Test 400 and dbol cycle

Test 400 and dbol cycle. 5-1mg of arimidex everyday on cycle. fryzway said: I think a Dbol only cycle is fine to start with and a good idea. Aug 6, 2018. Doing full body workout 7x/week. Test and dbol will aromatize causing your e2 to elevate. Masteron at 400mg. As a beginner, that is ideal, although for more advanced results, try stacking with Test-E and Deca Durabolin. Not sure how much of it was tren and how much was just dropping the Dbol. Adex - 1mg EOD. the more info you provide about the other bits enables people to give better opinions. For this cycle you’ll inject every day for 12 weeks: Week 1-12 – 50 mg/day Test Propionate, 50-75mg/day Trenbolone Acetate, 0. Should I run dbol alone for 1 week then start test e? That way id get the first week of dbol then 10 more weeks of test e and 5 more with dbol mixed. Why is dianabol such a great drug? Because it aromatizes highly - some of the more powerful compounds for growth also cause a large spike across all hormones. 1-8 500mg test. Spend the $60 and get the Female Hormone Panel from Privatemdlabs com. Testosterone Enanthate: 188mgs. Stats: 5”7 138lbs 28yo Training 4 times per week legs shoulders chest and tries back and bi’s. Good little cycle. Planning to log the entire cycle. Test E always been 500mg. Also considering ramping up to 40mg Ed of dbol. Week 1-12 – 1000mg/week Testosterone Enanthate. The goal is body recomposition, reduction of fat, and adding some lean Week 3: 25mg Dbol a day 30 minutes before the gym and in the morning on rest days. Jan 29, 2012 · wks1-4 60mg d-bol ed split into 3 doses @ 20mg a dose. I took a lot of stuff for this cycle. The length of a typical Test 400 cycle can vary depending on individual goals and experience with the drug, but cycles can range from 8-12 weeks. 5D + 30 mg dbol ED Weeks 12-15 HCG 500 IU EOD Week 16 : PCT 20 mg nolvadex for 4 weeks, then 4 weeks at 10 mg. #2. I would shoot it twice a week until at least week 5 when the Enth/Cyp starts kicking in and then once a week should suffice. Deca has been 400 to 500. Test + EQ+ Trest + DBOL- Compound Cycle Review- Going all in for Strength Gains. Sep 8, 2014 · Stats - 34 yo 6'2 105kg Approx - 18% BF Training 10 years + I've been training for quite a while now and recently cycled Test 400 & Deca 150 with some pretty good gains in size and strength. 1st pin was monday in glute used a 25g1 that was given to me by Feb 17, 2016 · Week 1-12 Test E 300mg/week. I‘ve took dbol in following Amounts (without any base): Week 1 & 2: 10mg. Jan 27, 2010 · My cycle will probably be: Weeks 1-14 Test E 600 mg/wk. I'm doing 200mg test/200mg deca/420mg primo per week + 12. Week 9-12: winstrol oral 50mg/day. other first cycle was just Test E. EQ has always been 550. Dec 27, 2016 · Dropped 12 lbs and dried out nicely. Dec 10, 2022 · I am doing the same. Daily Dosage: 30-50 mg of Dianabol. my body looks great but I wanted to jump to the next level. #8. We have seen this stack blow users’ muscles up to the point where they are afraid to perform supersets during their workouts. I have never used it before and do not want to hinder strength gains by reducing water retention. Deca Durabolin. Week 5-6 same thing as week 4. Love it. Jul 7, 2010 · Im currently running an 8 week cycle of Tri Test 400 at 3mg a week (i realise its a low dose compared to many recommendations on here but its my first cycle so i wanted to take it easy) kickstarted with 4 weeks of Dbol 30mg per day. This intermediate cycle would consist of Trenbolone Acetate and Testosterone Propionate. Starting stats 5'11" 200lbs 13%bf Bench 1rm 295lbs Aug 13, 2020 · Aug 14, 2020. I just finished a Test/Deca cycle 500 mg/wk Test, 500 mg/wk Deca for 16 weeks, I put on 35 pounds but also had a dbol kickstart of 40 mg/day for the first 4 weeks. First cycle should be test only. My cycle: 700 mg test E per week split into 2 equal injections for 14 weeks, 500 mg deca split into 2 equal injections per week for 12 weeks, 40mg dbol everyday for the first 5-6 weeks. make sure you stop hcg with other injections. RT_Nomad November 18, 2022, 4:51am 10. 