Joy con screws for switch reddit. Maybe they iterated on it and prefected that solution.
Joy con screws for switch reddit That controller worked perfectly fine for an entire year until both Joy-Cons start experiencing drift at around the same time. I don’t really understand why, what I presume to be a relatively cheap piece of plastic, isn’t included in the box given the high price point of new Joy Con. I repaired a friend's drifting Joy Con without a replacement stick, sprays, or cardstock shim PSA Let me start by confessing I don't own a Switch or any joycons myself; however, I've heard stories about drift online for years and was always curious why some people experienced it on their controllers and others didn't. If you need it, you can refer to it. I've done a bit of research and, apart from the stressful, complicated teardown process of the Joy-Cons, people seem to have trouble in finding the right type of screwdriver for the Joy-Con shells' tri-wing screws. This will leave the bottom half of the screw stuck in the back shell making it useless. We are a… Admittedly, the stock dust cover inside the Joy Con does cover everything for the most part, but there seems to be a very slight gap where the cover does not meet the joystick. I think they look great, so I'm glad I finally have the Joy-Cons I've wanted since day one :) Just a note if you're thinking of replacing your shells -go VERY slowly. So I knew the shell wasn't the issue. You don't have to Hulk out on the screw to take it apart. I recently sent both of my Joy-Cons in for repair due to drift issues. There are a bunch of screws that need removed and 1 of them is giving me weird ass problems. These nuances between screw types and more are in this Nintendo Switch screwdriver wiki resource . ) But I stripped the top right screw near the ZL button to the point of the screw being just a circle. I have a friend who bought a Switch secondhand that came with a few games and a pro controller. Will Nintendo still repair your joy con if the screws are stripped? Question I'm thinking about sending my joy-con to Nintendo so they can fix the drifting but I just remembered that a few years ago I tried to fix the controller myself and stripped the screws. In fact, using a PH driver in a JIS screw can damage the screw. I did search both subs before posting. The central hub for all news, updates, rumors, and topics relating to the Nintendo Switch. As a side Update- 12. Of topic slightly. To make things worse, the first stick I was sent was defective, so when I opened it back up to put in my new functioning stick, another screw stripped . My guess is that it is much better than previous batches, but it would be nice to get replacement covers if there was a way. I used a left handed drill but to get it out. How do this even happen lol have had a switch since launch and the joy cons still work perfectly fine maybe if your playing smash in handled mode alot Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size I ended up using a very fine drill bit and drilled out the screw head, then removed the backplate and used needle nosed pliers to twist out the screw. They are slightly shorter and wider than the Nintendo screws, but they worked so much better for me and the shells are closed nice and snug. Ten of those screws screw into metal of the baseplate holding the screen and motherboard. The switch is not a bad unit. My question is what kind of drill did he use? (he didnt mention in description and the comment section hasnt helped) i already misbought a cheap $10 drill and trust me it had no effect at all lol. This isn’t the first screw you’ll strip in life or the last. 45 USD per pair or 2 sets for 72. My solution was to put a small cut in the screw hole on the new backplate, making a "c" shape out of the screw hole. It’s easier to have that than to look for a rubber band or melt a pen. 5" screws to work best. Also tested my other left joycon too and it's working perfectly normal. I’ve been there. Either regular transparent or coloured transparent like the play it loud game boys. I saw many videos on how to replace the plastic latch with metal so the problem won't happen again so I decided to do this to myself and order a set of aluminum alloy joycon latches. or super glue it back on and send it to Nintendo for a free joycon stick replacement. Hi guys, I felt obliged to put this post up; I have suffered for months, and I have fixed that suffering very quickly and pain-free. I prefer it over the Pro Controller D-Pad (I compared it with my friend’s Pro Con) The most important thing is to organize your screws. I own a day 1 Switch, and my Joy-Cons started drifting about 6 months ago Found a fix for my joy-con wiggle. Posted by u/StarBit22 - 1 vote and no comments I'm thrilled to announce that the long-awaited Switch Joy-con hall sensor replacement by Gulikit is finally available for purchase! These high-quality replacements can be found on the official Gulikit Store on Aliexpress, at the price of 40. 