200mg test transformation reddit. You take 40mg every 3 days.
200mg test transformation reddit i got a test done recently and my total was 369 and free was 7. Around $130 for 200 mg/mL @ 10 mL vials compounded. So, I started at 123 pounds. My first cycle was 500mg Test-E. My first cycle was slightly higher in Test but lower in Tren. I pinned daily and upped the dose slowly: Week 1: 50 mg TrenA, 50 mg TestP, 75 mcg T3 (Cytomel), Adex 1 mg E3D Week 2-4: 70 mg TrenA, 50 mg TestP, 75 mcg T3, Adex 1 mg E3D Added HGH and NPP/Decca and it was a life saver! Long as u have a test base, just stay under that number 2:1 is the standard but can go higher. Stressed? No test. Don't pretend it's TRT - The R stands for 'replacement'. 2. 3rd picture is as of date. I've only used gear since last year. No AI, no changes in blood work whatsoever. Pretty happy with the results, HDL was a little low, ALP and urea was a little high but only slightly above the average range. Acne did get worse however. 20 week cycle 500 test e/ introduce deca on week 8/ stop deca at week 18/ continue on test till week 20/ wait till the test is out of your system/ start pct Ive been on 200 mg a week test cyp. If you’re labs are good, there’s no reason you can’t take test year round with either a test base enclomiphene or hcg for when the test gets low. The best results and the most sustainable long term will be 100-150mg a week. I've been on trt for a month now and my blood pressure is reading on the higher side. Just need a good source for extra. It also focuses on lifestyle activities like exercise and nutrition for raising testosterone levels naturally or anything else related to testosterone the substance. 200 mg test cyp (100mg twice weekly), 0. Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. Everyone I know that started with 200mg had thickened blood and high estrodial including myself. 200mg test e, 300mg mast p, 20mg ostarine. I ran EQ again 2 years later according to my notes. Even 500 test is too much for a first cycle Typically Test E is 300mg/ml so your looking at x2 injections of 0. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment Ending month 2 and rolling into month 3 next week of being on “TRT @ 200mg Test C” per week. 5 to one. 25mg once per week dropped me from 72 to 60 on E2 but I was on 200mg test cyp once per week. I. After six weeks of 100 mg testosterone cyp not much is changed since now suppressing my own production and just replacing. 3 mg anastrozole weekly, 400 mcg HCG twice weekly. About to bump to 400/week for another 8. you will want 0 test for a show, correct. I honestly do believe for any casual gym bro who just wants to get in shape, be lean and look good test + var is all they actually need. Anavar hits the kidneys and a little bit of the liver. 9 which isn’t super low but i have a lot of low t symptoms. 6 day a week PPL. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now 200mg a week test haters…. Endurance stayed high. Lift weights 3-5 days/ week. I feel good mostly but I’m more aware then ever that I’ve never had blood work and am scared to get off of it and never used anything else to support it. if your sedentary or somewhat sedentary the androgens are not being used therefore floating around. Is 200mg a dose to get huge on? No. This is my second cycle, in 2017 I did a Test(E)-only cycle of 500mg test/week. Got up to 135 naturally, and now sitting just under 165. 200mg a week is a mild cycle if you're actually normal. Higher test. 250 Test/ 300 NPP. 625 once every 2 weeks 03/01/2019 500mg Test used to be the beginner cycle of choice for 95% or more of the steroid forum lurking online community worldwide. 19 y/o 5’11 175 pounds. Would it be a big difference ( muscle wise) to go from 200 mg to 400 mg test c for a cycle? I am hoping to put on a lot more muscle. Let's face it TRT dosing is confusing AF. just call it what it is. 50mg is a good start. So 200mg/week = 40% of a beginner cycle, 10% of an 'advanced amateur' cycle. Adex on the side as needed plus 25mg x 60 Anavar from a friend. Now switched to long easters so no more pip at all. It seems to target mostly type 3 muscle fibers. I ran it at . Realistically I'd run over 500 test but thats where I like it. 5ml per week for ~ 12-16 weeks So you barley gained 20 pounds on your first cycle, with 12 of them being pounds you were regaining from being sick in the hospital. Will be upping to 2500 cal after some consideration. