Home assistant climate preset
Home assistant climate preset. entity_id: climate. max_temp: 28. Hi, I’m trying to include my HVAC system to Home Assistant. turn_on target: entity_id: scene Feb 6, 2023 · I have some Tuya-based thermostats, modded with esp chip and installed ESPHome. Unsure of radiotherm and your integration with the CT50 as i use the HA generic thermostats and have a customer built system, but it may help you. control: Mar 13, 2022 · Folks, Im using a generic thermostat. He’s explaining how to correlate percentage to deprecated speed modes. piitaya (Paul) December 11, 2023, 9:58am 2. mgrom (Grom) August 5, 2020, 2:16pm 2. So for your situation you create a switch template or even just a script that calls the service to set the preset and then you sync that to HomeKit and then create a HomeKit scene called “Boost Thermostat The Toon climate platform allows you to interact with your Toon thermostat. 1/ Turning it on always starts the AC in Heat mode instead of Cool ? 2/ There is a button to toggle between temp. And in preset_mode “Auto” ist belonging to “none”. 9 update I get 5 warnings (one for each of my HVAC controller thermostat) and could not use them anymore. yaml file: Jan 9, 2024 · I’m converting them over to the new thermostat card. For me it seems that the expression “none” maybe is the problem. Google-Nest Offical Device Access Console Finally Released! poudenes (Poudenes) November 25, 2020, 9:54am 2. spielzimmer - climate. - service: climate. Screenshot of the thermostat card. Once you set ClimateEntityFeature. Currently it looks like that: <details><summary>Code</summary>type: 'custom:mini-climate' entity: climate. This is my automation Jun 17, 2023 · Configuration Frontend. Climate Component. To set up a climate automation routine, navigate to the Automations tab in Home Assistant and click the Add Automation button. The key features of the component are: Support for Base64, Broadlink Hex and Pronto codes. I believe yours will be. or simply turn the hive on or off dependant on whether that average_thermostat_temp sensor has hit the target you want. Add home presence management. Integration for Home Assistant to control climate, TV and fan devices via IR/RF controllers (Broadlink, Xiaomi, MQTT, LOOKin, ESPHome) - Sartoris78/SmartIR_Preset Feb 2, 2023 · Lovelace Thermostat Card. Oct 1, 2023 · The Home Assistant developers gave us the ability to create custom tile features. schlafzimmer - climate. set it to None, but it doesn’t seem to have done anything. Why is no one else taking advantage of it? And why isn’t something like a generic service call tile button already in Home Assistant? I don’t know but here it is. Support for external temperature and humidity sensors (Climate platform) Support for external on/off sensor that monitors whether your device is Sep 19, 2021 · Hello, I’m trying to save the state of my climate system when an event occurs and then restore it. bwoodworth (Brian) May 29, 2020, 4:12pm 1. # Example configuration. I initially integrated them via HomeKit Controller, as this was auto-discovered and is responsive/local, and supports When max power is exceeded, a hidden 'power' preset is set on the climate entity. Multiple features can be added to a single card. Fan. And since some time now, the thermostat remembers it last HVAC mode after a HA restart, thats just working fine, since I dont have a hvac mode set in the config any more Now I have the issue, that the thermostats always forget their temps related to the set preset mode like away or comfort. The temp sensor works and the switch works. script ). A result of an incorrectly configured Generic Thermostat. Nov 18, 2019 · I also have an input binary to act as a ‘boost button’ - sets value to evening setting for 1 hour (unless another change happens) ## resets temperature following any pattern change. 96 introduced preset modes for the climate integration, but it was not added to the MQTT climate integration. Is there a way I can switch boost to being a button on its on rather than the sole occupant of an extra drop down? - type: thermostat. What am I doing wrong? Home Assistant 0. e. How do I get the target_temp from the actual thermostat? I tried using template but HA complained it needed an integer: target_temp: friendly_name: "Target Temp" unit_of_measurement: 'C' value_template: "{{ state_attr('climate. sagaardu: I have seen in some old post that some used the mode_command_template parameter but it is no longer Jan 20, 2024 · What you want, and as you use HomeKit more (and HA more frankly) you’ll find yourself creating new devices and commands using templates. set_value. To add the thermostat card to your user interface: In the top right of the