Oath of redemption build reddit. We're currently at Level 3.
Oath of redemption build reddit My ideas: Use a 1(?) Title. There are some other potentially interesting synergies too. In the worst case, you can recover your oath (maybe not optimal but I think it would make sense roleplay wise as durge should struggle with his oath). My group will be doing Dungeon of the Mad Mage starting at level 5. Just talk it out with your DM. So, after thinking about it for a long time, I settled kn a warforged Redemption Paladin/Hexblade warlock as a character, but I'm having trouble figuring out optimization and class progression, as well as starting levels. Ancients is mechanically one of the weaker Oaths, but it's a personal favorite of mine simply because of the flavor it brings to the story. Surprisingly, Redemption works very well in CoS, as does Devotion. You'll be most useful in a party with casters whose concentration spells you can protect. I know for their abilities they need higher CHA than others, and a good CON for absorbing damage to save allies. No homebrew 3. It's a popular thematic. u/ThisWillBeAnnoying here it is. We've mostly been fighting undead though, which I kill indiscriminately, as they are Attacking a torturer while he's gleefully tormenting his victim breaks the oath, but leaving the victim to rot on the rack does not. So I would not do a Sentinel build. Fun and smart additions to the game, the friendly… A Paladin, Oath of Redemption Class Tutorial, from Xanathar’s Guide to Everything I use Fantasy Grounds Unity to explain and setup a characters class specialization features to optimize game play. My experience in that game is that the paladin itself, without the subclass can already tank and dish out good damage. Not even to change class just to switch some abilities or trait points. An Oath of Devotion on a quest to seek a lost holy relic or right an immense injustice might find Selune to be a guiding light. A "good" Oath of Conquest Paladin isn't crushing skulls because he wants to, or because they think it's "holy", they are doing it in the pursuit of good. Play a Hill Dwarf and prioritize Con and Cha. There is nothing wrong with a redemption paladin cleansing the land after they've decided redemption is not an option. Mirror of loss must be required to get +3char. I took the Blessed Warrior fighting style for some extra utility but mostly for flavour. I am currently playing it myself and only broke my oath once. The party consist of a Warlock pact of fiend, Wizard of Abjuration, a Minotaur barbarian 1/ 4 monk. Anyone can do it. Not the most optimised version of the build, but still an absolute powerhouse and a lot of fun. I've seen the "redemption barbarian" (a once bloodthirsty brute who now only fights for causes he believes in rather than for the thrill). If you play Oath of Redemption without modifying the tenants at all then you'll be trying to actively I suppose the subclasses' fluff description of the "difficult path" is quite true for Redemption Paladins. But since I'm here, I'm obviously somewhat of a min-maxer at heart. Watchers - flavorful Oath with a strong defensive Channel Divinity (Advantage on Int Wis Cha saves vs Finally, if you want to reject your magical lineage entirely, consider Oath of Redemption or Oath of the Watchers. We are currently 6, hitting 7. Build path, a 11 Paladin/9 Rogue split seems like a good mix. Aug 21, 2024 · Channel Divinity (Level 3) – C Tier – The Emissary of Peace option is not good, but Rebuke the Violent can be solid, especially if an enemy gets a critical hit. Your problem doesn't seem to be a big one. Should also add oath of devotion’s sacred weapon feature can be really strong for a GWM build without many paladin levels; specifically along the lines of paladin 6/ warlock 14. Divine Soul gives you access into the Cleric pool that support paladins dream about. Went 6 levels of warlock, took 3 paladin and then the rest warlock. So I'm currently playing in a campaign that's an even mix of roleplay and combat as a Level 5 Oath of Ancients Paladin. I had an idea for a character a devil worshipping paladin that forsaked his God after he saw the atrocities he had to commit and took up an oath of redemption. The monk is a good thematically, but I think it's a pretty hard one to work with mechanically since the Monk doesn't have spellcasting and is typically a very combat-oriented class. However the idea of swearing an oath makes little sense for DUrge outside of Oath of Redemption which isn't in the game. DMs and Players of Reddit, I am looking at building an Oath of Redemption paladin with the intention of trying to convince enemies (aside from inherently evil ones where it wouldn’t make sense) to stop fighting and possibly join the party’s cause. I am a level 3 OoR pally and right now I am working on ways to control the fight CC is the way to be. I want this to be a place to post builds for different playstyles, a place to receive critique on builds and help making