10 and 11 meter antenna diy. Effective Indoor Antennas.

10 and 11 meter antenna diy For those that were not able to do so, this… What are the benefits of an EFHW antenna for 10-12 meters? End-Fed Half-Wave (EFHW) antennas have several benefits, especially when used for the 11-meter band (27 MHz), which is popular among CB (Citizens Band) radio users and amateur radio operators. The whole thing weighs 10 oz. The dipole antenna still remains the primal antenna. HF Propagation aids:https://prop. In this video I will show how to build a simple ham radio antenna for 10 Meters using just one piece of coax and some wire. In this video from Colin (MM0OPX), we get a thorough introduction to the theory behind the Moxon Antenna, as well as practical suggestions on building this outstanding HF antenna. Have fun! The diagram below contains all the information you would need to build a 2-Element 10 Meter antenna. That, or a half wave dipole hung vertically from a tree or pole. " Since they were originally designed for 11 meter use on the CB band, they are usually longer than those required for the 10 meter ham band due to the difference in frequencies. The quad was a very difficult for an inexperienced user like me (I have not be radio amateur yet). Here are some key advantages: But I'm getting ready (saving up) to get a 10 meter ham radio and will be needing a base antenna for it. Careful consideration was given the operating frequency and “rejection” needs of most 11 meter freeband DXers (CB operators who communicate with other CB operators more than 150 miles away). Learn to design and simulate your own antenna with this guide. 500, I made a contact on the Island of Bonaire in the Caribbean on 15 meters, and a few contacts on 20 and 40 meters. The ground in the backyard was pretty wet from a deluge a week before, so I had hoped that I didn’t need to put down the radials yet. Later I put the same dipole on the roof and made many contacts. Magic Carpet Apartment Antenna for HF Ham Radio. antenna projects for 10 meters band category is a curation of 88 web resources on , Loop antenna for 10m and 15 m, The 10 Meter Loop Antenna, The HF Satellite Antenna for 10 and 15 meters. Do you understand that a hamstick on 10 meters without properly bonding the vehicle will get maybe 20% efficiency? Borrow a full size base antenna with the RF gain set at 20% and the transmit at 20% of the max power of the mobile rig you are looking at (20%*25 watts= 5 watts) so your expectations are set. That way you can check the skip conditions and antenna operation. Since 10 meters and cb (sometimes refered as 11meter) are so close in bandwidth often a cb antenna can be tuned for 10 meter. Certainly in a fixed setup this antenna has its advantages. To Optimize for 11 meter performance assemble the antenna with the 12” optimizer section installed between the mid and top section as a 4 piece antenna. 11 times plus 2' gives the 46' you need for 30 meters, etc. So by using an old CB antenna OR a new one that may be very inexpensive, you can modify it by shortening it until you get the lowest swr on your favorite band, 10 meters. Mar 27, 2012 · Maybe someone can clarify: I hear stories that the Hustler CG-144 2 Meter whip is also usable as a 1/4 wave for 10 Meters. Nov 12, 2013 · Started with 110" and trimmed for lowest SWR at 28. Blue plot is the phased design, black the three element refl ector/director and red a two element Yagi. Some antenna manufacturers say their antennas cover 11 and 10 meters. When I first Written By: Scott Wolfington The following article is based on a HamUniverse. I found a PDF on the Internet with the details for making a 10 meter J-pole for 28. 5m to 10. 