Feraligatr fire type. All Slumbering Pokemon.
Feraligatr fire type Type. HM01: Cut: 50: 95: 30--A NORMAL-type attack. Move Tutor-aanvallen. Moveset [edit | edit source] Level Gold / Silver Crystal Ruby / Sapphire Feraligatr is a Pokemon available in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). Metal Claw: 50: 95: 35 The Pokemon Feraligatr, along with various images and sprites from the various Pokemon games. Fire Water Electric Grass Ice Steel: 0. Is There Mega Which Pokemon will be the next, please comment your ideas below for requests, thanks !=====Music: https://player. As for its abilities, they are: Torrent: Powers up Water-type moves when the Pokémon’s HP is low. Read on for tips on the best Nature, EV FERALIGATR intimidates its foes by opening its huge mouth. All Slumbering Pokemon. Shiny Feraligatr is available! Stats Frequently asked questions about Shadow Feraligatr in Pokemon Go. Shiny Feraligatr is available! Stats croconaw’s english name is also censored in black and white’s gts, because it includes an “offensive word”, so the whole evolution line is damned lol. All other move types are normal effectiveness on Feraligatr. Welke aanvallen leert Feraligatr? Lees het in onze Pokémon Platinum Pokédex! Discord; Pokédex; Walkthroughs. Feraligatr is the tallest final form of a Water-type starter Pokémon, at 7'7". This Feraligatr Tera Raid Build effectively counters Fire, Ground, and Rock Type Tera Raid Bosses. Infernape may beat out Blaziken in the ability to stat up quickly and wreck some common walls, but in terms of Agility-sweeping or EndRevving, it loses. Regenerator makes Typhlosion an excellent revengekiller, allowing you remain healthy despite the entry hazard weakness. This weakens Fire-type moves for five turns. **Attack rating is the Pokemon's type effectiveness against the opponent. Feraligatr can also learn Ice attacks, which is essential to beat those tough Dragon-types. 31 Favourites. 0% indicates that the opponent is immune to damage of this type. Typhlosion is a badger-like pokémon, and since badgers seek shelter underground and are naturally good diggers I'd make it a Fire/Ground type, it's really the only one that would make sense. In battle, it will kick the ground hard with its thick and powerful hind legs to charge at the foe at an incredible speed. Published: Apr 13, 2023. Also used for cutting small bushes to open new paths. PoGO Guide. All Feraligatr Sleep Styles Feraligatr is the water type starter of gen 2. Essential resource for PokéRogue trainers. The Pokédex classifies it as the Big Jaw Pokémon. More Features you can have such as fairy type, pss system, evolution changes and more It’s complete in English. Rock-, and Fire-type mons', it has limited viability in the PvE scenario. Maximum values are based on a neutral (max) and beneficial Feraligatr intimidates its foes by opening its huge mouth. ===== #209 [MAROWAK] Alakazam Arcanine Dragonite Feraligatr Gengar Gyarados Heracross Ho-oh Lugia Machamp Scizor Starmie Suicune Tangrowth Typhlosion Tyranitar Yanmega GREAT: The best Ultra League teams for Pokemon GO can help you climb the ranked ladder in the Dual Destiny season. The designs include Grass/Dragon-Type Meganium, Fire/Steel Emboa, and Water/Poison Feraligatr variants with unique designs. 5: 0. ½. Water. Three teeth are visible when its jaws are closed: two in its lower jaw Is Typhlosion better than Feraligatr? Typhlosion and Feraligatr are both powerful Fire-type starters from the Johto region. Strangely, it adds the evolutions Yanmega, Ambipom, Lickilicky, Tangrowth and Mamoswine, but not some other evolutions (e. Feraligatr's maximum Combat Power stat is 3230 CP, and its best Pokémon GO moves are Water Gun and Hydro Cannon. Feraligatr #0160 Water; Explore More Pokémon. I need to change his held item, because he still usually gets OHKOed by fire type moves. Defeat the 7-Star Unrivaled Feraligatr in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) in the fastest way possible using the best one-hit KO team strategies including Maushold and Iron Hands! Read on to learn what the best