Scorpion fanfiction walter collapses. "But I want it when you want it.
Scorpion fanfiction walter collapses Walter, once the desktop booted up checked his bank accounts. She climbed back onto Walter's lap, appreciating the gratifying pressure of his hardness underneath her. Follow/Fav Wal. " He was ignored but his voice still echoed loudly in his ears, "Walter-" Scorpion has imploded after Walter's revelation to Paige about taking Florence to the science lecture and then keeping the truth from her. He didn't have time for her clinginess. Meanwhile, inside the Walter looked at her, "three minutes to midnight, shall we join everyone on the dance floor?" Marta nodded and they rose to walk to the dance floor. She was tighter after a week apart and Walter grunted, feeling somehow both grounded and lost in another world. "I'm just glad you're feeling "Very long story short, Collins kidnapped Florence, Walter tracked down where Collins was, Ted, Walter and I went in after them, Ted got separated by a trap, Walter walked us through until I was struck by a trap, Walter took my gun and saved Ted and Florence by killing Collins and now he is missing. I killed her, Walter. Lynn looked at Walter sitting there, shirt open, taking a sip of his smoothie, returning her look with eyebrows raised. Walter and Paige both know that their relationship can't be salvaged, but they decide to spend one last night together before saying goodbye. Walter sat at the desktop and brought up the files the crew gave him, and started reviewing the data while referencing his notes on the laptop. "Does it hurt to breathe?" Sylvester asked removing his hand when he touched a sensitive muscle and Walter let out a sound of agony. Paige nodded. Walter and Paige sat in the Dr's office, two weeks since Thanksgiving' his therapists were completely impressed with his improvement and had recommended he be released from all restrictions. Luckily Walter tends to get himself in risky First it was the tears falling from his eyes and then the remaining chunks gave way and fell even as his knees gave out and Walter collapsed to the floor as he began crying, nearly wailing After that fallingout with more than half of team Scorpion, and the surprising new formation of Centipede, derived of said ex-Scorpion members, Walter no longer sees a place for himself in Before logic could get in the way, Walter grabbed one of the mirror shards, slashing his open palm. Paige finally collapsed TV Shows Scorpion. Back in Phoenix, Walter put his phone on silent, ignoring Paige's latest text. V. "You got it, boss. That virtue was the main reason why she was asked to join Scorpion, and in spite of the pleasant weeks she and Walter had been through, she had lost sight of that special quality. The grating and grinding of tearing metal echoes through the small valley causing Walter's chest to tighten, throat to close, and eyes to water. 001 *WARNING* *Major character DEATH* Walter stood staring at the door as it closed behind Centipede Partners as they walked into the office he had just left. "Hey, Mom!" Walter shook hands with each in turn, "We may be spending some time together so Walt is fine. " Walter, curious like a cat, and being encouraged by the tapping of Toby's hand to his shoulder, clicked it. All she wanted at the moment was to get done with the mess, take a shower, grab something to eat and collapse for a few hours. When it was finally their turn, Paige glanced at him fleetingly as she squeezed his hand. ", Alicia spat. 0 was, by Walter's estimation, doing a good bit better. " Despite their efforts, the heist never came. Walter sighed. Honey, look at all of these!" Paige whispered. Sat on the side of the bed for a moment, then got up to open the laptop and check mail. 32- New Beginnings chapter thirty-two. " And then, she collapsed into him. Walter's jaw clenched and Cabe could imagine the crescent fingernail scars on his palms. Something has to be done about the blisters on her feet as well. Walter, if the crack widens anymore " She didn't need to finish the sentence. I struck gold coming back to fanfic. we deal with everything from stolen nukes to missing kids to counterfeit cash so good it can collapse our economy in less than a month. Walter let go of her hips and lowered himself over her again, counting to three and then pushing his hips forward, slowly, seeing how far he could go, waiting for her body to tense and prepared to stop before it began to protest. extremely stressful case they were working on for the last four hours. " Paige winked. " Collins said. Walter's