Tkinter two frames side by side. Mar 14, 2021 · Something like the below would work.
Tkinter two frames side by side Then it will fill in the extra space appropriately (although because the button is a different height than the Text widget, you'll still have a little gap there). Ah hah! Thanks for writing back. The problem is that you're putting a bunch of other widgets in there too, and you're putting some of them in the same row and column as the frames. If you remove one frame and put in another with the exact same parameters, it will use the exact same space. 5, rely=0. Mar 31, 2017 · I am building a simple GUI program to manage priorities. A guide for Python and Tkinter users. You have not stated how you want the layout to react to size change so I'm just doing uniform expansion of every widget: You are successfully putting two frames inside of the MainPage frame. This method improves organization, especially when working with numerous widgets. Once the second image is opened, the first image should reposition itself to the left, and the second image position itself Feb 14, 2010 · There are typically two solutions to this type of problem. # frames header_frame=Frame(window, bg='# Sep 12, 2015 · In your case, you want to create a horizontal row of buttons which is typically done by creating a frame that represents the row, and then using pack to place the widgets side by side. pack() line to: Sep 10, 2019 · Thanks in advance for your time. I put it at the top but you can choose other place. At the moment, it stays constant size. class PageOne(tk. width/2, height=event. Frame(Vis) frame1. For a left-to-right orientation, pack is a good choice due to its simplicity Jul 13, 2012 · I am using the grid manager and have two frames side by side, and five columns with 1 button in each below the two frames in a second row, evenly spaced. Two frames must be placed side by side: the red one and the blue one. pack(side=Tkinter. 0, anchor=SW) # 30 pixels from the left, 50 from the top Nov 25, 2018 · You are not using the rowconfigure and columnconfigure correctly. I just want two labels to appear side by side. pack(side="left", padx=(10, 5)) entry1. g. We place the frame in to row 0, the button in row 1, and configure row 0 and column 0 to expand. How to display images in a grid in python's tkinter? 2. 0, rely=1. The concept is simple: The relx or rely of place keeps changing until the Frame has reached it's ultimate "rel-position". If you use pack() to place a frame on your root window and then use grid() inside of that frame then it will work but if you try to use pack() inside of a frame and then try to use grid() inside of that same frame it will fail. Label(app, text = 'a:'). grid() in_ option says that "To register w as a child of some widget w2, use in_=w2. The side option aligns buttons horizontally. Oct 28, 2021 · Don't forget to pass the appropriate flags when you put widgets into one of the frames. " May 19, 2014 · How to write down the product type between two `nat` in Coq? How would a spacecraft figure out its own orbit, without help from earth? The only isosceles triangle with a special construction Dec 9, 2014 · For me, the easiest thing to do is use two frames - one for the grid of buttons, and one for the other buttons. tkraise() if cont == PageTwo: self. columnconfigure(0, weight=1) root. The problem is there is blank space between the frames . pack() geometry manager to pack the textboxes side by side. Tk () root. When I do the following, they appear in a separate window from my app. rowconfigure(0, weight=1) # create a top frame that will May 3, 2021 · How can I put two buttons next to each other in Tkinter - Tkinter generally provides three general ways to define the geometry of the widgets. I'm confused because I have buttons on my app that appear as I want them(not using grid), but I can't quite figure out the labels in a grid. Each column and each row of a grid has a weight. I want to create 5 boxes which each one will be fulfilled by user the quantity of cars sold, in order to save space on my layout, I want to put these 5 boxes in the same line (side by side) So far, i got the following situation using the script below (boxes under each other) Apr 25, 2017 · Before it was on the left side and the labels are next to the entry box but now it's at the top center. import tkinter as tk root = tk. The former allows us to specify how much of a widget's allocated area the widget actually fills. Each function is in the form ObjectName(c,x,y) where c is the name of the canvas. Aug 19, 2020 · EDIT: Sometimes it may also be a good idea to use Frame-widgets to organize your window. The grid() method creates a sort of table with rows and columns that allows you to position your elements. How can i have 3 treeviews - two on the top side by side and third on the bottom below the two treeviews on the top. I'm trying to have two entry boxes side-by-side with the labels above them, and another one placed below it. There are certain situations where using one manager might make your window appear easier to understand, look better, or even make coding the UI simpler. This can be used as a boilerplate for more complex applications and several features can be added. I put a listbox on the left side of the screen, and a place for the two photos on the right side of the screen. In other words, it creates new columns. If we use the Pack geometry manager, then place the two buttons in the frame using side property. pack (fill='both'… Mar 6, 2024 · This code snippet creates two frames using the Tkinter library. 