Spell to make someone move in with you. ” Grecian Muse Invocation. Imagine the person falling in love with you. You can set a candle in a bowl of water and allow it to burn until the water extinguishes it. Faith is another type of energy feeding magic. Final thoughts. Pour some oil into the plastic cap. Ex-Boyfriends And Other People Jun 22, 2023 · Somniare– This spell puts the target to sleep. picture of the person. Feb 21, 2024 · Ethical Love Spell Example. << < - > >>. This is a truly working witchcraft spell to remove your tenant, friend or enemy completely from your life. 3) Pink & White Candle. This is a strong spell to bind men. There's a reason the famous 36 questions to fall in love, developed After all, reaching your goal will make things much easier. Sep 26, 2015 · SPELL TO BRING SOMEONE CLOSE TO YOU. #4: A Spell to Win Back a Lost Love. 7) Spell to bind man. It has the ability to nurture existing relationships, rekindle fading sparks, and forge new paths of romance. If you’re looking for a way to make someone obsessed with you, there is a spell that can help. If this person doesn’t want to be with you they don’t want to be with you, and you deserve someone who is interested in you without the influence of magic. 425K subscribers in the witchcraft community. Before lighting it, write your desire on a piece of parchment and tuck it underneath the candle. Write it down as a positive statement as if it is a done deal. [1] New moon water is good for reversals. #5: A Hoodoo Honey Jar Love Spell. Jan 19, 2019 · VOODOO RITUAL 1: This spell is called anointing Voodoo Oil spell. 1 How to Kiss – 7 Kissing Tips and Techniques. 2) Toothpick. Exploring Spells Giving Your Love Life a Bless. It’s worked for me twice. Hold the concentration for 30 minutes. Demonmonk38. Gradually deepen intimacy. However you do it, visualize your beloved My grandma is that manipulative. Meditate and visualize what you want to happen—that she leaves you alone, loses interest and is gone from your life in this way—etc. Add your taglocks to the bottle and seal it. So, make coffee as usual. By throwing adversaries into a state of inexplicable confusion, you can then get away or, you know, at least temporarily confuse Feb 10, 2024 · Step 1. For the spell to work, the container must be shut tight. Watch each candle for 5 minutes each, with the same thought coursing through your mind. Feb 26, 2018 · Casting Directions for ‘Make Somebody Start/Stop Loving Someone’. If working with a fruit or vegetable, cut the container open and place the totem inside before sewing or pinning it shut. My Spell to Make Someone Fall in Love with You will result in them feeling a desire to be in your company. “Muses nine, love divine, weave my fate with fine threads. Summary. Cast a circle of protection. *Tie the duster (in a knot) to the handle inside the window from which you shook it, thus binding the neighbors Jan 10, 2023 · 1. May 18, 2024 · Spiritual Cleanses. In your bedroom, in the park, library, car, beach Oct 5, 2022 · The spell is powerful and will make your loved one lose his mind for you. This will work best if the candle is wide and uncovered. Part of the Spell Casters Library. Vervain. When we talk about forgetful spells, many people have this idea that we are talking about spells that will make you not forget things and how to prevent memory loss in old age. This love spell must be done repeatedly for 7 days; on the last day, you need to bury the paper in the ground after all the candles burn down. Throw one pinch of salt on top of the picture. If a professional spellcaster like myself makes May 15, 2024 · Ask about their likes, dislikes, interests, hobbies, and goals. You may wish to perform this spell outside. I, spellcaster Maxim, can cast spells to make someone fall in love with you forever promising not just “acceptable results”** but true happiness. Blessed be and may this Make Someone Fall in Love with you spell work wonders for you. 5) Bhoj Patra ( Parchment ) Procedure: * Write your ex lover ( boyfriend or girlfriend ) and your full name of candle and light it. Light the black candle and say: “Leave me, leave me this day. Being attractive is not helping much either for that. Join. Tag: Spell To Make Someone Move Out. ” Whispers of the Nile. This is a truly working Indian Spell. If you liked my unique offer, contact me and I will cast a spell to make someone fall in love with you. Then write the target peron's name on it nine times, but not inside the house. Award. #3: A White Magic Lodestone Love Spell. Lift the unlit candle up towards the moon, you must say the following words: “With love I call you, XXXX (the full name of the person you want to miss you) And I whisper to you I love you. Burn on charcoal, or grind to a powder and sprinkle around your home. Love magick that targets someone remains until their actual soul mate shows up. Apr 18, 2017 · Here’s a simple Hoodoo War Water spell to rid yourself