Foxhole colonial discord. You've been invited to join.

Foxhole colonial discord Foxhole > General Discussions > Topic Details. Thank you! The reason for this clan is that my first time playing a WO2 took me on a partisan run, No questions on my skills or knowledge he would teach me. It is time to get rid of Vous êtes francophones? Débutant ou non, rejoignez le CRG: Retrouvez nous en jeu(CRG#6740), sur discord. Wir bieten: • Teamspeak-Server IP: JgF. Our regiment is a welcoming and tight-knit community where every member finds their place and role We're the Gay Ass Intrepid Army. The Official Foxhole community. Share Add a Comment. We wanted to have better communication between Join the Colonial Highlanders – By Valor, We Triumph! Affiliation: Colonial Loyalist Shard: ABLE Time zone: Mainly EU Language: : English Est: War 119 The Colonial Highlanders are calling upon brave soldiers to join our ranks and make history on the battlefield. gg/Es3sW9m. So Whether you're a New Player, a Bitter Vet, or a Member of a clan big or The Colonial faction in Foxhole is well organized and uses these two community Discords: Here's an invite link to the community Discord for the Colonial team on LIVE-2: The Colonial Sigil is the main collaboration hub for Colonial players in Foxhole. Do not report bugs that are already known issues. Whether you’re a seasoned sailor or a fresh recruit, our server offers a welcoming environment to connect with fellow players, strategize, and embark on epic naval adventures. You can use special characters and emoji. 50,892 Online. 5 2,708,156 1,387,051 1,321,105 Frontier bases spawned. The most recent update is at the top. I'll try my best to reply to all the concerns you might have. Allow direct messages. Please drop the links below!! Archived post. Here we discuss The main colonial discord is called SIGIL. Colonial & Warden civilian fashion. G. duckdns. We are a new clan just formed out of a small group of people that is looking to take on new members, we all have one common interest killing Wardens! We take a strategic approach in where we place ourselves on the battlefield, looking for weaknesses on the enemies front lines or weaknesses within our own Lista serwerów Discord oznaczonych tagiem: foxhole. Love and respect to SAF <3 Great Clan and our dear friends ! Serwer Foxhole Polska to oficjalny serwer Discord polskiej społeczności Foxhole. ## What We Expect: - 📣 **Teamwork and Communication:** Active participation on Discord and in-game. There is a lot of clans from different parts of the world that look for more members under ''Clan-Recruitment''. The server’s purpose is to provide all Colonials, solo or A good first step would be to join the Colonial SIgil Discord - discord. Aug 23, 2018 @ 7:39am The Colonial Clan Hi. com Open. We specialize in infantry-based frontline combat with a lot of flanking, but we use many vehicles and do logistics as well. The sheer amount of The 1st Colonial Rangers are a group of like-minded soldiers who work together to succeed in Foxhole. The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft. 68K subscribers in the foxholegame community. Nous accueillons les joueurs de tous niveaux. Ingame tag: GAIA#192 Side: Colonial, wardens are welcome in the server but get limited access, members are allowed to go warden but get their server access restricted in the same way. Welcome to Foxhole Conquest: Rise of the Clans! 🦊🛡️ Join us in this Discord server to stay updated on all things related to the development of the Foxhole Hearts of Iron 4 mod. Language: English Time zone: any, but mostly Amercas-Europe/Africa. hubside. We have a varied and impressive tech stack including a state-of-the-art war planning map and a feature-rich Foxhole Bienvenue sur le serveur du FHFR ! Tu pourras y découvrir la communauté des joueurs Francophones de Foxhole ! | 5401 members For more D&D discussion: Discord: https://discord. gg/foxhole) to learn more about lore. There are only two requirements to join our community: Have at least 18 years old We are apolitical players; So please, we do not want My idea is simple, a discord channel dedicated to members of clans that play as a Colonial. Search for those hubs in the #clan-recruitment channel in the foxhole official discord. its disgusting. Participate in epic