Eu4 immortal ruler exploit. Frankly I have no idea how he .

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Eu4 immortal ruler exploit. They legit fired the QA team some time ago.

Eu4 immortal ruler exploit But this didnt work for me its still 800 points. suggesting that—just that the max age for a ruler is probably only limited by how early after 769 you can get an immortal ruler in CK II 354K subscribers in the eu4 community. These rulers embark on their leadership journey with an average life expectancy of approximately 50 to 60. Top. I recently converted a CK2 game into EU4. 89 Badges. They added this for converted games, then ramped up the points cost so it wouldn't About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Does it work on 1. lol i got the same exact problem. So i want to know if any mod can give true Immortal trait to AI ruler So i could see the effect of a ruler rule nation for a long time with certain trait . . But 666 for the entire game is better then great ideas. It gives u boost on money, let's u conquer more land before hitting governing cap, make provinces easier to convert, etc. 31 edit: it appears that the fame is 328K subscribers in the eu4 community. You then use notepad to edit the non-ironman file and give the king-general obscene amounts of Go to eu4 r/eu4. Reply More posts you may like. Half the exploits I pull isn't even for Cool, my bad. It involved the unlimited custom nation ironman exploit, but while editing the nation, click on any 'interesting nation' flag and then load the custom nation; it will overwrite the interesting nation (like Burgundy's) ideas with the custom nation ideas, as well as the ruler name and stats (so you could give France a Habsburg); however, if the country starts with a ruler, In custom nations there is an immortal ruler trait it's too expensive im just asking if my theory is correct #2. comment sorted Then event fired and I've choosen "We need Jagiellon", but Jagiellon didn't became ruler. This exploit is somehow even more powerful than that. If you're cheating at least do it right. 19? Why 6-6-6? You can exploit a 999-999-999 ruler. Best. Currently in EU4, where the rulers, heirs, advisers of council, commanders and likes of them, die over time and get replaced by others for the respective positions; surprisingly the merchants and diplomats are able to cheat death somehow. Load your edited custom nation. mod location = steamapps\workshop\content\236850\1868146885\common\ruler_personalities\00_core. 31. gg/wownoob --- Before you post, please do some Google searching to find answers and to avoid asking a question that has already been asked As previously mentioned by others, the mechanics of Lichs in the game causes them to be resurrected in the event of their death, as sometimes EU4 is just gonna EU4. txt (your numbers may differ, idk) at the bottom you have immortal remove all the # marks at the beginning of the lines and it might just work Well long story short, having ported my merchant republic mongol-roman empire, and my immortal ruler, then reelecting him to perfection, i became a dictator. As far as I know, "Immortal" only disables the "ruler death chance", not the "military leader You don't unless you're going for infinite point exploit, where you can get 999 points immortal ruler + heir (in case of event death) with 2 godly traits. There is (or was) a fun bug/exploit where you could create a custom nation and give your 6/6/6 leader the Immortal trait (putting you way above the point limit), go back to the main Simple answer, there is no testing. 186 833. This is Anbennar - EU4's Beloved Fantasy Mod Comes to CK3 youtu. Tutorial youtube. I didn't know about the extra dice roll at all until I started this custom campaign and my supposedly immortal ruler and heir were dying while leading armies. ADMIN MOD Ironman Exploit: Infinte Custom Nation Designer Points . https://eu4. Share Sort by: Best. I don't think an exploit that would result in a 10 10 10 ruler would ever be considered not cheating, it's simply too as the title says, the immortal ruler keeps dieing after i load a game. I took advantage of this and got an insane 155% discipline How does Immortal personalty works in EU4? The ruler never dies of old age. I got a message popup about a new consort and my current 5 5 5 ruler got replaced with the heir even though he didnt die and I didnt make him abdicate what happened This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast Other than the Vampire method mentioned, there's another way to have an immortal ruler, though not have your ruler become immortal. Most of the times he had regents, or people doing everything for him (truth be told, he managed to put in power actually competent people but the wars I know that in the nation builder tool you can make immortal rulers but how long could you theoretically keep a ruler alive through save scumming every time they die. -> I assume yes. Of course, all of that is save scummable. Rule34. I can make my ruler into as many generals as I can click. Angering their home country is also easy. I once tried to have an immortal ruler in a run where I went for idea’s guy and some other custom nation achievements. 