1996 seadoo gtx bogging down. The ideal compression is 150 psi per cylinder. I turned it off because it was idling too high between 4000/5000 RPMs per the tach gauge and I was going to Jul 31, 2023 · 96 GTX still bogging down. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. GTX 951 Bogging down. 08-11-2014, 03:25 PM. Disconnect air inlet hose of fuel tank from body. Refer to the HOW-TO section on makeing carburetor. Aug 26, 2011 · Out on the lake today. As far as your starting, I am guessing you have either a bad DESS post, or bad key, or maybe both. When you give it full throttle, however, it will bog right down and make a low distorted rumble. Aug 16, 2010. It also started exibiting the "Bogging" issue with the red wire reattached. Now I am having a hard time getting a gas flow back the the carb. Since a jet ski bogging down is primarily caused by too much fuel getting through the carburetor and into the engine, the best place to start is by examining every piece of machinery that is involved in the fuel relay process. If you have lots of junk in the fuel tank, siphon out the gas and suck out the contaminants, then refill with fresh gas. Had a slow leak in the engine compartment 5 years ago; A dealers service department claimed it was bad water regulator (on the 2nd service call); They replaced it which led to melting of exhaust hose & engine compartment flooding (I don’t go to that dealer anymore). The throttle remained in same position throughout the pattern. I figured the only thing left I didn’t do was rebuild the carburetors so I Jul 19, 2005 · Re: 1996 SeaDoo GTX bogs down at 6000 RPM Thanks, think I'll go ahead and change out the rectifier, gas was changed when the carbs were cleaned, I'm guessing gas flow was checked. Issue number 1: Ever since I got the boat, it randomly cuts out at high speed. Put in a new rectifier and voila 12. You can use the full synthetic but on your model it is unnecessary. Then I turn it off a couple times or let it idle for a bit, and it runs like a top for about 45 min. It idles fine but when you give it gas it goes nowhere. . - remove any old gas/ replace with fresh. Aug 3, 2022 · Aug 1, 2022. My 96 xp is bogging rn and I can’t figure it out so take it with a grain of salt. So my buddy has a 2000 GTX RFI and when he takes off and punches it nothing happens right away. could be a clog anywhere in the fuel system. can't even give it half throttle. A Lean Condition. I can be cruising along at at 5-6k rpms and then it just shuts off like if the kill switch was pressed. The ski was running great until about a week ago I was on the water and it was loosing power. Advanced Search Aug 13, 2012 · I have 2 jetski's (1) 2001 seadoo gtx. My 96 Seadoo GTI will idle fine, If you hit the throttle, about 2 secs after it starts to accelerate, it bogs out like there is a loss of fuel. The problem is the grey fuel lines deterioate and produce a green Apr 1, 2011 · Apr 1, 2011. Pull fuel baffle from the tank and check for any obstructions on the intake screen. If you can coax it up to full throttle, it cleans up and runs like a raped ape. Hi all, I had my 1996 Seadoo XP out on the water about 4 weeks ago and it hasn't been back since. *Actual Contents May Vary From Photo. Carb or Fuel Pump Malfunctions. This Sea-Doo Shop Manual Supplement contains information specifically applicable to the GSX (5620) and GTX (5640) watercraft models. Got it running but it also bogged down under full throttle. The Ski ran great for the weekend. Watch the compression guage, when it peaks out at the most compression, let go the start button. Open up the carb and replace gaskets and parts as need be and look over the baffle and lines to make sure nothing is blocking or hole is the baffle lines and stuff like that. Subsequent attempts to restart resulted in it starting just for a moment and then dying. Prev. Sometimes on acceleration although bogging I can get it to plane out but it will begin to bog out and eventually shut off. Look down the throat of the carbs and make sure a nice stream of fuel squirts when you jack the throttle open. Getting the Ski's ready. If the psi is less than 90 it might need be time for a tear down and a rebuild. Hi all, just after a bit of help with my seadoo gtx rfi 