battles. gg/9rCu93w A good first step would be to join the Colonial SIgil Discord - discord. The largest number of clans are represented there #1 < > Showing 1-1 of 1 comments . gg/colonialsigil It's a large hub of Colonial players and there is a recruitment section at No Foxhole, a UBGE é o clã colonial brasileiro mais antigo na ativa. Close. The Colonial Sigil is the 6th generation Colonial community hub, and is the largest and longest running. Znajdź i dołącz do niesamowitych serwerów dostępnych na naszej stronie! un régiment loyaliste warden francophone vieux de 2 ans qui utilisont toute les armes disponibles pour chasser le colonial en dehors de notre territoire! **Que proposons-nous?** Nous proposons une large 157th Dragoons [157D] Contact @Sniper157#6662 Affiliation: Colonial :Colonial_emblem: Language: English Les conditions de départs sont mises en ligne sur le canal #updates du Discord Officiel de Foxhole quelques heures avant le début de la guerre. 1. I don’t have a link on hand, but a quick google search should provide one Le plus vieux clan Francophone des forces Coloniales! | 1102 members I’m having a hard time finding a clan/discord to join on the Charlie Shard for colonials. the 11e has a secret HQ for meetups over a beer and a gaming Discord to relax between military campaigns. foxhole ile etiketlenmiş olan Discord sunucularının listesi. We have a varied and impressive tech stack including a state-of-the-art war planning map and a feature-rich Foxhole The Official Foxhole community. A few wars ago a few players came together to create something bigger than just a Regiment. Recruitment requirements: - Speak English language. This is how others see you. Your best bet is to join FOD, aka Foxhole Official Discord. Regions: Latam, Latas & Spain. United Colonial Front [UCF] - EU/NA clan recruiting! 1 [RECRUITMENT] 178th Regiment [WARDENS] 0 Les 300 sont là pour toi ! This video is a compilation of art/meme of Colonial from the discord and redditDiscord FMN (Foxhole Mod Nexus) - https://discord. FMN - Foxhole Mod Nexus. | 3253 members The Youtube channel of the french-speaking foxhole clan CRG : The Colonial Recon Group. Please read the rules and regulations below. Encontre e junte-se a alguns servidores fantásticos listados aqui! DISBOARD Procurar. English Ensemble, nous bouterons la vermine colonial hors de nos terres ! À bientôt sous la bannière de Callahan ! Youtube : https://www. | 232845 members. Every individual soldier is a player that contributes to the war effort through logistics, base building, reconnaissance, combat, and more. Whether you are an experienced veteran or a straight-off-the-boat player, we Additions, changes and removals to the Foxhole Queues Calculator (FQC) are displayed here. 🌐 Server Language . The color scheme for them is blue, gray, and white. Discord servers tagged with colonial. Shard: ABLE ¿Quienes somos? 7-HP es un regimiento de habla The 141st Colonial Rangers Tag: 141CR Affiliation: Colonial Loyalist Manpower : 500 Time Zones: Primarily EU & NA but all time zones are welcome. Discord de la communauté Francophone de Foxhole : Créé depuis 2017 (+8ans d'existence), Forte de +5000 membres, Tutoriels disponibles pour les nouveaux joueurs, The Colonial Sigil is the 6th generation Colonial community hub, and is the largest and longest running. Au sein de notre division tu pourras jouer tout types de spécialités : Infanterie, combat naval, combat blindé, logistique, etc Wir sind der deutsche Foxhole Clan "Colonial Jaeger Forces" und suchen dich als Verstärkung. Servers Reviews. Active sensible leaders, elaborate hierarchy, well :Colonial_emblem: 101st Colonial Guards :Colonial_emblem: Affiliation: Colonial Language: English Timezone: EU/NA Shard: Charlie Discord: https://discord. To pay it forward I invite anyone interested in partisan to join discord link below. com Foxhole is a massively multiplayer game where thousands of players shape the outcome of a persistent online war. ADMIN MOD AUS/NZ Colonial discord? Questions Recently getting back into the game, is there a discord for just OCE players that I can join? Archived post. Lmao. Lutamos do Lado Colonial desde 2017, sempre promovendo o respeito, trabalho em equipe e suporte a novos jogadores. N’hésitez pas nous contacter via discord pour toute question ou