Reddit husband. And a new relationship goal for me.

While I was putting my order in a message from someone on I want the physical touch from my husband, I want the cuddles after sex and I want to fall asleep in his arms like we use too. My husband has always been a frugal guy. . That being monitoring these stupid subreddits. " which my husband says is for Super Terrific, I don't fully believe he's telling the truth. Those were the best days. Reddit: Husband Rejects Open Marriage Request This couple is in turmoil We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. He put a £30 cap on the card so there’s nothing I spend on me, I literally haven’t bought clothes for the past 2 years. A week ago I stumbled on a tiktok account of this lady sharing her recipes and in the background I recognized my husband’s back. We have been married for almost a year now alhamdulillah. We’ve been married for 3 years now, and I came home from a deployment about a year ago. Fine, whatever. My husband and I have been going through some really rocky times recently (see post history). Dense_Resource. We've been together for almost 9 years and married for almost 4. You have a husband that thinks you are beautiful and will tell the world. You will always be able to see the worst in any conversation with little effort. Four year olds mostly sleep through the night. Your husband is unwell. My (39F) ex-husband (38M) has been dating this women for 3 years. We’ve been together 5 years. I work, she doesn't to take care of the kids. So, first my husband and I have been together for 6yrs, married almost 2 yrs now. My wife and I have 2 kids. I was 27 with my own home in San Diego. My (33f) husband (34m) and I had our first baby back in June of last year. Now we live on our own and he’s always My husband is the sole income provider, but that’s all we can afford, as a stay at home mum I can zero access to any funds. He never had to give a 2 weeks’ notice. I'd imagine you would have acknowledged if he was disabled in your post I'd imagine you would have acknowledged if he was disabled in your post If he can't do tasks even my constant head injury self can do, either pull the plug or get away from this dead weight That's unhinged, frankly. I’m done, and I’m consulting with divorce attorneys. When asked (seemingly as a joke) by host Ryan Clark if that meant Owens considered himself "the catch" in their relationship, Owens quickly -- and seemingly genuinely -- agreed that he did. Thank you john for giving the update on the operators not having enough powerade. Even before the baby, she would confide in my husband about how awful her husband is. I got so frustrated and told him that if he isn't going to touch me, or at least help me understand what is going on or I would go somewhere else. He finds a way to blame me (33) for everything. I'll be frank with you: my husband's dad was/is like this and my husband has next to no relationship with him now. Blessed to have a child but it was a long haul. Anything I say, he agrees with me right away. But this is on another level. Poly relationships require communication, boundaries, compassion, and patience, which your husband and girlfriend have shown none for you. My husband interpreted it as my brother being angry, and he was stressed out and embarrassed. However, if that feels really unappealing, here's my other advice: Church. A week ago he informed me that he wants to divorce and "start over on his dreams of having a family. I woke up 8 minutes before he had to leave to work to the sound of slamming cabinets I must have not heard the alarm to make him breakfast. My husband (33M) is shocked that people find me (31F) attractive. Advice. And yes, your husband is not the best at articulating his feelings. You do not have to be stuck with someone who isn’t capable of a partnership. So me and my husband have been tother for 8 years, married for 7. My husband (29M) and I (29F) have been together for 3 1/2 years, we just eloped in January 2021. I have a never ending list of all the insane stuff he tries to make my fault There’s a lot of women like that unfortunately. His eyes changed. He’s been underemployed since in a hot labor market. Husband had gained weight and I feel scammed. We can assume that, exactly as she says, one day he wakes up and decides he wants a divorce. Again, thank you to everyone. We have been together since April of 2020. My husband (28M) and I (24F) have been married for less than 2 years. My husband friend, Jake met on the lake and became good friends instantly. Infertility is a hell I wish on nobody but your husband isn't making it easier. You can find a husband at church. Your husband is being a dick. He’s turned into such a lazy and nasty slob. I knew this going in. She lived in a 1 bedroom apartment with a roommate and drove a car her mom gave to her. In the beginning, I had never met a man so respectful and such a charismatic gentleman. He has 2 children with this woman ages 14, 12. His exact words in the post were, “married men for Throwaway account because my husband is on Reddit. And a new relationship goal for me. No one deserves to be belittled and ignored. I started reading a