Pa28 fuel burn. The Archer III manual doesn't list best power fuel burn, .
Pa28 fuel burn Landing distance over 50ft obstacle: 890 FT. Fuel Burn @ 75%: 13. Takeoff distance over 50ft obstacle: 1,620 FT. 9 lph) and powers the Dakota along at a speed of 139 kts (257 kmph). Stall Speed: 44 KIAS. 20 Single engine piston aircraft with fixed landing gear. The aircraft features a low-wing design, fixed landing gear, and is powered by a 180-horsepower Lycoming O-360 engine, which provides excellent reliability and efficiency. Rate of climb: 700 FPM. Landing distance over 50ft obstacle: Fuel cost per hour: (12. 45 hours with a 45-minute reserve. Takeoff distance: 780 FT. Engine rpm = 2400 and MAP 23" (full throttle). 5 GPH. The Archer III manual doesn't list best power fuel burn, The two models (which are both PA28-181s) have the same engine, the props are virtually the same (only difference is space length), similar power setting chart numbers, and the cruise mixture adjustment procedures are virtually identical. 5 hours+1 hour spare. 5 and 10 USG/hr. Rate of climb: 730 FPM. Share. ) PROPELLER Manufacturer At a fuel burn of +/-8GPH for 40 minutes, that's only about 5 gallons, say 32 pounds. johnoliveira Junior Member. Landing distance: 615 FT. Rate of climb: 910 FPM. Landing distance: 680 FT. Takeoff distance over 50ft obstacle: 1,402 FT. Takeoff distance: 975 FT. Takeoff distance over 50ft obstacle: 1,625 FT. As for fuel burn, the PA28 161 I fly uses 35lts an hour. Takeoff distance: 770 FT. With full tanks (72 gallons), I estimate five hours of flying time. 21 1 Max Gross Weight: 2550 LBS Useful Load: 940. My POH for the Warrior II 161 allows 7lbs of fuel for "Engine start, taxi and run up" (Section 6. Landing distance: 485 FT. Fuel burn math is done at 14 gph in climb and 9. Takeoff distance: 800 FT. The PA-28-161 Warrior III seats up to 3 passengers plus 1 pilot. : 2000 Propeller: Fixed Landing gear type: Tri/Fixed Gross weight (lbs. If you have multiple tanks eg mains and auxillaries and are without an accurate fuel flow system it's possible to compensate - slightly - and have at least two points where the amount of fuel on Horsepower: 1 x 180 HP. Best Range (i): 507 NM. 2010 00:28. Location: London. Fuel Burn @ 75%: 8. Landing distance: 535 FT. 40/gal) $62. On mine, the tab indicates WARRIOR PA28-161 CHECK LIST GoFly Hangar 1, Old Sarum Airfield, Usable fuel capacity 48USG/182 L. Do a search on The number of different PA28-160/161 airframes I have flown over the years had a fuel burn varying between 8. View 649 PIPER PA-28 For Sale Thread: PA28-161 Warrior II Fuel Burn for Start Up, Taxi and Power Checks. ) Horsepower: 1 x 180 HP. If fuel pressure starts to drop, turn the electric fuel pump ON and land at the nearest suitable airport as soon as possible and have the cause Got my private license in a PA28-161 Warrior in Georgia during 1980 after solo in a C-150. Ceiling: 17,500 FT. Location: north As a general rule I use 4 Lts for taxi on my 180 hp Lycoming and just except that any extra burn can come out of the 5% contingency fuel built into the fuel plan. May 2023. The PA-28-140 Cherokee Cruiser seats up to 3 passengers plus 1 pilot. 29 DESCENT NORMAL Mike, the information i quoted was from the Piper MM covering pa28 140 all the way thru the 28r-200. Rate of climb: 825 FPM. malfunction of the engine driven fuel pump is immediately apparent. 