues to burn calories as it repairs the muscle tissue, but when doing cardio (running), the calories stop burning as soon as your heart rate returns to normal. Building 1lb of muscle takes a much longer time than burning 1lb of fat. No. Think of it as 2 roads. Also, medium-high protein and consume your highest carb meals before and/or after weights/runs so that your body has the energy to repair your muscles. They're separate things, though people who try keto do seem to do well with weight loss. Muscle builders will disagree and for them it is reverse but for weight loss you want to do it this way. •. But by changing the inner workings of cells, weight In a 25 minute session you're probably burning fewer than 400 calories. To burn the most calories you need to do cardio for a long period of time. The more your big3 is, the more you burn while lifting. Reply reply. As weight loss too fast may cause you to have a lot of 'loose fat' leftover that needs burning off and or turned into muscle. An average of 297 calories burned in 30 minutes amounts to a loss of 2. Diet-diet-diet is going to drive fat content. Prioritize protein and get 180g-200g per day, day in and day out. You need to take in 500 less calories than you burn. Walking briskly or running slowly uses more fat than carbohydrate for energy. A 200lb person running for 20 minutes at 5mph can burn upwards of 250 calories. Thank you all for your well thought out responses and advice! onlyprevost. This means your body gets really good at burning fat, you get more energy for less. A pound of fat represents about 3500 calories, so to lose three pounds of fat in a week you'd have to burn 10500 more calories in a week than you eat. 20 Deadlifts 275/185. That's on average, 1500 calories per day. Most of the time if someone builds muscle while losing fat its because of a couple reasons. Spoiler alert, you'll burh more calories lifting weights than jogging. Cardio also helps, and it does make you feel better after a short run. This is probably the best article online about aerobic training and fat loss. As you burn fat and build muscle, even if your weight remains the same, you're going to require additional calories; your "maintenance" calories are going to increase. ) 6. I have read the FAQ, but it's a lot of information to absorb for a noob that generally has no idea what's going on with how the body works, weight lifting, weight loss and proper nutrition. The truth about running and burning fat. That's about 800 calories. Reply. Keep at it until you're doing an all-out sprint for 2 minutes at a time. You'll lose weight and build muscle simultaneously. Mar 30, 2020 · Lifts That Burn the Most Calories. Same with, go for a 30min jog or deadlift 40-60% of max load for 6-8 sets with 1-2min breaks inbetween sets. You can't target fat in parts of your body when losing weight. Running uses more calories per hour than walking. I think calisthenics is in general a superior form of exercise than weight lifting. Fats there's always a lot. When it comes to energy expenditure, you're not going to see much difference. It will be relatively easier to cut afterwards, as you will already have built up muscle, and thus can go on a cutting phase where you cycle in more cardio. This is going to be a huge benefit long term as your metabolism is going to be higher when you reach your goal weight then if you just did cardio. Eg you burn more fat in 20 minutes of running than 20 minutes of cycling, but its easier to cycle for an hour than run for an hour. very simple, stop eating/drinking garbage. Leg exercises or cycling, but exercise in general will help you lose weight all over, not just the thighs. Long-term ketogenic diet causes glucose intolerance and reduced β- and α-cell mass but no weight loss in mice. You missed the most significant advantage of HIIT; after-burn. Or you could simply jump rope which will give you some solid fat loss results. If your cardio is amazing you can insert running or something between weights. Most of the extra fat, in fact, because chances are your stomach will be the last part of your body to hold on to it. Its a very doable thing, but maybe not for you. So he could lose 50 x 22 = 1,100 calories of fat in a day, or If you're hoping to burn your body fat for energy, it doesn't work that way. It's simply to get stronger. There is no weight loss advantage to the fat burning zone unto itself. To lose 1 pound of fat and add 1/2 pound muscle, eat at a 357 calorie deficit. It helps trim down the fat a lot more than plain cardio. Calisthenics also has some synergies with weight loss as it is harder to do a lot of the exercise if To lose fat, you need to be in a slight (probably no more than 500cal/day) calorific deficit and consume plenty of protein (at least 0. Jul 27, 2021 · That genetic material then seems to be offloaded to our fat cells to speed up the fat-burning process. So this makes it really hard to lose those "last few pounds. 5 miles, which could be around 800 calories. 