Mhw charge blade elemental or raw As you can see, the expected 20% boost to element works, even for UED, in the training room. You can still build Elemental if you want, as Savage Axe builds does really good Elemental dmg. The narga CB is just superior in all ways that there is no impact element CB that can even compete in damage even if you match the element for each monster. This is the strongest right now for raw (there is one that beats it but it doesnt use masters touch, and no masters touch means it will hit blue sharpness and at that point the one above is better) For elemental Any element safi CB (except for Beotodus) with 5 element augments or 4 + 1 sharpness V Health, 2 elem augments Safi Safi Yes and no. here are all the ways to perform Amped Elemental Discharge (AED), or Super Amped Elemental Discharge (SAED) when your shield is charged. Dec 27, 2022 · Below is the list of the best Kjarr Charge Blades: It is very rare for a Charge Blade to be on-par with Kjarr Charge Blades in elemental superiority. Elemental CBs just got a big boost with MR Kulve weaponry and is now superior to raw CB in some match ups. The power axe ticks are greatly nerfed for impact phials compared to power element, and that's most of what will be contributing to meeting the DPS check. Slower weapons are generally better served doing elementless builds since elemental damage is the same per hit. I hasn't even figured out how many combo attacks the axe mode can do. 5 weapon in elemental set up. I’ve heard that DBs are one of the best weapons for elemental/status damage. If my target monster is neither weak to ice nor fire, I use a raw CB with a elementless decoration. Build wise, what skills do you recommend and do you have a favourite armour to get them? (I have the dlc if that changes anything) TLDR: builds for mhw charge blade Thanks in advance Short answer is that element is shit. Charge Blade Techniques and Formulas Contents. Charge blade definitely has a lot of mechanics compared to other weapons. Elemental CBs are good for monsters with good elemental weaknesses and hitzones to expose, at your level Alatreon comes to mind. Since not all hitzone values for elemental are the same, some elements outperform impact while some don’t. 6 The Guard Thresholds for Charge Blade are 14 and 39. These rare 9 and above weapons were added with the Iceborne Expansion and can only be obtained by players who own the expansion. no KO damage on monsters. 2 (elemental portion) + 210 x 0. 14 effective raw for attack+regen vs 382. I believe(I know very little about charge blades) but until you get kjarr charge blades the diablos charge is the only one worth a damn. 0 elemental multipliers Monster part: 60 raw for slashing, 20 element Raw Damage = 300 * 0. I use rathalos CB and armors to deal with them. MHW Charge Blade Traits & Abilities Most don't include safety skills like Health Boost 3 or Stun Res 3 nor will you likely have all decorations listed. The Vernal Invader March Update brings the Charge Blade! Raw weapon types are really strong with a lot of options for you to choose from. charge blades have 2 phial types, impact and power element. . Normally I would just ignore them (was looking for dual blades to complete my Kjarr collection) but I was just wondering if Elemental charge blades are any good? I know that elemental damage got a buff in Iceborne but I believe that Impact is still king. Elemental CB got massively buffed compared to the base game. Learn about the best Charge Blades for Sunbreak and the best builds and Armor pieces to use with the Charge Blade for Low, High, and Master Rank. Ideally you will use sword mode to gain phials, then axe mode to discharge them as quickly as possible, the switch back to sword. But, again, you lose KO on phials. And in IB most of the good endgame weapons are elemental/status. It comes with two Lv1 slots. For longsword I used the Viper Tobi Kadachi longsword for a good portion of early to mid game master rank, it’s really solid. In a perfect fight against a Monster with the maximum level of Elemental weakness to what you have then Elemental is slightly better. 28; rounds down to 61. I think the direct damage multiplier on phial explosions was lowered. Chances are you won’t be able to add but 1 or 2 of those, but that’s alright, that’s where we are at right now. Its hard to tell because of how the phials spread out on an elemental charge blade, but I think on 10-15s im hitting as hard as impact phials. Skills to avoid: Focus. the velkhana charge blade is pretty bad to be honest. 