Texas horned lizard shelter. The fierce-looking Texas horned lizard has a somewhat stocky, flat body with a short tail. These ants tend to outcompete the natural populations of ants and thus decrease the Oct 29, 2020 · rescue shelter. When these muscles contract, they cut off blood flow back to the heart, while it continues to flow into the head. The generic name Phrynosoma means "toad-bodied". Sep 8, 2015 · The Texas horned lizard — also known as the horny toad, or the horned frog to TCU fans — lives in some of the harshest deserts in the Southwest. The natural location of the Horned Lizard is in many areas of Mexico and in the Western part of the United States. The tail and sides are fringed with sharp spines. We quantified behavior of P. Their tails are short but broad at the base. 99 for overnight delivery to your doorstep, regardless of the number of reptiles, amphibians, or inverts you buy. The five most common lizards in Tennessee are the green anole, six-lined racerunner, fence lizard, broadhead skink, and Texas horned lizard. In most species, the back of the head and temples are crowned with a prominent row of sharp, pointed horns. Description. tracker@tpwd. It is 3–4 in (117 mm) in length from nose to tail as a full adult, and pale grey to yellow-brown or reddish in color, topped with dark blotches alongside the body and back. During the course of the monitoring project, 186 volunteers have officially submitted data to the program. 8 KB) such as hydrilla, water hyacinth, and giant salvinia have invaded many Texas waterways. 2010). But in order to save the lizard’s life, the blood had Oct 25, 2010 · A Thorny Problem. Sep 16, 2021 · Texas horned lizards have large clutch sizes with many eggs, often with multiple clutches each year. The Society was later recognized as a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization in September 1992. 5-10 cm in length, with bodies so flattened that they are almost circular in shape. Its natural territory extends across much of the American southwest and into northern Mexico. Endler, J. First, their bodies are covered in spiny armor. The scientific name for the group, Phrynosoma, literally means "toad-body. douglassii faces (as well as other Horned Lizards) is the invasion of some habitat by non-native fire ants. Females reportedly develop until they display 144 mm in length, while males tend to 94 mm. Horned lizards live in a variety of arid and semi-arid environments Oct 17, 2023 · In this week's Climate Connection, Jeff Ray talks about the horned lizard and how North Texas residents can help restore its habitat. 7 in (9. The Greater short-horned lizard is a flat-bodied, squat lizard with scales around the top of the head, normally called a "crown". In 2001, the 77th Texas Legislature declared Kenedy the Horned Lizard Capital of Texas. Pooled data collected between 1998 of Missouri’s native lizards, especially the skinks, can lose their tail to escape a threat. " Because of their resem-blance to toads in body shape and Contact Information. 5-4 in/6. This post lists the best places to find each species along with their body length, diet and habitat preferences. One obstacle to continued success that P. 0). It has spikes all around the lateral surface of its body. Feb 19, 2024 · Texas Hill Country rancher creates sanctuary for threatened horned lizards. 1). Since then the membership has grown to over 300 members in three different countries. 8062. Nuisance aquatic plants (PDF 929. Applied A nimal Behaviour Science , 113(1-3): 166-174. A site can range from your backyard to your ranch or local park. Oct 11, 2023 · One of the main challenges of keeping a horned lizard as a pet is providing the proper habitat and environment. 8062 tracker@tpwd. Pp. Sep 8, 2015 · The research took place far away from the horny toads’ North American native habitat, at the University of Aachen in Germany, where Philip Comanns sought to discover how the toad stays hydrated in the deserts of West Texas and Northern Mexico. Eggs are laid in nests dug an average 15 cm deep (Martof et al 1980). Species. Some Horned Lizards Look Like Toads! Texas horned lizard. Texas Horned Lizards have a distinct, flattened body and thorny scales on their back, which gives them In a world of political campaigns, momentous moves, and vintage vinyls, Haley Hager’s heart remains nestled to a quiet cul-de-sac in Frisco, Texas in her nostalgic childhood bedroom. However, it has a unique defense mechanism that sets it apart from non-poisonous lizards. ” “Texas horned lizards are a perfect example of an imperiled species that people are literally seeing vanish during their Texas Horned Lizard Description. cornutum ranges from Colorado and Kansas to northern Mexico (in the Sonoran desert), and from southeastern Arizona to Texas. (1974) recommended that it be protected by law to prevent commercial exploitation by the pet trade. Horned lizards and mice were presented to the foxes in an ABBA or BAAB sequence. It is brownish in color. Dr Andy Gluesnkamp is trying to bring the Texas Horned Lizard back into the most populated areas of Texas. Austin, TX 78744. gov. Horned lizards occur from southern Canada to southernmost Mexico. ) a presentation and discussion of horned lizards, focusing on Flat-tailed Horned Lizard (FTHL) conservation, as well as natural history of deserts and scat and track identification, and 2. 