5. After all, everyone's different. Try either adding cardio or more diet into your routine. Running quickly tends to use more carbohydrates. Calculate your BMR + activity level. You could even lose muscle and increase your lifts by a lot as a beginner. The same man, running a more reasonable but not nearly competitive 12. Run/cycling/walking. (4) Lose about 1-2 lbs a week. As a result, they elicit a higher EPOC effect than biceps curls, for example. This is the same kind of magical thinking that has everyone thinking that if you exercise in the morning, you'll burn more caloriesif you eat 8 meals a day, you'll lose fat, even if you're taking in 150% of Complex/realistic answer: It depends on your diet almost entirely. It's been shown to be one of (if not the) best ways to burn fat, and it has lasting effects for at least an hour to boost your metabolism and keep burning fat. Eating 3,500 extra calories will cause you to gain a pound; eating 3,500 less calories will help you lose a pound. 1-minute rest between sets. When running higher intensity you do not use less absolute fat and start using more and more carbs. 20 minutes per day combined with an intake reduction of 250 calories and you are looking at losing 1lb of fat per week. The adaptive effect your body has to cardio is to create a small amount sarcoplasmic growth, respiratory benefits and increased efficiency at burning fat. I recommend getting into running, yoga & weightlifting. EtherGnat. However it should be noted that HIIT will use your "sugar tank" first. Fat is a gravel road. Prof. If you want my personal two cents on building muscle while losing fat. ). Bucksaway03. Adding in some cardio or other form of movement would obviously speed things up, but you don’t NEED them. 0005 depending on the exercise. The strength training signals to your body "get, I need those muscles!" So it prioritises fat burning for fuel rather than muscle. Lifting more does not mean you are gaining muscle, especially when you are a beginner. But the long answer is a bit more complicated. It doesnt mean you burn more calories than going harder. 6. Therefore you will burn less calories doing the same amount of running over time. Compound exercises like Ab workouts help you build muscle in the area, which in turn will help burn the fat quicker, BUT it needs to be in combination with a good diet. Here’s an example using a chest workout: Bench Press: 4 sets x 8 reps. So even though the amount of fat burned during the session may be negligible, there's evidence that high-intensity interval training (HIIT) may actually result in better fat loss over time than moderate-intensity exercise. Move back to running when you can, but walking will do for now. This means the percentages differ, but the amount of Ketogenic low-carbohydrate diets have no metabolic advantage over nonketogenic low-carbohydrate diets. Combining four things—strength training, HIIT, cardio, and As everyone has already mentioned, a caloric deficit is absolutely needed to lose weight. • 14 yr. It's okay to eat more one day and then less another. Training Myths That Won’t Die #6: “Timing Cardio in Relation to Lifting” Not really just one myth here but rather a whole lot of misunderstood ideas about timing cardio in relation to lifting when lifting (be it size, strength, or power) is your number one priority and you’re using cardio to get some secondary goal accomplished (fat loss, general health, recovery, etc. ago. 9. Conversely, with weight lifting, your heart rate will stay elevated for hours and hours afterwards, leading to more calories burned (in addition to gaining muscle, which burns many more calories per pound than fat. 6gm-1gm per lb of body weight) and strength training. Gfofgamer. His team have some great coaches providing some free information. I'd guess this transformation will take approximately 9 months. It takes less time and less effort. you will likely gain some fat. It's actually better for people who have more weight since it puts less load on the joints. 7g or . So for the hour or whatever you're working out, cardio burns a good bit of calories. Most HIIT also requires a decent amount of muscle to do, so you're building muscle and using more calories up to keep the muscle. Cognitive effects of ketogenic weight-reducing diets. Ketogenic diets deplete mTOR activity and muscle growth. Eat at a caloric deficit to achieve number one, and planks are really good for number 2, if that's a goal. Doing shorter speedwork is obviously essential to have a fast mile time but a varied training schedule with easy days, speedwork, and tempos is the best way to improve a mile time. Gaining muscle and burning fat, known as body recomposition, is possible but not necessarily Therefore, it is not so much the weight training that determines how many "calories" from fat you are burning (while this is a determinant), rather the major factor is the intensity of your workout. McCarthy, PhD, an author of the study, told the New York Times. Check out Layne Norton podcast with Huberman and the Biolayne team in general. 11. It's up to you on what you want to do. Alpert calculated that you can lose 22 calories per pound of fat per day as your maximum fat burn, and after that you go after other stuff as fuel. Running a half marathon could burn around 1100-1500 calories. My goal isn't to lose weight. rg fm xr uk ku kg pb gm wz zu