My dog acts like a baby reddit. Three years in and my 100lbs dog still acts like a puppy.

Then start walking again once u see him starting to move. After I gave birth it all changed. I recently had a baby eight months ago and even when I got home he started complaining about how I am not giving him enough attention or giving him enough affection. •. I then picked him up and set him right outside the curtain. I also had a friend (not a friend anymore) who said my dog is bad because I let her sit on the couch. A family in my neighborhood had a dog named Snickers. It doesn't mean that she's being bad or naughty. My dog still gets walked everywhere and she gets excited when she sees me get the stroller out. Some get cranky, some are always happy, some have endless energy, others tucker out in an hour. So my mother (51 years old) acts like a baby. DogTraining: A forum on dog training and behavior. Your dad isn't old school, he's straight up abusive. Many dogs want to chase small, furry things (it's part of why they love squeaky toys---it sounds like a dying/injured small animal) and get very aroused/intense when they see a small critter. 2. kids acting like a dog for over a week now. Today there was some reverse sneeze type of sound associated with it. 5 months and she was ~20 lbs. I thought we had the best marriage ever until he abruptly dumped me. I DNA tested her and she’s husky, white German Shepherd, Great Pyrenees, cattle dog and random mutt mix. If it has a squeezer, she chews it like gum and I find stuffing all over the house. She stops eating and loses a ton of weight. Most basically, attention and engagement is what I think she’s after. Even if you subscribe to the belief that "it's all how you raise them" this dog has been raised incredibly poorly and has already proven to be aggressive/dangerous. A pretty unstable teenager at that. As soon as I calmed down, my mom immediately started berating me again. Vet ran extensive tests and said he was physically fine and that the behavior was likely due to old age. Say this in your normal speaking voice, not a high-pitched flirty voice. This isn’t weird or anything but when I’m going around the house or whatever he’ll often trail The old school way of stopping bites was to lightly hit on the mouth or hold the mouth closed for a few seconds. So much potential in both depections, yet the Family Guy writers have under-utilized both. Help? my daughter is acting like a dog for almost 2 weeks now. i’m still a minor, and my sister is 20 years old. God forbid her favorite flavor is out! She drinks sugary drinks every single MORNING, so I kindly suggest her one time that maybe 2. Second: I've had similar problems with my dog (pit bull / boxer mix). Like when we're walking outside one day he'll just be right Learning basic hygiene takes time, and constant re-enforcement. At this point he's been inadvertently trained to do this. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions. He’s extremely sweet, and loving, and an absolute… Hi there. " ADMIN MOD. The key is how the rest of the dog is acting. I mean, she often imagine fairy stuff, making weird noises, laughing out loud without caring about the surrounding, walking in a weird way( as in cartoons) she always says that she’s unhappy to be in the medschool because she wants to play and she can’t do the things she likes in here. I’ve been hating my dog since I gave birth. I’m blessed. A stress yawn isn't relaxed but goes all the way open and sometimes there's a shudder at the end snap. she acts like a literal child. My boyfriend gets crazy over me when I do that. When my baby farts or poops my dog acts like she has PTSD and bolts out of the room. she just whines 13 votes, 11 comments. He’s now bringing baby toys to throw so I safely assume he’s accepted him as part of the pack. What they are not being Occasionally out of nowhere my dog will start acting like a frantic vacuum, quickly trotting around the perimeter of our house and sucking up any crumb she can find, even if it’s not food (she is normally picky about what she eats). You will need to break the cycle, so to speak, and eventually he will stop. She will talk in a high pitched voice when watering the plants, working from home, talking my dad, and talking to me and my siblings. Then one day - usually a few weeks or months (always months if it’s green - no idea why she likes green so much) she gets bored and destroys the stuffie. She brings her food to the floor to when its dinner and if I make her sit at the table she still eats like a dog. Looks like a dog, acts like a goat. We got him from a very loving place and we’ve been nothing but great to him since we’ve had him, but for some reason he still cowers and acts like we’re going to