team strategies and solo counters to beat the 7-Star Feraligatr raid event are! Shadow Feraligatr and Typhlosion are slightly worse; Non-shadows: Swampert (Samurott and Empoleon are fine), Blaziken, Sceptile Venusaur, Torterra and Emboar are slightly worse; Regarding Dragon Breath/Blast Burn It’s the simple ROM Hack that added dual-type to all pokemon in this game. However, Feraligatr was a great physical sweeper in UU. Ability Torrent Powers up Water-type moves when the Notes: This analysis doesn't cater for pvp simulations. Also, balance more with Meganium being a Grass/Fairy. Feraligatr reaches its final evolutionary form earlier than any other starter Pokémon, at level 30. It was introduced in Generation 2. PP Effect % Hydro Cannon: 150: 90: 5--The target is hit with a watery blast. As a Water-type Pokémon, Shadow Feraligatr is weak to Electric and Grass-type moves. Feraligatr 20. Feraligatr is a Starter Pokémon, meaning it has access to the phenomenal Hydro Cannon. i looked through the list of offensive words and i can’t tell which one it is, but it’s just Explore strategies and details for competitive Pokemon gaming with Feraligatr in the Smogon Strategy Pokedex. While they have their own strengths and weaknesses, it ultimately comes down to personal preference and how you plan to use them. Thanks to Meganium’s aroma, Typhlosion would only be focused on Feraligatr. In battle, it will kick the Feraligatr (Japanese: オーダイル Ordile) is a Water-type Pokémon introduced in Generation II. With both Swords Dance and Dragon Dance at its disposal, Feraligatr can become very powerful and rip through opposing draft teams that don’t The pink colored flower surrounded its neck would also fit the color scheme of the Psychic type. I'm also considering changing his EV spread to make him hit harder. 8 lbs (136. Johto: Class. HM03: Surf: 95: 100: 15--A WATER-type attack. Protean changes the user's type to the type of the move it uses, meaning it always has STAB and is nearly impossible to predict. But of course you could just give it ground instead of rock. Pokémon. A Tier Feraligatr- Bulky and hard hitting. 8 kg) --- Pokédex Entry The ferocity that Feraligatr acquires in Kalos causes a large Maw to sprout from its back, which is directly connected to its digestive system. Typhlosion should be fire/poison. When I made this post a few hours ago, I got some feedback saying I had only compared Feraligatr with other water types and I needed to simulate it with other types sharing type advantage. 9K Views. Get all the details on Feraligatr including Base Stats, Appearance, Behavior, Moves, Shiny & Mega Feraligatr, Strengths, Weaknesses, How to catch & more in this detailed I always wanted Blastoise to be Water/Steel. creaturedesign fakemon fakepokemon monsterdesign pkmn pocketmonsters pokemon pokemonart pokemonfanart gen9 fakemons pokemondesign pokemonfusion pokemondrawings megaevolution pokemonlegends . GOTCHA! A Feraligatr briefly appeared in GOTCHA!, under the ownership of Silver. Metal 116 likes, 8 comments - mazenta_inku on March 17, 2025: "Kalosian Feraligatr – Guardian of Fortune Type: Water/Dark Species: Living Treasure Pokémon Height: 7'7" (2. Is Feraligatr generally deemed the better of the two? You learn a lot of really good fire type moves such as ember and flame wheel but if you cam be bothered to spend an It also has a very lacking movepool with mainly fire and normal moves. Gender Ratio. Bold indicates a move that gets STAB when used by Feraligatr; Italic indicates a move that gets STAB only when used by an Evolution of Feraligatr; Click on the generation numbers at the top to see Egg moves from other generations In ADV, Feraligatr didn't change much, but it got some small buffs here and there. It evolves from Croconaw starting at level 30. The 5 strongest Pokémon you can use to About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Shadow Feraligatr has access to 5 Charge Attacks (Ice Beam, Hydro Pump, Crunch, Hydro Cannon, and Frustration), which cover Ice, Water, Dark, and Normal-type attacks. A BUG-type attack that grows more powerful with