My boss hates me should i quit reddit My job is to make sure X, Y, Z is done while managing people and I’m fantastic at X, Y,Z. I don't know why, but she can't stand me, hates to hear me talk to my clients despite the fact they all love me, and hates it simply when i greet her. I do an amazing job, my work ethic is phenomenal and my boss loves me. I know it's best to find another role before leaving but I haven't had any luck. My mindset is I quit, rest for a bit. However he also wrote that " he was going to call my former boss for a reference". Our boss let's call him E was not really a nice person he was quite afoul to be honest but during his management I started liking my job and really evolving. Only 10 employees. Now, my boss has told a couple of senior team members that he expects a few more people to be let go at the end of this year, maybe early next year. Basically what the new zero experience staff have to do. Gaslight me into thinking she's right and I'm always wrong Talked shit about me to other coworkers (and I found out from them) Tracked where I am and questioned what I've been doing if I'm not at my desk when she needs me Told me to take on tasks above my pay grade because it's needed without any training/directions (Even though all my work is done) She has never once treated any of my other coworkers this way. And he's never that nice to me. My boss has a fair but stern management style which I don’t respond well too just on a personal level. My employer was very mad at my friend and I for quitting as we were specially trained tutors. I shouldn’t care, but I weirdly do. Im loved at my job. " The person in the seat before me sent email blast after email blast annoying the absolute shit out of them and made no traction. The other guy quit too. The company and the type of work is exactly what I want to do and have specific experience in doing, but seriously I hate my boss. Nevertheless I managed to get a new offer and quit this toxic job. Leave at 3:30, say no, I can’t stay an extra few minutes. She had the ex manager give me a letter (she doesn’t even work there and no one likes her but my ex boss) and even she was confused about my termination. Would sneak around corners to eavesdrop of my convos. Do I apply for a new job and wait until I have an offer to mention it to my boss, or should I tell him I’m looking for a new job so he has time to find someone to replace me, but risk him being a dick about me wanting to leave? Either quit or look for a new job first then quit I think it's worth talking to your boss since you're about to quit anyways and don't care Also you need up to two full months to know how bad a job actually is In the meeting just put it down as clearly as you can "HI Jane. My inner monologue has become “maybe I am annoying, maybe I talk too much, maybe I do have attitude”. I apologized over and over. Worst boss I ever had. I’m a nice person that goes above and beyond with everything I do. My health got worse and got muscle spams 24/7 so bad that I decided to just quit. Turned out my old job was struggling with my leaving, and after a few conversations with the owner, he was more than willing to take me back. My manager and her boss were livid with me and I told them I wasn’t going to start showing improvement until they streamlined my workload (which inherently was true because I couldn Pretty soon I will be quitting my job. Its just insane and im uncomfortable. Sometimes no matter what, you cant see eye to eye. Blah blah blah, I'm miserable. For months after getting the new boss I had to work through stuff on my own just to feel like my normal self again and even now I'm still trying to work through all the trauma the previous boss caused me. I hate it that they try to boss me around, but whatever, I'm not quiting, and I'm getting around 40 hours a week while they're begging for more I'd constantly all my boss for advice or voice my concern that I wasn't selling enough. He is trying to make you quit, but only do it when you find another job. I also restored my boss for berating me in front of my subordinates and peers because he misunderstood something. He puts no effort into really managing or bringing together his team, doesn't share any important or useful information, the majority of his feedback is about really unimportant stuff or just plain wrong, doesn't know how to set realistic deadlines or priorities, and doesn't listen to any suggestions ever. I was about your age or a bit older when I made a similar mistake. I was on track to become the new technical project manager for our group but my old boss decided to promote one of my other peers instead. Lol Then our boss decided to promote my boyfriend and manage us himself. My manager was the sweetest person and used to help me out a lot when I did join. I have spoken of this situation to my boss, but that was before my colleague got promoted. I can’t quit this job for a variety of serious reasons but it’s starting to seriously affect my mental health to the point where I am seriously having panic attacks. They were true sociopaths that once made me want to quit my life. My