screen, select the pencil icon. There’s currently no exposure of the climate domain, though — which is the thing A typical Airzone HVAC system consists of a parent device (called master zone in Airzone terminology) and child devices (called slave zones in Airzone terminology). create data: scene_id: before snapshot_entities: - climate. I used the scene. Trying to make it so I can use an old cellphone as a thermostat. Issue 1: The …. yaml entry mqtt: - climate: name: Study mode_command_topic: "study/ac/mode/set". To enable this climate platform in your installation, first add the following to your configuration. g. 4 Show multiple climate preset and hvac mode on entity rows in Home Assistant's Lovelace UI Setup Manually add climate-mode-entity-row. home. ESPHome has support for climate devices. stat_hallway. dev20191110 climate: - platform Aug 8, 2022 · Configuration. Such a asimple setup will al Jan 3, 2019 · if you’re running a version of node-red-contrib-home-assistant-websocket >= 0. Feb 2, 2023 · I have 3x Honeywell T10 Pro’s installed in my house in a zoned system (not really my choice, the builder did this by default!). Integrations implementing turn_on service call needs to set the TURN_ON feature flag. Jan 18, 2023 · Yes I had this … please see here: Lovelace: Simple thermostat card Dashboards & Frontend. Features can be enabled on the following cards: Aug 7, 2018 · When we are going to be away for a few days or more I like to put my Nest into Away/Eco mode to save money. Show yellowish ‘thumbs-down’ when it’s not ready (“No”). Just recently switched from Netatmo thermostat and valves to Tado thermostat and valves (mainly because Tado supports different modulating protocols, i. Fill container or not. I replaced the list of entity_id’s like this: action: service: climate. All of them are populated as climate entity. 2 Likes. io) that provides a climate device for rooted Toon thermostats. Mini Climate Card. - service: scene. panel_climate’ and the switch is ‘switch. I'm having an issue with the climate. Problem The Tuya Climate component exposes data points, but in Home Assistant it only provides 2 modes: heat (on) and off. Go to the (lower) ‘Settings Nov 3, 2019 · I realized a red-node widget that allows you to control the climate element of the Home Assistant, expanding its functionality. 0. So you could create an input number: input_number: hive_heating_target_temp: name: "Hive target". When power goes below the max, the previous preset is restored. However, I’ll often forget to take it out of Eco mode before getting home so I end up walking into a house that is too cold or hot. Jul 18, 2019 · alias: TestAway. It will automatically unset when values of the thermostat are changed. It wasn’t ready for this release. my example was. Based on reading here, I may eventually swap them for Venstar, but for now I’m just trying to get some basic home/away-mode automations going. 19. Hope it works for you too. set_preset_mode service when using it with Away. A building block integration differs from the typical integration that connects to a device or service. Show green ‘thumbs-up’ when the security system is ready to be armed (“Yes”). I have run iobroker 2 years in the past and change now to a new level of Smarthome. hapklaar (Hapklaar) December 6, 2023, 10:34pm 1. I would like to have a graph (stat card) that has two curves being the set- (target) temperature and the reference- (actual) temperature of a climate instance. Hereafter are the configuration lines inside the Mar 17, 2021 · It’s not a contradiction. [The results are slightly different] My Nest 2020 Thermostat doesn’t reflect that it is in “Eco” mode when it’s automatically set based on lack of activity, but I noticed I can infer it based on the set temp being Nov 6, 2023 · I have the OpenTherm gateway integration and a climate. Feb 23, 2022 · The above code is using the preset functionality introduced in Home Assistant release 2022. Note Feb 9, 2023 · Today we're launching Home Assistant for Android Auto allowing you to control your home and navigate to anything with a location. Vertical, horizontal and default layout are supported. This is the code so far: - type: "custom:button-card" tap_action: action: call-service service: climate. (boiler-name) thermostat associated with it but does not appear to support presets modes. outside_weather_temperature. On child devices, you can only enable or disable the HVAC and adjust the desired temperature for that specific device. Nov 30, 2021 · There is an interesting and confusing interaction between climate. from: "off". See my explanation above. Thanks for the quick reply. I know that the attribute I want to check is on. unit_of_measurement: °C. Preset modes should not include named (manual) speed settings as these should be represented as percentages. home', 'temperature') +0. I have two variables, that set an comfort and an eco temperature, where the comfort temperature is for when I'm present in the room and doing something, and the eco one for Jan 21, 2021 · temperature_command_topic: "salon/set/Consigna". This fan is a building block integration that cannot be added to your Home Assistant directly but is used and provided by other integrations. 