125mg to 0. We find such dosages help prevent Sep 2, 2009 · Week 1 - 5 - Dbol 30mg/day - Test E 300mg/twice a week. Anti e of your choice something like 12. off this cycle is achievable, maybe even more if you’re eating enough. Inject 2x a week. Cycle: Test E + EQ + Tbol Week 1-4 Tbol 50mg/day 25AM/25PM Week 1-18 Test E 500mg/week (2x/week) Week 1-16 EQ 600mg/week (2x/week) Week 13-18 Tbol 50mg/day 25AM/25PM AI: Week 1-18 Arimidex . Var/Winny with Test/Tren for cutting . 500mg of Testosterone Enanthate x 2 injections per week for 8 weeks; This can be utilized as a beginner cycle; however, more conservative dosages can be used for novices, being: 15-20mg for Dianabol and 250mg of testosterone enanthate. It contained one bottle of the anabolic steroid testosterone propionate in. Test c at 400-500mg/ week. I have researched anabolic steroids for nearly 2 years and training for those two years also. 10mg Nolvadex everyday. week 6 - 8 - Test E 300mg/twice a week. 5'9" 196lbs. Npp will be 100 mg eod. Im thinking my best bet would be starting 3 weeks after my last jab with Nolva at Oct 29, 2023 · 5. 5mg) Start PCT 15 days after last shot of test. Today is the last day of my 5 month cycle, so I decided to do my review now while I remember how it went :D. Test 400 is usually stacked with other steroids such as Deca Durabolin, Boldenone, or oral Turinabol for a bulking cycle and Methandieone (dbol), Trenbolone, or Parabolan for a cutting cycle. Hey everyone, I've been running 400 mg test c with hcg for about 19 weeks. 50mg of dbol. Starting with the fourth week, you can increase the daily dosage to 75mg per day. Nov 5, 2015 · 26,750. ok i kno theres 100 other test/dbol cycles but i didnt want that to stop me from getting everyones advice and support. Nolvadex is an oral anti-estrogen/estrogen antagonist prescription drug. PCT will consist of 40mg nolva for the first 3 weeks then 20 mg nolva Jul 7, 2011 · Jul 23, 2011. If you are less than 15 percent closer to 10 you will love how you look by the end of that cycle. 8-16 750 mg test. Cycle. I have a question on Arimidex - The tabs are pretty small to be broken into 1/4th of their size, however, half of their size is easily achievable and I have 14 tabs 1 mg each of them. The best supplement I encountered for that was N2Guard. Test deca dbol cycle consists of four powerful steroids and is out and out a bulking cycle. Testosterone Enanthate Accompaniment: 300-500 mg per week. Jun 6, 2017 · I'm planning to do this cycle in the winter for a strong quality bulker: Week 1 750 mg test E + 800 mg deca (Front load) Weeks 2-5 500 mg test E + 400 mg deca Weeks 6-11 400 mg test E + 300 mg tren E + 30 mg dbol ed Week 12 400 mg test E I will use exemestane, cabergoline and HCG during cycle. Is this your first Tren cycle ? 600 is a pretty hefty beginner dose , hence why a lot advise to go in for Ace on the first cycle . Dbol/Testosterone Cycle Weeks 1-8; Dbol at 35 mg/day, tabs taken throughout the day (ie; breakfast, lunch, dinner) Dbol/Testosterone Cycle Weeks 1-10; Testosterone Enanthate at 500mg/week; PCT to begin 2 weeks post last testosterone injection (week 12) Tamoxifen @ 20 mg/day week 1 & 2, 10mg/day weeks 3 &4 Dec 31, 2010 · 1. Apr 20, 2021 · During the first three weeks, you need to take 50mg of anadrol a day. . I’ll still use anastrozole but I’d like to get away with as little as possible. 500 Test C and 400 NPP. Dec 27, 2016. I will switch around the carb meals based on my workout and eat the starches prior to workout and keep the good carbs like vegies fruits etc after workout. Over time if you respond well then maybe up the MK-677 dose to 25mg and see how that treats you. #3. So I’d suggest 35mg/day Dbol for 6 weeks, 500mg/week Test Cypionate for 12 weeks, and 300mg/week Deca for 12 weeks respectively. Pct would be Nolvadex 40mg for 2 weeks 20mg for 2 other weeka. Agree. Sep 27, 2023 · I have done a 6 Week Dbol only cycle and now want to start with my PCT soon. Week 1-10 – 600mg/week Deca-Durabolin. 