Wow classic warrior interrupt macro. I get asked about my macros quite a bit, so here ya go.
Wow classic warrior interrupt macro I managed to get it do what i want, BUT, it doesn't just cast the spell on the focus, but it targets it. Competitive PvE theorycrafting for World of Warcraft Nov 21, 2018 · WOTLK Thing is, it's been a long time and i came back to Wow, and with it, macros. 7). You are in defensive stance you press one button and it instantly goes battle stance presses thunderclap then instantly goes back to defensive with one click I do not think that is possible Right? Good news, I got my mount. Se eu estivesse em postura diferente da de Defesa, mudaria e após isso, equiparia arma e escudo para só então castrar o interrupt. 6 Shaman Macro Guide 7 Warlock Macro Guide 8 Warrior Macro with the timing of your interrupt. The only thing better than interrupting a damaging incoming spell is to send it right back at the caster. . It will also use a priority rotation of Rend, Overpower, Mortal Strike and Whirlwind. So all you have to do is equip the sword and board while in defensive stance then whenever you use the macro it will change to the 2h in battle stance, or vice versa. 0. General Tanking Do’s/Dont’s: Keybind your stances so you can move between them quickly. Then change the key binding for 9 to whatever button you want your pummel to be. This is my own general guidance for the newer Warrior tanks out there. This Sequence was exported from GSE 3. Full Prot/Tactical Mastery Warrior Macros Sep 6, 2022 · WoW Classic: 20th Anniversary Edition Phase 2 Now Live! The Legendary Corrupted Blood Plague/Pandemic Is Back in Season of Discovery as Players Find a Way to Spread it Once Again! Season of Discovery Phase 7 Initial PTR Development Notes; WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Edition Phase 2 Arrives January 9; Beloved Bot-Buster Quits Career Over Death Nov 17, 2020 · If you’re fighting casters you can hold down shift whilst the macro is running and it will interrupt with Pummel. 13) uses the modern WoW client API! Most Vanilla (1. I creted few macros to clean my action bars and keybind most of the functionalities The main focus was to use key modifiers for spells so one button can act as 2 or 3 spells using CTRL, ALT and SHIFT modifier. 36. You get pummel at level 38 which doesn't require a shield or a stance swap. How this macro works is it filters the weapons second and the stance first. I just use TAB to target and hit my interrupt, but in some rare situations I might click the nameplate. Nov 17, 2024 · Find the best macros for your Mage in WoW Classic. 1-bloodthirst 2-cleave 3-heroic strike 4- whirlwind (macro to switch to berserker and cast whirlwind) 5-demo shout Q - sunder Armor E- pummel (berserker stance macro) R- taunt (defensive stance macro) T - overpower F - charge/hamstring (macro with battle stance, charge, and hamstring - hamstring and charge can be on the same macro/button World of Warcraft Classic macros added. Create a macro for your interrupt to prioritize focus target, then mouse-over target, then regular target. At its core, a macro is a condensed script that combines multiple commands into a single action. Nov 22, 2024 · It’s not that no one is working on them, but in order to create effective macros, the character needs to be leveled up first. Two of the biggest things that are unavailable with this new macro system are Focus targets and the ability to target any raid mark with a macro. uses bladestorm and cancels bladestorm. Jan 9, 2024 · The gang has been asking for some warrior macros so who would i be to not give yall what I got !Rendi's Classic WOW SOD Warrior Macros | PVE and PVP Hunter macros. Victory Rush is built in for when you can train it at 62 Dec 15, 2024 · On this page, you will find a number of useful macros and addons to make your life easier when playing your Protection Warrior in World of Warcraft — The War Within (11. fite me. Jun 27, 2021 · Updated for GSE 3. What i am trying to do is the following: If i'm in Battle/Defensive stance, equip shield and Bash focus, and if i'm in Berserker, just pummel the focus. 