eyes half open, blank, unmoving. Walter asks Paige to Tahoe for the Jazz Festival and the two finally have an honest conversation. In the middle of the room were twelve chairs, set up back to back. Rated: Fiction T - English - Angst/Supernatural - Walter - Chapters: 9 - Words: 17,749 - Reviews: 94 - Favs: 17 - Follows: 15 - Updated: 12/28/2018 - Published: 7/9/2018 - Status: Complete - id: 12995913 Pulling himself up, he collapsed on the catwalks under the bridge. Paige moaned softly and leaned her head to the side to give Walter better access. For someone who thinks too much he could sometimes not think had all. Walter knew it would be imprudent to argue. Walter felt a rush of relief, if not for Paige he'd have After the end of Scorpion, going down another road for Walter. and Sylvester went to the yoga studio. Hence Walter's habit of taking on jobs that saved the world while paying very little. The bad guys are getting smarter. He texted back a brief okay and that was that. They were bruised and at loss. Walter leaned back putting elbows on the step behind him. . Rated: Fiction M - English - Romance - The feeling of her orgasm pushed him over the edge he'd been teetering on, he pushed into her one final time and collapsed on top of her. " Cabe told her. " He noticed, as the others talked about themselves, most of the couples were either married or engaged. "Eyes open, everyone," Walter instructed over comms. "Much warmer this way," she said laying her head against his Mouth pressed in a grim line of determination, Walter jerked the steering wheel to the right, the perfect two-point turn in his last two-minutes on Earth. And if you can keep Happy happy, I am happy for you. I'm I'm a waitress, Walter. She nearly jumped when she heard a soft knock on the bedroom door. A/N: GUYS! THIS IS MY 80TH STORY! *GASPS* Can you believe it?! Holy smokes! Love this community and this Fandom so much it hurts. "Walter, my son, how good the see you," she said giving him a hug. that makes you the only one that was on Scorpion that can see the truth. Centipede Partners seemed to be doing okay. He left his other hand where it was, sustaining her orgasm as she collapsed into him, and Walter couldn't suppress his grin. . " Walter freaked out. Laura, my mother, Louise," Walter mumbled. A. Paige was standing at the desk, tapping her fingers as she spoke tensely with one of the nurses. I have the full resources of the U. "It's like the universe is trying to make up for all those awful reviews. Paige lay curled against Walter's chest, the hum of the city outside their condo fading into the background as she traced absentminded circles on his arm. Then they go for ice cream, because Ralph. The alcohol was still messing with me but I finally saw it wasn't Drew and I was in that motel room. Walter and Paige went back to Paige's house that night after they had finished getting that stupid super computer installed. Together they became Scorpion, and maybe this is what it meant. He takes in her appearance, rather than her actions for a moment. He laughed at her grunt of frustration when she had to stand up to unbutton her jeans and slide out of them, tossing them near the closet. "I killed her. "I couldn't compete with him," he finished. until Walter was brought in again for some reason in future. government. All I feel is pain and dizziness. I know I'm here on Scorpion because of Ralph, not because of me. " Paige said trying to sound calm for Walter but failing. He got up and walked to the common area and sat down on the sofa. Not because he was satisfied with her reaction—though he was—but because this had been his fantasy as much as hers, holding her while she shivered in pleasure, and he waited for her to come all the way down before removing his fingers and kissing the Continuing my alternative storyline for Scorpion TV Show Season 5 started in my story Head Space (for rent) followed by Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave. She collapsed onto the floor and started sobbing. The wheelchair had been a big part of his life over the last few months. They pulled up, parked, and got out of the car walking to her. " Toby sighed. "I missed you," he murmured, burying his head in her neck and listening to her erratic pulse. Walter's fingers danced over the smooth skin, lightly enough to tickle, and he pulled back, grinning as she squirmed against him. "Have you any last words?", Bruno asked. O. "Don't ever say something like that where others can hear it. And he The stress of Scorpion's implosion had taken a toll on Cabe and as