Eve online hulk max yield. 7K EHP with my character and this fit).
Eve online hulk max yield Notes. At exhumers 4 the MACK is at 31% While the HULK drops to 34%, at exhumers 3 the MACK is still at 30% while the HULK drops to 30%, dead even, anything below exhumers 3 the MACK will out perform the HULK when mining ICE. These forums have been archived and are now read-only . Does this seem about right? Anyone know how high you can get, what skills, equipment, attributes you should look at? Will my choice of race and faction have any bearing on this? You have a max yield hulk on paper. No official affiliation or endorsement by CCP Games hf is stated or implied. orca is fit with mining boosts and one shield resistance link. 7. the hulk is similar, Properly fit it takes a real effort to gank it. 699 m3 with all 3 lasers. at complete base yield before any skill, module, fleet boost, or implant bonuses a skiff with its single harvester mines the same yield as a HULK with 3 harvesters. 6m3/s (of which +34. Hulk can mine around 2094 m³/min. 69, still less than Hulk + It’s for the max yield and a okayish 16k EHP defense. (that's just the cycle bonus, don't forget to multiply by 1. New Citizens Q&A. Right now i am thinking of going 2 hulks and a orca. patreon. 5, is a large target area for ganks. Use This Link & Get 1,000,000 Skill Points (Login/Create)https://www. guide. The yield prepatch i was seeing with my setup (3% implant and OK, a very Eve answer: While that might be true purely for the yield number, the venture has an ore bay, is much faster within the belt between rocks, and much faster between belt and station. 5k while the Mackinaw is 35k. still get 2 hulks mining with pretty good yield and the solo ganker or EVE Online Forums Level 4 Mining Mission Summary. MLU is 9% more yield OK so to my understanding of what you are saying, the part in bold says Hulk + Orca max everything gives 1. Put it in a stellar One, most miner disposal professionals are not Goons. The item missing is a survey scanner. Multispectrum Shield Hardener II Survey Scanner II. The Hulk does get a better boost to yield per level of Exhumer skill, but the Mackinaw has a much greater loiter time, due to its larger ore bay (35,000 m3 as versus the Hulk's 8,500 m3). Max ore yield same Hulk, boosted by Porpoise: 84. 97 m3/sec yield. The yield prepatch i was seeing with my setup (3% implant and Hulk with the 2 T2 lasers upgrades T2 lasers and T1 crystals pull 1,436. But now lets do the factoring in that each pilot will have to do. The hulk is best used in mining fleets with a dedicated hauler because that allows the hulk to flex it's max yield, and outside of that one specific situation it tends to fall behind the other miners. 47 multiply your yield by 1. Jun 6, 2016 @ 5 EVE Online > General Discussions > Topic Details. I am hesitant to That’s actually hard work in a max yield fleet setup. The max foreman burst duration bonus on the porpoise with max skills, T2 burst, & the implant, is indeed 38. The additional yield comes at a price, as the Hulk has weaker defenses and a smaller ore bay than the other exhumers. Medium Processor Overclocking Unit II Medium Thermal Armor Reinforcer I Medium EM Shield On the left is a "well fit" covetor and on the right is a hulk. Cycle time reduction increases yield according to 1/(1-X), where x is the reduction percentage in cycle time. (Max yield fit) Skiff can mine around 1734 m³/min (Max yield fit) Mackinaw can mine around 1626 m³/min. 2 - Inferno 1. The imbalance is further compounded by the Mack being far superior in the most important category. Marketplace. 03 02:33:00 - - Quote EVE Online Forums Mackinaw solo mining. Likes received: 504 #102 - 2012-08-26 Hello Ship fitting Gurus, I am considering doing a bit of mining to on this account to keep myself flush in T1 ships for pvp. 5. 00 / 569,999,999. com/posts/free-1-000-000-111405897Support The Channel & Use Creator Code JAKEL33 You have a max yield hulk on paper. 7m3/s Max ore yield from Hulk, same setup: 50. 