Stata collapse keep value labels

drop if dup>1. Nov 21, 2018 · local vl: label `vlname' `L'. frame I loaded with haven. } There are a number of problems in your use of locals. You can see which value label is applied to a variable using - describe -: Code: sysuse auto , clear. For example, "local label `v' = foreign" will fail badly because: 1) `v' refers to the contents of the macro v. For example, gdppc may have the label GDP per capita. (meaning all variables named " rep " followed by something), or it can be a range of variables. dta drop in 1 keep price mpg headroom trunk weight length turn displacement gear_ratio rep78 foreign Thanks, Chamara On Tue, Jan 8, 2013 at 1:27 AM, Roger May 4, 2018 · Attached you can find my produced graph with the corresponding bar values arising from the command: Code: histogram year_MandA, discrete frequency addlabel xlabel(1992(1)1999) ylabel(5000 "5000" 10000 "10000" 15000 "15000") As you can see easily, the bars labeled for years 1993,1994,1995 contain values smaller than 10000 and consequently are Nov 16, 2022 · Labeling the categories of variables in a dataset is one of the most basic and fundamental data management tasks. The description is a little hazy, but he tools in data -> labels -> label values should be sufficient. label values rep lab. Jan 26, 2019 · Inside the last pair of parentheses, you just copy the existing labels No and Yes. label define cat 1 "Low" 2 "Med" 3 "Hi". Let me explain it a little more. local x : variable label `v'. For example, the following two commands list the variable names and the value labels in the data set:. svmat can be used to create variables from the matrix. #3. The collapse command in Stata can be used to aggregate the dataset from Stata’s menu options by following: Data > Create or change data > Other variable-transformation commands > Make dataset of means, medians, etc. Mar 2, 2018 · Nick's answer is better than mine, and good practice when string data isn't behaving as expected. The corresponding variable labels are 2018:q1, 2018q2, and so on. To set them, you first define the labels and then apply them to a variable: label define edcats 1 "Less than HS" 2 "HS" 3 "Some College" ///. or it can be all variables starting with a certain prefix. Understand that whenever Stata wants a varlist it can be a list of variables, such as. Thank you. At the end of this process I do a -collapse all-, without realizing it would eliminate all of those labels. describe foreign. have not only data but also metadata such as value labels, stored results from previous commands, and stored matrices. If the y2's are constant within y1's, then Stata will move along and do the -collapse-. , describe. 2. d1 has label "how many suppliers do you have", and I would like to generate another variable called "label" that equals this label. Jul 18, 2016 · You can set them with the label variable command: label variable edu_cat "Education Category". The datasets returned by collapse are so fundamentally different that it makes sense that value labels are removed except for variables specified in the -by()- option. Hi. Kit's technique presupposes that the variables have the same names before and after -collapse-, and if that's so it solves the problem completely. -collapse- cannot calculate a statistic like mean or sd of a string. Paula de Souza Leao Spinola. Consider the command scatter yvar xvar and assume that xvar has been previously given a value label:. For example, you might have student data but you really want classroom data, or you might have weekly data but you want monthly data, etc. set obs 0. variable. cox@durham. 2) The extended macro functions require the city, we could collapse on the city and whether or not you identify as a female. do, replace * your -for- loop over state files will come here and replace the next two lines local file nlsw88 sysuse `file', clear do labels. com Jan 1, 2017 · Code: by y1 (y2), sort: assert y2[1] == y2[_N] Put that line into your code just before the -collapse- command. - option, which explains why the value labels could be preserved. I am trying to create a custom output for each data record, not just list the unique value labels. Then-label save- the -value labels- and run the do file on the first dataset. Nov 19, 2018 · 1. Working from the end of the last line to the front. com frame put — Copy selected variables or observations to a new frame DescriptionQuick startMenuSyntaxRemarks and examples Also see Description frame put copies a subset of variables or observations from the current frame to the specified frame. It is possible to do this in three steps: 1. Use the collapse command. Martin Weiss _____ Next by Date: st: RE: RE: series of value labels and collapse Previous by thread: Re: st: Plugins are here Next by thread: st: RE: RE: series of value labels and collapse Remarks and examples stata. clonevar airtrain = mode if mode == "air":travel | mode == "train":travel For more details, see [U] 13. Nov 28, 2012 · When I use the collapse command, I loose the variable and value labels associated with my variables. From: "Nick Cox" <n. sysuse