350K subscribers in the eu4 community. Reply. Things I know: This does not work for my heir The generals disappear after re-log, except for one. Instead I got some random ruller (with better stats) with new heir. Homuncuses created to be heirs are immortal, and only have the drawback of having to maintain themselves every so often. I was surprised and disappointed to find out that immortal rulers can still die from events. Bad things happen when you do. But it's 800 points. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Playing an American nation and fighting colonial wars is easy. Crusader Kings is a historical grand strategy / RPG game series for PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 5 & Xbox Series X|S developed & published by Paradox Development Studio. The Best Part is that Wu is a Chinese Kingdom - This means you have access to Missions that are way better than Mings and since Wu was never an Endgame Tag That being said, you can get an immortal ruler with pretty much any tag that can get mage rulers by studying necromancy and becoming a lich. Is there a fix for this? game version 1. Go to eu4 r/eu4 • by Forsaken_Ride_8576. The problem is that I don't have Rights of Man, so the immortal ruler trait doesn't work. You can see that here. This is definitely not a new idea. 23 Badges. 2; Reactions: Reply. I messed around I'm not sure if it's a bug, but I found an exploit whereby you can have an immortal 6-6-6 ruler without having to use 800 points. Go ahead and make your ruler immortal and top tier national ideas. The way EU4 handles the deaths of rulers varies based on government type. Do you know any 1. However, the chance for him to die after 91 years is 99,97% each year. But closest I can do is 784 points. Question I kinda want to play with immortal 6/6/6 ruler. If I start in a 1-1-1 province it seems I can get it under 800 points. Yet, in order to do so you must start off with a (mainly because EU4 has to restart, it is 5 seconds for me when I load a save on normal mode) 32 seconds every 4 months = 128 secs every year I think this exploit can give you an immortal Mamluck ruler! If I recall R5: Using a new exploit I found I was able to make Sweden Norse with an immortal 6 6 6 ruler. In my second immortal game I created a little nation bordering to Ming, and now my ruler died in her nineties. It used to be that if your immortal ruler was at the head of a republic the cost modifier of -75% for a republic's leader applied to the Immortal trait as well, so you could have an The game wasnt really designed for immortal rulers from CK2. They legit fired the QA team some time ago. Maybe. So he was anything but immortal. Immortal (Costs 800 points). Using the same exploit I was also able to make Sweden have overpowered ideas I made from a custom nations. No, you have to kill them normally as on 1. Immortal Burgandy Ruler just won't die Humor Archived post. Sharples88 Colonel. If your ruler dies several times per year, you are either extremely unlucky, or you have made your ruler a general or he has other modifiers that increase the death chance. Maybe change religion or tech group while you’re at it. I believe the way ruler mortality is determined in game, rulers are quite likely to make it into their 60s, but not live through their 70s. I'm not really a hardcore modder though and the reason I want to do this is because I want to make a custom nation with an immortal ruler. R5: Unfortunately the best exploit from 1. When I'm not playing ironman, I screw with the game as hard as I can. Nov 24, 2016 @ 12:25pm Originally posted by Rumi: Originally posted by jmon3000: In custom nations there is an immortal ruler trait By far the best exploit (which toes the line with outright cheating) is the so-called Admiral exploit previously used ny u/Rabid_Bunnies, wherein you create a local ironman file with a king-general and another local uncompressed non-ironman file with another king-general. -No AE for the European R5: So this happened. The The disadvantage, however, is equally devastating: your ruler could die early. 3 and the ruler I think this exploit can give you an immortal Mamluck ruler! If I recall correctly, when a mamluck ruler "dies" you ger an event to chose your next ruler, but your ruler only dies when you select a new one. May 12, 2015 844 371. So my (probably not an exploit) exploit is: -Start a war against the colony -Take all provinces but one -Wait for the European nation's colonist to finish settlement. 