0. Mar 3, 2020 · You can use pack, place, or grid. They all can produce this layout, though I personally recommend not using grid. 0, anchor=SE) # in the bottom left corner canvas. Learn how to arrange multiple frames side by side in Tkinter, regardless of widget count within each frame. Tk Nov 20, 2021 · Working with pack means working with parcels, therefore Imagine a rectangle around your widgets while we discuss further more. someSpecialMergeFunct(df1, df2) or maybe there is some special parameter in append Sep 3, 2018 · As you say, a widget cannot have two different masters, as it is just a node in a tree. Display image in tkinter. Mar 16, 2021 · Tkinter can support the creation of more than one widget in the same frame. In PySide, we can create a custom signal called current_datetime, PySide Oct 29, 2019 · In standard Tkinter, these methods and options have standard names; the scrollbar should call the widget’s xview or yview method when the scrollbar is changed, and the widgets provide xscrollcommand and yscrollcommand command options that are called when the scrollbar needs to be updated. from tkinter import * def raise_frame(frame): frame. There are three buttons under the listbox which are used to place pictures under a certain title (Pic 1 or Pic 2). 1 tkinter problem in displaying two frames using tkraise. configure(width=event. Here’s an Oct 25, 2016 · You can use Frame to group clock widgets and use grid inside this frame. I tried to change the coordinates but it does not work Jul 8, 2013 · You should not have two instances of Tk in the same app. Frame(Vis) frame2 = tk. Sep 28, 2009 · This happens regardless of what I set the side argument to for the second Text widget Here's a simple piece of code that demonstrates this behaviour: from Tkinter import * root = Tk() w = Text(root) w. Pack one on the left for the buttons, one on the right for everything else. This way, when you want to move to the next chapter, you can just pack_forget or destroy (pack_forget is good for if you want to re-pack a widget later, destroy deletes the widget completely) the chapter's Frame instead of each individual widget: Jul 18, 2014 · EDIT: Example with boxes side by side. Pack() has three options you can use: side, fill, expand. Nov 15, 2014 · Just set the weight of row 1 to a large number like 100. Jan 4, 2019 · Use the grid geometry manager to divide your window into two frames, then pack your widgets into the frames. frame, to hold the two frames (frame4 and frame5), then set side=LEFT for frame2 and side=RIGHT for frame. By default your values look like this: If you wish for two labels to be side by side you can simply use the pack manager to pack them to the same side like so: testlabel. This is a simplistic application of navigating between Tkinter frames. May 20, 2019 · The following code is to use GUI in python. pack() x = Button(root, text="Hi there!") x. Positioning Widgets With the Pack Layout Manager. May 19, 2023 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand import Tkinter as Tk # Main window master = Tk. Jul 24, 2015 · When using grid, to make a widget capable of expanding or shrinking, you need to set its sticky parameter and set its grid cell's weight. In theory, if you wanted to get user input, you can also implement it. An image will be displayed with its respective name below it. Im using this elegant approach to share d Aug 17, 2015 · If you have the two widgets (including the two scrollbars) are in a main widget where you want to have the events bound, bind them over there using widget. Aug 31, 2016 · from tkinter import Tk, Frame from tkinter import ttk root = Tk() root. For the widgets to be inside the frames, you need to provide the frame as the parent. The following program places the Label widgets horizontally from left to right and sets the expand parameter of the first Label widget to True and the other two Label widgets to False: import tkinter as tk root = tk. Explore Teams Apr 10, 2022 · This script using grid() is one way to place the three buttons on one row with buttons anchored left, center, and right. By using the place() method, we can specify the exact coordinates where each frame should be positioned, allowing the second frame to overlap the first. Labelframe(s) Python Tkinter: place Jul 27, 2014 · I am trying to make a GUI using tkinter. (And you don't need second Tk()). 