them, and a place just to talk ideas out. In order to gain access to the Two-Weapon Fighting Style, I’m gonna take two levels in Fighter. Paladin 6/sorc 14 is an awesome build, you’ll have lots of fun with it Im wanting to make an ultimate protector paladin. He took the oath of redemption in an attempt to curb these violent outbursts and bring peace. Oath of the Watchers is considered by many to be the strongest build because of its abilities to allow your party to act first before the enemies. Leveling that character is a bit tricky, but from my theory and experience paladin 1 -> warlock 5 -> paladin 6 -> warlock X is pretty smooth and feels functional at Hello I was wondering if I could some get help Oath of Redemption paladin build without multi-classing. Level 7 Aura is mandatory else the build will be less effective. She's now sworn an Oath of Redemption in the hopes of showing Lathander she can be the paragon of justice she used to be. oath of redemption doesn't do anything for me and I haven't actually played one because I don't like the flavor. On one hand the Oath says "Be hard to hit" with the ability to redirect blows On the other hand it says "Use Great Weapon Master" with the ability to gain advantage in a lot scenarios Third it says "be sneaky" with Invisibity and an illusionary clone. You'll need a tank, since a party of 2 only has 40-50% as much HP as a party of 4-5. Current plan is to take around 6 levels in Paladin. So I'd say you put the 17 in dex, the 16 in cha, the 13 in con and arrange the rest as you see fit (would probably put the 8 in int). I've been playing pretty true to the oath, trying to talk down fights, using non lethal attacks. I already took my first level in paladin and I’m thinking about going 3 for oath before going cleric. Nov 14, 2021 · A Redemption Paladin Building a City of Misfits. However, this Paladin holds true to their tenets until they have no other choice but bring holy wrath down upon those who cannot be saved. Would this work for a paladin who believes that this counts for everyone but themselves - or would they break their own oath and loose their powers by default? Crown is the Oath with the actual tanking mechanics, if that's what you're worried about. Also, if one of you fails a Wis save and gets locked out of combat, you'll be losing 50% of your team rather than jus Often, those who swear this oath are members of an order of knighthood in service to a nation or a sovereign, and undergo their oath as part of their admission to the order's ranks. Sorcerer Divine Soul would also make more sense if it were in the game, but it sadly isn't. But I really like this subclass because I am building towards an anti-mage build. So even though Lathander is involved in her back story, her oath is still about her and her personal journey. I feel like Larian may have gotten the tenets of Devotion and Redemption confused with one another. We are planning on beginning a new one soon online and I decided to play a Lawful Good Oath of redemption paladin. Still campaign dependent. Maybe look around at your party members and see how best dipping in/out if these areas would look more levels down the line in your campaign. I also had to reload and redo that fight 4 times. But it is a lot of fun. They allow their words (and by extension, their spells) to do the "literal" talking. If I am building a tanky character, I don't just want one that can draw the enemies' ire onto themselves, I want to build one that is a beefy character that can handle being hit over and over, with lots of hp, the basic weapon resistances, being able to recover hp easily, and (in relation to this question) be able to reduce the damage others Lorewise, maybe Blood in Baldurs happened, but since then the character has been on a path towards redemption. Good build, a pretty interesting take to combine your Eladrin teleport side effect with Beguiling Twist. My character doesn't use a weapon, and has only been playing a support role to this point. Working on a PC for future sessions, probably CoS or a homebrew. I specifically chose this because I want to really try and help protect my friends from enemy attacks. 1,000 is just too much. But say in something like a waterdeep campaign, maybe the pc got screwed by one of the masked lords (family killed, inheritance stolen, character Ideally a pacifist concept (oath wise) is a talk first, react second, act third type of concept. For character build, Half-Elf is a great starting point, netting you +2 Cha, +1 Dex and 1 other stat, as well as 2 skills to improve your out of combat utility. Raise Cha to 18 at level 4 and take the Tough feat at level 8 for an extra buffer of HP to share with everyone. He committed several heinous crimes afterwards ie: killing innocents, brutally butchering his enemies, practically anyone who had wronged him he sought after and brutally killed them, after his new God drove him to insanity for a brief time. I think I'd like to multiclass just a few levels into