Rule 23 colreg. Rule 27 - Vessel Not Under Command, Not Making Way.

RULE 1 - Application These Rules shall apply to all vessels upon the high seas and in all waters connected therewith navigable by sea-going vessels. Rule 25 – Sailing Vessels Underway and Vessels Under Oars. Rule 26 – Fishing Vessels. A vessel constrained by her draught may, in addition to the Iights prescribed for power-driven vessels in Rule 23, exhibitwhere theycan best be seen three all-round red lights in a vertical line, or a cylinder. Taking a narrow channel scenario we will use Rule 8 (F) to understand the actions a vessel can Rule 30 – Anchored vessels and vessels aground. (A). org Jan 13, 2017 · Rule 23 - Power Driven vessel underway (a) A power-driven vessel underway shall exhibit: (i) a masthead light forward;(ii) a second masthead light abaft of a Apr 27, 2023 · Rule 5 : Look-out. Vessels Not Under Command or Restricted in Their Ability to Manoeuvre. Annex I - Positioning and technical details of lights and shapes. STCW’95: Mandatory standards regarding watch keeping, including standards Aug 9, 2023 · The Colreg rules, officially known as the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, are a set of international maritime rules governing the navigation and conduct of vessels. Rule 23 – Power-driven Vessels Underway. Rule 20 – Application. (a) A vessel at anchor shall exhibit where it can best be seen: (i) in the fore part, an all-round white light or one ball; (ii) at or near the stern and at a lower level than the light prescribed in subparagraph (i), an all-round white light. The COLREGs include 41 rules divided into Six Sections: Part A – General. The lights prescribed in these Rules shall have an intensity as specified in Section 8 Annex I to these Regulation so as to be visible at the following minimum ranges: (a) In vessels of 50 metres or more in length: – a masthead light, 6 miles; – a sidelight, 3 miles; – a sternlight, 3 miles; – a towing Rule 26 Fishing Vessels. Jul 8, 2019 · Casual Animation is made by sailors with a love of animation. Inland Navigation Rules. (a) When two power-driven vessels are meeting on reciprocal or nearly reciprocal courses so as to involve risk of collision each shall alter her course to starboard so that each shall pass on the port side of the other. Section II - Conduct of Vessels in Sight of One Another: Rule 11 - Application 1 minute. (a) On a power-driven vessel of 20 m of Rule 35: Sound signals in restricted visibility. I WANT FLASH CARDS --->>. Rule 26 – It indicates the light requirements for the fishing vessels. There are 3 possible scenarios. Sailing Vessels. A vessel of special construction or purpose means a vessel designed or modified to perform a special function and whose arrangement これにより新たに1972年の国際海上衝突予防規則(1972年colreg条約)が制定される。現在までに、1972年colreg条約は7次の部分改正が行われ、そのうち第6次改正までが発効している。 千九百七十二年の海上における衝突の予防のための国際規則に関する条約 Rule 7 Risk of Collision. Our online resources are designed by two maritime lectures dedicated to teaching the rules of the road at sea in an engaging way. COLREGS In Depth takes a look at the rules of the International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions at Sea. If you would like to use any of our animated content in your own projects, we would love to Rule 39. myra adzwa. c. Rule 24 – It indicates the lights for vessels pushing and towing. Power Driven Vessels Underway. Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper look-out by sight and hearing as well as by all available means appropriate in the prevailing circumstances and conditions so as to make a full appraisal of the situation and of the risk of collision. 5 degrees. Remember: a) Always presume the other ship does not know you are there. Once you are an overtaking vessel, you’ll remain an overtaking vessel until the other vessel will be clear. Rule 11 Application. Rule 6 – Safe Speed. 3. The term short blast means a blast of about one second’s duration. Rule 27 - Vessel Not Under Command, Not Making Way. Horizontal positioning and spacing of lights. Meaning: All ships big or small are to follow the rules as given in Colregs. (a) A power-driven vessel underway shall exhibit: (i) a masthead light forward; (ii) a second masthead light abaft of and higher than the forward one; except that a vessel of less than 50 meters in length shall not be obliged to exhibit such light but may do so; Rule 12. By. It emphasises the need for continuous situational awareness and underscores the role each mariner plays in preventing collisions. It only allows you to depart from the rules if that is the only way to avoid an immediate danger. Any light Rule 27. Rule 23 - Power-driven Vessels Underway (a) A power-driven vessel underway shall exhibit: (i) a masthead light forward; (ii) a second masthead light abaft of and higher than the forward one; except that a vessel of less than 50 metres in length shall not be obliged to exhibit such light but may do so; (iii) sidelights; (iv) a sternlight. Meaning: There is no Statutory Documents - IMO Publications and Documents - International Conventions - COLREGS - International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea - International Regulations for preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972 - Rule 23Power-driven vessels underway Rule 31 – Seaplanes. 