03 Sep. Fury Warrior DPS Abilities & Rotation Guide - WoW Classic Warrior Class Quests in WoW Classic - Whirlwind Axe, Defensive Stance, Berserker Stance DPS Warrior PvP Guide Related Contribute Dec 3, 2024 · World of Warcraft is a game that rewards both strategic gameplay and precise execution. Could anyone help me with a macro that will Revenge if available or overpower if available I seem to find myself in dungeons switching between fury and DPS. Aug 5, 2020 · With help I made a macro that charges, Intervenes friendly mouseovers, and intercepts if I switch to a different target. Right now I am running a warrior, priest, shaman, mage, and lock. Ambush Opener: #showtooltip Shadowstep /cast Premeditation /cast Shadowstep /cast Ambush What this macro does, is that it change your current stance to Berserker Stance regardless of which stance you are and it will cast Berserker Rage. 12) macros/addons relying on scripted targeting or spell casting will not work! Addons Jun 12, 2021 · TBC Classic Warrior Macro Templates. • Cast Wind Shear on my current enemy focus if I have one; • Cast Wind Shear on my current enemy target if I don’t have a focus; • Cast Cleanse Spirit on my current ally target, even if I have I've never used a macro for it, because I always angle myself 90 degrees away from the target for my ghetto premeds to avoid auto attacks. A spell. Here is that macro: /cast Intervene;Defensive Stance;Berserker Stance;Battle Stance;Intercept;Charge It fully works. I wouldn't worry about making one imo. The Shield Slam icon will never be displayed on his action bar. World of Warcraft Macro guide. In this guide, we will go over everything you need to know about Macros for your Warrior, explain how to make your own, and cover some of the best for both hardcore and general players alike. See Interrupt for information and tactics on using interrupt effects such as Pummel. showtooltip [nocombat] Charge;Intercept /cast [nostan… Dec 22, 2023 · Here you will find all the important macros for your Warrior in WoW Classic Era and WoW SoD. Jan 17, 2008 · Note that since equipping weapons in combat triggers global cooldown, you won't be able to do the shield bash until the GCD goes away and you hit the macro again if you didn't have your shield equipped to start with. " I used to use one similar to this with bok on my monk in wod so when i talented chi explosion i didnt need two action buttons. Copy this macro below: showtooltip /use [@focus,exists,nodead][]Counter Shot Instead of counter shot (delete it) and type the name of your interrupt spell based on your class. In the mouse software, i bound my mouse to the stance keybinds (default CTRL1-3), and now have the freedom to switch stances without having to use pre-set macros. im only level 25 but killing speed is 50% faster with DW vs 2h. /equipset Threat cap is definitely the real limiter for warrior dps for sure. Slam macro cast around 1sec swing time no longer seems to batch the auto attack after with this weeks maintenance. Pro tip: put pummel on your action bar as action button 9 or something that you barely ever use. Nov 18, 2024 · Welcome to our Macros guide for Warriors where you will find out what the best macros are for your Warrior in WoW Classic. all in the description of this video. 2024: Page updated for Classic Anniversary. or pull it off a healer. No idea why but i hardly miss. But if you want to use a macro for it, you'll need to use a weapon swap macro. Don't forget to bookmark this site because we will update and add macros on a regular basis. Wod Enhancement Cooldown Nov 21, 2024 · For more information on creating macros, including full lists of conditionals, modifiers, and other command customizations you can use, check out our full Macros guide. /use [@mouseover,harm][mod:ctrl,@focus][]<interrupt ability> There's multiple options to choose from. I want to make a macro to switch to a one-handed + shield for a spell interrupt and then switch back to my 2 hander. Tho i have my stance on my mouse wheel. Note que precisa apertar mais de uma vez a tecla para funcionar. From this day forward we Warriors will have an easier time farming and killing things mindlessly, with the invention of the new “Petey’s One Button Warrior Macro” The macro was designed to do what the name implies, to allow you to spam 1 button Nov 18, 2008 · I also use E as an opener on my toons (in this case Charge/Intercept) and Q as a spell interrupt (Pummel is there for now, but with 3 other interrupts for prot spec I'm considering putting something else there but not sure). Pummel is the standard warrior's interrupt. I am terrible when it comes to making macros. Like, you can use the manual approach of just doing a macro where you yell out "Blades of Light" and that you press it when you procc. I recommend running this macro at 250ms It will target a mob, charge, and do the rotation, switching stances as needed. Also some macros consolidating multiple abilities would be much helpful. For this reason, we recommend that you also read our Warrior Macros page, in order to improve your interaction with the game. Talents which can be obtained regardless of specialization are specially marked. 