25 mg Arimadex everyday. 5 ml 4 days later Deca 250 1ml then . This can happen at a faster rate at a higher body fat. #14. And 600mg test a week and 400mg deca. Assuming you eat and supplement right as well. Dec 18, 2013. Very little Prop so definitely jumpstart with Dbol or any oral. This cycle will produce the most weight gain and size of any two steroids. OH BB Press, Decline BB Press, BB Row, BB Curls, Pullups, Squats, Lunges Currently cruising at 180mg test / week no AI in a slight deficit (2500 cals off days/2800 training days). I took an "eat everything in sight" approach and peaked at 203lbs but then had to cut down to Oct 8, 2023 · Week 5-12: 600mg/week Primobolan (twice a week at 300mg per shot, if you can’t handle the pain do it 3x week at 200mg), 40-60mg/day Anavar. Nov 20, 2015 · Most bodybuilders use dianabol to kickstart a cycle with another injectable anabolic, such as exogenous test-e, so they see the quick gains from the d-bol while the injectable is slower to show results. Normal generic split Cycle: 12 weeks Test 400 at 1ml fist day then . [sc:masthead-std] [sc:salutation-std] In bodybuilding, Nolvadex (Tamoxifen Citrate) is used as both an anabolic steroid cycle ancillary drug and as recovery or as a post anabolic steroid cycle therapy drug. Second cycle ever, test E and deca. Howdy. Ive done test EQ and dbol cycle before. An […] Nov 19, 2023 · At 20mg daily or more on a Dbol-only cycle, you can introduce an AI, and if you dose it correctly, you should be able to control suppression-related side effects. I have also started lower with the dbol (I started at 10 and went to 20 last Sep 14, 2016 · This current cycle is test 400, tren, mast and dbol. 50ml test 250 - $130 (1000mg/wk) 50 test suspention 100 - $100 (100mg/day) 200ct Dbol 25mg- $250 (75-100mg/day) well, we're at $480 and we have't even got into igf, adrol, tren, anti e's Shit. It was a complete disaster in every way and here's why: the relatively high dose of test combined with the Dbol kept me with high estrogen all through the cycle, the Adex was Jul 31, 2009 · 20 mg Dbol everyday. Throw in dbol or drol or superdrol first 4 and last 4 weeks. 5D Weeks 7-13: Test E 250 mg E3. The cycle will be : Week 1-16 Test C 750mg Week 1-16 DHB 300mg Week 1-4 Dbol 40mg Week 1-6 Tren A 150mg Week 1-6 Tren E 150mg Week 6-12 Tren E 300mg +500cal surplus I’ve already use all this compounds in the past. After having test 400 as a cycle, it is important to opt for a post-cycle at least. I was thinking about cycling off for a couple months and then running a test dbol cycle. Week 1-12 – 500mg/week Testosterone Cypionate (Mon/Thur at 250mg), 0. 1,000mg daily is cycle before was test E and EQ. Week 1-6 – 50mg/ed Dianabol. Anadrol and Dianabol Cycle. Adex as needed. These numbers aren’t in stone but I’m planning on running around 5-600 test e/3-400 deca/25mg dbol for around 4 weeks or so. 12-week Tren/Clenbuterol/Test Cycle. Not sure if I want to run arimidex or not. Well im on my 5th week of anavar taking week 1 to 4 60mg a day and 5th week and 6th week of 90mg a day, after my 6th week want to go to anadrol 50mg a day and with test 400 for another 4 weeks, my test 400 i will be taking 400mg every 5days then ill start on my pct with nolvadex, any suggestions??? Thanks. For intermediate users who have already taken anabolic steroids (such as Testosterone ), Dianabol won Nov 15, 2018 · Estrogen is not the devil, it only needs to be controlled. Arimidex dosed at 0. Please be sure to have Liv-52 supplement can be purchased via Amazon. I've seen some threads saying do winstrol weeks 11-14, but I don't have time for that, so will I be okay doing it on weeks 9 Jan 28, 2014 · Weeks 3-12 – 400 mg/week EQ, 200 mg/week Test. 5mg dbol/day (the dbol is just like a pre-workout pump product basically). #6. Beginners should observe their body’s response to the steroid, focusing on minimizing side effects while augmenting strength and muscle mass. Aug 13, 2018. About to start a cycle. Jun 14, 2012 · Jun 15, 2012. Apr 12, 2023 · Dbol or Anna would obviously be better for bulking , along with Test & Deca . 