Low fetal heart rate success stories reddit. My OB advised that I continue with my meds and rest.

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Every 2 beats there was a long pause between. 200mg progesterone suppository nightly along with modified bed rest & pelvic rest. This rate of demise was significantly higher than that of 7. •. There’s nothing that gives any indication you aren’t 6ish weeks, and the beta looks fine. I’ve been pretty anxious, after my scan at the ER Sunday I messaged my doc letting him know I was worried about the heart rate (checked my records it was 78) measuring 6 weeks, the nurse got back to me quick, saying it’s a little low and they like to see it around 100 at this stage. 1 week behind and slow heart rate at 7w2d. Heart rate was only 99. Once a heartbeat is detected, the chance of the pregnancy continuing ranges from 70-90% dependent on what type of ultrasound is used. Early pregnancy signs and symptoms. MD requests a STAT C-section. It probably just started beating. I’m reading there is a 60% chance of pregnancy failure when a slow heart rate is detected at 6 to 7 weeks. Any success with early heart rates being lower? Low fetal heart rate. Also, I did some research and most over 90 at that stage seems to work out. Which it did, my next scan was 170. Jan 2, 2021 at 8:43 AM. With my first his heartrate was 165 at 7w, and 167 at 9w. The second ultrasound (this past Monday) showed multiple sacs (my OB for sure saw 2 but questioned if the one that had an actual embryo in it was split in two because of the “hour glass shape“ it had) but every sac was empty other than the oddly shaped sac which had one embryo measuring 7+0 (9. There was never a clear reason for the fetal growth restriction in my case. By that time the heartbeat was up over 130. 9mm CRL = 1. It was low! Tech scanned twice and the fetal heartbeat was 84 and then 86 bpm. Pregnancy Week 39. Sep 22, 2020 · 7 week scan, measuring behind with low fetal heart rate- Success stories please January 30, 2024 | by kfletch91 I went Thursday for my 7 week scan, I was 7W2D which I am absolutely sure of as I know when my positive ovulation test was. I wouldn't be worried about that heart rate at all. I read through so many posts on here and it was very helpful! I took the NIPT through Natera at 10. I’m going back in on Friday to see if there is any growth and developments. =) At 6w, the heart is just starting to beat, so you could easily have caught it right at the beginning. so, this little embryo is just holding on. Best of luck! TW possible miscarriage - low fetal heart rate 6 weeks 3 days. Hello, So I went to get an u/s last Friday due to some spotting and baby measured 6 weeks exactly with a heartbeat of 185. This was not an issue in my second Jun 11, 2023 · A normal heart rate for a fetus can range from 110 to 160 beats per minute (BPM). On your follow up scan M-mode should be able to, more accurately, pick up a HR that should be within 120-180 bpm. I had my first US and was measuring 5w5d. Just went in today at 8w4d and everything measured normal and heart rate was 165. I was told anything between 90-120 was average during that time. Normal betas doubled appropriately. Fetal heart rate may speed up to 140 to 170 BPM around the ninth week and slow to around 110 to 160 BPM thereafter. I'm 50 and II've been exercising since I was 21. There were 59 pregnancies with a slow heart rate at 6. Size of the baby is perfectly okay. I'm still redlining the max heart rate. 0 weeks gestation and a normal heart rate at follow-up ultrasonography (US) by 8. I am reeling. I feel like I have officially exhausted google in my search for any kind of possibility so I’m turning to you guys. A normal nonstress test will show a baseline fetal heart rate between 110 and 160 beats per minute with moderate variability (5- to 25-interbeat variability) and 2 qualifying accelerations in 20 minutes with no decelerations. Measuring the right size for 6+3 apparently. My midwife found the embryo with a lower than expected heart rate but was confident that it was just a very early, just getting started heartbeat and I probably implanted later than Here were my levels: 11/8: 3,057 11/10: 4,535 11/13: 7,975. During labor and delivery, an abnormally slow fetal heart rate is frequently the first sign that a baby is in distress. The normal heart rate for a baby during childbirth falls between 110 and 160 beats per minute. She ordered for an ultasound and the heart rate was 95. 