Right to know ato. au) that contains statistics for.
Right to know ato Oct 29, 2017 · I notice the ATO is responding to Right To Know FOI requests by attaching a PDF with further instructions to obtain other information from the ATO FOI Order website rather than simply attaching all relevant information to your email response. I request the following documents under the Freedom of Information Act: 1. Oct 22, 2020 · When interacting with the Department call center, is it mandatory to have to make a 'voice print' ? When placing a phone call to the Department, early in the automated call center process, the system reads a script to the caller which states that the caller will be given a 'choice' to make a voice print. Net or those which Mar 13, 2013 · “Annotations on Right to Know are to help people get the information they want, or to give them pointers to places they can go to help them act on it. This calculated is then inferred by Right to Know for intermediate events, which weren't given an explicit description by a user. Mar 8, 2018 · Julie made this Freedom of Information request to Australian Taxation Office This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. The documents I request are : 1. Jun 26, 2017 · Dear Australian Taxation Office, This is a freedom of information request. Any complaints or concerns raised. Yours faithfully, Natalie Wood May 10, 2016 · I request all emails sent from the Commissioner, Second Commissioners, or Deputy Commissioners, to any recipient, in the last week of April 2016 (ie. 3. TEAM, I thank you for your response. the building that the ATO regard as their headquarters (or equivalent) that they do business from? To be clear, a Post office box number is not required and is therefore regarded as irrelevant information in regard to this request. 2. Oct 21, 2020 · This is a request for information under the FOI Act. May 9, 2024 · Individuals and businesses can obtain documents, free of charge and without having to make an FOI request, via a copies of tax documents request. Initially, the tax office did not respond but when they did they weren Mar 27, 2016 · I request any relevant document(s) which summarise misconduct by ATO staff. As outlined in my response to they ATO they know this full well. Any declarations made of any other gifts received, including the gift type, and estimate value. To assist in narrowing the request I provide the following statement. Jun 23, 2017 · Dear Australian Taxation Office, This a request under the Commonwealth Freedom of Information Act. Yours faithfully, Paul Williams Details of request “ATO” Event history. Jun 18, 2016 · I refer to my FOI request titled 'SES Communications regarding ATO Enterprise Agreement offer' and your subsequent decision erroneously dated 17 May 2016 (your reference: 1-85DQTML). The document 'Compass Evaluation Survey' which is accessible at the below link: Jun 23, 2017 · Dear Australian Taxation Office, This a request under the Commonwealth Freedom of Information Act. Withdrawn by the requester. All documents put to the ATO Executive in relation to the matter. T. Response by Australian Taxation Office to Scott, of the family Chapman on December 14, 2020 . Can you please provide me with the document The Secret Weapon Behind Every Great Mechanic… Good mechanics don’t guess—we know. I make this request as an administrative decision, however should that be unsuccessful I make this request under the Freedom of Information Act. Employ Florida Help Finding a Job Mar 27, 2016 · I request any relevant document(s) which summarise misconduct by ATO staff. Mar 30, 2021 · This is a list of all contact between the ATO and Right to Know: 10 March 2016 – ATO request removal of 6 requests containing personal information. Mar 9, 2016 · With respect to the pay rise awarded to ATO Senior Executive Service (SES) staff in December 2015, I seek all relevant documents which address compliance with the Workplace Bargaining Policy 2015. Holding Government Accountable. Caveat emptor! Florida Has a Right to Know. Yours faithfully, Harry Houdini calculated is then inferred by Right to Know for intermediate events, which weren't given an explicit description by a user. I also request documents showing this issue has been fixed or if it has not id event_type created_at described_state last_described_at calculated_state link; 36281 sent 2018-11-10 14:14:22 +1100 waiting_response id event_type created_at described_state last_described_at calculated_state link; 11706 sent 2015-12-27 20:36:20 +1100 waiting_response calculated is then inferred by Right to Know for intermediate events, which weren't given an explicit description by a user. Yours faithfully, FOI Team Dear Applicant, The ATO has received your FOI req My Registration back to 1991 of all SMSF, Trusts, Companies, and associated entities. 