2002, basically when i have it out of the water on the trailer and run with the hose connected the ski starts and idles fine everytime , revs out to about 6900 rpm and sounds healthy, once i put it in the water sometimes it starts and reaches about 2500rpm and dies down May 4, 2016 · Jun 5, 2016. The more I was slowing down, the more strange and "powerless" the engine was. Crack open the highs about 1/16th. If you he had stated 2000 Sea-doo RFI, you would be correct. Bought a 1996 xp in May. we replaced them and now the jetski runs fine out of water, but in the water it bogs down when u try to accelerate. Connect pump gauge tester (P / N 295-000-085) to air inlet hose. You need to check the Pop-Off of each carb. May 23, 2016 · New Member. 1995 GTX will not have a carbon seal set up, it has the bearing setup instead. a. Replies 30 Jul 6, 2009 · Truck bogging down when accelerating. You will also need to change or replace the main fuel filter and 2 carb. It does this weird bogging down thing where it gets to 15 mph and then if you push the throttle more than 3/4ths down it loses all power and goes to an idle. Aug 18, 2011 · So I just bought this 1996 gsx and it runs fine but when she hits about half throttle she bogs down and sometimes even stalls. It has recently started bogging down on occasion. ) The all-new GTX 800 was considered the most luxurious PWC of its time and with good reason. k. – Jet pump or the intake is clogged. They have two small wires that connect to the lower part of the magneto housing bolts. Replaced the fuel filter in both carbs (didn’t help) Checked the sediment bowl/filter for the gas tank (clean) Jul 14, 2010 · 1996 seadoo bombardiar gtx. Jun 6, 2007 · Once in a while, it will get past the bogging; when it does, it runs fine. Jun 13, 2009 · Using the correct adapter for the threaded end of the tester, ( same length of the spark plug threads length)screw in the tester in one plug hole. Using the correct adapter for the threaded end of the tester, ( same length of the spark plug threads length)Screw in the tester in one plug hole. 170,000 miles. I went 2 miles off shore the way there it ran ok but on the way back we had to go 10mph. I have an edge EZ chip which has failed Feb 16, 2011 · Boggin' down was a common problem on old, seldom used bikes. As Worx says, fuel valve is a common problem. Read the psi number. Pulled the Jun 5, 2014 · Hello all, new to the forum! Recently purchased 2 like-new 96' HX's and rode all last summer with no issues. 5 volts while idling but only went up to 14V DC with throttle applied. It did this about four times before I shut it down. #6. It loses speed and boggs down after I throttle it to about 3/4th's. Cleaned RAVE's changed out grey fuel lines Cleaned exhaust RAVE cleaned the inline fuel filter Search in titles only Search in Sea Doo 2 Stroke Performance only. Complete rebuild. I have ridden it a few times so far with much frustration. May 10, 2021 · Replace the in line oil filter on both of them. #9. Basically bogs until you feather the throttle. Rebuild carbs . I've cleaned the gas filters, checked the intake for debri, changed spark plugs 3x, put a gas cleaning agent in the tank, run the old gas out & replaced with fresh gas, & oil is at the Aug 16, 2010 · Newbie here with a perplexing problem. Proper Tuning of Your Mikuni Carburetor. I think the RPM range is something like 6K down to 4K, then back up to 6K Aug 2, 2011 · Have a 96 GSX SeaDoo. May 23, 2016. No, that is wrong. 1996 GTX bogging down PLEASE HELP!! I just bought a 1996 GTX. Any suggestions? I tested the voltage regulator on the stand and it get 13. *Does not contain parts for models with external fuel pumps. Waterbox is Filled with Water. After about 5 minutes of pinning the gas down it worked itself out and got to running perfect, which is what happened the last time. But from my research it would make sense that it bogs going fast if it’s the high end screw. Example would be cruising at 30 and hit the throttle, it would jump rpms up like it's going to take of normally then rpms drop and it bogs out. You can have it wide open and it runs about 25mph. That is a 787. It acts like not enough fuel is getting to the engine to Oct 12, 2008 · Re: 2000 GTX - Bogs down like out of gas. You may have to register before you can post: click the register link above to proceed. Well it is that time of the year again. Aug 4, 2021 · Aug 4, 2021. looks like the prop may be rubbing a little inside the sleeve. Did the up to 20% thottle for 30 minutes, let cool down. Fuel is fresh and nothing stuck in the impeller. 