one of the full-casters, just because I find it annoying that Paladins don't have any cantrips, and I'm not certain which would make the most sense for a Tank/Support style build. Between those two, Redemption offers the "tanking" aura, but it only works if you're standing next to the thing you're trying to protect - so if you have a flimsier party members that often end up in melee near you, it's superior. The standard array will typically give you a 15, 14 and 13, so complementary races with a +2 and +1 will make a 16(+3) and two 14s(+2s) very available. Variant tiefling Winged, Oath of redemption/Hexblade pact of the Chain. mechanically oath of the crown seems to occupy a similar "protect others" niche without sticking you with pacifist flavor. For build paths, it's best practice to level to 5 in your primary to get extra attack before switching to your secondary, which makes sure you keep up in damage with the rest of the party. This is the first time I've really had a chance to look at the paladin oaths, and I gotta be honest I'm a little less than impressed. It's a much more moral grey. Mechanically, the issue with them is the competition for your reaction: my build literally had seven things they could do with their reaction. I've played the "redemption rogue" before (reformed criminal who now works as an agent of the benevolent Lord of the land). Conquest is fantastic on a Dragonborn who takes the Dragon Fear feat, doubly so if you also take Shield Master to shove prone once they're Frightened. Defense fighting style. The build is starting at level 5 Protector Aasimar. I played a level 4 Paladin Watchers in a Tier 1 game optimized for level 3. Point Buy of 27 2. The "goal" justifies the means to them, as it would to an Oath of Conquest paladin. 14 Redemption Paladins have one of the strongest Oath Spell lists. Hi all, just started a new game and I’m playing a changeling oath of redemption paladin at lvl 3 currently, I’m the party’s main tanky front liner but I also want to be able to provide support to some of the squishier strikers, I’ve already decided I want to make use of the crusher feat and will want to get to at least pally 7. As such, you don’t actually need to take the Oath of Redemption to protect your mount. The first time I did get the dialogue but somehow the woman in the cage still just dropped dead om the ground next to the hag. Playing a Redemption Pally in a upcoming game, any and all advice and build ideas welcome! Mar 10, 2019 · This is the first major hurdle in creating an Oath of Redemption Paladin, MADness (Multi Ability Dependant). I get my other functions from the Reborn Lineage. 0 speed movement means the enemy can't stand up until they remove the Frightened A subreddit dedicated to the various iterations of Dungeons & Dragons, from its First Edition roots to its One D&D future. Oath of Redemption has some pretty strong spells that would make good use of your CHA, and the features let you do things like damaging revenues who attack your allies, and later taking damage yourself in their place. Conquest- another "get to level 7 fast" Oath, this time cause you'll have great lockdown tank potential. Oath of Glory and Oath of the Crown are the two subclasses that can give health, though I'd say Glory is better unless your goal is Spirit Guardians at level 9. . I am a big fan of builds and I intend to be posting some of my own as well as builds I have found. Having played a warlock/paladin myself (celestial bladelock/redemption paladin in my case), this build is going to be a minor nightmare to manage, because Warlock Pact Magic does not play well with other casters. or you when watch an ally fail a save and take a dragons breath in full, you use you’re feature to force the dragon to take the same in radiant damage. As Dragonslayer Oath. The character concept is a woman so insanely in love with a peaceful life that she will do her best not to kill, but has an understanding of when it must be done. Devotion in particular is a very flexible oath when it comes to deities and faith. A paladin of Vemgeance would find themselves at home among the Darksong Knights:relentless hunters of all things demonic--and especially Lolth's handmaidens Build options to help healing are kinda limited, but they can help some. Clearly the oath, though it advocates mercy, admits that the rejection of that mercy by some is inevitable; and in that instance, requires decisive action for the greater good. If you’re not planning on going straight 20 paladin then level 6 is the most levels you should take in the class. I am trying to come up with a character concept for an Oo Redemption paladin and was wondering if anyone who was currently playing one had any words of advice on how to build it. I have a build in mind for each mutliclass; For fighter, she would go Superior Technique fighting style and Martial Adept at 4, and the maneuvers would be Commander's Strike, Precision Attack, Rally, Commanding Presence, Tactical Assessment, and