Comsol multiple solutions The Solution datasets make solutions available for visualization and results analysis. But if you do as you describe with 0D and time derivatives, and link u2 from 1-2 sec by using u1 as initial condition, you get all "0" as initial values for u2. I'm actuallty confused by the options given. I believe we can study far more with the tuning fork, as today COMSOL Multiphysics(r) Blogs FORUM Use multiple rows for evaluation data instead of multiple columns; BLOG Methods That Accelerate the Modeling of Bandpass-Filter-Type Devices; BLOG Plotting the Algebraic Residual to Study Model Convergence; KNOWLEDGE BASE Reducing the amount of solution data stored in a model I can get all neffs for all modes if I dont perform the Parametric sweep and in Solutions instead of using Study 1/Solution 1 I use Study 1/Solution Store 1 which saves all the mode solutions. A steady-state simulation of a square with a temperature of 20ºC on the left-hand side. EST MEMS & Nanotechnology, Fluid & Heat, MEMS & Piezoelectric Devices, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD), Microfluidics, Chemical Reaction Engineering Version 5. In many cases i would like to just click on solve a second time to generate a second solution. Posted 2011年8月3日 GMT-4 16:31 RF & Microwave Engineering, Modeling Tools & Definitions, Parameters, Variables, & Functions 7 Replies solution(1,the_wanted_variable) - solution(2,the_wanted_variable) Could be nice to have though Perhaps if you make two identical but separate models, then you have unique names for each study, but then you cannot select 2 studies, nor combine two, from my knowledge, for Plotting Remains Matlab where you can combine things at will--Good luck Ivar Electroplating multiple components at once by hanging them on a rack is useful for many types of to a solution of gold and a metal object. 3 版本中一些工具选项的灵活性和强大功能。借助串联、求和选项与复制解操作,我们能够组合多个解,方便对模型不同变体的多个解进行后处理、存储和分析。 It was suggested long ago that a theoretical model of a near-cathode region in a DC glow discharge admits multiple steady-state solutions describing different modes of currrent transfer. EDT RF & Microwave Engineering, Geometry, Mesh, Modeling Tools & Definitions, Parameters, If you still need help with COMSOL and have an on-subscription license, please visit our Support Center for help. About the COMSOL Product Suite. 2012, 06:44 UTC−5 Fluid & Heat, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Version 4. I need the 2nd derivative of the square sum of the two solutions, but I don't know how to add. Combine two FFT solutions as a single plot. In addition, two predefined “operators”, data1 and data2, correspond to the solution data in the first and second Solution dataset, respectively, and make it possible to compare I have two consecutive time dependent studies and two solutions sol1 and sol2. 1. Function Sweep This is a special case of Parametric Sweep study step, where the solver sweeps over functions defined under a Switch node defined under Global Definitions>Functions. Note that you could also have both solutions available within the same model, in this case use the Combine Solutions study step to generate a new solution, see the attached model combine_solution. Posted 2024年12月4日 GMT-5 09:40 LiveLink for MATLAB 2 Replies . you have also the "at(12. Use a Combine Solutions node () to combine two solutions using concatenation or summation or to remove solutions: You can use concatenation to merge (concatenate) two time-dependent In order to run these simulations, I think I have two methods. g. Select the Plot check box to allow plotting of results while solving in the Graphics window. So, in a nutshell, I have 50 outer solution and 20 inner solutions. Concluding Thoughts. Midway through the solution, I lost connection to the server and the model stopped solving and the project auto-saved. to define a domain point probe). Only thing be sure your initial conditions are correct, either linked or separate, as COMSOl might try to link them by default, which might not be what you want ;)--Good luck Look under Study, Solver Configurations, Solution 2. It is left out of the equation above to focus the attention on the Lagrange multiplier updates. 上文中的示例说明了 COMSOL Multiphysics® 软件 5. Posted Nov 10, 2016, 11:38 p. The problem I am facing is , when I run the same simulation multiple times , with the same parameters , geometry, system equations, etc. PDT Results & Visualization 0 Replies . in other words even when I dont change anything in my simulation settings, I get different steady state solutions. However, it seems the data2 special operator returns only the real part of its argument, only it is the data1 operator that can handle both components. these solutions have been calculated for the first time with COMSOL Multiphysics. Then select what to plot from the Plot group list and, for time-dependent simulations, at which time steps to update the plot: the output times or the Ivar KJELBERG April 4, 2018. Another option is to first join two data sets and then joined that joined data set with a third solution. 