of an adversary: Write your adversary’s name and identifying information on a strip of brown paper. Apple spell for your partner to come back and ask for forgiveness. This spell could sound tricky but, if you perform it the right way, it is highly effective and powerful. banishing oil. As for just quieting them down, I’m not sure I’d maybe try modifying a freezer spell. The Nightfall Think of Me Spell. So, if you want to fall out of love with someone, gather their belongings. So if you’re searching for a spell chant to make someone think of you constantly, use this one. A cord cutting ritual can do it, but it doesnt have to be over the top. Stick a pin about 1⁄2 inch (1. Follow the same procedure regularly for 3 days. Aug 7, 2022 · (And if you’re interested in a full-length introduction to witchcraft, check out Moody Moon’s School of Metaphysical Arts online crash course in spell crafting, Witchcraft 101: Discover the Magic in You). a river. Sep 29, 2021 · When you cast a spell, there are certain procedures to follow. 5. A piece of red yarn or cord. With the Forgiveness Spell, you can start things over and the other person will release the things they have held onto – the things that have kept you apart. Feb 10, 2024 · My favorite forgiveness spells. Lack of faith destroys magic. 1 Pink candle, incense, essential oil and 3 white flowers. Psychic Ability Charm: Sleep with mugwort under your pillow to bring psychic dreams. Place the picture of the person in the center bottom of the black bowl. Be rude, shoot guns, be loud and unwelcoming, dance in your yard naked, stand outside their house staring awkwardly inside their open blinds, sacrifice a goat on their doorstep. You can drip water on photos of you and your beloved. You never know what wonderful experiences and relationships may await you. Aug 14, 2018 · 1 black candle and a tool for writing on it. Nov 16, 2021 · A pen and piece of paper. If you’re in a dimly lit place, such as a bedroom, make sure no one else is around. Place the candle onto your altar and try to make a heart shape around the wick with the sugar. Final project in the course Angels and Demons in Judaism a personal creative project on ancestry and continuity. You can pour the sugar into a small bag and poke a hole in the bottom of the bag to spread the sugar precisely and evening. Once you stick the first pin into the candle, say: “When this candle burns to the pin, the process of love and desire will begin. 10/7/2019 'Far & Away': Jar Spell to Banish a Rival or Negative Person ‘Far & Away’ Jar Spell to Banish a Rival Wiccan spells to get rid of someone seek to send them away without causing harm. Simple Love Spells. Gather some belongings for people written on the sheet that aren’t you. Here are 10 popular love spells to make someone love you: “By the river’s flow, love’s current shall grow. Do not use words like “Want, hope or wish. 3. Make sure you leave enough thread so you can attach the ring to it. As any practicing witch will tell you, there is no right way to cast a spell. Fold it up tight and small and put it in a small Dixie cup or other little container and fill halfway with water. Can it cause target to attack another creature, or is it no physical harm to ANY target? Perkins: It can, but if the spell's target thinks the suggested action is likely to cause it harm, the spell could fail. Witchcraft Spells To Make Someone Go Away : This witchcraft vanish spell should be performed on Saturday night. 4) Match Stick. " This works. Get Someone to Move Spell. #2: A Love Spell to Get the Person You Want. However, this rule does not apply to the target of a love spell. A Wiccan banishing spell. All must weigh five grams each. I was wondering if anyone knows a spell to make her move away. Remember: the fewer people there are, the easier it will be for you to cast this spell. I think that would even be better for her than to lock herself in her own apartment. A banishing spell with folk magic. Tie it up using gauze and drip some wax from each candle. The Love Jar Spell. While holding space for your loved one, keep your heart open to new possibilities and connections. When the moon is in a Waning Phase, write on white parchment paper the full name of the person you want to move, along with birth date. Mar 6, 2024 · Some materials for banishing spells. 