auto,clear. > > So finally, my question is Aug 13, 2015 · For example, in the 2 data sets there's a variable called d1, and for individuals for whom d1 in data set 1 is different from d1 in data set 2, it generates an observation with "variable" being d1. to change the values in q2. st: RE: String Variable in Collapse Command. Best, Marvin Jul 9, 2020 · Dear Stata users, I need to save the value labels after estimation using svy mean or svy mean , over(). There are three ways to put frequencies in a new variable: tabulate oneway or tabulate twoway will save counts as a matrix. problematic otherwise). . Finally, you get the label corresponding to that numeric value, which Nov 16, 2022 · When we create a twoway plot with numeric variables y and x, it is often useful to color-code the plot based on values of another variable. Technical note The if qualifier used with the clonevar command in example 1 referred to the values of mode as 1 and 2. label var `v' "`varlabel`j''". This is extremely useful, especially when importing data from Stata. 3 Value labels. The dataset is just a count of observations with ga_atc equals 1 and ga_atc equals 0. I just was wondering if it there was a direct way to do it without creating new date variables. label values q1 yesno. Normally, I'd proceed by saying something like the following: use "folder/country_A". You would need to replace the values in variable q2, accordingly. Using the sample data set, I ran the following commands: . Nov 8, 2017 · Dear Stata List. Sometimes, the category numbers make sense, but it is better to label each category clearly. haven) insert a label attributes to variables (e. Aug 4, 2021 · Stata allows the labeling of variables and also the individual values of categorical or ordinal variable values. g. Thanks Nick. Code: sysuse auto, clear. which creates groups of > group(1) "a=1 b=0" > group(2) "a=0 b=0" > group(3) "a=1 b=1" > > However, since there are >=10 of them, the grouped variable value > label is too large to read. I would like to have a dummy variable that is == 1 when any person in a household has a disability in the new household-level dataset. } I therefore created labels for each > of the indicators akin to > lab def av 1 "a=1" 0 "a=0" > lab def bv 1 "b=1" 0 "b=0" > . Value labels tell you what the individual values of the variable mean. I usually create a subset of the clock date variable such as month, year or date variable and then keep or delete whatever I need. The command labmask is one of the commands in a suite called labutil written by Nicholas J. Aug 4, 2015 · Assuming that the variable female is a numeric 'blank' - more commonly known as 'missing' - is coded in Stata as '. replace foreign = 1 + foreign. Sep 8, 2022 · sysuse nlsw88, clear label dir local val_labels `r(names)' label define racelbl 1 "Nonsense", modify foreach lab of local val_labels { label copy `lab' _`lab' label drop `lab' } label save using labels. You can identify duplicates using Stata's 'duplicates' command. marker label options — Options for specifying marker labels 3 Remarks and examples stata. Title stata. We begin by describing Jun 29, 2016 · What would be the right command to keep only observations after May 28 2016 using the date clock-date times. local varlabel`j' : variable label `variable'. When you have append ed all the datasets, you then overwrite any value label assignment with a quick. However, you have not yet defined any macro called v, so it will be empty. First turn the string var and the numeric codes into a -value label-. See help macrolists for details. Here is the do file. Value labels can only to be attached to extended missing not the default system missing values: Code: . For more information, see help clear and[D] clear. added in edit: a third way to delete the duplicates (help duplicates) and just use -list-. I used the following code. If you type the command clear into the Command window, it If you do not specify the name of the value label on the label list command, Stata lists all the value labels:. Jul 17, 2019 · To get a listing of values and attached labels (without using community-contributed commands): Code: label list lblname. rows (1). Next by Date: st: RE: STATA equivalent to SAS subsetting "else if" statements? Previous by thread: st: RE: RE: series of value labels and collapse Next by thread: st: plugin for C++? Oct 7, 2014 · di "`:label xlab `:word 2 of `xnumbers'''". i want to rename the variables and set their labels as the new name, such that my new variable names be something like var_2018_q1, var_2018_q2, etc. keep v000 v001 v130. de digital label1 animal label2 astronomy label3 label list label1: 0 No 1 Yes label2: 1 Dogs 2 Cats 3 Birds label3: 1 Earth 2: Sun 3 Moon Feb 9, 2020 · I am trying to get a list of the value labels from a data. 26 Apr 2023, 22:00. For this to work, you must use a variable that has no missing values; “per_id” is a good fit for this case. label values xvar cat Then st: RE: series of value labels and collapse. In your example, there is a simple alternative that leaves the variable label intact: sysuse auto, clear. If you