demande concernant le Clan ou le Jeu. Burada listelenmiş olan harika sunucuları bul ve katıl! Discord de la communauté francophone de foxhole: crée depuis 2017 (+6ans d'existence) forte de +4000 membres tutoriels disponibles pour les nouveaux joueurs aides communautaires pour répondre à vos questions sommaire des régiments wardens et coloniaux groupe de discussion inter-factions wiki et glossaire francophone traduction des mises à The Colonial Sigil is the 6th generation Colonial community hub, and is the largest and longest running. DISCORD Use related lore channels on Foxhole Official Discord (https://discord. O. Discord de la communauté francophone de foxhole: crée depuis 2017 (+6ans d'existence) forte de +4000 membres tutoriels disponibles pour les nouveaux joueurs aides communautaires pour répondre à vos questions sommaire des régiments wardens et coloniaux groupe de discussion inter-factions wiki et glossaire francophone traduction des mises à Nous sommes du côté colonial Nos objectifs sont simples : -Apprendre tous ensemble à jouer aux jeux. discord. Any Colonial Logi/Artillery Clans/Groups still recruiting? You can join the official Foxhole Discord channel if you are looking for a clan. 0, an active and vibrant community of Colonial Players of the game Foxhole! The discord server is the main hub for collaboration, discussion and information-sharing for Colonials on Foxhole. a Fallout themed HOI4 total overhaul serving over 300,000 users and counting. youtube. If you're looking for a relaxed, close-knit community where you can thrive in whatever it is you do best in-game, and have plenty of laughs and a good time, the CMC is for you! If you'd like to know more, or are looking to join, visit our discord! Discord: Check out the FMN - Foxhole Mod Nexus community on Discord - hang out with 9205 other members and enjoy free voice and text chat. Close Remove Code. -Et pour finir le plus important : s'amuser ! Alors si certains recherche une compagnie française sur Foxhole et sont prêts à jouer Comunidad encarada a foxhole de lenguaje español, por favor respeta y ten consideracion con el resto de regimientos y miembros. The Regiment system is Foxhole's implementation of a 'Clan' system. Posts: 3. fr/ En espérant que vous soyez nombreux à nous rejoindre, Bon Jeu ! https://discord. Members Online • phoenixmusicman. an active member of the community. Recruitment requirements Speak English language. un régiment loyaliste warden francophone vieux de 2 ans qui utilisont toute les armes disponibles pour chasser le colonial en dehors de notre territoire! **Que proposons-nous?** Nous proposons une large quantité d The CMC is a Colonial amphibious assault / naval infantry clan. Welcome. Whether you excel in strategy, thrive under fire, or have a knack for logistics and engineering, there's a N’hésitez pas nous contacter via discord pour toute question ou demande concernant le Clan ou le Jeu. We trace our roots all the way back to World Conquest 11 and while best known for our armored and artillery Bonjour, si vous avez trouvé ce topic et que vous cherchez toujours à jouer avec d'autres francophones sur Foxhole en 2020 : je vous présente le Colonial Recon Group, un clan sans obligation de connexion qui regroupe une majeure partie de la communauté FR active de Foxhole ( 500 ) sur son discord : https://discord. All regiment info is in the player menu (press f1). We are the United Colonial Front [UCF]. Foxhole > Recruitment > Topic Details. Members Online • Perikitop . Please post any bug reports or feedback to the devbranch-bugs and devbranch-feedback channels on the Foxhole Discord. their play style is to supply the general public on first come first serve. API docs and assets. CLANES COLONIAL HISPANOS - 2022/2023 ACTIVOS . Znajdziesz tutaj między innymi wielu doświadczonych graczy, którzy doradzą ci jak zacząć grę oraz czy w ogóle warto ją zakupić. Celui-ci à pour but de reunir les joueurs francophones de FoxHole. warapi docs - official API docs; warapi assets - some apparently legally licenced assets; assets. We are the largest Russian-speaking clan supporting Colonial. Our discord server : https://discord. (siempre jugamos colonials). Warden weapons are likewise decent generalists and often outrange Colonial options, but have lower firing rates and weigh more. We strive to add a more tactical side to the foxhole experience. Foxhole is a unique isometric strategic MMO set in the World War Two era. CHANGELOG. From there, you can talk with people, perhaps find a group you like to play with, and join a no. Foxhole. 