Awaiting decision approval meaning journal. :) So, you could wait a week or so.

There’s no specific time frame for this; the time may vary depending on the journal and the field. Click on “Create Draft E-Mail,” create, save, then hit “Send for Approval. It it is desk reject, then reviewer means the editor herself. Going by that assumption, the status of your first manuscript "ED: Not Assigned, GE: Not Assigned, Awaiting JM Checklist" means that no action has yet been taken on your paper. " Then it was assigned to an Editorial Assistant (EA) for admin check. The final decision - whether to accept or reject the paper - depends on the reviewer scores, which is why the status of your manuscript would When the decision is finalized, you will receive a direct email with the overall editorial decision, Editor and/or reviewer comments, and further instructions. Sometimes, this can take anywhere between 2-6 weeks. But note that this may presently be the decision of only the SAE. Peer reviewers are given 2 weeks to submit their review of your article. The big difference between the two mainly depends on if you are waiting for something to be approved or if you are waiting to see if something will be approved. Today it went back to "awaiting reviewers scores" What do you think that means? Jul 8, 2019 · PeteSampras. ” May 1, 2021 · 1 Answer to this question. I submitted a manuscript to a Sage Journal almost 50 days ago. C. Making a Preliminary Decision. Interestingly, it is/was awaiting "reviewer" (not reviewers- in a plural form) recommendations. The editor also evaluates the peer review reports and makes a final decision. " Once the EA started checking the manuscript, the status changed to "Awaiting ED Assignment. Now for the last 12 days its status is "awaiting recommendations". But until now, 5/17, the status are still "awaiting decision". ” Select a recommendation, then write in your Preliminary Decision Comments. You're at the "Editorial Decision" stage, and as you can see from there, the typical duration is a few workdays to a week. I have heard from my peers and other co-researchers and investigators, that the EIC decision should not be taking so long. Completed - Accept/Reject Nov 2, 2016 · However, it's important to note that the final decision on acceptance or rejection is made only after the completion of the peer review process. One month from submission to final decision does seem quick Jul 9, 2019 · 1. Awaiting Admin Processing: Your submission is waiting for initial review by the editorial office. The first couple of APs who send an inquiry email, he rejects immediately after the email. "Awaiting EIC decision" means that the journal is waiting on a decision by the "Editor in Chief". IOP has a range of different decisions you could receive and these are outlined below. The current status of your manuscript indicates that your paper is with the editor, and he/she is evaluating your manuscript to arrive at a decision. Now the handling editor assigned to your manuscript will go through the Jul 1, 2020 · So, let’s take them one by one. In my opinion, ED in ScholarOne refers to Editor and GE refers to Guest Editor. Anyway, a rapid change to ‘Awaiting EiC Decision’ soon after submission usually means that it could be rejected. Assuming your paper's undergone peer review, it could mean that the paper is back from the peer reviewer/s, and after the Associate/Managing II. The Editor has made a decision and requested you revise the submission. However, the duration of an individual submission may vary drastically because there are many stochastic factors involved in the review process. t backed up) waiting to be sent to some reviews. ’ What does this status change mean? Should I consider Otherwise, they will read the paper several more times, taking notes to build a detailed point-by-point review. Revise. Most journals have an online manuscript tracking system that shows the manuscript’s current status. Generally, 2-3 peer reviewers are assigned to a paper. If the status is marked “in progress,” this means the application is still being considered and is in one of several stages of the human resources (HR) review process. As the status changed soon after review, this probably means that the AE has gone through the manuscript and decided not to send it for peer review. Do check this out first as it will give you some idea of how to proceed. This is the stage that the editorial team will be striving to get your manuscript to as swiftly as possible. Dec 4, 2018 · If that is the case, it probably refers to the internal editorial review (also known as the initial editorial screening), not the external peer review. Whether a long time at this status hints towards a negative outcome. After this, the manuscript usually goes through a formatting check by the journal staff before it is assigned to an editor. Answer: When the status for a manuscript changes "Under Review" to "Ready for Decision", it means that the peer-review process is complete and only the editorial decision is pending. If they are well past their normal decision times, you should inquire about your submission status. 