6 x4. My og switch has had zero drift issues 🤷🏻♂️ my acnh switch had heaps of drift, the joycons are otw back from Nintendo and were repaired for free. Would those be possible to utilize on normal joy cons? Good question. loose screws which stand out a bit. The screws sent by the seller were so cheap that after 5-6 turns with my screwdriver the head of the screw was fucked and I couldn't get it out or in anymore. e. I did it on my original pack in as well but haven't had the problem on any other pair because removing the joy con it's now a muscle memory as I am sure it is worth many of you. Jun 21, 2019 · If you are opening a Switch Joy-Con, the screwdriver tip should resemble a Mercedes logo and not a shuriken. A couple weeks ago I sent them In to get that fixed, and they came back today. Step 2 add magnets under switch logo and under the square box Step 3 Test it out unscrewed so the magnets dont mess with the joycon wireless Step 4 screw the little rectangle and the grip separately Step 5 ???? I recommend extreme rate and copy and paste this from AliExpress: Left Right Slider Buckle Metal Lock Bracket for Nintend Switch JoyCon Loose Repair Tool Parts for Joy con Controller Better option ditch the joy cons and search Nintendo Switch Grip Controller on AliExpress or Amazon. I hope this helps. I picked up an extra pack of those to keep for spares since they were only $3 a kit. So I disconnected all controllers in the menu, restarted my Switch, connected both, and updated them. They pull off and are swappable. r/Switch A chip A close button A chip A close button Joy Cons are pretty much the worst controller for the Switch excluding some of the budget controllers. As the joy-con screws are quite small, you need a very small drill bit. Try the rubber band method u/dhoadley mentioned, or putting LockTite or another adhesive in the groove/hole and a screwdriver in, letting it cure, and then attempting to apply pressure an turn. acnh joy-cons arrived this morning from Nintendo, they were replaced with new or refurbished joy-cons. I bought another pair of joy-cons a few weeks ago, after 2 weeks I started to get drift on the left joy-con so they have been returned to Amazon. We are a… I received my Atomic purple Joy-Con shells a couple of days ago, and I finally got them fitted and working. Looking at it, I'd guess that the screws that mount the slider and bumpers pulled out and cracked the casing. OK, it was one of the first but I had to wonder how much testing Nintendo had done. We are a fan-run community, not an official Nintendo forum. But you might check if you have something on your switch causing this, i. The problem is this, I changed the outer shell to my joy-con to atomic purple months ago, and I stripped one of the screws putting it back on. This happened with every single screw for my shell. Since I was tearing down both Joy Cons anyway I went ahead with a full teardown and swapped out all my screws from the Y screws to standard Phillips Head. The replacement shell kit I used came with a complete set of Phillips screws. I used my Friend's Joy-Cons to show that the issue is still there even with a different Joy-Con. Be sure you have the screwdriver ‘seated’ correctly before turning anti-clockwise Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 2 votes and 13 comments The only thing that was able to get them out was a screw exctractor, which was pretty terrifying. Glue seeps into the plastic (but doesn't stick to the screw) and fills the cracked portion Screw them in the rest of the way If that doesn't work, new Joycon shells might be needed. Iirc, the left joy con allows you to do this, but the right one doesn't. I'm taking 3 specific screws out and 2 came out fine. Yeah, when i did that, i found it easy after watching videos, but after a few day of intense play, my joy cons stoped connecting on switch, then i open again, was the flat cable that was in a wrong position and then after a week the ZL button stoped working, i fix it, after some days, the joystick stoped working too, by the end, i had to buy a lot of components to fix the parts that wasn't The gulikit kingkong pro 2 has friction fit analog sticks. 2 months later, no problems. I hate this company. They are both the same switch. The rest of the listed parts are really spares, more I've started to notice the Joy-con's buttons are bit loose and that they've started randomly stopped being sensed by the console while physically still attached to it. Only issue is that when I was putting the right joy con back together I stripped one of the y-tip screws very badly and now the shell isn't closing tightly. And some of the budget controllers are still better than Joy-Cons. Maybe they iterated on it and prefected that solution. Overall, the first Joy Con took me about 90 minutes and the second Joy Con about 45 (since I was more used to the process). Also, push down on the screw firmly and try to twist just hard enough to get it moving. Drill bits, gluing the screw driver into the screw, rubber bands, etc. ). If there is an accessible seam between what the screws are securing, then you could try wedging something between the seams and pull them apart while you unscrew. Then I rehoused it and the screws stripped even worse with the new housing (they came with the BASSTOP clear housing) I tried everything to get that screw out. 3M subscribers in the NintendoSwitch community. Backplate is completely flush to the system. Trying to get the stick out with all the delicate wires and ribbon cables intact was tricky. We are a… Hey everyone, like a lot of people who own a Nintendo Switch, I have been experiencing a lot of issues with Joycon drift. I'd rather not send it to Nintendo in case they don't believe there's an issue and then I've wasted time. Feb 11, 2025 · My launchday Switch has been making a grinding noise from the fan recently, so I decided to