6), likely reflecting a tendency of volunteers to monitor these types of habitats. The trunk is fringed by one row of pointed scales, while the belly scales are smooth. We examined the effects of habitat disturbance on the ecology of an urban population of Texas Horned Lizards (Phrynosoma cornutum), a species of conservation concern in several states as a result of range-wide declines. ) Description: Often called Horny Toads, these stout and spiny lizard have very wide and flattened bodies. Jun 8, 2023 · Texas state lizard is the Texas Horned Lizard; commonly referred to by many as the "Horny Toad. Presenter: Dusty Rhoads, author and horned lizard researcher. When a horned lizard is fully grown, it weighs between 25 and 90 grams on average. This means maintaining a dry and sandy substrate, as well as providing plenty of hiding spots. With her mother’s legacy echoing through her political work and personal values Haley Texas horned lizard. The head has numerous horns, all of which are prominent, with two central head spines being much longer than any of the others. Jul 26, 2020 · Texas horned lizards or “horny toads” are small lizards, 2. Some of them Mar 4, 2024 · The Texas Horned Lizard is found not just in Texas but also in other southwestern states in the United States. Photo by Ginger Allington (CC BY-NC-3. Texas horned lizards were once so common that in the 1950s a small West Texas gas station paid local kids a nickel for each reptile they collected, and then gave one to each customer who bought a full tank of gas. cornutum foraging on Pogonomyrmex Introduction. Female Texas horned lizards are bigger than the males. Erroneously called "horny toads," horned lizards are bizarre, spiny, ant-eating lizards unlike any other lizards in North America. 1986. To fend off predators including hawks, snakes, wolves, and coyotes, horned lizards use several lines of defense. The color is gray, yellowish, or reddish-brown, and there are two rows of large Sep 14, 2016 · The Strategy. Volunteers also provided data on land use and habitat. At the branch, the lizard turned toward the birds and slowly came close to them. CBS News Texas: Free 24/7 News CBS Texas App Texas Horned Lizard. Working with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats for the continuing The purpose of this management bulletin is to inform Texans of the current status, life history, and habitat requirements of Texas horned lizards, and to offer management tips that possibly could slow the de-cline of Texas horned lizards in Texas. Though it has spikes all around its body, the regal horn's main defense is the ability to squirt blood from its eyes. We charge a flat $44. This diet is difficult for most keepers to reproduce for their charges in captivity; one lizard may eat thousands of ants per day! This obstacle has kept them from becoming mainstays in the pet trade, although recently well-acclimated captive-bred offspring are showing promise for faring Giant horned lizards, which are the largest horned lizard species, can grow to be more than 6 inches long. These burrows are often simple, with a single entrance and not much complexity. However, the lizards using these defenses comes at a cost and in some cases they would rather flee if given the chance because it is less costly to do so (Jr. ”. They live as far south as the Mexican states of northeast Sonora, Chihuahua, Durango, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosí, and Upon attaining physical development, the snout-vent range of Texas horned lizards averages a minimum of 69 mm. The Texas horned lizard, also known as the “horny toad,” is a fascinating creature that stands out due to its unique appearance. Both Guatemala and British Columbia have a fair share of them as well. It is a fierce looking creature that is covered with horns or spikes, including two prominent spikes on its head. 109-134. It has very large horns projecting from the base of Mar 1, 2012 · A BSTRACT—The Texas horned lizard, Phrynosoma cornutum, feeds primarily on harvester ants (Pogonomyrmex) across much of its range. The official state Explore the information available for this taxon's timeline. Oct 1, 1995 · The Texas horned lizard is the most widely known and the most prevalent in the state, and in 1993 was officially designated the state reptile by the Texas legislature. You can select an event on the timeline to view more information, or cycle through the content available in the carousel below. Oct 8, 2023 · The burrowing behavior of lizards varies