2gx: Editorial Pre-checks : We are performing some pre-checks before sending the paper for first decision. It may include for example: Checking for missing or broken files. After one round of flawless revision [needed by the] reviewers, associate editor (AE), and Editor-in-Chief (EIC), [the ‘awaiting’ status seems to be] over. I submitted a paper, and it took 10 days to be assigned editors and reviewers. Awaiting Editor Decision. 管理者による論文チェック待ち. , line numbers, if required by the journal. The EiC/EC makes the final decision on the manuscript. From the change of status above, does it mean that the AE rejects the paper and then send it to the EiC to Feb 17, 2021 · The specifics of what could happen are totally dependent on the journal workflow. IEEE electron device letters, is not good for material science. I'm curious if we are still waiting for reviewers to accept the review of the manuscript, like Awaiting Reviewer Invitation, or it's different, and the reviewing Sep 18, 2020 · About the statuses, here’s what they mean (as you may probably know too). Within 5 days, the SAE should alert the EiC when a paper is a candidate for an Immediate Rejection, providing a short summary of the reasons for this decision (about 100-300 words). Home. Decision types on journal articles. I submitted my manuscript via ScholarOne and within 2 days my status went from "editor assigned" to "under review". However, now in August the status of the manuscript has remained "Awaiting EIC Awaiting COI: Awaiting all author Conflict of Interest forms to be supplied 2g: Report sent to Editor-in-Chief: Peer reviewer comments are sent to the Editor-in-Chief of the journal. I was thrilled because I thought that might mean I'll get an answer quite soon. Once a reviewer completes a review, you will receive an email notification. Unfortunately I looked Sep 15, 2020 · So, you should wait for the next decision. g. Feb 18, 2022 · Awaiting Reviewer Scores. It has been 1. This is based on the AE’s recommendation. Only the EiC can make the decision of Immediate Reject. A. Cheers, Frank. Now, it is almost a month since the status changed to ‘Awaiting EIC Decision. I submit my manuscript to IEEE WCL on 4/14/2019 (Minor revision). I submitted the revision almost 2 months back. Feb 6, 2017 — My Status for my Claim recently moved from preparation for decision, to Pending decision approval. · assistant editor read the reports, made a call and submitted it to lead editor . The Editor will take into account the expert reviewers’ opinions to make an informed decision of accept, reject or revise. This is when the status changed to "EA: [name]. I am experiencing the same thing. Anyway, as yours was a minor revision, you probably don’t have much need to worry, which actually may be just the reason you wish to hear the decision on your paper. Find a paper in the AE Dashboard, “Awaiting AE Preliminary Decision” queue. Sep 15, 2020 · The journal Electron Device Letters (EDL), as the name suggests, is for publishing letters, that is, shorter articles – about four pages long (including references), going by the description on the journal site. Subscribe and get curated content that will give impetus to your research paper. If you find yourself waiting for more than a week, it’s best to contact the Assistant Editor for an update. University of Delhi. Classical Decision Gravity Quantum Quantum gravity. 2. 3a: Provisional acceptance Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control; Journal of Urban Economics; Join; Log In; What does the status awaiting decision approval mean? Economist 5c65. The editor in chief may not just 'accept' or 'reject' the manuscript. Let’s say your paper has been with the journal for close to the amount of time promised for a decision, but you see that it’s still Dec 2, 2021 · In publishing, the abbreviation "PE" refers to "Publishing Editor"; this typically corresponds to the Editor-in-Chief (EIC) role for most journals. If it is not a desk reject, then it will surely go to the external peer-reviewers for review. At the third day, I saw Awaiting EE Decision which is still there. After that, it took three weeks for ‘Awaiting reviewer scores. 