2, Version 5. Add-on modules provide Although it's fun to zoom in to check the details over different spatial-temporal coordinate, overall I might be only interested in the time-dependent solution of a specified probe (e. This adds a significant amount of time to the solution of the problem. Solvers automatically create Solution datasets. Best regards, Rémi When you choose “One”, COMSOL Multiphysics will present you with a drop-down menu, where you can pick the benchmark value. Posted 25 ago 2011, 16:01 GMT-4 RF & Microwave Engineering, Geometry, Mesh, Modeling Tools & Definitions, Parameters, If you still need help with COMSOL and have an on-subscription license, The withsol operator allows you to extract the solution from any solver sequence in the current model and use it in other studies, or during postprocessing. Single solution selection is available when only one solution at a time can be visualized, for example in 2D and 3D plots. then you will have 5 data sets, if you set them up correctly. Our goal is to verify the solution of this problem using the method of manufactured solutions. 3 版本中一些工具选项的灵活性和强大功能。借助串联、求和选项与复制解操作,我们能够组合多个解,方便对模型不同变体的 You can use concatenation to merge (concatenate) two time-dependent solutions that cover two disjunct time intervals so that it is possible to analyze and postprocess a combined solution over both time intervals. In order to store the solutions of all the steps, be sure to check the box "Store solution for all intermediate study steps" in the settings of the Study1 node. So, did you remember my warning that "you may have to play with it a bit, clear solutions, delete/reset solvers, etc. 2012, 06:44 GMT-5 Fluid & Heat, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Version 4. png; If you still need help with COMSOL and have an on-subscription license, please visit our Support Center for help. In the present work, these solutions have been calculated for 2) I read in comsol forums, that although I could create multiple studies, and get results, those results do not interact with each other (like I can’t even many a subtraction of V1-V2, for two different solutions). Good day I want to use a stationary solution as the initial input for multiple time dependent steps, but I do not know how to. When you choose “One”, COMSOL Multiphysics will present you with a drop-down menu, where you can pick the benchmark value. Joining a parametric solution comparing all of the parameter solutions to the benchmark solution from the finest mesh. Stationary solutions are not possible to use. David964 " operator when you want to use a specific time tag value here for "u" in your comsol euqations, the "'solnum',n" varable has the "with(3,u^2)" operator Solver Configurations contain nodes that define variables to solve for, the solvers and settings, and additional sequence nodes for storing the solution, for example (see Figure 20-1). The solvers also have nodes that can control the solver The major drawbacks are that (1) you cannot compare multiple solutions within COMSOL, as they are not in the same file, and (2) if you ever need to modify the model (geometry or physics) or the way you represent the result, you have to Note that while COMSOL employees may participate in the discussion forum, COMSOL ® software users who are on-subscription should submit their questions via the Support Center for a more comprehensive response from the Technical Support team. One option is to use the built-in WITH operator. The image below shows the solution for each section of the channel, which corresponds to Multiple frequency sources in comsol 4. It seems the probe solution and Note that while COMSOL employees may participate in the discussion forum, COMSOL ® software users who are on-subscription should submit their questions via the Support Center for a more comprehensive response from the Technical Support team. Posted How many solutions the result features can display vary, the main difference being between single-select and multi-select features. But this way, I still don’t know if I cwill be able to calculate the 关于如何在 COMSOL Multiphysics® 中管理多个解的结语. This makes it possible to pass multiple initial values Keep in mind that the solution u is indexed by k as well. The coefficients A_c, \rho, C_p, and k stand for the cross-sectional area, mass density, heat capacity, and thermal conductivity, respectively. 2a 0 Replies . sol(<tag>). mph (the model solution is reset to reduce its size, so you need to run Study 1, Study 2, and then Study 3). m. This model compares the numerical and analytical solutions for the capacitance matrix of two non-concentric spheres. Discussion Closed This discussion was created more than 6 months ago and has been closed. Posted 2011年8月25日 GMT-4 16:01 RF & Microwave Engineering, Geometry, Mesh, Modeling Tools & Definitions, Parameters, Variables, & Functions, Studies & Solvers Version 4. Let’s say that we want to run a time-dependent simulation in two steps: 1. Almeida. 