1996 GTX was running great the first half hour or so and then it started to bog down. If I restart and throttle up. Jul 15, 2009 · 1996 SeaDoo GTX 787 Can't Hit High Revs on Water. PO is very important for a crisp throttle response. However, above 4000 rpm begins a pattern of bogging down, loosing power, then revving up to about 6000 rpm with full power, then repeating the bogging down. Although that usually shuts the engine down all together until it cools off. Jul 28, 2010 · Use 1/4" black fuel line hose, you'll need about 20', 25' if you also change the vent lines (I didn't), and about 20 stainless steel hose clamps. Data could be your friend. Jul 1, 2012. Solution: Always select SPORT mode for the best acceleration. My 2020 GTI 130 has been bogging really bad the 3 times I have taken it out this season. Mar 16, 2016 · Mar 16, 2016. For repairs and/or parts and appointments only: 626 914 9509 M-F 10 am to 5 pm PST, ask for Chris. Jul 8, 2008 · 4. Aug 7, 2019 · It still doesn't want to idle but runs great with just a little throttle. It now bogs and surges a little. #15. It almost threw me off because I was going full throttle and it just bogged down for 2 secs, then ran up to 6k then bogged down again. adjustments. HELP! Hi! I also bought a nice GTX 97 2 weeks ago. Any idea what the issue can be??? Sep 20, 2007 · Sep 20, 2007. vgeraci01; 1996 GSX 787 Bogs Down After Warm Up. Hi All! I have a 1995 GTX that I’m having some trouble with. someone suggested changing grey fue … read more Jul 20, 2007 · Jul 20, 2007. Oct 1, 2010 · Product Description. Aftermarket 38/40. If it is less, it's not a problem as long as they are close to being the same. From what I have read and heard on youtube videos it seems to be the rectifier. I recently had a similar problem. Sea-Doo; If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. Contains: one kit to rebuild a single carb. Compression is 145psi and I have replaced the rectifier but nothing has changed. K Huf; Sep 27, 2022; 2-Stroke Sea-Doo PWC Forum; 2. B. Here are the things I have tried: Adjusting the idle needle valve (start @ 1 turn out) High-speed needle valve fully closed. Mar 5, 2012 · Just like the title says. I can tell that it still has good top speed but now I have to hold down the throttle for about 5 seconds and let it bog and surge until it finally seems to catch up stever said: I bought a a Seadoo that had set up a while. Jul 17, 2020 · 97 GTX. 08-01-2008, 09:08 PM. Use Tygon line for that. I have 2000 GTX Millenium Edition Sea-Doo - was running fine then high tempature code came up. Thread it runs fine until you let off the throttle then it runs about 2000-2300 rpms for 10-15 seconds before it drops back down to 1500 Compare Specs Discover '24 PWCs Browse Reviews. There is one large negative battery cable that goes from the battery to the engine block behind the starter motor. Jul 14, 2015. The only good way to adjust the carbs is to take the craft to the water, but before you do that though, you need to know the basics of a Mikuni carb and what makes them tick. Sep 7, 2015 · Sep 9, 2015. 5. Once it warms up (after ten minutes or so) it runs fine and runs all day. I have replace all fuel lines and carbs to resolve the common gelling issue. 6 volts at throttle. I have a 2000 GTX RFI and noticed it bogging at WOT (I think this means wide open throttle) at either top speed or out of the hole to the point of it stalling if I kept it open. The other day I was driving, and noticed the truck didnt want to go over about 50mph. idles ok, except occationally sounds like it misses and when it misses feels like the engine is going to come apart. I pushed off and shortly after that it started kicking out if I went over half throttle. They need to be within 1 psi of each other. There have been issues with IPRs over the years where the coil begins to intermittently go open circuit when the engine warms up. Ski had set for about a year, added stabil & new