across different species. Aug 30, 2022 · Of the nearly 50 Texas horned lizards at the San Antonio Zoo lizard factory, a reasonable number of them have names. It is 3–4 in (117 mm) in length from nose to tail as a full adult, and pale grey to yellow-brown or reddish in color, topped with University of California at Riverside. Formally known as the Texas horned lizard, this species – once a common sight across much of the state – has become increasingly rare as its habitat has been Sep 2, 2021 · No more than 8 inches long, the Texas horned lizard ( Phrynosoma cornutum ), as it’s formally known, was once common on the Texas and Oklahoma landscape. Its general color is tan, grayish brown, or reddish brown. Texas Horned Lizards are difficult to maintain in captivity, and most captive individuals die from improper care. Mar 24, 2021 · Abstract. A. " Times Record News (Wichita Falls) the shelter of a burrow (which the lizard may dig itself), or May 5, 2024 · An original wildlife painting of the Texas horned lizard, also known as the horny toad by native Texans. Finally, the Horned Lizard is one of Texas’s most iconic animals. Special skin adaptations enable them to access water sources such as moist sand and dew: their skin is capable of collecting and transporting water directionally by means of a capillary system between the scales. Declining populations, however, have made it a species of great conservation need in Oklahoma. There are two large, dark brown spots behind the head and a series of brown markings on the back. He lives and works on the 9,500-acre tested with a variety of live prey, such as Texas Horned Lizards (n = 4 per fox), mice (n = 5 per fox), and Yarrow's Spiny Lizards (n = 2 per fox). The first thing you can do to help with the Horned Lizard Watch is to adopt a site. The iconic Texas Horned Lizard (Phrynosoma cornutum) is the state reptile of Texas and was once abundant across the western two-thirds of the state. True to their name, horned lizards also have a row of enlarged scales around their head that resemble horns. These iconic reptiles are famous for their spiky skin that gives them the appearance of tiny dinosaurs. May 6, 2023 · After making pickles with her children for years, she started Glorious Gherkins, known for their unique and varied pickle flavors. These eggs are typically buried 6 to 8 inches (15-20 cm) deep in sandy or loose soil to provide protection and maintain an appropriate temperature for incubation. 9. in several minutes. One of the most well-known and iconic native lizards in Texas is this reptile, often referred to as the “horny toad. The Texas horned lizard is a reptile that likes to bask in the sun during morning hours but seeks the shade in the hot hours of the afternoon. Phrynosoma cornutum. Jul 18, 2023 · In an effort to rescue the threatened species, the 27 hatchlings will be released into the wild in the fall thanks to the Texas Horned Lizard Reintroduction Project. Megan Lahti and Cecilia Vigil – The objectives included two elements: 1. Phrynosoma, whose members are known as the horned lizards, horny toads, or horntoads, is a genus of North American lizards and the type genus of the family Phrynosomatidae. , spiders and earthworms). This species of Lizard thrives in a habitat that is very hot and dry. These characteristics and their relatively low survival rates in the wild suggest these lizards are under high predation pressure. Several hardworking conservationists and lawmakers aim to lend this unconventional creature a helping hand. All of Missouri’s lizards eat a wide variety of insects (e. Many species are significantly smaller than that, with most species measuring anywhere from 2 to 5 inches long. On most Texas horned lizards, a light line can be The Texas horned lizard is the largest-bodied and most widely distributed of the roughly 21 species of horned lizards in the western United States and Mexico. This story comes from NPR’s Next Generation Radio project. Horned lizards are readily distinguished from other lizards by their wide dorso-ventrally flattened body, skull adorned with a Description: 2. One day, a horned lizard got attacked by a coyote, stressed out over its shuffle from the mortal coil, bled from the eyeballs, and – miraculously – was spat out! The compound already in the lizard’s blood was just the right shape to match a chemical receptor in the coyote’s mouth. All 13 species of horned lizards are small, earth-toned and have rounded, flat bodies. The Oklahoma City Zoo and Botanical Garden is partnering with the Sam Noble Museum at the University of Oklahoma to help save one of the state’s most iconic species: the horny toad. 5 – 4 in (6. Restoring the habitat, food web, and populations of the Texas Horned Lizard one person at a time. Aug 11, 2023 · The Center for Conservation and Research at San Antonio Zoo (CCR) in San Antonio, Texas, has announced another successful hatching season for Texas horned lizards, with 