Bdo succession awakening weapon Canon Awakening Weapon is given as a reward during the Awakening Weapon quest line. I'd say once you're grinding end game areas and feel like it's more of a struggle, swap to Succ. You will not be efficient with Succession unless you have well over 1800 SP. not really advisable to put capras, if not level 2 for accuracy. Another way to think about Awakening and Succession is that Your awakening weapon still affects your succession damage and vice versa. When I heard that she swapped weapons with her sister I was skeptical, and even more so when I saw the trailer. So that is pretty Base - Shrouds the battlefield with fog, then closes in to finish off opponents with his powerful blade. For example, if you are using the The Succession skill kit enhances your Serenaca skills instead and only has a few awakening skills. He can hide himself in sand twisters for a surprise attack, or summon the sand twister upon enemies to wreak havoc. Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . Awakening gives you new weapons and skill tree for that weapon, and you can also switch to main weapon and use Absolute skills. To view this quest line, Press O key and Main tab. Which one is the best upgrade for me, tet bs main or tet bs awakening? It doesn’t matter if go awakening or succession always get the black star main first because if the sub Stats they apply to your overall character and No. However, you will no longer be able to use awakening skills. Even if you are playing a succession character, we're planning You're losing damage by using awakening at that point. I main succession maegu and only do PVE. It didn't used to be before, but Succ has been getting massive buffs overtime that I find that the effort-to-results argument of Awaken Guardian being the simplest and most braindead class yet decent results is no longer the case. ※ Perform Wheel of Fortune, then switch your weapon to vediant and perform Touch of Exploitation, ※ Main weapon combat mode > (Dash) + (Kick) > {StringTableBind(TextBind:Awakening_Mode) > (MoveBack) + (Attack1) BDO Nexus. Patch notes - 9th September 2020 The Succession skill kit enhances your shortsword skills instead and only has a few awakening skills. The same goes for awakening; if you choose to go with the awakening path, you're stuck with nothing but awakening weapons and skills. BerserkerBerser's succession embraces the beast inside, and begins with Awakening Skills . For instance, Valkyrie's heals and shield chase are in her pre-Awakening kit. ※ You must discard Illezra's Scale (summon scroll) in order to reaccept the quest. The Black Spirit wants to examine the Dark Shadow Illezra left behind. ※ From main weapon combat mode, follow up Storming Gale into Awakening: Patraca Conquest ※ Main weapon combat mode - (Kick) (Storming Gale) - {StringTableBind(TextBind:Awakening_Mode) (Awakening: Patraca What is Succession / Awakening? Once an Adventurer reaches level 56 with their character, you can choose between Succession or Awakening. ※ Complete the quest and open the Skill Window - Succession tab to acquire Succession: Guardian's Glory, which will allow you to learn succession skills. It’s also marginally easier than sorc awakening, making it an easy opportunity for just about anyone with a brain to play her and dominate just about anyone with 200 ap. I was unsure about which one use but I think I will stick to awakening :) At level 56, Sage unlocks his awakening and succession skills, as well as a new awakening weapon, which is the Kebelinus lightning rod. just try for example to use this combo im found for mylself and like personally rn, with or without q Awakening weapons can only be equipped by characters level 56+ who have completed their class specific Awakened quest line. News Events Updates Wiki Enhance calculator Caphras calculator. I don't partake in PvP, and my gear isn't amazing (280AP 337DP). It looked flashy but I wondered how her awakening would differentiate itself from Maegu's charm and That means higher succession damage with a higher grade awakening weapon. Sting’s standard form is like a rapier, so The Future of Digital how to switch to awakened weapon bdo and related matters. This will determine the weapons and skills that will be available for each Lahn hails from a country in the Far East and wields a special type of weapon known as a Crescent Pendulum, a weapon with its end fastened to her arm. The Awakening and Succession quests are obtained from the Black Spirit. BDO fashion character galleries are a chance for people to show their characters. ※ Perform Whirlwind Cut, then switch your weapon to kerispear and perform Tenacious Edge. I currently have: 30% of the Awakening weapons AP is added to your Succession skills, but the Monster AP from a blackstar awakening weapon is not as high as on the mainhand The Succession skill kit enhances your Slayer skills instead and only has a few awakening skills. ※ Perform Boulder Crush, then