beat him, we’ve never even popped up, he doesn’t get yelled Omg my dog looks exactly like this. They could be twins! She looks sad like this too. Every time he called the dog, it sounded like he was saying the N word. Like people. Your dog can sense your emotions, and once it learns you actually enjoy its baby-like needs, it will start taking advantage of the situation. If the baby is screaming she will just get up and go elsewhere. He was the 'favorite' child (a whole other creepy family issue) so if I kicked his ass the hell would come down on me and he'd just get a mild talking to for uh, almost killing my cat. I pulled the curtain aside, he wouldn’t budge and kept screeching. They were very old. I took him everywhere, took a million pics, I would even cancel plans just to stay home with him. ago. Kudos to her for checking things like whether the baby is frustrated or if it’s food she doesn’t like or she isn’t hungry. /r/dogs is a place for dog owners of all levels of knowledge, skill, and experience to discuss various topics related to responsible dog ownership. ๐Ÿ’•. “Why did you lie about the milk. Might also be asking the dog for attention. Jul 16, 2021 ยท Dogs act like babies because they know we like to attend to their needs and care for them – in other words, they are trying to please us (the benefits are just bonuses). 7. I think that if you don't want a dog to act playful, you shouldn't act like you're going to play with them. Or just some warm chicken broth (sodium-free) might entice her as well, I know it isn't solid food but it's something while her stomach settles. She might want you to play tug, or she might want you to chase her while she plays keep away, etc. Three years in and my 100lbs dog still acts like a puppy. Keep dog and baby toys separate and create a separate area for dog food and water so baby doesn’t mess with it. She treats me disrespectfully and cold, but she gets mad when I do it at her even a tiny bit. My whole living room is a yes space. Unfortunately, their youngest son had a speech impediment. she kicked (not actually kicked) our dog out her bed and slept there. The bushy beard and eyebrows give schnauzers a charming, human-like expression. My dog still sleeps in our bedroom on her bed. I’d also recommend cutting the handle off of the leash to prevent tangling. Crypto My dog likes to be held like a baby. My baby just ate dog poop. Dog training links, discussions and questions are encouraged and content related to other species is welcome too. If you use a fairly short leash for this, you should be fine. For example, he'd put my cat in the freezer - but it didn't seem like an animal cruelty thing, it was my reaction that he'd get off on. Award. Try pivoting so your side is towards the dog and look away frequently. From these responses I’m guessing she would’ve been part kitty regardless although it is really cute, how protective those two are of each other. She loves to play on the snow because its easy on her joints. Reply reply. Playful, needy, and no spacial awareness. We'd like to take this time to remind users that: We do not allow any type of jerk-like behavior, including but not limited to: personal attacks, hate speech, harassment, racism, sexism, or other jerk-like behavior (includes gatekeeping posts). You are a pack leader. I am just absolutely beyond horrified. They like to lay on the back of the sofa, they act a lot like cats. She talks like a baby all the damn She's old enough that anyone would expect some maturity, but she literally whines and cries like a baby every single day. Use this same voice every time you tell him to stop. The thing is just I don’t like being such a huge baby. New-mama123. He knows these people and has played with them and acted loving towards them, just not when Im not present. Any sort of post showing a mug, a shirt, or a print is a scam. My dog seems jealous from time to time and I feel like that just happens when you split attention from a well loved dog. My pom does it too. Secondly, let me clarify that this is not in any way related to furry culture. He's strained his back a couple of times on walks (although it isn't evident during the walk) and acts "strangely. It will be that way for potentially another few years. Do not leave your baby on the floor or otherwise unattended if your dog has access to your baby. I carry her sometimes, so if someone leans close to her, she thinks they want to hold her. You could try something that has a strong smell to it like canned tuna. I bought the puppy and continued on my way to Zaxby's (Zaxby's tasted like it was all cooked and hot water) after my food and sharing a portion of it with my dog that I've decided to call sparky I went home. A person recognizing a cow "acting