27 baby lizards hatched so far and more expected clutches on the way. It is one of fourteen species of horned lizards, unique iguanians belonging to the clade Phrynosomatidae. The regal horned lizard is a small, flat lizard about the size of the palm of a human's hand. We studied Texas horned lizards in two small towns in Karnes County, Texas: Kenedy and Karnes City (Fig. A white or yellow line extends down the center of the back. Seven species reproduce by laying eggs (oviparous) and six species give birth to live young (viviparous). ” Three salient features of the Texas Horned Lizard are as follows: The Texas Horned Lizard is a visually striking For this reason, the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department placed the Texas horned lizard, as well as the greater short-horned lizard, on the threatened species list in 1977. Scales on the limbs, sides, and tail are large and The Texas horned lizard or "horny toad" is a flat-bodied and fierce-looking lizard. ant species presence, 1997-2006. In North Texas, people from Texas Parks and Wildlife started meeting with biologists working at zoos to discuss restoring horned lizards about 10 3 days ago · Scientific Name. Their common names refer directly to their horns or to their flattened, rounded bodies, and blunt snouts. ) a half-day expedition to local horned lizard habitat. The HLCS also has a quarterly newsletter, a private group Many scientists theorize that the imported fire ant is out-competing Texas native red ants which are the Texas Horned Lizard's primary food. Brian Wright holds a Texas Horned Lizard, a threatened species, in his hand which he caught on the side of the road at White Ranch in Mason, Texas on Sept. The Texas horned lizard, commonly called the "horny toad," is typically 2½ to 4 inches long and has a short, pointed snout, a broad, flat body, and a short tail. Texas horned lizards (Phrynosoma cornutum) have a number of 3 days ago · The Texas horned lizard’s possible demise is of great concern to local people in Oklahoma and Texas, where it is beloved enough to be the state reptile and the mascot for Texas Christian University’s “Horned Frogs. The horned lizard lies flat, blending into its surroundings, and the predator is left chasing nothing. They can reach an average adult size between 2 to 5 inches (6-12cm) and are typically light brown with darker brown spots on its dorsal side. The Erroneously called "horny toads," horned lizards are bizarre, spiny, ant-eating lizards unlike any other lizards in North America. Feb 16, 2024 · Jade Emerson / NextGenRadio. The San Antonio Zoo hopes to release even larger numbers of slightly older horned lizards this spring. Texas horned lizards are currently at risk due primarily to habitat loss and the invasion of fire ants, an invasive species proving deadly to baby lizards. The artwork is signed in the lower left by Texas artist Teresa Bernard. We quantified changes in spatial distribution, survival rates Few places in North America are as beautiful and ecologically rich as this canyon, a fact recognized by Native Americans, who used its shelter and abundant resources for thousands of years. Rehorning Texas is helping Texans restore Texas horned lizard habitats and food webs. The growing sprawl of Texas cities wiped away large swaths of habitat. Diverse habitats in Palo Duro Canyon support many species of wildlife, including the rare Texas Horned Lizard and Palo Duro Mouse. Texas horned lizards or "horny toads" are small lizards, 2. The next morning was very wet, windy and a little cold – not a good combination for finding Texas horned lizards, but the afternoon finally warmed up, and the day turned out to be very nice. An interesting defense this reptile has is to puff out its body Aug 1, 2001 · Gary Lantz. 4 cm). 6″ from snout to vent), exceptionally flat and wide lizard with a short tail and a crown of flattened, dagger-like horns radiating from the back of the head. “I had preserved lizards in the lab, and so I could cut parts of the lizards' skin,” he says. W. The horned lizard engages in blood-squirting by collecting blood to its eye ducts Disturbance caused by habitat restoration or urbanization can threaten populations of sensitive wildlife species. Brian Wright savors his evening drives on the White Ranch in Mason, Texas. Since that time, citizen reports and surveys indicate a Aug 6, 2015 · Moisture-harvesting lizards such as the Texas horned lizard (Iguanidae: Phrynosoma cornutum) live in arid regions. The Texas horned lizard is a stocky, short-tailed lizard with several large “horns” protruding from the back of the head. Everyone loves horny toads, but for many Texans the fierce-looking yet amiable reptile is only a fond childhood memory. 