1; rounds down to 51 With Dragonheart: 42 x 7 x 0. You can also see the new Master Rank Iceborne Charge Blades. If you have Impact Phials, your Phials will be explosions with stun damage on them and your Sword/Axe attacks will either build up a status or deal extra damage with element. Defender is your best bet considering but nearly every single MR charge blade is quickly going to be better and you won't need tyranis 2. When looking for elemental Charge Blades, choose Power Element phials and the weapon with the highest elemental value. Feb 23, 2024 · Odium is a Charge Blade Weapon in Monster Hunter World (MHW). Keep in mind that you will do next to nothing if the monster isn't weak to your element, though. If a player don't know how to use a charge blade it's either going to take several hours of practice (especially if phial system hurts your brain on top of knowing the best combos to do between sword/shield and axe mode), or just play switch axe which is beginner friendly compared to the charge blade which is kind of like the advanced version Posted by u/tiger_triple_threat - 3 votes and 23 comments Yes. Try grinding for armor, jewels, and charms that maximizes damage output and affinity. No, raw is used to refer to damage without any element. Contents. 15 Raw damage and 1. Oct 24, 2020 · The easiest way for an elemental Charge Blade build is to used Kjárr Charge Blade, which requires some serious grinding to get the correct one (Kjarr Crest “Stream” or “King”) Builder Link This build utilize Elemental Bonus from True Dragonvein Awakening and the Critical Element from Kjárr Strongarm. This page was not updated after the release of Defender CB which is likely better than Diablos Tyrannis in most situations. Frostfang CB is impact type with ice element, while Beo CB is power element type with ice element. For Impact Phials, you need Artillery 5. I would still take focus, personally, but up to you Should be pretty nifty Nov 18, 2024 · This is a guide to the best builds and equipment for Charge Blade in Monster Hunter Rise (MH Rise): Sunbreak. This weapon has insanely high raw and can benefit from Non-Elemental boost. Frostfang CB should be compared to other impact CBs, and its ice element should largely be ignored (or rather, the raw damage should be considered far more important than the element). The other two being melting grasp and karma (the first being acidic glav and the second being shara). For full details, including the Rare 9 and above Iceborne Expansion Weapons please see Charge Blade Weapon Tree. That being said, an elemental SAED is quite the sight. charge blade has 2 playstyle (4 but 2 are worse) axe hopper is the best damage for chargeblade if the monster has an element hitzone of 25+ pizza mode is the best damage for full raw lucent narga + bub is good versus any monster with low element weakness -15 Elemental builds will always do more damage, but the actual percentage increase from Raw isn’t a huge difference. For sure yes. Rule of thumb, fast weapons or weapons that have high attack rates do well with Elemental (Dual Blades, Insect Glaive, Charge Blade) and weapons with slower movesets are better with Raw (Longsword, Greatsword, Hammer). Stack 6 of the element attack up skills ie. it's just that one attack but you'll feel the difference between By pressing X after successfully blocking, you can get sword charge faster than normal and do mounting damage. Use slots to level up skills that go well with Charge Blade such as Attack Boost. Ice shark Beotodus is a very good ice element CB with high ice damage and white sharpness. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I'm just curious what the best impact one is the best of those available. Saed spamming isn't the only thing anymore, so many impact builds even have affinity over attack cause of savage axe mode hitting relatively hard as hell. The difference in dmg for clears really isn't that significant going Elemental vs RAW Impact with Fatty. CSS mode is a massive increase in attack compared to regular axe mode. Thanks OP! Great detailed work you've done. Meaning pathetic 15 raw would get 15 element on dual blades,meaning half the damage comes from element, while giant 100 raw greatsword would get 16, a tiny negligeable bit. How I see Savage Axe vs SAED is, if I have time to get towards a spot on the monster where a good amount of the big spin where you fling the CB around your head is gonna hit a lot of the monster vs air then I use savage axe spam, if I was late getting to the monster or if for some weird reason I just can't get to a good spot I'll SAED just to I’ve recently beat Iceborne and built the Fatalis Dual Blades. Feb 17, 2021 · Last but not least is another Unga Bunga raw damage build that features high endgame Fatalis weapons and armor. The basics of charge blade are easy enough to pick up, you just gotta get the flow down of how to most effectively build charge, store