Max31865 spi arduino These sensors use SPI to communicate, 4 pins are required to interface. При измерении температур холодной и горячей воды, разница по времени между точным измерением около 7 секунд. this is the code for my ESP32-WROOM-32 MCU Solar Controller. Beide Devices alleine funktionieren tadellos, allerdings gemeinsam betrieben spuckt der Sensor nur noch Mist aus. The thing is, I want to add more than one PT100 and boards to this projects (I #include <SPI. (See code below). But when I initilaize the display i'm getting only a constant temperature of 988,79°. max31865是一个易于使用的热敏电阻至数字输出转换器,为铂电阻温度探测器(rtd)作优化。外部电阻设置rtd灵敏度,高精度Δ- Σ adc将rtd电阻与基准电阻之比转换为数字输出。 Until now, I used only one PT100 in conjunction with a MAX31865 amplifier and a Arduino Uno board. ----- Contribute to hallard/arduino-max31865 development by creating an account on GitHub. Tous ces éléments sont chinois. I'm trying to measure a Temperatur using a MAX31865 and plot it on a 2,8" TFT Display. It begins with including the Adafruit_MAX31865 library, which provides functions for #include <Adafruit_MAX31865. Si claro!!, Esa es la forma de controlar muchos dispositivos SPI, con diferentes CS y todos esos In the absence of any code, pictures, links etc . void Config(SPIClass *spi, const uint8_t cs) This is required when using the default constructor and sets up the SPI bus and chip select pin. I am trying to read information from a PT100 using the MAX31865 breakout board from adafruit (Arduino Code | Adafruit MAX31865 RTD PT100 or PT1000 Amplifier | Adafruit Learning Hello, Im simply trying to get the MAX31865 RTD to digital converter to log temperature to an SD card. Soviel zu mir, jetzt zum ersten Problem. I wire up 1 sensor first, Una consulta si voy a usar 5 MAX31865 en un arduino mega, los pines SPI son 53, 51 y 50 para CS, DI, DO y CLK respectivamente, se puede usar para CS el pin 22, 23, 24 y 25, ya que son el control switch? Gracias, Surbyte August 3, 2019, 2:16am 2. #include <Adafruit_MAX31865. When I use the MAX31865 I read temperatures without no problems. If I comment out the code for the MAX31865 then the OLED displays properly, but once I put the lines back for the temperature sensing then the OLED flashes something that Hi, I am attempting to use a PT100 temperature sensor with a RTD-to-Digital Converter (MAX31865) with my Arduino Uno, and I wasn't sure how to go about hooking that up. max31865. The MAX31865 is an SPI chip, so you can connect it to the Arduino's SPI Arduino UNO R3 MAX31865の主な特徴. #include I'm working on a temperature controller for my Kamado smoker and am running into issues getting the PT100 sensor board to work properly and the OLED to display while using the PT100. Reading one RTD is successful and steady and nice and dandy. Here is my simplified example that first reads the config I solved my problem with the MAX31865 breakout board for RTD inputs and the SD card on an Arduino UNO clone. h> // I am trying to use an Adafruit MAX31865 RTD amplifier to read a 2 wire PT1000 rtd I bought. But when i try to use Arduino UNO R4 Minima to read parameter from MAX31865, it always shows no result like this: RTD value: 0 Ratio = 0. h> begin (max31865_numwires_t x=MAX31865_2WIRE) Initialize the SPI interface and set the number of RTD wires used. 02 temperature reading. ino at master Before using the Max31865 sensor with your Arduino board, there are a few steps you need to follow for proper setup. h> // Use software SPI: CS, DI, DO, CLK Adafruit_MAX31865 thermo = Adafruit_MAX31865(10, 11, 12, 13); // use hardware SPI, just bonjour a tous alors pour faire bref, ça fait un moment que je n'ai pas mis le nez dans les arduino et compagnie!! et je dois bien avouer que je galere pour faire bref, je souhaiterais mettre en oeuvre une sonde PT100 Hi all, I want to measure the temperature of Pt100 elements and the temperature of thermocouple both parallel on a Arduino Mega 2560 Rev3. In the code below, I've managed to get the SPI running (Version A) – but when I try to adjust the access to make the SPI compatible with other devices (Click Shield), I can't get any SPI communication going (Version B). "max31865是易于使用的电阻数字转换器,针对铂电阻温度检测器(rtd)进行了优化。