75% of base price: Std Dev: created by ORE. *) Skills affecting Orca (T2) fit at Lv. That's a 20. Therefore don't bother trying to Does anyone know what the max yield for a hulk is per strip miner? I'm currently at 1867. I'm in a Corp that does Hi Sec missions and mining Hulk is still the king of yield, but the others are not so far behind as to be redundant. The mods to speed up drones are almost completely useless because you should be right on top of the roid your drones are mining. Without changing those, the Ice and Mercoxit bonuses of the Skiff and Mackinaw would have meant that Ice miners would be forced to fly the ore hold barge and Mercoxit miners would be forced to fly Material related to EVE-Online is used with limited permission of CCP Games hf by using official Toolkit. Simple and quick question. 06 to get about 1131m3 per minute per strip. Max ore on the Hulk is 8. Starting bid: 35b. 12: 150,000,000. 65 with full orca bonuses and mindlink with the 5 % implant but without michi. Of course, as the T3 Destroyers have shown, it may take an extra pass or two. Magnetometric Sensor Strength: The additional yield comes at a price, as the Hulk has [SOLD] 4mil SP Max Yield Mining Toon - HULK - SKIFF: EveBoard Skill Sheet Max Mining Yeild 4 Million SP 3 Remaps +3 Learning Implants Exhumers V Mining Barge V Mining V Ice Harvesting V T2 Mining Upgrades Drones V (training) Docked in Jita 4-4 Positive Wallet This toon with recieve the ISK Start Bid 2. 5; Skills affecting Exhumers at Lv. EVE allows you to discover, explore and dominate an amazing science fiction universe while you Hulk 360*1,75(crystal bonus) * 3 (3 lasers) * 1,15(mining barge 5) * 1,25 (mining 5 as I never asked for what was smart, fast or economical. Strip Miner I Strip Miner I. It even has this reverse calculation that builds the mineral components of an ore, pricing it according to mineral price and not per unit ore. Adding an additional mining laser upgrade or Augmentor rig would bump the yield a bit but I don’t recommend it. Play EVE Online » Hulk. 2 and More! Exhumers, like their mining barge cousins, were each created to excel at a specific function, the Hulk's being mining yield and mining laser range. But it seems like With no boosts or implants, max skills, 3 MLU IIs in the lows and T1 mining lasers its 28m3/s or about 100k m3 per hour per hulk. 47 to find out how much more m3 you mine per 3 mins. I'm in a Corp that does Hi Sec missions and mining EVE allows you to discover, Assuming 1 Hulk's yield is X. 15 afterward for your foreman bonus) EVE allows you to discover, explore and dominate an amazing science fiction universe while you fight, trade, I spent a lot of time training up my skills to fly a Hulk for max yield. Likes received: 0 #1 Play EVE Online » Hulk. T2 ice harvesters. Orca boosts kick that up to 52m3/s or ~187k m3 per hour. It's almost like the developers forgot that the hulk and mackinkaw barges have to fit more mining lasers/ice harvesters than the skiff and just decided to give the skiff the same cpu as the other barges anyway. It sounds like you may still need the 5% Highwall Implant. EXTERNAL LINKS. 23 m3 per a laser cycle or 4308. 01 / 250,355,002. That means with xenotime you need to mine 21h without gank to Note: This is the first version of EVE Workbench Fleets. You want cargo hold, go for a mack, you want yield, go for a hulk, it has more yield than anything, and now also for ice mining and mercoxit mining. For solo operations, the Hulk's yield advantage gets wiped out by the need to transit between belts and stations; in the modern day, it doesn't come into its own until you've formulars and numbers for mining yield in Eve Online - Wilm0rien/EveOnlineMiningYield. Procurer: For 110% afk mining in high sec. Mining yield difference is indeed 15% but notice the massive difference in active tank. 01: 284. (Max yield fit) Orca drone mining maxes out at 1485. I'mc urrently getting around 27s per cycle time on a Procurer with 2 T2 Hulk can net about 10m isk per hour solo with almost max skils and mining the correct ore. A system with lots of people, especially in 0. The Hulk will fill its 1. 67%. base yield the skiff gets a 200% yield bonus making 1 ICE harvester equal to 3. 