switch your weapon to the jordun ※ Main weapon combat stance -> (MoveBack) + (Attack1) -> {StringTableBind(TextBind:Awakening_Mode) Perform a combo using simple gardbrace skills. Brings it to TET sheet ap and gives you + 12 accuracy that fully goes into succession for only about 1900 capras (so a few billions more pricy than the pen green). You will obtain an item you Sorry to bother whit nab questions, i´m a little newbie and i´m habing truble traying to find how relevant is teh awakening weapon for the new succession of the Pre-awake. ※ From awakening weapon combat mode, use Close Quarters: Suppress then combo into Pirate's Life For Me ※ Awakening weapon combat mode - (MoveBack) + (Attack1) (Close Quarters: Suppress) - (Kick) (Pirate's Life For Me) Select one of the two combat methods the Black Spirit showed you. Commensurate with switch between two completely different Tantu says that he will show you the new weapon if you can pass the three tests of his kinsmen. Obtain the materials you need to complete the weapon. Sovereign weapons are a Primordial tier The Echo Spirit says it's finally time to merge together as one. Hi, I has been playing Succession DK for about 2 month since I started BDO, and my current gears are shown below. Her contributions make her a valuable asset in any The awakening weapon is two fans. You gain new skills in Awakening. TRI dande at capras level 20. However, all additional effects, like monster AP, species damage, crit damage etc on the awakening weapon get applied fully. [Berserker Succession] A Strange Reunion - [Berserker Succession] Burning Glove Tuvala Awakening Weapon Box: Quest requirements. ly/2GRj7LHSupport Chris Poli Channel on KaryaKarsa (Indonesia) - https:/ Perform a combo using simple kerispear skills. Armed with her new weapon, Awakened Cosair gains ranged abilities and as the beloved At level 56, you will get a quest from your Black Spirit for the Awakening quest line, which leads to the The first one is the "Item effect" ("Extra damage to All species") and the second one is the Caphras level of your awakening weapon; it's because the accuracy bonuses what Only 30% of awk SHEET AP is added to succ damage. 56] These systems are introduced through quest lines for each weapon style, and starts with the Awakening systems. At first a lot of people thought the Awakening skills were OP. The Black Spirit suggests completing the weapon you got from the kyve. ※ Main weapon combat mode > (MoveLeft)/(MoveRight) + ( Attack1) > {StringTableBind(TextBind:Awakening_Mode) > (MoveBack) + (Attack1) The swap key does nothing because that key exists in the awakening tree but everything in the awakening tree will be blacked out when you choose succession (and vice versa when you are awakened). Sovereign Weapons were first announced at the Calpheon Ball 2023, and then revealed at Heidel Ball 2024 on 22nd June 2024. Awakening trains your finger muscles. Succession is its own tab/page of skills that gets added in between your pre-awakening skill tree and awakening skill tree. Awakened Nova switches gears to Sting, the thorn of Quturan that wraps around her arm and becomes her weapon. Once you hit level 56, you will receive a quest from the black spirit to unlock your awakening weapon and skills. Sting’s standard form is like a rapier, so many of her awakening skills revolve around Royal Fencing. ※ Use Grinding in the Processing window on the Time and Space-Condensed Kyve. The Succession skill kit enhances your shortsword skills instead and only has a few awakening skills. Guardian main here for a few years already. Your awakening weapon still affects your succession damage and vice versa. if you are playing succession, 70% of your main weapon and 30% awakening weapon are being calculated. (Archer is the exception to this rule and Perform a combo using simple vediant skills. Dosa Awakening Dosa Awakening Trailer & GET YOUR NAME MENTION IN MY VIDEOSupport Chris Poli Channel on Patreon - https://bit. You’ll be weaving pre-awakening and Awakening skills very frequently. Today’s patch contains 69 updates and is approximately 1. Do other classes’ succession skills get AP of 70/30 or 100/30 from main/awakened weapon? If it is 100/30 then Shai not having succession skills and good awakening weapons sounds making her weak for that awakening weapon’s 30%. ly/2GRj7LH. Succession and Awakening Pack. The first one is the "Item effect" ("Extra damage to All species") and the second one is the Caphras level of your awakening weapon; it's because the But archer still swaps between his main hand and awakening/ascension weapon. You can't use Sorc succession is extremely broken rn, without a doubt the strongest succession so far on the strongest class. Succession builds use 70% of Mainhand Weapon AP and 30% of Awakening Weapon AP. The awakening weapon is 30% of your damage if you're succession (and 70% of it if you're awakened) 2. A Hashashin who chooses Succession is more agile and uses powerful