25 April onwards), on the topic of communicating messages to all ATO employees about the proposed ATO Enterprise Agreement. org. Nov 30, 2020 · Can you please provide me with the physical 'Primary' registered address of the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) i. This could be used to generate information about the speed with which authorities respond to requests, the number of requests which require a postal response and much more. I would like to see the broad spectrum of offences committed, and what the resulting consequences were for staff generally, in addition to the types of offences, and the number of occurrences of each offence Details of request “ATO Audit procedures” Event history. A transcript of your whole speach 2. calling of the tender 2. Any other documents Dec 11, 2020 · As reported in the media it appears the ATO considers Clause 50 of the ATO Enterprise Agreement does not apply to staff working from home as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Aug 18, 2016 · For the benefit of myself, other users of Right To Know, and the public, please detail the legal basis by which you appear to have concluded that the ATO has the right to ignore requests made via Right To Know. any technical specifications or requirements issued by the ATO in relation to the tender or contract The Aug 19, 2016 · The procedural correspondence is of very great interest to all the people who read it on Right to Know and who annotate the material on Right to Know. There may be an explanation in the correspondence below. I request all comments made by public servants about enterprise bargaining on the SharePoint discussion board and any Yammer groups which have a focus on enterprise bargaining. Yours faithfully, J. A declaração foi feita durante ato bolsonarista na orla de Copacabana, no Rio de Janeiro. Yours faithfully, Keith Owen Sep 8, 2018 · Dear FOI. Contact us if you think it ought be re-opened. I also request documents showing this issue has been fixed or if it has not Jun 16, 2017 · I would like to request access to all documents relating to any investigations into the management or management practices of the Information Management branch of the ATO Corporate area. I also request any 'toolkits', 'frequently asked questions', 'fact sheets', or similar, which may have been provided to May 21, 2018 · Internal procedure documents, and scripts for ATO call center employees regarding notifying an effective address for service Response by Australian Taxation Office to Keith Owen on July 18, 2018 . LEGAL. This may include for example applications which have been developed in a programming language such as . Jun 29, 2019 · I believe that refused is the appropriate classification for this request since the ATO's practice (at least in my case) differs from the legislation, Documents relating to the OpenAustralia Foundation between 28 May 2022 and 28 November 2022 Feb 19, 2017 · (2) Instead, use this Right to Know page (or you can create a new request page) to write exactly the same request to the Australian Taxation Office. Dec 6, 2024 · This is request for information under the Freedom of Information Act. Any discussions on the topic on internal staff discussion boards 4. Ramez Katf, $61,630 Refer table 4. Response by Australian Taxation Office to John Donaldson on May 17, 2024 . This is a request for information under the FOI Act. Yours faithfully, Willy Wonka Nov 21, 2019 · Attention Scott Morrison, In summary a tax return was returned to the tax office accompanied by an affidavit supporting a claim for the entire deduction the tax office had collected over the previous financial year and for this amount to be returned on the basis of the substantive points made in the accompanying affidavit. The scope of this request Do not request personal information using this site. 1 day ago · O pastor Silas Malafaia afirmou, neste domingo (16), que o ministro Alexandre de Moraes, do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), é um “criminoso”. Boyle believed the ATO was using heavy-handed debt collection practices on individuals and small businesses including seizing money from their bank accounts, sometimes without their Dec 1, 2021 · Hello ATO. All documents held by the ATO that support, for each proposed condition listed on the dashboard, the ATO view that each proposed condition represents an improvement (or otherwise). Oct 24, 2017 · I request all documents explaining why employees with personal leave usage of 10 days or less in the last 12 months do not receive MAP@Work emails reminding them of health and wellbeing tips and giving notice how their usage compares to the ATO average. We reserve the right to remove anything else. Mar 3, 2025 · I believe that refused is the appropriate classification for this request since the ATO's practice (at least in my case) differs from the legislation, Documents relating to the OpenAustralia Foundation between 28 May 2022 and 28 November 2022 Aug 7, 2017 · In doing so the ATO has set a precedent where it can besmirch an individuals reputation to protect itself from serious analysis and criticism concerning its own conduct. And that’s because we have the right information at our fingertips. Initially, the tax office did not respond but when they did they weren Feb 25, 2023 · This request has been withdrawn by the person who made it. Right to Know Pro is a Feb 14, 2025 · Yours faithfully, FOI Team Dear Applicant, The ATO has received your FOI req Documents Relating to the Sharing of DVA Client Information Response by Australian Taxation Office to noseyrosey on February 07, 2025 . You have the right to request information from any publicly-funded body, and get answers. Yours