26. Clomid 100/100/50/50. Dbol could stay at 20mg/ed, even tho a lot of people recommend going something near 40. I would take some kind of anti-prolactin supplement or B-6. Mar 5, 2024 · Dianabol Cycle – Planning From Start To Finish. Evolutionary. It is important to remember that more does not necessarily mean better – as Dianabol can cause an increase in fluid retention and Estrogen which can have detrimental effects on the body. Oct 8, 2023 · Consider this as an advanced cycle (not for first time users). PCT: Clomid - 150/100/100/50 (worked exceptionally well on my first cycle) ------. A. 5 mg arimidex twice a week. Jun 19, 2017 · Test, deca, dbol is a classic cycle and will always work even at low dose. Nov 7, 2015. Dianabol, known scientifically as Metandienone, is a widely utilized anabolic steroid, favored for its efficacy in bulking cycles due to its affordability and significant impact on muscle growth and performance enhancement. I've got a trip to Cabo in 13 weeks, so I want to have finished my cycle by then. frequency for the dbol. My question is how much should I run weekly and how long should I run dbol at 50 Mgs? Denkall produces this particular testosterone blend, Test 400. 5 Mg Every Other Day for starters. Weeks 1-14 Deca 400 mg/wk. 500iu of HCG per week slit into 2 injections. Workout 7 days a week, sometimes two times a day heavy weight training. Max Bench- 235. Anabolics. B. norm dobson said: 20mg of dbol twice a day, 250 mg of test e twice a weak,. 5 ml 4days after Tbol at 20 mg per day Oct 13, 2014 · Hi, I have planned the following cycle: Week 1 to 12 – Test E 500 mg per week. I mean off season yeah if dose is good that a decent enough cycle. I will begin my second blast come May 1st. Aug 17, 2011 · My cycle the tri-test 400 has has the following elements per 1ml tren acetate 50gm tren enanthate 50mg tren hexahydrobenzlcarbonate 50mg test prop 50mg test cyp 200mg im looking at running this at 2ml per week making it 800mg in total thinking pinning mon-thursday also i have loads of d-bol and some deca 250 left from a previous cycle so was Jan 8, 2024 · A Dianabol cycle can last anything between 6 and 10 weeks, and dosages will vary greatly from person to person; 10mg – 50mg per day. I’m feeling better with high test / low tren. Use an AI when its needed. Dec 6, 2023 · Hoping to get some feedback on whether or not Im ready and if cycle is good to go. 200 Mg a Week is a TRT dose, and Not a Cycle Dosage. Originally developed in 1955, it quickly became popular among athletes Week 1-12 TEST E or Cyp @ 500mg/week split dose. What ever your current dose is should be adequate for just the addition of dbol imo. Test 400 and deca cycle. Having gone through the PCT and taken time out to recover, I am looking for a 10 week cycle to help me cut. I was wondering what dosages you all would recomend for the dbol and test cyp. of course cain the Big Macs and sodium and the scale can move fast and make 20lb of gains in a couple of weeks. Keep around 14 weeks or until sides are apparent. For someone less experienced, AN EASY 20lbs. I was going to do 400 test/300 deca/ 30mg dbol a day cpr the first 4 weeks. 