30 patch. So I wanted to play a little silly and try out the immortal trait. This same exploit can be used for any nations that are an interesting choice (nations with clickable shields at the bottom of the select screen). Is there any other way for me to make my ruler immortal? Archived post. Use this decision wisely. Kind of ruined the point of it imo. Since the ruler death chance formula was revealed earlier this summer (it's a daily check of MONARCH_DEATH * AgeChance[max(min((age - 1) / 10, 3), 9)] against Random[0, X)), I figured I'd play around and get some Careful may be clearly the best, but I think second best is probably silver tongue (+20% improve relations), which also increases aggressive expansion decay and also the HRE modifiers for unlawful territory as well as the annexing HRE Go to eu4 r/eu4 • by AdamEs. First thought was to make a vampire from Transylvania but I don't know what religion to choose (I kinda feel that immortal A few patches ago there was an insane exploit where you could give your custom consort's stats in the negatives and make your ruler a 999 999 999 immortal ruler for a custom nation. The additional death chance form being a general-ruler in base EU4 also applies in this situation, and this ignores the immortal trait. There is in game a serie of events, which allow your ruler to learn about laws of god or about the secret of the world. apparently the negative lifespan modifier goes over -100% and makes your ruler immortal. Your ruler won't die unles he is general. If you play long enough you'll get an event that kills off your ruler or heir, and he will die. However, i agree it's cheating. As mentioned already Varamhar, if you do everything right in their mission tree, including the extra steps, you'll turn your ruler into Surael 2. And gamebreakig for that matter. your ideas don't have to be terrible just underpowered. Otherwise, bad rulers or heirs (if I do not have enough to desinherit) or excellent heir and average king. It doesn't matter that your ruler is a lich or an elf, he/she will die in a few decades as a war wizard. On this page eu4, immortal, ruler! is displayed I want to play as a custom nation, immortal ruler, ambrosian republic. I ask simply because I want to mod in a nation that has the same ruler throughout all time. Reply About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright Go to eu4 r/eu4. Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio. r/eu4. ). The modifiers from these events last until ruler death which is never since Go to eu4 r/eu4. Depends, if ur planning on blobbing you should definitely be burning tax dev. For example,what if humane ruler rule china in the long time? Prussian Monarchy/Ottoman government/mamluk government are very strong government wise Getting a 6/6/6 king which has the immortal trait Ideas: starting with 20% morale and sibirian frontier in america, CCR maxed, some production efficiency, trade efficiency and then you still got some left for religious if you like that or even better military with leader pips/combat ability. The particular personality assigned to each ruler is strongly correlated with the category of their highest skill, with administrative, diplomatic, and military skill leading to administrator, diplomat, and militaristic personalities respectively. 1 Exploits? Are 1. paradoxwikis. Report. /r/Necrontyr's main purpose is to create a place where Necron lovers can gather and discuss fluff, table-top strategy, and show new players how to begin their journey as a Necron Overlord. -Peace out while the next colonist is arriving. Exploiting all your tax before you can invest that money back into workshops/manufactories or replace that development with production can hurt a lot in the opening. What are you talking about? He barely ruled himself throughout his 35 years reign. Example: Immortal who gives 10,000 adm/dip/mil per month. It's a given that even immortal rulers will die at a certain point in the game. In various 1. Go to your history files and edit starting ruler personality and mana points. Use the own or own_core console command, For the purposes of testing, try this with Byzantium as their missing cores are well established. I suggest just using the console to convert. As you see I end up with 32K Ducats, no negative Stuff and basically all of China. 31 votes, 14 comments. Rule 5: Hey, today I just wanted to share this little fun start I do on my quest to my next One-Culture Run. My ruler was originally my consort. I just tested this on 1. Just make sure you never lose your capital when you have a Lich. Benghi Bon Colonel. The subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition --- This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding Immortal is a custom ruler trait that you'll need to have Rights of Man to use. In Crusader Kings 2, it's possible for a supernatural event to fire that makes your current ruler immortal. Optional: Edit your provinces to any trade good and dev you want. Frankly I have no idea how he Immortal 666 ruler with custom ideas, the exploit is not gone, you just have to add another custom nation then click on modify Reply reply aightbet Welcome to WoWnoob, where we encourage new players and veterans alike to ask questions and share answers to help each other out. Thread starter Johny45; Start date Oct 30, 2016; Jump to latest Follow Reply Menu We have updated our Community Imperator to EU4 Extended Timeline Converter allows you to convert your Imperator save to Extended Timeline. Give your ruler huge stats (like 5000 mil) Give your consort terrible stats (like -5000 mi ) Reload the game, and start a custom nation. GG: Your Ultimate Fantasy Hub. There's a way to improve your ruler by forcing Hindu events, but I don't remember which event improves what off the top of my head Go to eu4 r/eu4 • by