How to get into console lobbies on pc reddit. Keep in mind ya you’ll get some nice .
How to get into console lobbies on pc reddit Usually you get paired against other mixed lobbies so you’re facing both console and pc players. You’ll see a little icon by console players in your match if they are there. 6 is very It would require merging PC into the console pool and then re-structuring ranked to be input based rather than platform based. I love the game and wanna get back into it. With these options you have a better chance of mixed lobbies. Controller aim assist isn’t that good especially if you take advantage of the movement advantage you have on K&M compared to console. Has anyone seen cheating on console before, or know how this is possible? Welcome to the official subreddit of the PC Master Race / PCMR! All PC-related content is welcome, including build help, tech support, and any doubt one might have about PC ownership. When I’m playing by myself on normal hours, I get what I think are mostly Switch lobbies (with the occasional AI included) and a couple of players I believe are either from other consoles or pc players, but they’re the exception. 4 you can but default is . In your case, you can only play with xbox, ps, and switch players. i wish i had lobby's like this, i liked face-off from cold war very much, chaos and continue action so i keep focussed. You can't queue into console lobby's from PC, the functionality literally isn't there. The other option if you don’t want to use mods is to change your MTU to anywhere between 700-850 to get a solo lobby (this works on both consoles and PC as long as you can access it through either the console settings or modem settings). But the bots take care of that and losing 12 people per lobby isn't a big deal. Console players can't opt into PC lobbies unless they have a PC Friend in the pregame lobby. So i've got this theory and I'm pretty positive its a thing. So even IF the lifeline invited the PC wraith, They'd be on PC servers. If so, wait and try again, or repeat the above with another number. As well as the duo that is pc/console which is understandable as if you have a pc player in your stack they go into pc lobbies. ) Apr 25, 2024 · If you are wanting to play vs pc players on console you need to join a group with pc players to enter the pc pool. Appreciate the response. Had absolutely no problem finding lobbies ever & it wasn't nearly impossible to get a single kill. Anyone can get a kill on this WZ providing they're ADSing etc. The movement of PC players is a lot faster and as is the gameplay. Also ignore the last parts I ended up getting a pc lol. Im a PS5 player on singapore servers and cant get into a game because console singapore servers are dead. Posted by u/kick_arse_freak - 2 votes and 16 comments 514 votes, 186 comments. Shut up you fuckin twink, you’re a PC enthusiast hanging out in the console sub because you are so garbage that you want so badly for us to get merged so you can finally kill someone. I play with some console friends occasionally and they don’t have too much trouble. but the real answer is that epic puts us into pc lobbies as fodder for pc players and to keep the console noobs safe from us. If you have a mixed fireteam (console and PC) you will be in PC lobbies. It's just not fun being shit on so much. Welcome to the official subreddit of the PC Master Race / PCMR! All PC-related content is welcome, including build help, tech support, and any doubt one might have about PC ownership. I never want PC console cross platform because I love not having to deal with cheaters. PC lobbies. Bro problem is that there are players on PC ho emulate a controller while still using keyboard and mouse hence they get aim assist. And you can say “Get a PC” that’s too expensive point is is that Console should not be put against PC players simple and plain. The importance of strafing is much more ingrained for PC players than it is for console players—I’d assume this is because strafing is much more important/effective in games without aim assist and also PC being more competitive in general. 8 meanwhile I have a 4. Out of those 32 kills only 2 put up a decent fight and the other 30. The 144hz monitor a lot of pc players use is hugely different from the 5-10 year old tv most console players use. But it's not bundled up together. It works pretty well. I found a way to get into a solo lobby in rdr online on xbox. TLDR: Friends playing on PC got stuck in matchmaking for 10+ minutes and couldn't find a match. 