6 Week Winstrol 50 mg (6 Week) (Week 7-12) Age 27. Had shoulder issues last couple months or so and have lost a good bit of gains so I want to start one in the next few weeks. Add in Test Cyp 250mg and 50mg NPP per injection. I'm not a Fan of doing more than 1 Compound for a 1st Cycle. Week 1 to 14 –arimidex 0. Jan 8, 2019 · Anavar is a modified form of the DHT hormone, which has used an oxygen atom to replace the 2-carbon and methylation in the 17 position. Average duration cycle 8-12 weeks in most cases it all depends on the content. So each WEEK I’d get 500mg of Test Cyp and 100mg of NPP on top of 25mg Dbol. Just trying to sort out my PCT. I will also be taking milk thisle throughout entire cycle to help liver with extended use of orals. and this will keep me more accountable. Use Aromasin as your AI ~ 12. As of last Sunday I have started my first cycle. cycle before was Test E and Deca. BF%- 10. May 19, 2015 · Week 1-12 : Test E-250 @ 500mg/wk (250mg x 2) (2mL) Week 1-10 : Tren E-200 @ 400 mg/wk (200mg x 2) (1mL) Week 1-4 : DBol-20 @ 280mg/wk (40mg x 7) (2 pills) Week 6-11: Masteron P 100 @ 300mg/wk (100mgx3. 600 mg of tren,600mg mast. Just keep running it, eating well and training hard. You can also use HCG. OR. Cycle will be 12 weeks total with option to extend to 16 weeks if I feel I'm still making progress steadily. Test 400 has the highest concentration (and pain) of any of the mass-produced testosterone blends. (PCT) Week 15-17 – 100mg/day Clomid for the first 10 days, then 50mg/day for 10 more days. Week 4: 25mg Dbol a day, same timing. Deca Durabolin is a nandrolone based steroid (nandrolone decanoate) that has been Jun 1, 2010 · Height- 6 ft. For recovery wait 2 full weeks after your last test/deca shot and use Clomid at 100mg/day for days 1-10, then 50mg/day for days 11-20. Week 3 & 4: 15mg. thist will be first time using Dbol and hcg. Protocol for the first cycle Week 1-6: Test E 250mg E3. If all goes well with ortho and shoulders is ready. Elvia1023 said: Great cycle. In our experience, his size gains are typical of what a beginner can expect when taking moderate dosages (15 mg–20 mg/day) for 5–6 weeks. Feb 2, 2024 · Test 400 users who are bodybuilders frequently cycle the medication, which means they take it for a predetermined amount of time and then stop to let their bodies heal. The result is an enhanced ability to gain muscle mass, increase strength levels and get stronger. Week 9 - 14 - Test E 300mg/twice a week - Winstrol 50mg/day. Meanwhile, the levels of dianabol are unchanged during the dbol anadrol stack cycle – take not more than 30mg a day. Many people have much feedback to come to their recommendations. wks1-11 600mg/wk Deca split mon and fri injection thats 2ml 2 times a wk (mixed in the same syringe as the test) Like. 4. Test 400 (one bottle) 12 weeks of pink Dbol (5 a day) Nutrition: 300g carbs 220g Protein 55g fat Stats: 170cm 70kg Reason for one bottle of Test is that I plan to move on to something else after this and continue with the Dbol. Maybe I’ll be back for another cycle, maybe not. Divide that all into 5 days and micro dose it for 12-16 weeks. Aug 13, 2019 · Aromasin Dosage on Test E, Dbol, Deca cycle. 400mg tren. I dont have any acess to hcg at the moment. A bit of background; I am 6' @ 175lbs. Dbol will be popped consistently thru the day with a double dose preworkout. 0. You do need to up the deca amount, and as much as people don't like front loading, front load the deca to get it up to peak concentration as fast as possible Nov 16, 2022 · I did research about test and eq , alot of ppl says 12 weeks is good with eq and test , but stop dbol on week 4 or 6. Howdy everyone. That is to say there is no disadvantage either, so no harm trying I suppose. Next cycle plan is something like this. This single alteration forces the body to treat DHT like testosterone. I have experience with a EQ and Test cycle that was 16 weeks of 600mg EQ + 400mg Test-c with Dbol at the start and finish and Adex for estrogen control. Pure speculation but I'm pretty my tren was underdosed. My prolactin levels only went from normal low to normal high. Aug 5, 2013 · Cycle; Dianabol: 40mg/day week 1-5 Tren ACE: 50mg/ MWF week 1-10 TEST 400: 200mg/ MWF week 2-10 Nolva whenever needed. As long as you stay clean on your diet and train hard you should net good gains. 