5 – 10 cm). Then the lizard stepped on another branch and remained motionless for approximately 10 seconds at this position 20 cm behind the birds. Nov 5, 2023 · Here’s some more detailed information about the Texas horned lizard. Texas Nature Trackers Texas Parks and Wildlife Department 4200 Smith School Road Austin, TX 78744 (800) 792-1112 ext. Identification . Rehorning Texas. Horned lizards have been given the scientific nam e Phrynosoma. The nickname of the Texas horned lizard is the “horny toad,” but it truly is a lizard. The Fort Worth Zoo developed the breeding and husbandry protocols required to successfully breed and care for these animals in managed collections. This might contribute to the decline in Texas Horned Lizards. Arkansas is one of the places where you will find large numbers of them. Shipping Your Desert Horned Lizard. Since the late 1960s, horned lizard populations have declined or disappeared in many areas due to a variety of factors, including deterioration, fragmentation, and loss of habitat; non-native invasive species such as exotic grasses and red imported The Texas horned lizard (Phrynosoma cornutum) belongs to a unique group of North American lizards known as horned lizards. Texas Horned Lizard Watch: Become a Horned Lizard Watcher. The horned lizard has two constricting muscles that line the major veins around its eye. Texas Horned Lizards. Defense against predators. A total of 157 Texas Jan 31, 2022 · The lizard’s fragility has been recognized since at least 1977, when the state officially classified horny toads as threatened. The numerous species of horned lizards, all members of the genus Phrynosoma, have very wide, flattened, toad-like bodies. Texas horned lizards ( Phrynosoma cornutum) are distributed across the United States and Mexico. This is a close-up painting of the lizard who sits on a neutral-colored background. Aug 6, 2020 · Texas horned lizards have declined throughout much of their native range , primarily due to anthropogenic habitat alteration and destruction, as well as the use of pesticides on ants, their main food source, and the introduction of the invasive red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta: [21,22]). Close to 2 million viewers watched a video of the event posted on social media. Texas horned lizards are easily identified by the 2 large spines behind their head. The Texas horned lizard exhibits sexual dimorphism, with the females being larger with a snout-vent length of around 5 in (13 cm), whereas the males reach around 3. Their range extends as far north as southeast Colorado, Kansas, and southwest Missouri. There are also isolated, introduced populations in the Carolinas, Georgia, and . " the shelter of a burrow (which the lizard may dig itself), or may bury itself in loose soils Jan 24, 2018 · This Texas horned lizard was observed in Arizona. Generally brownish or sandy in coloration, horned lizards often have darker May 15, 2024 · Protection Status and Laws. Feb 27, 2024 · Although the Texas Horned Lizard is widespread in Kansas, Platt et al. Wyman Meinzer. Nov 5, 2013 · Texas horned lizards eat small insects, primarily ants. Take a look at some of the Texas horned lizard’s most noticeable features. Their weight reaches from 25 to 90 g. But there’s a silver lining. Open arid and semiarid regions with sparse vegetation; grass, cactus, scattered brush or scrubby trees. However, we can guarantee that someone very experienced with reptiles will attempt to select the specific lizard (s) you are requesting. g. Generally brownish or sandy in coloration, horned lizards often have darker spots Nov 6, 2023 · The lifecycle of the Texas horned lizard begins with the female Texas horned lizard laying a clutch of eggs. texas. They are medium-sized lizards, growing up to five inches in length. This floods the ocular sinuses with blood, building pressure, and causing them to bulge. Some lizards, like the Gila monster and the Texas horned lizard, primarily dig shallow burrows that provide them with shelter and protection. two horned lizard species—the Round-tailed Horned Lizard and the Greater Short-horned Lizard. Furthermore, one of the infamous defenses it uses is the act of blood-squirting from its eye. That status prompted studies across Oklahoma to find the causes of decline and to supply Jun 8, 2023 · Texas state lizard is the Texas Horned Lizard; commonly referred to by many as the "Horny Toad. Horned lizards, commonly called “horny toads”, used to be a common sight in most of the United States. We spent a little time in the much appreciated storm shelter. This lizard is brownish with two rows of fringed scales along each side of the body. These practices have since been implemented and modeled at several zoos around the state. Texas horned lizards ( Phrynosoma cornutum) have a number of ways to avoid predation, including camouflage, sharp cranial horns, flattening of the body, and the ability to squirt blood from the eyes. Wright affectionately calls the lizards the “sweethearts of the rodeo. REGISTER. Children of previous generations may have even had one as a pet, these days it is illegal to posses them. Texas Nature Trackers: Horned Lizard Facts. Nov 4, 2018 · Of all the horned lizards, the Texas horned lizard has the widest range in the state. 