30-32 Here’s how you can build a two-element, lightweight 10- and 15-meter quad using parts available at local hardware and radio-parts stores and a sporting-goods mail-order Dec 31, 2024 · DIY Folding Rotating Dipole 10-20 meter. Half-Wave Dipole for 11 Meters (by 56FL114, Pete) A Simple and Certainly Working Antenna Solution. I can buy a 75 ohm coax and cut, solder to antenna then put on my connecter Find Hy-Gain HF Beam Antennas 10 meters HF Beam Antenna Bands and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! Hy-Gain HF Beam Antennas are stronger, lighter, have less wind surface, and last years longer. In reality, you must tune them by adjusting length. Another name for this type of antenna are "vertical dipole". Here is a simple and easy to build antenna in a Delta Loop configeration that should make 10 and 12 meters lots more fun if you have a limited space situation or you just like the idea of a smaller than normal sized Delta Loop. 400 MGZ (10 Meter Calling Channel). BUILD THE 10 METER WONDER BAR ANTENNA Hamuniverse. In free space the center-fed half-wave antenna has an input impedance that is a close match to 50 ohm coax and to most radios that have a 50 ohm output impedance. The SK12 12' Support Kit and SK18 18' Support Kit are available through your favorite Gizmotchy® reseller. Please can anyone send me plans as I have searched and so far nothing. 5mhz and use a RF switch (isolated to gnd one) you could add your CB in with a fixed tuner since you would likely only need to add an inline inductor to tune it down to the 27. Once it’s tuned in, you do 10 meters. Sep 26, 2012 · Quality build as usual Charles, I always like reading your antenna threads they give me and others great ideas. On a 24' boom, 5 elements on 10 meters has the same performance as a 5-element 20 meter yagi on a 48' boom, and that is certainly a huge antenna. 67 at 35 feet in height and 1. However, most conduit you find in hardware stores is sold in 10-foot lengths, and a 15 meter antenna will need to be around 11 feet long. This can easily be adapted A viewer asks: What's an easy to assemble antenna to get on the air for the upcoming ARRL 10 Meter Contest. Jun 21, 2023 · What a great time to put together a quick dipole antenna and get on the air. When we launched our DX-antenna project in the summer of 1987, we soon discovered the real challenge: building the antenna using readily availa- ble materials. July 11. The 10 meter dipole has less influence on the 20 meter dipole in terms of tuning than the other way around. By changing the length of the vertical wires, you can move the design frequency to any point in the 10-meter band. I made this antenna a couple years ago and decided to finally make the video public. The ARRL 10 […] Oct 23, 2024 · The POTAbeam HexBeam is a small lightweight beam antenna with similar performance to a full sized yagi. 5ft RG58 Pure Copper Coaxial Cable $39. As the name suggests, the length of the antenna is about half of the wavelength of the frequency the antenna is cut for. Building antennas is fun and educational. Following the ideas presented here by KB3TTP will enable Dec 23, 2022 · Easy to build 10 Meter vertical antenna. I read on some sites that I DO NOT need a feed point Transformer. While the connection point is at the base, the actual feed point is in the center. Feb 17, 2011 · The points should be about 36 inches above the bottom tube for 10 meters. Figure 2 — 10 meter (28-29 MHz) free-space gain curves for the three wide-band Yagis. 99 Oct 7, 2014 · By placing this arrangement on a 20 ft/6. com article by John Reisenauer (KL7JR) titled Simple and Inexpensive Dipole and V Antenna Mount. This is an overview of my 10m Moxon project. First, I must say that setting up a base radio (11 meter) and accompanying antenna is a new hobby for me. I talk about my first homebrew antenna, the 10 me Easy to build 10 Meter vertical antenna. . Add a foot and cut. wide-band Yagi designs for 10 meters at 28. An excellent antenna for local ground wave communication or chasing DX. Here we have collected some links to building instructions for 11m antennas on the Internet. When all was said and done, my SWR readings were 1. Since they were originally designed for 11 meter use on the CB band, they are usually longer than those required for the 10 meter ham band due to the difference in frequencies. If you made the loop twice the size it is now, then it would no longer be tuned for the 11 meter/CB band. May 13 The ARRL 10 meter contest was last weekend. 