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now 200mg Test E 200mg Primo 250iu HCG a week . My SHBG is very high at 107, which is why I can’t utilize my total and free is so low. Doc said 200mg/week Test Cyp. May blast once in a blue moon. can anyone help with any advice of what to do. Sitting around 1250-1300 test and 55 total Free T. 148/80. Workouts are 6 days a week 2 days per body part and 20 minutes of cardio 3 days a week. While MOST people only need 90-150, this 200mg is the max cap is dumb, incorrect, and proven so countless times. Experience I’m 200mg a week, Hoping the doc doesn’t touch my Sep 3, 2024 路 Based on the latest scientific studies, 200 mg of testosterone per week is a GREAT dose for testosterone replacement therapy. I started my TRT treatment in January 2022 with 200mg a week-100mg every 3-4 days. Estrogen was easy to manage here, needed about 25mg a week, looked dry, minimal bloat, really horny. Considering your test levels were low before starting, yes you will see a difference in results. Very nice dry gains. Have an AI on hand and titrate the test dose up and monitor sides. now as far as diuretic and all that and water intake/sodium is a whole nother topic lol same with This! I have as on the 200mg a week bandwagon and although my e2 was in check, I still was on the higher range. Any questions feel free to ask! Don't do tren on your first cycle First cycles should be approx 250/300 Test. Were I feel I reached my genetic natural limit and from then (the last 3 years I did 6 week cycle anadrol, 4 week cycle of clen and 6 week cycle of tbol. People out there don’t exercise, they drink booze and use drugs and smoke cigs. 11ish weeks. Also natural factors: no sleep? No test for you. 200mg brought me to 1300 trough. If I was lucky I'd add an extra rep on my compounds each week. So 200mg a week might result in 1000-2000 Ng/dl, probably somewhere close to 1500. 200 mg is more than enough to get you into the desired 800 – 1,200 ng / dl range, which is exactly what you want in terms of maximizing the benefits of testosterone, while minimizing any potential side effects. Test + LGD was the best though 500mg Test + LGD landed me in gyno country real fast despite having done 500mg before no issues. I dropped it a few months in to 130mg and have been there ever since - my levels at 200mg a week were around 1600 nm. B&A of my summer cutting cycle. He would still have an advantage over a natural with 1000 ng/dL test when he last got tested because the natural's level would fluctuate based on sleep, how much youre eating, diurnal rhythms throughout the day, etc. Yeah. Ex. I personally don’t believe this a bit. Considering you had gyno it’s smart to start with low dose. Hi, I am currently on TRT, 200 mg test c 1x a week, . 2. 馃く As a result, my doc decided to prescribe me a mutant dose of 200mg of test a week. 200mg IM a week put me at 825 total test, 80mg subq twice a week now puts me at 974 total test. It’s always been hard for me to gain mass. I'm older and not looking for big gains; just to feel good and get a little boost in the gym. you clearly have no clue what you’re doing, and have no business running gear. You should be feeling like an 18yo with an invincible attitude and the libido to match it. You'll hear a broad spectrum of answers like OMG 200 mg that's Insane! That's way too much! When in reality everyone is an individual and requires different amounts and responds to different dosages 馃槉 I can speak only from my personal experience. Otherwise, you can crush your estrogen. 170lbs then, 185 lbs now. My t is 569 I’m 30 don’t know my free t. as an example, using the bhasin studies for 300 test and 600 test. I am not looking for huge results, just trying to shed a little body fat and get leaner during a cut. It is cypionate which has a half life of 8 days, I am a rookie and don’t know much about test or steroids, but I do remember hearing of splitting doses. His video said there was no drop in test according to the study but I dropped a little bit. 200 mg test although a high trt dose still is not near what most people would need to contribute to the type of gains you are associating it with. So you basically gained 8 pounds of glycogen and water, and you’re going to lose it when you pct then think you need to “up your dose”. I know I can just buy more myself. 12 weeks on 200 test wont stress your organs hard - it will neither give you awesome progress. For 500mg test e only, I take ~12. We have one camp saying 100 - 150 mg is ideal and then the other camp (including highly respected Sep 25, 2024 路 How are so many of you on 200mg? That seems to be a common dosage. 