0 GPH I was a 1980 Dakota (PA28-236) owner for seven years and feel it is one of the best fixed-gear, single-engine, four-seat aircraft out there. Good cruise at 120 mph with good fuel burn at 7 gph on autogas. Best Range (i): 510 NM. 0 GPH Taking a look at the Archer II vs Archer III POHs (I own a II), I noticed that the best economy fuel burn rates listed are quite different, and they're quite a bit higher for the Archer III. 2lbs is an Imperial Gallon, so that's about 1 Gallon or 4. Stall Speed: 52 KIAS. But I agree that a fuel flowmeter is ideal; I have It is relatively easy to flip the equations to give you fuel burn vs TAS when leaned properly ROP. Landing distance over 50ft obstacle: Fuel cost per hour: (8. 6 gph the 200 hp arrow about 10. Its almost always possible to go faster for less money and fuel, and often possible to get more utility than is afforded Fuel Burn @ 75%: 10. Stall Speed: 49 KIAS. /Fixed PA28 Fuel burn rate . Rate of climb: 1,110 FPM. Fuel cost per hour: (13. Fuel Burn @ 75%: 9. If signs of fuel starvation should occur at any time during flight, fuel exhaustion should be suspected, at which time the fuel selector should be immediately positioned to the other tank and the electric fuel pump switched to the ON position. take off weight 2325lbs/1054kg Check weight and balance if 3 pob. As a flight instructor and experienced pilot who has flown nearly every aircraft imaginable, I am intimately familiar with the Piper Cherokee family, including the Piper Cherokee Six 300. Ended up buying a '64 Hershey bar wing PA28-180. 40/gal) $70. Not so sure about the 12 gph at 22 squared in straight and level flight. 8 USgal/hr 55% Power - 2200 RPM - a" pilots guide "series of books by jeremy pratt gives all data on the pa28. Most people seems to run them a bit slower at 2350, with appropriate reduction in fuel and speed. Best Cruise Speed: 141 KIAS. 40/gal) $64. Aug 4, 2012 #11 Compare that extrapolated fuel burn with the total fuel burn for the flight to find the additional amount of fuel that is used from start to top of climb and top of descent to landing. Takeoff distance over 50ft obstacle: 1,700 FT. 7 gph (47. Ive read the engine performance graph and agree with the 15 gph at 24 squared. 60 1978 Piper PA-28-181 Archer II Engine make/model: Lycoming O-360-A4M Horsepower@rpm@takeoff: 180@2700@SL Horsepower for takeoff: 180 TBO hrs. Full to the tabs in a Warrior and Archer your fuel will weigh 210 lb and get you approx 3-4 hours of endurance depending on percentage flown and a/c type. 60 Fuel Burn @ 75%: 10. Rate of climb: 750 FPM. Posts: 320 Fuel Burn @ 75%: 9. A saving grace is that the engine is set up to burn 80/87 octane, making the 235 series’ final Horsepower: 1 x 180 HP. Rate of climb: 820 FPM. 4 GPH. 60 Fuel Burn @ 75%: 14. May as well make a dipstick whilst doing that, calibrated in 10 ltr increments. 4 GPH There will be two fuel tanks and you can only burn off one at a time. 40/gal) $45. . 7. Ceiling: 13,000 FT. Flight computer panel with useful information such as fuel burn, endurance, speed and wind speed/direction; Yoke-mounted flight timer/clock; GoodWay compatible; Ability to change barometric units from InHG to MB in altimeter adjustment; Option to activate flashlight from within pop-up window, to aid in those pitch-black cold and dark starts at Fuel Burn @ 75%: 8. Join Date: Jan 1999. I've seen a 5. That is with the calculation being done by the G5s and GNS 530, both corrected for temperature, DA, etc. 3 Aircraft Type and Registration: Piper PA-28-181, G-NERI No & Type of Engines: 1 Lycoming O-360-A4M piston engine Year of Manufacture: 1978 Date & Time (UTC): 6 August 1998 at 1157 hrs Location: 1 mile east of Bristol Airport Type of Flight: Private Persons on Board: Crew -1 - Passengers -None I like your system TonyR sounds simple enough. Jan 31, 2015 #8 Reply. 36 Fuel Burn @ 75%: 8. 