5mm) but the heart beat was only 60 bpm (taken So we had an ultrasound yesterday at 9w4d and our fetal heart rate is lower than last week (thankfully, baby has measured on track each time). Everything looked okay aside from a small subchorionic hematoma and (as the doctor on duty put it) “a little low” fetal heart rate of 96bpm. 0 weeks Then she moved to get his heart rate. HCG results from earlier in the week came back trending down. My husband just said " you know it could happen". Low fetal heartbeat experiences please. It was an OB who did the… I’m 7 weeks exactly today, and today was the first day we could hear the heartbeat. But I was told not to worry, the heart could have just started and the rate will build up over the next few days. My dating/viability scan was yesterday and based on LMP I would be 7W5D, however my results from scan showed: Gestational sac = 5. However the Dr is concerned and said I have to come back in a week. Delivered her at 36w6d after being induced due to low fluid & high fetal heart rate. I also had low hCG (doubling but low) so prepared for the worst. He basically told us to prepare for a miscarriage. However, M-mode may not be able to pick up the flicker very steadily that early. Jan 18 I was measured 8 weeks 4 days heart rate 175. Everything I could find online said that with hcg levels that high, you should see a fetal pole by then, so I feared the worst. Oct 13, 2021 · Pregnancy Week 36. Last week I bled the night before my 6wk4day ultrasound. . Hcg came back at 3353. Next one came back great and all looked fine on my 6w A yolk sac is present. Please note I went to the ER because I had cramping/ a pricking feeling (not too crazy but certainly noticeable, say when I coughed) on my left side. Any thoughts? And if you have a 40 day cycle, then obviously you’re going to have a super low (which would be normal) beta at 5-6 weeks since LMP. I had a follow up scan yesterday at 7w2d and HR was 144! So right on track. My last pregnancy was progesterone only as well, basically same story as you, caught short cervix too late for cerclage. (Hcg 5 or less is not pregnant) Doctor told me I need to have hcg of 100 and progesterone of 10 to be viable. The doctor said today that if heart rate is lower than 130, there is a I also did IVF and at 17DPO my beta came back at 75. Went to my first ultrasound today at around 6 weeks and 4 days. … Last week I was measuring 6w4d, which aligned perfectly with my LMP but the fetal heart rate was only at 85 bpm. Feb 7, 2022 · The heart rate was 98 which is slow. The doctor (and everything I read online) says that is normal but I'm seeing so many other people with higher FHRs. . Hit 6w yesterday. This time there was a fetal pole and a low heartbeat. Pregnancy Week 40. What's awesome is that there IS a heartbeat!!! Ultrasound was a mixed picture. He’s 4. Anonymous. For that reason, my OB practice doesn't measure heart rates even at 7 + 0. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. More anxiety. She checked the heart rate thru a doppler and she can’t find it. OB prepped me for a miscarriage, with a follow up ultrasound in 8 days in case heart rate has increased. I had an ultra sound yesterday. I go in Monday for a third ultrasound where Content Warning. This is obviously low so I was asked to come back for a follow up. At our scan we measured 2 days behind at 6w2d, and FHR was only at 111. From… I went in yesterday and based on my LMP was 5w6d, but measured at 6w3d as the fetus was 6mm. Dont give up hope! Sometimes baby’s heart is just getting going at the 6 week time frame Hello, everyone. Please comment if you’ve had a similar experience on tuesday, there was no heartbeat. She gave it 50/50 because she said My baby was measuring at the 8th percentile for his abdomen. Jun 4, 2020 · low heart rate. Current pregnancy (17 weeks) it was 165 at 8w and the same at 10w. But the heart rate did seem low and to add insult to injury, the radiographer added a note at the bottom: “fetal demise highly likely. I was redlining my heart rate so I increased my max heart rate to 175bpm/45yr old max heart rate. I had a scan last week at my OB’s office where no heart heart was found but she thought she saw a fetal pole - so she had me schedule a formal ultrasound. The doctor said that the heart rate is very low. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home 4. Mom comes into her OB/GYN for a regular checkup. MD at the office sees something he doesn't like and sends mom the the hospital for further test and observation. Run-Fox-Run. They found a fairly big sub chorionic hematoma and a heartbeat so… The presence of an embryonic heartbeat is an assuring sign of the health of the pregnancy. Pregnancy Week 37. There’s a paper that says that as long as your baby’s growth is measuring correctly, a low hb before 6 weeks 2 days is not an indicator of impending m/c, and more likely that the heart just recently started beating. My OB’s office told me they look for a minimum of 66% rise in 48 hours, and have told me I’m going to miscarry or have an ectopic. seemed concerned so I go back in a week to do another ultrasound. Could easily follow sleep cycles but insane to see how high heart rate and breath rate are for a baby. true. So I went to my OB on Saturday, she checked my cervix and it was closed, no blood as well. It is supposed to be 120bpm at 6w5d. There also could have been a small chance that I got pregnant twice, two weeks apart. 0 weeks and a normal heart rate at follow-up US by 8. TW: Loss 6weeks 6 days , experienced bleeding again. First ultrasound today, measuring 8w5d. He said the heart rate is 95-100 and usually at this point it should be at least 110 to be Aug 1, 2011 · August 2011 in Pregnant after a Loss. In my case, it was in the low 80s, and so I don't have a good news story to share, but at 107? Based on the 5-6 studies I read, I would be cautiously optimistic. At 16DPO it probably was lower than yours. My husband was so excited to see the heartbeat, but I’ve been wary since I spotted brown last week and my HCG levels rose only 4% over 46 hrs. I went in last week for my scan and I was measuring 6wks3days with a 84-91 fetal heart rate. Aug 1, 2005 · To determine retrospectively the outcome of pregnancies in which the embryo has a slow heart rate at 6. Hello All,Technically I am due (if a viable pregnancy) in November. The next week I went back for another ultrasound and the heart rate dropped to 87. report. I did a third one two days after that and it went up to 9800! Yep! Had our first US at 6w0d and the heartbeat was under 100, so they had us come back for a repeat scan at 7w. Hello! I just wanted to share my story for anyone else experiencing a similar situation. Had an ultrasound this week and the baby was measuring 6w 1 day and had a heart beat of 45 which is obviously very low. I went in for my ultra sound yesterday. I had a low fetal heart rate at my 6 week scan. It is alive so far, with a beating heart, but the doctor said that its heart rate is too low and is skipping beats, so there is a high chance that it will not live much longer. Dec 13, 2017 · One was measuring normal at 8 weeks with a heart rate of 158 bpm but one was measuring at barely over 6 weeks with a heart rate of 94bpm. My fetal fraction was also 3% I was told that was fine. 001 I had my first ultrasound Monday morning at 6 weeks 6 days (but I was measuring 6 weeks 3 days), and the heart rate was only 90. I had very light spotting last wed and friday. FHR is in low 80s. 1% fetal fraction, high risk for T13, T18, and triploidy. Went back at 6w+4 and saw a fetal pole with a heartbeat! Very normal to not see a fetus or hear anything before 6w. From my LMP I should… Being here is so anxiety inducing but hopefully my story can give you some hope. quote. I went to my first pregnancy Dr appointment and didn’t get good news. Had my 6 week scan last week at 6w2d and the tech saw a yolk sac but didn't see a fetal pole. Baby was For cautious pregnant people on this great, perilous journey to parenthood. Anybody experience a low fetal heartbeat and have it be okay? Hi everyone, I’m 6w4d today. I had an issue with low fetal heartrate a couple of years ago. My doctor wouldn't even give me a due date and said to come back in a week. 4TimesBlessed807. There was a heartbeat, but it was only 80bpm. My OB advised that I continue with my meds and rest. My husband and I are completely heart broken. Hospital MD or L&D Doc puts mom and baby on monitors and sees decreased or low fetal heart rate. I've read so many studies saying this is very low, ,and that it should be at least 120 at this time. It sounds like it could go either way - but right now there is a heart beat so that is good news! My situation was similar but unfortunately ended in MMC. You want it between 130-160 so this is perfect. Baby was measuring 6W1d, 8 days behind, with fetal heart rate of 79 BPM. With my first 10 years ago I had brown spotting early on and rushed in for a check. Has anyone else had a heart rate this low at this stage? My baby has a very low heart rate (around 55bpm) due to me being on a betablocker for a heart condition. My doctor told us to brace ourselves if we lost the little one but to pray for a miracle. In Pregnancy After Loss. If both are low, that’s a sign of a failed pregnancy. Everything else measured where we expected. I thought I was 5w and 5d, so not too far off there. My ultrasound was last Tueday, they called Friday and said that there was no heart beat and wanted to start the proceedings to expel the pregnancy. Background: frozen embryo transfer of untested but well-graded embryo on 5/23. 