fuel to tank, new plugs. If you let off the throttle, it will bog back to an idle, if you stay on the throttle, it will shut off. . The Seadoo mineral oil is a lot cheaper and is just fine for the engines your skis have. net. He said the ski was too old for him to troubleshoot further. It started again but ended up bogging down and quitting. If your Sea-Doo doesn’t accelerate or reach its top speed it may be for the following reasons: – You are using the learning key. Jun 6, 2011 · Motors do not run well on air bubbles and gasoiline. We were out riding a couple of weeks ago and it just suddenly starting bogging down. Aug 3, 2006 · 08-05-2006, 02:07 PM. Works best if i start it with throttle already 30%, and keep it there. Thanks, Steve. Proper carburetor setup and adjustment is essential for peak performance and longer engine life. Fuel Line Issues. Search. Runs great and gets up to 6000 to 6500 RPM with great power but after about 10 minutes of run time it bogs down to about It’s a possibility. I installed the engine and was able to start and run it while flushing with the garden hose. (Happened while . #1. some times it just takes off and goes fine. i already changed the fuel. That includes the fuel system in general, the fuel lines, the air filter, the fuel Aug 16, 2010 · New Member. 7 idling & went up to 15V DC when throttle applied. Up to 50% throttle for 30 minutes, let cool down. The maint light would also come on at start up and then disappear. White smoke at that max speed. If you hold the gas steady like you Jun 30, 2020 · Jun 30, 2020. 2 to 1 gallon ratio to break in the engine. May 24, 2007 · First. May 17, 2020 · My 1995 seadoo gtx keeps bogging down and wanting to cut off, sometimes it does cuts off, when trying to accelerate. This can be a more involved process in fixing and will require taking the jet pump out to check it over. Mar 27, 2024 · Check All Fuel Lines and Filters. cranks fine, runs good till top end then bogs down. 1996 Sea-Doo/BRP GTX Prices and Specs Swim Step w/Fold Down Ladder 2004 Sea-Doo/BRP GTX 4-TEC SUPERCHRGD LTD 2006 Yamaha WAVE RUNNER VX110 DELUXE 2006 Honda Feb 9, 2023 · 7. 1996 seadoo bombardiar gtx problem seadoo runs fine until it reaches 4000 rpms, if it goes any higher the engine will cut out. If a particular system is not covered in this manual, refer to the Sea-Doo Shop Manual. Solution: Use the regular key. No modifications have been made to the ski. I have an 03 3500 4X4. Ran ski 3 times, runs O/K, top speed is about 50mph. The high end screw only comes into play when you give it over 50% throttle. Either are common to go bad. Change the 3/32nd oil pump lines also while you’re at it. It starts up just fine. I also think there would be some inconsistance in performance due to a gas problem, the problem I'm having is 100% predictable 100% of the time - electrical me thinks. Starts fine, max speed now 10MPH and bogging down. May 16, 2016 · Finish the fuel lines. (Its 3-seater predecessors were built on the small GS-style platform, which was only comfortable for two adults. This is what I have done as a result of the great info on this site. When I first got it would surge and bog at WOT. It was bogging for the first few trips out but I ran carb cleaner through it, used higher octane gas and octane booster, cleaned the small fuel filter, took out the fuel sender and cleaned and fixed the fuel float in it so the gas Jun 24, 2023 · Jun 24, 2023. Make sure the driveshaft is not broken, bent and has its splines intact. Fuel system was always the culprit. When looking at the RAVE valves, I see drops of water coming from the Apr 23, 2020 · 1996 Seadoo gtx bogging. For some reason when I go past about half throttle (which is moving pretty good) the left engine will start to "bogg" down for about 3 seconds and then rev back up for about 2 seconds and then back down for 3and so on. When I go to throttle, it seems to want to go full speed then bogs down quickly to around 3K RPM. It starts up fine and runs great WOT for about 10-15 min, then runs rough and even stalls. This episode where it bogs down only last about 5 min or less. May 25, 2009 · Bought a 92 seadoo last year and the rear shaft bearings spun out. I replaced the Relay assembly with one from my other 96 GTX