2a 0 Replies Once that was done, I did a simple join of the two solution sets by taking a sum and I got similar (almost identical) results! Still cant plot a combined polar plot, but I could get the SPL polar plots for different frequencies, and plot them on the same Note that while COMSOL employees may participate in the discussion forum, About the COMSOL Product Suite. You can also concatenate two eigenfrequency or eigenvalue solutions. Ivar KJELBERG COMSOL solution(1,the_wanted_variable) - solution(2,the_wanted_variable) Could be nice to have though Perhaps if you make two identical but separate models, then you have unique names for each study, but then you cannot select 2 studies, nor combine two, from my knowledge, for Plotting Remains Matlab where you can combine things at will--Good luck Ivar I have a similar problem, but do not understand the solution given. In numerical features and 1D plots multi-select is used to be able to display plots The coefficients A_c, \rho, C_p, and k stand for the cross-sectional area, mass density, heat capacity, and thermal conductivity, respectively. The default is to form the difference (but you can also form a sum, product, quotient, or general expression). LiveLink for MATLAB: output specified solutions under several studies. 02. In the latest version for COMSOL Multiphysics (5. Ram Narayanan If you still need help with COMSOL and have an on-subscription license, please visit our In version 4. Multiple 2D plots. You can then point to such a Join data set from a plot group to visualize the difference between the solutions. The Join dataset has predefined methods to combine the solutions to get the difference, norm of difference, product, quotient, or sum of the two solution datasets. Posted 14. In that case, duplicate modes are removed. From the starting time to an intermediate time 2. Comparing the Results Between Two Studies. Initial values from solution. You can concatenate more than two solutions by using multiple Combine Solutions nodes and using the output from an earlier Combine Solutions node as one of the inputs to the following Combine Solutions node, in addition In a single solution, I separate the total time into several time ranges, and I want to set different time steps for different time range, for example, for time range (t1,t2), the time step is dt1, for time range (t3,t4), it is dt2, -----. Afterward the user input is cleared. It also illustrates the relation between the Maxwell capacitance matrix and the mutual capacitance matrix. Is there any way to assure more repeatable solutions. In the figure below, the value of the element size parameter, hn, for the finest mesh is 16. Comsol's network reaches over 200 metropolitan areas covering more than 15,000km 2 of South Africa's major business districts, and extending further where needed. 2- Defining two physics (solid mechanics) with the same material properties. You can also remove solutions. 1 13 Replies Using solver manager with multiple solutions. However, if I understand what comsol is doing correctly, it recalculates the full stiffness matrix solution again. How can I keep only the solutions related to the involved components each time? Attachments: 2024-09-17 16 59 59. EST Fluid & Heat, Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) Version 4. For example, you can concatenate two time-dependent solutions that cover two disjunct time It was suggested long ago that a theoretical model of a near-cathode region in a DC glow discharge admits multiple steady-state solutions describing different modes of currrent transfer. For example, the two parameters are kx and ky. Add a Multiselect Solution node to select multiple times, eigenvalues, or parameter values to use in a graph plot, for example, or any other plot or data evaluation that support multiple solutions. Best regards, Magnus Ringh, COMSOL 2) I read in comsol forums, that although I could create multiple studies, and get results, those results do not interact with each other (like I can’t even many a subtraction of V1-V2, for two different solutions). The supported 'evaltype' values are 'mi' and 'minc'. Let us consider a simple thermal example. By providing your email address, you consent to receive emails from COMSOL AB and its Use this step to combine two solutions; for example, two time-dependent simulations over two different time spans that you want to postprocess as a single time-dependent solution. HERE is the problem, I need to assemble the 140Hz with the 120Hz with the 100 Hz solutions and then show the results into one plot. 1 with Matlab. Gurreri, F. You have two Time-Dependent Solvers there instead of only one. Can comsol do this? 6 Replies Last Post Jul 5, 2017 , 11:09 p. Then I create a new node and specify my range for the second sweep. The COMSOL Multiphysics ® software brings a user interface and experience that is always the same, regardless of engineering application and physics phenomena. When there are many components, each study generates too many unnecessary solutions. Add-on modules provide After the model solves, we can generate a plot of the temperature distribution for each solution through the COMSOL Multiphysics wrapper function, “mphplot”. Table 6-15: Solution creation Methods, imaginary part. The modal frequencies seem to vary somewhat wildly every time I run the solver (changing neither the model nor any parameters between runs). Actually I’m doing it manually by computing iteratively each You can work with solutions corresponding to more than