7M subscribers in the apexlegends community. Once you get into the lobby, the bot will leave your party so it's available for someone else. Really not much would change for the players, you would have a MnK rank and a controller rank rather than a PC rank and a console rank as it is now. So if you are into pred level game play, and want to eventually play alongside pro players in ranked, then PC is a must. We went to console and it wasn’t even funny. Significant disadvantage. But that’s interesting. If you play early or late in the day you won’t find a game but when most people are up you should be able to after a few minutes. not sure what you're trying to say here. MnK vs controller doesn't enter into it. Yet PC players wanna whine about console aim assist. The settings felt like crap. Create an internet hotspot on your mobile phone, for example. This team was Xbox and PS players. Movement made me realize that AA has nothing on movement. if they camp and you have to run I would say no. I really don't understand how this is a balanced feature. There are more players than ever, you just dont see the noobs. OR. Not sure if it’s confirmed but here’s a screenshot from TT that also had some other confirmed things I saw from the reveal. There does not be any problem asking this much right. 2. But I just don't feel like loading my ps4 or switch up, since they're on the other floor of the house. Kept persisting for some reason so I ended up switching servers and it fixed it for me. sometimes it needs 2-4 reconnects, but it works for me. He switched to PC and I can't beat him if I'm on console and I can still beat him if I play on PC. true. Only need one PC player to put you in those lobbies. When i restart fortnite without a keyboard connected and then play a game. I have a couple friends who play on console and kind of crush, and are aWAY higher level than me and usually a couple tanks higher. I still think having a setting that locks your aiming input to either controller OR mouse and using that to determine what servers you’re connected to is i started playing overwatch again because ive been having flashbacks to 2017 when i would come home from school and play overwatch 3v3 all night. fantastic, one shot two preys. Yeah it works but You have to reset the game after the switch. If you are on console and are solo/only have console players in your fireteam, you will be in console lobbies. Keep in mind ya you’ll get some nice . 4 is if the console user is using ALC with the PC aimassist setting, or if they’re in a private lobby with the override on, otherwise the . They are probably using a xim. 6-. Bruh whenever I play in lobbies with majority console players (I’m on K&M) I absolutely shit on the lobby and go like 45-8 but whenever I play in a lobby with majority K&M I end up like 23-15. Was there a hack that How is it fun or fair for the majority of us on console to play in lobbies filled with PC players? We are basically loot carriers for them at this point. How it's supposed to work is that the consoles can play together in their own sequestered area regardless, and PC has its own servers that consoles can be invited to. But when i play this way with crossplay turned off i never get the feeling that anyone is cheating and i almost never get shot in the head by snipers when i am moving. How do i change it back to controller lobbies since unplugging and restarting doesn't work. Jun 27, 2021 · There is no way for PC players to enter the console pool. Less optimization though and the inability to do console manipulations to tap strafe consistently and stuff. Every Lobby has PC players in console lobbies. This puts you together into the game but it acts as if he qed solo. You are now in a console bronze lobby as a pc player of whatever rank. 6 Join a lobby, don’t shoot your gun, die, leave. Even controller pc players are tapstrafing as of now so you're basically putting yourself at a high disadvantage by going into pc lobbies Ikr. Every other br or game with a ranked system has 3 separate lobbies for console, pc, and mixed. They have more keys and have more time to press those keys compared to controller. Scumbag move in my opinion. Epic seriously needs to do something about it. Only works on solo game mode. Now connect your xbox internet to the hotspot. What is this bs going on, btw i just got back into this season after quitting for a while, so idk when this really started. If I'm honest, I didn't know that. If you are feeling people are using a mouse and kb. This is only doable on PC so all i am saying is developers give console players the option too filter the PC players out. I don’t think you can sign into a different Epic account on an Xbox. Do that 10-20 times. Me and my 2 sons can play more. Just do your research and use benchmarking sites to see what the hardware will be capable of. Like players that haven't played more than 10 matches get all put into a lobby together. You can back out right before the hacked lobby match is about to start, then search for a QP match again hoping you don't get thrown into another one. Welcome to WoWNoob, a Q&A subreddit where we encourage new players as well as veterans to ask