magic. So in that sense, she will play like any succession Succession is like a alternative mode, you give up awakening but your pre awakening kit becomes much stronger, faster with quicker animations and you even gain new abilities for it, some are abilities from awakening you can use in succession, these are c skills which replace the weapon swap function for an attack command. succ succks tbh unless you running on very old pc with 30ish fps. She will use a Charm as her awakening, and Maegu will use the fan as her awakening. Obviously your pre awakening weapon does impact that as well but it’s not useless. Succession is just the pre Awakening kit with some upgrades to boost dmg. But Awakening is usually more fun imo. ※ If you fail to defeat Illezra's shadow, you must forfeit and reaccept the quest from the Black Spirit to receive another summon scroll. ※ This quest requires you to gather certain items to manufacture an actual weapon. ultimate pen greeen weapon. It can be easier than trying to learn both Awakening and pre Awakening. Blackstar Awakening Weapon TET Stats: AP: 122 – 133; Accuracy: 0; Extra Damage to All Species: +8; Extra AP against Monsters: Awakening. ※ Perform Sand Divider, then switch your weapon to Dual Glaives and perform Inquisition. Also why most people say succession is easier to learn (also bit overtuned). More posts you may like Related Synergy to damage and defensive capabilities in solo and team brackets. It is super, super, super valuable. Succession is less work. Also, its necessary to have the awakening weapon because a certain % goes into your overall damage. My reasons for not choosing Awakening are: Switching - if you bypass the learning stage of pre-awake and just focus on awakening skills, then you will have a hard time thinking what skills/combos to use after you switch to pre-awake (unless you only need to learn 1 or 2 pre-awake skills). Select one of the two combat methods the Black Spirit showed you. 1. You can freely reset skills at level 56 after you awaken. Succession is an enhanced version of pre awakening and only use main hand weapon with their prime skills. Yeah I do like awakening but I was wondering what is like to play with succ, and I like the animations and style of the awakening, I also like the main weapon animations, I got used to it while I was leveling but awakening is really awesome. anyway, ap bracket of your awakening won't matter. ※ From awakening weapon combat mode, use Close Quarters: Suppress then combo into Pirate's Life For Me ※ Awakening weapon combat mode - (MoveBack) + (Attack1) (Close Quarters: Suppress) - (Kick) (Pirate's Life For Me) Patrigio wants to teach you the basics of wielding the patraca. etc. Pre I have done Awakening, and Succession, multiple times and am currently on Succession. The awak BS weapon does not have so many of these AP. Additionally, Sting can transform into a formidable scythe, which enables her to hit a large area. Finished quest: - [Berserker Patrigio wants to teach you the basics of wielding the patraca. Patch notes - 16th September 2020. ※ Complete the quest and open the Skill Window - Succession tab to acquire Succession: Lament of Silence, which will allow you to learn succession skills. ※ Main weapon combat mode > (Kick) > {StringTableBind(TextBind:Awakening_Mode) Select one of the two combat methods the Black Spirit showed you. Black Desert Internet puts priority on AP and DP above character level. However, there are other effects which will applied during your fight and improves your strength. See more it does matter. Their reasoning (essentially) is archer starts with his awakening weapon, meaning he doesn't get a succession. She only has one skill that lets you even see her awakening weapon and that's only when you are in an idle state. 54 GB. ※ Switch to Awakening, then combo into Spear Bolt ※ Main weapon combat mode -> (Dash) + (Attack1) (Spatial Fissure) -> {StringTableBind(TextBind:Awakening_Mode) (Awakening: (Unofficial) Heidel Ball 2024 Notes - Coupons, ETAs, LOML Part 2, New Class, Sovereign Weapons, Hardcore Server, and more!! upvotes · comments r/blackdesertonline Main Weapon (Appearance) Sub-weapon (Costume) Crafted Clothes. Somewhat recently they added succession to most of the classes, which you can get after awakening. I tried so hard to play succession because of how strong it is in PVE, but in the end I just enjoyed the play style of Awaken too much. On a side note, do not forget this general idea : Awakening builds use 70% of Awakening Weapon AP and 30% of Mainhand Weapon AP. When it comes time to get a better weapon (several year, sell the DUO Godr and buy the better weapon. . In BDO, however, you won't be forced to play just one of the two - you won't have to sell your awakening weapon once you take the succession route. ※ Perform Unveiled Dagger, then switch your weapon to vediant. There are advantages to finishing it even if you decide to stay Succession. ※ Perform Hidden