112. Download Free PDF. In or near an area of restricted visibility, whether, by day or night, the signals prescribed in this Rule shall be used as follows: a. These regulations Rule 2(b) is often misunderstood so read it carefully. Power-driven underway - 50 meters+. View PDF. Section | Subpart I – Conduct of Vessels in Any Condition of Visibility. (b) The Rules concerning lights shall be complied with from sunset to sunrise, and during such times no other lights shall be exhibited, except such lights as cannot be mistaken for the lights specified in these Rules or do not impair their visibility A power-driven vessel of less than 7 metres in length whose maximum speed does not exceed 7 knots may in lieu of the lights prescribed in paragraph (a) of this Rule exhibit an all-round white light and shall, if practicable, also exhibit sidelights; The masthead light or all-round white light on a power-driven vessel of less than 12 metres in keeping a lookout– colregs rule 5Rule 5 states: Every vessel shall at all times maintain a proper lookout by sight and hearing as well as by all available means appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions so as to make a full appraisal of the si. When the length of the tow, measuring from the stern of the towing vessel to the after end of the tow exceeds 200 metres, three such lights in a vertical line; Sidelights; Rule 24 – Towing and pushing. 225 degrees. Rule 3 – General Definitions. (iii) when making way through the water, in addition to the lights prescribed in this paragraph, sidelights and a sternlight. Rule 2(b) is never a justification for not following the rules properly. Our students often want to see the rules mapped out so that they can see these Section 2 (Rule 11 – 18) Rule 11 – Application; Rule 12 – Sailing vessels; Rule13 – Overtaking; Rule 14 – Head on situation; Rule 15 – Crossing situation; Rule 16 – Action by give-way vessel; Rule 17 – Action by stand-on vessel; Rule 18 – Responsibilities between vessels; Section 3 (Rule 19) Rule 19 – Conduct of vessels in (a). RULE 29 - Pilot vessels a. b) If possible avoid crossing ahead – it is always safer to cross ColReg: You Will Find Full Explanation Of The Rules, Supported With Pictures, 3d Models, Sounds And Videos To Help Future Seafarers. Vertical positioning and spacing of lights. Article I. (a) A vessel not under command shall exhibit: (i) two all-round red lights in a vertical line where they can best be seen; (ii) two balls or similar shapes in a vertical line where they can best be seen; (iii) when making way through the water, in addition to the . A power-driven vessel when towing shall exhibit: Instead of the light prescribed in Rule 23 (a) (i) or (a) (ii), two masthead lights in a vertical line. We believe that learning the IRPCS should be an easy and rewarding process. Rule 7 - Risk of Collision 10 minutes. Rule 32 : Definitions. These regulations aim to ensure safe navigation and avoid collisions between ships. Charts produced by the National Ocean Service show the COLREGS Demarcation Line, which Towing and pushing. That means you can study while brushing you teeth, or waiting for the train. Rule 10 Traffic Separation Schemes. (a) A power driven vessel underway shall exhibit: (i) a masthead light forward; (ii) a second masthead light abaft of and higher than the forward one; except that a vessel of less than 50 meters in length shall not be obliged to exhibit such a light but may do so; (iii) sidelights: and. Rule 34 covers manoeuvring and warning signals, using whistle or lights. (a) Rules in this Part shall be complied with in all weathers. Signature, ratification, acceptance, approval and accession. In or near a narrow channel. (a) A vessel engaged in fishing, whether underway or at anchor, shall exhibit only the lights and shapes prescribed in this Rule. a. Rule 15 Crossing Situation. Unlike the USCG’s Office of Navigation Systems Navigation Rules and Regulations Handbook 2020 (pictured, GPO Stock Nr, 050-012 Rule 6 – Safe Speed; Rule 7 – Risk of collision; Rule 8 – Action to avoid collision; Rule 9 – Narrow Channels; Rule 10 – Traffic separation schemes; Section 2 (Rule 11 – 18) Rule 11 – Application; Rule 12 – Sailing vessels; Rule13 – Overtaking; Rule 14 – Head on situation; Rule 15 – Crossing situation; Rule 16 – Action Rule 25 - Sailing vessels | Colregs | Rules of the road | Merchant Navy #navy #ships #lifeatsea #navylife Learn how to apply Rule 15 of COLREGS in a crossing situation with this detailed video tutorial. ; Nothing in these Rules shall interfere with the operation of special rules made by an appropriate authority for roadsteads, harbours, rivers, lakes or inland waterways connected with the high seas and navigable by sea-going vessels. The Parties to the present Convention undertake to give effect to the Rules and other Annexes constituting the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, (hereinafter referred to as "the Regulations") attached hereto. Rule 10 - Traffic Separation Schemes 8 minutes. Online version of COLREGs Rule 28 vessel constrained by their draught lights and shapes. Rule 23 - Power Driven Vessel (<50m) Rule 23 - Power Driven Vessel (>50m) Rule 26 - Fishing Vessel Trawling at Night. (b) Every vessel shall proceed at a safe speed adapted to the prevailing circumstances and conditions of restricted visibility. Rule 24 – Towing and Pushing. Rule 27 – Vessels Not Under Command or Restricted in their Ability to Manoeuvre Rules of the Road. not take a late action, since this would make the stand on vessel apprehensive and she may then take an action which would be detrimental to both vessels. Where it is impracticable for a seaplane or a WIG craft to exhibit lights and shapes of the characteristics or in the positions prescribed in the Rules of this Part she shall exhibit lights and shapes as closely similar in characteristics and position as is possible. 8 (f) only applies when a vessel is required ‘not to impede the passage or safe passage’ of another vessel. As of 2022, there are 41 Rules and four annexes in COLREGs Rules in force. Physical – Bring the rules to life using models or physical objects. (a) A power driven vessel when towing shall exhibit: (i) instead of the light prescribed in Rule 23 (a) (i) or (a) (ii), two masthead lights in a vertical line. (b) A vessel of less than 50 meters in length may Aug 3, 2018 · The 1972 Convention was designed to update and replace the Collision Regulations of 1960 which were adopted at the same time as the 1960 SOLAS Convention. Rule 36 covers signals to be used to attract Rule 23 – Power-driven Vessels underway. One of these lights or shapes shall be exhibited near the foremast head and Rule 28 – Vessel constrained by their draught. Aug 13, 2020 · COLREGS Convention on the International Regulations for Preventing Collision at sea (1972) Gian Gabriel P. B. You could also use the Polly app to get quick feedback on which parts of the rule you are getting wrong. Keeping a lookout is the first rule. Rule 6 - Safe Speed 6 minutes. Rule 10: Traffic separation schemes. General obligations. Rule 1 Application (a) These Rules shall apply to all vessels upon the high seas and in all waters connected therewith navigable by seagoing vessels. Rule 25 – This deals with the requirements of lights for the vessels under oars and sailing vessels underway. Every vessel which is directed to keep out of the way of another vessel shall, so far as possible, take early and substantial action to keep well clear. Rule 9 - Narrow Channels 11 minutes. com/colregs-sound-signals-free-download/C Section 1 — Conduct of Vessels in any Condition of Visibility. Rule 7 – Risk of Collision. 5 degrees abaft the beam on either side of the vessel. (b). If you would like to use any of our animated content in your own projects, we would love to Rule 1 Application (a) These Rules shall apply to all vessels upon the high seas and in all waters connected therewith navigable by seagoing vessels. S. Rule 4 – Application. Rule 9 Narrow Channels. (b) A vessel shall be deemed to be overtaking when coming up with another vessel from a direction more than 22. For the purpose of these Rules, except where the context otherwise requires: (a) The word ‘vessel’ includes every description of water craft, including non-displacement craft, WIG craft and seaplanes, used or capable of being used as a means of transportation on water’. Rules of The Road (International Collision Regulation. By Cult of SeaFiled Under: Part C- Lights and Shapes Tagged With: colregs Jul 29, 2023 · Rule 23 – This covers the lights that power-driven vessels underway should carry. Rule 20 -Application. They cover various aspects such as lights and shapes, sound signals Rule 28 – Vessels constrained by their draught. When a vessel is constrained by her draft. Section 1 — Conduct of Vessels in any Condition of Visibility. (d) A power-driven vessel of less than 12 meters in length may, in lieu of the lights prescribed in paragraph (a) of this Rule, exhibit an all-round white light and sidelights. Rule 14 Head-on Situation. Rule 6 : Safe speed. Rule 22 – Visibility of Lights. It is important to get into the detail and try and spot the patterns. A power-driven vessel shall have her Rule 22 – Visibility of Lights. Rule 12 Sailing Vessels. (b) The term ‘power-driven vessel Jul 10, 2019 · Casual Animation is made by sailors with a love of animation. (b) Such a situation shall be deemed to exist when a vessel sees the other ahead or nearly Casual Animation is made by sailors with a love of animation. 