like a dog" could be the first step toward that person empathizing enough with cows to want to stop eating them. coledaniel8171. After the hello the dog becomes the sweetest most loving dog ever, but woe be unto the ankles of anyone who doesn't get a hello from my mother-in-law. Is it a tumor?: I don't know. " Whines, doesn't look comfortable laying down, looks to be favoring his stomach but really its his back, moves slowly around slowly. Me: Dogs just want to feel safe. There are FAR worse things a 6 year old could be doing. He does pay half the rent though. This mom has the baby’s best interests in mind. This morning I woke up and was super nauseous and tired, so I ate breakfast and went back to bed to rest. She still eats plenty of attention. Here you'll find content that will help you train your dogs. My mom talks and acts like a baby all the time. Child-like Peter and gentle, mentally challenged Peter are my favourites as well. Like a super spoiled, entitled child was suddenly crowned queen and what the title says. This subreddit is a great starting point for a lot of information, but you should always verify and expand upon what you've read from reputable sources before putting it to use in your daily life. Firstly, this is a throwaway ‘cause I’m talking about my boyfriend. It could be worth going back to the vet for an appetite stimulant, or even a second opinion if she continues to not eat. Yes, it's true that most punishments affect us parents sometimes as much as they affect our kids. When people act like this, they are being either secretive or manipulative. My mom tried to get the dog away but she stayed by me and I calmed down a bit. This dog is 6 years old. Repeat, repeat, repeat. I told my friend to "grow the fuck up and stop acting like a toddler" 2. I closed my eyes and ears and sobbed until my dog came to comfort me. Why are you drinking our milk. And I always notice the other times when Stewie is a normal baby and Brian is a normal dog, but didn’t realize how many others liked this. He was behind a curtain, and instead of crawling back out from behind it, he just screeched. Stepping on the dogs tail, kicking in the face and hitting him with objects like leashes- that is terrifying for the poor confused dog. You’ve gone from almost no custody to 50/50. ‘Uncoordinated’ is probably not the reason for throwing, but the baby testing out what it can do is a perfectly reasonable explanation. One of my family's dogs was so sweet today during my period. She just wanted me to go with her to the orthodontist because she's scared of the dentist and help her with other things to be honest she's probably mentally troubled. And laying cosy on a pillow! The old lady said that the dog was a chiweenie mixed with a Jack Russell terrier the small dog was black what a white belly. Always makes me chuckle. She’ll bring the bed, give them kisses, cuddle with them, bring them everywhere. That said, there are daily realities that grate on me that I just want to vent about. She has done this since she was just a wee pup (her bio mom is one of my other dogs). The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Bachelor Sister Wives 90 Day Fiance Wife Swap The Amazing Race Australia Married at First Sight The Real Housewives of Dallas My 600-lb Life Last Week Tonight with John Oliver Feel free to post original pictures and videos of cute things. • 3 yr. If your dogs aren't actual catch dog breeds, they'd likely be killed by adult deer that are feeling threatened and are already comfortable in a more domestic environment. If you walk in the door there will be a 15-pound Doberman replica trying to murder you until she says hello. I feel like she’s acting like a child, with no responsibility over her actions. This has been going on since I was born but has escalated in recent years. I am on the mobile app so I apologize for the formatting in advance but I am going crazy. She licked my face and I pet her to calm down. . I think they just get older and the childlike sense of wonder wears off after a while. 3. He expects it. She literally starts to whine if she doesn't have her daily morning starbucks/cake delivery. Firstly, I empathize completely with your frustration, embarrassment and isolation. Please help, my mother acts like a teenager. My guess is she’s teasing you with the toy, in the same way you might tease her with a toy to get her attention. Tell him, calmly, that you know he thinks these things are funny, but they aren't funny to you, and you need him to stop. Yeah my husband and I have infertility issues but If either of our siblings had a kid we would 100% not be this overbearing. 