8MHz through 29. With a basic HF transceiver and this Moxon antenna, you can make contacts around the world. A quarter wave at 27 MHz is close to 8 feet 8 inches. What this article does do is provide a truly optimized 4 element Yagi design for the 11 meter “freeband” DX operator. Maybe call CQ and see if you get an answer. So the Yagi antenna system was one-way. A start to finish antenna build of a ladder line J pole antenna cut for the 10 meter band. 80 Meter Sloper Antenna; A simple vertical doublet antenna for the 20-10 me Easy Stealth HOA Antenna by TN07; 6 meter J Pole antenna--A work of art. Build a 40 meter loaded coil in 15 minutes. This time I used a 4ft fire stick antenna for the ground element and still use the MFJ 10 meter hamstick antenna Oct 23, 2017 · 10 Meters was silent between 28. 7 on the 10-meter band. It's built using RG-58 and some wire, commonly referred to as a T2LT or flowerpot antenna. Thanks for all you do for ham radio Dan…73 de W4JF (Joe) BUILD THE 10 METER WONDER BAR ANTENNA Hamuniverse. The Hentenna provides a figure eight pattern at right angles to the antenna plane. If so this would provide a 5 dB gain antenna for 2 Meters and 0 dB gain antenna for 10 Meters, all by a whip antenna that measures 7 ft. Full length for 40 meters it stands 6 feet tall atop its 8" spike made from 1/4 inch aluminum hardware store rod stock. It's a sleeper. Watch the included video tutorial for step-by-step modeling. 10-Meter MoxBeam Build this Moxon antenna using some unique materials & be ready for Solar Cycle 24 delivers up to 11. Basicly its a wire mono band halo antenna for 10 meters (may add 6 as well) similar to the Cobwebb antenna. He has done a very good “non-mathmatical” job of explaining a lot of antenna and propagational theory in a practical way. I'm building it out of PVC and 10 AWG wire. Dec 5, 2012 · I just successfully built an 11 meter j-pole with a long piece of 14 gauge insulated wire, an 8 foot piece of RG-58 coax, a small piece of PVC pipe with a whole drilled in each end as an end insulator, and a section of 450 ladder line. Despite the relatively small size the performance is excellent. and thanks for the suggestions . 0. But my old CB base antenna I had is long gone and I had always wanted to see how a vertical dipole antenna would work. In this video from Dave Tadlock (KG0ZZ), we get a thorough step-by-step tutorial on how to design, build, and test a 10 meter ground plane antenna. Quick, Cheap, And Easy!Consider becoming a Patron @ https://www. Sooner exclude all the vertical antennas and I was between quad and Yagi antenna system. Feb 3, 2023 · Build an HF Loop Antenna for camping. We have had lots of requests for it. Probably one of the easiest antennas to build is the dipole, and due to their shorter length, a 10 meter dipole is very easy to build and deploy. We recommend the use of a Gizmotchy® Universal Antenna Support Kit for beams with 5 or more elements. A General Coverage frequency (27. ( won’t work on both band at the same time with acceptable SWR) . Oct 21, 2012 · I want to build a antenna that covers 10, 11, and 12 meters and not need 3 different antennas. Put it twice as high instead. Take a look at Steve’s book. Jan 24, 2023 · I didn't expect to DX with a 40W trucker's 10/11 meter export, though I watched and read about all I could find before I bought the Anytone AT-5555 PLUS/N from Moonraker in UK . 10 Meter and 6 Meter Rotatable Half-Wave Dipole Antenna The half-wave center-fed dipole is one of the most popular antennas in use today. The J Pole antenna is a simple antenna to build for most builders and requires little skill or tools to make it work properly. Jul 10, 2007 · It’s exactly supporting the antenna for 10 meters you offered above. This two-element Cubical Quad antenna is designed for use on either the 10-meter ham band or the 11-meter Citizen's Band. i don't have a real sigma 4 , i have a homemade one with 4 basket elements like the vector 4k . Aug 12, 2024 · Build a high-performance Lazy-H antenna for the 10-meter band. Sorry for bad audio, my external mic was not playing. The 10 meter band dipole antenna is symmetrical so that the noise level will in many cases be quieter compared to asymmetric antennas. Waiting to see the parts list may try one for 11 meters as I have taken the A99 down with swr problems. Dec 7, 2023 · The antenna design popularized by the late Les Moxon (G6XN) is quite popular with radio amateurs on the higher HF bands (20 meters through 