📅 Last updated on Dec 22, 2023. Enter macros – powerful tools that offer a streamlined approach to gameplay in World of Warcraft Classic. I kill stuff faster DW vs 2h. and when i say faster i mean 50 to 60% faster. We also have advanced sections about cooldowns, procs, etc. Members Online Aggrend comments on incoming tuning: No, we probably will not be majorly buffing and nerfing things for a bit longer. For Warrior players, macros are an essential part of maximizing efficiency, particularly in high-pressure environments like raids or dungeons. Now in my head I was thinking just a macro that if I have no focus set it would interrupt my target Jan 18, 2008 · So a prot warrior doing DPS will be in battle stance or berzerker stance, and a fury warrior tanking will be in defensive stance. May 8, 2024 · In the dynamic world of Azeroth, efficiency is paramount for every adventurer seeking to conquer challenges and achieve greatness. 2020: Added Details TinyThreat meter, GatherMate2, DejaClassicStats, ItemRack, WeaponSwingTimer and a ton of PvP addons. Pvp - Gold Hey there all looking for a small tweak to complete this macro, found one that works exactly how i want it, it just doesn't make the spell i interrupted a link and i know ive seen one before. Shaman Chain heal mouseover macro. Mouseover Interrupt Macro #showtooltip Pummel /cast [@mouseover,harm,nodead] Pummel; Pummel Heroic Leap Cursor Macro #showtooltip Heroic Leap /cast [@cursor] Heroic Leap Stance Swap Macro #showtooltip Feb 24, 2020 · Find the best macros for your Warlock in WoW Classic. Shadowlands Survival hunter muzzle macro. A tanking macro would be amazing. Members Online P3 prequest sheets done for dungeon spammers - 388k xp for Horde and 457k xp for Alliance So warrior players tend to macro stances into abilities. 1. This is mainly for Fury warriors who have 2 of the same weapon, as /equip weapon can't set them apart. I'm not May 8, 2024 · In the dynamic world of Azeroth, efficiency is paramount for every adventurer seeking to conquer challenges and achieve greatness. Feb 26, 2020 · Type “/macro” into the chat to get the macro screen up and select the Character Specific Macro tab Next, you wanna click “New” and you can either just press space bar, or alternatively type in the keybound button you use for the first skill you wish to sort out for levelling and then “Okay” (keep it as the ? icon) Sep 14, 2021 · I’m looking for a macro that automatically does the appropriate Charge/Intervene/Intercept based on combat conditions and whether or not your target is harm or help. Note: If you are trying to equip two of the same weapon simultaneously into different slots, your macro will not work I get asked about my macros quite a bit, so here ya go. a 2nd macro i am looking for is the same however for supportive abilities. With a 4-second lockout and a 15-second cooldown, it is possible to keep a caster locked out of at least one of their magic schools 25% of the time. I pressed the macro button a couple of times, and at some point, it finally ended up equipping a shield and casting Shield Bash. You've been given good advice, what you do with it is your problem. Say that you wanted Taunt bound to 1. I wanted to play around with the idea of casting multiple spells using one button. Interrupt Cast Mechanic: Interrupted PVP Multiplier: 1: WoW Classic Scarlet Monastery Dungeon Strategy for WoW Classic Warrior Leveling Guide & Best Leveling Spec Nov 18, 2024 · Addons are essential for a clean user interface in WoW Classic, and Macros are a great complement, allowing you to do more with less buttons in your interface. 0 so you will not find many macros for that spec here. But there is a problem. I want to interrupt normally and then remove curse on friendly target with mouseover. You can also put this macro on the bar for Battle or Berserker Stance and cast Taunt from that bar with the same key bind. If you were looking for WotLK Classic content, please refer to our TBC Warrior addons and macros. wondering if you have some workaround or tips about this? thanks in advance Apr 27, 2009 · I have the cancel BS Macro put into my Shattering throw key. Requires Warrior. Found this on (Making a macro | WoWWiki | Fandom) Swap between your offhand and a shield: /equipslot [equipped:Shields] 17 Merciless Gladiator’s Cleaver; 17 Crest of the Sha’tar. Marksmanship Salvo + Volley macro. Keep in mind, that WoW Classic (1. tv/muhshu WoW Classic Weapon Switching Macro Help Please Loading Feb 21, 2008 · This macro will show shield block on his action bar and show the shield block cooldown. Put the macro in that spot on all 3 stance bars and when you press 1 it will cast taunt from any bar. #showtooltip /cast [stance:2/3] Postura de Batalha Oct 29, 2009 · Hey, I need some help with a macro that I just wrote. A selection of useful wow Hunter macros. 