maybe one more like Goading Attack. For story reasons, I’m thinking a Human Redemption Paladin who’s past his prime, but his god has called him in for “one last job” so to speak. Hey all, looking for some help with a bit more unorthodox Hexadin build, namely with the Redemption paladin. The UA Redemption Paladin had a lot of problematic mechanics, though they were really cool and flavourful. So my boyfriend really, really wants to use his paladin in a campaign an friend of ours is doing and everyone but two people are changing their characters, one of the characters is an oath of devotion paladin, and he automatically said that his character would immediately kill my boyfriend's character just because of his class. Thematically Redemption is the easiest oath to justify having party members that are chaotic or slightly evil. Building around Charisma makes spells like Compelled Duel, Spirit Guardians, and Banishment (all from Oath of the Crown’s spell list) more reliable, allowing you to complement the other subclass features with robust Subreddit dedicated to the creation, sharing, and helping others with their character or party builds for Baldur's Gate 3 by Larian Studios Members Online MontaNelas1945 Jun 28, 2023 · Introduction. I have a Level 13 Redemption Paladin through a PotA campaign, and it became a joke because of how many enemies were spared and sent to rehab. With no reliance on weapon attacks beyond Divine Smite, Oath of the Crown is a good candidate for Blessed Warrior builds. . He's not a pacifist, but he usually tries to settle things peacefully if he can. Oath of the Ancient paladin and Oath of Redemption paladins can often be found working for her cause(the latter ususally join the Order of the Silverhair Knights;redeemers of the drow). This is a build designed to tank and then support your allies, you’re not going to do the most damage, but when you crit, you dump your divine and Eldridge smites. If you're taking some extra cantrips, it's probably likely that you are boosting your charisma to boost the cantrips' effectiveness, assuming you get offensive cantrips. Literally half of the tenants of the Oath deal directly with A) Leading through example instead of condemnation to show people the right path and B) Having patience to give people time to From an RP perspective Oath of Conquest or Oath of Vengence seem ideal to mesh with a hexblade warlock and just seem fun to RP. If you want to be a full pacifist (which is what Oath of Redemption tenants push for) then there really isn't a better choice than a full control caster, which will get earlier access to the fantastic spells that Oath of Redemption can use. The only worthwhile thing on that list is Counterspell Redemption gets much worse channel divinity options Redemption gets a much worse capstone Only thing that blows about oath breaker is the price to respec. Warlocks do martial levels of damage with EB+AB, so that's covered. Our group consists of a barbarian, bard, ranger/druid, artificer, and sorcerer. com/dnddailyWATCH MORECheck out the City of Misfits Here ⏩ The biggest consideration for Redemption was that I asked the Wizard player what their characters oath would be if she were a Paladin and they said Redemption so it could also work thematically. These things aren't random, depending on which oath you took, harming innocents/those that can't defend themselves, doing stuff against the natural order, failing to see justice done, dishonesty /deception should absolutely break the oath. I'm going to take Celestial Warlock at 4th level with Chill Touch and Mage Hand, with those flavored as the bound hands of Ilmater reaching out at my To elaborate on the redemption thing, My character committed treason against his original God and she expelled him from her domain. Only critique I have would be moving two points from Dex over to Con, so both of those scores are 14's (leaving the Cha as 12). Oath of redemption and Divine Soul as others have mentioned are perfectly good. I think I’d consider building toward an oath of vengeance paladin. For your 1st level spell, Shield is good but you might also consider Silvery Barbs. A lot of other people are talking about how your build looks, and for that, I'd highly recommend looking at TableTop Build's flagship paladin. level 1 paladin 16str 14con 17char 10dex. Think the stories of the Arthurian Grail Knights having adventures. I'd love to see a homebrew rework that keeps some of the flavour of the build, which was (IMO) gutted in the published version. Open for input: - Half-elf race or High half-elf variant. So, a paladin who has taken the oath of redemption «believes that any person can be redeemed, and that the path of benevolence and justice is one that anyone can walk». If you've played with it before, what do you think about the style as a whole? I have a character concept which is a contract killer who after being captured on a job took an oath of redemption. I even healed an enemy to stabilize them. Many