外部电阻设置所用rtd的灵敏度,而精密Δ-Σadc则可转换rtd电阻比。 GitHub - adafruit/Adafruit_MAX31865: Arduino Library for Adafruit MAX31865 RTD Sensor. The IC on my board uses the MAX31865 chip, which uses SPI communication to report temperature readings. 00000000 Resistance = 0. SCK - This is the SPI Clock pin, its an input to the chip; SDO - this is the I found out that the baud rate should be 115200, it finds the arduino this way. 抵抗値 PT100(100Ω)〜PT1000(1kΩ) 接続 2、3、4線式のいずれにも対応; インターフェース SPI(ChipSelect、SCK、MISO、MOSI。 Arduino Forum Problemas con conexión de un max31865 y pt100. 0 for PT1000 Hi, I have an Arduino Uno with a RTD 4 wire probe and a ADC MAX31865, working well with a resolution with 0. Code wise im using the Arduino example: #include <Adafruit_MAX31865. I used the example Code for debuing and adjusted the CS,MISO,MOSI and CLK GPIOs. I was using the SDfat library with hardware SPI interface for the SD card, and I used the example code included with the This is the Adafruit MAX31865 Arduino Library. Ich sehe gerade der MAX ist ja auch ein 3. It is working perfectly, you can see in the images attached, but I only have 1 PT1000 now and I would like to have several PT1000. [SOLVED] SPI communication with MAX31865. Currently the serial output is saying the temperature sensor is reading the max value. 这个很简单,不细说了哈. bool Begin(const RtdWire wires, const float r0, const float resist) Initializes communication and configures the MAX31865. Hello All, I am new here and am trying to get my MAX31865 to output Fahrenheit readings instead of Celsius readings. The setup will be battery powered. here is a link to the code if interested: Hi guys, I am using the MAX31865 library for the PT100 temp sensor, however it uses delays which are blocking other parts of my sketch. This worked well. I am using a MAX31865 with a PT100. The problem was that once I'd started writing data to the SD card, the MAX31865 returned -242. I am trying read values from an IC that uses SPI comms, but there are two buses on the module the V and the H bus. The wirings from the two measuring points to the control unit are Hi, I'm having trouble to get a ST7735 tft and MAX31865 PT100 board working at the same time with my Uno R3. SPI Logic pins: All pins going into the breakout have level shifting circuitry to make them 3-5V logic level safe. I'm using a chineese version of max31865 to connect them to Arduino Mega. I use the Adafruit library to get the temperature: GitHub - adafruit/Adafruit_MAX31865: Arduino Hallo zusammen, ich habe mich hier neu angemeldet und bin auch noch recht frisch in der Arduinowelt. h> // Use software SPI: CS, DI, DO, CLK Adafruit_MAX31865 thermo = Adafruit_MAX31865(10, 11, 12, 13); // use hardware SPI, just Bonjour , je viens ici pour vous demandez conseil 😉 ; j'utilise une sonde PT100 ainsi qu'un convertisseur MAX31865 afin de lire une température, j'ai élaborer un petit code , pourriez-vous s'il vous plait me dire ce que vous en pensez et si il y a des choses a changer. above must be included in any redistribution *****/ #include <Adafruit_MAX31865. Skip to content. The problem appears when I use the SPI from MAX31865 and the BLE at same time. But I can't get out the temperature inf. I have bought max31865 for my PT1000 - for the first time. I can't seem to get any response back from the chip, I'm just talking to 1 right now, with hooks in the code to expand to 15 I solved my problem with the MAX31865 breakout board for RTD inputs and the SD card on an Arduino UNO clone. Guten Abend zusammen, ich versuche als blutiger Anfänger mit Hilfe eines PT1000 Temperatursensors und dem MAX31865 die Temperatur zu messen. You can control the chip and Приобрел плату max31865 и RTD pt100. Vorher habe ich diverse Programme in python programmiert, jetzt geht es mit der Arduino IDE und c++ weiter. 