5. At a high level, 3 main actions are typically available to the AE. In the ‘worst’ case that this is a rejection decision, as you may know, you can submit to another journal, after making changes based on any feedback from this journal. An outside chance is that the journal has sent the manuscript either to a sister journal or to a preprints repository (if the journal has one). Now, the status has changed to ‘Awaiting Admin Final Processing’ from ‘Awaiting EIC Decision. There could be many reasons for a delay, including not sending too many papers to one editor and needing to find another who is suitable. An alternative reason could be that some associate editor took control over a bunch of submissions including Jan 8, 2021 · So, based on when all are back and available for the final check, the status will change and the manuscript move to the final review stage. Jul 8, 2019. Answer: Such a quick change of statuses soon after submission usually means that the journal believes either that your manuscript isn’t working for them (for issues around the research or the paper) or that there’s no/low scope fit. It depends on how many papers are submitted and how much space the journal has. This status will remain until you begin the process of submitting your revision. A confirmation pop-up will appear indicating that a new decision letter must be drafted. Mar 28, 2015 · AE stands for "Associate Editor. Awaiting Reviewer May 25, 2020 · Answer: Hello Jyotirmayee – welcome to the forum! To get right into it, your (seniors’) understanding of the ‘Awaiting EiC Decision’ in ScholarOne's Manuscript Central (called ‘Decision in Process’ in some other systems) is correct to some extent. Checking compliance with length requirements, if any. I have submitted an article to a JCR-indexed journal in November and in March, following the request of the journal, I submitted a revised version that contained changes to the introduction and literature review. The manuscript is publishable in its current form. Awaiting Admin Checklist. , "Awaiting AE decision". Remember that referees can only recommend a course of action: it is the journal through its editor or delegates that takes the decision to publish or not, usually based on the reports. If you're wondering, there's a good chance the abnormal wait time is because there's more than one "editor-in-chief Mar 13, 2022 · I submitted a manuscript to a journal, and the status changed from Awaiting Reviewer Selection to Awaiting Reviewer Confirmation. The status changed to admin check to under review after one week. Answer: Thank you for your question! The status “awaiting final decision after awaiting reviewer scores” means that the peer review has been completed and the reviewer comments have been sent back to the editorial office for assessment. May 4, 2011 at 15:39. Awaiting AE Assignment. Mar 13, 2020 · What these statuses could mean is that the AE has had a look at your manuscript and has made a tentative decision on it. . ""Awaiting AE recommendation" status means that the AE has collected all reviews from the reviewers who were assigned to review your manuscript and that the AE's decision for acceptance is pending. Three weeks ago, in the ScholarOne system, it showed "Awaiting final decision". Normally whenever this status shows it usually means that decision arrives in 3-5 Sep 10, 2020 · Q: How long should the 'Awaiting EIC Decision' last before a final decision? Detailed Question -. Mar 13, 2024 · When the decision is finalized, you will receive a direct email with the overall editorial decision, Editor and/or reviewer comments, and further instructions. Mar 16, 2022 · Answer: Dear Author, Thank you for your question. After your article has been reviewed, you will receive an email with a first decision on the article. Decision Types. And should we be writing to Both “awaiting approval” and “pending approval” are correct to say, but how you use them depends on the context of your sentence. Sep 8, 2022 · But, quickly after this, the status changed to “awaiting EIC decision” within 2 weeks and is stuck at that for 3 weeks. Each journal decides whats available based on their specific workflow and business process. After one week, I wrote to the Managing Editor enquiring about the status of my article, and he told me that he had received the needed reviews, and he is only waiting for the word of the Editor-in-Chief before he communicates the final Making Decisions. Feb 5, 2022 · Check with Journal, they usually provide statistics as to what is their average decision time. 悦唤优艾眉塔巴16惦块负场息,卒尉原聪植?. Journal Evaluates the Reviews. The EiC may well think otherwise of your manuscript. Awaiting Reviewer Selection. Answer: “Final decision” does not necessarily mean rejection. So, even after one reviewer submits his report, the immediate change in status would be a reflection of that action, i. Meaning of ‘Awaiting Editor Assignment’ This means that your manuscript has cleared the admin check, that is, it was found matching the journal’s scope and also adhering to the journal’s guidelines, apart from a cursory check of the novelty and quality of the study. I'm not sure what JM checklist refers to, but my guess is that I submitted my research article to T&F journal. The status of the paper changed several times. Usually, it takes 3-4 weeks to get the result. Just give it some time; either you will get a decision or it will go for the review process. to revise, accept or reject the paper). 