2kg, and 7. Willing to come down to 200mg for a few months break a few times a year. Is 200mg a solid bump or should I throw in more? 3: should I cruise on test longer to ride out any tren post effects? Cruised on 200mg test cyp for 3 months after I finished the anavar. Keeping your test that high for long periods has significant health risks, but that doesn't mean it can't be done safely if you stay on top of your shit. Exactly. Is it worth it to take 200mg of test, and possibly throw in some EQ, for 10 37yo 6’4” been exercising consistently for 7-8 years. 4 months in and the same calipers now showing around 190-195lbm in a deficit now over past 3 months ive cut 25lbs off while eating 1600-1800 calories loosing avg 2. true. I will not grill you super hard, however i must say you went on a bit of a pointless cycle. Meaning you get one injection of 1000mg testosterone undecanoate and then you have wait 12 weeks for the next injection, which is shit because levels fall like a roller coaster from week 6 and then you have 6 weeks to go while feeling like crap. anastrozole (split in two Mon/Fri). Problem is I needed caber but also needed some more aromasin. Test came back at 2647nd/dl. I got my blood work and my test levels were twice above my natty limit. 200mg Test Cyp on Mon & Thurs, Tuesday & Friday 250 IU HCG. Moderate dose is good. Then you test later in the day and you're at 500. Start with 150mg a week and then get your labs. From my almost 30 years of lifting weights I can guarantee that what he claims is impossible for 5 months on only 200 mg test. Especially if you aren’t on a supraohysiological amount of test. Jul 6, 2024 路 Trt is a small cycle. I’m going to try increasing to 100mg 3x / week and see how I feel at that dose. Keep the test to primo ratio 1:1. Reply reply converter-bot 2 years on TRT. It’s tried and tested. Shitty diet? No test. I have just started boron to see if I can get my SHBG down, but I want to run a cycle purely for muscle gain. So this is now 8 year's ago. If he's trying to go minimalist I say at least 400 test with tren How do you feel on 75mg test ? I was thinking about 100mg test e and 300mg deca. 200 mg bottle of test cyp . 300-350mg at minimum otherwise wtf is the point of even doing a cycle. I’m on test cypionate currently taking 100mg 2x / week. Even the trt nation podcast interviewed a clinic owner that said he had a few customers on 300mg protocols to hit 1000-1200 total. I ran it for 12 weeks at 300 mg/week along with 100-200 mg/week of test. A heavier cycle might be e. People say 200mg/week is too high as a starting dose for TRT purposes, they don't say you can't use it for TRT! Typically, labs are above range on 200mg/week, which is why you free testosterone is substantially above the top of the reference range. Post your body transformations after starting TRT. my first cycle was over a year ago with test p 375mg/week but stopped early because the pip from the test p was too strong. I started out TRT doing 200mg every 2 weeks. Ive run a few other orals before but curious should I wait till the test kicks in around week 3? 2: this is my second cycle with tren. My doses got as high as 750mg of test enanthate (3mL) EODwhich totals 2625mg/wk of test ONLY. Sure mg/mg was roughly the same, but I honestly don’t think the primo was at a high enough dose for benefits other than being used as an AI The key is to prioritize diet and training, and you will see great progress. Hey y’all, just want most opinions. Usually on 200 mg test e cruise so deca + anavar was a small "blast". You have a ordinary good doctor because normal protocol is 1000mg ever 12 weeks. so far I've lost 70 lbs and gained a lot of strength! kudos dude. 37yo 6’4” been exercising consistently for 7-8 years. So 70mg of test is 100mg of test cyp. I saw amazing results compared to my first cycle of 500mg test. reference e2 is 44-192, 300 test goes to 261, 600 test is 359. So training for higher reps on a test only blast isn't the best use of the cycle. 7 (7. If you look at steroid cycles, 500mg test is a 'n00b' cycle, and most people will gain maybe a pound of real LBM a week on that. I see this over and over again with labs. 5, it peaked at 59. Was using 100mg with my trt (125mg) but dropped it for the hair gains. Am calm was just saying you need to be careful, those t levels aren't just a bit high they're way off trt levels, either you're a hyper responder or you're getting your dose wrong or something, if i couldn't find any reason for my levels to be that high maybe get checked again to see if the blood test was wrong,but obviously the answer is lower your dose if 200mg a week is putting you that high Lets say this guy on 200 test which is a pretty high TRT dose, would have 1000 ng/dL test. That's still only equivalent to half a year of working out. bro thank you for posting this. 5D (100 mg/week) intramuscular, vastus lateralis, using a 29 gauge insulin syringe. Also: I've always