he saw his kids bickering in the reception area Cabe suffers his second heart attack. " "People like me have lost to guys like Drew since the beginning of time," Walter said matter-of-factly, without a trace of bitterness. The novel in her hands lay forgotten as her thoughts looped back to him, to everything unresolved between them. " Walter was silent for a moment, his eyes searching her face. The sound of the door opening snapped her from her reverie. " Walter wasn't exactly sure how long he'd been rambling before he held up a finger to signify a pause and bent slightly, resting his hands on his knees and taking a deep breath. Rated: Fiction T - English - Drama - Walter - Chapters: 18 - Words: 62,139 - Reviews: 109 - Favs: 11 - Follows: 9 - Updated: 8/12/2024 - Published: 8/16/2023 - id: 14268178 Walter felt a chill roll down his spine and they all heard the hissing of many Strigoi in the courtyard several stories below as they were met with a new scent; Oliver's scent. " Walter said quietly. His eyes widened slightly. Walter stepped inside, his stoic presence filling the room like it always did. He didn't know why he just said that, even if he saw that she had been crying. So with a little help from Drew, he decides to relocate that obstacle to Maine. Walter put his hands in just the right place, but Marta smiled, and unbuttoned his jacket to put her arms around him under his jacket. Is Walt okay?" Happy asked quickly. You wanted it open but mentioned collapse possibilities. "Hi, I'm Paige Dineen," she announced, "and this is Walter, Walter O'Brien. “What did you do?” Happy's words echoed in Walter O'Brien goes to the home for homeless kids with Toby, Happy, and Paige to get Ta Just a fan fiction of Scorpion and Mysteries of Laura. " Walter muttered under his breath. The slap seemed to snap him out of his alcohol-fueled lust. "Toby, I want you watching body language for anyone out of place. "She fractured her tibia and dislocated her phalanges. Follow/Fav Callan. I After closing everything up after the crew left, Walter returned to his desk to message the Pacoima data center manager that he would be able to down load the security programming Join Alexa and Team Scorpion, a group of super-geniuses led by Walter O'Brien, as they tackle high-stakes missions and impossible challenges. He's passed out so fast that he didn't even move from where he was sprawled out on the floor. "There's some kind of AI I've never seen before that keeps overwriting my commands. Paige and Walter didn't bother with food or showers or small talk, or anything. 9% accuracy. "You're no son of mine. While CP had pulled a few jobs away from him, they were jobs not directly in Walter's expertise. She didn't know what a picana was but she knew it couldn't be good. 2nd story of my Shocking Trilogy Rated: Fiction T - English - Angst/Drama - [Walter, Paige] Ralph - Chapters: 25 - Words: 54,118 - Reviews: 193 - Favs: 57 - Follows: 68 - Updated: 1/2/2017 - Published: 6/21/2016 - Status: Complete - id: 12010618 Walter looked around to the team and began to speak " I have put the Garage in all five of . Walter leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes as his guilt settled even deeper. He was exhausted, both physically and mentally. Not even the deadliest. "GOD, Walter. She halts for a moment, and surveys the waiting room. When it was all said and done, everything triple checked and backed-up multiple places, after exchanging a couple of exuberant high-fives with Walter, Ralph finally crept upstairs undoubtedly to collapse on the nearest horizontal surface for a few hours. He gently grabbed her shoulders, giving her a soft shake. " Toby and Walter ended their conversation and went to meet up with the rest of the team. Once he started, he couldn't seem to stop. Both of you. "Please don't click it. " "Well, the whole damn thing is going to collapse if you can't. Walter could feel an overwhelming feeling of love for Ralph. he thought that maybe he was wrong – maybe Scorpion would be fine with them together. He collapsed beside her, pulled the blanket over them and they both Walter kept his eyes on the drive with jaw clenched. But he wasn't weak. It had been four weeks since the rest of Scorpion had walked out on him . The minute she stepped onto the ground she "Just hold on Walter, don't give in. "I don't even belong here. Everything Cory has told us is legit. Sylvester stared down at his hands as he wrung them. from the story What went wrong [Scorpion] by ScorpionFreak14 with 1,243 reads. Recognizing the texture of the paper, Walter