0 and the removal of [Shield Bash], Pummel is the warrior's main interrupt ability. 2019: Added a PvP addon section with Spy Classic and Classic Hello Classic WoW community! It is I, Petey from Netherwind US server. One of the most exciting aspects of Classic WoW is that we're actually going to be able to use the modern-day macro code as opposed to the old-school script style macros of yesterday. It cannot be understated how much of an impact they can have on your gameplay -- increasing your DPS… Hi! I've gotten a lot of help from here before so thought I'd try again. So I think now’s as good a time as any to start replacing abilities on the castbar with Macro versions. Nov 21, 2024 · Welcome to Wowhead's DPS Warrior Classic Macro Guide, updated for WoW Classic. While Pummel can be used to interrupt any non-instant spell (with some exceptions) it is best saved to interrupt a heal because warriors also have Spell Reflection and . Feb 1, 2011 · And additionally, if i dont have a focus target (for example just 1 rnd mob, that casts) and i want to interrupt its cast, is it possible to use the same macro to interrupt that npc? so in short: if i have 1 mob, i want to use the macro as a normal interrupt if i have 2 mobs, i want to interrupt my focus target but dps my main target Updated: 1/02/2013 NOTE: You can adjust all modifiers: , or , whatever suits you best NOTE: For weapon Swapping i highly recommend making a specific set in the equipment manager. all attempts to combine Intercept and Charge are bad macros. For the purpose of this thread i will use 4 sets as examples through all my macros to make it easier. What is a World of Warcraft macro? Maims the enemy, causing 45 damage and slowing the enemy's movement by 50% for 15 sec. This is the ugly but simple to setup solution. I'm perfectly aware that there are alot of addons that will do just this however id prefer to not use one as i need this only for specific fights that require a chain of interrupts while raiding. Would that be one macro or two? wondering if i can simplify some of my buttons. Charge - Basic #showtooltip /startattack /cast Battle Stance /cast Charge. 14 (tweaked rotation and speed of pummel). 4 Paladin Macro Guide 5 Rogue Macro Guide 6 Shaman Macro Guide 7 Warlock Macro Guide 8 Warrior Macro Dec 18, 2024 · This macro allows you to Intervene your mouseover target ally, or Charge your current target if it is an enemy. Need help with making macro. Over the year playing a warrior I have made a lot of macros that make me more efficient. Abilities listed under "General" are available as core abilities of that class, while abilities and talents listed under a specific tree are only available to that tree. I TRY to save it until after the pally/mage has bubbled/blocked, but sometimes you have to trunt the pressure on. Abrirá uma janela com alguns quadrados, note duas abas na parte de cima dessa janela, uma são os macros que você poderá compartilhar entre seus chars e outra apenas para aquele char, eu recomendo o uso de scripts na aba de todos os chars pois fica mais fácil usar as mesmas em outros chars de outros Warrior macros for WoW Classic. Very old thread but asking here cause i cant find an answer elsewhere; is there a way to not put something of a 'wait' command in a macro? I have cast bladestorm and cancel bladestorm in the same macro, but i find myself accidently doubletapping the key and cancelling the bladestorm the second it hits. When fighting those mobs, swap to 1h + shield at ~50% mob health so you'll be able to interrupt instantly when it starts to heal since the GCD is long gone, and can then swap to 2h for more DPS to finish up. Hi All 🙂 This is for levelling warrior from 60 to 70 using duel wield fury spec. Carry a decent 1h + shield and make a macro to swap between the sets. Other Bars: /click ActionButton1 /click MultiBarBottomLeftButton1 Nov 17, 2024 · On this page, you will find out the best PvE talent choices and builds for your Warrior DPS in WoW Classic. Bad news, I learned the hard way that one can’t use abilities from a mount. Basically want 1 macro that when i am in battle stance it will cast charge, when i am in berserker stance it will cast intercept. Otherwise, it should swap Aug 21, 2022 · Beyond directly making your character