10 meters). Find HF Vertical Antennas and Packages 10 meters HF Vertical Antenna Band and get Free Shipping on Most Orders Over $99 at DX Engineering! Mar 11, 2025 if ordered 10 Meter band dipole antenna including 150 Watt 1:1 BalUn, DIY kit. Greetings to all, I recently acquired my first HF rig, a trusty but capable Yaesu FT-757GXII that i've paired with an EFHW for 20 meters, and recently splurged on an LDG AT200ProII antenna tuner, running good coax (LMR-400). Easy to build, needs only one rope for support, and has gain. What is the best height for an 11-meter antenna? For an 11-meter (CB) antenna, a height of around 20 to 30 feet (6 to 9 meters) above the ground is commonly used. com DIY End Fed Half Wave Antenna Kit for 10-15-20-40-Meters ARRL and HF Kits offer a 4-band antenna kit: End Fed Half Wavelength Antenna The advantage of an EFHW is the ease of construction, it’s versatility in a variety of installation Build a 10-Meter Moxon Antenna John Portune, W6NBC, and Jim Bailey, W60EK f you have a Technician-class ham license, you have privileges on the 10-meter band. 26 at 80 feet. Just to check that your antenna is receiving that range of frequencies, tune to the CB frequencies and see if you can hear anything down there. 3 to 1. com. Enjoy the DX! Oct 14, 2024 · As a suggestion, you might try just getting an 11 meter mobile antenna and create a ground plane for it. Feb 15, 2021 · 10 meter yagis are in my 2021 plan. These will be smaller than the long boom yagis I built for 15 and 20 meters last year. With high gain at low takeoff angles this is the perfect antenna for long-haul DX This approach to matching a feed line to an antenna uses the antenna itself as an impedance transformer. For balanced 10-11 meter Jun 21, 2020 · Say no to HOA Antenna restrictions! Install a Antenna that talks all over the United States for almost free, your neighbors wont even know its there. This is a great antenna for taking advantage of the rise of Cycle 25. Oct 23, 2006 · thanks guys . A series matched 40 meter antenna at either 80 or 35 feet meets the 2:1 SWR bandwidth objective, but the goal of SWR at or below Mar 5, 2022 · If you have an old CB (11-meter) 5/8 wave antenna, you may be able to convert it to 10 meter use. I started at 103. It is best to use an analyzer or else a SWR meter. 3 dBi gain, 40 dB F/B ratio, 19° take-off Since they were originally designed for 11 meter use on the CB band, they are usually longer than those required for the 10 meter ham band due to the difference in frequencies. I love building and testing shoddily built antennas, and was looking at plans for 2 or 3 element yagis, and also the moxon, built with PVC, fiberglass poles, and the How To Build A Dipole Antenna For 10 Meter Ham Radio. Then tie your wire to one screw and then string the wire around the 2 screws the number of times you need to get your length- 8 times back and forth plus 1 foot gives you 33', about the length for 20 meters. I'm very satisfied, more like, hurrah! At early of 90's, when I was a CB operator, I begin to build a serious DX antenna. Resources listed under 10 Meter Antennas category belongs to Antennas main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators. MaxOptimizer allows you to choose between a balanced 10 -11 meter antenna that will perform well in both bands or optimize the antenna for the 11 meter band. Great deals on 11 Meter Antenna In Cb Radio Antennas. A General Coverage frequency (28. 8MHZ with Lip Mount Fixed Bracket Car Radio, Two Way Radio Antenna PL259 Male to SO239 Female Extension W/16. 5 inches off each side with swr a little higher than 1 so not bad. You can tune each element by making the ends longer (lower the frequency) or shorter (increase the frequency). 02 using a tick over 100". Oct 9, 2023 · For a 10-meter Yagi antenna, a height of approximately 16 to 33 feet (5 to 10 meters) above the ground is a reasonable range. In this video, Ian shows us how to make a 5/8 wave 10 meter antenna from an old CB antenna and a few easily obtainable parts. One of the easiest antennas to build is a traditional half-wave dipole. A clean pattern results. It is resonant between 26. It takes me forever to complete some projects. ” In this article you will find a basic drawing of a J Pole antenna and the lengths, spacings, and other details to build one for the 17, 15, 12, or 10 meter bands. patreon. Alpha Antenna HF Military 2. 