want to drop all duplicate observations but keep the first occurrence, type. gen varx2 = . Assume I want to manipulate an education variable called "edu". collapse with if works this way: Those observations selected by the if condition are collapse d, typically (but not necessarily) into a new dataset with fewer observations. append using "folder/country_B". Say you have a survey, and the codings for the variables q1, q2, , q10 are all the same. list rep*. do foreach lab of local val_labels { noisily dis as Jun 19, 2014 · Erika, 1) the loop works with the graph labels directly attaching the percent sign to every original label. Yes. ) Example 1 We will systematically eliminate data until, at the end, no data are left in memory. Remarks and examples stata. Cox. Next by thread: st: RE: series of value labels and Apr 29, 2014 · Joseph, Thank you for your suggestion. Daphna, you can use a macro inside a loop, like this: foreach v of varlist var1 var2 var3 { local x : variable label `v' rename `v' `x' } The procedure requires the labels to be valid (and unique) Stata names. list length turn. In Stata, we can use the command called labmask to create value labels for the numeric variable based on the character variable. (1978 Automobile Data) . I have been able to destring and replace as int. 6. label define yesno 0 "no" 1 "yes". Jan 6, 2013 · The FAQ concerned dates to 2002 (revised 2003): there's a simple question whether -label save- existed then. ds. label define mstatus 0 "unmarried" 1 "married" label value status mstatus. Create a dummy record using set obs 1. label values q2 yesno. Mar 13, 2017 · The first "thing" (I have a fairly rich vocabulary, but that word seems as good as any other) being plotted is the capped bar; the second "thing" being plotted is makenum, which has the variable label Make by courtesy of the encode. Alternatively, you could type. j. For arrnels on the other hand: see the class programming manual. 10 May 2017, 18:45. For this next example, we will ask Stata to provide a count for the number of observations that occur for the specified collapse categories. Apr 20, 2021 · If you know the labeling scheme, you can just apply that with -label values var_name label_name-. ) Mar 4, 2022 · Is a Stata or user command available to display a list of all the value labels in a data set by variable. This is advanced stuff and it is not documented. This is a case where we want to create value labels for the numeric variable based on the string variable. Then you figure out what the second word of that is local is, which is 1. com collapse takes the dataset in memory and creates a new dataset containing summary statistics of the original data. lab def origin 0 `" "Domestic" "car" "' 1 `" "Foreign" "car" "', modify. Marcos Almeida. Sometimes, the nolabels option is helpful just to find out what the exact names of the coefficients are, so that they can be addressed in options such as the ones described in the following examples. Apr 21, 2022 · To display the actual coefficient names instead of variable labels, specify the nolabels option: . A factor variable might be. Usage: collapseandpreserve hdff=zarpl time_id (last Feb 23, 2015 · 1 . Join Date: Apr 2014. describe To keep variable labels, you put them into a macro using the extended-function macro "`: variable label [variable name]'. local keep make price sales. However, I still struggle to know how to use this in my workflow. Instead, you have to use first, last, firstnm, or lastnm. Each teacher (variable: utid) has been interviewed three times therefore we have three observations per every value of utid. (I am away from my old manuals. When recode creates one or more new variables with a new classification, you may want to put value labels on these new variables. It just works. Value labels on factor variables now appear in estimation output. See full list on stata. Picking up where case 3 left off, this is no different from case 2. label() gives a name to the new value label. Before Stata 18, you could create these types of graphs with twoway contour or twoway contourline or values for bus and car. This record can be deleted from the Excel sheet (if it even shows up at all) after export. I however would like to display ,, varlabel ’’, so Mileage (mpg) and Repair Record Nov 8, 2014 · Rather than using keep which will wipe out variables not given to the command, try drop, which will delete only those you specify. and you can use it ten times: . That makes sense, I am only using -collapse (first) var1 var2 etc. Fri, 8 Aug 2008 21:30:45 +0100. Anyhow, even though -foreach- is not the problem, I would still not use it in this case. It's a task to do late. map using the data I have. haven ), which explains the substantive name of the variable. To do so, use the label define command: Dec 10, 2016 · Reading the output of help macro we see that to use the macro "extended functions" (which "variable label" is) we have to replace the equal sign " = " with a colon ": " so the following should get you closer to what you want; Code: foreach v of varlist _all {. Value labels are a mapping from