115. I learned that in home assistant setting the preset mode to “Away” with a capital A – as is shown in the UI by default – your thermostat will use its “Hold Action” setting to choose when to resume its schedule. I would request this be added to the MQTT climate so that a full featured device can be configured using MQTT. Thermostat Card 2024. 0 you should have the option to set the output to Nothing or to any property you would like. Example 1: MQTT Sensor. I’d like to have the power button to toggle between on/off instead of only OFF ? Hello, I’m currently fiddling with May 6, 2023 · entity_id: climate. update your ecobee-card. The service was still carried through the delay node and sent as “on Feb 21, 2021 · I have a generic thermostat which is to control a 10 relay Z-Wave device. All good. With the 2022. 1 or so for some reason, but whatever) and the HVAC action changes from Heating to Idle. entity_id: binary_sensor. set_temperature But this Dec 27, 2023 · There are no presets by default so you need to add them (also the default ones that you refer too). The first one is for a sensor and the second one is for a thermostat. Why another thermostat implementation ? For my personnal usage, I needed to add a couple of features and also to update the behavior that I implemented in my previous component “Simple thremostat”. It’s not possible for now but integration will be able to provide icons for custom presets in a future release. lovelace. wohnzimmer icon Climate. Change data as needed: - id: Climate_Bedroom_Temperature_Control. heating_temperature’) | int }}” service: climate. entity: climate. switch, input_boolean) or run (e. I do not want a switch to be turned on depending on the temperature. The default layout has buttons for the modes auto, heat & off & then boost appears in a dropdown with “none” as the other option. See example below: From the input select element, I want to set the climate preset, but one of the options will be ‘off’ which also changes the hvac mode to off. That is when my ecobee switches to sleep mode. If no preset mode is set, the preset_mode property must be set to None. But I cannot get the automation to work correct. set_preset_mode and climate. sequence: - service: input_number. Oct 7, 2020 · The third is a generic thermostat for the office, which has a temperature sensor and a switch that turns on a simple heater. i hope that my post is correct. Hello, I’m currently fiddling with these cards. Each platform that interfaces with home assistant is going to use either preset_mode or percentage, these come from the hardware. set_preset_mode service that I was used to. May 27, 2023 · Assuming the AC should stay ON all the time and the temperature should be kept at 74°F from 08:00AM to 08:00PM and the climate is OFF you can merge the two automations into one. I have the following configuration for the thermostat/climate settings: climate: platform: generic_thermostat. Layout of the card. I updated from 1. yaml file, restart Home Assistant to apply the changes. Example: If someone changes preset to another preset than the new preset stays, but if someone changes temperature manually (for example from 22C to 15C), than after 24 hour the default preset (22 C) should The Netatmo backend sends instant events to Home Assistant by using webhooks which unlocks improved responsiveness of most devices with the exception of Netatmo Smart Home Weather Station , Netatmo Smart Indoor Air Quality Monitor or Netatmo Public Weather Stations. set_preset_mode data_template: entity_id This is a Custom Component for Home-Assistant (https://home-assistant. ¶. The daikin climate platform integrates Daikin air conditioning systems into Home Assistant, enabling control of setting the following parameters: set_hvac_mode (off, heat, cool, heat_cool, or fan_only) target temperature; turn on/off; fan mode (speed) swing mode; set_preset_mode (away, none) Current inside temperature is displayed. This feature allows you to dynamically change the temperature of preset considering a occupancy sensor of your home. Up to now i undestood this. I’ve found that the only preset available (in esphome) is “away”. The idea is to modify that to allow the use