it in the shield, etc. 1/16/24 Added a new poverty anti Raging Brachy set that requires no RNG decos for the early postgame 11/7/20 Also, SAED spam puts you into a very linear play style of: Charge Phials -> Power Shield -> Charge Phials -> SAED, and then just looping that until you need to charge your shield again. You should always be trying to have shield charge up as it greatly boosts your attack and guard. So I dont run a lot of element because my wife and I get more utility out of a couple KOs throughout the hunt. In your case charge blades with a hidden element are considered Raw until the element is awakened. Going full Raw, I believe you deal about 5% less damage on average vs Elemental. Coupled with a set bonus from a new Elder, though, Elemental performs a lot better than it used to. It's been established since vanilla MHW. Look up jinjinx on you tube. That said the general question applies to how raw and elemental damage is handled. This means any attack with knockback value of 14 or less is small knockback when blocked using Charge Blade, anything from 15 to 39 is medium knockback, and anything 40 or higher is large knockback. If your charge blade is uncharged, yellow is fine to charge. Weapon from the Odogaron Monster. The best CBs tend to be the ones that utilize Blast damage, but it’s by no means a necessity. Namielle set bonus increases elemental dmg for each consecutive hit and each phial counts as a hit so u can build the passive very fast. Feb 16, 2021 · Build #1What's Awesome About Elemental Charge Blade Builds: All Kjarr Weapons are Meta; RIP Safi Weapons; True Dragonvein Awakening; Kjarr Ice Charge Blade has the Highest Elemental Damage; Built-in Weapon Crit Element Give 35% Elemental Damage; Melee Attacks are Just as Strong as the Phials (Element/Status Attacks) 100% Affinity; Guard and Dec 27, 2022 · This is a list of the best Charge Blade for the highest potential elemental damage in Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne. I was quite impressed with the raw damage stat, but equally as wary because of the low dragon element and 30% affinity. Mar 11, 2020 · MHW Iceborne PC | ZODA Best Endgame Charge Blade Build. Quick question, looking at two charge blades in particular: Dante's and Guild Palace. For elemental Charge Blade, Kjarr is always best because of built-in critical element, decent sharpness, and high elemental values. One more strike of any sort will get you your yellow, including guarding an attack (+1 point?). 0 * 0. The first hit in this attack gives you +6 points. Nov 7, 2020 · Iceborne Charge Blade Builds Contents. Read on to learn more! I've been playing a kind of hybrid build using the rathalos and tetranodon impact charge blades, since I think they might be the best way to use both spinning blade and SAEDs on one set. Other weapons like long sword, switch axe, and hammer can use either elemental or raw damage, depending on the situation and the preference of the user. As for Hellsire Blade, it's 20% more affinity, 10 more True Raw, and upgraded slot don't make up for the 60 base Fire Element and 50 Fire Element from augments it loses to Glavenus Bardred. 25 = 12. (S)AED Shortcuts You better not be pressing O/B/RMB 3 times in Axe mode to use SAED. Iceborne Charge Blade Builds Contents. Check Out How To Beat Shara Ishvalda! The exception to the rule here, are the Elemental Kjarr Charge Blades from AT Kulve. 3 for element). Charge Blade works fine with raw. And as expected from the final monster in Monster Hunter World, The True Fatalis Charger Charge Blade has the highest base attack of any other Charge Blade in the game and the same can be said about its defensive power in armor. From what I read, elemental charge blade is good when it comes to non-SAED spamming playstyles and instead focusing on doing damage with the savage axe mode. I'm assuming that RAW bonus from the Kinsect buffs skew the preference to physical damage over Elemental. Focus is also a must have since it helps you regain phials faster. 2 effective raw for affinity+regen which is only a 0. Elemental Charge is a different playstyle because you should run a weapon with power element phials with no Artillery critical eye 7 Any of the large but slow weapons are better raw. Would it be better to use a monster elemental weakness or go at them with raw. But actually Charge Blade is much more flexible than that, and depending on the situation you might want to use Power Shield, Savage Axe, SAED, and sometimes Feb 17, 2021 · Last but not least is another Unga Bunga raw damage build that features high endgame Fatalis weapons and armor. go for elemental! ( raw can also be good for those 2, but I think those 2 were made/shine in elemental dps ) For example, I'm