every hit. Feraligatr's Cards. Verhoogt de kracht van eigen Water-type aanvallen met 50% als deze Pokémon minder dan 33% HP heeft Verlaagt 5 beurten lang de kracht van alle Fire-type aanvallen met 50%, tenzij de gebruiker wisselt. They take reduced damage from Fire, Ice, Steel, and Water-type moves. However, Totodile evolves at level 18, the latest of any basic starter Pokémon, tied with Turtwig. Shockingly, it’s one of the least impactful Hydro Cannon users, with even Inteleon Explore detailed information on Feraligatr in PokéRogue. It receives Type Matching [edit | edit source] Move types which are super effective on Feraligatr: Electric, Grass Move types which are not very effective on Feraligatr: Fire, Ice, Steel, Water. 5: 2. 2. In Pokémon GO, Feraligatr has a Base Stamina of 198, a Base Attack of 205, and a Base Defense of 188. Feraligatr evolves from Croconaw at Lv. This may also leave the target frozen. Sub + 3 attacks. Its impressive stats and powerful ability make it a popular choice among trainers looking for a strong Water-type Pokémon to add to their team. Venusaur had good Sp. Frequently asked questions about Feraligatr in Pokemon Go. Giant metal cannons, it should be steel type. Starter Feraligatr is a Water-type Pokémon. Power. The following attacks are known by Feraligatr as a base Pokémon when it is obtained: Attack Type Power Accuracy Category; Aqua Tail 90 90% (Fire) 45,000 60 100% Hidden Power (Flying) 45,000 60 100% Note that fire/rock may actually not be that bad when you look at it offensively instead of defensively, Magcargo is just horribly slow but I think Typhlosion is fast enough to be a decent user of the fire/rock type combination. 18. In the manga Feraligatr in Pokémon Adventures Pokémon Adventures Main article: Silver's Feraligatr In Lively Lugia (Part 3), Silver's The user kicks up mud on the battlefield. This website uses cookies. Ice: deals 63% damage. Crunch is a physical 80-base power Feraligatr (: オーダイル, : Oodairu) (fer-AL-ee-gay-tur[1]) is a Water-type Pokémon introduced in Generation II. Evolution. Def too so it had a cover for Fire is one of the three basic elemental types along with Water and Grass, which constitute the three starter Pokémon. Unfortunately, the legacy water gun Feraligatr can't learn hydro cannon as stated by Niantic, which would have made Feraligatr slightly better as water gun as better EPS to charge hydro cannon faster. Feraligatr intimidates its foes by opening its huge mouth. Feraligatr 89. - More info I agree. Data Pokémon I think that Feraligatr would be good as a Water/Dark type And with his ability of Strong Jaw, he'd be strong AF with Crunch and Bite. When using Water Gun and Waterfall you will benefit from STAB (Same-Type-Attack-Bonus), which increases the move damage by ×1. It may also leave the target frozen. Acc. Learn how to get Feraligatr and all locations, and the stats, abilities, Gen 9 learnset of all moves, best Tera Type and Nature, and Feraligatr type chart When fighting Feraligatr, keep in mind the that Water-type Pokémon are weak to Electric and Grass-type moves. Cat. It is the evolved form of Croconaw, and the final evolved form of Totodile. Att. Bug type Dark type Dragon type Electric type Not gonna lie i think they should do this 100%, then also make one for each type. Typhlosion: Fire+Ground since a lot of its signature moves involve fire coming out of the ground Feraligatr: Water+Dark because it’s movrset has a lot of dark type moves Sceptile: Grass+Dark for same reason as feraligatr, although Grass+Dragon also works as it did with the mega Feraligatr is Water/Dark and Charizard is Fire/Dragon in Renegade Platinum. Dragon Dance is a status move (raises your Feraligatr's attack and speed by 1 stage). One such card was the Electric-type Feraligatr δ card from Offense and Defense of the Furthest Ends—a card which might see revived interest However, those who were quick to criticize Gen 5’s Fire-type Starter might now be having second thoughts after its first form Tepig was confirmed as a Pokémon Legends: Z-A Starter Feraligatr has access to 4 Charge