4200 Smith School Road. Palmer and Braswell (1995) recognize an introduced but established population on the coastal plain in Onslow County. sovimanga from the branch and held the bird with its mouth. REGAL HORNED LIZARD Phrynosoma (Anota) solare DESCRIPTION: A medium-sized (up to 117 mm or 4. The Texas Horned Lizard, also known as Phrynosoma cornutum, is an introduced lizard species that can be found along the coast of Georgia. The initial 2 min of encounters were filmed, af-ter which the observers departed from the trial cage area. At 1205 h, the lizard sprang at the male C. Starting in the mid-20th century, they’ve mostly declined east of the Interstate 35 corridor, Williams said. The literal translation of “Phrynosoma” is “toad-bodied,” referring to their wide midsection. On dusty farms and ranches and in ramshackle oil-field camps in parts of the Great Plains, children played Aug 20, 2023 · Texas Horned Lizard. Oct 3, 2021 · Monday, November 8, 2021 at 7pm (Zoom) Re-Horning Texas: An Historical Introduction to Restoring Texas Horned Lizards. There’s Poseidon and Pancake, Kermit and Data, Xena and Cowboy. , ants, beetles, crickets, caterpillars, grasshoppers, and termites) and other invertebrates (e. Overall, THL were reported most often from lands that were used for residential areas or for ranching (fig. Texas rancher Brian Wright affectionately calls the lizards the “sweethearts of the rodeo. Collared lizards and Texas horned lizards do not. Texas is home to two species; the Texas Horned Lizard ( Phrynosoma cornutum) and the Short Horned Lizard Nearly 140 2-week-old hatchlings raised at the Fort Worth Zoo and Dallas Zoo were released at Mason Mountain Wildlife Management Area west of Llano in mid-September. There are a number of lizards native to Tennessee. Horned lizards or “horny toads” are small lizards with bodies so flattened that they are almost circular in shape. P. Texas Horned Lizard presence vs. Uncovering the poignant trek of a 33-year-old woman toward stability. These hatchlings will be released into the wild in the fall, contributing to the ongoing efforts of the Texas Horned Lizard Reintroduction Project to Texas Horned Lizard Phrynosoma cornutum . Horned lizards are native to arid regions, so they require a tank that can simulate these conditions. But you can help! Through participation in Texas Horned Lizard Watch as a citizen scientist, you can collect data and observations about the presence or absence of horned lizards and habitat characteristics on your monitoring site. Aug 01, 2001. The base of each of the four central horns is in contact with that of its neighbor The Texas horned lizard (Phrynosoma cornutum) is one of about 14 North American species of spikey-bodied reptiles called horned lizards. But scientists are learning more about how the Legislation exists in most states to protect Horned Lizards from capture and sale into the pet trade. The 2006 season marked the 10th year that Texas volunteer scientists have helped the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) gather data on our official state reptile, the Texas Horned Lizard (THL) ( Phrynosoma cornutum ). These towns are characterized by recent development and rapid population growth. This story comes from NPR’s Next Generation Radio project: Oct 3, 2018 · That’s the case with the Texas horned lizard, the state’s official reptile and one of 1,300 species of concern in Texas alone, says Tom Harvey at the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD). They have a snub-nosed profile and short legs. Despite its intimidating spikes and thorny appearance, this lizard is actually harmless to humans. (800) 792-1112 ext. Fourteen species are currently recognized, 8 of which are found within the continental USA (one reaches southern Canada), and 6 other little-known species are restricted to Mexico (one reaches Guatemala). Phrynosoma cornutum, the Texas horned lizard, is the Texas State Reptile. Horned lizards have short tails and broad bodies that resemble toads. Moreover, it has a set of horns sticking out of its head, like all horned lizards. 4. They are members of the Phrynosomatidae family in the order Squamata. The species is currently designated as a Tier 1 Texas horned lizard spatial distribution appears to be governed more by habitat than prey availability with lizards occupying habitats with numerous patches of heterogeneous microhabitats (Munger The Horned Lizard Conservation Society became an officially named and chartered organization in January 1991. Submitted to the Great Nature Project. This painting is perfect for cramped spaces or rooms because of its small size. This talk presents the history of the Great Plains — and its dismantling — as it relates to Texas Horned Lizards: their history, ecological needs Horned lizard. (. tsymjmgmetkatsvnghsm