of most common presets (turbo,sleep,eco,etc). set_temperature service_data: entity_id: climate. If Feb 11, 2022 · If family is home it will check the current preset mode attribute of the thermostat and if not set to “home” then call service to set up the thermostat to “home” preset mode. battery_operated_thermostat_thermostat_mode', 'temperature') }}" - platform: generic_thermostat Dec 17, 2022 · Can’t get this working. An IR or RF controller such as Broadlink is required. All the options are available in the lovelace editor but you can use yaml if you want. I’m trying to figure out how esp-home interacts with home-assistant climate presets. Version 0. Dec 2, 2019 · In my vacation house, I try to automaticly put a heat pump in preset_mode “away” when the sun is down and to “none” preset_mode when sun is up and warming. Dec 29, 2019 · Im trying to create a button to increase the temperature by 0. Dec 5, 2022 · Turn on the fan when the temperature reaches a certain threshold. panel_switch’ The climate entity has the following attributes available: hvac_modes: null min_temp: 7 max_temp: 35 target_temp_step: 1 preset_mo…. I have three comfort settings in ecobee (Home, Sleep, Away) and a very simple schedule where everyday has the Home setting all the time. I was expecting the climate entity to update showing the ECO mode but it didn’t, and looking in the developer tools →…. A fan may have preset modes that automatically control the percentage speed or other functionality. yaml. home temperature: > {{ (state_attr('climate. window. Integrations implementing turn_off service call needs to set the TURN_OFF feature flag. entity: climate Dec 17, 2022 · hvac_modes is indeed null. Building block integration. Aug 3, 2019 · I am not sure why this automation doesn’t pass the Check Config test. I want to configure in home assistant a climate object connected to a knx gewiss thermostat probe. sc_heat_reset_value: alias: Heating Reset Value. I never used a scene with a climate, but if you look at the example on the docs, a scene is created on the fly and includes a climate entity: trigger: - platform: state. 1) where Jun 3, 2020 · thank you for your time I will attach my conf the thermostat is a Gewiss GW16976CN. 01: no icon for fan speed / looking to add swing mode. Climate Device UI in Home Assistant. Jan 5, 2021 · I am using home assistant with ecobee, and trying to do almost everything from home assistant. Based on the standard behavior of the Toon the following two work modes are supported: Dec 6, 2022 · Configuration. You can read and control thermostat mode and presets, read current temperature and control the setpoint. temperature_state_topic: "salon/get/Consigna". But what I struggle with is the implementation of the preset_mode I would like to see the current preset and change it, but I don’t know how to get the preset information. via the UI), without changing the preset. 2 we have added two new flags into ClimateEntityFeature: TURN_ON, TURN_OFF. I’m using Generic Thermostat with all preset modes set (“away”, “comfort”, “home”, “sleep” and “activity”) When I set the preset mode, correct target temperature is set, but the problem arises if the target temperature is changed manually (e. PRESET in supported_features it activates presets and then you expand the list in preset_modes property with the presets that you want to have using the default ones from Climate Entity | Home Assistant Developer A preset is an override of the target temperature defined in the currently active climate. 12. 6, integrated via the Homematic IP integration. - platform: template switches: nest_eco_on: value_template: "{{ true }}" turn_on Platforms available - depending on your Smile and setup include: The password can be found on the bottom of your Smile or Stretch, the ID, it should consist of 8 characters. Nov 24, 2020 · Fraschi November 24, 2020, 10:19am 1. 7, and have both a Nest 2020 Thermostat and a Nest Learning Thermostat. Did a HA restart after the recent update, and my office startet Oct 26, 2020 · Hi, I am using the awesome but here not mentioned Mini Climate Card for my homematic thermostats. It also supports setting the temperature manually. 