been really conservative with the gear usage. And it did start crashing my E2 around 14 weeks in I ran another cycle of EQ 馃ぃ this was now 6 years ago. That’s my sweetness! This subreddit is for questions and discussion related to testosterone replacement therapy and testosterone. People say you need 500mg test for your first cycle or it’s a waste but Derek MPMD shows studies saying 200 is still going to bring gains. Been going to the gym 5 days a week consistently no days skipped. ) and that's mostly a reduction in fat. I've been collecting numbers on mg -> total test levels in recent weeks, from Reddit and bodybuilding forums, research articles, etc. 625 twice week 12/21/2019 01/05/2019 Tren-E 700mg WK Test-C 250mg WK letro . [M/23/5’10”] (189->199) 8 week progress on 200mg/week of test. i’ve been lurking in the sub for a while and it seemed like people weee discouraging people from doing TRT unless their numbers were like very very low. Estrogen only spiked one time and my right nipple got crazy sensitive and I bloated with water for like a week. How is that not TRT? Jan 29, 2015 路 I've noticed a steady body composition change on a protocol of 200 mg/wk test cyp, 1000 iu/wk HCG, 1 mg. replace your low or even normal T levels with god levels of T does not = therapy. 8-9month ish AAS + Caloric surplus transformation I did a 250mg test e cycle and gained about 7 pounds from eating slightly above maintenance while doing 25 mins of post workout walking for cardio 6 times a week. Shoulders are striated and round on primo if lean enough. Went online got 200mg/ week test cyp +hcg+ai . no difference in efficacy. Lost everything I gained from that cycle because did a lot of Partys after the cycle and worked out less. So yes, avoid arimidex until need it. Diet was super clean during this time and just did about 2,300-2,500 calories a day with 2 grams of protein per body weight. Lowered my dose to 160mg and holy shit is it a night and day difference. 250mg test and 250mg of primo is fantastic I might add. 3 months is nothing. Recent bloodwork collected 09-Sep-2020. In my experience test only blast mainly gives increases in strength. I’m currently on 350 test/w + 20mg var ED and it’s phenomenal. 200 test is a bit low (250 is recommended for starters…). You should use arimidex only IF and WHEN needed. LBM gains on 300 was 5. It varies by ester and I didn't check my accuracy but you get the point. You slap that 200mg of test in, then check your levels 8 hours later. I’m 30 and healthy but my past naivety is worrying me. 20 weeks. When I stopped using test and swapped it out for MENT my HCT dropped from that high of 59 down to 48 in about six months. Let's say hypothetically 250mg Test doubles the rate of muscle gain, which is already an exaggeration. Eat shitty ass processed fast food 3 times a day and never look at blood work at all. I’m an experienced user, I’ve run about 4 cycles previously, all pretty moderate to high dose and multiple steroids at a time. And i dont ued that. Checking SHBG and will re-evaluate dosage if current dose of test expends too much. I went through 2 rounds of blood exams, 1 through easyT and another through primary care doctor (doctor said 200s is within normal range and wouldn't prescribe treatment). Thoughts on running 200mg test cyp, 500mg primo, 20 mg dbol for 6 weeks than 10 weeks of 200mg test 400mg primo? Planning my next bulk, trying to dial in primo and dbol dosage EDIT: Posted dosages backwards lol, want to run 500 primo with 200 test and 20 dbol, hoping the extra primo will combat any extra e2 from the dbol, than switch to 400 I have been taking 200mg of Testosterone C weekly for one month. Some do but its not a good time. Anxiety and depression disappeared, assertiveness and aggression went up, sleep was better, training was better. If you use long esters you keep your levels constantly high. 25 mL of 200 mg/mL testosterone cypionate E3. Realized I didn't need the test that high and Once did 500mg for 13ish weeks. I don’t have bloods to confirm, but I’d say a little on the lower side. here’s to losing some gains ): 2nd picture is when I started TRT at 3 months in to lifting. Got my bloods done 7 weeks into my 500mg test E cycle. Not saying it doesn't contribute any but at a very low level. Jul 6, 2024 路 200mg a week is taking you above normal levels of testosterone. sounds like you're doing everything aok so far. to 235 lbs. Nah 200mg test per week is definitely less. You can make good gains from a lesser dose, say 200-400mg, but 500mg should be low on sides and produce some solid gains if you train and eat properly. the wini is a must for a show. Recent bloodwork has my total test at 889 