10 Meter Radio Antenna 28. The SWR chart on the right show the General Coverage antenna's SWR performance, within the 10 Meter band. Apologies for the video quality, my computer is creaking at the seams while rendering. What a great time to put together a quick dipole antenna and get on the air. com presents good plans for the Wonder bar antenna. I currently have a Jun 6, 2015 · Ok aside from 11 meters being cb and no license required and of course the difference in the ppl who operate on the band . With 12 watts I talked to a guy in Argentina. The antenna I had was a old Radio Shack antenna that was advertised as a "1/2 Wave Coaxial Antenna". 99 FREE delivery Sun, Feb 9 Oct 15, 2010 · I helped a friend build a plastic palm tree antenna for his 4th story deck with a 1/4 wave wire inside it and two on the wood deck for counterpoise and that little 11' high home-brew antenna talked all over Build a Stronger 2 Element Quad A Different way to construct a tried and true antenna out of PVC, especially for the 10 meter and higher frequencies. Within that gizmo is the 50 ohm to Hi Z matching device. ----- Gizmotchy Power Booster 10/11 Meter GPB 11 Addition of Gizmotchy Power Boosters to your Gizmotchy 10/11 Meter Antenna adds another set of direc. Featuring impressive average gain and excellent front-to-back, Hy-Gain HF Beams are built with parts selected for durability and ruggedness that will ensure years of trouble Figure 5 - The radiation pattern of the antenna on the left is a 4 element quad feed directly with coax. A long wire antenna that will load up on 80, 40, 20 & 15 meters without an antenna tuner and without balun coils! At early of 90's, when I was a CB operator, I begin to build a serious DX antenna. This is for both TX and RX. tion has at least one. At one time 11 meters was a ham band until the fcc reallocated to the citizens band. I decided on a ¾ wavelength delta loop made from PVC pipe, (the backbone), and #14 gauge wire. The radiation pattern of the antenna on the right shows a quad using a device (balun, gamma match etc. Building a vertical dipole for 6 meters. Economy QRP Antenna 80-40-20-15 End Fed w/o a tuner! Contributed by John T. 5 inches for each length I got that number from a dipole calculator for 11 meters. This antenna could also be built for the 12 meter band, and possibly even for the 15 meter band. (EDIT, corrected numbers) Given that if you tune your antenna for 28. from what i understand these are not wide bandwidth antennas so i was thinking a tuner would be needed to cover the range of a rci 29xx or magnum 45/257 . Beat the HOA with a Stealth Antenna; Tactical Delta Loop Antenna from Chameleon Antennas; Turn your patio umbrella into a 20 meter antenna f Jul 13, 2023 · Mark the 1 foot points between the screws. For those that were not able to do so, this… 40 meters, an unmatched antenna built in typical fashion is predicted to exhibit an SWR at resonance of 1. Dec 11, 2024 · Perhaps the best known is the G5RV antenna developed in the 1940’s and 50’s. The antenna works. Gain is estimated at about 2. New ARRL Book: Ham Radio Indoors. When I got back on the air in 2002, 10m was in pretty good shape, when I ran across the article, “A Gain Antenna for 28 MHz. kc2 Building and experimenting with antennas can be an interesting part of the radio hobby. I'm a complete newbie. This antenna provides excellent DX possibilities when propagation is favorable. A Light and Sturdy Quad for 10 and 15 Meters QST July 1991, pp. I read on most sites that I DO NEED a feed point Transformer. Bandwidth is very broad. Feb 8, 2005 · Dear all If time permits I am going to build the Homebase 10 antenna as published in PW a couple of weeks ago. The Coat Hanger 10 Meter Vertical Antenna. This is what I want to build for my 10 meter half wavelength vertical antenna. robb i dont know what the full usable tx range of the antenna is since i only have cb 40 here . 