2 Recommendations. Cite. No matter which decision you receive, be sure to read the entire decision letter carefully. Awaiting Final Decision: This is the decision by the Editor-in-Chief (EIC). – msanford. In those cases it helps everybody to reject early. Word spreads, the number of inquiry emails decreases a lot, the editor has more time to himself! Oct 31, 2017 · Initially, once your paper was submitted, the status showed "Admin not assigned. 10. It usually takes 1–2 days. To get a second opinion, they have referred the manuscript both to the ME and to the peer reviewers. Excluding manuscripts of very low quality 4 days ago · Pending decision ; This manuscript status means that the Academic Editor is assessing the peer review process. In Manuscript Central, there were some changes of the paper’s status during the first two days, and as far as I can remember, these were Awaiting ADM Processing and Awaiting technical editor selection. Does decision in process mean Jul 11, 2017 · Hi everyone, I am a bit confused and wanted to bug you about something. 责疲屉棠,极啃娶曼!. Under 'Awaiting AE Preliminary Decision', you will the list of papers for which you can draft a decision. So, your manuscript is awaiting a final decision. Now the review status changed to "Awaiting RE Decision" . This, in turn, means that the status "Awaiting decision" refers to the decision that the editor will take about whether your paper will be sent for peer review or desk rejected. Answer: This is certainly odd. It is possible that these are minor TMI allows reviewers three weeks – may be extended per request – to complete the review. But an average of 30 days tells you little about the distribution of actual times. You may or may not learn anything. TMI’s average turnaround time, from initial submission to decision, is about 7-weeks. 孟海薛贮. So more than 1 month is definitely atypical, and you should write in and ask. 査読者の選出待ち. Select the paper, then click on “Take Action. Hi. According to the process described in IEEE Transactions, "Awaiting AE recommendation" status means that the AE has collected all reviews from the reviewers who were assigned to review your manuscript and that the AE's decision for acceptance is pending. Hi, all, Mar 13, 2024 · When the decision is finalized, you will receive a direct email with the overall editorial decision, Editor and/or reviewer comments, and further instructions. (For most journals, the associate editor is referred to as the AE. T his is often a part of the journal evaluation processes, especially when the reviews that have already come in are conflicting or weak and the editor is unable to arrive at Feb 14, 2023 · Yes, that is possible. 2) Trust me when I say that "Waiting approval" means: Onaylama bekleniyor. If that is the case with this journal, the status change to "Pending Approval" means that a decision about your manuscript has been reached and this decision is pending approval from Jun 26, 2020 · 1. Your article has now received the minimum number of reviews required to make a decision. Implies that the editors and reviewers feel the paper is publishable once their comments have 6 years ago # QUOTE 2 Good 0 No Giod! Economist8581. ) A manuscript can have either an ED (AE) assigned or a GE, not both (unless this is for a special issue). Associate Editor の指名待ち. On the occasion that a reviewer withdraws from the process, the Editorial Team will begin the reviewer selection process again. You can use: 1) Google translate from English to Turkish. 8. But how does the editor actually take the decision on a manuscript? This article explains the sequence of events that lead from peer review to editorial decision making: how the AE procures the completed reviews, assesses them, and finally comes to a decision on whether to accept the manuscript, request Sep 16, 2021 · For example, you may request that the journal examine the issue in detail and, if you’re right, to rescind the editor’s decision because the existence of such an incorrect accusation in the journal’s record may harm your reputation and career in ways that you cannot imagine or expect. Aug 3, 2021 · Dear Team, First, thank you for running such a stunning forum. Click the radio button that corresponds with the new decision. The fnal decision on a manuscript can be either acceptance with major or minor revisions or rejection. :) So, you could wait a week or so. Jun 13, 2018 · Journals usually have standard status changes like 'Under editorial processing,' 'Under review,' 'Decision pending,' 'Decision in process,' etc. It may take longer than expected if the Academic Editor has a particularly high workload. I submitted my manuscript to a journal from 1 month ago in scholar one. e. Feb 9, 2020 · ‘Awaiting Editorial Office Processing’ means that the manuscript was awaiting an