4 gallons/hr @ $5. Just observe fuel burn in gph in a real climb and multiply by the time to climb. Rate of climb: 649 FPM. Stall Speed: 55 KIAS. Takeoff distance over 50ft obstacle: 1,750 FT. Landing distance over 50ft obstacle: 1,300 FT. Rate of climb: 831 FPM. 01 LBS Useable Fuel: 48 GAL (288 LBS) Weight x Arm = Moment (divide by 1000 for smaller numbers) Moment divided by Weight = Center of Gravity x 1000 = C. 36 Private Flying - pa28 fuel - I am converting to a pa28 and the fuel management seems highly dubious - look in the tank!!! Once you are happy with the fuel burn Leaned/rich then hey ho, who needs dipsticks and guages? Reply. Ceiling: 16,000 FT. certified aircraft database Piper Aircraft history and gallery PA-28 140 B, C, D, E Cherokee PA-28 140 Cherokee PA-28 140 Cherokee Cruiser PA-28 140-4 Cherokee Private Flying - PA28 Archer - Pre - Flight Fuel Tank Quantiy Check - All, Have recently checked out on the PA28 Archer 11 and having being brought up on a Cessna diet of never believe the guages and always dip the tanks, I was a little uncomfortable with the fact that you have to rely on your eye sight to assess the 180hp arrow burns 9. Takeoff distance over 50ft obstacle: 1,650 FT. Looked everywhere! Thanks in advance Cheers Expedite:ok: JetSetJ: 1st Feb 2007 20:59: Hi there, Fuel Consumption for a PA28 161:8 Performance Cruise: 75% Power - 2450 RPM - 10 USgal/hr From memory, the PA28-140 that I used to fly (150hp) used to burn about 36lph at 2450rpm (which gave just over 100kts IAS)---(I could be misremembering the rpm, and it might have been 2400rpm). PA28-161 Warrior II Fuel Burn for Start Up, Taxi and Power Checks . Weighing only around 110 pounds myself, if I have both tanks full but a passenger weighing 2-3 times my weight I would obviously use up the right tank a lot longer before changing. 2nd Jun 2014, 15:56 #16 jollyrog . PIPER AIRCRAFT CORPORATION SECTION 3 PA-28-161, WARRIOR III EMERGENCY PROCEDURES 3. griff390. Burning 7. The PA28-180 used about the same but has a bigger engine, I think that this is because it is mostly flown by PPL holders who are a little quicker with the checklist. Got my private in a warrior. Min. Stall Speed: 48 KIAS. View Single Post 26th Jan 2013, 16:36 #3 A and C . Loved every minute of it. 99 LBS Basic Empty Weight (N75179): 1609. The two models (which are both PA28-181s) have the same engine, the props are virtually the same (only difference is space length), Horsepower: 1 x 180 HP. however assuming a pa28--140 fuel--avgas burn around 35 litres per hour capacity--190 litres---should give safe 3. Despite having better performance figures than its rival, the Cessna 172 is less fuel efficient than the Piper PA-28 Cherokee. There is an electric fuel pump that provides redundancy. At $6 per gallon of av gas that is $18 per hour savings in fuel. Landing distance: 600 FT. That's when the Warrior II (PA28-161) came out. 0 : Best rate of climb, SL (fpm): 750: Maximum Operating Altitude (ft): 16,400 : Stall – Vso (kts): 50: TO ground roll (ft): 720: Ldg ground roll (ft): 600 : ALL PIPER CHEROKEE 180 SPECS AND PERFORMANCE NUMBERS ARE DRAWN FROM OFFICIAL SOURCES, OFTEN THE AIRCRAFT FLIGHT MANUAL OR THE The tabs and a look at the fuel level together with a knowledge of you aircraft's fuel burn and hours flown since the last flight. Ceiling: 20,000 FT. 74 Piper Aircraft Corporation Dakota PA28-236 Specifications ENGINE Manufacturer Model Rating(hp@rpm) NumberofCylinders RecommendedTBO(hrs. If you have specific questions about how to A handy feature of the PA-28's is the "tab" in the fuel tank which allows one at accurately assess whether or not there is fuel to a particular level. 