1. Therefore, it can make life easier. Witchcraft spells, such as attraction spells and powerful love spells, are believed to have the ability to influence someone’s feelings towards you. Add a rose quartz crystal and prepare your bath. Oct 10, 2020 · This is one of our simple free voodoo love spells. Place the photo or paper in the plastic bag/container. Don’t trouble me again today. Apr 6, 2018 · Stand in the middle of your space and place the first candle directly before you. Find a way to serve a cup of coffee to the one you want to tie. Search for wicca white magic spells make someone move away. Drop wax on the heart and then cover it. If you’ve been through a bad break up cast this spell to clear the way to a new love life. Feb 10, 2024 · Leave them in running water while they are in a bag. Feb 9, 2024 · Finally, keep the mirror in your wallet until you see results. Show an interest in the things that your love interest loves and learn to appreciate the things that make them happy. Visualize a protective layer around you, that makes all negative energies bounce off. You want the paper to be fully immersed in the ice. Before you light it, use the pen and paper to make a list of the negative influences you wish to push away. Seal the bag and say, “it is done. This I do with no hate in my heart. In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, I pray. This spell is simple to cast and can be very effective. Look at the picture and focus all your feelings toward the person. Be matter-of-fact about it as if you know he will when you tell him - keep it simple and direct. Do your magick on saturday during the hour of saturn that will strengthen a reversal. Protection Spell: Plant thyme around your house to act as natural wards. What You Will Need. Here are free love spells to woo anyone you desire. Necessary materials: Cup of coffee. First, light both candles at your altar. It is a ritual capable of opening your soul to what is worthwhile. Gather belongings for the people named on the sheet. Casting break up relationship spells will make a huge difference. In that context, strive with everything to get what you want. There is a traditional Hoodoo spell done with both with a bottle or a jar, to make someone move away, let’s say a nasty neighbor or banish them away from You. Things You Need : • A 1. Here are some tips that will help you in your spell casting journey: 1. On a piece of paper, draw a house with a big 'X' through it. Attach the ring to the thread with seven knots. A banishing spell with your visualization. This method is ideal if the spell is used to cleanse, purify, heal or soothe something. A painful life change such as a breakup often comes along with a decrease in everyday enthusiasm and inspiration. Keeping hollow space in the locket. 3 cm) below the top of a red or black candle. Put the third candle to make up the triangle, light it and say, seek the truth. Don’t fake your interest because people can often tell when you are not really interested in something. ” Chinese Moonlit Serenade. Shake the jar periodically. Forgiveness spell with an onion. Seal it tight and hide it in a dark, secret place. • 3 yr. Establish your Intention. Spell to make someone move Call/WhatsApp on +918696805715 maulana ji- In order to identify the real spells, you should observe the spellcaster carefully and see the way they interact with you. Download Free PDF. a bowl. Cut the apple in two halves and put them on the table, facing up. Fill with Four Thieves Vinegar, cap and cast into a river or ocean. In Conclusion. Get the sheet of paper and fold it in half. Then Chant the Following: You shall do the same, it is only right. Inside the floor circle, arrange the candles into smaller circles. Here is an example of a simple spell that you can use: 1. Nov 9, 2018 · Place the totem in the empty glass jar. Take them to a goldsmith and ask the goldsmith to mix them together to make a locket. Mar 2, 2020 · Fire Flowers: A Wiccan Love Spell. 1 Simple Spell to Break a Love Spell. Take a bottle cap of any plastic bottle that you have in the house. Teaspoon. Fire Flowers Wiccan Love Spell with Candle. I really need her away from my mom because is like Elena sucks all the energy out of her. Nov 30, 2019 · How to cast the spell. 4. • 5 yr. The Confundus Charm does exactly that—it confunds. 6. This spell will help bring back your joy. Based on if you are left or right handed, write the first and second name (middle name not required) of the individual you are casting the spell on the side of the paper that’s the hand you Mar 3, 2017 · The Spell: *Open an window (preferably an upstairs window but it not available any window in their direction), shake the duster out of it and softly chant ten times: Neighbors, neighbors, stay away. Aug 7, 2022 · So mote it be. Sep 16, 2022 · 3. ” (repeat 3x for amplified effect). Mixing up a black salt mix and throwing it at their yard/door makes awful neighbors move away. Incendio Aura– This spell creates a protective shield of fire around the caster, preventing physical attacks. Feb 24, 2018 · Hold items of the person you are trying to find in both hands as you imagine your desires with the 25, and stare at each candle. Put them in a bag and tie them to something up high, such as a tree branch. Repeat Mar 8, 2018 · The spell suggestion. To love someone is to feel a deep sense of intimacy and closeness with them, and so one surefire way to encourage love between yourself and another person is to gradually deepen your intimacy through shared vulnerability and time shared