400 deca. For example 500 split 250 / 250mg T/D Higher doses yes. And frankly with 25mg dbol and 400 test - you shouldn't require an AI unless you're overly sensitive. Jan 4, 2023 · Typically, a Turinabol cycle will last between 6 and 8 weeks. reply. Jaser: , but stop dbol on week 4 or 6. Test P and TBol 8-12 weeks I would keep the Tbol at 30mg if possible, you can pyramid the dose as you wish, be aware of lower back pump. Feb 4, 2013 · Feb 4, 2013. Thinking about running 12 weeks of test 400. Experts recommend that you stack Tbol with Testosterone, either Test-Propionate or Test-Enanthate. 31. May 20, 2022 · My second cycle i plan to run the following: 600 test. wks1-12 900mg/wk Test enth split mon, wed and fri injections thats 1ml 3x a week. I have Test E 400 deca 300 and dbol. Weeks 1-6 anadrol 50/mg ED. you should see my reciepts before when I bought from overseas. I know it’s 150 more mg total, but with how mild primo is to the body for an AAS and the balance it would add here, I think it’s the better plan. #4. 400mgs of test a week is fairly mild but can still yield nice gains. You will inject three times a week for 10 weeks: Oct 23, 2016 · test e obviously works. Feb 14, 2024 · Cycle Duration: 4-6 weeks. My pct on hand is: Nolvadex, Clomid, Aremidix. May 23, 2016 · 10 Week Dianabol Testosterone Cycle. Week 7 dropped the Dbol off and still running But if u wanna save money just run it as part of the pct. Oct 24, 2016. Learn how your body reacts. I initially was doing . 5 years ago, but I also had MENT in the mix and decided to keep that out this time. Week 11-16 – 50mg/eod Trenbolone Acetate. Dec 9, 2023 · What’s the best cycle for muscle gain? Run a Test/Deca/Dbol cycle. Jan 10, 2023 · I’ll be pretty cardio focused along with resistance training 3x-4x a week. 500 tren and 1cc of test and . Mar 26, 2020 · 4,067. 5) (3mL) The idea behind the cycle, is to obviously get a nice clean bulk, then harden the gains at the end. Dbol 50 mg. Mar 30, 2022 · Doing 20mg dbol every day first 6 weeks. 25mg EOD--ar 12. Weeks 1-6 – 40mg/day Dbol (split throughout day) Weeks 7-12 – 100mg/eod Trenbolone. Week 5 & 6: 20mg. 500 mg of tren ace's effects were similar to 90mg or trenavar a day. I’ve been working out for 6 yrs naturally . Npp 350 mg. Feb 14, 2023 · A popular Dbol and test cycle is: 30 mg of Dianabol per day for 4 weeks. Weeks 4 - 10 : 500mg Test E per week (250mg mon and thurs) 60 mg Anavar everyday. I have enough for a 10 week cycle. Test 400 comes in with the following characteristics per ml: Testosterone Propionate: 25mgs. No real sides at other other than major sweating. You can also go for Deca-Durabolin, because it has a shorter half-life. 6 Week Anavar 25 mg + Dbol 25 mg (Week 2-8) (1-week bread after 3 weeks) Option 2. Week 1-12 Boldenone 400mg/week. I'm concerned because this test is 400 and I've read that 800mg was more than enough two times a week. Remember why you started. dbol at 20-40 mg/ day. For many, 25-35mg ED of d-bol is a good working level, although some will push it to 50-60mg ED. why did you do EQ and Mast when fat, just to bloat like a mofo now? deca and dbol will make you into a fucking Michelin Man. The above user took Dianabol as his first steroid cycle. May I suggest using this app to track your bloodwork tests: Sep 27, 2022 · I do think 500 test, 400 primo, 300 deca and the big dose of Dbol (again, everything timed out like the original setup otherwise) would be a healthier/lower side effect cycle. 25mg/EOD PCT: Week 20-21 Nolva 20mg/day Week 22-23 Nolva 10mg/day Cycle Support Deca/Dbol/Test Blast: Preflight Checklist. not true mate, I know several now that have done low dose test and deca and have seen no added advantage over straight test. Willing to drop test to 400mg/wk if you guys think this would be better if using dbol. Each day for 4 – 6 weeks, you should consume 30 – 50mg of Dbol. Cycle Logs. Mar 23, 2015 · Hi all, I'm new here. I only took Caber once or twice. May 25, 2007 · 12 weeks. You are running like 2 -3 cycles in one. Low dose mk677 worked very well for gradual gains but 25mg dramatically increased my gains in weight and strength. 