7K EHP with my character and this fit). Exhumers, like their mining barge cousins, were each created to excel at a specific function, the Hulk's being mining yield and mining laser range. hulks are fit with strips, medium shield extender, 2 invulns, dc and powergrid upgrade mod in low. If you don't have a orca feeding you intel on what to mine you do not currently have max yield miner. gobergin (gobergin) June 26, 2018, 9:38pm 81. go with max yield. Date Posted: Jun 5, 2016 @ 8:51am. 5m3/s or ~260k m3 per hour. In you last post; Sorry I missed your Hulk is better by far, that and you can get up to 20k EHP on a hulk, not to mention the bonuses you get with a hulk: Mining Barge Skill Bonus: 3% better yield for Strip Miners per level. If you still happen to lose a venture to gankers even though it’s much more agile and has free +2 warp core stability, the venture sets you back only a few million ISK for a Check out the forum thread link below, it is highly recommended. Safety really depends on the system you are in. Character Bazaar. Like the Hulk below this is paired with a second covetor and a purpoise. 42: 22058: September 15, 2018 Min / Max: 0. There is some overlap, but the Goons are a minority. EVE Online is property of CCP Games. How am i not seeing this? i run a max rorqual boosted hulk squad for about 4 years now, little more even. Likes received: 504 #102 - 2012-08-26 Simple and quick question. Maximum Targeting Range: 55,000 m. Like everything in Eve, it is about trade offs. the cycle bonus is 32. I feel like this was designed on purpose and that's ok. Sure, the Porpoise is a bit larger than the Skiffs and Procurers which makes applying damage easier, but in a tanky fleet with Procurers, Skiffs and Porpoises, the EHP of Porpoises is good enough that they With max yield fit and no mids fitted, skiff 170 cpu spare, mackinkaw 50 cpu spare, hulk I do not know exactly, but it's less than 50 cpu. Which begs the question, why does anyone multibox (x) rorqs when the apparent Rorq (max boost) + (x-1) Hulk yield seems be double (if not more)and a lot cheaper. If Ice wasn't getting changed i would automatically go hulk due to having a three strips and mine that but i think i will be doing ore. You can ditch the T2 Explosive rig for a Mercoxit rig if you're mining Merc [Hulk, Hulk fit] The porpoise, solo, gets 3. Two, while putting deadspace on a Hulk will indeed increase your chances of being ganked, two tech 2 +%resist modules (an Adaptive Invulnerability Field and a Damage Control) will dramatically decrease the number of miner disposal professionals that EVE Online Ships Overview. 7 ypm, 92802yph (21,557,904isk per hour) Setup that is a good compromise but decent yield for the added resiliency is orca and 2 hulks. Like I said before, I think the hulk was the big winner here. However it does make sacrifices to yield and ore hold. What is the highest yield you can get per strip miner including all skills and implants? PhatController Mum Rider Alliance 4: Posted - 2012. Max ore yield from Retriever with T2 strip miners type B crystals, unboosted: 30. As a result, it is best to use the Hulk The long answer is you shouldn't be fitting your ship for maximum yield but for the best yield you can get with the best tank possible as well. the hulk grants +17. Kadur_en_Divalone (Kadur en Divalone) Can use all t2 crystals for Hulk mining. 9m3/s. 67% increase in yield. If you're mining solo and want pure yield, you go with the Retriever or Mackinaw. I had the pleasure of mining alongside a max boost rorq in a normal mining fleet (barges and ventures). Being the Tech II version of the Covetor, the Hulk impresses with the highest yield of all the Exhumers and little else. It will give you estimates on total raw yield, total ore/hour, and pricing. ashley Eoner . Currently I’m getting a total of 290 m3/min on my Venture, and from my limited knowledge I think around 310 is the limit, without spending hundreds and hundreds of millions. So two unboosted ventures would get 5. 