2 fetal echos and maternal afp all my results have been fine. Doubling in 96hrs+ is expected after 6,000. I know the pregnancy is probably not going to be viable. It slows down with increased exercise, but where exactly you sit with your resting heart rate can still vary wildly from one person to the next, based on a lot of factors or no factor at all. I had an ultrasound today for my third pregnancy, one that resulted in my two year old in 2017 and the other a mmc in January. I upped my protein intake and did weekly ultrasounds and NSTs. Anyone have success stories or positive words to share after two or It's very possible that the baby's heart just started beating an early on like this the heart rate has a lot of irregularities until it starts to regulate itself. They also noticed a chorionic bump. 0-7. They wait a bit longer. Second labour. It's not uncommon for the heartbeat to be a little low/borderline at 5+5 or a few days later, because it's right around the time the heart starts beating, and the heart needs some time to get its rate up to the "normal, healthy" range. Posted by u/Marisa783 - 3 votes and 12 comments 4 days ago · Baby Development Month by Month. First one was 4300, two days later it was only 4701. Experiences of implantation bleeding. ” Thank you all for sharing. Only concern on my end is baby had a fairly low heartbeat so I’m going back again a week later on Sat for another ultrasound. By around 6 weeks, the average heart rate is is 110, and the normal range is ~100-125. 5%ff. 0 weeks; 15 (25. My dr told me that at 6w anything above 90 is good. OB told me to “protect my heart Yes, it can be completely normal. Heart rate was 86bpm. My HCG measured around 10,000. Posted 08-04-16. He said “don’t get too excited, I think things look abnormal and your levels were low. according to the er docs😞 I went to the er for other reasons but they check everything when you’re pregnant. Everything else was high 20s. Although it's against manufacturers instruction, I have real life stories of full term pregnancies without issues. I would have been 7 weeks to the day on Tuesday. A viable and healthy hcg is what determines a good progesterone. 10/09/2023 23:08. The baby also has a low heart rate of 80. Fingers crossed the heart rate goes up, but we are guarding our hearts for the worst. And that heart rate would be expected in the early 6w gestation range. Just had my first ultrasound at 7w4d. May 02, 2024 | by Kimbo1989. Fetal heart rate was way too low at 94. Pregnancy Week 41. This is our first pregnancy and we’ve been struggling to conceive for a year and Jun 9, 2021 · Went in thinking I was 7 weeks along. 88mm HR = 77 At 6w4d our fetal heart rate was only 75. OB said it is okay and booked follow up ultrasound in one week. I believe Meterniti 21 only requires 2. Today at my 7 week scan, the Doc said the baby's growth doesn't look like 7 weeks. Fetal heart rate measures 76 bpm. My doctor said it was low but could have just started beating. Okay, so really all that is to be done is wait. My Dr. 2% (28 of 390) in pregnancies with a normal heart rate at 6. Yes, in my current ongoing pregnancy I had very high HCG levels and the Internet left me panicked because at my 6w1d ultrasound my HCG was 53,000 and we could see a gestational sac and yolk sac, but no fetal pole. So I went to the ER for brown spotting yesterdayat 5 weeks 2 days. They had me come in for an early ultrasoundToday and to my surprise, there was a tiny baby and a heartbeat. Jan 2, 2021 · F. You can find a number of studies on different heartrates and fetal outcomes. NP said to expect a loss in the next few days. Of course, I went down the Google/Reddit rabbit holes and am trying to stay positive until my follow up scan next week. The heart rate was 103. And the fetus is measuring 1wk behind. Estimated gestational age measures 5 weeks 3 days. Low fetal heart rate. Same for me, usually in the 60s, around 54 when sleeping, 1515 miles last year. Flower190. so the heart could have literally started beating like yesterday. She measured again and again, 87bpm. now measuring 9 weeks 2 days with heart rate 88. Very early in pregnancy, it is typically around 110 BPM. This will unfortunately be our second loss this year, after a chemical pregnancy in July. The clinic still seemed hopeful but cautious since my hcgs were low