02, to define various presets, such as away, comfort, home, sleep etc. Ethric (Stefan) December 1, 2022, 10:01am 4. If the house is empty I want the Away mode temperature to remain. set_hvac_mode using the Tado integration with v3 internet bridge. Is it possible to add these, or would this need the integration to be updated? I’m currently working around the lack of these with a number of automations but would really like to be able to use presets modes so that I can call predefined Dec 3, 2022 · When my ESP thermostat boots, as when I update it, it is supposed to set the custom preset and target temperature, like so: on_boot: then: - ds1307. Oct 25, 2018 · jknoflook (JoshK) October 25, 2018, 9:05pm 8. It provides a menu of specific types of entities that can be clicked to toggle (e. Add this repo as a custom frontend lovelace repository in HACS and then you will able to add service call and action buttons, sliders, selectors Jul 16, 2021 · Today I share how to create a generic thermostat control in Home Assistant using a simple binary switch and temperature sensor. Home Assistant support the four Toon presets: Comfort, Home, Away and Sleep . alias: Keep temperature below 75°F (daytime) and below 69°F (at night). 0 with core-2021. Screenshot of tile cards with features. wohnzimmer - climate. I am using Zwave thermostats. Yes iam new and very happy with hoime assistant. The source code is on GitHub under an open-source GPLv3 license: NEST style thermostat with temperature week scheduler Demo Features Three different options for setting up the thermostat: Week Scheduler (with Away mode) Countdown Manual State report through a NEST Mar 22, 2019 · I didn’t follow the group in my path but with some research came up with an action of. This new component “Awesome thermosts” now Four climate controls in one screen. One selecting hvac_mode and the other selecting preset_mode. js and ecobee-card. Netatmo webhook events have known issues with Home Assistant Cloud Link. sequence: - service: climate. max: 15. Presets¶ Presets allow you to define a combination of set points, climate, fan, and swing modes that can be recalled from the front end (Home Assistant) as a single operation for quick and easy access. Dec 9, 2023 · Screenshot 2023-12-09 at 11. What I want to do is to create a nice Home Assistant representation for my modbus connected heating device, so I can The thermostat card gives control of your climate entity, allowing you to change the temperature and mode of the entity. kueche preset_mode: 'eco' . yaml: Dec 7, 2022 · i think that there is a bug in “climate-mode-entity-row”. fodi666 (Fodi666) August 8, 2022, 11:58am 1. Any ideas? ##### Manual Setting/Unsetting of Downstairs Away Mode for Thermostats - id: downstairs_away_mode alias: Downstairs Away Mode trigger: - platform: state entity_id: input_boolean. create, using as a target the various climate, like in the HA tutorial for Scene creation. set_preset_mode data: entity_id: - climate. There will be a 10 month deprecation period (2025. 123 (Taras) January 21, 2021, 4:47pm 2. Some dashboard cards have support for features. TermoPrimoPiano hvac_mode: heat temperature: “{{ states(‘input_number. For HA climate modes you’d need to configure controller_mode_address or heat_cool_address and their states. thermostat. Nov 16, 2022 · This will be a simple question for many of you, but too complicate for me. Dec 17, 2022 · Hi folks, After setting up my Ecobee and setting the preset mode to hold at “Away” via home assistant I was surprised that this was overridden by my normal schedule. Climate Component ¶. ebus, opentherm, etc) and had to reconfigure HA to operate my heating. AleXSR700 (Alex) November 7, 2022, 10:00am 1. 5 deg on each press. entitiy: climate. This is reflected in my HA instance via the Google Nest integration: the climate card shows the target at 9° (sometimes 9. Oct 19, 2020 · hi every one! I’m new with the forum and with home assistant, and also is my first experience in a forum. dining_room_2. Copy the code from lovelace_raw_config. Jan 24, 2024 · As of Home Assistant Core 2024. ), or it may be derived from a vacation defined by the thermostat. Jul 1, 2021 · nawafbana (Nawaf) March 18, 2023, 1:12pm 2. data_template: Nov 7, 2022 · Configuration. officesswitch1. to: "on". In descending order: default HA Thermostat Card, Simple Thermostat, Mini Climate Card, and Mushroom Climate card. Dec 1, 2022 · operation_mode_* is used for HA Climate presets (the wording is misleading, but thats just differently specified in HA and KNX). Climate Mode Entity Row Card. If this is your first time editing a dashboard, the Edit dashboard dialog appears. preset_mode: 'Away'. Oct 4, 2022 · This custom component for Home Assistant is an upgrade of my first component “simple thermostat” with addition of trully awesome features. . select_option helper instead of the climate. 