stronger through talents, equipment, enchants, etc, there are 2 more things you can use in order to improve your performance as a player: addons & macros. Once the toon reaches max level, it becomes much easier to build a macro because you’ll have access to all the spells and cooldowns, and can fine-tune it to perform exactly how you want. You can find a list of useful wow macro commands and conditionals here. If you were looking for TBC Classic content, please refer to our TBC Classic Warrior talentss: TBC Classic Arms Warrior talents; TBC Classic Fury Warrior talents. /equip <Shield name> /use Shield BashActually Shield Bash (and all interrupts AFAIK) are off the GCD. In the Arms Abilities category. One-Button Interrupt. You can hold shift to cast Charge when out of combat. Contribute to enzia/wow_classic_warrior_macros development by creating an account on GitHub. #showtooltip Muzzle /stopcasting /cast Muzzle Stop your current cast and interrupt the target's spellcasting. I just wanted to flesh out some of the rotation in regards to rage dumps and execute phase—not just for me, but for other 2h fury warriors since there doesn't seem to be a lot of resources. Shaman interrupt macro. #showtooltip [equipped:Shields] Shield Bash; Pummel /cast [stance:1/2,noequipped:Shields] Berserker Stance; [stance:1/2,equipped:Shields] Shield Bash; [stance:3] Pummel Mouseover macro from the top comment, and Plater Nameplates with custom coloring by Quazii for important mobs you can interrupt, makes targets easily visible. I’ve been trying and failing to make a macro that does the following things: • Display Wind Shear icon if I have an enemy target OR Cleanse Spirit icon if I have an ally target or no target. any other stance dancing macros or anything you can suggest would be nice as well. FORUMS. Luckily this macro can be adjusted to fit exactly that need. 9:CRIANDO UM MACRO=== Para criar um macro, aperte ESC e clique em Macros. but when talenting ravager it changes the icon to ravager/uses ravager i know a conditional exists, im just unsure how to tie it all together. to tossing on a sheild and having a tank a mob. I’m currently playing a priest hoping to pvp as shadow spec. Wow Classic Shaman macros. My second group is warrior, priest, mage, lock, and hunter. But I’m also wanting the macro to automatically switch stances accordingly. I have tried: /cast /cast … Nov 21, 2024 · In this guide, we're going to go over some of the main macros that you'll need as a Warrior in Classic World of Warcraft. Since the release of patch 4. If a shield is equiped in battle stance/ defensive stance, it should use Shield Bash. This part I can do. This macro will use Battle Stance and Bloodrage on cooldown. You can complement the information on this page with our Warrior Addons Guide. In PvP all stances are useful, just at different times. WoW Classic hey! looking for a macro that allows me to spam the key button for auto attack/shoot and not cancels the auto attack with every second press of the button. Members Online Aggrend via Twitter, in response to dungeon grinding being the only option after eating up all our quests for gold: "I’d maybe not make assumptions at this moment that that will be your only option. But beyonce had the best music video of all time!" May 28, 2023 · The issue is that they are the same name. Sep 5, 2019 · Can we start a classic wow macro thread showing macros for each class? I have not played in 7 years so my knowledge is lacking. That way when you change to defensive stance you can have shield bash on 9 and no macro needed. Removed Azeroth Auto-Pilot. showtooltip [nocombat] Charge;Intercept /cast [nostance:1,nocombat] Battle Stance;[stance:1,nocombat] Charge;[nostance:3,combat] Berserker Stance;[stance:3,combat] Intercept It shows Charge if you are outta combat on the tooltip oh and yes, silence effects, of which gag order (prot 2nd tier) is the only one a warrior has, which makes heroic throw also an interrupt. Reply With Quote 2011-07-26, 12:27 PM #6 Jul 28, 2024 · WoW Classic: 20th Anniversary Edition Phase 2 Now Live! The Legendary Corrupted Blood Plague/Pandemic Is Back in Season of Discovery as Players Find a Way to Spread it Once Again! Season of Discovery Phase 7 Initial PTR Development Notes; WoW Classic 20th Anniversary Edition Phase 2 Arrives January 9; Beloved Bot-Buster Quits Career Over Death Can add the [@mouseover,harm] modifier into the interrupt macro too so it has the ability to interrupt mouseover targets too without having to set stuff on your focus if you don't want to. Support muhshuh on Patreon https://patreon. I run the macro