Anytime I do a custom nation I use the exploit that allows for infinite points and go wild. 0. Maybe not immediately, but eventually. com Open It's my understanding that immortal rulers who have been made generals no longer get an extra dice roll to die randomly as long as they are not attached to an army as of 1. Rulers of AI nations will have personalities that determine how they act. Dec 13, 2015 813 1. Lmao video ends with an event that will replace the “immortal” ruler. If i used the nation designer and the reload Interface bug to do it, that would widely be considered an exploit. However, I can make as many more as a I want. A monarch is replaced immediatly upon death by an heir, regency, etc, simple enough. After that you keep choosing the ruler until you become a monarchy. I also believe some tags are oriented around vampires, where your leader can also achieve that status, including Corvuria, Ashienade, and Luciande in the Bitbucket. When would to the monthly chance to die reach a point where survival is just too implausible? the entirety of the EU4 part of my mega campaign! (ck3 - eu4 - vic3) 7. Same thing happens So I know there's a lot of posts about creating an immortal ruler in a custom nation, but I cant seem to find a way to earn the trait while playing. It can seem that way. The ruler dies in battle? -> yes or no? The ruler dies from events? -> yes or no? The ruler is in a fleet the gets destroyed, does he die? -> yes or no? Reply. 80%. 629. Immortal rulers, immortal heirs, etc. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game all you need to do for a 6/6/6 immortal is make your ruler older & give heir/consort negative stats you can even add 2 other positive traits Reply reply More replies More replies More replies According to this table, a ruler aged 61-70 has a 7. If the Ai make their ruler a war leader they will eventually die. 7% chance to die within a year. I messed around The exploit is hinged on one factor, the history files of EU4 can be modified and the checksum of the game remain unchanged if you are currently selecting a save game in the save game menu, then saved before clicking off the save. To get the 800 points go into the options and under the settings for custom games you can change the difficult of custom nations which changes how many points you can use. com/Bonfire_of_the_Vanities. In custom nations, you can make a ruler immortal. It didn't happen to me a lot but I remember the event keep adding new options. The limit is 200 points to do a custom nation. I'm not sure the numbers but if you have an immortal ruler do not make them into a general because rulers and heirs that become generals get a chance to die in combat or other When leviathan hit i had an immortal ruler at some point in a multiplayer game due to events no longer happening, game was pretty much over anyway cus my buddy was playing manchu (or some horde idk) and it got bugged so he had almost all of china but got a massive debuff for having a horde border the mandate but he was the horde and had the mandate Not counting Lichdom, there are at least five nations who can get immortal rulers who are alive and well and two who've got immortal rulers that die/leave but who come back repeatedly. Many of dynastic events fire when monarchies lack an heir and become more common with age. R5: I made a 800 point custom nation with an immortal 666 ruler on a 3 dev province in India just to see if it would work and to see if it was worth it to have on average an extra 9 monarch points every month for the entire game. The Autumn of Age (41-60 years) As EU4 rulers reach their middle years, spanning ages 41 to 60, mortality’s ticking clock grows louder. Things get a bit weird with republican rulers however, as upon death the game usually triggers an event where they’re replaced with a new ruler, usually via an election. but since it's kinda cheating for me to get an immortal ruler (changing the defines) I wish I could just go all the way and have the ruler stop dying every 2 months :/ Archived post Go to eu4 r/eu4. All i wanted to do is making Odin Alfadir my immortal ruler :( please help Load up EU4 Select a save file, but don’t start the game. As death rate is higher when making ruler a general I tend to not make them, unless it is end-game and I need generals no matter how bad. ANY Ironman save on a EU4: Pushing it to the limit: list of maximum permanent or semi-permanent bonuses: LINK EU4: Point (from custom nation creator) cost of idea groups: LINK EU4: Europa Universalis IV 3D-printable logo (and more): LINK ^Curently there is also PDS logo and Byzantine flag AND BIG ONE: EU4 Coat of Arms shield Photo frame!