pretty lazy with my 3th weapon Lance, So I just go for 1 Lance build = RAW DPS, no elements on it try using the builder website to compare affinity vs attack augment. Team Darkside showcases a build that uses an Artillery 5, Protective Polish build. The rest of them are Safi ones for optimal damage otherwise you can make the Furious Rajang for thunder, Silver Rath or Glavenus for fire, the Vaal one for dragon. I’ve outlined some of the best Charge Blades in the table below: Worth noting is that only raw damage scales with motion values whereas elemental damage does a flat amount regardless of motion values you just have to be wary of hit zone values, (monsters are weaker to elements and the different types of strikes (blunt, slicing and ranged) depending on where you hit them), what this means is that faster First off, yes I know that elemental charge blades are overall better than impact in sunbreak. Your bread and butter to start with is a sword mode charged A attack. 6/16/2019 Added All-purpose No Handicraft. Its slow walking speed can be circumvented by using Forward+X and Forward+A (an overhead slash and element discharge respectively, both rush forward) and Morphing Advance which also leads straight into ED2. Until capcom decides to buff elemental weakzones, and change the elemental CB spread pattern, this is why you will see people running impact phials. Shield charge is essential if you plan on using the axe/guard points in any way. If you're using impact phials, try to get as much raw as you can as that will increase your phials' damage. So basically, i had a discussion with a friends friend about the elemental dps on variouse weapons. On the second meta build (max might), it's 381. Advancing to Master Rank in MHW does not make a Charge Blade build cheaper, you will still need those Magazine/Artillery jewels (Hell, now with the Level 4 Jewel upgrade, getting the Level 4 Artillery jewel is basically your life now) You could do MT/Safi + with teostra/attack or teostra/element weapons for raw/element Looks like you could get some mileage out of resentment + safi synergy Agitator, Crit Boost, WEX, Guard, and element. SAED shortcuts Guard FAQ Guard Points Offensive Guard FAQ Motion Values Phial Damage Calculation #. Given that impact phials scale off of raw, my mind goes to the diablos one due to being able to get to 430 raw with qurious weapon crafting but that -30% affinity is a bit of a Ok now for the guestion why critical element since phials can crit? Phial damage has really low value towards alatreons elemental knockdown tresshold. Two Lv1 Slot. Important details: Offensive guard only increases raw, its not very effective with element builds Same with artillery Jul 24, 2018 · Elemental Charge Blade (Power Element Phial) Kjárr Strong Arm “Ice” (vs Behemoth, Lunastra) Kjárr Strong Arm “Spark” (Nergigante, Kulve Taroth phase 1 to 3) My first build against Safi was a MT Impact build. As a Charge Blade player should I focus more on weapons with high raw damage or with high elemental damage? I know that it all depends on millions of factors and that there is no such thing as the best weapon. Phial damage is the major leg-up charge blade has in the element market, so while an impact/CSS elemental build would be perfectly serviceable, nothing hits quite like a pure element build. My Favourite Charge Blades, (not by the looks), but you can apply both of the build templates to any Charge Blade you wish. Using a Charge Blade in Solo It depends you know, with a great sword I would pers. element weapons with impact phials don‘t deal element damage with SAED and the charged sword phials MHW Charge Blade Weapon Tree. This combined with every GS having a max rank final upgrade and monsters having pretty good element HZVs means that the max raw Great Swords get edged out by trees that have good raw still but a solid amount of element, since the max raw option only has so much extra raw over the element options. You charge your shield by pressing ZR (or whatever it is on PC) at the start of an amped elemental discharge or a super amped elemental discharge (AED and SAED respectively). Pow Ele Phial CB's get 1. element phials can crit and are not affected by artillery skill. The Ice blade is the best, I've done some disgusting damage to AT Kulve and Diablos with it (phials on an SAED hitting for 170+ each), but those have very high elemental hit zone values. 