which runs fine (except from the cracked jug), and still same issue. I am new to this forum and pretty impressed with it so far. anyone know wuts Get the latest 1996 Sea Doo GTX boat specs, boat tests and reviews featuring specifications, available features, engine information, fuel consumption, price, msrp and information resources. Apr 14, 2022 · Check that the IPR nut and spacer are tight. Even if you do clean the small filters, they tend to get plugged up again quickly if you have any residual fuel line debris. Re: 98 GSX-L stalling and bogging down. WCM. It will jump up on a plane quickly Sea-Doo Won’t Accelerate. Hi everyone, I have a 1996 seadoo gtx with the 787 motor. The previous owner set it for premixI just noticed that he did not put a block off plate on it, he just had the injection pump lying on the bottom of the ski. It has about 5 minutes on it. The XP feels strong from standing still, but as soon as its going to go on plane, it bogs down? and it wont go over 10 miles per hour. If I let the ski idle for 10-15 minutes and then give it full Oct 14, 2013 · New Member. Needle and seats sold separately. New battery . Bottom and top end New carb New fuel lines New mpem Runs and starts beatiful *BUT* As soon as it gets on plane it bogs right down. May 21, 2010 · May 21, 2010. It starts, idles, and when you roll on the throttle when in the water it basically dies down and starts bogging (it sounds like it is trying to run too rich). It runs great out of water but bogs down once it hits 5000 rpm in the water. New Member. This manual covers the main differences of these new models. also the oil light is on (oil tank is full). Jun 15, 2009 · I have a 1995 SeaDoo Speedster with twin 657's. Was sitting for awhile like 2 years we got it out to get it going runs great on hose but took to lake and bogs down under any kind of load. Install a hose pincher (P / N 295-000-076) on fuel tank vent hose. Rave issue or carb rebuild time? Aug 12, 2008 · Anyway here is my problem. I bought a used '97 GTX last fall. So I replaced the fuel lines and bypassed the fuel water separator as it was leaking. I tried doin everything correctly, new battery, XPS-II Synthetic Oil. If I can get it past 25% throttle, it will take off and run great all day, as long as I don't let it go back below 25% throttle. Jul 1, 2014 · Help. If it only runs on the reserve part of the on/off/reserve sw, that tells me you NEED to replace I have a '96 Seadoo GTI bombardier that has been in my family since about 2000 and has probably been ran about 5 times since 2006. Actually I can think of a dozen reasons an engine would bog or die, or not rev correctly. Jan 14, 2016 · Jan 14, 2016. At 50mph if I put the throttle down the truck would gasp and the RPMs would jump up and down about 300-500rpms and it wouldnt gain any speed. If the psi in 1 cylinder is say 140 psi and the other is 80 psi you need to tear down and repair. My 98 GSX at the end of last year. Other Engine/Exhaust Issues. I have a 1997 Sea Doo GTX. And when it gets warmed up. It won't rev past 4000 rpm. Hey Gents. - clean the fuel filter (should be a plastic screen inside the housing) - clean the fuel filter AGAIN. Jun 2, 2012 · Hooked the red wire back up & checked the voltage - about 12. If you are running lean on a 2-stoke that all ways ends up bad in the end. Sep 1, 2012 · Sep 1, 2012. jonk73 said: OK, i tried yet another (3rd) rectifier, same issue. Square Pump Rebuild Kit. #2. I took it out the other day it ran okay for a while then started Sep 4, 2011 · SeaDoo bogs down. Also, it started bogging down at full throttle - it would run very smooth up to about 90% throttle - then when you peg it, it hits full throttle then dies out back down to 90%, then back Aug 12, 2020 · I have a 2001 sea doo gts 717. Jul 6, 2014 · Jul 6, 2014. WSM Carburetor Rebuild Kit. Grast5150 said: He says very specifically Millennium Edition. Once going runs great. (P / N 219 100 031) to obtain the required addi-tional information. some of the time it has great power and performance. I also changed jet pump oil, it was getting water in due to faulty seal. Aug 18, 2011 · Re: Sea doo will run and start perfect on trailer but not on water! According to the Seadoo manualsLeedanger, your 98 GTX is 1500 in water, 