9,206 Members. foxhole. Trabalhamos em todas as áreas do jogo, e temos atividade 24h por dia, 7 dias por semana. You can look for a regiment that suites your wishes. gg/7-HP. | 3253 members By Participating in Sigil you are supporting a system that promotes Teamwork in the whole Colonial Faction. fr/. org • Ingameoperationen 2x pro Woche • Rangsystem und Auszeichnungen für Gelegenheitsspieler und Hardcoregamer • Grundausbildung für neue Rekruten Wir suchen Spieler die folgendes erfüllen: • Mindestalter 18 Jahre • Discord de la communauté francophone de foxhole: crée depuis 2017 (+6ans d'existence) forte de +4000 membres tutoriels disponibles pour les nouveaux joueurs aides communautaires pour répondre à vos questions sommaire des The Combined Colonial Fleet is a hub for the Foxhole (Colonial) naval community. Egal ob Backline-/Frontline Logistik, Verteidigungsbau, Infanteriekampf, Artillerie oder hinter dem Steuer eines Panzers, wir bieten unseren Mitgliedern viele New spanish speaking community - Nueva comunidad de habla hispana - Discord Inside! Clans Hello there folks! We are currently building up a Spanish speaking regiment of Foxhole. The discord will be extremely secure, only people I trust that have played Colonial most of their time and only Colonial clans will be allowed to join. Members of a regiment have the regiment's tag added in front of their name (for example, "K-Ron" becomes "[1st] K-Ron"). pt-BR. The 141st Colonial Rangers Current war affiliation: Colonial Shard Operation: Able Shard Timezones: Mostly NA and EU but we have a small oceanic player base as well. This means using real world tactics such as [RCF] Russian Colonial Forces Leader: Тюрк Russian-speaking clan Russian Colonial Forces is recruiting players. tools - a more complete list of assets; WIP item API - repo with item definition and icons (author of foxholelogi. This article is incomplete. 4 Addison 1. The Colonial Sigil is the main collaboration hub for Colonial players in Foxhole. É um dos clãs mais respeitados nas comunidades do jogo. They've also got some of the most knowledgeable builders on the Colonial side, so swapping thoughts, patterns, and war stories with them in that regard has been a bonus. Follow the short guide we have compiled in the requirements channel and you'll be with us in no time! Last edited by Scylaar ; Jul 28, 2024 @ 12:48am Colonial Jaeger Forces Tag: =JgF= Affiliation: Colonial Region: 🇩🇪 🇨🇭 🇦🇹 Die "Colonial Jaeger Forces" sind einer der ältesten Colonial Loyalist Clans und Mitglied der deutschsprachigen Foxhole Community. -Entrenamientos por veteranos en el campo de List of Discord servers tagged with foxhole. Least-Example-9308 • • Edited . Additions, changes and removals to the Foxhole Stockpiles Map (FSM) are displayed here. Teddypat1. | 11121 members Welcome to The Colonial Sigil 1. #3 < > Showing 1-3 of 3 comments . 4. A regiment for the game of Foxhole! | 6221 members ːr6atkː 𝕾𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉𝖘 𝖔𝖋 𝕸𝖆𝖗𝖔 ːr6atkː Affiliation: Colonial Shard: 1/Able Contact: @lercas#4711 @Vipre#1337 @prince_laharal#1103 The Swords of Maro is a Colonial exclusive clan focused on casual gaming to semi-serious combat and logistics operations. Reply reply More posts you may like r/foxholegame Foxhole Discord bot!!! Discussion I created a foxhole discord map bot that you can use to post the foxhole map in your discord server! The bot also has event list functionality where it can post messages to a channel when in game events happen to keep everyone up to date. Aquaz3nk (aquaz3nk) invited you to join. El Discord es una herramienta donde poder comunicarte y informarte, aparte dispondrás de varios útiles servicios y ayudas no solo para veteranos si no también para los mas nuevos: . Most active and serious clans are only recruiring through the game and Discord. Shard: 1 7-HP es un regimiento de habla hispana compuesto por hispanoparlantes de todo el mundo. Are you a Colonial? Are you tired of Asians stealing your AC's and R-Mats when you aren't looking? Tired of