two eigenvalues. However, I need to get data from each solver. But this way, I still don’t know if I cwill be able to calculate the FORUM Time Dependent Solution with command !!! BLOG Using the Previous Solution Operator in Transient Modeling; BLOG How to Manage Multiple Solutions in COMSOL Multiphysics® FORUM Time Dependent Solution ; KNOWLEDGE BASE Reducing the amount of solution data stored in a model Hello everyone, I have two transient solution for the same model, one from 0 to 10000 years and one from 10000 to 20000 years. My approaches are: 1- Using two STEPs in my STUDY: the first STEP for stretching and the 2nd one for inflation. Thanks for an illustrative Blog. Once the computation is complete, in the Results, COMSOL In addition to Comsol's owned network, we have off-net relationships with other Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) networks and fibre network operators (FNO) in South Africa so that you don't have to spend the time sourcing alternate connectivity services via multiple partners. From the intermediate time to an ending time Further, let’s say that in the second time-dependent study step, we make some changes to the physics that represent a change in the conditions See more You can use concatenation to merge (concatenate) two time-dependent solutions that cover two disjunct time intervals so that it is possible to analyze and postprocess a combined solution I'm trying to do something like a parametric study but instead of doing a parametric study I want to run a transient simulation multiple times and store the solution in different How is it possible to link the second study to the first study with applying "a solution which combined of sol1 and sol2"? Is it possible to do it in comsol? Thanks in advance for You can perform such a sequential study using multiple study steps in a single study or using multiple studies in the same model: Use two or more study steps in a sequence in the same If I compute all solvers, the resulting solution will show the last solver data only. The concatenation can, for example, take two time-dependent solutions solver over different time spans and combine them into a single time-dependent solution including all times from both solutions. • Using solver manager with multiple solutions. To start a new discussion with a link back to this one, click here. The correct way is running the model at 100Hz from 0 to 2 secs, then assemble that solution with the next, from 2 to 4 secs with 120Hz, then assemble that solution with the next, from 4 to 6 secs with 140Hz. 3. Posted Aug 25, 2011, 4:01 p. If you still need help with COMSOL and have an on-subscription license, please visit our Support Center for help. Thanks! 2 solutions mixing in Micromixer. By gradually accumulating more and more of the forces (fluxes) in the We demonstrate how to manage multiple solutions in COMSOL Multiphysics® using 3 different methods available with version 5. Hi Friederich. Posted Aug 24, 2022, 5:11 a. BLOG How to Manage Multiple Solutions in COMSOL Multiphysics® KNOWLEDGE BASE Running parametric sweeps, batch sweeps, and cluster sweeps from the command line; FORUM Combine Parametric Solutions Computed Separately; BLOG Analyzing Reverse Electrodialysis Units with Multiphysics Modeling; KNOWLEDGE BASE Reducing the amount of solution data I'm running an eigenfrequency analysis with a plane stress model. 2) multiple steps. Now I need to estimate a surface integral of a product of two variables through the derived value tab. EST 1 Reply . pdf - 0. 1) Are the settings for multiple studies and multiple steps proper? 2) Would you please explain Use a Combine Solutions node to combine two solutions using concatenation or summation. Learn more about this model in the blog post "How to Calculate a Capacitance Matrix in COMSOL Multiphysics ® ". The solution is created at this stage. Posted Apr 20, 2021, BLOG How to I was computing an Acoustics Boundary Element Parametric Solution via COMSOL 6. Comsol Connect solutions is your one-stop shop. If a created solution is used before this function is run the result is unpredictable. Robert Low If you still need help with COMSOL and have an on-subscription license, please visit our Support Center for help. there is a way to join the two solution into one from 0 to 20000 years? Combining two solutions and plotting the result. createSolution() creates solutions based on the input from the vectors previously set. Download. Posted 2010年3月12日 GMT-8 12:51 1 Reply . Read the blog post. Hello All, I am trying to solve a system of reaction diffusion equations using the Coefficient form PDE interface. From the Solution list, choose an available Solution dataset from which to pick the solution values. I am more interested in repeatability than accuracy. By default, the name of the Solution dataset nodes include the name of the study with the solution that the dataset refers to (for example, Study 2/Solution), but you can rename them if you want to. One third octave frequencies 100-1250 solved and were contained in the save file; you can add a STORE SOlution node in the sulver sub-nodes, if COMSOL has not added those by default. Post-processing and integration of multiple solutions. However, whenever I get a solution it seems to erase the old one. When the Voltaic pile was model. This node is also available in the solver configuration as a solver utility node. Posted 14 févr. , to finally get this to work out well" ? Well, now you know why I Combining two solutions and plotting the result. That's why you have three solutions total. 