或者是你可以在Arduino IDE的库文件下载里面直接搜“MAX31865”,如图:点击安装即可 驱动代码修改的话,基本上就是按照datasheet里面所讲到的的SPI通信方式把整个MAX31865的驱动代码重写一遍,以 Arduino Mega 2560 starten - und wartet dann auf die Eingabe von Befehlen -> mit "s" wird die Messung gestartet - solange bis wieder ein "s" geschickt wird, danach wird die Messung gestoppt. MEGA boards, CPU="DUE" for Arduino Due Post here about your Arduino projects, get help - for Adafruit customers! Moderators: adafruit I'm having some trouble connecting a single MAX31865 to an Arduino MEGA 2560 via hardware SPI. blanca97 October 3, 2024, 5:28pm 1. I'm able to measure the temperatur OR plot something on the display. 2. Programmiere mit einem . Sensors. J'ai fais les This circuit is very simple, it consists of three components. How should I change the code to obtain the measurements of all the sensors on the serial monitor? You will find the wiring HI everybody! I'd like to read a RTD value from a PT100 sensor on my arduino with a max31865 shield; The shield is not an original but a chinese copy buy on amazon or ebay I Ho una sonda pt100(3 fili) collegata al MAX31865, come codice di arduino ho usato quello di base fornito d Salve a tutti, vi pongo il mio problema 🙂 Ho fatto qualche ricerca ma non riesco a venirne a capo. h> // Use software SPI: CS, DI, DO, CLK Adafruit_MAX31865 thermo = Adafruit_MAX31865(D4,D1,D2 Post here about your Arduino projects, get help - for Adafruit customers! Moderators: adafruit I'm having some trouble connecting a single MAX31865 to an Arduino MEGA 2560 via hardware SPI. You can control the chip and Good gtardes dear community, I am trying to connect 2 plates MAX31865 to an arduino UNO. For the MAX31865 I Arduino MKR WiFi 1010をデータ入力に使う⑫SPI白金測温抵抗体+MAX31865. #ifdef LED_MAX31865 前言. setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV128); I'm writing 0xA0 to register 0 to start a conversion: // send write address, data to start a conversion digitalWrite (SSarray[x], LOW); digitalWrite (SSarray[x], LOW); Wykorzystamy karty SD i microSD oraz moduły MAX31865 i MAX31855 W kursie Arduino od biedy interfejs SPI można byłoby pominąć, gdyby nie fakt, że jest on wykorzystany do komunikacji z bardzo popularnymi From what I can tell, the version of the Adafruit MAX31855 lib that I have includes hardware SPI (see GitHub - adafruit/Adafruit-MAX31855-library: Library for the Adafruit Thermocouple breakout with MAX31855K), so I don't think it's a Hi all! I am looking forward to reading two PT1000 temperature sensors. flight1ap January 10, 2019, 4:49am 1. What Ive got a Node MCU V1. Note that I selected the common Pt100 Sensor and the corresponding MAX31865 board. I don't believe there is a way to change it. I transmitted an array which contained values of two floating pins and one readout from a potentiometer on A0. 14: Hi folks, I'm learning to use SPI communication to read from two separate MAX31865 RTD temperature sensor chips. Español. Both are sharing the SPI bus. I have used the code of another user that I found on the internet, however, I can only see the reading of a pt100, but not the two pt100. Now I want to use two PT100 sensors, and I am a bit lost on how to do so. #include <Arduino. 00000000 Temperature = -242. Many SPI - Arduino Reference. Therefore the PT1000 sensors are given. h> // Use software SPI: CS, DI, DO, CLK //Adafruit_MAX31865 max = A (37, 39, 41, 43); //use hardware SPI, just pass in the CS pin On Atmega MCUs, the mode of the designated default SS pin is also used to determine the master/slave mode of SPI operation. I installed a uSD card to do datalogging, both SPI connection like my ADC, and my probe lost resolution to 0. This includes power, ground, and SPI communication lines. The code worked perfect! Today, I left the code on the transmitter side as is and tried to integrate a PT100 connected to a MAX31865 Mish Mash Labs demonstrate the MAX31855 Thermocouple Amplifier Breakout Board during this tutorial. Contribute to adafruit/Adafruit_MAX31865 development by creating an account on GitHub. First i write 0xCA to the config registry (at 0x80) and then i attempt to read it, but it keeps returning 0x80 as the value. h" #include "SPI. 3V und nur mit Widerständen der Pegel wurde angepasst, jedoch weis Hey guys I have an esp32-wroom-32ue and in the arduino IDE I use the board Node32s. 0 for PT100 and 4300. Contribute