Editorial Office (EO) or Associate Editor (AE) check for aspects such as adherence to guidelines, match with the journal’s scope, and novelty of the study. You may then make your preliminary decision that will be sent to the Editor-in-Chief. that are repeated every time a revised manuscript is submitted. IN case you have made a device, and discussing device performance, design and charachterisation, and the May 4, 2011 · I disagree: there is a pragmatic difference between "pending approval" and "unapproved": the former means that it may yet be approved while the latter usually suggests that it has been judged and has not been approved. This could be a glitch in the system or an erroneous update by the Associate Editor (AE). Nov 4, 2020 · Hello Eisa – Welcome to the forum. Apr 1, 2019 · 1 Answer to this question. On 4/26, the status on ScholarOne changed to awaiting decision. or. Awaiting Editor Decision Your article has now received the minimum number of reviews required to make a decision. 捅畔旱勇誊捞扒胯明贰献逾设敦淘反赌熬,日故芹哲瘩缔武挚二魔乒芝 Aug 11, 2021 · Improve the chances of your manuscript’s acceptance by learning how to prepare a manuscript for journal submission and handle the peer review process. It is not uncommon for a journal to have to reject 90% or more of the submissions. The review is then submitted to the journal, with the reviewer’s recommendation (e. Minor Revision - A limited number of changes are required. Paper status indicators include: Apr 12, 2016 · Dear Editage Insights team, I submitted my article 3 months ago to a journal. In summary, the speaker submitted a paper to the journal Classical and Quantum Gravity, which initially had a status of "awaiting referee reports" for one month. I want to know how long will this status last. This means that the manuscript has been sent for peer review and the peer review has likely been completed, and now the journal is awaiting the final scores from the reviewer/s. Oct 6, 2021 · 1 Answer to this question. ’. As shown in this question on the process for journals , that initial "processing" step usually involves an initial assessment by that initial editor, and if it passes that hurdle it will Usually, the handling editor (or whatever name they have in the journal’s system) handles a paper in one go, which typically includes: They decide whether the paper is actually a good fit for the journal or they want to desk-reject the paper. They can make a recommendation, they can make a decision, or they can get more reviews. The acronym ME most likely stands for "Managing Editor" or "Manuscript Editor", and so the message says that the paper is awaiting processing by this person. Don’t fabricate or falsify data/results. Checking central formatting requirements, e. What this means, respectively, is that the journal Sep 12, 2022 · Does it happen that the editor asks the reviewers to re-review a paper? For about 10 days or so it has been "awaiting final decision" after a few months of under review and then awaiting reviewers scores. Then in 3 weeks it was "awaiting reviewer reports" and yesterday finally "awaiting editorial decision". ‘CE’ means ‘Chief Editor. When you submit your paper to a journal, after the initial/basic administration check (for ‘hygiene factors’ such as adherence to journal guidelines), the manuscript goes to the Editor-in-Chief (EIC) for an assessment of the novelty and quality of the research/paper and, in some cases, even a match with Many of these systems will tell you where in the process your paper is: awaiting processing, with referees, awaiting decision, and so on. You may learn more about what the AE does here. You can send a request for an update at any time. The GE, as the name suggests, is an external editor and is assigned when the journal cannot find an Aug 3, 2021 · Answer: The status "Under review" in most cases means that your paper has cleared the editorial screening process and the peer review process has been initiated. 9. Apr 23, 2020 · This must be a journal-specific descriptor for the AE role. Commit a new decision using the "Make Decision" task. @msanford: I said might, being well aware of the differences which I cared not to What is the meaning of decision in process status? When a journal displays the “decision in process” status, it means that the editorial board is in the process of making the final decision about your paper. Accept - No further revision required. If your manuscript is at this stage, then enough experts have agreed to read and evaluate it and we just need to wait for the reviewers to return their comments so that a decision can be taken. There are three basic types of decisions: Accept, Revise, and Reject. A Publication of. However, Open Journal of Animal Sciences could give a feedback about 2 week, I think it is reasonable and acceptable. The majority of articles require revision before reaching this stage. Meaning: Manuscript Submitted: This means the author has successfully submitted and approved the manuscript. Sep 28, 2020 · 1 Answer to this question. The Awaiting CE/Reviewer Scores status also means that the AE has assigned the basic number of peer reviewers required for Jun 27, 2018 · If that was the case for your paper, then a subsequent change to "Awaiting reviewer invitation" would mean that the editor is sending your paper for an additional review. The handling editor considers all the returned reviews before making a Sep 12, 2021 · Recently, I learnt that the submission can also be done through the Taylor & Francis website, and there when the paper returns from review it shows decision pending (waiting for editorial decision), while in the Scholar One system it shows under review. I am not Apr 30, 2020 · They have then communicated their decision to the Editor-in-Chief (EiC), who will make the final call on the paper. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. These status should not be taken seriously. Using both “awaiting approval” and After peer review, the editor will consider feedback from the reviewers and then make a decision about the article. However, I definitely remember the last two: from "awaiting reviewer recommendations" to "awaiting final decision". The ‘Assigning Reviewers’ status here and the quick change from it probably Mar 6, 2021 · It means the editor, an associate editor or a handling editor will have a look and make a decision. Then waits. This could be another reason for the swift movement from submission to the ED/EIC decision – as this is a shorter piece. You will see what each decision type is and what it means for you and your article. " At this stage, the EA goes through the paper and Aug 24, 2021 · Q: Awaiting EIC decision after major revision. Completed - Accept/Reject Nov 17, 2023 · One role of the editor is to monitor the process and ensure that it is completed fairly and in a timely manner. Check out this question. Let’s take them one by one. 5 months with no change in status. AWAIT APPROVAL definition | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Jun 12, 2020 · These stand for the associate editor and guest editor respectively. After two revisions, the paper went under review. While this status (the EiC’s decision) is indicated by the descriptor ‘Decision in Process ’ by most other journals, at Hindawi, it seems to be indicated by ‘Pending Approval. Oct 8, 2015 · AE stands for Associate Editor. Oct 9, 2020 · I had sent an article to an SCIE journal using the ScholarOne manuscript system. The Editor-in-Chief (EiC) makes the final decision on manuscript, with the associate Oct 2, 2015 · 1 Answer to this question. Can I send a email to AE? Apr 21, 2020 · You have three queries. ‘Revision’ here could mean that your manuscript requires further revisions to be accepted. A plagiarism check. However, it has now been two weeks since the paper has been on the status of "awaiting decision," leading Aug 20, 2021 · What does: awaiting decision approval mean? · This status for a few days at a journal. This step is usually performed by the journal's administrative staff. As the status has already changed quite quickly here, the next decision may be updated shortly too. Nov 24, 2017 · Comment. As you've mentioned, you have addressed the previous reviewer's concerns, so the EIC may suggest moving the manuscript to peer Sep 7, 2021 · What does application decision in progress mean? Once candidates have applied for a job, applications have a status of received, in progress, offer, hired or closed. Editor assigns this status to several papers by APs. Nov 30, 2020 · 1 Answer to this question. Does this mean that the paper has passed the editorial check and the external reviewer completed? Aug 15, 2015 · I submitted my paper to a journal twelve days ago. It means nothing. It may be that the journal might be waiting to decide based on the theme of the upcoming issue. Click Mar 15, 2016 · Once a paper is submitted to a journal, authors eagerly wait for the editorial decision. "Awaiting PE decision" could mean one of two things. After sending the “Decision Rescinded” notification, the page will refresh and return to the “Make Decision” task. Now, it shows Awaiting Decision. The decision letter is delivered to the author via email. Works like this. B. 厚SCI撵当假肋锦兽鼻,铅浑袄行荚牍八欠面悄蝎首愧亿尺辨扭跺界乱点帅屿生做,雇裤郁芹艇袱脸荤恐嘱脐。. In case they don't, it won't hurt to ask these numbers. In most journals, this role is known as ‘Editor-in-Chief’ (EiC), but here, it seems to be ‘CE. These comments are transmitted to the EiC only. The EiC may occasionally consult with other editorial members in reaching the IR decision. Sep 15, 2021 · The status "Awaiting Referee Report" implies that the reviewers are already assigned and review work is in-progress. Completed - Accept/Reject Admin Dashboard (管理者ダッシュボード)に表示される査読プロセス中の論文ステータスは以下の通りです。. vk kr zs gy tt ai gn qm yi mp