a set of integers to a set of text descriptions, so the first step is to define the map. Let's begin by opening an example dataset from > > local i = 1 > foreach x of local cropnames { > local y : word `i' of `codes' > lab define `x' 1 "`y'" 0 "no" > capture forvalues j=1/46{ > label val `var'_d`j' `x' > } > local i = `i' + 1 I answered this question. Instead, I just did a help label, and -- perhaps like you -- don't see any rules stated there that would rule out your desire. Because the syntax diagram for collapse makes using it appear more complicated than it is, Apr 20, 2020 · Obviously can't proceed without adding the values. local vars `r(varlist)'. To check if the transformations have worked as we would like them to be, it is always a good idea to cross-tabulate the newly defined variables and the variables created from. Each association in a value label maps a string of up to 32,000 bytes to a number. Code: elabel recode (q2) (1/2 = 0/1) You can then. Those observations not selected disappear. In Stata language, I use numeric values instead of labels to manipulate my variable and the data editor shows the labels, so long as I have defined my labels William Sribney, StataCorp. graph hbar (mean) mpg rep78, ascategory blabel (bar) The Y-axis displays ,,mean of varname ’’ for mpg and rep78. Aug 26, 2015 · 26 Aug 2015, 18:08. I recommend that you put the original names Title. If what you need is to spot duplicates, the command - duplicates list - shall do the trick. The maximum number of associations within each value label is 65,536. Code like this requires knowledge of the internals of Stata graphics. This means you can apply a given set of value labels to several variables without a hassle. They were, indeed, strings. local ++j. An extra space in the middle of a string is easy to spot; at the ends of a string, less so, and leading to mystifying results like yours, and tabulations that seem to show the same string value more than once. 3 Macros, and[P] program. Variable Storage Display Value. Baum of the Department of Economics at Boston College and author of the Stata Press books An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata and An Introduction to Stata Programming and Nicholas Winter of the Department of Politics at the University of Virginia, for their In R, some packages (e. The loop is not necessary. dta. May 30, 2017 · Hi all, I am trying to plot a U. value label. I would first run a code to identify duplicates and then use a drop command to drop the cases. My variables are stored as haven_labelled and I know that the value labels are there because when I run str() they are listed as an attribute. label values foreign origin. Posts: 4047. contract and keep also work in this way Nov 22, 2021 · As from Stata 12 (2011!) it should still work but is essentially superseded by extensions to rename. Paul Lin, StataCorp. d foreign. S. label define origin 0 "Domestic" 1 "Foreign". a) (rep78: 5 changes made) . Sep 6, 2019 · The dataset contains a dummy variable that is 1 when the individual has a disability, 0 otherwise. drop if male==1 & female==. Contents following the assigned value is the value label (e. For example, in the –sysuse auto– database, “foreign” is labeled as “Car origin”, 0 is “Domestic”, and 1 is “Foreign”. showyvars label yvars on x axis; seldom specified blabel(:::) add labels to bars axis options Description yalternate put numerical y axis on right (top) xalternate put categorical x axis on top (right) exclude0 do not force y axis to include 0 yreverse reverse y axis axis scale options y-axis scaling and look axis label options y-axis labeling May 10, 2017 · Display variable label in bar chart. An example: clear. The solution with regexm() looks awkward to me, which is presumably part of the question. Hi Statalisters! I am collapsing a dataset containing data on interviews to teachers in India. Re: st: rename variables with label values. gen varx1 = . di "`varlabel`j''". ) That said, the macro-based method has some uses. drop if dup>0. '. Had we wanted to refer to the values by their associated value labels, we could have typed. Here we will do it directly from the Command window. But if there are exceptions, Stata will tell you that the "assertion is false" and give you a count of the number of exceptions, and then halt Remarks and examples stata. Once you have put the variable labels into macros Jul 18, 2016 · You can set them with the label variable command: label variable edu_cat "Education Category". of the Stata Press books An Introduction to Modern Econometrics Using Stata and An Introduction to Stata Programming and coauthor of the Stata Press book Environmental Econometrics Using Stata and Nicholas Winter of the Department of Politics at the University of Virginia, for their input. If you are not familiar with value labels, read [U] 12. Because I was reshaping long, I re-applied the variable labels as value labels to the j() variable that is created by -reshape long-. replace foreign_id = "" if !regexm(v1,"foreign#") Sep 9, 2016 · I see two possible solutions, perhaps there are more: 1. *----- example