to hallard/arduino-max31865 development by creating an account on GitHub. h> // Use hardware SPI, just pass in the CS pin Adafruit_MAX31865 thermo = Adafruit_MAX31865(10); // CS pin connected to pin 10 // The value of the Rref #include <Adafruit_MAX31865. und die laut Sketch sind durch Display belegt. /***** This is a library for the Adafruit PT In this tutorial you will learn how to use RTD sensors with the MAX31865 and Arduino. The sketch/board/sensor generally works correctly, reporting accurate temperatures. We show an Arduino Nano been connected to the MAX31855 The Hello everyone, I’m new here, and I hope you can help me out. Using SPI Mode1, and SPI/128 for SCK speed: SPI. 10: 4762: May 6, 2021 Trouble using the max7219. From browsing several other forum posts Hi all, i have a very strange problem reading the temperature of an PT1000 temperature probe with a MAX31865 amplifier module. International. Searching for days I'm struggling with the SPI interface on the SAMD series. The Adafruit MAX31865 example is used where the following is modified: Code: Select all // Use software SPI: CS, DI, DO, CLK Adafruit_MAX31865 max Success! I now get consistent readings, and I think I have the conversion math right. I soldered the 2 wires jumper Hello gentlemen (and ladies), I want to read many RTDs (pt1000) using a max31865 module connected to an ESP32 SPI port. above must be Hi, Before anything, thanks to everyone for reading. Unfortunately Labview does not have an example VI for this sensor and I have not found anything Hi Everyone, I am in the process of developing a temperature sensor module with 4 MAX31865 (PT100) modules communicating with Arduino Micro via SPI. The communication bus is not initialized within this library and must be initialized seperately; this enhances compatibility Arduino Library for Adafruit MAX31865 RTD Sensor. print(F("\tChecking MAX31865 SPI chip")); // Indicate onboard MAX31865 we do a measure. 非门电路. Folgende Komponente benutze ich: MAX31865 PT1000 Sensor von Honeywell ( Honeywell AIDC HEL-705-U-0-12-00 Temperatursensor -200 bis +260 °C 1000 Ω). h" Adafruit_MAX31865 sensor(A2); // On donne la Hallo alle miteinander, nachdem ich eine Baustelle abschließen konnte, ist nun die nächste dran. Navigation Menu // use hardware SPI, just pass in the CS pin //Adafruit_MAX31865 thermo = Adafruit_MAX31865(10); // The value of the Rref resistor. Moderators: adafruit_support_bill, adafruit. Der Max gibt mir nur 0 Ohm und -242° im monitor aus. The MAX31865 had a Serial Output pin, which I guess I would need to attach to my Arduino somewhere. Is it possible or do the protocols interfere in some way?(i don't know how these works) Arduino Forum I want to connect max31865 temperature sensor that uses spi to an Arduino nano using this MCP23017 i2c port expander. h> // Use software SPI: CS, DI, DO, CLK Adafruit_MAX31865 thermo = Adafruit_MAX31865(9, 11, 12, 13); Was meint ihr dazu ? olmuk November 23, 2023, 7:21pm 40. (Tools > Auto Format Ja jeder Arduino hat feste SPI Pins, außer CS(SS). Board setting is: LOLIN (WEMOS) D1 Mini Pro Uploaded program: max31865. I am replacing an existing control unit. Leider kann ich als neuer Nutzer SPI Logic pins: All pins going into the breakout have level shifting circuitry to make them 3-5V logic level safe. Because the MAX31865 uses SPI I cannot connect 11 of them so I am looking for another solution, probably i2c. I have multiple Adafruit MAX31865 (Adafruit PT100 RTD Temperature Sensor Driver library for the MAX31865 RTD chip. 33: 39839: May 6, 2021 Mulitple MAX31856 with SPI. Krankheitsbedingt. The readings from the sensors needs to be monitored with an internal to 15 minutes, therefore I can keep the MCU in sleep mode so that it consumes low power of about Hello ! I am trying to do a PT100 temperature sensor and MAX31865 board project with Arduino, the code and wiring are working perfectly. 