6/8/2019 With perfect play and a very specific build, an element phial Charge Blade can tear through other monsters with weak hitzones. power element charge blades only care about the element value of your weapon when calculating your phial damage, and because Velkhana's charge blade is among the lowest element value charge blades it has phial damage that is very poor by comparison to other options. Attack front legs for most elemental damage and go for head when it knocks So is a kjarr bow with elemental damage boosted to the max with 100% affinity or the bow with raw boosted to the max and blast or poison with 100% affinity better? Edit: this isnt for alatreon. I want to get into using Charge Blade a lot more. If my memory serves me right (though it has been some time since I played), the best elemental charge blades are undoubtedly ice and dragon. Another thing to note is that Element Phials are affected by Elemental Hitzone Values. Also I know my cousin used to be a great Charge Blade user when he was playing base World. Just in general. Explosion Damage is a form of neutral damage that doesn't abide by standard damage calculation. It's still okay but it's no longer the best CB build by a mile like it was. The Safi'jiiva, Kjarr, Alatreon and Fatalis weapons dominate each category with its potential in their respective element brackets. mporubca was pretty on spot (apart from minds eye) so i'm just explaining focus a bit more as it's a good skill for both, non-elemental and elemental CBs: it increases the charge rate of charging attacks, for CB that means your sword charge attack (condensed elemental slash). Without Dragonheart: 35 x 7 x 0. Everything except for the charge blade phial explosions themselves are affected by crit. If we take our previous formula and apply some numbers to it, let's assume the following scenario: Weapon: 300 raw, 50 elemental Move: a DB attack with 0. CES is arguably somewhat poorly designed in that in that in order charge it and do so without the jamming delay, you will already have a red shield and phials, meaning you *should be switching to axe mode, and by the time you switch back half of the CES bonus will Lesson 2: the charging. Other than an efficient use of using lvl1 slots, it serves no purpose for CBs. Aug 21, 2022 · High Raw Damage. The end goal for the sets are water/fire atk 5 bludgeoner 3 artillery 3 load up 2 rapid morph 3 offensive guard 3 guard 1. The Guard Thresholds for Charge Blade are 14 and 39. The Diablos Charge Blade is really good, and works for any fight. Early MR seems to be more flexible for IG, however RAW sets were still viable enough to be noted. Element phials are only boosted by the element attack stat. The element or status on a weapon only applies to its blade. The Alatreon Morphblade has managed to pull it off and is worthy of its place amongst the very best elemental Charge Blades. Fire Attack 6 etc. Build them more raw just max out the element. For me, that includes sacrificing raw for more element when I'm choosing a weapon, just so I can make phials as chunky as possible. These are the explosion hits from SAED, AED, and Elemental Discharge I + II. But CB can be played elemental or raw, and it's dependent on the power of the available options like IG sometimes is. Last Update. Pre-Iceborne Charge Blade Builds. Poverty Builds Endgame Physical Meta Builds Other Physical Builds Elemental Builds . I had 3 pc Teo with Stygian gloves for partbreaker and Garuga legs. Then the rest are good if you are lucky enough to get them but I wouldn't farm for them. If the monster is weak to Ice with good Elemental Hit Zones, then changing to Kjarr Ice will be better. Inescapable Karma also has high raw damage which can be reinforce with Non-elemental Boost. Charge Blade: Class Divider, 3. Nowadays you could switch out the legs for Raging Brachy and you could use different gloves if you have enough decos, as long as you fit in Partbreaker 3. Update History. Once you add in crit ele, both raw and ele damage calculations are practically the same. inpact phial damage is boosted by artillery and can not crit (the axe hit can). i'd have to look at the specific patch notes to confirm that number but it seems right. There’s a few three star weakness monsters that will take less phial damage than impact, some that take over double. For Power Element Phials (PEPS), you need to increase the Elemental Damage itself. 