boss hates me and I don’t know why. Welcome to r/work! Love it or hate it, we're here to make the most out it. My boss is a very nice man and honestly, he made a lot of exceptions for me to be able to work there (e. Ive been at my job over 23 years. Have you ever quit a job, or made a big life decision and then questioned the decision afterwards? I had a boss tell me that once when I quit. My boss used to be able to control me with her eye brows. I honestly want to use this a lesson to say ‘F it, it’s not the end of the world, nobody died. I work for an organization that is suppose to work with homeless individuals and people with behavioral health disabilities and I reported a coworker who acts like she is everyone’s boss threatening a client with eviction because the client shared concerns about her apartment. I am not young I am M 29 years old but I am stressed. My well being was not thought of and everyone was so fake. You just described my first director-level job! Had a horrible mean girl boss who nit picked my work, criticized my suits and clothes. When my manager found out, I’m about to leave, he quickly shifted his face from supporting/giving me a pay rise 2 days ago, to suddenly criticizing my work/me as a person and switching over to firing me (throwing me under the bus and blaming me for not being able to meet No response. 96 votes, 74 comments. But my co-workers refuse to talk to me and I honestly have no idea why. Today my boss kept pacing past me (it felt like she was hovering)every time she’d pass she’d look at me like something she scraped off her foot. She says to me just what absolutlely needed and besides on these things she ignores me totally. But days ago I got my final position: my co-workers here also kind and helpful, but my boss literally hates me. Don’t let them fuck with you. That shit sinks in deep with me and is making me question myself constantly. Great pay, great hours, great coworkers, but a single caviant; my boss hates me. If your friend quit and continues to shit talk abour your boss, then there has to be some deeper issues with said person. He would call me stupid for getting close to “the girl who might take my job”. They didn't ask me, they just said "here, you're running this partner now too. I quit my current job with no notice, citing that the company "wasn't a good fit" and took a week off. I quit with no notice and 15 years later it has not effected my career in any way - unless your boss is horrible/it's effecting your mental health I would stay until you have something else lined up. I got a job with a friend of his two weeks later. true. It took me a long time to get it right. i make pretty good money and the job isn’t hard, but my mental health has been taking a pretty hard hit. Some people can't suss it out or do anything about it. I get tired and my ankle gets hurt many times. I'm already miserable and it's really affecting my mental health. Even if you can get a new job in the middle of a pandemic there's no guarantee you'll like the work or your new coworkers, as the newest member you would also likely be the first to go if there are layoffs. 22 votes, 15 comments. The question isn't "how do I get my boss to stop texting me?" it's "why do I keep answering this asshole on my time off?" This is a 'you' problem, not your boss. Meanwhile my job description has also changed (it was kinda similar tho), but I loved my new job too. Modifying my resume. Hopefully, this will help a bit in preventing me from getting fired. p I'm a manager and I knew how they wrote my "goals" were intended for me to fail so I could be let go after my "tell me what you're gonna do today" "keep updating during the day" "share an update at the end of the day" "share everything for review before its sent out" and today --- "cc me in every mail, i mean EVERY mail" (i sense there's a doubt and lack of trust here) If someone does not trust me, should I continue working with them? You don't control your boss, but you do control you. The severance package is fantastic, and would set me up to pursue work I actually enjoy. Agreed. Should I quit my job if I dislike my boss? He (45M)seems to like me (btw i’m 20sF) and wants to hold 1:1 meetings 1-2x a week even if I insist on providing written updates and such. Your job needs you too. We have conversations about my reports (strengths, weaknesses, what’s going well and what’s not going well). But now the thing is how do I quit. Now I work with an okish boss who doesn't make me feel constant anxiety or down about myself. I was hired by my boss, but she… I hate my job, I want to change my job but I would also like to leave on good terms because I need the reference. My boss also probably hates me for being at home with my toddler all the time. He had seen how hard I worked when he visited the office a few times, and always heard great things from the other guy until after I quit. You have the favor of some one with power, and should take full advantage of it. Excluding me Everything about the job is great. We interact basically everyday and it gets increasingly difficult for me to act normally. She has hated me for the entire time, except a few weeks in the beginning. There are no other women on my team at this time. My manager, just manages me and no-one else. I started a new job two years ago. My depression is hitting me I didn't think my manager might be attempting to make me quit, but after reading this, I'm starting to think that might be the reason behind his horrible behavior for the past 3 months. 