03ºC. I am using a ATMEGA128, where the SPI bus is located in the pins: CLK: 9 MOSI: 10 MISO: 11 The CS of the MAX31865 is pin 8 and the CS of MCP41 is 13. I leave the code with I have WeMos D1 Mini Pro and AF Max31865 boards connected together. The Adafruit MAX31865 example is used where the following is modified: Code: Select all // Use software SPI: CS, DI, DO, CLK Adafruit_MAX31865 max Maxim MAX31865 RTD to Digital Converter Arduino Library - PWFusion_MAX31865/examples/max31865_2ch_spi_example/max31865_2ch_spi_example. I want to connect max31865 temperature sensor that uses spi to an Arduino nano using this MCP23017 i2c port expander. Wenn ich das richtig verstanden habe, sollten sich beide Devices die PINs CLK,SI(MOSI),SO(MISO)( teilen, Arduino Code • SPI Wiring • Download Adafruit_MAX31865 library • Attach PT100 or PT1000 RTD • Load Demo • More Accuracy • Library Reference The MAX31865 is a tiny surface mount chip, and it needs a lot of other parts to make it work, so we've got it on a nice breakout board for you. Anyone can I have been using a Adafruit MAX31865 board connected to an Arduino Nano RP2040 Connect via SPI. Arduino; SPI; 温度 I2Cバスの転送は、デフォルト100kHzなので、比較的低速なデバイスに向いています。少し高速な通信が必要なセンサや表示器にはSPI Hi together, after a long time I found some time to get back to my ESP32. Eigentlich habe ich mir einen UNO aus Langeweile bestellt. I can get both of them working by themselves with the examples available. Thanks a lot! The code in Ja, man darf aber nicht die HW SPI Pins nutzen, und SW SPI muss auch deklariert werden gehören zu HW SPI. The Adafruit MAX31865 module is connected to the Arduino via SPI (CS =10, Hallo, ich versuche gerade meinen Sensor MAX31865 für einen PT1000 zu programmieren, Fehlermeldungen bekomm ich keine, aber mein Serial Monitor gibt als Temperatur -242 GRAD aus. Zu TFT LCD jeder macht wie er will, ich wurde jedoch nicht direkt auf Nano klemmen. Use 430. Bonjour, j'ai un problème avec max 31865 associé à un arduino nano. Adafruit_MAX31865 Class Reference. They have a DRDY (data ready) output pin on the MAX31865. I checked the pinout and I'm sure I'm not using same pin to control MAX device. TIA, Kevin. #include "Adafruit_MAX31865. Here's my setup from the ATMEGA: Chip Select Pins: ADC6: SS1 to Hello ! I am trying to do a project about PT1000 sensors and a MAX31865 board with SPI communication. moin, ich würde gerne ein Display mit SH1122 Controller und ein MAX31865 Temperatursensor zusammen an meinem NANO betrieben. Serial. I think the firmware is set to run at this rate. I understand that each board must have its own assigned CS pin, however, I have problems to implement it. This Is my code. When making a change and Hello, I'm newbie in Arduino. MAX31865实际上是一款简便的RTD铂电阻至数字转换器,高精度、成本低、设计周期短的优点。 (如图所示便是最常见的一个MAX31865模块,右边的是三线的PT100温度探 Guys, I have 15 MAX31865s on a board with a 1284P chip and TI TXB0106 chips for level converters. I've followed all of the steps on the Adafruit website's walkthrough and I am not getting any output when I upload the code to my I am attempting to program a NodeMCU through the Arduino IDE to read data from a PT100 sensor through a Max31865. It is in SPI with the CS pin on pin 10. ino Library: Driver library for the MAX31865 RTD chip. Any help would great. RTD sensors are highly accurate, robust temperature sensors and the MAX31865 is a resistance-to-digital When creating the Hello, I should use Labview to measure temperature via a four wire Pt100, with a MAX31865 sensor that use an SPI intarface. h> // Use software SPI: CS, DI, DO, Hello, could you please help me? I spent 2 days trying and nothing ☹ I made some arduino projects - so I am not completely newbie. La sonde PT100 est une 3 fils. Arduino Forum Convert MAX31865 Celsius to Fahrenheit. (2 Wire Muy buenas tardes comunidad inteligente, me gustaria conocer la opinion de los expertos estoy desarrollando una api donde debo programar un atmega328p mediante ICSP y tambien se presenta la necesidad de Mau mengukur suhu dengan akurasi tinggi menggunakan Arduino? Sensor MAX31865 adalah pilihan terbaik untuk menghubungkan sensor RTD seperti PT100 atau PT1000. If you prefer a Pt1000 you should buy a matching board, otherwise you will have to change the reference resistor o I'm having some trouble connecting a single MAX31865 to an Arduino MEGA 2560 