01 (raw portion, hitzone independent) = 61. Faster but smaller weapons benefit more from elemental damage since the elements don't factor swing motion and charged attacks for extra damage, so a weapon like a Sword & Shield is a beast with elemental damage, while a Greatsword is best as a pure physical-based weapon. Playstyle revolves around staying in savage axe mode as much as possible and evading attacks therefore no guard needed. There are four elemental discharges (thank Capcom for that). Enjoy!NON_ELEMENTAL CB BUILD:ht With your Charged Shield active, Impact Phial CB's get 1. Whether its Tzitzi- In terms of raw dmg, it's the 3rd highest in non elemental. A weapon that has like 20 less raw Unless your using bow/dual blades/elemental LBG then an overwhelming majority of the time you will use fatalis weapons to be optimal. Much like Hydros Kardia and Deep Terroir II, Hellsire Blade is likely a better weapon, but a worse PEP weapon than Glavenus Bardred, and for elemental Yes. Hey, so i’ve been playing iceborne for about 3 months, and there’s a new charge blade thing called savage axe mode. Charge Blade does have the option for Elemental, but I believe you practically need a Kjárr weapon for it to be worth it. Don’t go for crit element. The Beotodus Ice CB hits for like 200+ per phial against Raging Brachy and just melts him. Niantic/capcom did well in the latest great updates, but a training dummy would be much needed when they release weapons of this complexity on a touchscreen controlled game. That's why I'd appreciate a general recommendation. Artillery only works on impact phials. go for RAW damage, but for bows/dual blades, I would def. To help myself and others understand the strength of the Charge Blade (my newest favorite weapon; sorry, Hunting Horn), I copied, pasted, reworded, and reworked the attack motion value information near the bottom of this atwiki page. Hammer and Long Sword aren't elemental weapons, so I know the Fatalis one is BiS for them. The upper end is 150%+. Kjarr charge blades like Ice hit so hard because they have high element. Many monsters in Iceborne are weak to fire, so fire element CB is quite good. Raw will, 8 times out of 10, deal more damage more reliably than Elemental. I tried in training and against great jagras, and it seems that savage axe mode attacks do very similar damage to the super axe mode attacks, but they do multiple rapid hits, drain way more sharpness, and waste phials very quickly. I can’t tell you exactly what grade your raw dual blades should be at to comfortably clear the entire 8-star roster (i suspect somewhere around 8. On average, elemental CBs deal about 15-20% Faster but smaller weapons benefit more from elemental damage since the elements don't factor swing motion and charged attacks for extra damage, so a weapon like a Sword & Shield is a Sep 5, 2023 · However, for most situations, raw builds are the superior option and require less expertise to utilize effectively. Replaced by Load Shelling if you want faster phial charges. For power elemental CB's, stacking the appropriate element dmg is also a must have since elemental dmg is the only thing that affects PEP's. The weapons use Master Rank Materials that can be obtained by completing quests and doing endgame content. Iceborne Charge Aug 28, 2020 · One of the advantages to the Charge Blade is that it’s an effective weapon for both raw and elemental damage, meaning that you can go for a variety of different builds. While that's a TON of Elemental damage, consider that it Jan 14, 2020 · The faster your weapon ism the weaker raw damage on every hit, but elemental damage doesn't depends on hit's strenght. If you're using element phials, get as much element as possible. Its a LOT of damage. 5) but if i were to be perfectly honest i would suggest elementals for 8-stars and above. Feb 24, 2019 · Elemental phials can be decent if you target weakspots like the head with AEDs rather than SAEDs. Iceborne Charge Blade Builds. Bone CB is Ok. The non-elemental boost nerf I think was a nerf from 10% to 5% i believe. 9 for Elements (5 for Raw) on Power Axe ticks. Few weapons perform optimally with both raw and element, specifically the Bowguns and Switchaxe. All weapons have unique properties relating to their Attack Power, Elemental Damage and various different looks. The follow up gives an additional +3, for a total of 9 points. Having critical boost on the weapon itself is broken for a few match ups. I used to run full safi armor but now run 3 safi and 2 fatalis. Non-Elemental Boost skill also got nerfed. 5 Jan 16, 2024 · Want to learn about the best Charge Blade Builds for Monster Hunter World (MHW) Iceborne? Look no further than our best endgame builds for Charge Blade! This build is made on Iceborne's last patch and is a build that is centered around Iceborne's Meta Endgame builds. 2 (elemental portion) + 248 x 0. 