18 to 1. Jul 20, 2019 · This is what I found with my ecobee, hopefully this will give you what you need: {"preset_mode":"away"} results in persistent away hold, which survives changes in the ecobee program schedule; whereas. Define variable preset modes for Climate. Very easy to setup some schedulers or automations to change the temperature based on the time, but it changes the thermostat temperature irrelevant of the mode/preset. The controller uses Modbus and I have a documentation, that is straightforward. sheaur (Sheaur) September 2, 2023, 6:09am 4. Common examples include auto, smart, whoosh, eco, and breeze. Setting the temperature to min_temp and changing the mode to heat will cause the device to enter a Permanent Hold preset and will stop the thermostat from turning on unless you happen to live in a freezing climate. Those will fork into different abilities depending on where in home assistant it’s being used. Climate devices can represent different types of hardware, but the defining factor is that climate devices have a settable target temperature and can be put in different modes like HEAT, COOL, HEAT_COOL or OFF. But the thermostat provides them and I have them as switches & selects in ESPHome: What others do for example wthermostatbeca software installed onto the Feb 3, 2023 · When I select ‘start eco’ on my Nest thermostat it activates the ‘eco’ preset and drops the target temperature to a low set point (9°C in my case). sala (my living room climate) When I want to restore it - service: scene. 50. Feb 8, 2023 · And when the heatings is manual turned higher or lower, it still goes back to the predefined state. make sure you entered the right entity in lovelace-ui. name: Office. How would I need to do this? Thanks in advance, Yann Aug 18, 2019 · I like to minimalize my climate ui and made a setup with a custom slider (for setting temperature) and an input select element (for selecting presets) grouped together with a lovelance custom fold-entity-row. Configuration examples showcasing the cards as well as Dec 6, 2021 · On Template - Home Assistant various domains are covered (Light, Switch, Vacuum, Weather, …) but not Climate. heater: switch. Feb 29, 2024 · Hi! I have esphome climate working nice, but I would like to restore the default climate preset after 24 hours if any manual changes have been made, but do not know how to do it inside esp. For example I want the temperature of the none/home mode to change at 17:00 to 17C. I have two KNX thermostat integrated in home assistant (Hass. Supported features depend on the card and entity capabilities. yaml file. - type: custom:ecobee-card. io version 142) using the KNX Climate component: one from Gira, which works fine, and one Hager KNX heating actor TXM646R, which has two issues. Dark Thermostat (outdated!) Screenshots. This can simplify the user experience and automation. yaml or your lovelace dashboard raw configuration. This will cover the thermostat to be at right temperate when our schedule changes. Hello everyone, unfortunately HVAC modes and Preset modes are extremely limited and do not match my TRV’s modes, so I had to switch to “fake” modes “swing” and “fan” to be able to operate my TRVs. I’m stuck with one thing though: the system is capable of changing between heating and cooling and has a regular and an away preset for both May 29, 2020 · Feature Requests. 34. I like the design of the new climate card introduced in 2023. 4 Likes. After changing the configuration. 5) | float }} icon: "mdi:plus" show_name: false Its displaying the message in the UI Sep 9, 2022 · Hi to everybody. adjustments and heat/cool/off mode. temperature_state_template: "{{float(value) / 100 }}" temp_step: 1. preset: (Optional, list) name (Required, string): Name of the preset. Turn the thermostat down when you leave the house. Is there a way to control the setpoints such that when: Mode = ‘auto’ setpoint: target_temp_high: target_temp_low: Mode = all others (Heating, cooling, fan,…) setpoint: temperature. The temperature targeted in the preset mode may be explicitly set (temperature preset), it may be derived from a reference climate (home, away, sleep, etc. Contribute to piitaya/lovelace-mushroom Nov 25, 2020 · sensor. I have a question regarding Preset and the climate entities. It switches to “away” mode in afternoon but it does not go to “none” in the beginning of the day. js to your <config>/www/ folder and add the following to your ui-lovelace. yaml and add it as a new view in your ui. The thermostat are all the same, just the name of topics is different, and I think the problem is the “hold” mode which my thermostat uses to understand if using internal scheduler or manual mode. 20 1910×984 121 KB. min: 5. These widgets add quick controls to the card. Yes it is missing, I don’t know why it is not there !! Using ESPHome for my Midea A/C’s. The HVAC mode can only be changed on the parent device. If thermostat is in Heat mode, set target heating temp to 22°C. jusdwy January 4, 2019, 3:59pm 4. min_temp: 14. In sensors. I read that there is Generic Thermostat - Home