vars -----. Subject. Jun 13, 2018 · I have generated about 40 new variables with labels for each. Feb 14, 2019 · another way to go is -contract-; see "help contract". If you want to drop all duplicate observations, including the first occurrence, type. nolabel do not copy value-label definitions from using nonotes do not copy notes from using update update missing values of same-named variables in master with values from using replace replace all values of same-named variables in master with nonmissing values from using (requires update) noreport do not display match result summary table Jul 30, 2016 · I'd like to stitch together these datasets based on the labels of v130 rather than the values, but I'm not sure how to do this. value labels. Stata stores The code relies on the ssc package "labutil2", which helps to resolve occasional problems when several variables are using the same value labels (in this case Stata command "label list" might return empty result). sysuse auto. Note that collapse works by replacing your data with the summary statistics of each variable that you request. Here's my best guess at the example you should have given and the code you need. Collapsing. But in either event, help label gives good advice, specifically the sections describing label values and label drop . Date. You may have to merge the resulting variables back with the original dataset if you want to have them both together. If you want a single legend, use the excellent - grc1leg2 - available from SSC. (I am using Stata 14. attitude measured on a scale of 1 to 5, agegrp recorded 1 to 4, 1 being 20-30, 2 being 31-40, region being 1 (North East), 2 (North Central), valuelabel specifies that values should be mapped through the first y variable’s value label (y*() options) or the x variable’s value label (x*() options). com You can clear the entire dataset by typing drop all without affecting value labels, macros, and programs. -encode- might also be helpful for this exercise. The local xnumbers produced by levelsof contains the distinct levels of x from smallest to largest: 0 1 2. Note that "status" refers to the name of the Aug 6, 2014 · in Stata, value labels are treated as separate objects of the data structure. 10 Jun 24, 2018 · The key is using a macro list function to select variables that appear in both the list of variables to keep and the list of variables in the dataset. Shortcuts to refer multiple variables. recode rep (missing = . The following program does everything that the collapse command does, but preserves the variable and value labels. good). I am trying to include a line break in a variable label, but cannot quite make it work as I want. Thu, 9 Jan 2014 16:24:04 -0500. label define lab . ) Nov 16, 2022 · I want to attach the same value labels to several variables. label def origin 1 Domestic 2 Foreign, modify. For example, the following code shows the results of using -display- with a variable that has a defined value label assigned to it (-display- shows the underlying values) and a string version of these values created using -decode-. uk> Prev by Date: st: RE: Floating-point reals, hexadecimal and decimals; Next by Date: st: RE: series of value labels and collapse; Previous by thread: st: Myriam Quispe-Agnoli/ATL/FRS is out of the office. (which is fine if the string variable is constant within the group and. And helps to manage special characters (" and ') in variable and value labels. Another possibility is. a "missing". Value labels appear on contrasts, margins, and pairwise comparisons. collapse adds meaningful variable labels to the variables in this new dataset. label list yesno: 0 no 1 yes sexlbl: 0 male 1 female Technical note Because Stata can have more value labels stored in memory than are actually used in the dataset, you may wonder what happens when you save the dataset. Create the new variables (recode :::, gen()). keep if female<. 14 Feb 2019, 13:39. In Stata 15 that was straightforward, but in Stata 16 labels are no longer stored in e(). To install: ssc install dataex. Because the syntax diagram for collapse makes using it appear more complicated than it is, Feb 6, 2021 · ***Collapse***clearsysuse nlsw88summ grade agecollapse (mean)grade agebrowsecollapse (mean) age grade wage, by(occupation)browsehelp collapsecollapse (mean) Sometimes you have data files that need to be collapsed to be useful to you. I could just copy and paste each of the label commands one by one to come after the collapse command, but was hoping there might be a more efficient workaround. Giving labels to values works like this: You first have to define one or several labels; in a second step the label (s) is or are attached to one or several variables. You create a value label, . We saw an example of creating and attaching a value label by using the point-and-click interface available in the Data Editor in Changing data in[GSU] 6 Using the Data Editor. You want to make value labels consistent, which is sensible, fine and easy to do. dta",replace sysuse auto,clear keep in 1 append using temp. Code: codebook country , tabulate(99) Consequently, output