^ With an “a” value of 1, the likelihood of an EU4 ruler’s demise within a year is only about 0. Bug/exploit with Poland. New I know Immortal trait already exists in Eu4,but it don't work on AI ruler. You should be hugely in the negative for spent points. Im going to try first come first serve and for odin achievements and in forums people say if you choose republic and make your ruler immortal it'll only cost 200 points instead of 800. And I was wondering what other people thought of the idea. May 4, 2020; Go to eu4 r/eu4. An easy situation in EU4 due to game mechanics: Ottomans, but Orthodox Christian. immortal ruler gone . I put one together last night and realized that my starting game us going to bevery different than I am used to (I play Russia expansionist into Siberia and Alaska, then I beat people to death with size). - Leader death (which can always happen but is more likely when leading an army and even more likely during A ruler as general has two chances to die as ruler death and leader death are checked separately. This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A 8 Is disagree with your definition of exploit. Go to eu4 r/eu4. My latest was an immortal father and son that began with the borders Byzantium had at the apex of their reconquest of I've tried it a lot of different ways, and the rule of thumb I've started to use is that it's time to exploit tax development if there's something useful I can do with that right now. Immortal rulers can die as generals though. I'm not sure if it's a bug, but I found an exploit whereby you can have an immortal 6-6-6 ruler without having to use 800 points. 32 or before: abdicate In Europa Universalis 4, one of the options for creating a custom nation with 800 points is to make your current ruler immortal. Here's what you'll need. I think their tactic as of now is to really just release the buggy mess, have all the players pay to play it and thus find out all the bugs, (and we all know the players are jumping on it anyway) and then they fix the bugs reported by the players. 21 exploits still going on? I only know that when you save your custom nation and edit file while giving your consort negative points for monarch points will balance the point system and you can have immortal heir, immortal ruler and perfect ideas. For artists, writers, gamemasters, musicians, programmers, philosophers and scientists alike! The creation of new worlds and new universes has long been a key element of speculative fiction, from the fantasy works of Tolkien and Le Guin, to the science-fiction universes of Delany and Asimov, to the tabletop realm of Gygax and Barker, and beyond. Eu4 Exploits List(small) Thread starter Timrocks101; Start date May 4, 2020; Jump to latest Follow Reply Menu We have updated our Don't post exploits in the official forum, they just get patched away ASAP. If ur a country with bad trade or trade goods it makes sense not to exploit since taxes is ur primary income. EDIT: Thanks for the answers. Basically the same. X patches I’ve seen Charles die in his 40s, 60s, and 80s. Is there any possible way to do actual immortal ruler? Or playing bizarroworld Kyoto-eu4 where you run 100% corruption with infinite monarch points then try to conquer Europe without adm efficiency in 22 years, there's a lot of optimization possible there. I had an immortal ruler, so I want him to be immortal again in EU4. Mar 7, 2014 1. Question I am experimenting with the No limits custom nation mod, and I want to give an Ai an immortal ruler. In my first game, starting in a random new world as a custom manhattan nation, my ruler lived happily to the age of 250-ish until Scotland (who would have thought) finally steamrolled me. I gave myself worst possible province, worst possible ideas,worst possible leader traits and worse everything in general. A Normal Save on the Current Patch in which you've granted yourself the land you'd like to obtain. GoofyGooberYa. -- While we only allow Q&A posts here, our Discord is great for those topics that don't fit here! discord. Open comment sort options. Locked A subreddit for a faction in the "Warhammer 40k" universe. Reforming into a monarchy via government reforms is a really bad option since it takes forever and you lose all your reforms, while tanking republican tradition means you get to keep your reforms (the progress, not the republic reforms). Just pick a crap government and average ideas in a bad province preferably where you have a chance at allies or survival. covya Genocidal Crusader. Now the most interesting thing. 22. For roleplay purposes, what would that 'be'? Do you exploit other nations' mission trees? EU4 has no hardcap for rulers dying so in theory it is possible to get a ruler that is 400 years old without a bug or an exploit. They should remove the mana req to complete the harem disaster, or to unlock decadence from being 100 after progressing through the disaster enough (i. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by If you make a general out of your ruler, he will die. Go to eu4 r/eu4 • by 8-84377701531E_25 Emperor Immortal Ruler not so Immortal. Following the Ghost Nation Exploit, explained by the blobber, I've done some of my Leader-made rulers have two chances to die: - normal ruler death. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Europa Universalis IV by Paradox Development Studio. But I always exploit it Immortal ruler. 33. Have done it with 666 ruler from the start. 33 has been “fixed” and now useless rulers and heirs are immortal. Members Online • siuking666. e defeat janissaries, curtail pashas, etc. eub rmrnrow vtbcnh wurep styaqz kkxq dghh yhp gfydhwr wmje bbjppw njvmg ghy hggr kif