lot about it because I stumbled upon the term here on reddit when I was looking up others whose spouses don't help out at all around the house ("man child" if you will). And I do hope they can figure out how to fix this. When I first met him one of the reasons I fell in love with him because he acted like he was into healthy eating and fitness (like me) These past few years he’s gained 60lbs. My husband’s aunt gifted our son a lovely chunky knitted blanket. Your husband broke the number one rule. I (30F) am at my wits end with my husband (35 M). Edit: I'm not sure what's going on, but none of my comments are showing up. Feb 13, 2024 · A husband on Reddit was shocked at his wife's request for an open marriage, and Reddit's saying the relationship is over. I finally confronted my abusive husband. My husband's anxious mood (from work) was what was fuelling his paranoia. My husband is gay. My husband insulted me in a new way today and I don’t know what to think. Let me start by saying my husband gets angry easily, but usually I know how to handle him and things go back to normal pretty quickly. T. But open your mind a bit), background, wealth/money/ambition, if they have kids already (and you're okay with kids), where they went to school, if they love working out and kayaking etc. The only way to survive is to never, ever mention who's "fault" the infertility is. My ex and I were married for 12 years, and have been divorced for 5 years, we have three kids together who are now teenagers. This could make me the asshole because the baby will have very little of their father. Your husband's cruising for a shitty relationship with his kid (and you!). But they’ve always spoiled him. And even if he didn't, you have already told him how you feel about it. So, the affair started a year ago and I found out immediately Hello Reddit, I would really appreciate any advice you have about stonewalling partners. I take pretty pictures of my wife, but I prefer to secretly take videos on my phone of her playing video games and losing her temper. I should have believed that. I really wouldn't though but I wanted him to understand how I felt at We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. His family is racist and hate me because I’m not Jewish. I am 39f married to 45m narcissist. As far as your husband, may want to start going back in time and start writing down any other time and situation where he has put other things over you and your family, you will be surprised at just how many you think of. My husband blames me for everything. " He insists that he "cannot bond" with our daughter and says its because he didn't see her being born. For context, she is 24 years old. I only just realized I'm feeling the way I am (for quite a few years now) that my husband is emotionally abusing me. He gets mad and starts cursing in front of our son all while still slamming cabinets. Edit 2: still going through responses, but wanted to say thank you again to everyone. Why can't we, then, assume he HAS thought this over for a period of time. My husband had a best friend “Jake (40M) who I think is obsessed with my husband. Do that anyway, even if he needs to consume more and make sure you budget for everyone's appetite. Husband doesn't want to "date" - thinks it's "stupid". A few years in, I lost over 110+ lbs and suddenly became highly desired by the opposite sex. I was previously divorced, exclusively dated 4 people in my 29 years of life, and had sex with 7. They just have an open relationship and the reason they opened their relationship wasn’t because of Kenya (like they said in brother/husband) it was bc karl fell in love with a women at work 😳, that’s right Karl has girlfriends too. I'm worried I'm being dramatic to keep overanalyzing his reaction when I asked and thinking about what else it could mean. To the OP I am sorry you have a husband that put friends over family. My husband has been in what seems like a committed relationship with another woman and he’s playing happy families with her and her three sons. I brought up in our recent counselling session that I found it triggering that he (my husband) still wanted some form of relationship with his AP after all the damage she has caused our family, my husbands response was that whilst he understood that he was still keen that in time he would be able to. He said alot about how its always been a dream of his to have a "small, close knit family" and OPs husband is the same man at my job who only ever answers ONE question in the email i sent and somehow the least important part of the email. My husband and I have been battling infertility since 2016. I know his password and we each have free access to the other’s phone but I never really checked his phone. Original Post - February 26, 2024. They’re even planning on a having a baby. In short, he did not see our daughter be born. Last night my husband 26m gave me 25f his phone to put my order into since we were getting Chinese. Naturally, I’m pretty average but with all the effort I put in, a lot of people find me beautiful. A place for sharing the for-better and for-worse of marriage. The majority of the relationship was excellent, but 