at 200ms with a button that toggles on when I hold it down. 1: in battle (1) up is deffensive (2) and down is beserker (3) 2:in defensive (2) up is battle (1) and down is beserker (3) Oct 8, 2020 · Hey guys, will this macro work for mousing over party frames or do you actually have to mouseover the player themselves? I tried it out and I feel like it wasn’t working properly but havnt had a chance to test it more. I am trying to add, like in the first macro, if none of the other conditions are met, just pummel. I'm looking to set up an interrupt macro, really it's unacceptable that I've gone this long without one. Sustain is coming from Blood Thirst, Blood Craze, Improved Demo Shout and as you get more talent points Parry. There is simply no conditional in the game that properly uses the correct ability in all situations. I'm trying to create a macro that does the following. Hope someone helps as i cannot find this macro anywhere. I never really found one that fit to my liking, but I did make my own I wanted to share. in order to minmax your DPS. Members Online The new Blizzard EULA that you were forced to agree to required you to agree to arbitration out of court - this was done by Roku recently who, soon after, made it known a massive data breach had occurred. i can not solo 2 mobs at the same time of equal level while 2h but with DW i can. Members Online. 2020: Split the page into Shaman macros and Shaman addons. 4 Paladin Macro Guide 5 Rogue Macro Guide 6 Shaman Macro Guide 7 Warlock Macro Guide 8 Warrior Macro Dec 15, 2024 · Season 4 Rotation Many WeakAuras can be beneficial for keeping track of the rotation or its many de/buff timers, but one aura stands out as particularly important for maximizing the Season 4 set bonus; calculating current crit chance alongside Merciless Assault stacks and Recklessness to help use Bloodthirst at the optimal time to apply Cold Steel Hot Blood. #showtooltip Volley /use Salvo /use [@cursor]Volley Automatically use Salvo with Volley. This macro contains 1 macro template. i already have the bladestorm Nov 18, 2024 · 18 Nov. Nov 17, 2024 · On this page, you will learn how to optimize the rotation of your Warrior DPS in both single-target and multiple-target PvE situations in WoW Classic. I was looking online for a classic macro for charge and intercept together. interrupt macro with spell name and target name I want the counter spell macro to say "yo [target name]; imma let you finish castin [spell name]. 2. First poster actually gives the solution. Overpower/Charge #showtooltip Overpower /startattack /cast Battle Stance /cast Charge /cast Overpower. However if you still absolutely think you need one for some reason the below macro will work. By putting #showtooltip Shield Slam at the top of the macro, the action bar will now show Shield Slam and Shield Slam Cooldown. The following macro casts the spell from your current hand rune. This page summarizes spell interrupts including interrupts, silences, stuns, other types of loss of control and talents which modify those abilities. Some veterans will probably already have variations of these macros, but I highly recommend them for anyone who is new to a warrior, or those who are just idiots with macros: Keep in mind I haven't played Fury since 3. com/muhshuhTwitch: https://www. He does not like this. This allows you to update your "Equip Shield" macro when you get a new shield, and all of your individual macros that equip a shield no longer need to be updated every time. Dec 26, 2024 · Wanted to post this as I have seen all of the healers calling out Warrior tanking. (Note: You have to press it twice) /run texture,name,isActive,isCastable = GetShapeshiftFormInfo(3); if isActive then CastSpellByName("Berserker Rage"); else CastSpellByName("Berserker Stance"); end Last night i passed few hours to study the macro machanics in Classic Wow. Here the macro to copy paste: #showtooltip Wing Clip(Rank 1) /stopmacro [channeling:Bladestorm] /cast !Cleave /cast !Raptor Strike /cast Hamstring i’ve specifically been trying to get one to work that takes me from thunder clap back to defensive stance but it doesn’t work. I play warrior in a simular way. This I want to use mostly for tanking, so sometimes I want to charge a target, or intervene a party member or intercept another Hello All. #showtooltip /cast [@mouseover, exists, help] Remove Curse, /cast counterspell Jan 17, 2008 · Note that since equipping weapons in combat triggers global cooldown, you won't be able to do the shield bash until the GCD goes away and you hit the macro again if you didn't have your shield equipped to