and my Free at 8. Current dose is test u 200mg every 10 days, which works out to ~147mg per week. Loool There are pictures scattered through the page on IG, I don't have any saved to this computer ATM because I am in work. OP is pretty lean too making him look like he has more muscle mass than reality. Even the most natty high test guys have severely fluctuating test levels - I mean you can be at 1000 in the morning and 200 at the evening, this is how your natural cycle works. Or if you cycle out the HCG once in awhile can you run 200mg test without needing AI. 54 years. TRT @ 200 mg test p 5 months Share 10 Year transformation. I started working out in January. I’m on 200mg Test and 120-150 NPP, still using 2 IU per day of HGH. Gained about 10 lbs of water weight/nitrogen retention and looked very full. I'm 6'4" 205lb, about 14% BF, and 350mg Test didn't even double my rate of gains. . Test 456 and free test 7. e. Plus 200mg of tren acetate (2mL) ED which totals 1400mg. Yes, the year I have been on TRT has been good for my symptoms (fatigue, anxiety, ED) but I am not really where I want to be. for an additional 24ish weeks. 5 years may be. I see guys on here, friends IRL, & guys on other TRT boards claiming 200mg I take 175mg test-E/week and it places my total T at around 850ng/dL. Since starting TRT I seem to eat more and sleep less. Just got prescribed 200mg test and 100 deca per week. The reason i'm curious is because i'm similar bf% and I'm running 175mg/week test right now with 750iu of HCG per week and I haven't felt the need for an AI yet but i might be getting close. Then I cruised for a few months on 200mg of Test whilst eating in a surplus and then just finished the cycle listed above. When introducing compounds other than test, you want to stop taking said compound long enough for it to be out of your system while still being on your test base. If you divide the weight of the T molecule by the weight of the test cyp molecule you get 0. Even when I would run cycles I would only gain 5-6 pounds. Original bloodwork collected 08-Jul-2020. 8% where it is now, so hopefully dropping test down lower will result in better numbers in a month-and-a-half. Run the primo drop the masteron. rate my steroid transformation, 6mo, tren+dbol+test+EQ sup nerds been lifting for about 6months now on gear with the above stated compounds, been getting crazy mires, but the tren did give me wicked acne pic related. Making my first ever cycle about 34weeks long. I have clomiphene but my natty levels is around 150 and my e2 was very high, leading to some pretty aggressive fat deposits in some bad spots. I think it’s a good idea that you’re starting at 200mg of testosterone versus jumping straight to the higher end like most people do. Noticeably full and dry even on a huge deficit. But I have been having doubts if this is a good amount to start with. I felt amazing never had any issues. My second cycle was 600mg Test-E and 200mg Deca. Just started my cut three or so days ago at 2300 calories a day. Pls give me any tips for future cycles and please don’t give me too much hate. So it was a guessing game balancing the amounts of both. Trying to gain 20 pounds of muscle in 20 weeks. Probably my favourite compound. Okay, so now go get a test done 6 hours or so after you inject and then the problem here will be obvious. I started on 200mg test E, split into 3 doses a week. So I’ve been on test a total of 5 and a half weeks. so out of 14 years of lifting 16weeks of that were assisted! 2 years on TRT. I did a Test/Tren recomp cycle (as per “silver standard” in the wiki). Was running at 100mg a week. 32 years old. I have 250mg/ml ampoules (test e) that I inject twice weekly right now, but gunna be dropping dose and transitioning over to test prop. And I have gone from 100 mg once every week - to 200 mg per week And eventually 300 mg per week. the chances of needing an AI on 600 per week is much fucking bigger than on 300 week. 26 Even 200mg will be supraphysiological for most people. Too many highs and lows, so switched to 100mg once per week. 200 mg of testosterone a week will definitely put you at the top percentile of the reference range numbers. At 200mg of testosterone cypionate weekly, your blood levels should be > 1000 ng/dl at the very ceiling of normal physiological levels. if you equate the dosing to say 400 test 200 bold, then i'd probably go for the test+bold as its less mess on with e2 and boldenone gives some scuffed primo type fullness. Also, I suggest NPP over traditional Decca, less harsh/toxic but shorter half life. Lmao people mainly use hcg to keep testicular function and I'd say most would agree it's hardly considered a ped. Over the last 2 years, my HCT has slowly crept up from 45 -> 49. The clinic only supplied enough syringes for one time a week injections. Increased the NPP and had some issues. I was irresponsible though and didn’t do blood work back then. At 130mg a week I am at 1165nm as of last weeks levels test. 70, or 70%. same story as with anavar. I felt amazing doing it. I recently got my 200mg a week test cypionate from an online service (easyT). 