400mg test. Combination of strength/ power and bodybuilding. Yes, I know I need to be a low body Nov 3, 2017 · My estrogen is bottomed out on . 50 mg a day dbol. 1. Apr 18, 2021 · Second Cycle (About to start) Test E 500 1-12 Deca 400 1-12 Dbol 30mg ed 1-5. So daily would be 120 test 60 primo 60 npp. Anastrozole according to the results of bloodwork or on the expressed sides of E2. Mar 26, 2020. Run 500mcg of HCG 2x a week. Week 15-18 PCT Clomid and Nolv (I know they aren't favorites here but from all the research so far, it seems they work. Week 1 to 4 – Dbol 30 mg per day. Normally, Test 400 works best in a bulking cycle, used for 8 to 12 weeks, after another anabolic steroid, has been used to start the bulking cycle in the Oct 8, 2023 · An advanced Dbol cycle makes use of a higher dosage of Dianabol while combining with at least one other powerful steroid such as Trenbolone or Deca-Durabolin. dbol first 6 weeks 10mg not sure if 600 test is too high and i should reduce it to 500 or 400? Body weight is currently at 180lbs for now, bf 23% Sep 20, 2015 · Mass 400 (Test E - Tren E - Mast E) cycle : Anabolics: 35: Oct 9, 2022: test 400 cycle advice with lock down: Anabolics: 7: Apr 1, 2021: First cycle of Test E (400 mg/week - 2 pins of 200) and have a question: Cycle Logs: 2: Apr 5, 2019: Second cycle test 400 tbol And deca: Anabolics: 25: Feb 7, 2018 Mar 29, 2018 · Dbol: 30 mg/ day. 25 mg EOD. Oct 8, 2023 · As with a Trenbolone bulking cycle, making use of other compounds like Dianabol or testosterone helps keep some side effects in check. You may or may not. org Sep 27, 2017 · Training for seventeen years, six days a week. Very simple cycle. My PCT consisted of HCG & Tamoxifen /Nolvadex. Mast has been 350 to 400. First Impressions: Test/EQ/DBol Cycle. Weeks 5-12 – 50 mg/day Winstrol, 200 mg/week Test, 300 mg/week Deca (drop Deca at 10 week mark, 2 weeks out from competition, add in anti-estrogen at 8 weeks into cycle) PRIMO/ANAVAR/DECA/TEST Feb 7, 2018 · Anabolics. Pct: Nolva 40 40 20 20 and Chlomid 50 50 50 50 (week 11-14) i'm 24 years oldf 5-8" 158 pounds, have been training since high school and maintain a steady meal regiment (sometimes impefect but very good compared to many) . Weeks 1-2: (Pre-game; up test to 400mg/week) (Test only first two weeks allow my body to acclimate to higher test/E levels before adding in Dbol) Weeks 3-4: 400mg test 20mg/day Dbol 25mg/day Proviron Weeks 4-6: 400 mg test 20-40 mg/day Dec 15, 2022 · Getting ready for next cycle. Test will be injected 250 mg at a time for 2-3 times a week depending on dose. Week 1-6 Dbol as a kicker 25mg/day. 2nd time w/ test and Nandrolone (1st cycle was 500 test and 300-400 Deca with some NPP mixed in). Weeks 2-6 Dbol - 30 mg/day. The recommended cycle duration for testosterone is approximately 12-14 weeks. Regarding the dosage of testosterone, typically it starts at 400 milligrams (mgs) per week, with some individuals choosing to run a lower or a higher dose (200mgs +/-). I am on week 4 of my cycle, which is 5mg Test per week, 50mg EQ per week, and 5mg dbol per day. Jan 15, 2011 · So here is my proposed cycle: Week 1-4: Test e- 500 mg. ) Taking proviron (the less strong version of Dec 26, 2021 · Dec 26, 2021. Weeks 1-6 dbol 25/mg ED. Take the Arimidex if you notice water retention becoming a problem. Looking to bulk Wasn’t planning on using it but I’m wondering if it would help combat some of the additional estrogen that dbol causes. 