blueberries throwing sticky bombs on to your vehicles? Want a group specifically geared towards armored units? Join the 1st Colonial Armored today! A group specifically geared for armored units and movement on the frontlines. After 3 successful runs he logged off. Sur le discord, les Aides de camp peuvent répondre à vos questions et vous aider à vous intégrer au groupe. The Colonial faction in Foxhole is well organized and uses these two community Discords: Here's an invite link to the community Discord for the Colonial team on LIVE-2: Official Discord server of Foxhole - the persistent world sandbox MMO. or, when the entire leadership of SOM From what i hear is inept and just plane rude during operations. Unspecified ; Afrikaans Bienvenue dans la Division NYX de Foxhole, une division coloniale. gg/Es3sW9m Welcome to The Combined Colonial Fleet Discord Server! Join our thriving community of Foxhole players dedicated to naval coordination, cooperation, and collaboration. The Combined Colonial Fleet is a hub for Foxhole naval coordination, cooperation, and collaboration. - Minimum rank of officer cadet (OCDT) Upon joining the regiment you will be given the rank of recruit (RCT). We conduct all sorts of operations on a daily basis. Last edited by Astral; May 7, 2021 @ 5:02pm #4 < > Showing 1-4 of 4 comments . this time include the formation of an alliance between Veli and Mesea for protection from Caoivish trade expansion and Colonial attempts to sow discord among highlanders south of the wall in Westgate. Find and join some awesome servers listed here! DISBOARD Search. Official Discord server of Foxhole - the persistent world sandbox MMO. COLONIAL: 7-HP - 7th Hispanic Platoon - https://discord. Permetant de jouer ainsi en equipe avec une bonne enttente. Much like in a real war, they specialise in one part of the war effort: combat, erecting buildings and defences, collecting The Official Foxhole community. #1. We are a infantry focused unit that has the main goal of countering enemy movements and retaking land and trenches. On the Colonial side if one of the "Coalitions" wants your field facility they take it, even if you are an active member of the community. Sort by: RumEngieneering • Epale, en 7-hp sos bienvenido si estás en el lado colonial Reply reply Educational-Heron-75 • Somos wardens jajaj 🟢-Comunidad Colonial Hispano-🟢 Esta comunidad ha sido creada por la comunidad colonial hispana por y para la comunidad colonial. T-3C Backbone of colonial logistics. Come join our Discord: discord. Added: FQC now remembers your faction (Neutral, Colonial, Warden) and Foxhole Clans. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews Join SIGIL , the Colonial Faction Discord #3 < > Showing 1-3 of 3 comments . 8th January 2025. Rahro No idea, but you can join the Foxhole discord and they have a clan recruitment channel there. housecup discord bot: Gamify tasks such as Chat strategies, share maps and get first access to the latest features for the relaxing colony builder The Colonists! | 3647 members Join the 11th Warden Foxhole Regiment! Our multilingual clan is recruiting for strategic operations. Colonial . New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. We fight on the Colonial side. Players join a persistent world that they share with everyone else and push the frontlines of the war over a period of several weeks. Member of Alliant Expeditionary Force (AEF) We're an LGBTQIA* regiment and 10 votes, 11 comments. Discussions Rules and Guidelines Wolfie of the [1CMD] 1st Colonial Marine Division and the Council on SIGIL joins Geoffrey Jennings in the studios to discuss the philosophy of losing, Foxhole's odd war on player enjoyment, and trying to rally Colonials around a long-standing, controversial institution. network/ Members Online DMs, If you had one chance to run a one-shot for a group new people to see if they are interested in getting into D&D, what would you do? Hello r/FoxholeGame, we are the Shard 2 Colonial High Command - CHC for short. 🇨🇺 🇦🇷 🇵🇪 🇻🇪 🇲🇽 🇪🇸 ───── 7th Hispanic Platoon ───── 🇪🇸 🇲🇽 🇻🇪 🇵🇪 🇦🇷 🇨🇺 Tag: [7-HP] Affiliation: Colonial loyalist. com); Text based fan sites. com/invite/QD4KjK5RTvOrigina If you are Colonial you got SIGIL. foxholegame. gg *The Colonial Navy Needs Heroes, will you answer the call?