200mg is too much, I don’t know why the clinics/docs prescribe a mini cycle dose. I’ve also seen guys in the gym who look like total shit who are self-admittedly on huge doses of many compounds, even tren! I decided it was time to change and got back in the gym and hopped on 200mg of test cyp a week initially. Took anastrozole . You get a few bad nights sleep and get really stressed, test again in the afternoon after a few days of bullshit and be in the 3 or 400s easily. I eventually got blood work done out of curiosity and tested in the low 200s at 22 years old. Current dosing 0. It's enough to make you normal if you actually have low T. These pics are either not him or they have been doctored a lot. That trough is way too high for once-a-week injections for any TRT purpose. No noticeable sides (except some hair shedding ofc). That kept my estrogen right in the middle of normal 500mg test and 400mg eq, I needed absolutely no AI. I run 200/120 test/eq to cruise and 500/400/300 test/eq/deca or orals to blast Pros: maintain endurance, don't feel lethargic on blast, keep E2 in check without AI, maybe a bit of vascularity, hair safe* Cons: easy to crash e2 running when equal or greater than test, it can make me feel a bit panicky and anxious, sometimes harder to sleep Agreed a year following a solid workout plan with progressive overload, 5-6 days a week on 200 mg of test could definitely provide those results for anyone with average genetics. Here’s my two cents- take it for that…. No. 9 kg on 600 per week. I wonder if you find you need less AI as you keep progressing. you need to use it daily. You usually go 16-20 weeks on a lower dose of test. Baseline total test 430 (348-1107) and free test 4. Notes say 200mg test 100mg EQ. It's like I got rid of the bloat and I see a lot of muscle that I didn't see before and almost zero water retention. But don't pretend that 200mg of test cyp for 12 weeks will be the magic bullet, because it won't. 1 year later I’ve gotten up to 261lbs and look much leaner than I did a year ago. No deca dick at all on these dosages. So the easy calculation is that 70% of 100 is 70. 600 test will do more, cos its 600mg vs 500mg. Don't get me wrong he definitely added roughly 15 pounds of contractile tissue in a year. People are stupid, 250mg test cycles work, you don’t need 500mg cycles until you’re doing contest prep This “200mg and up is always a cycle” is echo chamber Reddit mentality. 250 Test/ 525 NPP. Reduced dose to 160 because of HORRIBLE back acne. 0. Age: 22M Height: 6'2 Weight pre-cycle: 189lbs, ~16%bf Weight post-cycle: 221lbs, ~18%bf Cycle: 500mg UGL test e for 16 weeks, pinned Tues & Fri… 1/1/2018 200mg test-e tren-a 50mg everyday 4UI GH ED 03/20/2018 5/1/2018 DBOL - 50mg ED ADROL-50mg ED Test-e 1000mg WK letro . TRT patient here. 5mg aromasin~ once a week. I will never take tren bc all the YouTubers die from it, Rich piana, Boston lloyd, & now joe esthetics. Some guys here think that they are the only ones lifting and rest of us live on Mars. Which will enable you to train with heavier weights in the hypertrophy range after your cycle is completed. 8-3lb per week 19%bf. For me the libido of 250mg test + LGD was somewhere in between 500mg test and 200mg test + 400mg tren e (which is to say test + tren was way too much) You my feel shit a few weeks after stopping test even with pct. 5’ 11”. Now on 200mg of test on TRT and feel great and blood is good. My test concentration is actually 200mg/ml. More for name brand. I started taking 200 mg of test at the beginning of March until a week and a half ago, when I started taking 500mg of test. Blood work looks fine afterwards. At the very least, I’ll start to look a bit meaner in the mirror. I have it prescribed by a physician as TRT as my test levels are low. I ran it at 300mg test 100mg EQ. I just finished up a 350mg test, 200mg primo cycle. 625 twice week 7/1/2018 10/5/2018 Test-E 750mg NPP – 225mg EQ – 600mg letro . They wanted me higher since not a huge impact on mood and put me on 200 mg for six weeks before checking again. 15 votes, 69 comments. I attribute the extra T on a lower dose with better body composition and better diet but that's just anecdotal there are pub med articles out there if you want to dig deeper. Utilization could and very likely is the issue regarding what may seem low levels while on 200mg/wk protocol. 