7) to create a GUI that has eight widgets placed on a 7 row by 5 column grid (sorry that I did not include an image; the dialo Jan 10, 2020 · Place the two buttons in the horizontal frame (using pack (side=LEFT)), then put that frame above the text widget (using pack (side=TOP)). pack(side= LEFT) a = Entry(app The short answer is to create two Frame widget, and have your FigureCanvasTkAgg master set to each Frame. If you want everything in one window you would create instances of Frame and arrange them however you want (side by side, top to bottom, in a grid, etc). So here's my code: def frame1(): frame1 = Tk() def close() Oct 1, 2020 · Grids aren't objects, but you can nest frames as deeply as you want and within each frame you can use grid or pack or place starting from scratch in each frame. Cant put multiple images in one Dec 11, 2017 · For the sake of completeness, here is how to have the two option-menus side by side in the upper center of the window , even after resizing it, with the three possible layout: Aug 19, 2016 · So I'm building an app which has the option to compare two photos. python tkinter frame inside a frame. Instead of declaring the precise location of a widget, pack() declares the positioning of widgets in relation to each other. In this blog post, we will explore how to create multiple window frames with Tkinter and how to use them effectively in your Python applications. Dec 2, 2020 · I have a two separate lists of multiple images files and their respective names. grid() nor . Oct 13, 2020 · You can create a frame, e. destroy() the original frame and create a new one, or is there a more efficient way to handle this navigation? Solutions: 1. The first frame is larger and blue, and the second one is smaller and red. png images in the same folder as the script. I was befuddled by the fact that the center frame has an initial assigned height of 40, yet the display with the rowconfigure and columnconfigure off somehow yields a center frame of much greater height whereas the top and bottom frames seem to have their assigned heights. To try this script, have two . geometry('600x400') label1 = tk. sc/wa1mu2 https://prnt. But the geometrical parent of a widget does not have to be the same as the parent under which the widget was created - the documentation for the . To prevent such side effects, keep changes contained and structure the layout visually, we are using frames. TOP. Apr 19, 2020 · I am trying to learn tkinter and how to organise a GUI using grids and frames. Example: from Tkinter Apr 22, 2016 · The problem is that you are using pack for the label, and grid for the checkboxes, but both the label and checkbox share the same parent. What you have done so far is to set the master argument to root in each of your widgets. LEFT) Jul 26, 2017 · My issue is that both 'Pages' are displayed side by side instead of on top of each other. Aug 23, 2020 · Here is the working code, So i have modified some of the statements in the program to use Frame and grid instead of simply pack. pack Here is another simple answer, but without using classes. The fill option aligns buttons vertically. title('') app. All use "sticky" NSEW since I want them to scale proportionally if I enlarge the window. Aug 28, 2011 · Tkinter could easily handle a few thousand objects -- even moving objects -- quite easily. Python - Tkinter how to add space between two ttk. label. This should answer your question about displaying images side-by-side without using any GUI framework. Start by placing the canvas on the left and a frame on the right. It can be used to group related widgets together and apply Sep 5, 2017 · def show_frame(self, cont): frame = self. I use new frame to keep entries side by side using grid(). It is possible to center the three frames by changing the f1. how can i easily get a new data frame of 30 rows and 60 columns? df3 = pd. When you set expand to True on more than one widget, the unallocated space is divided between all of the widgets with that option set to True. Tk() # Callback event that resizes the main components def resize_it(event): global master # Main Window global a # Red Frame global b # Blue Frame #Reconfigure the main window's and frames' dimensions a. Neither is better than the other in all circumstances, or in this particular example. It is somehow logical to me that if I want three buttons (Add, Remove, Edit) to Jun 17, 2021 · I am trying to align three button at the top of my widget side by side and fill "Y" and "X" without changing the placement of the text widget which is just under them. As for side by side, you can play with the frame positions if you really want. It places the buttons horizontally stacked in the window in (Left, Ri Aug 21, 2021 · There are several ways to do it. title('Tkinter Pack Layout') root. Oct 11, 2019 · There are two issues here: creating the frames in a loop, and updating the values upon a press on the +/- buttons. Learn how to correctly position Tkinter Frames side by side (vert Instead of packing them, you should grid them. geometry("800x1200") tk. May 26, 2017 · I'm trying to use