* Creation of The Order The Order of Spades was created war 120 by a diverse group of colonial veterans and officers who were willing to drop their previous banners and regiment tags. Once there, you can then join either Colonial SIGIL or WUH, which are player hubs for the colonial and warden faction respectively. Server settings. A discord server link for the regiment can be added and appears at the . -Travailler en équipes et s'entraider, ce faire des frères d'armes. gg/colonialsigil It's a large hub of Colonial players and there is a recruitment section at the bottom of the channel list where you can see different T3C on Colonial side WLL on Colonial side (though they may be switching to Warden next war, not sure) All on Able. Whether you're a fan of Foxhole or a strategy game enthusiast, this server is the place to be for discussions, announcements, and exclusive sneak peeks. Who we are 141CR is a Colonial multi-role regiment that was founded in war 71 and has since become one of the most effective regiments in the Legion. The server’s purpose is to provide all Colonials, solo or clan-affiliated, with a platform for communication, coordination tools and general conversation. You can customize these at any time. 0. Idiomas: espaÑol. A Regiment has a dedicated chat channel and chat tab. Colonial Facebook (Joking aside, it's a Colonial faction discord group, the green counterpart to Warden Unity Hub) Be a place for people to communicate with the rest of the faction outside of the game Most established clans have at least a presence If your in game on fox and press escape it says foxhole discord The Colonial Sigil is Able Shared, Collie discord Colonial High Command I believe is the Baker Collie discord Charlie idk. foxhole fandom - the wiki; logiunion - L. gg/crg ou youtube: CRG FOXHOLE. Communists, discord mods The Colonial Sigil is the 6th generation Colonial community hub, and is the largest and longest running. Lista de servidores de Discord com a etiqueta foxhole. Date Posted: Mar 4, 2022 @ 12:25pm. 3,179 Online. 232,844 Members. just wait till you hear mosin say wardens should kill themselves irl and noone does anything about it. Servidores Avaliações. CCF is a place to pool communication, manpower, and assets among all Colonial players and regiments interested in achieving naval supremacy. I; Non-foxhole tools. Per page: 15 30 50. Close Add Code. 1CR is currently recruiting Colonials of all skill levels to join our ranks. we only have a couple hundred people in our discord and more than half of them are allies - 🪖 **Military Simulation (Mil-Sim) Environment:** Experience Foxhole with a focus on realistic tactics and coordinated maneuvers. Colonial Casualties Warden Casualties Dev Intervention? Game Version 23 2021-10-06 2021-10-18 25. -Menés des opérations capables d'impacter la guerre. - 👍 **Active and Supportive Community: **Join a brotherhood of dedicated Colonial soldiers. They mass produce many things such as light tanks and they spare the clans of the logi work and allow us to focus on the fighting. Display Name. gg/dndnext Lemmy: https://ttrpg. . Reply reply More replies. 2. or, when he calls all wardens autistic and still, nothing happens. Release notes will be updated as new builds are applied to the branch. The server's purpose is to provide all Colonials, solo or clan-affiliated, with a platform for communication, coordination tools and general conversation. You've been invited to join. Are you new to Foxhole? Check out the community guide to get started and more community guides. Le Groupe Foxhole-Francophone est la pour vous. not to mention SOM cant read, which is evident from a SOM DD Friendly firing a collie If you're interested, click the discord link to get started. Vous pouvez aussi visiter notre site internet pour en savoir plus à l’adresse suivante :https://foxhole-crg. gg/owb If you can Welcome to the 1st Colonial Commandos! We are a brand new group that strives to be different than the other available regiments around. And as for Wardens? You don't wanna play Warden. Vous pouvez utiliser le tchat pour vos The 27th Corps. Official Foxhole discord have "clan recruitment" thread. I can be found in Foxhole's Official Discord and The Colonial Sigil Discord. gmfx nearfx yliio iokciv bgxtt wujme png bsklfr fhdef ovr tzxylpb deuq iisbh nlaao tbc