75 MHz) is selected as this provides the best coverage of the 10 Meter band. Trying to approximate an angle of 76. Built on the mechanics of the well-proven FE10V this antenna has exceptional performance comparable or better than a 2 elements Yagi, but with the advantage that G-Max is omnidirectional. I also follow up with a f Dec 4, 2024 · Hi everyone, Is there a person who has a detailed construction plan for a 11 meter band arial , I am looking at building a cb radio home base antennae for my workshop unit, 1/2 wave , 5/8 anything will do. , be sure there is no active key logger (spyware) in your PC. Aug 18, 2015 · I ran into a similar situation recently, but I was trying to use a 11 meter antenna on 10 meters. Aug 16, 2016 · Master machinest Don Nichols, KV4PH talks about how he built a 10 meter J-Pole antenna. Search, come in to my hands a Greek One antenna I always recommend for newer hams is the nfed half wave antenna, with a 67 ft single wire and a small transformer which you can buy on eBay for about $50 or make yourself for even less. Sep 8, 2020 · Old TV rabbit ears as a junk box 2 meter antenna; PVC Tube Ham Radio Tower Project; Build a portable 10 meter Yagi Antenna; Field expedient VHF antenna made from TV coax; Water's Edge Portable DX: A half-square antenna; Using a manual antenna tuner: Ask Dave episode 5; Building a spiral loop antenna for 20 meters; Build a Dipole Antenna Center Feb 1, 2024 · In fact, they are one of the easiest antennas to build and erect for HF radio bands, such as 10, 15, 20, 40, 80, and 160 meters, to achieve top-quality and improved performance levels. That loop is exactly 1 wave length @ the 11 meter/CB band. Feb 24, 2021 · Start with the 20 meter dipole. By KB3TTP (Updated Feb, 2012 - see bottom of article) Editors note: Quad antennas are notorious for being difficult to keep in the air. Then if you don't hear anyone on 10 meters, no one's transmitting. Here you can see the 10, 11 and 1 Oct 5, 2015 · I want to build a "Bambi" or full wave loop antenna with 27. 5 degrees, I attached it to the top notch on my electric fence post. I made some changes to my vertical antenna. This consists of a horizontal antenna 31m (102 ft) long, fed in the middle with 8. It was an A/B test. Antennas con- tinue to satisfy many a ham's desire to build a part of their station's equipment, and homemade antennas can compete with commercial ones. 400 MHz. com/k8mrdradiostuffFollow me o For winter portable DXing up north, I needed a compact, simple to install antenna for both 10 and 12 meters that offered directivity and was economical to build. The implementation and construction of a dipole antenna are easy and straightforward. Both antennas were installed as indoor VHF antennas at the attic of my house, both at around 3 meters above ground. 99 $ 39 . Let's Build an EFHW Antenna If you attended Field Day 2022, you may have been one of the students that learned how to build an end fed half wave Antenna and actually got to build one and take it home. Even on "bad" propagation days, this antenna will provide many local and regional contacts. Of course, 10 meters was hotter then than its is now, but there are still openings. First of all:All pre-ordered antennas will be shipped end of this week. $109. 1 MHz) is selected as this provides the best coverage of the 11 Meter band. 38500 as my center of the band. However, I would like to build an antenna to hoist up in the tree at that height and rotate with a rope on special occasions, I imagine that it would make 10 meters even more fun. Ten meter operations can be quite exciting once propagation supports signals in the 28 MHz Amateur Radio Band. Effective Indoor Antennas. I also follow up with a few of the contacts that I made in the ARRL 10M Contest. (Jack) Downey - K0DTQ. 5 MHz. 185 (ch19). Jan 24, 2023 · 10 Meters has been going gangbusters with signals lately! I decided to build an antenna that I can easily use at home with a simple squid pole, and also portable if needed. Aug 20, 2022 · If you want an antenna that covers 11 and 10 meters without any tuning, go for the Sirio Gain Master. When collapsed and disassembled the longest piece is 10" collapsed whip. Revolutionary End-Fed Antenna Build: Wire-Free Ha 20M Vertical Dipole-Amazing Performance-T2LT Design. Jul 10, 2007 · I used two lengths of PVC pipe to form the horizontal elements of this simple, 10m loop antenna. but really is there a real difference between 10 meters and 11 meters. I had saved the plans from a couple of years ago from the Amateur Radio Lighthouse Society web site and this article and all the credit goes to them and Jim, K2JXW. for counterpoise I use a 17' piece of #16 speaker wire. 8MHz covering the 10 and 11 meter bands. 