Pus stands for concomitant sinus suppuration. Silicea – Top-Grade Medicine. Merc Sol is indicated when there is thick yellow discharge from the ears. They also provide immunity against contracting ear infection in the future. It also tends to shift from one part to another. They are outgrowth in the external ear that could be attached to the eardrum or the tympanic membrane. -Colds, flu, bacterial infections. Stitching type of pain in ears can attend. 108 N Robb St, Trinity, TX. The ear discharge may be blood stained. Prevent infection. Sep 30, 2018 · Cluster headaches refer to one-sided, severe, intense headaches located in or around the eye. Symptoms: Acid nitric is a well-known homeopathic remedy for the treatment of cervical polyps with soreness of genital parts. -Allergic postnasal drip, allergies like hayfever are responsible; pollens cause seasonal allergies. Sometimes a blockage is felt in the ears. 06. These headaches appear in clusters, which means that there is a time period during which …. The pain in the ear is worse at night. Merc Sol works well in cases of ear discharge that are accompanied by an earache. Pre-post surgery, sinus rinses with a warm water (240 ml / 8 oz) mixed with a small amount (teaspoon) of salts (sodium chloride & sodium bicarbonate) can be very helpful to clear the sinuses. Apr 17, 2024 · Apple Cider Vinegar for Dog Ear Infection. Dr. A common item in the cupboards of many dog owners who love home remedies, the staple of apple cider vinegar might help our dog’s ear infection heal faster. Calendula officinalis. Homeopathic remedies may offer a solution for treating and preventing ear infections. Languages Spoken English. 165. Homeopathy offers complete recovery from ear infections. Dr Keith Souter gives a rundown on homeopathic remedies suitable for ear, nose and throat problems such as nasal polyps, nosebleeds, allergic rhinitis, sore throats, sinusitis, earache and vertigo. [Continue Reading] Homeopathica gives you detailed information on homeopathic treatment of various illnesses. However, in its natural form, it might burn your dog’s ears. Nov 13, 2023 · Ear infections are not always treatable with antibiotics. Polyps and Granulation Tissue of the Middle Ear: Polyps can develop in the middle ear. Leucorrhoea is brown, watery, stringy, flesh-coloured and very offensive. Mar 11, 2024 · Clinical features. Formica Rufa is a renowned medicine in homeopathy to treat cases of nasal polyps. Pulsatilla is of great help for all those persons with hearing loss who have thick ear discharges due to ear infections. The polyp occurring in the ear is called the aural polyp. It is attended with much hawking. It is in fact an encyclopedia on homeopathic May 22, 2021 · While colon polyps are common, it can occur in nose, ear, and gastro intestinal tract. To speed up healing of incision. In longstanding cases, partial or complete destruction of the ossicles may occur. Feb 21, 2021 · Silicea has a seat of action on almost all the bones of the body; Caries and necrosis of the small bones of the nose, ear, mastoid process, head of the femur, and other long bones are well healed with Silicea. The discharges usually remain offensive. These are natural medicines that work by boosting the natural defense mechanism of the body to fight with the infection process. My previous doctor stressed on calcarea phosphurica (i don't know the Indian ones Nov 18, 2016 · The most suitable Homeopathic medicines for enlarged adenoids with middle ear infections are Merc Sol and Kali Mur. CLINICAL SYMPTOMS. Nasal blockage, hyposmia, and post-nasal drip are the major symptoms. Once an improvement is noticed, stop dosing and repeat the remedy . It is one of the best medicines in homeopathy for managing itching in one ear or both. Kali Bichromicum. Jun 14, 2021 · Post Nasal Drip Causes. Homeopathic Medicines for Ear Infections. Offensiveness in the discharge may also be observed. In some cases, dryness in the ears may be there. Know the polyp remedies in homeopathy by indications here How nasal polyps can be cured by homeopathy? Nasal polyps are benign growth that can be shrunk with specific remedies matched to its characteristic symptoms. I had TB at my early childhood. One dose the night before and one dose the morning of surgery. Instead of using full-strength apple cider vinegar, dilute the product with 1 part Dosage Instructions (suitable for babies to adults) For the home treatment of acute and self-limiting complaints take one pill or five drops of the remedy every 1 minute to 4 hours (1 minute for intense or emergency symptoms (plus seek emergency help), 4 hours for milder ones). Due to the polyp, my nose remains blocked, possibly straining my eyes and gives a feeling of slight watery discharge from my ear. Pulsatilla is one of the top Homeopathic medicines for treatment of hearing loss resulting from ear infections. I sweat to much. It is also well suited to manage cases of joint inflammation, and pain, especially, when there is sudden pain. Along with itching, sometimes pricking and aching may be felt in the ears. One or two doses of 30C or 200C 15 minutes apart; or. My fingers sometimes gets crooked. 8 mi. View Remedy. The post nasal discharge is thick, lumpy, ropy in nature. Individuals treated at HomeoConsult RD have shown to respond well and we therefore strongly recommend homeopathy for most cases of vocal fold nodules and polyps. Silicea affects the spine and nerves. It is a useful remedy to treat cervical polyps caused by HPV ( Human Papilloma Virus). There is frequently some kind of discharge, either mucoid or purulent. -Vasomotor rhinitis (which is also called overly sensitive nose) -Sinusitis, Asthma. Natural Homeopathic remedies for hearing loss due to middle ear infection. May 4, 2023 · Polyps occur in different body parts. Aconitum napellus. Healing Ear, Nose, and Throat Problems. Ear pain is another attending feature. After that, it is built at the ostia, creating the polyp. It may also be blood-stained. For postnasal discharge in nasal polyps cases, Kali Bichromicum is selected. Homeopathy as a choice for vocal nodules and polyps. Enrique Garcia is an Otolaryngologist in Trinity, Texas. His top areas of expertise are Autonomic Neuropathy, Hyperventilation, Infant Hearing Loss 1. They look like balls of inflamed tissue which form grape-like clusters within the confines of the middle ear and mastoid. 6C three times/day for 20 days post op. Cases when treated early when the nodules are small and of recent origin respond faster and can be completely cured in a relatively Nasal polyp I have nasal polyp from an early age. Several conditions that can cause postnasal drip –. Aug 05, 2018 · Nasal polyps are most often treated with steroids, topical or oral, but can also be treated with surgical methods. Mercurius Solubilis – Natural homoeopathic remedy for Ear Polyp accompanied by an earache. As such, these are not necessarily benign tumors. The discharge from the ear is offensive and mainly yellow. May 30, 2022 · Regional Employee Assistance Program Inc. Depending on the location of the polyp, there could be a nasal polyp, which occurs in the nose, and a colon polyp, which occurs in the colon. Sneezing with rhinorrhea; purulent, ethamoidal rhinorrhea. The pain is tearing and shooting in nature. Infected incisions. There is sciatica with shooting pain along the legs and hip. The most common symptoms of an aural polyp are otorrhea, diminished hearing and a visible mass in the ear; otalgia and bleeding or sensation of mass are far less common. These polyps generally are reddish and bleed easily on vacuuming or any manipulation. If the patient is suffering from frequent sneezes and complains of nasal blocks in the morning, conium can be an effective remedy. Garcia and is rated as an Advanced doctor by MediFind in the treatment of Aural Polyps. rp tg kx qu vk yj iq lx wm dp