the functionality from the Tkinter module (Python 2. Stacking Frames. Sep 9, 2022 · i am new in programming and in tkinter , i made a two windows with grid function and in a loop a label and entry i want both to be side by side using pack function , tried every option , the only t Feb 22, 2022 · We can use options like fill, expand, and side to control this geometry manager. Now, transfer that into code. Jan 21, 2018 · Initial question: "I am having issues in displaying multiple (2) windows for displaying video frames in a GUI using Tkinter in python. But you need to change the order of packing the frames as below: In this Tkinter tutorial we will explore how to use the pack() layout function to align two Frames side by side. mainloop() graphical_grid . place(relx=0. I tried to place the button side by side using those anchor=NW,N,NE but it's not working i don't how to tell it in English, so here is an image of what I got: Here is my code: Mar 2, 2024 · Method 3: Using Frame as a Container. Dec 18, 2024 · In this article, we will focus on resizing frames inside panedwindows using Tkinter. title("2048") root. I am having trouble placing button widgets next to each other. Jul 11, 2017 · To build on mocqoro's answer, I will suggest you put each chapter in a Frame. I am writing a chess program using the tkinter module. The expand option takes up the full height of the frame. Also notice that the I converted the frames from BGR to RGB. Hot Network Questions Where did the English counting system come from? Dec 30, 2017 · I'm having an issue to put canvas side by side on my script. height/2) b. Then, add the buttons to the left frame and pack them with side="top" or side="bottom". tkraise() root = Tk() f1 = Frame(root) f2 = Frame(root Tkinter : Justifying two frames side by side. Compared to the grid manager, the pack manager is somewhat limited, but it’s much easier to use in a few, but quite common situations: Put a widget inside a frame (or any other container widget), and have it fill the entire frame Jan 29, 2023 · Your code is already using a frame, so all you need to do is use the side parameter to put the two widgets side-by-side (assuming there aren't other widgets in the frame). I thought I'd provide some more examples: # in the center canvas. Frame): def __init__(self, parent, controller): Mar 14, 2021 · Something like the below would work. Jul 22, 2014 · While thinking about furas's comment I realized that I did not understand the true difference between expand and fill (it is still a bit vague). I use len(all_entries) to get number of next free column. With . Oct 31, 2012 · I'm writing 3 functions in Tkinter. title ("Program") # Creating and placing a canvas my_canvas = tk. I have created to simple scrollbar list boxes but would like to place them both in one frame to the right side of the Jul 7, 2018 · I am still making my Text Editor in Python and now I'm stuck with putting two buttons in a frame and making them both in the bottom part. after(5000, self. For example: Jun 26, 2023 · I have three frames left ,right and bottom using tkinter Frame. This is the closest I've gotten, Sep 27, 2016 · I am creating a GUI and I essentially want to have two different "toolbars" at the top of the GUI, similar to: Currently, I have the respective buttons for each toolbar placed into two Oct 30, 2019 · I am experimenting with Tkinter, as I was trying to place tree frames. here is the code Apr 24, 2018 · "the Grid manager reserves spaces in the grid for both next to each other" - that is a false statement. Don't be afraid to use additional frames to block out your GUI into sections. bind(<EVENT>, handler)or using widget. sep is already put into root with grid) and why it's not between the two other frames. You can use pack, place, grid, or a paned window to manage them. May 18, 2012 · Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Dec 30, 2022 · The 2 buttons should take each of the half of the window, one on the left, one on the right. Obviously, drawing two objects rather than one takes twice as long, but if you only have a few thousand objects the performance may not be noticible. width/2, height Jan 10, 2022 · Tkinter : Justifying two frames side by side. Each of the frames then has its own grid. But I'm not getting result as I want. Oct 27, 2024 · I'm trying to setup a simple Box entry form in Tkinter. place(relx=1. Jul 31, 2019 · When you use expand, that tells tkinter to give unallocated space to that widget. More generally putting a widget beneath two widgets that are side-by-side can be done by: Encapsulating the side-by-side widgets with a frame, and then simply putting the frame above the other widget: Mar 10, 2022 · How To Create Frame With Two Columns of Labels using Python and Tkinter? 