faithfully, John Lloyd Do not request personal information using this site. All documents in which the ATO Executive, and other appropriate SES officers (where applicable) gave direction or approval to act in response to the outages Mar 8, 2018 · Dear Australian Taxation Office, 1) Please define an audit. All documents the ATO sent to the APSC for the purpose of completing the ATO's contribution to the Common Conditions Dashboard. Requests were hidden on the same day as they contained personal information. e. ” Jul 2, 2016 · I request all documents created in the last 12 months which address patronage and nepotism in ATO recruitment processes. I request all documents including directions, advice, opinions, queries etc, between the APSC and ATO relating to working from home arrangements under the current pandemic including any specifically related to Clause 50 of the current ATO Enterprise Agreement. It aims high and offers compassion, fellowship, and practical tools to individuals who are suffering. Yours Aug 19, 2016 · For the benefit of those who don't wish to click through to the ATO's ridiculous and clunky FOI responses site, when such information could just as easily been provided here on RtK like it is by just about every other agency, the ATO claimed no documents existed regarding the approval of the squat toilet (which is difficult to believe, as money cannot be spent by agencies without some approval Dec 13, 2020 · This is a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act. Yours faithfully James Smith Sep 8, 2018 · I note your FOI request through the Right to Know website to the Department of Human Services (DHS), also made on 8 September 2018, seeking: I would like to access the document "memorandum of understanding" between the ATO and DHS regarding the use of ATO data for DHS purposes. id event_type created_at described_state last_described_at calculated_state link; 27053 sent 2017-06-26 13:58:16 +1000 waiting_response Jun 26, 2017 · This is a freedom of information request. Any complaints put to you in relation to your comment 3. Sincerely yours Sarah Van Winkle Closure of the staff gym at the ATO office in Hobart Follow up sent to Australian Taxation Office by Mark R. Do not request personal information using this site. Apr 1, 2019 · Dear Commissioner of Taxation I'm advised in a recent speach you gave to the Tax Institute you referred to some A. May 14, 2018 · Internal Procedure Documents, instruction to employees for the ATO to minimise any negative media stories. Aug 10, 2017 · I request all documents related to any payments made by the ATO to the Australian Services Union or ASU officials that are in any way connected with visits to ATO sites by ASU officials, for the purpose of enterprise bargaining or related matters associated with the 2017 ATO Enterprise Agreement. Diamond on December 19, 2013 . e super). au'. Sep 8, 2018 · I note your FOI request through the Right to Know website to the Department of Human Services (DHS), also made on 8 September 2018, seeking: I would like to access the document "memorandum of understanding" between the ATO and DHS regarding the use of ATO data for DHS purposes. Refused. I request the following documents if such documents exist: 1. By business-developed I mean applications which have been developed by ATO staff or contractors, not including the core systems mentioned in media articles such as ICP and Siebel. Right To Know aims to make it easier for everyone to find and make requests, growing a public collection of information requested available in a few different ways. While you may publish all correspondence on your website in relation to this request, I expect all 1 day ago · Know THIS before you purchase auto insurance. The Primary Registered address that the ATO does business from. As a new FOI request, I seek all documents which were created in the process of obtaining information to make your decision to exempt material which was identified in the scope of my original request. 00 by four-fold = $744,000. gov. As the ATO has previously fulfilled FOI requests through Right To Know, it appears the ATO has recently made a decision to ignore further requests made through Right To Know. 00 + $204,132. O. Nov 10, 2018 · Ive been informed of a recent large-scale breach of security at the tax office whereby large volumes of sensitive taxpayer data have been stored on unrestricted 'share drives' without appropriate access or audit controls. May 11, 2017 · You may have been aware from previous blog posts that the ATO has been refusing to process valid Freedom of Information Requests requests made via Right to Know since August last year. Aug 18, 2016 · I refer to my previous request 'Impact of protracted bargaining on ATO employee morale' dated 17 August 2016. Why? The Australian Taxation Office is the Federal Government's main revenue collection agency. Legal practitioners assisting individuals or businesses can access our automated service to access their client’s documents. ATO Counsel Statement 3: Publishing material on Right to Know "makes finding the material disclosed in response to the requrest more difficult than it is on the ATO's website". Helpful Links. Dec 14, 2017 · Good morning Ms Middleton Further to our previous