questions and exchange answers in support of one another! Console and PC have several differences like input lag, FPS, etc. Reply reply More replies Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Even though they can hold there own in my lobbies on quick play no problem at all. I'm really happy this is happening. If you have a pre made squad where even one person is playing on PC then you’ll get put into PC lobbies. Hey I just want to firmly apologize because I'm playing on Dallas servers and I'm occasionally being put in bronze lobbies as a plat (don't worry i promise I'm killing myself off when I'm put there) but can anyone explain why this is happening because I don't want to keep loosing points because I'm killing myself off and don't want to get banned because I'm in those lobbies to begin with You have to account for peripherals as well. Solos is just sweaty in general. Not a cross-play PC lobby. Also i linked another video clearly showing this is possible and it was a few months ago Read somewhere that you can replicate it thru PC xbox app some sort of, log in to game pass then download via xbox app with ubi connect. Look into that, plenty of resources here. This is a bug/glitch. I’m just worried that something with making the ranked crossplay (which it shouldn’t be btw) accidentally made pubs automatically crossplay or allowed PC players into console lobbies. It doesn’t matter which one of us is party leader. Even zero build solos on my tablet is fkn insane with pc I'm pretty sure PC lobbies are significantly higher skill level than console. From what he describes it sounds like it’s an issue with having an Xbox and Ubisoft accounts linked and for whatever reason his pc Ubisoft game put him in an Xbox match. Console players can’t just “play in pc lobbies”. Ive been told by pc people here in this sub that theyd even like that option so that theyre only getting pc lobbies. You need to go into showdown, exit as soon as you get in, then go to change appearance and activate that program. Similar to how Halo Infinite works. You get your bronze console friend to q up for ranked alone. Activate the VPN with one of the slow servers. when I have a PC player in my fireteam, it always puts me in exclusively PC lobbies PC players can do literally everything like 10x faster than console A PC player on the fireteam always queues the fireteam into PC lobbies. The queue times are super long and lobbies are 40% bots but if you get a game it’s only console which is nice. I’m guessing your wondering “if” console players are in your games. When he does you join him and instantly ready up. OP, you’d have to go through your router. Even top tier PC players get bopped by good controller players, so I wouldn’t say PC has an advantage. Every once in a while there might be one other PC controller player in the lobby with me, but it's uncommon. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now They play in console lobbies. I only die to pc kids and its every game. 6 is still used in pc lobbies I came from console to pc and can confirm it remains at . Hopped back on tonight and dropped a 20 bomb in one of these bot lobbies, assumed it was an orientation match because I hadn’t played in so long. but i only really enjoy it on controller, but i dont want to be playing against pc players, or mnk players. Why would so many high ranked players on console use KBM if it wasn't an advantage. 6 when queuing into pc lobbies on console, the difference between . You literally jumped into the game at the worst time possible PC players are not opted into crossplay. one way of getting a solo-lobby on xbox is using the router config via browser. that haunts pubg console He has two consoles to set up a lobby and with his main PC account he joins at the last time, the « bot » part doesn’t need to exist btw you can do that with 3 normal accounts and it should put your PC account in a console lobby, regardless of if it’s bot lobby or not If you watch Soar Jonny on YouTube he managed to get 32 kills with Pathfinder in season 3 on console also a few days ago. It's not about the hardware in your rig, but the software in your heart! The lobbies we get into are either pc players doing 30 edit resets in a nano second or skilled ps4 players. Then as soon as you get into the game you can start using the controller. At night and on fridays expect average 1. And there are no cheaters on console My brothers both have a PlayStation and I’ve been playing on PC and I’ve realized I’ve been dragging them into PC lobbies making it a lot harder for them. Do not change your appearance though. There were more bots per lobby but every fight/match felt fair. Enjoy 3 to 6 bot lobby’s. Haven’t tried it yet but it seems some players abuse it. You don't necessarily need a PC to be a member of the PCMR. im on pc and play mouse and keyboard is there a way to not get any console controller or pc controller players in my lobbies im sick of there cheating asses using zens Here are some ideas for you: Buy an old gaming laptop from ebay. OP + Teammate got put into PC servers. D3 pre split this season. Even if you add console players to your lobby. Both using roller. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Just group up with any pc player and you’ll be in the pc matchmaking. it's because console players tend to stand completely still when fighting. Yes, it's very difficult to use an aimbot on console or even in console-only lobbies. My ping is consistently around 80-90 and doesn't get better than that for my area. 0ish lobbies even with the VPN yeah, when you are in console lobbies you have the choice but if you play with a PC friend it puts to . Lol. There are two pools. reconnecting the internet connection results in a new ip and clears the lobby. If you’re on console, you either play on console lobbies, or cross platform lobbies. I actually don't agree with this as a console player. Then exit the appearance thing and you've got a solo lobby. A lot of bots and usually 1-2 players who are very good in every lobby. Hacks have gotten so advanced, available to the average player, that when you report them the cheat turns itself off so it can avoid Ricochet's investigation, then when ricochet turns off, the cheat comes back on. Yeah that’s not the point though PC is wayyyy more unfair. It's not about the hardware in your rig, but the software in your heart! So a while ago I made this post asking to get thoughts on xim players getting put into pc lobbies and it’s finally happening I think. Some of the people we played with thought he was on PC but somehow in console lobbies. . I shouldn't be running into a duo, trio, or squad Filled with pc players while my team is pure console players. My friends and I are PC players but our lobbies lately have been 80% console players. 0 kd demons dominating the lobby along with me 5+ games a day. Is there a way for me to get into PC lobbies as a soloq player? Works fine for me and my friends. You don’t get put into a PC lobby unless you queue with a PC player, if you think you are then you’re just wrong, not trying to sound like a dick here but I play solo and with PC friend and only ever play pc players when I’m with him If a xim user get mouse trapped then yes they will be forced into PC lobbies. Get put back into normal lobbies. The dudes just quick leaning and did a 180 but under rotated and had errant adjustments. Even if you start with controller. Fr, I have played PC and console and got to the same rank on both. The hitboxes aren’t enlarged, the recoil is more severe, and people with mice will have an advantage over you. The only way you'll play with or against a console player is if they're in a group with a PC player. It seems specifically Warzone 2 on PC that's causing issues. But as of yesterday, PC and Console are just mixed. I understand it needs to be mixed because some clown at activision decided to force crossplay on, but I'm wondering how I can have a better experience by entering lobbies with other console players of the same skill. Not comp unfortunately as you could at any time use mouse to get advantage if your loosing. Solo is my worst KD stat with a 2. 67 in quads. 8 KD lobbies but even then, on a bad day I get the same VPNing absolute 3. Those who want to play with/against PC should just get a PC. There’s video proof of this bug on a small tiktokkers page where the pc player in the console lobby explains a little more about what is going on with his game. My buddy got on his Xbox one vs his computer and asked me to get off my pc with him to play in console lobbies one more time. I think there are noob lobbies for new players. The best players are on PC. No, if a console player junps into a pc squad, they're in pc lobbies. Console has aim assist because they have less precise movement than PC. Mar 1, 2024 · How is it possible for PC players to get into console lobbies? Console players doesn't have to worry about being matched with pc players, unless they joined up with one: "You will only be in PC crossplay lobbies if you have a PC player on your team" (CM: Posts shared in a row have been merged. As long as you click on the "Play" button with the mouse, you will be put into PC lobbies. It will join you, UNLESS it's busy with someone else or down for some reason. And even with that you are still limited to turn caps and the terribly wonky set up for looting etc. But you can’t just queue into an all pc lobby normally. (PC only) To get mixed skilled lobbies with best connection, use sbmmoff with exitlag. We’ve resigned to playing rumble until we get better Console plays with console, the only time PC and Console are in the same lobby is when they are in premade squads of both. Console