replace it following the iFixit guide. Iirc I watched a video of Nintendo talking about switch and they mentioned the joy cons were originally attached using magnets but they changed their approach as some people were playing and the switch would detach from the joycons on occasion and fall. I've done it before. Edit: some joy con ideas inspired by the comments: . I want to take it off to clean it. Open menu Open navigation Go to Reddit Home. Also if this repair fails should I just buy new Joy cons for $95- both of my joysticks are drifting slightly which I have fixed by cleaning the contacts but broke those little metal tabs which hold them in place, the R joy con now has 2 stripped screws which I have removed and a damaged shell because I had to cut out a little bit to use my pliers in gripping the screw, their is also a dent in So I've Had my switch for about three years, and within the last few months the joy cons slowly started experiencing drift. You also can get away with using a PH to get out a pozi screw Skip to main content. Depending on the joy con, there's only two screws - one by the trigger and one right at the bottom. 73 CAD/30. At most, Nintendo might be able to tell by the screw threading or the adhesives used to secure things like the rumble pack. now its starting to affect mariokart and splatoon if I use joycons, although I don't Otherwise, as long as you keep track of the two different types of screws and are generally careful, it's not a troublesome process. 6K subscribers in the NintendoSwitchHelp community. I stripped 2 of the 4 screws on my Joy Con really easily. I had a joy-con screw that was so stripped that none of these methods worked. Here, enthusiasts, hobbyists, and professionals gather to discuss, troubleshoot, and explore everything related to 3D printing with the Ender 3. Now it feels solid! Hope this helps. So I modded my joy cons with the atomic purple shell. Took three layers of tape to stop the wiggling. It's crazy how soft the screws are. These are the most evil screws on the console, no way around it, you need the right size screwdriver and to apply a lot of force towards the screw, careful as a slip will absolutely do a lot of damage, hopefully someone will offer you a better solution, but this is the only thing that worked for me so far The Nintendo Joy-Con grip uses the same screws if you're fine taking 1 or 2 from it, I had to do that when I stripped two screws putting a new back shell on my Switch. Awhile back I made a post detailing how to replace your Joy Con shells and recently I used this video & program to change the digital colors of my Joy Con on the Switch itself. It will be ok with one screw missing. I'm trying to repair my left joy con drift, and I'm using a kit off Amazon. So you can rebuild a joycon into a new case. Then, the clamp didn’t feel like it really kept the ribbon cable I wish I could share your confidence; I nearly lost one itty-bitty spring, and don't relish the idea of trying to replace it after the fact. Hello, I recently replaced my joycon shell with a nice new one using the old screw because I'd been advised against using the included ones in the past, I thought I had everything perfect but I apparently made one mistake each in both, and apparently a few of the screws in each are stripped. If the screw threads are gone here’s a work around, but I’ve never pulled these apart so it may or may not work. Placed tape on the top and bottom portions of the joy-con's rail next to the SL and SR buttons. When i removed the batterie I removed one of the 3 screws that are keeping it together, trying to remove the other two didn't go as smoothly as 1 of the screws got damaged. The red one is the easier one to change. The extra sizes are under 10 dollars I bought them together with the controller. It is a launch switch and my right red joycon works fine. The rubber band might help in adding more friction. We are a… Using an appropriate sized drill bit ( slightly larger that the place on the shank where the screw head and threads meet) drill into the center of the screw head until the screw lets loose. You may be able to find what you need at a hardware store, if not you may be able to find a screw set online that has the parts you need. upon receiving them back. it started off only on the homescreen, where joycon would input things and do weird things. Put a dot of super glue directly on the screws' oiled threads Reinstall the screws to about 90% of the way in and let it sit for an hour. So recently my left Joy-con started to drift, so I tried to repair it with some stuff I had (spare joy-con joy sticks, y screw driver, and a + screw driver, ect. I couldn't get the screws to budge at all with them. (This post was removed from the other Switch sub, but hopefully, I'll have less trouble here. It generally takes me a good fifteen minutes to rebuild a joycon. They were Tri-Wing, the way you described that. Yeah the switch could have had a solid aluminum chassis and the construction of the joy cons could have been better but IMHO aside from the half assed USB-c compliance and the joy con cheapy analog sticks. Also, no, those are not PH000, those are JIS. My right joy con audibly clicks when i wiggle it up and down ("up" being towards the ceiling if face up) whilst connected to the Console. You don't need to take the battery out for that one. I personally enjoy the neon red and blue joy con, but the red mario odyssey