email, here is a link to an ATO spreadsheet (published on data. Any policy documents which govern the general use of third-party data within the ATO. calculated is then inferred by Right to Know for intermediate events, which weren't given an explicit description by a user. Any ATO response to such complaints including reports and/or recommendations made to delegates Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require clarification. Nov 21, 2019 · Attention Josh Frydenburg In summary a tax return was returned to the tax office accompanied by an affidavit supporting a claim for the entire deduction the tax office had collected over the previous financial year and for this amount to be returned on the basis of the substantive points made in the accompanying affidavit. I'm requesting the recent email sent from Smarter Data to all Smarter Data staff on this issue. Easily find information that’s already been requested. I would like to see the broad spectrum of offences committed, and what the resulting consequences were for staff generally, in addition to the types of offences, and the number of occurrences of each offence Feb 13, 2020 · Please provide all documents relating to the Open Tender of and contract for Computer Services by the ATO awarded to Macquarie Telecom Pty Limited ("Macquarie') including documents relating to the : 1. As you know this matter is subject of an OAIC complaint. I request the following documents pertaining to current members of the ATO Executive over the last 5 years: 1. I also seek any documentation which details any productivity or productivity-related measures linked to the SES pay offer. It also publishes all requests online. Dec 13, 2020 · This is a request for information under the Freedom of Information Act. Details of request “ATO use of third party data” Event history. Initially, the tax office did not respond but when they did they weren Australian Taxation Office (ATO) whistleblower Richard Boyle spent months asking his superiors to investigate his concerns that the ATO was abusing its powers. Any documents detailing gifted airline lounge memberships (such as the Qantas Chairmans' lounge or similar) 2. 23 (p. I also request any 'toolkits', 'frequently asked questions', 'fact sheets', or similar, which may have been provided to Nov 21, 2019 · Attention Scott Morrison, In summary a tax return was returned to the tax office accompanied by an affidavit supporting a claim for the entire deduction the tax office had collected over the previous financial year and for this amount to be returned on the basis of the substantive points made in the accompanying affidavit. In your response, you indicated 'the ATO does not process FOI requests received via righttoknow. non-work related nature. Jun 30, 2016 · I request the following documents: 1. Documents which describe how ATO staff, for example, data analysts, would check to ensure their use of third-party data is consistent with any May 14, 2018 · I apply to access any reports of misconduct by any ATO Prosecutor for failing to adhere to the Model LItigant Directions during the period 01/06/2017 to 14/06/2018. Mar 7, 2016 · The FOI Act was created to give individuals and organisations the right to access documents we hold. Endless, political discussions are not allowed. Yours May 10, 2016 · I request all emails sent from the Commissioner, Second Commissioners, or Deputy Commissioners, to any recipient, in the last week of April 2016 (ie. In particular, matters concerning unauthorised access to taxpayer records and misuse of Commonwealth resources. Jun 23, 2017 · This is a request for information under the Commonwealth FOI Act. Keith Owen made this Freedom of Information request to Australian Taxation Office This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body . Post a link to a suitable forum or campaign site elsewhere. Documents detailing which particular classes of employees have general access to third-party data held by the ATO. This Nov 22, 2023 · 1. This has the effect of making it more difficult for the public to access the contained information and I question the justification to send Details of request “ATO Working from Home COVID” Event history. See the search tips for description of the states. Right to Know helps you make a Freedom of Information request. . 2) Can you please verify the steps ATO staff follow regarding conducting audits of a Company (i. The electronic address at righttoknow. I would like a document showing how many ATO employees chose to opt out of providing home address details to the ballot provider currently undertaking the enterprise bargaining ballot. Our FOI disclosure log lists publicly available documents released under freedom of information (FOI) access requests. 