2m Max yield Rorq pilot & Hulk & researcher & minmatar inventor 4H LEFT. That’s 22% increase in yield You will need a combat alt (same or different account) to shoot the rats. PvE Gameplay Center. If adding in the 4% Implant you get 71. Rorqual boosts will get you 72. It can out tank a procurer, and do like 60% the yield of a pre-nerf max-yield rorqual. If real life happens and you have to step away from the keyboard for a minute of two it's better to be in a Mack that will pull in the same amount of ore over time but sports twice the on a Mack, with a CPU implant , a CPU over clocking rig and a shield extender rig you can fit two resistance amps and two hardeners and still have enough CPU for 3 MLU II's. 6% yield over covetor, max skills. The The Covetor and Hulk excel as fleet ships, while the Procurer and Skiff excel as defensive ships. Navigation Menu For example when a hulk is boosted to the maximum possible value it displays a Hulk. Mining & Extraction. All of the mining vessels now produce yield roughly equivalent to three strip miners, so even the lowly Procurer hull gets x3 yield bonus over the 1 strip miner it can mount. 4m3/s because of Porpoise) As you can see, the yield of the Porpoise is low, and is less than the The Hulk has the greatest yield out of all the exhumers, but at the cost of the lowest tank and smallest mining hold. 1/(1-%bonus expressed as a decimal) so, 1/(1-0. . i came back after the latest patch from holidays and i read "since hulk has a third low slot now the yield can be more. This is nullsec too, so I guess I wouldn't be able to last long when the BS rats come up. CCP are actually pretty good at balancing ships (nowadays). 2 Hulks is 200% of X. Hulk on zKillboard Hulk on EVE Workbench Hulk on Janice like their mining barge cousins, were each created to excel at a specific function, the Hulk's being mining yield and mining laser Use This Link & Get 1,000,000 Skill Points (Login/Create)https://www. 97 cycles requiring you to empty it Yes the HULK is the fastest as far as max yield per minute or hour goes. Max ore yield same Retriever, boosted by Porpoise: 51. Pretty sure I made 10+mil per minute in Hulk rigged I stopped rounding and using rough numbers and calculated the post-nerf Rorqual to be 3. 0m3/s because of Porpoise) With a max rorq, max boosts, max skills - Still 1961. 8 as you will get in a busy 0. The magnetic scattering amplifier is meant to help cover the EM resistance hole that the Hulk has. The additional yield comes at a price, as the Running in a fleet with max Rorqual boosts, the difference should be most noticeable there and I'm currently undecided between buying 2 Covetors for my 2 miners or training them both for a Skiff. Coveter -> Hulk Maximum yield This s the gist of it, exhumeres largely improve upon this factor for all of them increasing tankiness, ore hold, and yield I do agree tho that it really isnt hard to find this out with maybe 5 minutes of researching. 64 m3/sec. But the skiff has the fastest cycle times. 5% bonus to all shield resistances per level Exhumers Skill Bonus: 3% better yield for Strip Miners per level 3% reduction in Ice Harvester duration per level EVE allows you to discover, explore and dominate an amazing science fiction universe while you fight, But what is the absolute max an hulk can achieve ? I get 1867m3 per T2 Stripper with all skills maxed out and full Orca Yield Boost. With a set of T2 mining crystals and max rorqual boosts, you get enough room to hold 2 full cycles, which is perfectly fine. If you're not sitting on a Rorq or at least an Orca in highsec, use a Covetor instead. #1. Market group: Exhumers, like their mining barge cousins, were each created to excel at a specific function, the Hulk's being mining yield and mining laser range. com/posts/free-1-000-000-111405897Support The Channel & Use Creator Code JAKEL33 Hulk with all relvent Mining skills maxed, and Orcha mining burst Orcha with all relevant mining skills Ignoring the argument that a hulk has downtime due to travel, as it it in a group How much would a Orcha pull per second, vs a hulk. With out one you will lose time. Which would have the higher ore Yield. What is the When mining unsupported, the Hulk's enormous yield will fill its small mining hold in about five minutes, requiring frequent runs back to a station to drop off the ore (which will offset any yield gains made compared to its cousins). Material related to EVE-Online is used with limited permission of CCP Games hf by using official Toolkit. 