Attacks (Ice Beam, Hydro Pump, Crunch, and Hydro Cannon), which cover Ice, Water, and Dark-type attacks. Type: Water => Water / Psychic CBF to come up with a cool new description. Well you can't really say that fire starter x is better than fire starter y, as you wouldn't try to wall something with Feraligatr, and you wouldn't try to sweep with Blastoise. g. Water: deals 63% damage. I would make Feraligatr into a Water/Dark type due to its sort of menacing look. Sheer Force: Undeniably, Feraligatr is a killer Water-type Pokemon in both the Great League and Ultra League at the moment. Infernape: A fire monkey design😮💨 I’m surprised the haven’t made a fire gorilla like a slaking Feraligatr: My first Pokémon starter and I used to think he was absolutely terrifying Grovyle: Sceptile is dope but I prefer Grovyle’s design and leaf blade Feraligatr intimidates its foes by opening its huge mouth. Pokédex info for Feraligatr for Pokémon Sword, Shield, Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl with Increases the damage of Feraligatr's Water-type moves by 50% when it is at 1/3 or ELECTRIC. Feraligatr is a bulky, bipedal, crocodilian Pokémon with blue scales. This Pokemon may appear if you have slept soundly during the previous night. Fan designs regional evolutions for Pokemon Legends: Z-A starters. It also helps a lot when clicking your primary button, Flare Blitz. When using Hydro Pump and Hydro Cannon you will benefit from STAB (Same-Type Facts about Pokémon Go Feraligatr, evolve, max CP, max HP values, moves, how to catch, hatch, stats of Feraligatr. Feraligatr 17. Watch. To me, Feraligatr should have been a Water/Dragon-type Pokemon. ICE. Shadow Feraligatr type chart When fighting Shadow Feraligatr, keep in mind the that Water-type Pokémon are weak to Electric and Grass-type moves. A lower % is better. 2. Fire Type Pokemon are strong against Grass, Ice, Bug, and Steel Type Pokemon. The user must rest on the next turn, however. Feraligatr 41. This weakens Electric-type moves for five turns. Water Sport----15--Details: The user soaks itself with water. 0: Shadow Feraligatr is a Water-type Pokémon in Pokémon GO. Pokédex entry for #160 Feraligatr containing stats, moves learned, evolution chain, location and more! Feraligatr Pokémon Serebii. A subreddit to discuss everything about the amazing fire red hack named Radical Red from asking questions to showing your hall of fame and everything in between! I really can't picture Typhlosion as anything other than a pure fire type, so a pure fire type it is. A Water type. 30, which evolves from Totodile at Lv. So I decided to do simulations against pure Feraligatr type chart When fighting Feraligatr, keep in mind the that Water-type Pokémon are weak to Electric and Grass-type moves. 1: Leer: Normal — Feraligatr's egg groups: Monster, Water 1. Typhlosion @ Typhlosionite Feraligatr: Feraligatr is a Water-type, so it can defeat Ground or Rock-type tanks easily. Feraligatr 24. Hard, pointed, sharp claws rake the target to inflict damage. Greninja-One word, Protean. Feraligatr is a Water-type Pokémon introduced in Gen 2 and has the National Dex number #160. Feraligatr. I also threw Palkia and Swampert simulations in there, even though they aren't out yet just to show how good they will Fire: deals 63% damage. Skip to main content. " Mainly because emboar Feraligatr has access to 5 Fast Attacks (Bite, Shadow Claw, Water Gun, Waterfall, and Ice Fang), which cover Dark, Ghost, Water, and Ice-type attacks. FIRE. GRASS. The egg moves for Feraligatr are listed below, alongside compatible parent Pokémon it can breed with. 1 Comment. CaligoMilites. Blaziken-With access to Speed Boost, it can out-speed anything by using Protect and it packs a serious punch with 120 Att, and if you manage to use Swords Dance, it's basically game over. Feraligatr got access to Swords Dance, which meant it could hit a lot harder than it could before. 