seem to shoehorn you into an alignment without leaving much open to interpretation, and other than Oath of the Ancients and the Redemption, they So I started with the idea of a Redemption Paladin (the other oaths didn't quite fit the character) and it works because he is supposed to be the tank, but he is not so completely non-violent, more like 75% non-violent. Any advice on a build like this? I only retain the physical characteristics of the Aasimar but it is my race. A sub-reddit started to address the lack of builds for Skyrim. patreon. And no amount of multiclassing is going to change the requirements or tenets of your oath. I RP that I try to channel my dark thoughts to smite the wicked while still being true to my oath and protecting the weak as best I can. There's not really any way to FORCE someone to target you unless you're blocking a choke point, and if you are you don't actually have a good way of stopping their damage beyond raw AC. u/TyberKhan. The idea is that the PC will either be Assimar or Half Elf. I would guess you can avoid breaking it, but that probably means not raiding the grove. Tenets of the Crown The tenets of the Oath of the Crown are often set by the sovereign to which their oath is sworn, but generally emphasize the following tenets. All paladins gets divine smite. Oath of Glory may be a subclass with looking into. Divine allegiance is identical to oath of redemption's aura of the guardian except it has a worse range, so I think changing it to match is fine. 5paladin+5warlock. The Redemption Paladin has been updated in Xanathar's guide, and it is now armoured. Elden Ring is an action RPG which takes place in the Lands Between, sometime after the Shattering of the titular Elden Ring. Don't try to shoehorn Cleric powers onto a Paladin. Specifically, I'm making a kobold paladin who is not quite as brave as he would like you to believe. I actually played a Hexblade Redemption multiclass, though my character was mostly split between the desires of his cursed blade and his commitment to his oath. Yeah, I'm a DEX based Pally (Halfling) and its still fun as hell, guess I'll just keep him pure, was considering going Sorc gish, but I got a Warlock and If I had to pick one of the paladin subclasses for a blessed warrior build, I would imagine Oath of Conquest would work well. It's a good ability for protecting a spellcaster's concentration or saving a downed ally from execution and an extended range helps it a lot. Oath of Redemption: The Oath of Redemption sets a paladin on a difficult path, one that requires a holy warrior to use violence only as a last resort. As others have mentioned, the subclass abilities are pretty situational. Really though, Warlock Great Old One makes more sense via giving into the tadpole powers. For his race I'm thinking either… This is the subreddit for the Elden Ring gaming community. So you probably don't want a trickster god, or a pure war god but just about anything else other than those extremes would probably fit just fine. The Oath of Redemption sets a paladin on a difficult path, one that requires a holy warrior to use violence only as a last resort. I'm looking for ideas on how to build this guy to make full use of the Oath features. My stats are 16 Str, 10 Dex, 15 Con, 8 Int, 12 Wis, and 18 Cha. I was advised that the Oath of the Crown build I had originally cooked up was not very viable, so I diverted to a Oath of Redemption. I would look for feats that help you survive since Oath of Redemption you can tank but your not supposed to be violent and try and be passive, peaceful. If you go against that, the oath breaks. This is the same for every Paladin oath, they only break if you LET them break. Starting Rogue seems like the best option for the extra skills. The reason Redemption has a better version of this ability is because its other features are weaker. You can lean into spellcasting more than smiting - Compelled Duel, Cure Wounds, and Aura of Vitality could be useful on this build. Lying and stealing don't break the oath, even though honesty is literally one of the core tenets. You’re better at fighting dragons. They're the level headed negotiator who looks at the "how's" and "why's" before ultimately deciding if someone is ripe for saving or beyond it. Look at the core tenets of the oath: Honesty, Courage, Compassion, Honor, and Duty. Not sure if I take High half-elf's option to take a wizard cantrip and pick up Booming Blade/ Green Flame Blade, or stick to the skill gains. Fiendsbane Oath: D. Personally, I think the Oathbreaker backstory could be amazing due it’s subversion of tropes while still being technically accurate. Definitely Cha, then. Aura of the guardian from the oath of redemption or divine allegiance from oath of the crown, for example, let you use your reaction to take damage in place of an ally, and rage would then allow you to resist that damage (in many cases) and cut it in half. And this build would kill your build with a single second level