2. What should One of my colleagues/supervisors (she’s an associate, so above me but she’s my age) absolutely hates me. I knew this was going to happen before the manager came into role. My old boss retired in jan 23. I have a supporting spouse that wants me to be happy and stay home if I want. f. As for talking this out with my boss He is ultimately won't be my boss forever. But sadly he quit and now my boyfriend is my manager again. I've noticed that he's a lot nicer to the men on my team. The boss talks to me multiple times a week. D: I just wanted to clarify that my friend didn't get me the job I have. 2 months back I was working on a project with her, and i messed up, she had to spend hours correcting my work. My bosses love me. I feel you. P. I’m in a VERY similar situation. I clean everything that’s never cleaned, I relate to the customers and make them all so happy to the point of them complimenting me and writing good reviews, I am always attentive and kind to my boss. I'll explain. The other people that have worked with him for a while now, all say he's an asshole. When I get there, there is no shipment for me to work on and he is suddenly asking me where I was over the course of the weekend. I'd been at a job for about five years, was offered about 20% more to go to a different employer, and my employer matched (but didn't exceed) the offer to have me stay. I still have a professional relationship with my old boss and had a private discussion with him after he left the company on why he chose my peer instead of myself. I didnt put to much emphasis on the me doing interviews/applying as that might sound bad. He has made so many mad at my job. She doesn't get to be my boss anymore. Even spoke with a career coach to try and help me out but haven't been able to secure anything new. Say they are picking on and belittling you - End of the day if they have no evidence to substantiate their claim your performance is sub par then it’s essentially baseless allegations amounting to defamation and effectively harassment. One time he bring a job to me, telling me it looks like shit, and that there is physically no possible way it could be anything other than my fault. Just wanted to rant and see if I’m being irrational in my hatred for my boss. They used me and made me hate the field if work I work in with their unprofessionalism. I would love to go work back for my previous employer but, they don’t pay as well as the company I work for now, but they were a lot more flexible on schedule than my current company which on my long days will go from 3:30am to 6:30pm, which I’m not to thrilled with and I’ve talked to my wife about it and she said I can find a job if it My boss hates me. Me too. Sometimes I even stay an hour off the clock to help but I still get yelled at the next day. Later on I got another job offer from a global company. He scheduled a last minute 1 on 1 meeting with me with no agenda or any way for me to prepare. Extra customers keep being added to my portfolio and I'm also highly successful at driving up engagement with non engaged customers. " EDIT: He listened to my complaints (her behavior was egregious) and transferred me to a different team. Even when I'm sitting around with my coworkers, my boss only interacts with them. See full list on theladders. Given the state of the world and the fact you said you love the work you do if I were you I would stay put. I currently have a business masters so im not gonna fo amy more education. Normally, if I have a boss who doesn’t like me and I don’t give a sh*t about the job, I’ll quit quickly like Gen Z lol. And i know it's personal, and only with me. I'm extremely torn, this is my dream job. Seeing as my boss is bringing up new hiring I take it that they’re looking to throw me out soon. He told me he laughed when my old boss bad-mouthed me. I told my boss, Im a full time student, graduating next year, and currently balancing an issue with my wrist. It seems my boss (who’s also the owner of the restaurant) has it in for me. com Aug 25, 2023 · What do you mean when you say “my boss hates me” Sign #1: You’re being ignored; Sign #2: You’re being micromanaged; Tips for repairing the relationship with your boss; If your boss is abusive or discriminatory; Final thoughts; My boss hates me FAQ; References; Sign Up For More Advice and Jobs Aug 15, 2024 · Make sure your boss sees you are involved in things like team meetings and big projects. Assuming they are wrong to criticise your performance, you should put a grievance in against your manager for bullying and harassment. I hate my boss and the company culture, and I don't feel supported by my team. My current role and company has a massive amount of operational issues. Years ago, I went to my supervisor's boss (after about 9 months of them being a nightmare) and I said, "I don't work for <supervisor> anymore. I made a far less expensive mistake in work today but still my immediate thought was ‘Should I quit?’ Christ we’re so hard on ourselves. My job freaking needs me, I don’t need to kill myself to please them. It feels like starting over and I miss my old job. And another question. My boss hasn’t done a single thing to help me grow or to help guide me in my new role. He takes every opportunity to try and make me look and feel Granted, my stomach still hates me but at least my clock in sheet says 8:30 am clocked in. But it didn't solve my problem completely. I want the extra 1-2 hours a day to apply to jobs/internships, focus on schoolwork, do interviews, and not put stress on my body. so i am going into my third year of university as an electrical engineering student and am currently working a summer internship at a local aerospace company. Just one thing, I've developed feelings for my boss. It was late, got asked to photocopy something for one of the bosses (not my boss tho) and I dragged the wrong file from the scanner file to the email. My boss called me a m. They just fired that person and gave me that job to do in addition to my other partners. I'm the only one. I'm in the same position. When I quit, my boss said he didn't think I'd ever be able to get a new job, and as I haven't lined anything up yet I feel he and others may try to make me feel bad about this. I work in a team of 2 and whenever my boss assigns us a new task, he only directs his instructions to my teammate. My work is done on or ahead of time. I’ve stuck it out and am looking. Now i see her being hostile towards me. And he is basically a prick to me all around. But, that doesn't mean I can't have this conversation with him. Client got mad, guy who wasn’t my boss got mad and gave me a lecture (also mad at himself for not opening the pdf before sending). Everyone I work with hates me - this isn't an exaggeration - I'm annoying, stupid, boring, bad at my job and come across as a very whimsical person. Everyone else on our team holds them twice a month. He also went on to ask me to submit a work sheet of my tasks and how I do them, in what order etc. They "moved him" to another group and his boss took over managing my contact and I all of a sudden was put on a PIP. Regardless of your relationship with them, your boss should respect the way you handle your work and how much you add to the team. Apr 23, 2023 · A boss who breaks promises, gives contradictory orders, and actually works against the team in achieving shared goals can be an insidious form of toxic leader—particularly if this is a regular Long story short: I really can't stand my boss. 2M subscribers in the careerguidance community. I’m just sad. But changing my workplace now, so hoping for better tomorrows. During her two years here, she has caused 3 people to leave within 6 months. There's no guarantee the boss will be less of a jerk in a new job. I’m sick to my stomach but feel I have no choice but to get the hell out. Should I just go to HR and tell them I quit? He's gets annoyed with me if I have questions about my work. I've already paid for the vacation and the tickets are not refundable. But also due to depression and mental state got worse during those months, my friends won't supportive of my reasons of being jobless because they only care about money. after resign, what should I do with her Me being a person that has dealt with emotional abuse the entirety of my 28 years of life cannot just brush his behavior towards me under the rug. He wanted change. I don’t know what to do and I just want to cry. *UK BASED* I've been at my current job for 2 years, I was really enjoying it up until a couple months ago. I hate quitting jobs, as I hate telling my manager I'm gonna leave. Is it worth quitting before i got a new job? Or should i wait another 3 months? so at least i get 6 months work experience for my CV After that I would try to keep a positive attitude for a few days/weeks but if during this time she would still be a biatch, i would ask her again for a private conversation where i would be direct with her, asking her if she has some personal issues with me… because i feel she tries to make me a hard life when i only want to do the job. She was a manager, not a leader. So if your boss wants to avoid these costs, he’ll definitely tell you to resign (my prev boss did this to me but when I applied for new jobs, i explained that because of pandemic, the business is trying to save itself so they had to cut employees which is whats really happening today). He doesn't make eye contact with me or even change his body's direction towards me when he is speaking to the both of us. Since I’m in the back alone, I don’t get to mingle with anybody. I may only be working under him for another 6 months to a year before one of us is transferred (project will be done in a year). No matter how hard I work, he hates me. About 2 weeks after he left, I was offered a retention bonus - stay until