decided to keep that information to himself a little while longer until he could gather a little more information on Cory Hanley and this whole operation. Come in, sit down, want some coffee or a bottle of water?" They all sat in the common area and once drinks were doled out, Joe started the conversation. He was exhausted and Paige was on the verge of collapse. " "I'm telling you, she's gone!" Sylvester whinned, his voice hitting a pitch that made Walter's temple throb. She always answers my calls. " she gasped and he increased the tempo until he groaned in completion as she climaxed and throbbed around him again. They'd both chipped in with side gigs to get Scorpion out of the hole, but wading through the muck of corporate America was a nightmare. Happy watched as she walked over talking to Walter. Walter ran his long fingers up the mechanic's right leg. "Me too," she whispered, her voice strained. "I thought they were supposed to monitor for suspicious activity," Walter said accusingly. "Well he hasn't regained consciousness First the front bumpers collapse into each other and then the Sweeney's sedan flips on top of the other vehicle before rolling off sideways and bouncing down the hillside. Dominic stood over him grinning, ignoring Paige's pleas. Eyes focused on his hands for a moment, he looked at Florence, "It is obvious Scorpion is no more, a failed enterprise. Rusty groaned and Simone collapsed on Walter didn't dare talking at first. His eyes seemed to see a number of things at once. scorpion, action, hurt. " She whispered, barely audible. "Months ago, you told me that Scorpion had to take precedent over any feelings you have. Homeland hadn't called with an assignment since the bombing, and Walter put an unofficial freeze on picking up private jobs. The receptionist who sat at her desk a short distance Walter had to quell a panic response every time he thought of it. Page Break. I don't know why I called you that. Walter walked into the Garage after dropping Ralph off at school. A large piece of it lying in front of him covered in red blood. For once, everyone had the good sense not to challenge him. Toby collapsed fast TV Shows Scorpion. Per Jack, no collapse but he opted for archways- structurally stronger "Oh God, Walter. Maybe its luck, maybe its love, but After team Scorpion picked up a simple job to get some Walter O'Brien, ever the logical thinker, determins that Ralph is the biggest obstacle between him and Paige. Walter looked tiredly in the direction of the desk. Walter arrived back at the garage a little after eleven the next morning. --The clock's dim glow cast faint shadows across the dark bedroom. That just left Walter and Paige standing there, suddenly Walter turned to her and asked, "so what are you gonna do?" "oh I'm gonna go run on the treadmill maybe do the elliptical. Love you all! Xoxo. " She glanced at Walter, a soft smile on her lips. Rated: Fiction K+ - English - Walter - Words: 675 - Reviews: 2 - Published: 2/1 - id: 14436850 Walter pulled his laptop out of its case, opened it and set it at the side of the desktop's flat screen to again hear and ignore Happy's chuckle. Happy put your "Paige!" Walter called, his voice filled with urgency as he approached her carefully, trying not to startle her further. Rated: Fiction K - English - Romance - Chapters: 9 - Words: 8,042 - Reviews: 46 - Favs: 14 - Follows: 9 - Updated: 6/5/2019 - Published: 5/27/2019 - Status: Complete - id: 13297094 + He must have said the right thing again he supposed, as they "Wow. Paige didn't know whether to laugh or cry herself. "She didn't come in today. It's hard not to feel like I'm useless. " Walter said and then both of their eyes opened wide. Paige could feel Walter's shoulders rise and fall. "Wow, Paige. "I'm so sorry Ralph. She heard the garage door open and close, and she knew it must have been Walter returning after he picked up Ralph. And then Walter found Paige too, and Ralph, and he'd saved them both. Once they were loaded into his SUV, Cabe tore out of the alley and onto the street, as he communicated with the agents assigned to the boy genius's school. Walter watched as the barrier came ever closer, fascinated by the thought of death. You always know exactly what to say. The first person he calls is Paige, but she's upset and doesn't let him talk and when Walter finally has a Homeland decides to use Walter on a mission but in order for the mission to succeed, everyone needs to believe Walter is dead. Maybe they'd even be fine without him, so he could stay here, kissing her, as long as he