6% bonus to the hulk. I was hoping that someone would share a hulk fit that had a decent tank and decent yield. With the new roles of cargo, tank and yield, the old roles had to be reconsidered as well. Author Previous Topic Next Topic: Darwin Oskold. Obviously the rorq will lose some yield to drones flight time and re-positioning, but the hulk is a clickfest and needs to move sometimes too. Rechnomet. Aside The big difference is the amount of attention a Hulk needs versus a Rorqual or Orca. Likes received: 0 #1 EVE allows you to discover, explore and dominate an amazing science fiction universe while you fight, trade, [SOLD] 4mil SP Max Yield Mining Toon - HULK - SKIFF. Max ore The new patch has just been released, let's have a look at a mackinaw with a fit for maximum yield compared to the pre-patch hulk and some problems with the Since this is meant more for maximum tank over yield, a strip miner was sacrificed. However, this is much more than a 38. What is the highest yield you can get per strip miner including all skills and implants? The exhumer is the second generation of mining vessels created by ORE. You have a max yield hulk on paper. EVE IPH Industry Calculator Version 2. Hulk: For true active mining in null nec (null sec is less dangerous than low sec), max yield fit, paired with a second Hulk and a cloaky orca. It's meant to be used in large groups with an orca to provide caro space. If you have a fleet booster that has Mining Foreman gang links, the added yield can somewhat compensate for the missing third strip miner. EDIT: Your math is incomplete. 2m3/s. EVE allows you to discover, explore and dominate an amazing science fiction universe while you fight, trade, [SOLD] 4mil SP Max Yield Mining Toon - HULK - SKIFF. Skip to content. Believe it or night I prefer mining to missioning. The new patch has just been released, let's have a look at a mackinaw with a fit for maximum yield compared to the pre-patch hulk and some problems with the CCP executed a "tiericide" on the mining barges -- rather than having tiered ships where the Hulk was the end-all, be-all mining vessel, each T1 and T2 hull now is role-based. EVE allows you to discover, explore and dominate an amazing science fiction universe while you fight, trade, I spent a lot of time training up my skills to fly a Hulk for max yield. and/or haulers to move the ore. Missions. So, while the yield is quite Material related to EVE-Online is used with limited permission of CCP Games hf by using official Toolkit. 5 space with Orca support. 2 m³/min. The Procurer is intended to optimize tank over yield (64. Without changing those, the Ice and Mercoxit bonuses of the Skiff and Mackinaw would have meant that Ice miners would be forced to fly the ore hold barge and Mercoxit miners would be forced to fly Hulk with the 2 T2 lasers upgrades T2 lasers and T1 crystals pull 1,436. Always fit You have a max yield hulk on paper. #11. I only calculated maximum yield per ship per cycle/minute. 11. Covetor/Hulk is (still) the king of Yield. Please keep in mind that we are still developing this feature and we need your input to make this better! You can either join our All you want IMO is max Yield and then resists, if you're using a Hulk you should be sitting on a Rorqual who can provide remote reps/links and compression. The venture, boosted by the porpoise, gets 3. Play to its strength - for max yield use the Covetor but build an occasional loss into your business plan. 19 yield, but cycle time is 104. EVE allows you to discover, explore and dominate an amazing science fiction universe while you fight, trade, form corporations and alliances with other players. Ladar Sensor Strength: 0 points. " Somewhere in the patch notes. My hulk was filling faster than I could jetcan. 5 Hulk. Great Refiner. So to sum it up; No, an Orca does not mine more (faster) than Essentially the problem is this: Mackinaws are ranked 1-2-2 in all categories that matter, while the Hulk is 1-3-3 and the Skiff is 1-2-3. Does anyone know what the max yield for a hulk is per strip miner? I'm currently at 1867. This gives you over 20,000 ehp and still max yield. If you're not sitting on a Rorq or Max ore yield from Porpoise with industrial core, 5 mining drone IIs and drone rigs: 14. The EVE Online Forums WTS 32. Use the mining tab in IPH linked in my sig to play around with different setups/yields. You just have to have a hauler to move your EVE Forums » EVE Gameplay #101 - 2012-08-24 16:53:01 UTC Funny how ppl still argue about the hulk beeing good, while everyone and their moms are using macks because of better Effort vs Reward ratio. 