the end of the year (it was August), get an extra $10k. His wife and kiddo are pretty great, too. I know workplaces aren’t all fun and games but I feel like I’m being held to an unfair standard any advice is welcome thank you. I'm really considering going to see a therapist. I know I’m on the outside now. We left because we worked with young unvaccinated kids and she kept making workers with covid come in and when we got covid she was harassing us to come in. I messed up, I’m human, I won’t try harder next time because I actually tried my best today. I’m constantly getting yelled at the next shift when I come in Becuase I didn’t do enough. We have strategy meetings to get things done. Please tell me I am some sensitive snowflake. I never know how to start that talk off - advice please? The worst part for me is that my current job is really small so it has a "family vibe". I've wanted to work in this field since I was young. They’ll wring every last drop out of you if you let them. My boss had given me Thursday through Sunday off for the event, which was kind of a big deal around my group of friends. Knowing the full story, I would nullify if on his jury. So was considering quitting anyway to start my own business and this situation is really pushing me now. That I was causing problems to the company and it could not continue. My previous bosses were even worse than this one. I went to two therapists and 3 mediums, desperate to make it work. he had a meeting with me at one point saying I was away from my desk too much, so I apologized and really worked at making sure I was there unless I absolutely had to leave my desk. You probably have some rights that he is trying to avoid by making you quit. They hired someone to do the same job as me (in-house graphic designer), meaning there isn't enough design work to keep both of us busy, and now we get given a lot of tedious monkeys work to make up the rest of the hours. Ok, she probably doesn't HATE me, but I believe she doesn't like me. I quit my last job with was freelance food delivery. It sucks, or maybe not -- you're at work to work, not have friends -- but it's more than just "everybody hates me, I'm just that important, they've made me a special hate project 'cause they're not busy at all. That said, OP shouldn't have let himself be strung along on a promise for 16 years. I always do my work in job as Hard as I can but iam overweight and cant handle much work. I quit after the mobbing got too much and bosses didn't care. My toddler is always sick it seems. 129K subscribers in the work community. The only problem I have is the stuff he's saying about me when l've done nothing to him. I have been with a company 6 years, promoted and been in the new role 2. I really need to know if I am the problem or my boss is a lunatic because I have been in this job just a little over a month and my boss is making me cry almost on a daily basis. They taught me excellent Mexican slang, taught me how to cook various recipes, helped me roll silverware and clean chopsticks, poured me cocktails, invited me to their kids birthday parties, etc. She has been TOXIC to me and another person we hired after me. As time goes by my mental health got worse, cause I was being kinda mobbed. My boss is literally the most miserable mean girl bitch I’ve ever met. This has gotten so bad that my colleagues have noticed that I’ve become the office scapegoat and have explicitly asked me why the boss hates me so much. I have a 8-4 office job that I HATE. My first reaction was "uh oh, now I REALLY need to get out of here, there goes the freedom/autonomy which is all this job has going for it". I tried to do my job and please her. 5. So my boss suddenly seems to really dislike me. What should I do? This resonates so much with me. He's very attractive but what made me fall hard was his personality. I also STILL talk to a different old boss, and consider him to be one of my good friends. I've used up all my holidays and sick days already. So now I am alone, I have been here for four months and have no one at work I can even talk to. He would actively pit us against each other, And looking back on it I am sure that he was pulling aside those girls and telling them the same thing 105 votes, 87 comments. Granted my boss is a little more communicative and less combative than yours, but the process would be the same regardless. i work from 6am-2:30pm every day, and usually after work i am 1) exhausted and not able to do anything productive 2) visiting with The reason I'm posting this is because it's now gotten to the point of him making snide remarks to me now and when Itold my management team they all said to blow it off they also tried to say we had problems with each other and we needed to get over them. She is extremely career focused and is finding small meaningless errors in my work at 9pm when I’m spending time with my family and having a balanced life. After my fuckup i was off for a couple of weeks due to covid. Anyway, I turned in my letter resignation on Monday for a 3 weeks notice since I was being considerate. It’s so emotionally draining watching people who don’t do their job get treated better because they’re friends with the boss. Each conversation becomes a frustrating game. Office relations I work in fast food full time, not a big company like McDonalds or anything but a family owned restaurant and recently I’ve noticed how my boss would tend to be condescending towards only me about “my tone” at the register, or my spelling or my way of pronouncing certain words. I haven’t been a server very long - only about 3 months now, but I work More than 40 hours a week at this restaurant. 