3) To create different models, one for each solution. The heat source is given by Q. . First, we assume an explicit form for the solution. 1. The main question out of all of this: is there a way to solve, sequentially, for multiple point sources without having to completely recalculate the entire problem? Post-processing and integration of multiple solutions. In postprocessing I would now like to "stitch" these two solutions together, so that instead of having to deal with two data sets sol1 and sol2 I just have one data set solComb that contains the combination of these consecutive two solutions. The only problem is that I need the two variables to be picked from For the Automatic (all selections) option, all solutions are passed down to the solver, and the solver selects the initial values based on if there is a match to the current parameter tuple. Posted Feb 14, 2012, 6:44 a. By default, such Combine Solution nodes are Combining two solutions and plotting the result. Battaglia, L. 2 1 Reply This feature combines solutions by concatenation or summation. Image by G. Let's say the first sweep is kx= [0 to1/2] and ky=[1/2 to 2/3], and the second sweep is kx = [1/2 to 3/4] and ky=[2/3 to 1]. Where and how do I use the at(), with() ? My problem, to be precise, is I want to calculate a potential which is a function of 2 values for 1 parameter. It then contains a General section, similar to the Combine Solutions Settings section below but with an additional Defined by study step list, which includes the Combine Solutions study steps and the User defined option for combining solutions at the solver level. Posted Mar 12, 2010, 3:51 p. EDT. Plus we are able to bring you coverage or a private network • For two- and three-dimensional models, the evaluation on the domain level (that is, at2 for two-dimensional models and at3 for three-dimensional models) can take an extra argument 'evaltype'. 3), you can add a Combine Solutions step to the study, in which you can concatenate (join) two time-dependent steps and then use the output from the Combine Solutions step to postprocess the solution for both steps. I don't mind having multiple studies in my models to be able to generate more solutions but it is very annoying that i can't duplicate the studies (without the solution set) especially when i have made some complex settings in the solver. Send Private Message Flag post as spam. The major drawbacks are that (1) you cannot compare multiple solutions within COMSOL, as they are not in the same file, and (2) if you ever need to modify the model (geometry or physics) or the way you represent the result, you have to go through each file and made the changes FORUM Combining two solutions and plotting the result; FORUM Combining pysics; BLOG How to Manage Multiple Solutions in COMSOL Multiphysics® KNOWLEDGE BASE Reducing the amount of solution data stored in a model; BLOG Full Acoustic Room Impulse Response of a Small Smart Speaker Using solver manager with multiple solutions. 54MB 关于如何在 COMSOL Multiphysics® 中管理多个解的结语. Posted 2011年3月1日 GMT-5 08:43 Heat Transfer & Phase Change, Geometry, Studies & Solvers Version 4. Comsol Denmark Carl Xu. I can use one stationary solution for a time study after the BLOG Как комбинировать и сравнивать несколько решений в COMSOL Multiphysics® KNOWLEDGE BASE Reducing the amount of solution data stored in a model; BLOG Analyzing Reverse Electrodialysis Units with Multiphysics Modeling; FORUM Combine two solutions; BLOG How to Manage Multiple Solutions in COMSOL Then results are as you expect them, with a kink at x=1 and by default COMSOL links the two cases, adds the stored solution and starts the second stationary case from the first. 5,u)" operator when you want to use a specific time tag value here for "u" in your comsol euqations, the "'solnum',n" varable has the "with First, I want to stretch it in z-direction, and after getting the solution, I need to fix the two ends and pressurize inside the tube. 2a you can create Join data sets that combine two solutions. Please login with a confirmed email address before reporting spam. Right-click to select Remesh Deformed Configuration Thus, this method offers a more permanent solution, helping to prevent costs for additional future repairs. How many solutions the result features can display vary, the main difference being between single-select and multiselect features. I run the first sweep and get a solution. I really like the new COMSOL capability to join two separate solutions into one dataset using the Join functionality. Compare the dense current density streamlines in the membranes on the left (lower-conductivity solution) with the lower membrane current density on the right (higher-conductivity solution). qhpfrb nzx hhoclb mtkgdc dthco yeunlns xgvyev jvqf andx umcb imcczd foyevsd dppp sdq suonan