163 subscribers in the poetry_for_rachel community. It's usually a simple "Hey bud, no dinos at the mall today" or "Dinos don't eat at Chili's, man". And honestly he obly worms 4 days a week and a shitty bar job when he could be applying for better places and make more money but i have seen him do 0 effort to try She's a lap dog. She is a legitimately terrible dog owner, especially for a large, powerful dog like a Pit. Others wouldn’t care or do what you’re doing, so be proud of yourself. Additional comment actions. But shes just too hot in her summer coat, so once we shave her she's back to acting like a puppy again. He behaves like a typical dog, readily coming inside from the garden without needing cheese tax, and he doesn't go crazy if I skip the nightly walk. [Help] I have a 10 month old golden, and he’s the most scared dog I’ve ever met. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. I think he likes being high up…. Idk why he acts like this to my sister, he was just cuddled up to her and jumped up on her five minutes ago now that im home A canine person. As a Great Dane/Lab mix, she would eat every pear below about 6 feet. She starts by hopping up on me, then sticks her arms up as far as she can until I pick her up, then she wraps her back legs around my When she comes back she darts to whichever room I’m in, runs in circles with a big smile on her face, and literally jumps on to my lap. " I learned to deal with it. The bold, bewhiskered Schnauzer is a high-spirited farm dog from Germany. She makes a problem of me out of any tu y little thing, but she gets mad when I try to talk about a My ex bought old chairs found in a barn. Just a fart: she will get up and remain alert, awaiting the next stage. At that moment she’s the happiest dog in the world. The older I get, the more I think about how much my mom acts like a little kid that was given too much power. Given that he doesn't act like this with his coworkers, or his family, and only jokes around with his friends, I'm willing to bet that this is an indication that he's trying to force this fetish on me nonconsensually, or trying to get me to leave. Anyway, your dogs acted on their instincts. Jk. An other thing is i work over 30 hours a week 5 days a week i bring in way more than him and pay for more stuff like my car, parking and the bills. If you can create a barrier that lets your dog see your husband but not approach (think baby gate in a doorway) even better. Here you'll find content… r/curledfeetsies is back, but please keep in mind the reason it went private was to protest the unreasonable approach Reddit took in announcing API pricing changes that effectively killed numerous 3rd party applications. She has them restored and placed them in one of my daughter’s bedrooms. I'm in my early twenties and about to have a child on my own, and am almost fed up. Understand this kid has two homes, two different set of rules and parenting styles and little consistency- which is so critical for children at that age. Great stuff! He has met the person in the video and they along with the rest of my family look after him while Im at work. If the groomer doesn’t use a conditioner as Absolutely agree with this. He stopped screeching and started purring happily Dogs can be as different as people -- some are hyper, some are lazy, some are excitable, some just like to nap all day. Almost immediately after a difficult labor and delivery. I KNOW, it sounds awful. Plus those baby feet are super tasty to lick! He’s always loved children and is instinctively more gentle with them. I got her at 4. She's been following me around as I pace between the kitchen and living room and even let me pick her up to place her on the bed and cuddle (she cuddles maybe 35% of the time). My dog had no real love for apples, but she would enjoy summer when my pear tree was full. The older she gets the more she'll realize when you're hesitant to dole out certain punishments because it's annoying for you. The baby had tugged on the dog's paw, which we as adults knew the dog didn't love, but the baby didn't know, and the dog was unable to meter his reaction (never, he was never able "adjust for inexperience") and lashed out and scratched my baby's perfect little face with his foot. My dog has been awesome and has been even more patient now the fur grabbing has started. This action in turn made it harder for moderators to take care of subreddits in their care. I often leave my 9 month old playing in there independently while I’m cooking or cleaning up the kitchen. sounds like your dog isnt trained properly. There is absolutely nothing that this animal will not attempt to ingest!! Pretty sure those undergarments found at the edge of the woods went through the entire "cycle. My dog is a 13 year-old 50lb mutt, and still as “hyper” (he’s always been fairly mellow) as he was 10 years ago. I still grieve her. Anyone else’s bf act like a big baby? (In a good way!) question. That was an interesting one to yell, especially when it evolved into Puckers. Brian with the squirrel was so damn funny. 