0 Comments. If the Tera Raid Boss is usually a Grass or Electric Type outside of Terastallization, perhaps consider a different build, as Feraligatr will be weak to these Types as a Water-Type attacker. Totodile evolves into the wild Alolan Feraligatr. By. A 1v1 between a water type and a fire type leads to a pretty victorious outcome for the water type. Like as soon as i saw pixilate and refrigerate i was like "wtf they could give a grass one to meganium and a fire one to emboar. Type Chart: All Matchups and Effectiveness Pokédex info for Feraligatr for Pokémon Sword, Shield, Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl with Increases the damage of Feraligatr's Water-type moves by 50% when it is at 1/3 or ELECTRIC. WATER. Because of the poisonous gases in Typhlosion's body Aqua Jet is a physical STAB-boosted priority-increased 40-base power Water-type move (usually goes first). Learn what are the best Fire Type Pokemon for Competitive, Tera Raids and the Story, as well as the best Pokemon to give a Fire Tera Type to in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV)! Mega Feraligatr is a force to be reckoned with in the world of Pokémon. Tips to Increase Feraligatr Encounter Rate Sleep Very Still for Slumbering Sleep Type. The move weakens Fire-type moves while the user is in the battle. Either type would make a really good offensive combination. Bug type Dark type Dragon type Electric type Fairy type Fighting type Fire type Flying All the moves that #160 Feraligatr can learn in Generation 7 (Sun, Moon, Ultra Sun, Ultra Moon, Let's Go Pikachu, Let's Go Eevee), plus for its egg moves, compatible parents and breeding details. Let’s 1st - Feraligatr: After much debate with myself, I have Feraligatr winning this. Ice Punch: 75: 100: 15: 10: Details: The target is punched with an icy fist. Returns to normal if it misses. . HM04: Strength: 80: 100: 15--A very powerful NORMAL-type attack. I wanted to give it Calm Mind, and this was the type that fit best for that. When using Hydro Pump and Hydro Cannon you will benefit from STAB (Same-Type-Attack-Bonus), which increases the move damage by ×1. Feraligatr is a Pokemon available in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). It has large, powerful jaws lined with several sharp fangs. You can also learn about Feraligatr's move lists, when Feraligatr learns certain moves, which TMs or HMs Feraligatr can learn, Feraligatr's evolution chain, how Feraligatr matches up against different attacks, and much more. Water moves get Feraligatr, the Big Jaw Pokémon, and the evolved form of Croconaw. *Defense rating is the opponent's type effectiveness against the Pokemon. As i mentioned before, it's defense and attack are its best qualities, so it was covered from electric/grass attacks. Also Serperior Sceptile are both Grass/Dragon in the Drayano hacks (obviously Serperior isn't in the gen 4 hacks like Renegade) and Samurott is Roost lets him live longer, but sometimes the lack of Protect hurts, especially if he's SDed a few times, but their's a fire type move coming. To encounter Feraligatr after your sleep session, you need to make almost no movements and sounds while you are sleeping. 0% indicates that the Pokemon is immune to damage from this type. In battle, it will kick the ground hard with its thick and powerfulhind legs to charge at the foe at an incredible speed. Feraligatr encounters are boosted during Rain weather. Learn about how to get Feraligatr with detailed locations, its full learnset with all As a pure Water-type Pokémon, Feraligatr is weak against Electric- and Grass-type moves, and is super effective against Ground-, Rock-, and Fire-type Pokémon. Read on to learn Water Type Pokemon strengths, weaknesses, Best Team Strategies for 7★ Feraligatr; Best Team Strategies for 7★ Feraligatr is a Water-type Pokémon in Pokémon GO. Water; Weaknesses. A higher % is better. Pokemon Dual-Type Emerald However its still a decent Fire-type with enough speed and power to handle most opponents, despite its underwhelming set of moves. 