2500 calorie diet. Jan 7, 2014 · Here's what I have for my current cycle plan: Week 1-12: test e 500mg/wk. May 28, 2009 · 1 Chicken breast and brocoli or asparagus. Test: 400 mg/ pin once a week. Testosterone Cypionate: 187mgs. Oct 8, 2023 · 500mg weekly of Testosterone Propionate, with Dianabol at 25mg daily for 10 weeks and Deca for the first four weeks only at 400mg weekly is an effective intermediate cycle. I've been told to use 1cc each three times a week 1200 mg of test. Also get your body fat lower. (So It’s my first cycle) My diet is clean consists of at least 5 meals a day. I really want to use dbol even though first cycle. On hand I have arimidex and tamoxifen. Gw daily 200 Deca per week -split 50 mg anavar per day. Oct 14, 2017 · Your Cycle needs some work. artex Discussion starter. Week 5-12 HCG 250UI 2x/week (500UI 2x/week in week 11 and 12) Week 13-14 Rest. The higher the dosage, however, the shorter the cycle should last. Cycle will be 400 Test cyp per week -split. With my last cycle, I relied mostly on supps. I am looking to start the dbol cycle for a bulk in January. Week 1-4 Dbol @ 50mg/day (Days 1-3 @25mg/day and increase to 50) AI of your choice Arimidix or aromisin (adex . I've been on doctor prescribed TRT for over a year now and finished a 16 week Test (500mg/wk)/Dbol blast 8 months ago. Deca, dbol, test e, and proviron cycle week 1-16: deca 250mgs e3d. I'm into the 2nd month of exactly the same 4 drugs. Deca at 400mg. Jan 9, 2017 · Also, do not forget to have an AI in your cycle and some liver protection if you are taking dbol. 2 weeks after your last shot start clomid/Nolva pct. Weeks 1-12- Test 400 - 600 mg/week. Deca: 300 mg/ pin once a week. Your Test Dosage is Too Low ~ 400 to 500 Mg a Week will give you much more ~ Split Dosage into twice a week. I've done about 4 cycles in 4 years. Weight 175lb around 16-17% body fat. Nov 3, 2022 · I’m wanting to take 400 test and maybe throw some dbol (50mg) for 6 weeks, but I’ll start out w like 25mg for the first week and see how my body reacts. Jan 9, 2021 · If you’re not opposed to pinning 5 days a week. 5mg/day Arimidex. Take the steroid at the same time on a daily basis. 10-week Test Prop / Trenbolone Cycle. Overall good lean cycle. Jan 24, 2024 · Here’s a look at sample 4 – 6-week Dbol cycle for you to try. 5 mg twice per week, thats at 125mg test and 500iu hcg per week. Currently I am on test cyp TRT 200 per week. 5 mg Arimadex everyday. Nov 15, 2012 · 2nd cycle test 400 and dbol advice. Also taking amino acids, omega 3, milk thistle, vitamin c, multi vitamins daily. Also i have ordered some ‚Enclomiphene‘, which is coming by mail from another country. i have now got myself some ‚Clomid‘ that i arleady got on hand. Oct 29, 2023 · Dianabol Results: Before and After Pictures. does my cycle look good or should i make some Option 1. Its a fucking classic "stack". As for test, also bump it to 400-500 at least. I had an intense competition coming up and needed to make big gains in not a lot of time to be competitive, so Dec 4, 2014 · never got gyno from anything, close on dbol, my first couple cycles years ago was test 500-750 and tren 400, never got gyno, my libido on tren is actually really good, horny always and no probs in that department, the only thing i notice with tren is it is really hard to cum. #5. WINNY/DECA/TEST (poor mans old school contest cycle) Weeks 1-4 – 200 mg/week Test, 300 mg/week Deca. All I have are my past experiences. You can see how your body reacts to AAS. PCT with tamoxifen and exemestane at a lower dose. These are two of the best bulking steroids on the planet combined in one single cycle. Nova 40/40/20/20. 5mg/eod Arimidex. . 5 aromasin Ed should do. Likely will increase deca to 500 if no big sides are noticed. Jan 11, 2021 · I had some pretty good results even though it wasn’t a heavy cycle at all. Week 2-5: dbol oral 50mg/day. Weight- 179-181. 25mg taken twice weekly is often successfully used in this Dbol-only cycle strategy. week 5-12: test e 750 mg. I have run a similar cycle about 1. I really don’t see a whole lot of side effect from previous cycles, but I’m prone to estrogenic side effect…probably due to me having gyno naturally before even messing w compounds. 1 Salad with tuna or chicken. Feb 21, 2023 · 5’11’’ 178 pounds and 12%. Nolvadex is commonly referred to as an anti-estrogen, but technically it is more of an estrogen antagonist. Dec 31, 2010. rm uv ls sq ia mn dv fk oe oi