spell called Fog Cloud. They spent the last 15 years resisting the urged and trying to make amends, and a deity has recognized this and made them a champion of good now. Otherwise if you're going for battlefield control, I'd recommend you switch away from sword and board and go for a trip build with a polearm with reach. How would you build a Divine Soul/Oath of Redemption Sorcadin with the unarmed fighting style? In case my current character dies, I’m trying to figure out what I’ll have ready as the backup. And if you are ever trying to decive by making a deal with a bad guy, to then betray them later, that can also break your oath. And finally you still need counterspell which means oath of redemption is your best bet. Secondly, let's remember this even more fundamental fact: followers of the Oath of Redemption are still paladins. Others like Glory and Redemption are a bit more of a stretch, but you get the idea. Another question to ask yourself as you make these chiucds is: should be if you're focusing on damage dealing, defense/tanking, or utility with your magic? your character build can dip into all 3. Ancients - strong defensive Oath. Oath of Redemption is an interesting subclass that attempts to take a Paladin in a more Controller direction via excellent spells, while protecting their party with a unique mechanic that allows them to literally take damage in place of others. Whether the blade can be an "Oath" or not is a question for your DM, some DMs will just let you build whatever you want and flavor it however you want, and others will more strictly Oath of Vengeance 7 is very good with Polearm Mastery, and not much else Oath of the Crown isn't really worth it Oath of Redemption probably is worth it, since the range option makes it so much better than the Crown version Oath of Conquest does want the 7th level Aura (though I don't see your character swearing this Oath) I'm not saying these characters are all Redemption Paladins, but they definitely carry the thematic aspects of the Oath. The story for a (Resist urges) DU Paladin is the path to redemption, which I personally feel is the canon origin & class for the game; specifically the oath of Ancients imo as you learn to fully embrace life and a flame begins to burn inside your once-cold heart. Of ridding the land of evil. Resistance vs spell damage is bueno. The party just put in an order for a +2 longsword for me, so I'm not too worried about my strength for now. I want to play an Oath of Redemption Paladin but don't know which feats would be the best to use, I think only taking 2-3 would be good as Paladin is pretty MAD. " if youre super nervouse about the base oath tennants then pick or make up a god with tennants you prefer One thing to note is that the Mounted Combatant Feat allows you to make attacks targeting your mount target you instead - as such, you don’t need to use the Aura of the Guardian to take your mount’s damage. DM will likely allow shuffling stat bonuses as per Tasha's rules. An important thing to note is that the Paladin Hexblade split would be P6/W14 so considerations for the oath only go up to 6, so mostly oath spells and I started in Paladin and am currently at level 3 with Oath of Redemption (using Ilmater as a deity). Must Be V-Human The character Jan 7, 2022 · There are evil beings who have no desire to change and those who will laugh wholeheartedly in the face of redemption. feat savage attacker +2char. Believe it or not, it was purely for story purposes. In real life, you have a lot of religions who try to, instead of condemn people who have had to do rough things to survive, convert them and offer redemption. …In roleplaying terms, I’d describe him as a reformed oath of vengeance or oathbreaker paladin who now walks the path of an oath of redemption paladin, but is still tempted to return to his old ways from time to time when under extreme pressure (and is very aware of and open about that). I think there's just some general instability in that segment (and in general). I’m planning on going Two-Weapon Fighting for this build, since the original premise for the character was to avoid doing standard sword and board. EnjoySupport us on Patreon: https://www. If you plan to eat hag hair, you choose 16 char at level 1. It’s very niche, and you should know if this applies. Once they get their Aura at level 7 their HP becomes everyone's resource. The Plan: "Optimize" an Oath of Redemption build using standard array stats and the Tiefling (Zariel Bloodline) race. Also I’m not certain but if you also have to break your oath again (which seems unlikely but given the initial cost I can’t say I’d be surprised) Currently playing a Dragonborn Oath of Redemption Paladin with the Resilient (Con) feat. Shining Oath: C. Additionally, if you want to homebrew this class to more so follow how the updated Paladins work, I would keep Rebuke the Violent as the Channel Divinit Since I broke my oath very fast, I dont know exactly about your other questions. Jan 27, 2022 · Hey, I'm hoping to try an Oath of Redemption paladin in the future. Then you get a +1 to cha from shadow-touched, and then take a +1 to dex, con and cha from Triton. More tanking skill. 