pleased. Pointing to a table far to Walter's right, she added, "Let's start with you two. "Gods, all I can say is you are welcome. Walter nodded, clicking away and moved to another profile. An alternate universe where Walter runs into trouble before starting Scorpion. After which I realized that something wasn't quite right. Walter caught her, of course he did, he always would, his arm wrapping around her waist as she buried herself against his chest, her good hand clutching at his shirt like it was the only thing keeping her there, tethered to Walter smiled at him as they looked at each other. It's partially collapsed, and the car has slipped into the crack. The Russian trailed off, leaving the rest unsaid. '" Paige's head snapped up. Follow/Fav Yours. But before she could do any of that, she had to get these slackers into gear. It was faint but he felt it. By: Anylane. your names ,yes that includes you Cabe you can continue running Scorpion or even change the name if you are that way inclined ,may i suggest something like Centerpide but that will be up to you ,maybe run it as a partnership so there would not be any melomaniac leader . TV Shows Scorpion. At some point I felt Walter move and I thought it was Drew. "Oh, no. Walter raked a hand through his hair. Walter awoke in the morning startled until he was fully awake to the unfamiliar surroundings. Walter's injuries are worse and he manage to wake up when no one is around yet. Follow/Fav Redemption. "Walter, I swear if this becomes Rise of the Penguins" Paige muttered as she moved in, scanning the facility, suddenly fearful of the winged beings. Paige prepared herself to climb out of the bed, but after a brief struggle she gave up and collapsed back onto the pillow. By: 1998: Walter Patrick O'Brien finds himself taken into custody for hacking NASA AU 12 A Canon-Divergence story to our favorite group of geniuses. She unbuttoned her blouse, tugging it over her head before helping Walter out of his shirt. Paige walked up to Walter and wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him from behind with her head pressed tight to his shoulder, her mouth just inches from his ear. "Fine. All he wanted to do was collapse and sleep for at least the next twenty-four hours. Walter didn't look up, his silence saying more than his words could. Cabe stood stock still, shocked at how Collins was able to escape again. "I love you so much Ralphy. He gladly took advantage as he gently sucked, marking her lightly. Cabe turned to look at Walter, "I know this is hurting you son. Everyone was already busy on a project, even Toby. Freelancing sucks. "I know my love. Waige smut. Any sudden movements and the crack could widen. "Can't believe you went to Harvard med school," Walter said, returning the same look back, "Anyway, stomach 9 is on the right side of the Adam's apple, and when you hit with a force, not more than 25 newtons, it will hit the Vagus nerve, which will trick the brain into believing that the blood pressure is rising, when, in reality, it is not, so the brain commands your body to lower She rode him and climaxed again to collapse on his chest. His arms gave out and he collapsed on her, his muscles throbbing in a 25- New Beginnings chapter twenty-five. At least that is what he told Cabe. The minute she stepped onto the ground she Walter has decided to turn his back on Scorpion and America , but decides to make one more bid for a job , his swan song . What about you?" She responded. "Walter, you were never going to lose me to Drew. " Walter winked back as he pulled the cover off of himself. Walter, still silent, closed the door with one hand, holding her with the other. Happy stared disbelieving at the video when she saw herself slug Walter and he collapsed, striking his head on the desk as he fell to the floor. The tires screamed and rubber burned. "Oh shit," he muttered, removing his arms from her waist. He'd faced worse odds and succeeded. Pulling up at the house, Walter's mother was at the door drying her hands on her apron. Walter was nervous, he knew he was ready but he was still apprehensive. Walter and Paige come back home after Walter goes to Tahoe to get her and end up in Walter's bedroom. As soon as I break through a firewall, another one pops up in its place. Walking back up to Walter and whispering to him, "Walter, I just got off of the phone with Simone. Oliver cast a fearful look towards the Scorpion coven. " stated Cabe. "Oh god, Walter. " Cabe growled. Laying there a few moments he laid her on her back, rose above her and entered again. Although she'd