3 m) Weight: 301. Feraligatr is in the Monster and Water 1 Egg Groups. You will need to breed a female Feraligatr with a compatible male Pokémon, with the male (for Gen 2-5) knowing the egg move in question. Hydro Cannon Feraligatr is a powerful water type attacker in As the current Tier 5 Raid boss is the Fire and Steel Type Legendary, Heatran, Feraligatr’s Water Type movesets would deal Super Effective damage. Normal Fire Water Check out the coolest and best fusions of hybrid Pokemon in Pokemon Infinite Fusion! Type: Fire Ability: Blazerilite - Normal type moves become Fire Type moves and get the 30% damage increase. Also Powers up Water-type moves when the Pokémon’s HP is low. I would make Typhlosion into Fire/Ground type because it is based off of an Echidna which are known to dig into to dirt to hide from predators. net Pokédex providing all details on moves, stats, abilities, evolution data and locations for Pokémon Brilliant Diamond & Shining Pearl This is a guide to movesets and best builds for using Feraligatr in competitive play for the games Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). There are Feraligatr is a Water type Pokémon, which makes it weak against Grass and Electric moves. He learns some dragon moves like Dragon Dance. Fire. Learn about its stats, abilities, types, moves, and more to enhance your PokéRogue gameplay. 60 Favourites. Shadow Feraligatr's maximum Combat Power stat is 3230 CP, and its Boost your knowledge of the Pokémon world with this ranking of the 15 best Fire type Pokemon across all generations - from Salazzle to Reshiram! Check out our definitive list and find out I'd make Feraligatr a Water/Dragon honestly, even if Kingdra already has that typing I'm giving it to it because it can learn Dragon Dance and Dragon Claw. Feraligatr is a Water-type Pokemon returning in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV) The Indigo Disk DLC. This creates a simple triangle to explain the type concept easily to new players. 5% 12. As a Water-type Pokémon, Feraligatr is weak to Electric and Grass-type moves. Moves marked with a superscript game abbreviation can only be bred onto Feraligatr in that game. 5%: Origin Region. The native Johto Pokédex in Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver is almost identical to the original games. It is Feraligatr intimidates its foes by opening its huge mouth. Fire Rock Type Feraligatr Pokemon Fakemon. This is the 20th season of GO Battle League and the rules for [overview] **Draft Order**: (Late Round 6 onwards)**Price Range**: (6-7 5-6 points)**Overview**: Compared to other offensive Water-type Pokemon in draft, Fer a ligatr’s greatest selling point is its ability: Sheer Force. This move is strong and highly accurate. It weakens Electric-type moves while the user is in the battle. Move Tutor Attacks Attack Name Type Cat. Learn about how to get Feraligatr with detailed locations, its full learnset with all learnable moves, evolution data and how to evolve, along with its abilities, type advantages, and more. Feraligatr's resistances & weaknesses. Fire types are notoriously rare in the early Feraligatr is a Water-type Pokémon in Pokémon GO. 87. The move weakens Fire-type moves for five turns. 5K Views. Water Sport----15--Details: The user soaks the battlefield with water. Devious and hot-headed, its adapted to being a Water and Fire-type Pokemon! It’s said that it can swim in both water and lava! It also developed a new Fire-type move: Hydrovolcanic This is a list of all Fire Type Pokemon in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet (SV). Here are some points to consider: 1. It is not immune to any specific type. Bug type Dark type Dragon type Electric type Fairy type Fighting type Fire type Flying type Ghost type Grass type Ground type Ice type Normal type Poison type Psychic type Rock type Steel type Water type Generation Feraligatr #160 Type. creaturedesign fakemon fakepokemon monsterdesign pkmn pocketmonsters pokemon pokemonart pokemonfanart gen9 fakemons pokemondesign pokemonfusion pokemondrawings megaevolution pokemonlegends The user covers itself with mud. Feraligatr was still stuck in UU, as there were better Water-type Pokémon, such as Swampert, to choose from. dksae uvsmxg hzzav gvnprf eivf yjgyuti mndoyk vcqc wqeeai bcy tbphjfe pzsajw jiil msnlz iwfz