5 mg for 3 days until moon face went away. I hate test at high dosage. ~15% body fat if I had to guess. Hard to say how your body will respond. Hope this helps someone and feel free to ask any questions. from late December 2013 (from 251 lbs. Primo is probably my favorite compound now to add to test. ayy I just got on 200 mg wk test e around the same time after around 5 years on methadone fucking with my test. 5 Anastrozole, HCG 500 iu 2x a week. I could easily up it to 200mg/week and still be in the reference range. 10 votes, 108 comments. 2-24). Used 200mg on a cut with 200mg test for 8 weeks before adding 200mg tren. Prior numbers: Test level: 330 Estradiol: 36/60 Numbers after 6 months: Test level: 814 Estradiol: 54/60 NOW FOR THE GOOD STUFF: HCT at the start of trt was 50. Four of which was at 200mg a week and the other 1 and a half weeks a 500 mg Did 200mg test e + 200mg deca per week and 25 mg anavar daily this spring. A very rough rule of thumb from the data I've collected is multiply by 5-10x and you get a decent range in Ng/dl. After week 10 i was on test enanthate and tren acetate only. 500mg test 300mg tren, which is equivalent to 2g test/week. Primo at this dose was subtle. Ok I’m new to this just got on trt so just asking is a 200mg bottle mean 1cc is I have an theoretically unlimited supply of 200 mg test a week and ordered two bottle of 100mg tren ace (2000 grams total in 20ml) and one 100mg/ml bottle of Mast prop. second cycle. First 3 are before and the rest are during or after. You take 40mg every 3 days. Stop just before sides are too much and or gyno starts to flare up. Best bet run the protocol for a bit then check bloods. So 6 months total. 2 (7. I was on 200mg of test blend but dropped to 130mgs because my blood was thickening. Basically if your training hard you’ll “use up” your test. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now training showed that on 125 mg of test-e weekly fat-free mass had increased in average of 3,4 kg Hi, I’ve been taking 200mg test e for 3 years self medicated in the uk. You can't just say that it's in the normal range so it's fine; you have to understand the consequences of injecting too infrequently so that you can make reasonable You can have someone test 800 naturally, early morning, all looks good. Others use 600 mg/week of Test and do not need any anti-estrogens. 30 DAYS IN- 200mg Test Cyp Wk But once you’re on even just 200mg Test, the ceiling is WAY higher for what you can attain with great diet and hard progressive training. 6' 1" male at ~169 pounds pre, 174 pounds current. I think it was my 3rd or 4th week at 200mg injections that I started to feel less than stellar afterwards. Soon they are going to quit taking my blood work every time I go in and monitor me less. 1: I was going to run Tbol with test for the first 6 weeks. Jun 9, 2023 路 Some people easily aromatise at 200 mg/week of Test. 9 maybe two and a half years later? Dose and pinning schedule has been everything you can imagine. I could step it up a little with the test; essentially double it per week if I cycle off with PCT. I noticed no further vascularity. I didn't have high blood… Obtained my results is a long stretch. TRT started 06-Aug-2020. Reply reply HMA_88 There is a YouTuber named Liam Turnbull he explains his steroid use when he started at 18 years old and he used 200 mg of test per week which got him to like 4,200 As someone who got diagnosed as low T young (24), I didn’t know what was possible in 6 months on Test & couldn’t find anything showing that, so here is me on 200mg of Test for 4 weeks, 400mg Test for 12 weeks, and 350mg of Deca for 4 weeks. I felt f#ckin AMAZING. I would change that cycle listed by op to something like 400 test 150 tren myself. It's based on the molecular weight of test cyp. Super high libido, can't concentrate on work and need to take 1mg anastrozole almost ed to get e2 to normals on 500mg test e. maybe right before the show (a wk or 2)- 100mg. I lowered it a bit and feel better. g. I naturally built my physique from the ages 16-27 going from 140lbs to 190lbs. Everything else was good or great. My bloods were a little off, hematocrit and hemoglobin were above the standards, 1250ng/dl total test. Dose was too low, so got it upped to 160mg per week and started splitting the injection in half (80mg) twice a week. i am not a contest prep guru by any standards but i know enough that you have a pretty good plan going on. I'm down about 16 lbs. tqhhszp ksar dkaqe rilhcw mirlwn mnahoyr dogqqd shwo kuqb vqs xrcoslj jezqlc qqhmr hguus ogx