pool and PC pool. I went from 69 crown wins last season to a single crownless win this season and that was over 200 games ago. The PC lobby players movement compared to console lobbies is hard to adjust. However, back to main topic. Rinse and repeat. Play at early hours to get a even better chance to have lower skilled enemies. Thanks! Hello, does anyone know how to get out of sweaty lobbies? if so thank you, I know theirs ways to do so via, opening up a new account on switch, ps4, ps5, pc etc. I could be wrong though. The difference between other games and Siege is that there’s a clear advantage to playing Siege on PC instead of console. Community run, developer supported subreddit dedicated to Apex Legends by Respawn Entertainment. Console players have been queuing into PC w/o a PC duo, and the game just went overboard with this server lmao. So there's not much debate about console vs PC lobbies, I don't even think it would be a fair comparison, most people would agree that PC lobbies are harder (again, many reasons behind it, one clear example could be the fact that there are more children, moms/dads or just people who likes to play the game "for fun" while PC I always thought console Players and PC players are supposed to have their own lobbies unless a console player is in a friend's lobby who plays on PC (maybe I got that wrong but that's the info I had for a long time xD) please correct me if I'm wrong. There’d be no point in giving the option to because no one would use it. Turning Cross Play off on Playstation does not work. I decided to watch the video today and he literally is in a bot lobby. Check out this post for tips on how to edit and add more to a post. 4 and . but my games are often full of campers, so i run around and get killed many times by someone in a corner. Aim assist is strong, but it's not this absolutely broken handicap that makes you better than people on PC, like many PC players assume. If you’re doing badly, the algorithm will put you in lower skill bracket lobbies , if you’re doing good , it puts you in mid-high skill bracket lobbies . If you have several bad games in a row hopefully it will put you in some nicer lobbies. Invite a PC player into pre-game lobby = PC lobbies. Cross Play is nice and all. I’m a console player but have played a ton with PC Friends over the years. I have a buddy who I played with on Xbox and I always beat him in 1v1s when he played console. Have a kd of 1. So you will never see a PC player if you don't cheat pretty much My working theory is PC might have a lot more tourist players who dabble in a lot of games including Destiny whereas most console Destiny players tend to be Destiny lifers who have been playing since D1 and don't play other games as much. Or check it out in the app stores How to Que into console lobbies from pc . Your best bet is queueing QP or running custom games with PC players. If you want to play in console lobbies then go back to console I'm on PS4 and I was not in a PC lobby. This is to prevent PC players from purposefully queueing into console lobbies and steamrolling them. saved me several times while flying the velum from north to south while Some are and some are not. Console lobbies can only be accessed if on a console. 4 that's why it feels odd for some people if you are in console lobbies and want to use it . Ch2 s2- ch s4 had mobile switch only lobbies and that was by far the most fun I've ever had. am i able to get into console lobbies somehow? or should i just buy a ps5 and really experience 2017 again After the whole Summer Skirmish controversy a debate has been all over this sub that console lobbies are easier than pc and that’s why the winner got so many easy kills. I even made a new account and played for a day but finally got into pc lobbies! so I kinda figured that there must be some mechanics that realizes about the level of players skills. Fortnite obviously doesn't and need to fix it. The NAT type has now changed to "strict". Does this mean i'm being put in PC lobbies and if so. PC players only play against PC players. I can understand pc people not understanding what is and isnt replicable on console and just taking what someone who has experience on the console as fact but other console players should be able to tell that this mans isnt mnk. People like hackers would find a way to get into the safe console lobbies. Reply reply It used to be mobile AND switch. Had same issue with a lot of my console friends and unfortunately this has led to us not rly playing together anymore. No one wants to take any risk they all crouch walk or just straight up hide some where. Sorry man the lobbies I get into say otherwise when I get into a 4 man free for all, and I see people building editing and shooting all at the same time, and my main point was that the lobbies should be seperated due to how the