that is labeled using these value labels may be misleading or wrong. foreach v of var a`j'* {. Do describe, replace to create a data set containing the variable names and labels and export that data set to Excel. It is not clear whether you mean to drop value labels from a particular variable, or to "undefine" a value label entirely. It works much like Stata’s keep command (see[D] drop), except that the data in the Jul 11, 2014 · I was going to advise a help varname but then realised you were talking about variable labels (so I deleted my post). Finally, if you have lots of age values to graph, you can do so in a - forvalues - loop. with a , modify on the first if a set of value labels with that name already exists. (It seems a weird desire to me, but that's neither here nor there. Example sysuse auto,clear collapse price mpg headroom trunk weight length turn displacement gear_ratio,by(rep78 foreign) save "temp. This allows us to see how the relationship between y and x differs for each level of the third variable. I can't see why. (Also see [U] 12. Define the value label (label Basics. Aug 2, 2016 · Values (in the sens of Stata language) are however not imported, only labels are imported. describe Nov 8, 2018 · 08 Nov 2018, 21:07. It also has an option to refrain from putting the stat in the variable label. We saw an example of creating and attaching a value label by using the point-and-click interface available in the Data Editor in Changing data in[GSW] 6 Using the Data Editor. These labels will appear in tables and graphs, so try to make them both short and accurate. ac. coefplot, xline(0) nolabels. Mar 3, 2019 · This way, you can supress the axis labels/lines as required and then combine the graphs in the desired format using - graph combine - and specifying e. display "value label = `vl'". Then just save your variable labels varlab save [varlist] using filename [, replace ] Once your dataset reshaped, load them varlab load [varlist] using filename [, replace ] Hint: if as usually the variable names change after reshaping ( "var_year01" ,"var year_02" in wide form TO "var_" in long form ) , just open the label file ( filename Oct 14, 2015 · Without seeing the structure of your data, it is hard to say but it sounds to me like you wouldn't even need to issue both sets of collapse commands since your data will be collapsed by the same variables each time and you are calculating the same statistics for Complete and all_m. tab rep78 rep78_scale value label. Best regards, I tried your suggestion Nick, but it works only for the dummies derived from the last variable c3 and partially as the last label defined "cana" was affected to all of the dummies. I have a dataset that has some variables, say, X1-X10. The clear command will let you carefully clear out data or other objects; we are interested only in simple usage here. Help~ Tam. You can use collapse when you want to create summary statistics of your data, or some of your variables. Therefore, two command lines are necessary. It's incorrect to say that this command is unusual, let alone unique, in that respect. Below is a minimal example where I try to include a linebreak and it works for the axis label but not for the marker label: Code: sysuse auto. Nov 16, 2022 · Case 4: Dropping duplicates based on all the variables. In this article, we will focus on the command. For plain ASCII text, the number of bytes is equal to the number of characters. If you are familiar with egen, you can think of collapse as equivalent to egen, except than rather making a new Jan 26, 2017 · 1. com Remarks are presented under the following headings: Typical use Eliminating overprinting and overruns Advanced use Using marker labels in place of markers Typical use Markers are the ink used to mark where points are on a plot, and marker labels May 27, 2020 · Let's explore value labels by labeling the values of rep3, the new variable we recoded to collapse rep78 from a five point scale to a three point scale. rename `v' `x'. where lblname is the name of the value label attached to country; you get that name from, e. So far I was able to get a map like the following: spmap pct_gedtimehi using uscoord if id !=1 & UK, and coeditor of the Stata Journal, who in turn thanks Christopher F. Hello. Apr 26, 2023 · assign variable label to variable name. 6 Dataset, variable, and value labels, [U] 18. Code: recode q2 `r(rules)'. Author. One possibility is that all your variables are string, so value labels do not exist and do not (yet) apply. * But that was just for illustration. It isn’t terribly intuitive to extract the variable label of foreign (here, “Car origin Jun 30, 2015 · Step 4: Extract the values of the interacted categorical variables from the first column, then use those values to merge in your crosswalks from Step 2: Code: gen foreign_id = substr(v1,1,1) // the first character of "v1" contains the numeric values of "foreign". * Example generated by -dataex-. If not, you can find that out by -describe the_orginal_variable-, the attach labeling scheme can be found there. Nov 25, 2022 · 1. pu pd in am yu pt sp rc lm ca