30 minutes later I quit my job, new company needed someone the following day. I think I have to quit at this point. I love the community and the environment and my co-workers are all super nice. I can live without a job as I have money to survive and parents can back me up. on the phone. I actually saw all 3 of them a couple weeks ago! They came to visit me at work and have now inadvertently found a new hobby. Monday he calls me in for work telling me that we're getting a big shipment. Now he might be calling me supervisor from my last academic position, which would be great as she loved working with me, but if he calls my boss at the company I worked at when applying for the position I am pretty boned as the guy hates my guts. I also know I hate change, it’s always hard for me. I found out the other day that One of my managers just put his direct report on a PIP. According to my coworkers, the majority of them received raises after the first three months. When I finally quit, my boss called me telling me I’m making a big mistake and that the company I’m going to won’t make it, and that their company is the one that will win out. I definitely won’t quit even with a decent next egg. I just got a message from my manager telling me that they canceled my time off and I needed to be there tomorrow. He's visited me at my current job a couple of times and we regularly chat via text. Grow some fucking balls. I just got a job offer and I want to give notice before I am fired today - which I know is coming. I calmly hung up, called a friend and asked if his company was hiring. After I complained about harassment by a different boss, my boss grew to loathe me and has been trying very cleverly to fire me. I’ve been at this job, my dream job, for almost a year and a half. At that time, he basically said I should wait for another 1 to 2 years, so that I can get more exposure in the It's not a test; look for another job. She makes disparaging comments about me in round-about-ways. Tell me not to talk to certain coworkers. I work as a plumber. They can deal with me. g he never hires anyone to work part-time for him but he spoke to his boss and got me hired) and I would feel terrible if just stopped showing up without telling him why I stopped. He was honest with me and told me that he My boss is an MBA in healthcare and let my senior coworker leads the department. I have done it once - my boss was horrible, said some horrible things and wouldn't let me have the day off to see my partner in the hospital. I have 180k saved up and my husband has a decent job. Everyone is telling me leave it, but when you find another job. A place to discuss career options, to ask questions and give advice! A subreddit for those who want to end work, are curious about ending work, want to get the most out of a work-free life, want more information on anti-work ideas and want personal help with their own jobs/work-related struggles. Yesterday my boss publicly wrote on slack that he needed to address my several mistakes. Using my network. I really hate her and I wish here to die. That's why I am there. The current one only makes me want to quit a job (I am also a bit depressed and unmotivated, but it could be much worse). Jul 14, 2014 · The boss will divert the conversation and does not give a straight answer to your straight question -- steering the conversation onto another topic. Previously, my boss was super chill and never had issues with me. My new boss is a long timer too in a new position. I can feel the vibe has shifted and there’s nothing I can do to change that. I hope that I still work for you, but I don't work for her. She has never complained about the quality of my work or timeliness of it. I was overextended and exhausted due to the workload, and eventually started ignoring several emails, meeting invites, and requests to revise my purchase orders. I have worked too much to being amicable and friendly but nothing worked I am not goven the work i want, and judeged for everything. I'm having frequent panic attacks and I just want out, but I'm terrified of telling my boss because she will be so angry. 17 votes, 28 comments. Dealing with your manager or supervisor means you should continue to be a strong contributing member of the company. I wake up to 20 emails most mornings which derails my day. I was pretty sure he liked me as a specialist and a human being. If it’s truly awful I’d resign. Besides my manager. 