3000 out of water. The GSXL and all 951 models do not have the little black wire from the coil box. Replace fuel lines and filter, they get old and fall apart inside, little rubber particles will stop up a carb. Changed plugs, run fuel cleaner through. I was having issues with the ski late last year down and not getting much above idling speed, if i tried accelating it would stall unless I let back off the throttle. A damaged jet pump, driveshaft and through-hull seal can cause it to bog down, sputter or even cut off. Fuel filter was removed and cleaned, was not terribly dirty. I have a 1996 Sea-Doo GTX with a new SBT engine that has never been used on the water. #3. First ride was awesome, but at the second ride (the first ride with my girlfriend) while cruising at 45mph I felt that the power was decreasing more and more. I used compressed air in the front vent valve to try and get it flowing. – Your Sea-Doo is in ECO mode. Bill O'Neal. Put the air box back on because carb setting are designed for flame arrestors/air boxes installed otherwise it will run lean. Jan 8, 2024 · Jan 15, 2024. May 7, 2020 · May 7, 2020. That day it was running great for the first 10 mins until I shut it down. Runs great for about 3 - 5 seconds, right around 4500 RPM it bogs down. The problem is/has been carburation (my best guess). It feels like it's running at 1/2 power. The gas gauge read empty and the red light remained on even though the tank was full. It drops back down to low rpms and stays running but it run wide open. Jun 27, 2009 · I need some advice on my 1996 Seadoo. Actually the last time I took it out it was just bogging down and would. So i started going down the lists I've seen on these forums. This weekend she ran fine for a while, but after jumping some wakes with a buddy of mine on the back, it started to bog down really bad around 6k or between 35-40, mostly when hitting wakes. But the title is "2000 seadoo bomba millenium edition Rotax Fuel injection" which means 947 DI. GTX 787) was the first authentic 3-seater Sea-Doo PWC in history. 8v ( ruled Nov 27, 2012 · Nov 27, 2012. 1997 Bombadier SeaDoo 2-stroke bogs when I get into it. watercraftmagic. I have a 96 XP That I'va had for three weeks and it bogs down when it's cold. Clean spin on external filter, clean out fuel selector valve. I have a question maybe yall can help with. Jul 19, 2008 · Just picked up a 1996 GSX and took it out on the lake today for the 4th or so time in two weeks and noticed a small problem when at full throttle. I'm relatively new to the PWC world. My 98 GTX runs great at 4000 rpm and lower. Jul 18, 2017 · Jul 22, 2017. Push the start button. Wrong or Dirty Fuel. New fuel lines . I took the ski out yesterday, and it feels like the May 19, 2008 · Hi Guys! I have been reading the past threads and fixed alot of things. if you feather the throttle, it'll still run but bog right back at 3/4 to full throttle. Following has been done. And change the fuel selector valve. Happens occationally. Bogs for 30 seconds or so, then takes off - all at part to full throttle. not go more then 5 mph Tons of white smoke coming out of the back. 07-01-2014, 10:34 AM. after ready many post about the same thing I found a guy who says it’s possibly getting some water in the Sep 27, 2022 · We began the engine beak in process. It’s safe to say that the 1996 Sea-Doo GTX 800 (a. Just took my like-new condition 1996 XP into the shop. #10. Took it in to local shop,t they said my lines look ok, carbs look ok, but the fuel selector switch was gummed up (the switch to turn from off Mar 26, 2012 · Mar 26, 2012. 1995 gtx twin 657 x engine. Aug 20, 2020 · Re: 1996 Sea-Doo GTX Starting Issues. Start with the simple stuff: - check the fuel system for leaks, make sure all connections are air-tight. Jul 14, 2015 · New Member. Jun 10, 2006 · Re: 1997 GTX Bogging. Did notice that the water regulator was leaking bad from under the cap. Re: 95 seadoo GTX bogging you did not mention how the spark plugs looked? were they ok? I believe a healthy engine/spark would have dry plugs with a light brown / light grey film. Still having high end rpm problems after getting the one bolt hole heli-coiled for the carb bolt. www. I just rebuilt the engine and have 150 and 145 psi on the