via hardware SPI. h> #include <Adafruit_MAX31865. The problem was that once I'd started writing data to the I used an Arduino Uno for this project but any other Arduino board, or an ESP8266/ESP32 board will also work. I use NodeMcu ESP8266. However, im struggling to get the SPI connections to work simultaneously. From an engineering point of Arduino Code • SPI Wiring • Download Adafruit_MAX31865 library • Attach PT100 or PT1000 RTD • Load Demo • More Accuracy • Library Reference The MAX31865 is a tiny surface mount chip, and it needs a lot of other parts to make it work, so we've got it on a nice breakout board for you. Programming. I've been strugling with this problem for the past 4 days and now I come here so hopefully someone could help me. 06ºC. I’m expecting/guessing this is a breakout type board , like the Adafruit one - if so look at the power supply requirements - it has an on board regulator so can work at Adafruit MAX31865 Arduino Library Public Member Functions | List of all members. Next, you will need to install the Max31865 Arduino library, For other supported Arduino products from Adafruit: Shields, accessories, etc. Adafruit invests time and resources providing this open source code, please support Adafruit and open-source Hello, I am using the MAX31865 on an ESP32. Ich habe mir einen Temperaturmessumformer (Adafruit MAX31865) und einen PT100 Temperatursensor als 2-Leiter besorgt. First, you will need to connect the necessary wires between the sensor and the Arduino. Hi everyone, I am encountering a problem when interfacing a MAX31865 with a PT100 sensor and a digital potentiometer MCP41100. Use whatever logic level is on Vin!. image 1482× #include <Adafruit_MAX31865. The 128x64 OLED display is connected to the Arduino via i2C (A4 = SDA, A5 = SCL). Projects. h> // Use software SPI: CS, DI, DO, CLK //Adafruit_MAX31865 Hello everyone, I'm using an Adafruit MAX31865 connecting with a 4-wire PT100. 0, a MAX31865 and a PT100 sensor. Driver library for the MAX31865 RTD chip. (produces wrong temp reading) Would be great if someone could point me in the right direction for replacing the delays with a non-blocking method. There is a prebuilt library for Hallo, bin seit ner weile wieder mal dabei mich mit arduino zu beschäftigen und auf folgendes problem gestoßen. Um das abzutrennen : ich habe nochmals geforscht und alle betreiben das rote TFT ungeniert 1. Also I can communicate using BLE with my phone. Use whatever logic level is on Vin! SCK - This is the SPI Clock pin, its an input to the chip SDO - this is the Serial Data Out / Microcontroller In Sensor Out pin, for data sent from the MAX31865 to your processor Hi, I'm using BLEND arduino with MAX31865 to make a temperature sensor. The Arduino programming language Reference, organized into Functions, Variable and Constant, and Structure keywords. The Adafruit MAX31865 example is used where the following is modified: MAX31865是一个易于使用的 热敏电阻 至数字输出转换器,为铂电阻温度探测器(RTD)作优化。 外部电阻设置RTD灵敏度,高精度Δ- Σ ADC将RTD电阻与基准电阻之比转换为数字输出。 MAX31865输入具有高达±45V的 This Arduino code is for interfacing the MAX31865 RTD sensor with an Arduino board. Software. Ich möchte etwas I recently bought some Max31865 breakout boards on Aliexpress (the black pcb ones) and tried to connect a 2 wires PT1000 to an Arduino Uno. I also can get the MAX81365 to post Questa è la connessione con cui lo testo, e questo è il codice fornito dal produttore // the sensor communicates using SPI, so include the hardware SPI library: #include <SPI. I have tried to modify it to use millis but it does not work. 02 My test code was taken from the adafruit library: #include Dear enthusiasts, Yesterday I wrote code to have an array transmitted from an UNO board to a MEGA board via nRF24L01. Do I need to read that pin on the ATMEGA or can I just leave it not connected like so many other SPI devices. I want to make a controller for an industrial oven and I want to read 6 PT100 sensors. I am using the H bus. La valeur de température donnée est de -242,02 elles est constante . trfh zsie udiiz whohy bbut gbcik brab drllwrb azpmqy xrg xagpou isd xng hwzr nwmn