5 years. But what I will not, is suffer this sort of bullshit and pathetic gossip. I hate coming to the office. He gave me his boss's number. My coworkers tell me they appreciate the help I will go ask my boss often if she has more work for me she says no. But I asked for this off months ago. Aug 15, 2024 · Additionally, if you and your boss communicate well, you get more valuable, well-delivered feedback, which encourages you to keep excelling at work. I couldn’t infect children. If he wasn’t in the office or I was at a customer site, he would call me every hour to hour and a half asking what I’m doing. Then he left and they replaced him with a corporate koolaid lady from another office. Mute the conversation until Monday and then walk in and address every text message with him or her in person. Related: 8 Ways To Build Workplace Relationships Signs that your relationship with your boss needs improvement Here are a few possible signs that your boss hates you: Your boss wants an update on Also, my only teammate quit and moved to Colorado. And after a long time, I found out that none of the original people work there anymore and the bar was sold to someone else, not too long after me and that guy quit. PS: If you are uncertain, find another job and check if your boss is willing to give you a raise so you don't quit. I don't know if I should just endure and ignore the situation for now, hoping I get a promotion eventually. She is not hostile, but not kind at all. They're the type of tasks where my boss needs something done but doesn't know exactly what he wants. I was considering starting my own business - I have been trying to do it in my free time but workload and travelling with work has prevented any progress in the past 3 years. I put a lot of work and do my work seriously, and I feel my value is not rewarded as it should be, at least for the role I have in the company. I am in finance, my boss plays favorites, he… I will be the first to admit that I am a pretty sensitive person, so for a long time I told myself I was just being sensitive and made all this up in my head. The previous manager had a lot of issues with the direct report, but having to put someone on a PIP is a pain in the ass and doesn't look good for a manager "I couldn't coach the employee, therefore I'm not a great manager". I have the exact opposite. Here my co-workers and boss were really kind, helpful and friendly. So they fired 4 people in the last week. I absolutely love my job, but hate my boss/managers. Hours later my boss comes in with it and yells at me saying how unacceptable it was. That awkward conversation. His ex-boss had it coming. My boss and that coworker have been friends for a long time so I know they will side with each other no matter what. Then my boss quit. I don't help other I found out again today that my boss called me useless. Which was okay so far, it increased my motivation. He should have quit and avoided this situation (and his angry outburst) altogether. " The only reason I don't give a shit is because I'm not someone who talks shit about my other coworkers or only cares about what people think of my new duck-faced profile picture. 8. And fuck the disapproving glances. My team earlier showed less hate but not they fully reflect upon my manager and discard me One of the seniors (one level up) did not like me and influenced all the juniors to treat me with contempt. I found the perfect job for me. The soft answer tasks are definitely the most difficult ones, but they are the often most rewarding. It’s hard as fuck out here but luckily I found ways to bring in money and I’m just now getting into different opportunities. My boss says iam a p**sy and makes work a terrible place for me to go to making pranks on me all day. Hi All, I need some help, I started a job less than 90 days ago and my female boss yelled at me the 1st week because I wasn’t… My boss is a total narcissist and extremely toxic. He treated me badly, and it took a while for him to see that I work hard. The machine just couldn’t account for what they were asking me to do. I feel so dissapointed, i feel like my manager just hate me for some reason. No more. He told me that I have one month to increase my performance to a unrealistic and unattainable goal or else I will be terminated. My boss would always pull me aside and tell me that these girls are not my friends and they are my competition. He is the problem. My boss and my friend truly dislike each other and sometimes I feel like I'm getting caught on the crossfire. They were really standoffish when I first started bc English speaking waiters had been mean/racist to them in the past and didn't tip out the BOH I quit my last job. He is sarcastic and constantly belittling to me. So I thought I could just quit on the spot like them but my boss told me I had to work tmr and the next 2 weeks and that a couldn't quit without working at least another 2 weeks and being on call as backup. He was a great boss and constantly reassured me I was doing great. And I also know my manager hates me know. I do realize I'm walking on slippery ice, here. My managers are cool, but I’m pretty sure my boss hates me. mbyw ase ydyvu rdhci esy cgiwgwj eypt kzipu dzcbmex ufhm pwxdopzk ksvfabg ecbjr hplhfsw zsy