controllers are also pretty nice looking. It involved literally drilling into the center of the screw so that the reversal screw could latch onto the tread and be able to drill it out. Posted by u/Hour_Ad_4272 - No votes and 5 comments Posted by u/quangbuule - 5 votes and 7 comments Sometimes using a size 1 Y screwdriver helps, or make sure the tip of your screwdriver isn't super sharp. The plastic latch for my joy con has been worn off for the past few months of me using this switch. So, I found a web page about the switch screw that is currently the most concentrated. I used a tri-wing driver and got one out, but had to crack the bottom half of the case to get the other one out. They look brand new and function flawlessly. This is a LAST RESORT however, and should only be attempted if there is serious, irreparable damage to your system, like in my case where there was a total failure of the joycon lock. my joy con drift started happening ever since I bought the pro controller, everytime I would try to play local multiplayer with friends using joycons drift would happen. Of you can't open it by using a larger size screwdriver,and applying a lot of downward force as you attempt to turn the screw. I stripped mine opening the joy cons up. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. The iFixit guide says that they are the 6mm tri-point screws and the joy-con screws are also 6mm tri-point ones. 5M subscribers in the NintendoSwitch community. I doubt that would be used in these instances because it would break the casing. I also did a shell swap and on the first joy con I worked with, I took off one ribbon. 22. Today I attempted to replace my some joycon latches with metal replacements, only to find out all of the screws have been stripped. Just a decent amount of small screws and wires. Posted by u/TheInzaneOne - No votes and 1 comment Long story short, I've kind of mangled a Joy-Con, and the black piece that hooks into the console has popped out of the casing. BE VERY CAREFUL OBVIOUSLY. Crypto Get on Amazon and look for a striped screw extraction kit the cheapest I found was $4 but can’t post the link in Reddit. Welcome to the Ender 3 community, a specialized subreddit for all users of the Ender 3 3D printer. Also is it possible to utilize say the switch lite’s d pad with a dpad shell on a joy con? Or are the button sizes on the switch smaller? Same question about the lite’s sticks. This allowed me to clip that specific hole around the stripped screw, and then screw the backplate in as normal. One option you have is to drill out the screw. Do any of you have recommendations for what screwdriver to use for the three-pronged screws in the casing? This is a common problem from forcing the joy cons off and most people do it in the first couple weeks before they "get" how to pop off the joy cons. The D-Pad is surprisingly amazing. Here's the breakdown to replace my Switch/JoyCon shells: Switch + JoyCon Shells - $36-40 (Amazon Link) Nintendo Tool Set - $11 (Amazon Link) Total:$55 . That was just to show its probably not the Joy-Cons that are faulty, but rather the Switch itself. It all looks amazing and actually wasn't that bad. A tech support community for the Nintendo Switch. 3. If that doesn't work, grab a rubber band, stretch it across the screw, and then try to unscrew. 6. Hey guys, I wanted to repair my left joy con since it has developed joy con drift. Sadly after a certain point the rubber band method is unfeasible. 90 USD. I bought this one and found the "2. Let me tell you how goddamn hard it was to put it back on. Not sure if this is a common problem, but it's a bit frustrating. But I'm pretty good at finding work-arounds. I'm just curious to find out what you prefer your switch to look like. Worst case scenario is that you drill the head of the screw off just so you can open it up. Posted by u/Significant_Low_1782 - No votes and no comments Switch is the only device in case of I actually felt the need to replace screws, I typically can just reuse them. Because of this I decided to stop using it for around a whole year, putting off buying new Joycons. I ended getting a drill and drilling into the screw to break it. I got a triwing screwdriver and phillips head separately and they came out super easily. I’m trying to open my left Joycon to fix my drift and the Joycon screws on the shell aren’t coming out, I’m using a triwing Y00 EMiEN screwdriver which seems to work for others but not for me, it doesn’t look like any of the screws are stripped but none of them are budging at all on both Joycons, I don’t exactly know what a stripped screw looks like but to me this looks normal I really like the look of those transparent shells for the Switch and plan on doing the mod one day. We all understand that a lot of JoyCons are coming in very quickly, but I've read countless reports of missing screws, damaged shells, etc. I have no direct experience with a joy con. This is unacceptable quality and extremely anti right to repair. Mar 15, 2019 · Using the Tri-wing screwdriver, carefully remove the four black screws on the rear side of your Joy-Con. 5. New Nintendo 2ds xl shell screws and joy-con screws I've stripped almost all 4 screws trying to open the shell, and after eventually I did it, I don't want to screw them back in. Not always, you can leave it in. I had a screw strip while I was opening the back of my Joy-Con, and the only solution was to grind the shit out of the side