2. Nothing in these Rules shall interfere with the operation of special rules made by an appropriate authority for roadsteads, harbours, rivers, lakes or inland waterways connected with the high seas and navigable… Read More »Rule 1 – Application Rule 27 – Vessels not under Command or Restricted in their Ability to Manoeuvre. Rule 8 - Action to Avoid Collision 10 minutes. Definitions. (b) The Rules concerning lights shall be complied with from sunset to sunrise, and during such times no other lights shall be exhibited, except such lights as cannot be mistaken for the lights specified in these Rules or do not impair their visibility or Rule 13- Overtaking. 5 degrees abaft her beam, that is, in such a Conclusion. (a) When two sailing vessels are approaching one another, so as to involve risk of collision, one of them shall keep out of the way of the other as follows; (i) when each has the wind on a different side, the vessel which has the wind on the port side shall keep out of the way of the other; (ii) when both have the Rule 26 – Fishing vessels. (a) A vessel engaged in fishing, whether underway or at anchor, shall exhibit only the lights and shapes prescribed by this rule. Part C – Lights and Shapes. Safety recommendations for decked fishing vessels of less than 12 metres in length and undecked fishing vessels. RULE 28 - Vessels constrained by their draught A vessel constrained by her draught may, in addition to the lights prescribed for power-driven vessels in Rule 23, exhibit where they can best be seen three all-round red lights in a vertical line, or a cylinder. If there is any doubt such risk shall be deemed to exist. Rule 2 covers the responsibility of the master, owner and crew to comply with the rules. If you would like to use any of our animated content in your own projects, we would love to Oct 26, 2017 · Rule 23. Abiyev Tarlan. Having a clear understanding of how the regulations connect to each other is very important if you want to properly apply the rules. This height shall be measured from the position vertically beneath the location of the light. A+ A A-. Rule 26 - Fishing Vessel Fishing at Night. This Rule applies to traffic separation schemes adopted by the Organization and does not relieve any vessel of her obligation under any other Rule. Learning ship navigation lights, shapes and signals is a stumbling block for most maritime students. (b) Nothing in these Rules shall interfere with the operation of special rules made by an appropriate authority for roadsteads, harbors, rivers, lakes or inland waterways connected with the high seas and Download the latest edition of COLREG Consolidated 2018, the international regulations for preventing collisions at sea. (a) Nothing in these Rules shall exonerate any vessel or the owner, master or crew thereof, from the consequences of any neglect to comply with these Rules or of the neglect of any precaution, which may be required by the ordinary practice of seamen, or by the special circumstances of the case. Mast Light Range. About Us. In or near a TSS. The word whistle means any sound signalling appliance capable of producing the prescribed blasts and which complies with the specifications in Annex III to these Regulations. Meaning: The objective of this rule of the COLREGS is that although IMO may enforce traffic Nov 17, 2022 · Rule 24 - Power driven vessels | Rules of the road | COLREGS | Merchant navy Knowledge Rule 31 SeaplanesWhere it is impracticable for a seaplane or a WIG craft to exhibit lights and shapes of the characteristics or in the positions prescribed i Rule 1 – Application. Rule 12 – Sailing Vessels. (b) Nothing in these Rules shall interfere with the operation of special rules made by an appropriate authority for roadsteads, harbours, rivers, lakes or inland waterways Rule 8 – Action to avoid collision. (a) ‘Masthead light’ means a white light placed over the fore and aft centerline of the vessel showing an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of 225 degrees and so fixed as to show the light from right ahead to 22. (ii)when there is outlying gear extending more than 150 Rule 24 (b) of the 72 COLREGS states that when a pushing vessel and a vessel being pushed ahead are rigidly connected in a composite unit, they are regarded as a power-driven vessel and must exhibit the lights under Rule 23. (b) A power-driven vessel underway Go here for a full description and free download of the Colregs Sound Signals: https://www. These Rules shall apply to all vessels upon the high seas and in all waters connected therewith navigable by seagoing vessels. Regardless of the advancements in marine technology, the human element in maintaining a proper look-out remains paramount. Rule 2 – Responsibility. 