from the get go. 5 weeks and it came back a week later at 2. Subject: Low fetal heart rate success stories. I was told, congratulations see you at 12 weeks. I went in for my 7w3d ultrasound. I’m still pregnant but had 3 anatomy scans because of gestation diabetes. Ultrasound. Ended up being only 6w4d. Everything I read says that 90 is dangerously low…. Is there any chance? I went in for my first ultrasound today (7w4d) and the baby is measuring behind by several days (7w0d), and the heartbeat is slower than the normal range (98 bpm when it should be 100). I thought for sure the pregnancy was not viable and was crushed. Low fetal heart rate limbo I had my first ultrasound on Friday (6 weeks 3 days) and everything looked great until they got to the heart rate which was 80 bpm and they wanted it to be 100-120. I had my early ultrasound last week (6 weeks) and baby's heart rate was only 116. Long story short, I went to the ER thinking I was 6w2d but the US put me at 5w6d. I At 6week2 days, fetal pole measured 6 weeks with heartbeat of 99. I just had my first scan 6+3. The doctor said they like to see heartbeat over 100 but said I was almost there. We saw a fetal pole and the flash of a heartbeat on the screen. in two days (since last U/S), the heart began beating, although quite low. I was originally excited but now so concerned after reading articles saying this could be a predictor for miscarriage that it’s measuring behind and not over 120. Baby measured 5w5d with a super low heart rate 86. My doubling 48h after was normal but slow. If the baby’s heart rate goes below 110 for several minutes, or under 100 Everything looked okay aside from a small subchorionic hematoma and (as the doctor on duty put it) “a little low” fetal heart rate of 96bpm. They measured me at 7 weeks, which isn’t terrible to be a few days off, but the heart rate was only around 100bpm. But 6 weeks LMP would technically be 4 weeks pregnant based on DPO. I was really excited to see a heart because I had a miscarriage in February, a blighted ovum and never saw it. There was a gestational sac and a heart rate of 110bpm. 4%) resulted in first-trimester demise. Slow rising HCG success stories, please! My levels so far are: 203 311 44 hours later, 52% increase 494 46 hours later, 62% increase. Turns out the heart rate is 64 at 6 weeks 3 days. The sonographer wasn’t concerned at all, but my doctor is. Most posts and articles I’ve read about low fetal heart Low fetal fraction x3 good ultrasounds. The baby of a friend had a heart rate of 162 at the peak and it dropped to 108 in deep sleep. She was totally fine with no NICU time. A heart beat was noted, however I was told it was on the "lower end of normal" of 105 bpm for this gestational age. Taking more progesterone can’t reverse that. Anyone else experience a low heart around 105 and have a positive outcome? Fetal heart rate. She also was measuring on track as well. Running, weights, Brazilian Jiu-jitsu and the last 5/6yrs using my Airdyne 3 or 4 days a week. The yolk sac and fetal pole with heart beat. The thing is no one told me it was low or that I should be concerned. We saw a yolk sac at 5w5, but no fetal pole or heartbeat. Had second two weeks later and measured 6w0d. Aug 17, 2013 · The low fetal heart rate, however, is a worry. He was not at all optimistic about it given the hcg levels, heart rate, and fetal development. Thanks in advance! Mine did similar things, but I think even slower than yours. The doctor said he doesn't expect this pregnancy to make it. When the heart first starts beating at 5+ weeks, the heart rate should be close to the mother's (80-85). In one of my past miscarriages, the heart rate never reached 100, so I was excited about that number. At 6 weeks the heart rate was 107 bpm. Anyone with experience with this, both good and bad? My 7w4d u/s showed me measuring at 6w4d (impossible, but could possibly be 7w1d) and a slow (68bpm) irregular/arrhythmic heart beat. Showing at 6 weeks and only 2nd pregnancy! Early pregnancy signs and symptoms. Oct 9, 2023 · Yes, not drastically but low enough that it was a “wait and see”. They’re concerned with how low it is at this point and said it’s a 50/50 shot of viability. 