5 dB over a dipole. The swr when I started was almost 2 ended up cutting of about 2. So it is "super portable. Solarcon MaxOptimizer 10/11 meter - NEW MODEL - REPLACES IMAX 2000 Free Lower 48 Ship (JA84) Super Wide Band 10 Meter CB Antenna One Piece Free Ship to Lower 48 Jun 17, 2006 · Hi, Does anyone have a formula or know a technique for converting an 11 meter 3 element yagi antenna into a 10 meter yagi (beam antenna)? Thanks in advance, Brad Before you type your password, credit card number, etc. 5m (28 to 34 ft) of parallel conductor line (depending on the velocity factor of the line used). So let's build a 28 MHz vertical antenna to work some of the DX and not miss out! 10 Meters has been going gangbusters with signals lately! Written By: Scott Wolfington The following article is based on a HamUniverse. G-Max is the first and only vertical antenna in the world for the bands of 10 or 11m in a collinear configuration 5/8λ over 1/4λ with high gain. Ever notice that gizmo at the base of your ½ wave or 5/8 wave two meter mobile antenna? It’s a cylinder about 2 to 3 inches tall and about an inch round. The SWR chart on the right show the General Coverage antenna's SWR performance, within the 11 Meter band. I have it mounted side mount on the tower and by sliding it to and from Most antennas are vertical on 11 meters, so a quarter wave whip over a large metal plane would be pretty good. Calculate performance with AN-SOF and discover the benefits of wide bandwidth and excellent gain. Mar 25, 2021 · This would be a perfect time to build an inexpensive, basic 10 meter ground plane antenna. Jun 21, 2023 · The ARRL 10 meter contest was last weekend. Fast & Free shipping on many items! Most parts are available on the World Wide Web or at some larger hardware stores. Oct 23, 2005 · The 10 inch diameter sounds about right The commercial half wave version uses the base mounting to provide capacitance across the ring ( radiator is in a insulator inside the base mounting tube ,the length of tube inside the other affects the match , a bit like a gamma match rod) I found the design to be very fussy , the match changed high voltage at the end of the antenna. You get 40, 20, 15, 10 m on one single wire without needing a tuner. Good luck. At one point during the tuning phase, I had a reading of 1 Oct 12, 2015 · antenna projects for 10 meters band category is a curation of 88 web resources on , A 10 metre EH Antenna, Dualband-Moxon-Beam for 10 m and 6 m, The flower pot antenna. June 9. PARTS L Jan 8, 2025 · The Coat Hanger 10 Meter Vertical Antenna. I’ve done that using a center loaded CB antenna called a “Monkey Made” and then used 8 foot lengths of wire attached to the mount to create the ground plane. Wound up with a SWR of 1. Feb 15, 2012 · Did you check it with a SWR meter to see if it was tuned correctly? The length of that loop is already tuned correctly for your radio as it is right now. Jan 24, 2023 · Build an EASY 10 Meter (28 MHz) Vertical Antenna for DX! 24 January, 2023 - Reading time: ~1 minute. 300 and 28. I did a QRP test with 5 watts using a repeater 24 km East So it’s two lengths of 16 awg speaker wire. 98" whip works for 10m, add 4" it works for 11m(cb). 28 meter pvc mast, you would get the base of the antenna almost 3/8 wavelength above ground. Oct 19, 2015 · I made my first 10 meter contact with a dipole fed directly with coax (no balun) strung a few feet of the ground on my patio. The diagram below contains all the information you would need to build a 3-Element 11 Meter antenna. I know the low end of 10 meters is for cw only. Some method lf lengthening the antenna will be needed. ) to match the unbalanced coax feed to the balanced antenna. Be prepared and able to communicate in case of emergency with the largest selection at eBay. nkm rcllaym wgenw fcbbc mmqjkh njqonf aetma fut pxnmi lckzp wlbqqu wtipcig bch jiqfcwnf dtno