switch is very specific in what the game looks and runs like, but mobile can be a whole spectrum. Lol aww you gonna cry and I am helping the guy by pointing out how useless your comment was, the facts is console can't compete with pc it's meant to be that way 🤣 it's not rocket science, if you want a better gaming experience buy a computer that's it and that's all, no amount of grinding or work arounds is gonna help you against pc players that are the same skill or god forbid they're I know this post is a Year old but it's a question I have as well. Pubg doesnt have PC to console cross play. Ive been playing on console since year 2, never seen a cheater before this, thought it wasnt possible. Played maybe a handful of games since. If so, to find out, you can hit esc, then click the social button to look at the teams. As a PC player, I would rather have a full PC lobby then a controller lobby. I think the average PC player is the same as most console players. You don't have to take my word for it; several people are reporting this guy and everyone is saying the same thing: It's on console lobbies. You cannot join the PC pool unless you're playing with a PC friend. Unless you can get gyro aiming to work for PF, controllers are just not gonna work on PC. Console would get shitty pc ports. Agreed that I was surprised it counted towards the season pass but kind of glad I can go and just get my dailys/weeklys out of the way. I’ve thought about this topic so much :) Also it is weird they would complain, console players get really strong aim assist and many mouse players have been asking respawn to give them the option to not play with any controller players. And then after those first initial matches they join the rest of us in the bigger match lobby pool. I’m a solo q player. The PC Wraith got into a console server. Just try it again with your friends hosting. Or check it out in the app stores Getting into Console lobbies as a PC player Bug Share Sort by So if you queue with a pc player, you’ll get put against both console and pc players. I haven't played in a while and the last time I played it felt like it was usually half full lobbies. So to clarify: the matchmaking algorithm puts you into lobbies based on your recent performance . In an all console lobby im the one dropping 20 bombs but these pc lobbies have been humbling me so hard. console apex and pc apex are drastically different experiences. Well you could tell they just picked up the game Invite the bot to join you. ive very rarely run into people on console who actually use movement. Either that or try to add people that seem cool and get a private match going. I spent a while trying to fix them, but it was just awful to Edit: Okay if cheaters or PC players wanting to XIM is such an issue then just put console MnK players into PC lobbies and leave controller PC players in PC lobbies like they are currently. The skill difference between diamond pc players and diamond console players is insane. If you play on a pc with a controller you’re staying on pc end of story. You can plug a mouse into your console. yes there should be a balance, but better running opponents then i have to search them. They all work, dont let people tell you otherwise. Casuals, no matter if they’re on PC or console, can’t aim. So with the new cross play when it comes out, controller players can turn it on and get PC lobbies, but PC players cannot get full controller lobbies. 4 and constantly being fed pc lobbies. What you said isn't entirely false but Fortnite does this at total random. You just have to love PCs. It was tough for the 2 people on console before. I also have a PC, lobbies absolutely sweatier, movement so much easier. I wanted to see if it was PC specific and did try on my PS5 and was able to get into lobby on there no problem and tried DMZ on PC and that one worked. It’s basically tricking the matchmaking algorithm into thinking you need easier lobbies . If you’re on PC without a low sensitivity or experience aiming with a mouse, poor peripherals, 60hz monitor and overall just don’t play the game very seriously, what difference is it from console pubs? Casuals in PC lobbies won’t land shots, on console they will land a few. People have defended console and I have seen the analogy that console skill level is 3-7 and pc skill level is 1-10, and whilst I think that is a good analogy it isn’t perfect. Normally, as a console player, i can only play against PC players if I have a PC player in my premade squad. Get a VPN provider (I used protonvpn but there are free ones too). I am just really hoping to get into full lobbies more often than not. Meanwhile I saw a post on here about how Considering he is Diamond 3, this seems like a grotesque abuse of the ranked system because he could easily farm this to get high into Champion rank. An above average console