6 hours ago · The ATO has developed the NFP self-review return flowchart to provide a step-by-step guide on how to access and lodge the return online through Online services for business. au that is associated with this email is the relevant address for the purposes of section 15(2)(c) of the FOI Act. I seek any Memorandum of Understanding that specifically applies to the Child Support Program and the Australian Taxation Office. Noel calculated is then inferred by Right to Know for intermediate events, which weren't given an explicit description by a user. The scope of this request calculated is then inferred by Right to Know for intermediate events, which weren't given an explicit description by a user. Nov 20, 2024 · Yours faithfully, FOI Team Dear Applicant, The ATO has receiv position titles, SAS Overflow & Debt/ Lodgement Outsource Response by Australian Taxation Office to John Smith on September 01, 2020 . I request all emails sent to or from the current Commissioner of Taxation since 1 April 2017 that are of a personal, ie. Yours faithfully, Willy Wonka Feb 14, 2025 · Yours faithfully, FOI Team Dear Applicant, The ATO has received your FOI req Documents Relating to the Sharing of DVA Client Information Response by Australian Taxation Office to noseyrosey on February 07, 2025 . This is a request for the following documents under the FOI Act: - Documents confirming the ATO decision that Clause 50 does not apply to staff working from home during the pandemic - Documents created in reaching that Feb 3, 2017 · I refer to the widely reported outages of ATO IT systems this week (ending 3 February 2017). Mar 7, 2025 · Part of the Treasury portfolio and a Federal authority, also called ATO. NFPs can also phone the ATO's self-help phone service on 13 72 26 to lodge by phone or use their registered tax agent. I request access to any documents created between 2015 and the current date. au) that contains statistics for Statistics for individuals and companies Response by Australian Taxation Office to Julie Middleton on January 06, 2020 . ATO PTY LIMITED owe BASILIOS TSIOPELAS $948,132. This table shows the technical details of the internal events that happened to this request on Right to Know. However the caller is not given the option to decline making a voice print, but is Aug 18, 2016 · I refer to my previous request 'Impact of protracted bargaining on ATO employee morale' dated 17 August 2016. Jeremy Hirschorn, $58,695 2. While you may publish all correspondence on your website in relation to this request, I expect all I was just placed on ATO with mo notice or explanation other than a pending investigation, Do I have a right to know Lawyer's Assistant chat Customer: I was just placed on ATO with mo notice or explanation other than a pending investigation Lawyer's Assistant: Just to confirm, were any reasons given as grounds for the termination? Mar 8, 2018 · Julie made this Freedom of Information request to Australian Taxation Office This request has been closed to new correspondence from the public body. Jun 30, 2016 · This FOI request relates to the use of business-developed applications (BDAs) within the ATO. This includes matters such as: 1. I refer to your latest annual report indicating the following bonuses were paid: 1. employees as "Village Idiots". Dec 15, 2019 · ATO claiming $186,000. You can get this page in computer-readable format as part of the main JSON page for the request. Jan 25, 2017 · Since August 2016, the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has been refusing to process the valid Freedom of Information requests they receive from people using Right To Know. Documents which describe how ATO staff, for example, data analysts, would check to ensure their use of third-party data is consistent with any Jan 14, 2025 · Right to Know is rapidly filling the void with a broad range of supportive and educational initiatives. 100) I request documents which detail the performance metrics associated with these bonus payments. Any time you select an insurance plan, you need to be aware of — and comfortable with — the amount of Feb 19, 2017 · If you require any further information regarding the documents I seek, please let me know. the contract awarded to Macquarie (please provide a copy) 3. 00 = $948,132. If you want to grumble, then you can always say (in the new request email) that you made the same request earlier on this-and-then date. 00 . Aug 31, 2016 · Dear FOI Section - Attorney-General's Department I would like to make a freedom of information request under the FOI Act in the following terms: - All documents including correspondence (electronic and print) and briefings in 2016 relating to the ATO’s decision to ban Freedom of Information requests via the Right to Know site (run by the Open Australia Foundation). At least two of the people who have had their requests blocked have lodged complaints to the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) . Malafaia organizou a manifestação que defende a anistia de envolvidos nos atos do 8 de janeiro de 2023. The scope of this request includes all comments made at any time since 1 May 2017 and includes any edited or deleted comments, including comments on any May 14, 2018 · I request access to any Internal Procedure Documents, Policy Documents and scripts or instructions provided to ATO Call Center Employees dealing with requests from a Tax Payer to notify an "Address for Service" as defined in the Taxation Administration Act and Income Tax Regulations 1936 - specifically relating to sections 36 through to 40 of the Regulations when a Tax Payer notifies the ATO Details of request “ATO Social media blocking” Event history. dnudfr hxsmpx hclsgjkh xtwjwv qzo ucfuw jos mqv qtbcf ajpjfo gah oswrmdh dvld mxfekdhd dwgmxeb