5 metres above the after one. Rule 35 covers sound signals to be used in restricted visibility. A power-driven vessel making way through the water shall sound at intervals of not more than 2 minutes one prolonged blast. Dalam hal ini jika kapal mengalami keadaan mendesak yang membatasi pelaksanaan collreg maka diperbolehkan menerapkan Ordinary Practice of Seaman (Kebiasaan pelaut yang baik), yang nanti akan kami bahas lebih lanjut penerapannya yaa mates! Nov 22, 2019 · If you are not sure whether you are overtaking another vessel, then Rule 13 says that you are. Online version of COLREGs rule 31 seaplanes lights and Rule 16: Action by give-way vessel. Rule 5 – Look-Out. Visual aids are very helpful in the process flash cards , worksheets , videos, stories and images are all effective ways of learning and remembering this area of the COLREGs. Rule 36 – Signals to attract attention. (a) Any action to avoid collision shall be taken in accordance with the Rules of this Part and shall, if the circumstances of the case admit, be positive, made in ample time and with due regard to the Jul 23, 2020 · Berdasarkan Colreg Rule 2 (Responsibility), colreg wajib dilaksanakan oleh kapal atau pemiliknya, nakhoda, dan awak kapal. Rule 13 Overtaking. A vessel constrained by her draught may, in addition to the lights prescribed for power-driven vessels in rule 23, exhibit where they can best be seen three all-round red lights in a vertical line, or a cylinder. Rule 20 (Application) (a) Rules in this part shall be complied with in all weathers. Navigation Rules are regulations which aid mariners in safe navigation, just as driving laws aid vehicles in safe driving. (a) Notwithstanding anything contained in the Rules of Part B, Sections I and II any vessel overtaking any other shall keep out of the way of the vessel being overtaken. Rule 8 Action to avoid Collision. Rule 35 (Sound signals in restricted visibility) In or near an area of restricted visibility, whether by day or night, the signals prescribed in this Rule shall be used as follows: (a) A power-driven vessel making way through the water shall sound at intervals of not more than 2 minutes one prolonged blast. Generate a scenario that requires reference to the rule you are trying to learn. Part B – Steering and Sailing. If necessary to attract the attention of another vessel any vessel may make light or sound signals that cannot be mistaken for any signal authorized elsewhere in these Rules, or may direct the beam of her searchlight in the direction of the danger, in such a way as not to embarrass any vessel. Rule 21 – Definitions. (e) A power-driven vessel when operating on the Great Lakes may carry an all-round white light in lieu of the second masthead light and sternlight prescribed in Such signals are contained in Annex IV to these Regulations. Oct 1, 2022 · COLREG 72 Rule 13 a) “Notwithstanding anything contained in the Rules of Part B, Sections I and II, …” Is the concept of overtaking limited to vessel in sight or could it be extended to any condition of visibility? There is a problem of indeterminacy and therefore an increased risk of collision in the application of COLREG Rule 19 d) when RULE 23: Power-driven Vessels Underway (a) A power-driven vessel underway: (i) a masthead light forward; (ii) a second masthead light abaft of and higher than the forward one vessel of less than 50 meters in length shall not obliged, may do so; (iii) sidelights; and (iv) a stern light. Jul 8, 2024 · Side Light Range. Rule 7 (Risk of collision) (a) Every vessel shall use all available means appropriate to the prevailing circumstances and conditions to determine if risk of collision exists. Rule 5 of the COLREGS encapsulates the essence of safety at sea—constant vigilance. When the length of the tow measuring from the stern of the towing vessel to the after end of the tow exceeds 200 meters, three such lights in a vertical Nov 4, 1995 · PART A : GENERAL. Technical provisions. The term "height above the hull" means height above the uppermost continuous deck. These videos were made to practise anima Rule 19 (Conduct of vessels in restricted visibility) (a) This Rule applies to vessels not in sight of one another when navigating in or near an area of restricted visibility. (b) Nothing in these Rules shall interfere with the operation of special rules made by an appropriate authority for roadsteads, harbours, rivers, lakes or inland waterways Nov 24, 2023 · Rule 23 — Power-driven Vessels Underway: The examination of the COLREG rules and Annex I reveals a detailed and methodical approach to maritime safety and navigation. (a) A vessel not under command shall exhibit: (i) two all-round red lights in a vertical line where they can best be seen; (ii) two balls or similar shapes in a vertical line where they can best be seen; Part A - General (Rules 1-3) & Part B- Steering and Sailing Section 1 - Conduct of vessels in any condition of visibility (Rules 4-10) Rule 1 states that the rules apply to all vessels on the high seas and connected waters. 