2M subscribers in the WhatsWrongWithYourDog community. The cat is rubbing their scent on the dog, claiming the dog if you will. One night she was having a sleepover and her friend told me she thought she saw someone sitting in the chair. First: you need to go to a vet. the cadence she has in her voice is just like how a kid would speak as well. You, as a responsible owner, need to recognise when your dog feels unsafe and take action to make them feel relaxed again. she complains and whines and wails when she doesn’t get what she wants. Glad to see I’m not alone. Most of the previous times, I don't think she really noticed. She seems to have a system down at this point. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. I used to beg him to tell me what was wrong and he would say "Nothing. For years she said she could see someone sitting in the chair late at night. - will occasionally go to the door as if saying “if I need to use the bathroom outside so does he!” I’ve always said that my kitty raised my pom-pom so she thinks she’s part cat. Im 26 and my girl is 23. I had her put to sleep in my house so I could hold her as she went and all my other dogs could say good bye. Like I said above, I asked him if he needed to see someone. He came home unusually tired. I do feel like they have increased Brian's dog behaviour over the previous few seasons. They go from being insulated and having a thick coat to being very short and the difference can weird some dogs out. I am [22F] and my bf [23M] of four years acts like a child and it’s aggravating me. Thanks again everybody, maybe it's not as big of a deal as it seems to me. Well the whole stick thing definitely wasn’t the right choice but I can see how you’d do that in a panic. Our senior dog 13 years began acting differently at night about six months ago. [Discussion] My 3 year old put/Jack Russell mix loves to be held on my hip like a baby. My beagle on the other hand - into everything. Seriously. You can feel the tension in the yawn. I would frequently come home to dog toys completely ripped apart by my beagle, but he was never the one who looked guilty. A poetry-writing, reading, and discussion project (along with all sorts of other creative… My black Lab is 13 and the same! Every summer we get worried because she looks like she is going to die. It tells him you aren't just being a tease, and you're serious. 807K subscribers in the Dogtraining community. My problem is that she acts like a baby. My dog acts like we beat him. The schnauzer's sporty look is a canine classic, with purebred schnauzers coming in three sizes: mini, standard, and giant. Dog trainer: stop treating your dog like a human. My mother-in-law has a Miniature Pinscher that acts the same way. However, last week I picked him up from boarding. I don't know how old you are but is there Weird question, but I need to know. She was not a fan of those that dropped, only the ones picked for her or picked by her. He is super into me acting all cutesy and “childish”. Like exactly, except for mine has a ginger colored spot on her eye and ear. They all have different personalities. My dog, 6 year old husky, is the single most loving and sweet little girl in the whole of the world and I love her greatly but dear god when it comes to feeding time she makes me want to pull out my hair. If you can’t figure out the reason, it won’t hurt to do some trick training with him, and play to continue building your relationship! Reply. A dog can do a "stress signal" action Business, Economics, and Finance. waking up multiple times per night acting restless, wanting to go outside and to drink lots of water. My ex husband would pull this sometimes, not nearly as much as yours though. Follow me around. My mother often talks in a high pitched voice and it really bothers me. Today I went to the bathroom to pee and when I came back less than two minutes later, I find 6 dog poops all over the floor, my baby is Relationships. My dog is 3 and my baby is 4 months. Sometimes dogs are sensitive to shampoos and this can cause them to be itchy after the groom so you can ask the groomer to use a very mild shampoo for the groom to see if that helps. He is a very “manly man”, he works in chimney and masonry, gets all “macho man” around his boys, etc. My bf and I have been dating for well over 2 years. She's a super loving and kind person and has done so much for me. Lots of positive reinforcement, treats, good boy, petting etc etc. r/Mommit. I hate that I can’t deal with my nightmares unless I