281K subscribers in the UnearthedArcana community. Dragonslayer Oath: D. - spell/weapons/armor suggestions. Satyr | Paladin - Oath of Redemption | Longsword and shield. Paladins who dedicate themselves to this oath believe that any person can be redeemed and that the path of benevolence and justice is one that anyone can walk. Oath of Redemption Build Summary Jun 26, 2021 · - Dex build to lean into acrobat background. So far Ive actually been leaning towards going Oath of Redemption Paladin (the campaign starts at lvl 5) with interception for the fighting style, but Im still unsure about the race I should choose, and spell lists. Starting Paladin for plate armor, paired with GWM + Greatsword, Longsword + Shield. Redemption’s a good subclass but its level 7 feature is not great and you’ve already gotten the strongest paladin feature at level 6 with your aura. I also suggest only taking 2-4 levels in Barbarian unless there's a feature you really want later on, since level 5 is extra attack in both classes, which is My dark urge redemption run has been a pure vengeance paladin and it’s been so amazing. I would suggest taking atleast the first dip into Sorc for a few levels early possibly right after getting your Oath and maybe come back to Pally to flesh the rest of it out later Redeemers know that undead, demons, devils, and other supernatural threats can be inherently evil. Ended up being Hexblade 11, Redemption paladin 3. Nearly finished the game and it’s been incredibly fun. The problem is the build is quite MAD and has some conflicting class features, and even getting past that I have no idea what a good balance between the two classes would be. A lot depends on what the campaign looks like and I’d talk to the dm about planned directions to make sure the backstory fits. quote from the phb middle of the oath of devotion explination "Many who swear this oath are devoted to gods of law and good and use their gods' tenets as the measure of their devotion. We're currently at Level 3. Yet the redeemers still pray that, one day, even creatures of wickedness will invite their own redemption. It cannot be understated how useful it is to say "no" to a critical hit, or force enemies to reroll against the party's save-or-suck spells. Law. Against such foes, paladins who swear this oath bring the full wrath of their weapons and spells to bear. They arent the "lawful stupid" crusader types. My OoV broke her oath by talking Arabella's mother out if killing Khaga - makes absolute sense. Redemption is fun, if you want to save your friends while healing yourself, but redemption isn't really about you insomuch as it is about redeeming your enemies. Generally a little better for Paladins specifically. Jun 19, 2024 · I have some restrictions on how this character is to be made, including: 1. I did some research and it seems like most people view the subclass as pretty lackluster. Paladins are inherently Multiple Attribute Dependant, so yeah, you'll want to spread it between Strength, Constitution, and Charisma. And the new Watchers oath could play extremely well. All you need to make redemption character work is I was bad >:( She twisted her belief in justice into a desire for violence and vengeance, and did some terrible things. I’m making a character who is a redemption paladin and I want to multiclass into Peace Cleric because it fits the character and seems great for the “be the wall and the healer” style im going for. I feel like the College of Lore and Glamour are already pretty good pacifistic, support-oriented subclasses for a bard. So playing in a campaign currently where I am playing an Oath of Redemption Paladin. As a support character, much of your battlefield control relies on your positioning and spells. As Dragonslayer Oath, but undead can at least make up a decent proportion of fights. Redemption gets: Worse spell list, including the useless Stoneskin. My friends and I have recently finished a two year long campaign. So it does sometimes clash with being good. However the devil basically put a piece of its soul into my characters sword and will tempt him to turn into an oath breaker. Well, there goes my Redemption/Kensei build idea, I wanted to be a badass martial arts paladin, but my WIS of 13 would leave me with woefully low AC, I needs my studded leather and my shield. A subreddit for D&D 5e and One D&D homebrew. Just be aware of that going in. I'm curious what stats I should bump highest first. Go the Paladin Route (Redemption or Ancients Oath) and then strike a pact with the deity to enhance their spells as a Celestial Warlock or maybe betray their old deity while going to the Celstial Warlock style to boost the holy abilities and a narrative dynamic. nlzo mfkf bmkzkr nklx mnwku xsktjz hhq cre tjjiker tasj kefiqn njhiy jogx poy upc