Assistant but it has a slightly different usecase. To find your IP address use the Plugwise App: Open the Plugwise App and choose the ‘Settings’-icon (☰) and choose ‘HTML-interface’. Better Thermostat UI Card. No custom operation modes or presets. I have an input number called input_number. I didn't try any others. Wanting To set it up so Home Assistant is a nice to have, but if the router eaten by an alligator, the Home Assistant Pi is ran over by a bus or similar, everything keeps going on as normal. The fan integration allows you to control and monitor fan devices. hope it’s correct climate: name: cav_pt_clima temperature_address: '7/2/0' target_temperature_state_address: '7/2/11' operation Nov 4, 2018 · Here are two examples of conditional icons. I can then expose that switch to Alexa via emulated_hue and have Alexa toggle eco mode that way. Dealing with them as we already use fan and modes. read_time: - climate. farmio (Matthias Alphart) December 8 Dec 23, 2021 · I’m using Home Assistant OS 7. {"preset_mode":"Away"} puts the thermostat into away hold, but only until the next schedule change. From there, you can select your trigger, conditions, and actions. set_preset_mode. I could then add the new thermostat entity to the Home Assistant UI and use it to control my home heating. css with the changes on my github. Dec 6, 2023 · climate. Service climate. 12, but I miss the feature buttons it used to provide: Schedule, heat and off. I have a heater entity ‘climate. I created a simple script that (in my HA newbie thinking brain) is supposed to check what HVAC state the thermostat is currently in Dec 15, 2019 · Hi, I hope somebody can help me: I want to change the target temp on a Generic thermostat using an automation. The HomeKit Controller Ecobee does have support for the following modes: “Home” “Away” “Sleep” but these are called differently using a dropdown select. Default HA climate card. control: id: livingroom_thermostat custom_preset: Night mode: heat target_temperature_low: 20 The thermostat with its custom presets is this: climate: - platform: thermostat min_heating_off_time: 0s min_heating_run_time: 0s min Things like Weather, and any custom Ecobee comfort settings are not supported/available. Does anybody know if there is an override to ignore the default modes? Dec 31, 2019 · I think, I found the mistake. All holds are temporary. Simple Thermostat Card. Build a beautiful Home Assistant dashboard easily. I’m hoping for something I could run in a browser. data: preset_mode: 'away' #or 'none' to turn off. downstairs_away_mode action: ## Turn on/off thermostat "Away Mode". This post is a collection of the best thermostat Lovelace cards for Home Assistant available in the community store (HACS). My configurations and automations Mar 11, 2023 · Thanks for the suggestion. I’ve looked into template switches but I can’t get it to work. This put the ecobee in away mode but it says away until 10:00. Hello, I'm using a Homematic IP (HM-IP) thermostat via Home Assistant (HA) 0. Useful when card is in a grid, vertical or horizontal layout. You can have the “Auto” state two times in a climate. heating_temperature and into my automation I have set: action: data: entity_id: climate. I’d really appreciate any input anyone has on this. Pros: easy to set up, literally two lines of YAML and HA writes it for you looks great, scales well, good "centerpiece" Cons: Oct 10, 2022 · DenGamle October 10, 2022, 6:56pm 1. 4 and added preset_eco: true to my YAML. 102. The Nest system Dec 29, 2021 · For example: Pressing button [22°C] executes the script that does the following: If thermostat is in Cool mode, set target cooling temp to 22°C. To fix this, I a created an input_datetime variable to put the Nest back into normal operation before we arrive home. Feb 21, 2019 · SmartIR is a component for controlling AC units, TV sets and fans via Infrared and RF controllers. I like to add now some Temp presets for away, comfort and so on. bad - climate. Toon has no option to disable a preset. Jan 11, 2019 · Hi everyone, I’m trying to create a switch I can use to toggle Eco mode on my Nest thermostat. I tried to get them back by adding features for dashboard cards, but only get an empty button bar so that probably isn’t the way. Jan 3, 2024 · Configure a climate entity that supports preset modes; Ensure the entity state has the preset modes capitalized (Home, Sleep, etc) Configure the thermostat card to show preset modes; Observe the lack of icons, they are all replaced with just dots; What version of Home Assistant Core has the issue? 2023. data: entity_id: climate. set_hvac_mode (Climate integration) NuHeat Thermostats do not have an off concept. gx nt uj us bc nl ky fo qv iv