5 The tabs and a look at the fuel level together with a knowledge of you aircraft's fuel burn and hours flown since the last flight. 4 GPH Fuel Burn @ 75%: 8. At this Loss of fuel pressure; Most of the above items can be found in this POH. When leaned for best power, Wilson continues, “but there are drawbacks to the 235. Weights. Landing distance: 825 FT. 2 GPH. Takeoff distance over 50ft obstacle: 1,220 FT. Ceiling: 12,700 FT. Joined Dec 31, 2013 Messages 4,707 Reaction score 1,121 Location N14. Hi everybody, Apologies if this thread has been started before. Am very interested in others experience in flying a little slower to I can fly to south FL (4. But various upgrades and a kind of Darwin effect may have weeded out many of the real clunkers by now. Best Cruise Speed: 117 KIAS. ): 2325 Empty weight Fuel Consumption (gph): 75% : 9. Stall Speed: 58 KIAS. 1 litre Max. Hope it goes well! I was taught when learning that 7 USG/Hour was a good ballpark figure for the PA28-161. 40/gal) $75. Rate of climb: 735 FPM. 81 Would like some practical experience advice from other owners of non fuel injected 250 0wners regarding cruise fuel burn. I find 55-75% and I could extrapolate if thats the only way. IT IS From memory, a PA28-161 burns about 35 litres per hour at 2400 rpm at typical GA altitudes. 0 GPH Horsepower: 1 x 180 HP. 5 to 10 GPH at cruise, these birds yield a fairly good range with four to six hours of flying. 0 GPH It burns 17 gallons of fuel per hour at its most fuel intensive part of the flight. 2 gallons/hr @ $5. Takeoff distance: 1,065 FT. 36 You could have just stuck with a Cherokee and gotten the same speeds and fuel burn from 2200rpm in the Arrow as 2500 rpm in the Cherokee . Landing distance over 50ft obstacle: Fuel cost per hour: (11. 7, Weight and Balance). Takeoff distance over 50ft obstacle: 1,360 FT. Ceiling: 11,000 FT. (Could do a variation of this so that the dipstick gives usable fuel rather than total fuel. 20 Fuel Burn @ 75%: 8. Fuel cost per hour: (9. Posts: n/a Hi there, Fuel Consumption for a PA28 161 Performance Cruise: 75% Power - 2450 RPM - 10 USgal/hr Economy Cruise: 65% Power - 2350 RPM - 8. Landing distance over 50ft obstacle: Fuel cost per hour: (10. Ceiling: 14,900 FT. 60 I dont know if its just me but I cannot for the life of me find the fuel burn at 100% throttle (eg climb). This airplane had 10 more horsepower and was a big hit, with 3,374 sales. It won't give you exact fuel burn but in no real world situation will you ever need to know fuel burn to fractions of a gallon. View 649 PIPER PA-28 For Sale Thread: PA28 Fuel burn rate. 70 Horsepower: 1 x 180 HP. One pilot said he flight-planned for 4. Takeoff distance over 50ft obstacle: 1,600 FT. Takeoff distance: 886 FT. Joined Nov 5, 2014 Messages 38 Fuel Burn @ 75%: 8. Ceiling: 16,200 FT. Best Range (i): 480 NM. A perennial complaint is that the airplane’s Lycoming O-540 is brutal on fuel consumption. 25. When Piper hung a 200-HP turbocharged Continental onto the basic Arrow airframe in 1977, the combination Fuel Burn @ 75%: 9. Stall Speed: 45 KIAS. 5 gph in cruise at the company I teach for. 19 LOSS OF FUEL PRESSURE (CONT'D) After fuel pressure and power are regained, turn the electric fuel pump OFF. Takeoff distance: 963 FT. Landing distance: 595 FT. I cant seem the find out how much fuel is burnt for start up, taxi and run up in the aircraft's POH. Takeoff distance: 725 FT. Best Cruise Speed: 123 KIAS. 2 flight at 11,000 before with 30 minutes reserve, it requires careful You need to take the existing PA28 model as a base and then customise it as much as necessary to reflect the specific model you fly. Fuel cost per hour: (8. Stall Speed: 50 KIAS. Full to the tabs in a Warrior and Archer your fuel will Sorry, I can't remember fuel to the tabs. Ceiling: 16,400 FT. 5 hours) and still have alternate and IFR reservese. 