together. They’re free, easy, and they work fast! But before you get started, there are a few things you’ll need to remember. Take the thread and wrap it around tightly. True love doesn't care about the car in front of your house nor your bank account. ‘Far & Away’: Jar Spell to Banish a Rival or Negative Person. Click here for details. A banishment spell can definitley make it work. Jun 29, 2022 · How to Cast the Spell to Make Someone Fall in Love with You. Hoodoo move away spell. Back this up by splashing War Water on all the target's ouside dooor Mar 12, 2018 · Casting Instructions for ‘Bind a Individual Away From You’. Spell to be forgiven in just 7 days. Hoodoo spells to make someone go away service is the last option now this time whereby you can remove someone go away problems without any need of third parties. Light the candle. You will need household cooking oil for this. June 5, 2020. 5 meter Red Thread, Clove Oil, Red Candle and Two Poppets Wax. This is a classic obsession love spell that is very easy to cast. If you have any kids, make sure their swing set or play corner is set up as close to your neighbors’ house as possible. Take the time to meditate on your intention to make sure that you are very clear about what you want to accomplish. On top of the picture, mix the salt, vervain and three drops of banishing oil. Now fill the container with a wetting agent. 2. ”. About the author: White Witch. She could go back to Rio and live with any of her sister (she has 5). Let me know the person you want to be with or let me help you find one. Write Your Intentions: Jot down your hopes for love and partnership on a piece of paper, focusing on the feelings you wish to experience rather than naming a specific person. 8. 3 Common Spells to Keep Someone Away from You. Ingredients: neroli essential oil, sweet orange essential oil, lemon essential oil, an aromatherapy diffuser. Share the person’s passions. It’s vital to ensure that there are no disturbances when you are casting this spell. Sign up to join the Infinite Roots Coven and get access to all exclusive content while keeping Spells8 ad-free! Join Spells8. All my Santeria spells and services are covered by my 1 Year Satisfaction Guarantee. ” because you are not casting a spell to make you want, hope, or wish something. Visualization. The solution is to change the way you cast your spells: instead of the full-blown, circle-casting ritual, write them down. Or perhaps gagged poppets. 3 Spell to Keep Your Lover Faithful. Look into the flame, focus and visualize your intention. four thieves vinegar. Dress the candle with a few drops of the oil. Sonorus Minor– This spell amplifies the target’s voice. You can even do some furniture rearranging to make the situation extra annoying. Whatthefuckfuckfuck. Then write down the name of your beloved or crus on the piece of paper. If you want, you can draw any religious symbols on the paper as you wish. #1: A Simple Attraction Spell. Roll up the paper, with a photo if you have one, place inside a bottle of vinegar, then toss into a body of running water, visualize your enemy moving away as the bottle is washed away. Sep 27, 2018 · Subscribe now for more! http://bit. 3-5 rose petals, freshly picked. Your evil is no longer welcome you may not stay. All you need is a jar, a piece of paper with your loved one’s name on it, and some herbs and other magical ingredients that are associated with love and obsession. Jun 5, 2020 · Real Witches Share 6 Spells That Actually Work! By Jennifer Billock. Draw two hearts on the paper and fill each with both the names. Give the mix another shake and add some dried lavender flowers or rose petals or rosebuds if that resonates with you. Next, dress a Bend Over Custom Big Al Candle with Bend Over Oil. In this article, my plan is to explain what forgetful spells are. To cast a spell, you need to have a clear image of your desired outcome in your head. Finally, repeat the spell for a few days or weeks until you see the desired results. Push the paper under the surface with a knife or fork until it becomes waterlogged to make sure it doesn’t just float on top when freezing. Add a wetting agent. There are any number of ways to do this spell. Following the love that reaches you. You should tweak the words to fit you best. Love spells are not meant to force someone to love you against their will, but rather to enhance the connection and spark between two people. Now start burning the candle and keep your focus on the flame. Please help me by removing this additional burden from my life, and forgive me for asking for this removal. Nov 15, 2022 · Steps to casting your voodoo spell. Mar 10, 2017 · Rule eight: Witchcraft spells to make someone love you will not work if you do not believe in them. Red rose forgiveness ritual. Then place in the freezer. This is a truly working witchcraft spell to remove your ex or enemy completely from your life. PennythewisePayasa. Place