1 and a half years ago, I stopped taking my pills and my libido skyrocketed. Stress is a big mood killer for a man's sexual drive. You are allowed to have control over your own life. Update: My husband is the worst sexual partner I've ever had. She is a very independent person. Even if it is covered the test requires a sample from the mother and possible father (s) to determine paternity. My Husband doesn’t do the most basic things like cleaning up behind himself. My husband “best friend” obsessed with him. Hopefully he leaves you at that point. Simone Biles' Husband Says He's the 'Catch' in Their Relationship. Before the podcast started reading reddit stories, the hosts would choose a topic and research it using Wikipedia. My (29F) husband (31M) got fired again today. " We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Not helpful around the house, plans trips away with friends whenever he We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. And he married you because he though you were beautiful. He gives me his credit card so I can buy food and go to soft play centres with my son. If he can't figure it out then its time to talk to a professional about it and address whats going on inside his head. 9. You're feelings of discomfort are valid because the way your husband and girlfriend approached this situation is not appropriate. No one wants to spend time with someone who nitpicks them constantly, devalues their hobbies and interests, and just seems to dislike them. He thanked me for cleaning and organizing things today. We both recently started therapy and are trying to make our marriage work. If you can't have sex at least have intimacy. Thank you for all your comments on my previous post which can be found here. I’m just so frustrated and needed somewhere to vent. When I go out he is putting his boots on and I offer to make him something real quick. I wasn't overly concerned. The advice you need is to communicate your needs, and be ready to accept that him changing his fundamental personality isn't going to be easy for him, and he may not be all that willing to put in that much effort for it. Husbands coworker confides in him about her awful marriage. I'm not the type to jump to telling people to break up; if I shared everything my husband does that bothers me half of reddit would be giving me divorce advice, and he is unequivocally the love of my life. My husband has this coworker (that I also knew of before they worked together) that recently had a baby prematurely. He knows exactly what he's doing, and he knows it's inappropriate. She would bring different men home while he was deployed. We don't know the husband, the wife, or the relationship. And he said, "Thanks for telling me, I really don't know when I am being too much, please tell me anytime. I found my husband’s Reddit account, and I wish I hadn’t. He had, no lie, maybe 10 to 20 jobs in the 6 years we’ve been together. My husband doesn’t know that I know what he’s up to. I 34F have recently ran into a situation with my husband 37M and am curious about if I am the AH here or not. I don't believe the husband is so obtuse to believe that staying at home with a four year old is on par with staying at home with a newborn. " Likewise, I can tell my husband I need him to stop talking for like 30 minutes and he is understanding and can do it. He doesn’t clean up behind himself and leaves things so messy to the point where I have to clean to do basic things such as prepare a meal for myself. He would always play talk saying he was just getting in good. On top of that, he's withholding sex from you and shaming you for gaining weight from having his kid! He's cheating, or at least attempting to. But there is something I just can’t get over. I know my brother well and know he wasn't actually angry and really just wanted to go home. My husband had such a loud brain that as a teen, he started using drugs to try to quiet it down and feel peaceful. It was about 2 weeks after I got back, I had woke up in the middle of the night, and went through his phone. It’s time consuming and mentally draining to get child support and custody set up, it involves lawyers and taxes and government benefit reassessments and it’s an endurance race you can’t afford to sleep on. I’ve stayed the same weight. my husband refuses to look for a job even though I think it would be good for him (And we could use the additional income), but he just says he’s, “got too much on his plate already”. They cooked, cleaned, all that. It's not a knee jerk reaction. Even when he didn’t want them to they’d pick the lock on his door and clean his room, and at this point he’s in his 20’s. Get your affairs in order and start planning your separation. I think the signs have always been there (when we met he didn’t even have a bed, he slept on a futon on the floor because it was “enough” and he didn’t see the need to waste money on a bed, he didn’t buy a bed until we moved in together and actually I bought it) but it never really became a problem until after we got married and combined the Edit: To all the profile-lurkers, my husband is no longer a moderator, and has a (real) job now FYI. ADMIN