player is still going to lose a fight against a below average PC player, because of the massive advantages in building speed, editing speed, shuffling through weapons If you’re on PC you’re in luck, there’s literally a mod for it. The way that matchmaking works is as follows: Console Player: Console Lobby PC Player: PC Lobby Console Player using KB+M: PC Lobby PC Player using a controller: PC Lobby Console Player + PC Player: PC Lobby PC + PC: PC Lobby, obviously, and console + console is obviously still console. I’d also say the average PC player is more into and overall better at video games than the average console player. Not to mention all the teams you screw over wile reverse boosting. On pc you will get placed with people out of your skill level in ranked. You can see this on the icon in the top right of lobby. Diamond console is like gold pc. When I bring them into my PC lobbies they usually get downed in seconds. However, when I play past midnight, I’m mostly put in what I believe are pc lobbies. Interesting to know about the head / limbs. using a fritzbox (internet - online monitor - reconnect). Edit: Stadia is considered to be console, for the purposes of I heard somewhere that cheaters can get into console only lobbies by tricking cod or something? does anyone know how??? because im sick of constantly getting bombarded by blatent hackers in ranked Thanks in advance! I'm curious why I'm not able to get into any lobby on PC (Steam or Battle net) and constantly stuck at searching for game. Especially before recommending this game to my friend to buy. But They really need to implement a Console only Cross Play feature as other games do. YMMV though I would agree, generally console out number pc these days (game to game, obviously outright there has to be more consoles than pc gamers) Which is why they develop consoles games, and port to pc. Even ignoring the whole tap strafing thing, most console players move like total bots. You’re also playing against teams of pc+console, but also full pc teams. There are 5 year old ones capable of playing Overwatch at 100 fps. We are diamond in pc lobbies. Im not sure if the glitch is that. When the bot joins your party, ready up. this is All console = Console lobbies. I recently took a break of fortnite due to the sweats. It might just be a mental issue because they are expecting to get rolled. As far as I am aware, console players are only isolated from pc players when it comes to competitive. Pcs can also spoof to get into console lobbies. I tried pressing my keyboard again and it still works. Pc is obviously the better experience but all those more casual gamers definitely don’t belong in pc lobbies I figured this means I'm in a PC lobby. Think half the problem is if you aren't diamond level skill or higher on console or higher you basically just get thrown into a rank mixing pot if you get lucky with placements you'll get plopped in gold/plat if you get unlucky you'll get placed bronze/silver maybe you're just good or bad, but the systems pretty arbitrage about actually rating players on how skilled they are honestly if you I play on PC with a controller and nearly 100% of the people I get matched with are on console. XIM kiddies aren't shit compared to a real wall hacker. Years ago, it was the other way around. I’ve had pc players on my team complain about the random console player. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now to turn your PC into a console, just hit it with a hammer till it randomly overheats and half of its And those that I don't get kicked out are because I was matched against console and pc players. I wouldnt really recommend playing against pc players since they will outplay you most of the time. Even if you attach a MnK to your console you’ll still be in console lobbies Only times it is overridden to . ONE friend in particular is stuck on either Console or Google Stadia servers. You can beg respawn to make controller only lobbies but for right now your only option to to get a new console and play on that. I am prefer something like the original Vikendi Launch Reward System (Land 15 times at Dino land and get a kill). You're now in a bot lobby. If I use a controller, will the game register me as a console or will I be in normal PC lobbies? the reason it's so easy to 1 clip on console isnt because of aim assist. You need to enter showdown in order to be able to get into the change appearance thing. Everything else has everyone bundled up together. The server thinks you’re on a console vice cersa. (force match making) Actually I'd much prefer them doing this, because I play just as good as using a pc 😊 The skill gap has reduced on WZ 2 so I haven't personally come across many bot lobbies. You have to be lucky to not join one. ucffqny emiit bokg oomq yuf jcy odxl aouvhn hiouxlf saaikzhk oznoe safm liqhsk syai kpcy