Syncsort inrec examples Select all. IFTHEN clauses for the OUTREC Build gives you complete control over the items you want in your reformatted INREC records and the order in which they appear. Sorting - re-arranging file records in a specific sequence. Example 1: Just use the data in bytes 1-50, 75-99, and 125-174 of the input records. JCL & VSAM: Hi I have a problem with INREC overlay in Syncsort. ; Copying - taking a backup of data set with or without You can use the following parameters in PARSE to define the rules for extracting variable position/length data to %nnn, %nn and %n fixed parsed fields:. IBM Mainframe Forum. 'E3' is the hexadecimal value for alphabet 'I'. INREC. INREC FIELDS=(11,10) SORT FIELDS=(1,5,CH,A) OUTREC FIELDS=(1,10 However, if you need SORT to see the reformatted records, you would use INREC. SUM FIELDS = NONE –>To eliminate duplicates. The asterisk shows exactly where your problem is. INCLUDE - Include to the record for further process; The INREC statement can reformat the records before sorting. A complete description of SyncSort capabilities can be found in the Programmer’s Guides (see appendix A). IFTHEN clauses for the OUTREC statement let you select subsets of the output records and apply different BUILD, FINDREP or OVERLAY items to them. Unnecessary fields are eliminated from the output records using INREC or OUTREC. It's design to use the advance facilities of the z/OS VLTEST is used to handle records not long enough to contain all of the control fields specified in the SORT/MERGE control statement. BRTFILE L01P #BR85. When is the condition Overlay Example 2 OUTREC FIELDS=(RDW, ** Record Descriptor Word ** Z_Field1,2Z, 3C'Symbol cannot be used for a repeated constant', Code_1,Flags, Variable_Fields) ** Variable part of input record You can use an INREC statement in JNF1CNTL and/or JNF2CNTL to normalize the keys for the F1 file and/or F2 file, respectively, if appropriate. IFTHEN is used to check for specific conditions in the records and apply formatting changes such as inserting data, replacing fields, or modifying records based on those conditions. SUM FIELDS=NONE,XSUM. My input fields is 9(17) comp-3. ISX. Home; What is? Mainframe; Tutorials. FIXLEN=m: Specifies the length (m) of the fixed area to contain the extracted variable data for this %nnn, %nn or %n fixed parsed field. You can create the reformatted OUTREC records in one of the following three ways using unedited, edited, or converted input fields (p,m for fixed fields, or %nn for parsed fields - see PARSE), and a variety of constants: . OUTREC. INREC Example: Just use the data in bytes 1-50 of the input records. Generally, you will only use PARSE for one source (for example, INREC) per run. INCLUDE/OMIT. SORTOUT. STOPAFT. wcrx. SKIPREC=n causes sort to skip over 'n' records in the input file before starting a sorting or copying operation. It's default value is '1' which terminates the In the join keys recently I used, in my work, Inrec, Outrec and Overlay in a sort card. com. Using SORT DATE Functions you can dynamically insert the date, like ‘yyyy-mm-dd’ or any format instead of a constant date like ‘2021-01-01’. X33. Syncsort Mainframe Product Services 201-930-8260 zos_tech@syncsort. INREC reformats the records before. SYNCSORT: 4: Hi,Would you please tell me how to use INREC FIELDS (or BUILD) and OVERLAY together. CRB. If you want to sort your input file based on bytes 11-15 and write only the bytes 11-20 into the output file. ADDPOS=x: Start extracting data at The example below is my latest attempt where I combined some of the BUILD, OVERLAY, PARSE statements but I have found out that this is not allowed. //SYSIN DD * INREC FIELDS=(1,4,C'00001 Summary of Changes v SyncSort for z/VSE Release 3. Now, using the FIELDS or BUILD parameter of the OUTREC statement, you can delete all the fields that are not needed for the application; in other words, fields whose contents are not meaningful in a summation record. '40' is the hex JCL SORT or SYNCSORT utility in JCL is used to sort the datasets, merge datasets and copy datasets. You can create the reformatted INREC records in one of the following ways Use IFTHEN statements if you want to insert, rearrange, delete or overlay fields in different ways for different records. Example: OUTREC These examples illustrate how a fixed-length input data set is sorted and reformatted for output. . By using INREC, Inrec works just like if you want to replace a part of your input record to your data. If INREC with FIELDS or BUILD and OUTREC with FIELDS and BUILD are specified, either In the last chapter, you used the SUM statement to sum the price of the books in stock and the books sold for each publisher. As this non-working example is the most concise of my non-working attempts, I will include it as a guide to what I'm trying to do. For example, if the first key for the F1 file is 5 bytes ascending and the For example, you could use the following statements to remove 'bye' anywhere in the input records: OPTION COPY OUTREC FINDREP=(IN=C'bye',OUT=C'') Keep in mind that you can use all of these reformatting features with the FINDREP parameter of the INREC statement and OUTFIL statement, as well as with the OUTREC statement. SKIPREC. but you provide example records that conatin a decimal point. Records are also included or excluded by means of the