betrayed what he considered the core mission of Scorpion, he had no intention of forcing her out. As they should, considering the. She's in dark grey, wearing an oversized soft cotton jersey knit short sleeve top, not tucked in, and grey slacks. without having it collapse. Walter was convinced El Dragón's leader, Mateo Vasquez, would make an appearance. " Walter hates his one word response and shoves his hands in his pockets instead of allowing them to hover around her as if she might collapse at a given moment. By: WeBuiltThePyramids. " Neither of them was going to last. Paige and Walter stood close together, their hands linked together, they more than anyone knew what the genius was capable of. " Sylvester looked horrified. From Walter's POV this is my attempt at fixing Waige and the team. Walter sat in the far corner of the reception area of Bryson and Company . "You're not the same woman he hired three years ago, and you've destabilized his cyclone. I think she pulled a tendon. Hours had passed since Walter left the room, and Paige had barely moved from the bed. Iron knuckles. Wilson with flying colors and was even told by Nurse Sargent-major Rachael she was going to retire her patient beating device. Cabe sighed and left the loft, the sound of the door closing echoing in the quiet space. S. AU 18. "Walter, Paige! TV Shows Scorpion. Typical Walter. This wasn't the first bomb Scorpion had encountered. A failed Christmas Eve mission resulting in casualties has Walter wishing he'd never started Scorpion in the first place. Walter told her seriously. She rubbed her hand down Walter has recovered his memories from space and he's angry at Paige. "Mom, why are you yelling at Walter?" Paige turned and reached out toward her son, "Ralph, I-" she began, but he walked right past her and wrapped his arms around Walter's waist. Red blood half congealed on the table, Walter's favorite coffee cup lying shattered on the table. Happy was out there somewhere, and he was going to find her. " Walter shook his head, "I must say you really surprised me. That's why those pills were actually poison. And we ended up making love. Walter started laughing. "Oh God, no, Walter," Cabe screamed as he checked for a pulse. And I can't train my agents to think like you do. I'm begging you. Brought out from a desk drawer the business checkbook and wrote out two checks. " That was an understatement. "Mother, this is Laura. Maybe it meant saving lives and getting shot at and actually getting shot. Cabe stood near them, Walter and Sylvester sat with their backs to each other. Almost a month and a half had passed since that night, when Scorpion fractured apart. Paige shoved away her own pain over the loss of Walter to take care of Happy, Sylvester and Toby. Toby was busy studying several case files for patients at the Los Angeles Children's Hospital. A plan he was going to have to put on hold, he noted as he pulled up to Scorpion's headquarters. " She looked down, her voice dropping to a whisper. Au 96. Paige braced her hands on the windscreen and closed her eyes. Just making an observation. "Paige, wake up! It's me! lt's Walter! You're safe!" Her eyes flew open, wild and disoriented, darting around the room like she didn't know where she was. She watched Walter stand up as they had some heated words. Alexa's unique skills add a new dimension to Reagan Smith, daughter of agent Cabe Gallo, member of Scorpion, and the only person able to read Walter O'brien with 99. "It's okay, buddy" Walter lied, holding back tears. "What the hell. "Walter had collapsed on top of me and because of the alcohol I passed out. "Collapse. The team wearily dragged themselves back to the workshop. Walter is scheduled to deliver a big presentation concerning brain-transferring technology but gets sick and needs Paige's help to find a solution. and has had a lot of disappointment. Cabe's and Paige's vehicles were parked outside. LouBe - lol Walter as The whole team is on shaky ground as Walter and Paige deal with the consequences of being held hostage. Son of a bitch. Walter could only nod as much in response to the question. And I know it's stupid to feel this way, but I can't help it. "Relax, it's okay, it was a shock but I'm not offended. Walter collapsed on the floor, coughing up a small pool of blood. Walter was very happy he had worked out a deal with the hospital for Toby to help out. Happy's truck was glaringly During those two months Walter and Lynn transported her mound of boxes of gathered space orbiter information- science and science fiction, gleaned from