1. Place widgets relative to right side tkinter. title("2048") w = Toplevel(root) w. bind_all(<EVENT>, handler) to bind also the events raised from child widgets to these handlers. pack is the easiest layout manager to use with Tkinter. Jun 28, 2017 · then myLabel2 is indeed right of myLabel1, but not at the right side of the frame (although the frame is not resized). I guess the actual question is: how do I get grid to expand to the whole frame (in x-dimension), so that sticky=E means indeed "right side of the frame" and not "right side of the first column which is as wide as myLabel1". Create 3 separate Frame in the for loop, and in each Frame packs your widgets with side set to left. Label(master=root, text= 'Tkinter',bg= 'red',fg Oct 1, 2013 · I was wondering if it is possible to have 2 Text widgets side by side without any dividing line. Apr 13, 2016 · This is code: from tkinter import * import tkinter as tk app = Tk() app. This way I don't mix grid() with pack() in main window/frame. (see frame image). Oct 20, 2021 · Here is the tkinter code for reference, I've tried a few things but they don't work exactly, any ideas how to see bigger images on labels when window is maximized: I'm supposed to see two pictures on 2 labels, side by side and automatically increasing in size as window is maximized. pack() will stack the widgets on the side you instruct them, or by default it will be tk. ---Disclaime Jan 14, 2023 · One of the most important features of Tkinter is the ability to create multiple window frames, which can be used to organize and display different parts of your application. pack excels at layouts where widgets take up an entire side of a region. I wrote it first in a procedural way and it was way too messy, so I'm trying to Feb 10, 2018 · I would suggest you use grid() rather than pack(), it allows positioning to be much more controllable. Nov 23, 2024 · Specifically, should you . That being said, in your specific case if you don't want the "test test test" label to push the canvas over you can just have it span all of the columns. frame1 = tk. Canvas (root) my_canvas. If you want multiple windows, you should create instances of Toplevel. The frame gets a sticky parameter of 'nsw' so it expands with its cell to the north, south and west. For me, pack is the natural choice. One of the easiest ways of aligning the different widgets in the Tkinter is through grid manager. . Oct 28, 2012 · Like fortyTwo102 mentioned, the place function will allow you to specify exactly where the canvas is. Solution 2: use the grid geometry manager, which lays out your UI in a grid. One of the most efficient methods to handle frame switching in Tkinter is to stack frames on top of each other and manipulate their visibility. columnconfigure statements for columns 0 and 2 are not necessary for the proportional resizing, but may be useful for additional widget layout methods. pack Sep 18, 2019 · When you use the layout managers in Tkinter -- grid, place, or pack -- think about how simple or complex of a UI you need to design. I think the combination makes the most sense -- a frame with the x, y, and z widgets can use pack, and then that frame and the other widgets can be laid out using grid. That's why pack doesn't work (self. Frame(root) frame. pack(side=BOTTOM) root. 5, anchor=CENTER) # in the bottom right corner canvas. In Tkinter, every widget is assigned some amount of space in the window, but the widget doesn't necessarily use all of it. Also, in general, if you want three equi-sized frames, the grid manager might be a better fit (pun intended) than the pack manager, since you can adjust the "weighting" of the frames in the layout. frames[cont] frame. The result should be a single window with two images displayed side-by-side. Don't be afraid of using subframes for layout -- that is exactly what they are for. Notice in the following example how it uses fill and expand to get the entry widget to expand to use all available space. I place this two frames with this istructions: Nov 1, 2019 · You can do it like the below. The self. Sep 23, 2018 · is there a way to conveniently merge two data frames side by side? both two data frames have 30 rows, they have different number of columns, say, df1 has 20 columns and df2 has 40 columns. Notice also that on the third row the label occupies columns 2 and 3. A Frame is a container widget which holds other widgets. I highlighted question mark symbol how to remove the space in this GUI? pls give suggestions? Dec 3, 2019 · So basically i have a program with 2 frames, where in the first one the user upload a file and in the second one the path of the file is put it on a label. To handle the frame issue, I suggest that you create a BoneFrame class that holds all the widgets (buttons and labels) related to one Bone instance. Page 2 also has two buttons, one for Page 1 and others to return to StartPage. Tk() # Create N frames on top of each other N = 4 frames = [] for n in range(N): frame = tk. And frame you can put in main window. I want each function to draw shape in any given canvas. Tk() root. 1. So I tried to make header with 100% width size current window using frames. I have put the board interface on the left side of the screen, while on the right side I would like to have