6. Noteworthy that I have a high BMI (around 40 I think). This past Monday… May 29, 2021 · Needing to hear some success stories. It was a complete waste of time and made me crazy anxious. I've had lots of miscarriages with normal heart rates. And right now I'm 32w3d. We are now cautiously optimistic. Based on the slow growth and low heart rate (and I’m measuring 2 weeks behind LMP), the dr told me it’s a miscarriage. I’ve had one miscarriage (first pregnancy) but nothing was ever even seen on an ultrasound and one successful pregnancy leading to my 16 month old daughter. Any success rates with low fetal heart rate at 6 weeks? I'm wondering if it was a little early for the ultrasound (she didn't want to see me until 7 weeks to check for heart beat, but I had to go in because of the bleeding). I had a miscarriage due to chromosomal abnormality in September so I'm nervous about this one. The yoke is measuring normal. at my 7-week ultrasound, the baby was measuring 6 weeks with heart rate of 134 today (lmp) 9 weeks 3 days baby is measuring 8 weeks 5 days but we saw the heart beat flickering, it was slow and they couldn't pick it up I've had 7 prior losses Latest: In Birth Stories. 0 weeks and a normal heart rate by 8. Pregnancy Week 42. Crypto When we went back, baby measured exactly 7 weeks 1 day, and the heartbeat had gone up to 143. Doctor was concerned about low heart rate, averaging 70. Using the basic 220bpm-50 (age)= 170 max BPM. Dr ordered a repeat for next week. It was just the heart rate was low. Fetal heart rate can provide lots of information about your baby’s health during pregnancy. Looking for any positive stories to keep me from spiraling. The doctor is having me come back this coming Monday to check on the progress. ” Apr 22, 2019 · Pregnancy Week 39. Feb 19, 2016 · Heartburn at 6 weeks! Early pregnancy signs and symptoms. 2 weeks ago we did another growth scan and my baby is no longer fetal growth restricted. Under 90 is "low" and below 100 I believe is borderline low, and borderline line low babies had a much better chance at survival, and something like 82% went on to have normal heart rates at 8 weeks. She was measuring one day ahead but they told me basically that this baby is not viable. had a third U/S today (thursday), measuring a week or so behind, and a HB of 68. Feeling so devastated. The fetal heart rate was measured at 122bm. Sep 25, 2019 · Bradycardia is the medical term for a slow heart rate. I went to my follow-up appointment this morning, at 8w2d. The sac is measuring at 7 weeks but the fetus is measuring at 6 weeks. Last edited 05-22-20. I’m so sorry luv but those levels are extremely low for 4w1d. Be real with me here. If the embryo is less than 5mm CRL, it is possible for it to be healthy without showing a heartbeat, though a follow-up The gestational sack is measuring small. Day 10 post FET was 20, then went to 62, 221, and most recent one a week before ultrasound was 1121. So the fetal heartbeat starts out pretty low, then jumps really high from about 6-8 weeks and starts to lower again after that. I went into a rabbit hole reading every freaking paper on low initial betas. Although there was a sac with a baby, the sac was smaller and the heart rate was also pretty low (but I could see the heart flicker) . Does anyone have any experience with low fetal heart rate or A normal HR ranges from 120-180, 105 is considered below normal. Hey everyone! So you can check my posts in my history. Although she didn't seem concerned, she did prepare me for the possibility that I could come back to a lower or not improved FHR and that wouldn't be good news. Reply reply. Extreme bloating at 6 weeks. 0 weeks (P <. So I went home preparing for the worst. 10 votes, 10 comments. She said they like to see it above 100. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 6 weeks low heart rate and small sac. General question. Pregnancy Week 38. I was told to come back in a week because it could go either way, but everything I am reading online is not looking good. Has anyone had this happen and the baby was fine? The dr told me 50/50 but I’m feeling really discouraged. I am now 37 weeks pregnant and her heart rate started at 90, went up to 150s mid pregnancy and now is down to the 120s. I was asked to come again 1 week later for a scan to check again, but he didn't sound Business, Economics, and Finance. Baby is measuring 6w3d. 46 votes, 31 comments. Doc saw a fetal pole measuring 6+3 (I’m 6+6) with a heartbeat but he didn’t measure the heartbeat. I can’t confidently tell you I think this will be viable. We saw the flicker of his heart on the screen and it looked so fast! The count was 87bpm. As for the yolk sac I think there's a good chance it was there and they just missed it. During my NST today, I heard the heartbeat go up and down several times -- my girl had 10 accelerations in 20 mins, and At 7 weeks I had an ultrasound to confirm embryo development. Same happened to me! Only saw yolk and gestational sacs at 5w+4. gc ow tg gi rx df zn ir rs st