the apple on your altar or table, right in front of you. Add water and any herbs you chose to the container and say, “with the ancient power of water, you’ll stay away from me and mine forever. First, draw a pentacle on the piece of paper. Take the persons picture and soak it in the four thieves vinegar. With its influence, you can experience a love that surpasses your wildest dreams, characterized by passion, devotion, and unwavering To prevent manipulating the person into blank obsession, you can set your intentions on sparking the flame that already exists a little more, making them realize that they miss you. First, love spells are not “black magic;” they are never intended to sway someone to do what we desire. Mistakes will happen and time will heal most Nov 19, 2019 · Clove and bay are both powerful protection herbs that are used to banish negative forces and exert your will. These spells can be a way to manifest your desires Oct 26, 2017 · Learn how to make someone forget you so that you can move on with your life. Feb 10, 2023 · 4. As you add the herbs and crystals, you are going to acknowledge and accept your beauty, strength, kindness, and capacity for love. Make Him Want Me Spell with Candles: This make him want you spell should be performed on Full Moon Night. Nov 7, 2012 · How to Cast: Spell to Make Someone Love You. This ancient spell is intended to “sweeten” an existing relationship, rather than drawing a new mate towards you. After a few hours, take it out and fill it the rest of the way and put Oct 7, 2022 · Make sure to invite a minimum of 30–50 people and set up a bar and some games for maximum messiness. Create a circle on the floor using flowers. Thus, it relates to dominating the one you love and tying him to you . Whether this is a friend or a lover, sometimes you need a little help in encouraging someone to forgive and forget – or, at least, move on. Sign in. 4 Casual Dating Spells. A red candle; A piece of paper; A pen; A small object belonging to the person you want to obsess over; Instructions. Relaxation Charm: Drink lavender, chamomile, and passion fruit tea to decrease anxiety. That's not love tho. It will leave them unable to resist the urge not only to make contact but also make their feelings for you known. Nov 7, 2023 · 6. Now tell me what they are more interested in - your miserable situation or your money? You May Like To Read: spell to make someone move out. Make the paper small. You also may want to use come to Me Oil and/or incense for the spell. Start by lighting the candles and focusing on your intentions. The Spell to Make Someone Fall in Love with You is a catalyst for love’s transformative power. If you want to tie your loved one, keep in mind that the spell in question will help. Pluck seven of your hairs and roll them carefully into the leaf. No harm to you as you depart”. This method is ideal if the spell is used to attract news, remember something, find something. Don’t hold doubt in your mind when you tell him. 1 Spell to See if Someone Likes You. Fire. Say I have no malice, and no ill will, But you will leave me alone. Strength Options. You May Like To Read: Spell For Someone To Call You. Take the bottom right corner of the paper and fold it up to the top left corner. Casting Instructions for 'Make Someone Think of you Nonstop'. With good intentions, speak to him in a very happy way and tell him he should move away and mean it. Keep this image in your mind. For the most powerful form of this love spell, let the candle burn out completely and then bury the picture under a full moon. Looking to draw a little love into your life? Try one of these easy love spells to make the most of your romance. 7. Spell 1: The Missing Person Spell. Does anyone know of a spell to make someone move home? I have a lot of trouble with a certain person in the neighbourhood and would like them to move. Completely bury the picture in the mixed and let it sit for one day on your altar. Do not be afraid to ask for Spellcaster Maxim’s help, if needed. Confundo. Ex - Guy you suspect is a . I hope for nothing more than some relief and reduction of stress and anxiety. “Silent whispers, hearts entwined, love’s embrace forever bind. View PDF. 6 Tips and Information. Jul 25, 2022 · Send out the intention of fidelity. Forgiveness ritual with a balloon. The folding doesn’t have to be neat. Spell To Get Someone To Move Out : This spell to get someone to move out should be performed on Saturday night. Get a small jar or bottle with a lid. Dip your eyelashes in the oil and keep it overnight. Spells can be as simple as scratching your intention in the dirt, but they can also be as elaborate as Jul 28, 2023 · To make someone miss you with a spell, you need to follow some essential elements that make the spell casting process successful. The more powerful the break up spell, the more that you need to be in a state of trance when you cast it. Hi, u/Lospsy7 ! Feb 3, 2021 · Mix one pinch of saffron sandalwood powder in the ground mixture, grind them again, and keep aside. Salt. Materials: Examples of Spells To Make Someone Go Away Example 1: Banishing Spell. Obscurium– This spell creates a cloud of darkness around the caster, making them harder to see. Mearls: Only in specific situations - would have to play upon existing rivalry or anger. This spell is designed to make someone you care about think of you and want to see you again. Put it in the freezer. Material Required to Perform this How to Make Someone Fall in Love with You Again: 1) Pencil. Cast the Spell: Now it’s time to cast the spell. The best magic you can use to get someone to move, simply be an awful neighbor. Stop A Liar. Look at it and focus deeply on your goal: Sending away all negativity. That means you can work magick anywhere and any time you have some free moments to write and focus on your desire. The process is deeply personal and needs to be tailored to fit the situation. Spell #3: Renew Your Joy. ly/1JM41yFHolly and Phillip are joined by a real-life witch, she teaches us spells to get rid of someone out of your house Feb 17, 2022 · 1) The “Thief” Spell. Light the incense and the candle. Forgiveness ritual for couples. Place it in a jar and cover it with War Water. Please help me to know the truth and joy of you once more, Father. Fold the paper in half a few more times. First You Make A Doll Of This Person And While You Sew Up The Dolls Lips You Chant: "if Nothing But Ill From Your Lips Can Fall, Then Let There Be Nothing From Them At All" This Spell Will Make The Person Stop Gossiping And Make Them Not Talk To You. Materials: A white candle; A sheet of paper; A pen; Instructions: Light the white candle and place it before you. All you need to cast an effective spell is pen and paper. You are here: Spells8. 5 meter Red Thread, Clove Oil, Red Candle and Two Take the candle and etch the name of your loved one in the wax using a pin. Meanwhile, the candle is burning chant spell for obsession 108 times. Hi everyone. Jun 15, 2013 · Simple Move away Spell #1. This spell aims to create an energetic barrier that repels the unwanted individual, encouraging them to move away from your life. Jan 2, 2014 · Hoodoo spell is the forceful and effective way to complete our desire as like someone to leave us, someone go away, someone get fired or many more like this services. Thoroughly mix together the rose petals, wine and honey and pour this mixture into the bottle (make sure the honey is completely dissolved). Ensure that the circle is wide enough to allow you to sit inside it. Prepare Your Candles: Light one pink candle for love and one white candle for purity and true intentions. Then, write the persons full name in black in the middle of the pentacle. Share. If you and your existing romantic partner are going through a rough patch, or you want to take a relationship with a close friend to the next level Dec 9, 2017 · Love Spell: Eat mangos to increase libido. 5 Other/ Misc Love Spells. Next, recite the spell and visualize the person you desire falling deeply in love with you. There’s one very simple love spell that you can perform to make your partner more passionate about you. r/Witchcraft is a welcoming and inclusive space in which to share knowledge, discuss, ask questions…. ago. Jul 21, 2022 · People who heavily depend on banishing spells have seen excellent results, especially when the other person will find a new opportunity and move on from your company, or you will be the one offered your dream job out of the blue! A banishing spell can make neighbors move, and friends and family members lose interest. FREE SPELLS TO TRY. Now sit down in the middle, facing the “I” candle. A Spell to Make Them Passionate. The target’s lack of faith does not change anything. Well, this is really not A self love spell, or even a general energy attraction spell to bring more excitement into your life/love life. Love and Obsession Spell Procedure : Write your both’s names on the Red Candle and wrap the hairs around it. Nov 2, 2023 · Table of Contents. Light it and say, Put the second candle slightly behind and to your left. > Spell To Make Someone Move Out. Read Aloud: Gently read your written 3. Take five different metals: gold, silver, platinum, bronze, and nickel. Turn onto it, light it and say, seek the truth. This results in a thin roll. Jun 25, 2020 · Place the paper in the container and fill it with water, leaving some space for the water to expand into as it freezes. 2 Spell to Believe in Your Own Attractiveness and Beauty. This spell is very easy to do, and you can use it at any time. Complete all of the ingredients that the spell requires so that it will work. This spell binds a person you know and admire to your heart and soul. Honey Jar Love Spell Uses: Encourage and facilitate communication, while adding sweetness to a connection between two souls. Apr 3, 2024 · 1. uelthufquikzzocznpgd