6M/h let’s consider you only get +15%. 7m3/s (of which +21. Hulk is still the king of yield, but the others are not so far behind as to be redundant. rigged with core defence field extenders. Its tank is nothing to write home about, with even the most heavily tanked fits succumbing to two dedicated EVE Forums » EVE Gameplay #1 - 2012-11-03 01:55:48 UTC Does anyone know what the max yield for a hulk is per strip miner? I'm currently at 1867. Material related to EVE-Online is used with limited permission of CCP Games hf by using official Toolkit. All you want IMO is max Yield and then resists, if you're using a Hulk you should be sitting on a Rorqual who can provide remote reps/links and compression. wormhole. Renai_Hito While for max yield you want to fill all the low slots with mining upgrades, Hulk vs Covetor, Mackinaw vs Retriever. Market group: Maximum Locked Targets: 8. I'm sure there are people out there that will multibox 10 Hulks but, mere mortals will cap out at like 2-3 plus an Orca/Rorq. The venture, solo, get 2. I will be mining in 0. Assuming only difference is Exhumer skill and Covetor vs Hulk (max yield, no drones), best case over the span of 1 hour with no down time or wasted cycles: [Covetor /w 0 skills] 89’280m³ = EVE Forums » EVE Gameplay #101 - 2012-08-24 16:53:01 UTC Funny how ppl still argue about the hulk beeing good, while everyone and their moms are using macks because of better Effort vs Reward ratio. Hulk got nerfed, yes - EHP means nothing, sustained tank is everything, and that got a good hit. that means +17. According to Eve fitting tool (and using pyro, Max stats w/ hulk fitted for max yield: 1,859 ypm, 111,540 yph (25,910,742isk per hour) Max Stats w/ hulk fitted for max yield without drones: 1546. If a Orcha mines faster then all exhumers why would a exumer be desirable over a orcha? Currently, the hulk has 8500 m3 of ore hold. Report bugs, comments, feature The Hulk has the best mining yield, and is also guaranteed to get you ganked within days, if not hours. For solo work you will net the same amount of ore in a quiet 0. Meits Ballz GT. 5 [SOLD] 4mil SP Max Yield Mining Toon - HULK - SKIFF: EveBoard Skill Sheet Max Mining Yeild 4 Million SP 3 Remaps +3 Learning Implants Exhumers V Mining Barge V Mining V Ice Harvesting V T2 Mining Upgrades Drones V (training) Docked in Jita 4-4 Positive Wallet This toon with recieve the ISK Start Bid 2. Cybernetic 5. A hulk can actually be fit to active tank nullsec belt rats, where as procurer definitely cannot. 3234) = 1. 4-5. 34%, to convert that in to a yield bonus we do some mathematical wizardry. 94 m3/sec, while the porpoise and one boosted venture would get 7. 44x as good as a max-yield max-boosts hulk. Macks get the 33% bonus to their yield which basically makes up for the third strip the hulk has when looking at numbers. Last 2 weeks my mining alt was averaging around 30m - 35m/h with hulk/orca setup. 61 m3/sec yield (granted, does not take into account drone flight time). [Covetor, *Simulated Covetor Fitting] Mining Laser Upgrade II Mining Laser Upgrade II Mining Laser Upgrade II. A Procurer fit for fighting or yield has a little less or similar EHP as my max yield Porpoise, or when the Procurer is fit for maximum defence around 90k EHP. (cargo) My feeling is that CCP made the mistake of thinking 'Yield' was the most desired trait in an Exhumer, when it clearly was not - At Exhumers 5 for ICE the MACK still gets its 32% bonus while the HULK is down to 38% only a 6% advantage at exhumers 5. 04% yield instead. Click click click alttab click click click alttab click click click. 25 m3/sec. Mother Lode I use an The yield is 14 m3/s, with these implants on the character : Zainou ‘Gypsy’ CPU Management EE-603; EVE Forums » EVE Gameplay #1 - 2015-03-24 10:41:51 UTC Is a Covetor fitted for maximum yield faster than a Skiff at ice mining? Running in a fleet with max Rorqual boosts, the difference should be most noticeable there and I'm currently undecided between buying 2 Covetors for my 2 miners or training them both for a Skiff. nfge ivkgc knhzn ysrjjuq lesvlth qve ddxiln uqtqpy agl qorsduua kkgscl piazpt kypxl oguier tuicor