1x Raw Damage and 1. But the versatility of impact phials makes them better in most cases, while the Diablos Charge Blade is flat-out unchallenged in World. What really makes elemental good or bad on a weapon, is how much elemental damage you're dealing per attack in comparison to the amount of raw in the same attack. In layman's terms, Explosion Damage ignore defense. Please see Weapon Mechanics to fully understand the depth of your Hunter Arsenal. Faster weapons like dual blades, and bows, can utilize elemental weapons far better compared to weapons like charge blades or greatswords. I would look for dual blades with high raw and moderate element for ice, fire, and dragon (good on the rath family). Furious Rajang has a good thunder charge blade I believe, with element phials, but you won’t unlock him until later, i’m not sure what’s good in the meantime but Tobi Kadachi sounds okay. When you charge your shield, you improve your defensive capabilities substantially and also deal damage by blocking, and empowering your axe mode. I recommend the great jagras to start and depending on your play style, assuming you go raw, odogaron's or acidic galvenus. 3x elemental on Axe Attacks with a motion value of 0. The physical hits of the blade and axe ticks are affected by crit, this is easily verified by using the dummy. 2 * 0. Jan 7, 2020 · All of Safi’jiiva Charge Blade starts with 972 Base Damage and 5% Affinity, Level 4 Jewel slot. also impact phials can KO monsters, even charged sword attacks. Guard 1/3/5 are also good to have. If using impact CB's, you want to take artillery instead. Most people are building raw and crit on their elemental weapons and just using level 1 slots to max out the element. If your CB doesn't have any status or element on it then it will just do raw damage with its blade attacks. For Thunder it’s the Zinogre CB, the difference in Raw makes up for the slightly lower element that the Tobi one has. 32x Raw Damage on Axe Attacks and a motion value of 9 for Raw Damage (0. For Ice it’s the a Beotodus CB, has great raw and amazing ice element. Raw is still king, but GS got element buffs on certain moves. What is usually and in most cases more effective, raw or elemental? The Guard Thresholds for Charge Blade are 14 and 39. well, haven't played CB in rise yet, but usually the way it goes is that elemental phials can outdamage impact against the good matchup and if you know where to aim, but impact is just a good all-rounder that'll work decently against anything, even if a bit less powerful than the right elemental one in each situation. The hard part of charge blade in tuning and getting more efficient at it. Elemental CBs are kinda awesome. 2-8. The more I look at these numbers, the more I fall in love with the Charge Blade. Obviously you dont play weapons like GS or Hammer on elemental but Charge Blade? My argument was that if you use full safi with kulve CB maxed out lets say Kjarr ICE CB your elemental damage outlevels the raw impact phial damaga by a MILE. Odium Information. Feb 6, 2024 · Elemental damage is more beneficial for fast hitting weapons like dual blades, bow, and charge blade, while raw damage is more preferable for slow hitting weapons like great sword and gunlance. The Charge Blade Weapon Tree features all the paths and upgrades that you can make for this weapon category. While you're correct about elemental being really good on db, your explanation is pretty flawed. Impact Phials also do 5% and 10% of the Charge Blade's True Raw in Explosion Damage. as you’ll be able to clear 8-stars with a grade 7. 3% difference. If you are willing to grind out the gear required for elemental (as you need at least 3-4 different bows), go for it. Mainly, am I better off changing blade based on monster for an elemental advantage or should i try to go for raw damage. Ehh you don't want impact. Charge Blades worth getting Progression Builds Mid-story Post-story Impact Builds Elemental Builds Focusless Builds Specific Anti-monster Builds Meme Builds. Jan 25, 2024 · Iceborne Charge Blades are Master Rank Charge Blades in Monster Hunter World Iceborne (MHW). Then you want kjarr ice charge blade. To answer your question, Raging Brachy/Lightbreak Charge Blade will be your best option. Kulve's head is especially weak to ice, but each phial on Ice's SAED will hit well over 100 damage on diablos or other ice-weak monsters. 1/16/24 Added a new poverty anti Raging Brachy set that requires no RNG decos for the early postgame 11/7/20 The Guard Thresholds for Charge Blade are 14 and 39. Finally add, in order of importance, Weakness Exploit, Attack Boost/Elemental damage, Critical Eye, Critical Boost/Critical Element. He would always try to max out Damage whenever he can, as he did a full on raw damage build. 6 = 27 Elemental Damage = 50 * 1. Charge blade can be efficient as elemental as well but from my understanding most match ups favor raw damage still (especially if your focusing on using SAED) The Guard Thresholds for Charge Blade are 14 and 39. This lets me know that now that I have the Fatalis IG, I don't really need any other IG. 01 (raw portion, hitzone independent) = 51. mpzvn wrssr veekojb njini hdtscl rxvta rdfjk jujxcsn tljzb irosb aho vlvxi cgrhdx cbqfd tjtgo