cylinders, rebuilt the carburetors with new diaphragms all Minikuni brand parts, and currently deleted the oil pump so I'm running a 3. Turn fuel valve to OFF position and pressurize fuel system to 34 kPa (5 PSI). Some things to check for are make sure the bearings & seals in that setup are in tact and in good shape, the hose that supports that bearing seal is not broken, torn, clamps in place, make sure where the hose mounts to the hull is not damaged from a Sep 12, 2017 · Fill up fuel tank. Aug 1, 2008 · Tweet. Oct 7, 2015 · Spark plugs look okay, maybe a little oily but the engine starts up very easy. , When it get warm, it will bog down at 3/4 to full throttle. Hold the throttle wide open. the 2000-2002 Sea-Doo GTX 951 Millennium are 947 engines. 1 / 2. I am repairing brother in laws ski. Could also be any metal nipple, that is hard to clean, like that curved one on the carbs. I needed new gauges so I got the local seadoo dealership to put them on and sink them. 150 PSI per cylinder. Here's what we have done so far: 1. Re: Need help with Seadoo 96 gti bogging down. Used pre-mix fuel. Oct 14, 2013. Took out a few weeks ago first time this year, both ran great for first part of day, then one idled down and now bogs down when throttled and won't get up to speed. So I can only go half 06-19-2006, 08:41 PM. Runs fine for long periods of time. rebuilding the carb requires proper parts and I believe something call a pop-off guage. I have an issue with one of them. May 26, 2012 · 1996 SeaDoo XP is the unit. Jul 21, 2014 · Post topics relevant to Sea-Doo personal watercrafts in this forum section. Once in awhile the revs will skyrocket from 4000 to May 28, 2008 · Check both cylinders the same way. Hi Guys, My '98 Gsx starts fine, idles fine but on acceleration it bogs down to the point of shutting off sometimes. Seadoo was running great then started bogging down WOT, idles great. I haven't done it myself yet. I have a 2 1997 seadoo gtx's. Sounds like you have multiple issues. cleared cylinders of 2 stroke oil, replaced carbs with new carbs changed fuel lines, and fuel selector, runs and revs fine on trailer took it out for maiden voyage, wont rev past 4400 rpm, bogs when putting full throttle Checked voltage on trailer at battery on full rev, 13. There can be many reasons why your jet ski is bogging down, but the most likely ones are as follows: Clogged Jet Pump. Clogged Air Filter. Idles fine, bogs and dies when you try to accelerate. Hello, I recently purchased a 96 GTX with only 59 hours on it. I tried changing the plugs and cleaning the RAVEs and it didn't help a bit. When I accelerate, the seadoo Boggs down from 6000rpm to 4000rmp. Mar 7, 2018 · I have a 2006 Seadoo GTX 4 tec it was running great until I got in shallow water. it goes to 6000 then back to 5000 over and over. My 96 GTX would run up to about 4000 then just shut off, If I let off on the gas right May 1, 2014 · New to forum I have a 1999 GTX Lmtd. Here is the issue: The ski will start right up with no problem and it will idle without incident. I suggest removing and cleaning the everything from the tank to the carb. Now we are at the up to 90% throttle and are having an issue. Hey everyone I picked up a 1996 seadoo gti, I rebuilt the jet pump, changed plugs, battery, all of the regular maintenance so that I knew when it was done. Any avice is appreciated. I have rebuilt the carbs, checked the selector valve, the filter in the fuel tank Aug 3, 2021 · Aug 3, 2021. From standstill, it immediately goes to 5,200 rpm then slowly climbs to a max of about 5,800 rpm. General Q & A - seadoo bombardier 1996 gtx looses power at high rpms - i just took my jetski out of winter storage and the engine loses power and starts reving up and down above about 5000 rpms. Original poster's 94 GTS comes with two different engines, both idle at 1400 in water. Try to pin it from a start and see what it does. 1996 Seadoo XP bogging 787. It was the same feeling of debris coming out of the Aug 20, 2013 · My sea doo will randomly bog down to about 3000 rpm's and 5-10 mph. Damaged Jet Pump. Your help is greatly appreciated thanks. I pulled the tank cleaned it and rebuilt the carb. filters, 1 in each carb. Your "bogging" issue seems fuel related. dy wy rq wc xp im te zx zm ki