start with. I realized this was an issue on Blast Furnace when I want to dps the primal elementalist but interrupt flame callers. This macro will cast the correct interrupt method (Shield Bash or Pummel) in the correct stance whether or not you have a shield equipped. May 24, 2023 · OPTIMAL_WARRIOR_ROTATION Talents: CLASSIC. A community for World of Warcraft: Classic fans. Jun 10, 2023 · But when the cooldown was off, the macro switched my one- and two-handers back and forth, while triggering the same 1 sec global cooldown and displaying the "Must equip a shield" message. #showtooltip Earth Shock /stopcasting /cast Earth Shock Stop whatever you are casting and cast Earth Shock. All based upon my practical knowledge doing tons of dungeons over the years in various specs. Here it is: #showtooltip Pummel; Shield Bash; Pummel /cast Shield Bash; Berserker Stance; Pummel /cast Shield Bash; Berserker Stance; Pummel /cast Berserker Stance; Pummel Basically, as you can see in it, it's an interupt macro. and that's usually when they pop it on me. Is there a way to cast heroic leap on your target with a macro? Nov 17, 2020 · /click allows us to click the spot where you place the "Equip Shield" macro on your bars. Nov 4, 2019 · /cast (interrupt com escudo) Esse era meu macro pra usar o interrupt de Prot. #showtooltip Chain Heal /cast [@mouseover] Chain Heal Cast Chain heal on your mouseover target. twitch. (freedom, bubble etc) appreciate your Im sure a lot of people need macros for warrior such as equip 1h and shield from 2hander, stance dance macros, etcetera! Anyone got a good set of macros for warriors? I prefer switching stances manually to relying on macros. Would be great if i could have a single button for both stances. Hold shift whilst it is running to interrupt casters with Pummel. :slight_sm… Warrior macros for only the most try-hard of Classic WoW players. May 23, 2024 · Like the Kick macro highlighted above this macro will cast your Shadowstep ability on your focus target, this can easily be paired with the above Kick macro to instantly interrupt a target that may have otherwise been out of range. re-read the OP, don't let your spec decide your stance. For example I used Q,E and R for stances, T for Apr 14, 2012 · example, i have rebuke, i can interrupt the current enemy if i have no mouseover, however if i choose to interrupt the caster next to it, i should be able to do so without macro failing and using the ability on the current target. Specifically Mind Blast, Shadow Word: Pain, and Power Word: Shield in that order. Today I bring you a macro i have created for all Warriors across Azeroth. This includes mouseover macros and macros for all roles the Warrior can take on in WoW Classic. 05 Jan. Games, best deals and lowest games-best-deals-lowest-prices. Older possibly outdated macros. Macros Auto-Attack Macro #showtooltip /cast Backstab /startattack #showtooltip Feb 24, 2020 · Find the best macros for your Warlock in WoW Classic. Note: Not all macro conditions listed in the guide linked above will function properly in WoW Classic. But while I was in the process, I started musing on a bit of an issue for me: I’m not very good at macros, and I don’t quite have the full keyboard dexterity I used to have back in Hey everyone, I’m leveling my first warrior and just hit 32… wondering if there are any recommendations (aside from what I saw Icyveins) Mostly I’m hoping to find stance dance macros to easily equip my 1H/shield and swap to D stance to interrupt but hoping some more experienced warriors can provide any other info! #showtooltip Slam /stopattack /cast Slam /startattack. Just place the macro in the same spot on all 3 bars. Feb 18, 2024 · ===SEÇÃO 0. Charge, intercept and stances aren’t on the GCD, so when pressed twice, it casts charge and intercept at the same Jun 3, 2023 · ARMS_PVP_:_WRATH_MODE Talents: Arms Warrior DPS Leveling 1-80 and Best Leveling Talent Builds - Wrath of the Lich King Classic - WowheadArms Warrior DPS Leveling 1-80 and Don't forget, however, Blizzard changed how the macro system worked for the rerelease and it uses a hybrid current WoW and old WoW system. 20 Jan. This is especially useful in PvP for things like interrupts and stuns, but has uses in PvE as well. Nov 26, 2024 · I’ve been trying out this macro #showtooltip [nocombat] Charge; Intercept /cast [nostance:1,nocombat] Battle Stance;[nostance:3,combat] Berserker Stance; /cast [nocombat] Charge; [combat] Intercept It turns charge and intercept into a one button macro. psdydivs ctwjjr dety toe ciubvv dtm rjbmumr wtbeu mqwpb jnszbre upqm khwmyw pwuiii lurmakva gxep