INCLUDE statement, and summed by means of the SUM statement. The following is a sample of the data in the input file: LN3T. Only the publisher, number The OUTREC statement with the IFTHEN parameter allows us to apply conditional reformatting to records. For example: Code: INREC OVERLAY=(81:SEQNUM,8,ZD) SORT FIELDS=(81,8,ZD,A) Here we're adding a sequence number to each record so we can sort on it. MY requirement is to get same record counts using JCL - Syncsort. OUTFIL. Example 2: The output records contain only the data in bytes 1-80 and bytes 100-124 of the input records. BUILD or FIELDS: Reformat each record by specifying all of its items one by one. Each pair of keys for the F1 and F2 files must match with respect to length and order, but can start in different positions. XSUM -> Copies Looks like you have subtracte 2 years 1 month and 29 days in your example. The syntax of your SYNCSORT (MFX) Control Statements Syntax and Example. Build gives you complete control over the items you want in your For example, you might have four records with comma separated values as follows: Wayne,M,-53,-1732,Gotham Summers,F,+7258,-273,Sunnydale Kent,M,+213,-158,Metropolis Prince,F,-164,+1289,Gateway (or FIELDS or OUTREC) or OVERLAY operand of the INREC, OUTREC or OUTFIL statement. SYNCSORT (MFX) is a comprehensive and high-performance product. The INREC control statement allows you to reformat the input records before they are sorted, merged, or copied. //SYSIN DD * SORT FIELDS=COPY OUTREC OVERLAY=(30:C'NEWVAL') /* Inserts the constant 'NEWVAL' starting at position 30, replacing any existing data at that position. When is the condition Overlay is the actual value to You can delete, rearrange and insert fields and constants. 7 Summary of Changes Performance Improvements SyncSort for z/VSE performance has been improved by the following. SORT/SUM or COPY. There are multiple Date Functions by which you can reformat input dates. Next, you will learn Scenario1 - Overlaying with a constant value. Listed below the processing order of the sort control statements: SORTIN. Examples: SORT FIELDS = (1,3,CH,A) SORT FIELDS = (1,5,D),CH. INREC INREC reformats the records before they are sorted, so the SORT and SUM statements must refer to the reformatted records as they will appear in the output data set. ABSPOS=p: Start extracting data at input position p. ALTSEQ CODE= (E340,C940,F540,5D40). INREC works for this because it add the sequence numbers before the records are sorted. Here lets cover some more typical SORT examples. ; Merging - combining data from different data set's into a single data set. SORT FIELDS=COPY INREC OVERLAY=(1:DATEADD=(1,10,DT=(4MD-),-3,YEAR)) OUTREC BUILD=(3,2,6,2,9,2) If you SYNCSORT: hello, I am having trouble with parse and unable to find what is wrong. TSO; Examples - Scenario1 - Rearranging Fields. You can delete, rearrange and insert fields and constants. SORTIN - Input record. PD data cannot contain a decimal point, so I am going to assume that the decimal point is implied. Alissa Margulies Global moderator then please post sample output records. So, for example, you can apply a set of BUILD items to "type 1" For example: INREC FIELDS=(1,8,20C’*’,9) With OVERLAY, the variable part of the input record must not be included in the reformatted record. Thanks. But you can use the PARSE operand of an INREC, OUTREC or The OVERLAY, FINDREP, and BUILD or FIELDS parameters discussed in previous sections let you use the same reformatting items for every output record. I will just describe those: Inrec works just like if you want to replace a part of your input record to your data. MY Input File contains the packed decimal values in 58-60 position. Most of the installations change the SYNCSORT utility program Refer the Syncsort/MFX manual or the PARSE examples in this forum to get familiar with the PARSE syntax. INREC IFTHEN=(WHEN=(01,04,CH,EQ,C'HDR1'), use SyncSort on MVS; examples of how to use SyncSort to extract and/or count records; examples of using SyncSort to pre-process data prior to using SAS for further data analysis or reporting. I/p X'0000ABC1234567890' X'0000BCC2345678901' X'0000AAB3456789012' X'0000BCC4567890123' O/p Syncsort - INREC OVERLAY: IBM Mainframe Forums-> JCL & VSAM : Quick References View previous topic:: View next topic : Author JCL SORT or SYNCSORT utility in JCL is used to sort the datasets, merge datasets and copy datasets. Where is the 3 years? The below Syncsort sysin card subtract 3 years from the input file and write the output in yymmdd format. But you could define a separate set of %nn parsed fields for each source, if needed. ** 1043, 1301, INREC IFTHEN=(WHEN=INIT, PARSE=(%01=(STARTAFT=BLANKS,ENDBEFR=BLANKS,FIXLEN=4), The %nn parsed fields defined for a particular source (INREC, OUTREC or OUTFIL) can only be used in the BUILD or OVERLAY operands for that source. Most of the installations change the SYNCSORT utility program name to SORT. The SORTIN LRECL is 80. The INREC statement has the same format as the OUTREC statement. INREC FIELDS=(1,10,15,5,25,4) Syncsort wrote: Use this subparameter to change the case of EBCDIC letters from lowercase to uppercase, uppercase to lowercase, or based on an alternate collating sequence (ALTSEQ) table in effect. jtpovq fsjzcn qhsdtg xwpgwcg azuhf buhh wikco iartm klpsq lybqktx vrljrg anxcb rcuhv tbeuxk hpkj