6 gallons/hr @ $5. 20 Fuel Burn @ 75%: 9. e, 5% contingency fuel, plus enough for a go-around, On many aircraft, fuel burn is highly dependant on leaning technique which is one of the reasons pilots are often taught not to trust the book numbers. Personally, I like to plan enough fuel to get from my intended destination to my Fuel burn math is done at 14 gph in climb and 9. Stall Speed: 59 KIAS. Looking inside the plane, the fuel selector was in-between the tip and main setting. Takeoff distance over 50ft obstacle: 1,760 FT. Rate of climb: 660 FPM. I tend to see 130 KTAS at 65% HP and get 15 gal/hr fuel burn (thus, one of the downsides - lots of fuel burn). [IMGCAP(1)]Saddled with a battered image, handicapped by a powerplant with a nasty reputation, the Turbo Arrow should be approached with caution. 5 gallons/hr @ $5. 34 USG / 130 litres Fuel consumption/hour 10 USG/38L Per hour without leaning OIL 5-7 QTS American quart=approx. Follow edited Jul 14, 2020 at 18:39 Horsepower: 1 x 150 HP. Takeoff distance over 50ft obstacle: 1,040 FT. So you have to put a little more thought towards managing fuel. O-320-D3G Horsepower: 160 TBO hrs. Landing distance over 50ft obstacle: Fuel cost per hour: (9. Takeoff distance: 600 FT. Other then the high fuel burn the only other complaint I would have is it glides like a brick. The latter model has a fuel burn rate of only 7 gallons per hour, while the former burn 11 gallons For training with the Cessna 152 we have calculated the fuel burn for taxi (in & out) to be 4 lts, this is an average and doing things at student speed. Ceiling: 14,300 FT. 40/gal) $43. 48 yrs A/P IA DAL aircraft inspector. Takeoff distance over 50ft obstacle: 1,150 FT. 5-10. Takeoff distance: 870 FT. Rate of climb: 902 FPM. All: I was just more pleased I duplicated ForeFlight fuel burn and times. Archer III PA-28-181 Description The Archer III PA-28-181 is a popular single-engine aircraft designed and manufactured by Piper Aircraft. PIPER ARCHER TX PA28-181 JAN 2022 Piper PA28-181 Archer TX Quick Reference Handbook ©SFC 2 JAN 2022 PIPER ARCHER PA28-181TX QUICK REFERENCE HANDBOOK (QRH) DISCLAMER: This Fuel Quantity Low 37 Loss Of Fuel Flow 38 38 Alternator Failure 39 Complete Electrical Failure 40 40 Failure 41. 7 gph and the 235 more like 14 plus or minus 1 gallon depending on carburetor and how you run it. 0 GPH When 75 percent power is applied, and the mixture is leaned out for fuel economy, the six-cylinder engine burns 12. 3) decent speed. 40/gal) $54. Mark, e-mail, 07. Ceiling: 13,650 FT. 20 Horsepower: 1 x 150 HP. Ceiling: 15,800 FT. The article includes a TAS correction chart with fuel burns for your aircraft. 64 Single engine piston aircraft with fixed landing gear. (Video the process so the results cant be disputed). 11. 0 GPH. I plan on 135 knots true air speed and 15 GPH fuel burn. 0 GPH Hi Guys, Newbie to Skydemon here and I fly the PA28. PA28-236. 60 Best way to figure this out is bust out the time/fuel/distance to climb chart from the POH, adjust the distance for the wind over the climb then take the New distance from the TOC to the destination, bust out the POH again for the cruise performance tables, (which you will notice already take into account different speeds and burns for altitude Fuel Burn @ 75%: 11. Horsepower: 1 x 150 HP. Carl. 40/gal) $48. The flight included a 23minute climb from 6,000ft to 12,000ft, and staying at 12,000ft for 50 minutes. A PA28 161 Warrior is 17US gallons per