MOD. OP has offered the following explanation for why they think they might be the asshole: I could be the asshole by refusing to giving my dead husband's affair partner his personal belongings for their unborn child. Im not one of those that scream divorce for every little occurence but once your partner loses respect for you and your feelings, they are no longer your partner. wallopBop. This isn't about tricking him into or complaining about who he is, this is about communicating that you need him to We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. He said you were more beautiful than the day he married you. Husband is too nice. Almost all the photos I have of my boyfriend are him sleeping in weird positions, with our dog laying on his face or something like that. Our conversations are very dull. I 29f have been married to my husband33m for a year, together for 4. Guest List Only ⭐️. He is a little too sweet. My husband lost his job three years ago for non-pandemic related reasons — repeated mistakes. So my husband (34) of eight years has a serious issue with taking responsibility for anything. Perhaps the husband feels guilt that this baby is going to have a more stable early life with two parents that just wasn't possible for Lizzie. I was all of a sudden playing at a higher level than people who use to be out of my league. See if there is anything you can do to help his stress. Originally posted to r/Marriage. We both also have made mistakes that have created trust issues, but this was when we firsttt started out. People cross-post stories for a chance that our podcast hosts (Sean, John and Josh) will read the story on the show. I kept trying more positive reinforcement during sex like some suggested, I tried being even more vocal in guiding, I didn't cave anymore when he started getting pissy that "it now feels like a chore. I never knew reddit would be such a valuable resource for my relationship. Our daughter was 1. She was my bridesmaid, her husband was a groomsman, and their kids were our ring bearer and flower girl. "I always say that the men are the catch," said Owens We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I don’t think there’s been a year where he hasn’t been on unemployment. If your husband is tested, and it's not his child, then he will know you cheated. The blanket is so soft and I have made multiple comments about how I would ADMIN MOD. If he's just being glutinous then sit down with the budget and go over food costs. My husband (30M) cheated on me with a girl (30F) that was supposed to be my best friend. My most recent ex before I met my wife would often tell me I was “broke” because my house wasn’t all remodeled and I drove an older car. I am a husband who just realized through fighting and tears that I am a controlling husband. We married a few months after we met. TL;DR: My husband's group chat refers to me as "S. 3. My husband and I have been together for eight years, married for one and a half. THIS SUBREDDIT IS FOR A PODCAST CALLED Reddit On Wiki, THAT READS REDDIT STORIES. My husband was in a long term relationship from highschool to his early 20s. He constantly blamed the industry, bosses, coworkers or the companies for the reason he keeps getting fired. Don't buy chips and junk food buy more protein, healthy carbs, make double meals. My husband is a Narcissist. When I got married my mother came to me privately and talked about setting aside money as a rainy day/ escape fund if worst came to worst. He’s went from 170 to 230. He was previously engaged (he called it off), has exclusively dated 7 people, and slept with a dozen or so people that I know of so realistically Your husband is being deliberately helpless. It is his first day at a new job and we decided to meet to have lunch together since my break was at I slapped my husband. My husband had split with this woman because she was unfaithful to a new level. Throughout our relationship, we have broken up twice due to a big fight that would lead to him shutting down on me during a time we were not physically together (long distance). We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I am grateful for my husband, and I appreciate him so much. I (35) have been married to my husband (36) for 10 years. This is my first ever reddit post. 6. However your husband will want to know why you are doing a paternity test. Your husband is a fucking loser, you are going to benefit from this move in time, right now focus on getting the legal contract drawn. My husband (33M) found out that a good number of men and women consider me (31F) very attractive. Like, alarm bells unhinged. Not to toot my own horn but I put a lot of effort into my appearance. Well Kenya and Karl are on there and it’s from 2019. People don't "suddenly" want a divorce. I found him on Reddit, making posts looking for men in our area. 7. I’ve been married to him for 7 years. Again, please hear me out. It's been a few weeks and I took everyone's advice. OP states he's always been the quiet type. My husband and I started dating as teens and I was very overweight (classic skinny nerd + fat girl love). Today was different. vl ic go rk ur pe xb xg hg ll  Banner