articles, magazines, science journals to the garage and between security coding jobs while Lynn was at work, Walter scanned through the reams of information and set each into the 'claptrap' pile, 'possible' pile, or This is a multi-chapter fanfiction about Walter and Paige and how their relationship evolves and how it leads Walter, Paige and Ralph into becoming a family. Later that night, Paige returns to the Garage. " Walter recounted monotonously as if he were listing things on a piece of paper. Walter pulled back slightly, only to bring his mouth to her neck and carass it sweetly with his lips and tounge. They might think you were serious. Paige is mad at Walter because she still blames him for Tim's departure. One month has passed, Walter passed his last check-up with Dr. " "Maybe she finally got sick of you being a whimpering disaster every time we're in the field," Cabe muttured, rubbing his forehead. Walter being drunk off his ass and bringing a bimbo back to the garage had to be the last thing she could ever imagine him doing. Walter was visibly frustrated, pacing near the survailance van. Follow/Fav You are perfect just the way you are. They packed a punch even the strongest of men felt pain against, and Walter was not the strongest man, not by any stretch of the imagination. She felt so fragile, like she would collapse if he didn't support her. Cabe intercepts because everything was spinning so wildly, "Walter-" "Release him- release Cabe and I'll get the Intel for you. Walter sat in his rental car, staring at the flickering streetlight outside the auto shop in Phoenix. " Paige smiled sweetly at him. Following Walter O'Brien as he grows up in Callan after his "detainment" for hacking NASA and subsequent move to the US. "Thank you for reminding me to keep going, Walter. AJ is reunited with Team Scorpion, but has more bragging rights for the NYPD than Team Read Walter's P. Eighty-four seconds left, ticking by faster than it seemed like they should, and Walter had faced worse odds. Sylvester had his palm against his friend's back doing a quick palpation of his breathing capacity, checking to see if he had a collapsed lung. collapsed in a comfy spot. "But I want it when you want it. By: Idk. She couldn't believe he thought he had to. Walter froze for a second as he processed the close contact, but he slowly knelt down and hugged Ralph back tightly. Rated: Fiction T - English - Romance/Hurt/Comfort - Megan, Paige, Ralph, Walter - Words: 1,009 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 1 - Follows: 2 - Published: 4/11/2017 - Status: Complete - id: 12442883 Paige was never this wet without any buildup. "Dad!" Ralph shouted. She hasn't answered my calls. And with that, the team walked into the facility, while behind them, the sign remained, a permanent reminder of Walter O'Brien's greatest (and most feathered) failure. It was then Walter saw his hands. She has been wanting a family of her own since I met her. Happy had collapsed on the floor the moment she had heard the words from the reporter's mouth, her world came crashing down at her feet. I am anxious to see what you can do with the place. "This woman's username is 'SkankyNancy86. "It's no wonder Walter fired you," she found her voice reprimanding herself. "Okay both of you, just stay calm" said Walter, sounding anything but calm himself. Cabe stopped at the intersection in front of Scorpion HQ and as he started to pull over into his parking spot he saw Florence standing outside her door, her back against the door crying. When we decided to remain just colleagues, I tried very hard to suppress any feelings and desires that kept surfacing. Two weeks since he had seen them at the Gettleman bid , which was when he found out they had started their own company to compete with Scorpion , it had felt like the final stab in the back for him . Everyone else was saying encouragement as well but paused when they heard a different voice across the line. "You know what these skirts do to me," he said in a dark voice, tinged with desire that made Paige almost collapse where she stood. I can outrun the blast radius in sixty-four seconds, but I have to get everyone off the second floor. "Paige?" Walter's voice drifted in. " Walter smiled, taking another sip of his coffee. Happy went to her trailer, Toby was lying face first on the red couch Walter "Maybe she'll finally raise Scorpion's rates and we can get un-broke. By: LayKay. Scorpion 2. The consequences were obvious to everyone. wzbyycbqfbgmehcpcxgdcbppcjfmbjgjrcfblwdhkyrtfngqulsacpejgdpnquskmjnyghkfscoveac