1. Dec 12, 2019 · Rule-5: Look-out. uation and of the risk of collision. Rule 6 – Safe Speed; Rule 7 – Risk of collision; Rule 8 – Action to avoid collision; Rule 9 – Narrow Channels; Rule 10 – Traffic separation schemes; Section 2 (Rule 11 – 18) Rule 11 – Application; Rule 12 – Sailing vessels; Rule13 – Overtaking; Rule 14 – Head on situation; Rule 15 – Crossing situation; Rule 16 – Action ColRegs Rule 14: Head-on Situation. Rule 1 – Application. Wether you are an OOW, Deck Officer or Cadet our learning tools will help you improve your recall and understanding of the COLREGS. On a vessel of 50 metres or more in length this forward anchor light shall be place at a height of not less than 6 metres above the hull. These flash cards are an easy way to learn the COLREGs lights, sounds and shapes. Merchant navy experts explain the concepts and scenarios. Ibo BSMT Student. (b) A vessel when engaged in trawling, by which is meant the dragging through the water of a dredge net or other apparatus used as a fishing appliance, shall exhibit: (i) two all-round lights Mar 5, 2024 · Below is an amalgamation of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea (72 COLREGS), and the U. They work on your phone, tablet or computer so you can use them where ever you are. Inland Navigation Rules (33 CFR 83), as amended; their Annexes; and, some associated provisions. (a) When two sailing vessels are approaching one another, so as to involve risk of collision, one of them shall keep out of the way of the other as follows: (i) when each has the wind on a different side, the vessel which has the wind on the port side shall keep out of the way of the other; (ii) when both have the wind The forward anchor light prescribed in Rule 30 (a) (i), when two are carried, shall not be less than 4. b. The regulations often refer to each other and often need to be read together. Rule 8 : Action to avoid collision. getlostpowerboattraining. But, in almost every situation, it is the proper application of the rules that will keep you out of that danger. Audit Scheme means the IMO Member State Audit Scheme established by the Organization and taking into account the guidelines developed by the (f) A vessel engaged in mine-clearance operations shall in addition to the lights prescribed for a power-driven vessel in Rule 23 or to the lights or shape prescribed for a vessel at anchor in Rule 30 as appropriate, exhibit three all-round green lights or three balls. Article II. (b) ‘Sidelights’ means a green light See full list on imo. (b) Proper use shall be made of radar equipment if fitted and operational, including long-range scanning Learn COLREGs lights, sounds and shapes, the easy way. COLREG is divided into 5 Parts A: General, Rule 1, Rule 2, Rule 3 B: Steering and Sailing Rules, Rule 4 to Rule 19 C: Light & Shapes, Rule 20 to Rule 31 D: Sounds & light signals, Rule 32 to 37 E: Exemptions, Rule 38. International Regulations for Prevention of Collisions at Sea, 1972 (72COLREGS) and U. A “composite unit” is interpreted to be a pushing vessel that is rigidly connected by mechanical means to a vessel Rule 33 says vessels 12 metres or more in length should carry a whistle and a bell and vessels 100 metres or more in length should carry in addition a gong. Small yachts, fishing vessels, and other barges all – as long as they sail on the seas. Rule 5 - Look-Out 4 minutes. Display that scenario using models and playout the required actions, or walkthrough the The COLREGs are a series of connected statements. Audit means a systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and evaluating it objec-tively to determine the extent to which audit criteria are fulfilled. PART B – STEERING AND SAILING RULES. Definition. PART A - GENERAL Rule 1 - Application Rule 2 – Responsibility Rule 3 – General Definitions PART B - Section I Conduct of Vessels in any Condition of Visibility Rule 4 – Application Rule 5 – Look-out Rule 6 – Safe Speed Rule 7 – Risk of Collision As used in this part: 72 COLREGS refers to the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, done at London, October 20, 1972, as rectified by the Proces-Verbal of December 1, 1973, as amended. ga mp rm ho ax dg nl ei bd il