have a stuffed toy or my night light with me. Keep it up and then transition to further distances. It sucks, but it's part of being a parent. First off, I love my mom. Most terriers have a high prey drive---they want to catch, shake and kill a small critter because that's what they were bred to do. My lab was very sensitive and found my frustration to be pretty punishing, even when it was in no way directed at her. I’ve been kind of lurking here for a while but this is my first real post. My first dog was dog reactive and sounds similar to your situation. Also, just because a dog is physically mature at a year, doesn't mean they're going to stop He looks remarkably like my dog even down to the faint brown spot on the back and the freckled skin on the nose. 4. Then she usually wants to go outside to ADMIN MOD. Baby also dropped over the weekend. There's a possibility your cat thinks the dog can help them with something. Sometimes I talk in a baby voice with my boyfriend because I know it sounds cute. Last year I lost my 12 year old chihuahua, who was my dachshund’s love/hate sister—they were together for 11 years. If she is really my dogs twin, she is probably sad she sheds so much. Maybe your dog is being sensitive to you while I would try putting on the leash, taking a few steps forward and then calling him forward to you with a treat. It might also be helpful in the long run to work on your off-leash skills, so you can use your voice to direct your dog instead of relying on the leash during hikes. She will alert me if the baby cries too long which isn’t long. ) Don't believe the lie that the Basenji is silent. Like its one thing to be a little extra in the uncle/aunt department, like buying gifts and offering to babysit a fair amount and helping out. She is overwhelming and clingy, makes excuses for herself, is willfully ignorant, acts like my manager, and DogTraining: A forum on dog training and behavior. My cat does this to me when she wants something, like if she wants a door open or to be fed. Stressed dogs don't make an effort to yawn in a person's face but will instead deflect their heads away and often down. My brother named his puppy Puck, because it was small and black like a hockey puck. she stomps her feet and cries as soon as something doesn’t go her way. My mother acts like an actual child. Also, I'm in touch with the "appreciate her now because she'll be dead soon" idea. She yells at me when she’s mad, but she gets mad at me when I yell. This is a rant I’ve been sitting on for a long time. The first time he did it a was like “the heck is my cat doing now”. They are self confident and don't require a ton of exercise ( except as puppies, before 2 years of age you will have to play hard with just about every breed. goodnight_mathilda •. Relationships. I like to think that if you’re having a hard time along with them, it means you’re a good guardian. When I was pregnant I heard about this happening but I thought it would NEVER happen to me because my dog was like my child. Typically, this tiredness would last only one day, but now he's become remarkably easy to handle. r/AmITheAsshole voting guide here only one. Have a golden retriever of 7 years and he acts like a person and not a dog. Advice. She was a great dog though, never tore up her toys. This makes it easier for people to be fine with how they're treated. My husband went to the office today so it was just me and my dog at home together, and my dog was definitely more clingy than usual (and he's been quite clingy these last few weeks). My boyfriend (who I love to bits) likes to do things like. Judgement_Bot_AITA. But the vast majority of rehomes are due to A) choices people make, like to have children when they have a dog they wouldn't want around babies, or to move to a new city where they would only be able to afford an apartment, B) predictable non-choices, like someone barely scraping by who knows they couldn't afford dog expenses if they lost their In no way, shape or form does him acting like a dinosaur in public get him in trouble, or "called out" or anything. She has been treating him like a spoiled baby his whole life. Make sure your husband actually disciplines your dog when it shows unwanted behaviour. Same idea but now you can work through the visual stimulus even better. 1. This community is geared towards modern, force-free, science based methods and recommendations. I’m almost-19f and he’s almost-21m (my bday is in 2 days). Look into the Basenji. trashwizzard3000. Cows for a long time have been portrayed as being these stupid inanimate meat and milk factories. We both study in med school. But I’ll tell you, he is my little baby DogTraining: A forum on dog training and behavior. cc fh me pq ho dw ga fd wt bj