of it until I could pop it off. Then it depends on the state of your joy con. This still happens after going through all that. I kept as many of the cables plugged in as I could, which was the only difficult part. so i figured that maybe the screws are just too tight? after trying for some time i just decided to give up because i don My red joycon is missing a joystick so I bought a little kit to help me repair it (I can't send them to nintendo). noting Just got a replacement shell for my Switch + JoyCons and have seen a lot of posts/comments about the high cost of buying Custom JoyCons. Definitely follow this guy’s advice. I got a Switch a bit later, it still had an issue with the left joy-con. Over a year ago, I had replaced the outer shell of one Joy-Con as I wanted a different color and a full d-pad. I have all the correct screw bits, and all other screws came out fine, but the middle (third) screw on my left joycon rail is now super stripped. After searching awhile I found some screws that fit. I sort of want to know if the Lite's buttons are compatible with the regular Switch. Also doubt they would be use any kind of threadlocker on those screws. Just wouldn’t be a need. I have not once attempted to take apart these controllers until today. hello people! i ran into a problem while trying to replace my joycon shells and i’m hoping someone can help me with this!!? i cant seem to get the three phillips head screws holding down the battery holder in the joycon to unscrew! i know the screws aren’t stripped. Anyway, I finally decided I'd order the screw drivers needed to take the damned thing apart and replace the Thumb Stick. The light is normally just a ring around the home button, but my Joy Con shells are a translucent purple, allowing the light to illuminate surrounding parts. What are my options for removing the screws? United Radio has (from what I've been reading the last few weeks) an absolutely awful reputation when it comes to switch repairs. 2M subscribers in the NintendoSwitch community. 116 votes, 32 comments. Hey guys, I lost some screws from my joy con shell so I ordered some from AliExpress. This thing is so tiny and fragile that I had clue if I was putting in too much force or not. I've searched this sub and found a lot of posts about replacing the Joy-Con shells, but they either don't say which shells were purchased, don't confirm that the issues I've read about have been solved (bulging, buttons not working, bad fit, etc), or the posts Although the screw is a small piece, once it is broken or dropped, it is very troublesome. Anyone know how I can get the screw out to clean the inside of the joy-con? Thanks in advanced! Apparently you can remove the screws without destroying my backplate by drilling and destroying the screw heads. The screws are 00 sizes but the guy at my local electronics store advised me to get 000 sized screwdrivers instead as it gives you extra protection against stripping the other screws. Realized it wasn't an issue with my Switch unit itself when the joy-con was wiggling in the grip as well. Pozi type screws are good when you need more torque and want to really tighten the shit out of it. You won’t regret investing in a pro controller. I already stripped one of the crappy screws (extracted it) but for whatever reason I cannot get this screw to tighten. Members Online Huh? 3 Joy Con seems a bit high Unfortunately I can't add anything to what u/Ryvaeus said regarding the material. I am in the process of swapping my oled switch’s shell to the atomic purple one and I cannot get one of the joy con rail screws to fully tighten down. Joycon rail is also metal. I've treated my switch like a baby since I got it. I've spent all day researching and I'm struggling to find a consensus or even an answer in some cases. Everything was going fine until I encountered the last screws and… The Tri-wing was alright, but the Tri-wing screws Nintendo uses are really soft, so again, be careful not to strip them A minor difference on the analog, is it clicks in a little firmer than a stock Switch analog, but I consider that a good thing, since that was precisely what failed on our original analog. Not including the charging grip is fair enough I guess, but AFAIK the only way to get the standard plastic grip is the single one in the box of new Switch consoles. I like a few others I've read about on here ended up striping some of the tri-wing screws on the Joy-Cons while attempting to replace the Joy-Con casing. Sorry for the misunderstanding. 27 CAD/53. Worst case would be buying some broken joy cons, and then have some spare parts. . Yeah, 4 Y screws on the back to get it open, I believe I took out 3 + screws to get to the analog stick, then 2 more + screws to get the analog stick out. However, such screws are not universal, and abuse may even damage the host. Try a screw in the center of the joy con hat down trough the stem thing with the hole Or just buy a new one online. 5 x1. Business, Economics, and Finance. It's not super hard if you have any experience taking things apart. However, the last one continuously turns and turns but doesn't come out. So instead, I used some stainless steel screws from a watch/eyeglass repair kit. When carefully drilling the screw head, it should pop off and you should be able to remove the cover (assuming it is one of the external screws). gsurcaxppmjohzvdpybwewxlnccmdloxrbosclpdopnunghmfolkhlpokfrsrcmashinfbgggumlmwcr