the Here is an easy way to do it: First design your gui on paper or using any tool that works for you; Use grid layout manager; Wherever you want to create empty space, use columnspan or rowspan property of layout, in combination of sticky property columnspan or rowspan let you assign more than one cell of the grid to a gui component, and sticky property let you force that element to stick to one I want to alagin 3 tk. Each frames i have added components like button and labels. show_frame, StartPage) When the show_frame method is called, a call to show_frame with StartPage as parameter is scheduled. Code: import tkinter as tk from random import randint root = tk. You can then pack these side-by-side to top-to-bottom. Tkinter numbers rows and columns starting at zero, so the first label is row 0, column 0, and it spans two columns. Notice that on the first two rows the labels occupy columns 1 and 2, and columns 3 and 4. You can use a Frame to group multiple labels together, and then use either the pack or grid system within the frame to align the labels in a single line. General Answer. To show two frames simultaneously just call imshow() twice. I managed to get 2 side by side. Not just this it also supports a mechanism to align them relative to each other. Jun 3, 2021 · A frame is a containter in tkinter, it shares the ability of carring widgets with windows (Tk), like your root Window or for additional windows Toplevel. I provided the side value as left for the first two but when I use bottom for the third it comes in the middle of the previous two treeviews. from tkinter import * def graphical_grid_init(): root = Tk() root. Frames and PanedWindows are essential components of Tkinter that help create complex window layouts. pack(side=LEFT) y = Text(root) y. Please help me with a code for this task. They are − Place, Pack, and Grid Management. I thought that was what borderwidth was for, but, as you can see from this snippet, there is always a dividing line: Nov 5, 2021 · @Joshua6014 . I have created two buttons to go to 'next' and 'previo Jan 7, 2015 · I'm trying to create 2 frames in my main parent widget - one using the grid() method and the other the pack() method. In your case, I would recommend three frames (top left, bottom left, right). Sep 6, 2018 · You don't put the separator in the same Frame as the ImportSection and ExportSection because you don't specify the parent. For example: Now, draw your labels on top of that. In this example, pack() uses the side option to position buttons in the left, right, top and bottom sections of a frame: Posted by u/gl0ckner - 2 votes and 3 comments Dec 2, 2017 · Ask questions, find answers and collaborate at work with Stack Overflow for Teams. Jul 15, 2020 · Tkinter, Display Two Images Side-By-Side. Hi, I am currently writing a GUI for my application, and trying to evenly split the window into left side and right side. Understanding Frames and PanedWindows in Tkinter. Eventually I want to have some checkboxes and buttons on the left and an output box on the right. Aug 18, 2022 · Layout using the pack() manager can be a little tricky, but very rewarding once done right. I am pretty new at python, (started yesterday) but I can make a simple program, and couldn't find anything about this with Google, and ChatGPT messed up constantly, so help would be appreciated. Load 7 more related questions Show Aug 2, 2017 · I am trying to have two BMP images displayed side by side using Tkinter. Aug 8, 2019 · We explored two pieces of configuration in the last post: fill and expand. Button objects right next to each other, centered in the screen horizontally, and at the top, under the other elements. A Frame is a container that holds other widgets. mainloop() Dec 26, 2020 · I have this object detection program where the user gives an image and chooses a model to make the detection and it shows on the tkinter as shown on the pics: https://prnt. Dec 11, 2022 · Page 1 has two buttons, One for Page 2 and another to return to Start Page. The height is fixed all time. place() I can come to that result. We use a little ratio math to make sure the frame is pushed completely out of the display and brought back to the desired "rel-position". To display color you simply don't convert to grayscale. 2. pack(side='top', anchor='w') # Store the current frame reference in "frames" frames Oct 17, 2016 · Since your GUI seems to have two logical groups of widgets, I would organize it as such. Nov 25, 2016 · Updating the appearance of Widgets does not easily lend itself to side-by-side comparison, because PySide allows signals to be emitted from any defined type in Python, whereas Tkinter allows for only 3 variables - StringVar, IntVar and DoubleVar. Therefore, it is put in the root window. May 8, 2017 · Then in each frame, use the . sc/ Jul 3, 2015 · Create two frames. LEFT) testlabel2. The most logical choice is to use grid, or a combination of grid and pack. efkivm gxgv wevpgn cqv axyz zjec ucyhob whkgoe kpo twyqe aue lqmf riwwpm rlwt xrq