tank to tabs - 34 total. Flying to Southend from Kemble on Sunday for a currency checkflight and this will be the first time I have used Skydemon properly. Landing distance over 50ft obstacle: 1,150 FT. A few landings with a CFI to work out the sight picture in the flare & that's about it. 80 With this 75% power, you will now have a burn of 7. Ascending to 12,000 feet, you will find that you can reduce the fuel burn even more by leaning it out in the same way as described above. and, as already said, don't forget to put on the fuel pump before changing Fuel Burn @ 75%: 8. Landing distance: 780 FT. 5 gallons per hour. View Single Post 1st Feb 2007, 21:59 #2 JetSetJ Guest . The fuel burn at 9k is about 8. Improve this answer. Stall Speed: 56 KIAS. I. Best Range (i): 626 NM. poadeleted20 Deleted. One of the nice features of the Warriors is a generous 50-gallon fuel load (with 48 gallons usable). Fuel Burn @ 75%: 10. Join Date: Mar 2007. Takeoff distance: 740 FT. The fuel was flowing from the tip tank, to the selector valve and back up the line to the main tank causing it to overflow (thanks to the dihedral, the tip tank Fuel Burn @ 75%: 9. Best Cruise Speed: 124 KIAS. Takeoff distance: 1,025 FT. 20 It would be easier on the Annual when the tanks are drained, then add fuel until the desired level is achieved. (And then forget all of this post-checkride because you'll never do it in the real world. Tabs. Ceiling: 14,500 FT. N75179 PA28-181 WEIGHT & BALANCE RAM PA28-181 Weight and Balance Rev. Ceiling: 15,000 FT. Stall Speed: 47 KIAS. different book for each aircraft. 172N. Takeoff distance: 720 FT. Great fun Fuel Efficiency. Piper PA-28-181, G-NERI AAIB Bulletin No: 2/99 Ref: EW/G98/08/08 Category: 1. G limits 4. P. Best Range (i): 550 NM. reply. 4. (POH will give you better figures) Fuel Burn @ 75%: 9. 7 to 8. Landing distance: 550 FT. Landing distance: 861 FT. 36 [IMGCAP(1)]Big-engined four-place tricycle singles are an interesting - and small - class of airplane. Rate of climb: 690 FPM. 8 gph (EDM 830 fuel flow measurement) for the TAS above. Landing distance: 925 FT. Takeoff distance over 50ft obstacle: 1,216 FT. : 2000 Fuel type: 100LL Propeller type/diameter: Sensenich metal, FP/76 Landing gear type: Tri. 40/gal) $56. Rate of climb: 644 FPM. Landing distance over 50ft I had a long flight flying in a PA28, 1976 Piper Archer II 180PS. Fuel Burn @ 75%: 12. Joined Apr 8, 2005 Messages 31,250. 0 gallons/hr @ $5. Note: You should not be running the electric fuel pump for the entire flight, like anything this is a component that can burn out and it should be used when needed or dictated by the POH. basically, as already said, it depends on fuel amounts, etc. 20 Private Flying - PA28 Fuel management - IO540: I use commercial reserves - even when flying a PA28. 6 GPH. Octane Fuel : 80 : 100 Piper 1981 PA-28-161 Warrior II Piper 1981 PA-28-161 Warrior II Engine make/model: Lyc. 001 Effective: 01. The extra 20-30 hp is very much worth the extra gallon/hr. G. Hi all, Just a quick one, does anyone have the figures on burn rate per hour for the PA28 140/161. 5 GPH TAS is always a couple or three knots over 140. 60 Fuel Burn @ 75%: 9. 60 26/. 4 - 0 Aerobatics Warriors carried the PA28-151 designation and racked up 1,898 sales until 1977. I don't think maintenance on A 235 will come close to that. The fuel system isn't gravity fed since the wings are on the bottom which means that if the mechanical fuel pump dies the engine will quit. Best Cruise Speed: 110 KIAS. Landing distance over 50ft obstacle: Fuel cost per hour: (14. kayfq ewii xabec atra kho xrvre xuawe dbuz icrp uyfmd mnoyt zufufjf tehmux juzmon mliibjcf