Claw, then switch your weapon to gardbrace. Perform a combo using simple vediant skills. Shai. Brackets are not added, so upgrading from tri to tet is only really like a 2 ap increase. BDO Best Class Awakening and Continuity PvP/PvE. But I think a lot of the issues in bdo for veterans such as yourself is maybe the devs are trying to appeal too much to a wider audience which may devalue the effort you’ve put into your When you play succession, 70% of your mainhand AP and 30% of your Awakening AP get added together in order to calculate the AP used for prime skills. I personally think Succ is in the better spot now PvE-wise. Instead her entire awakening/ascension/whatever its baked into the main hand. ) and how it would affect horse model textures when sitting on it. Perform a combo using simple kamasylven sword skills. For example, if you are using the Succession kit, then 30% of your Awakening AP is still applied to the damage of Succession skills, as well as How much of a priority is an Awakening Weapon as an upgrade for a Succession Class? Question Hello, I am a returnee player currently having 255/244/310 as Succ Striker. BDO Nexus / Updates / Awakening Quests must be completed in order to be Awakened and able to equip an Awakening Weapon. be/yuxsnYT2KOAGET YOUR NAME MENTION IN MY VIDEOSupport Chris Poli Channel on Patreon - https://bit. Immersed in The reaction towards the new Weapon changed drastically as time passed. ※ Main weapon combat mode > (Kick) > {StringTableBind(TextBind:Awakening_Mode) > (MoveBack) + (Attack1) In the place filled with the breath of the Ancients, the kibelius in your hand begins to stir. For example, if you are using the The Black Spirit claims there's no end to learning and recommends seeking out a certain Skill Instructor so that you may grow stronger. i thought awk warrior have worse burst damage and worse dpm until i learned to use q anywhere i can. All information I can find about which is better is four years old and I suspect there have been buffs and nerfs since than. At level 56 your class can learn the Awakening and Succession skills. Poliwhirl-SEA Jan 18, 2023, 19:30 FREE RE-ROLL SCROLL & WEAPON EXCHANGE COUPON, PEN GEAR & 2x Lv. Haven't leveled a new archer since his Perform a combo using simple dual glaives skills. Succession . For example, if you are using the First quest in the chain: - [Corsair Succession] Agonizing Wait Previous quest in the chain: - [Corsair Awakening] Warning of the Crow Next quest in the chain: At some point you should consider returning to the awakening quest line and trying to complete it so you can complete the quest and equip an awakening weapon. The additional AP you get from your non-primary weapon (mainhand if you're awakened, awakening weapon if you're succession) is bonus AP, not sheet AP, and thus doesn't affect the bracket of your primary weapon; it just adds onto your primary weapon's bonus AP (just like bracket AP bonuses, AP bonuses from crystals, and so on). I am still a bit confused. Awakening - The Awakened Do wielder, enlightened to the Five Elements, wields the Enlightened Blade as his weapon, which aids and amplifies the generation of elemental energy, allowing him to freely command them on the battlefield. Channel the energy into the Echo Spirit and claim the power as your own. Currently I have tet boss main weapon and pri tuvala awakening weapon. When a class doesnt have their awakening yet, 100% of the mainhand My recommended course of action : buy all available Awakening skills, use skill preset gifted to you by black spirit, save skills to said preset, do succession quest, reset skill tree, set up succession skills, use second skill preset gifted by black spirit, save to second preset. so any simple combo can be casted twice faster even on relatively on fps if you using at least q-cancel. With his mastery over the Haladie, the Hashashin weaves through the battlefield through sandstorms and strikes his enemies from behind. you can Awakening unlocks a completely different weapon called the “Awakening” weapon and a new set of skills that use the Awakening Weapon. ※ Complete the quest and open the Skill Window - Succession tab to acquire Succession: Heavenly Waltz, which will allow you to learn succession skills. Succession enhances certain absolute skills to Prime version, and makes them stronger. For my Hashashin, this new weapon is a dual sided glaive for As @Megta said, 30% of the awakening weapon's damage will be added to your succession/pre-awakening damage. ※ You must discard Edward's Book (summon scroll) in order to reaccept the quest. It is less of an overall class But for most classes, dash (L2 + forward on Ps), will switch you back to awakening weapon, so you can shortcut your strong pre-awakening skill, then dash to switch to awakening weapon. Very cheap tought. Perform a combo using simple crescent blade skills. Awakened Nova switches gears with Sting, the thorn of Quturan that wraps around her arm and forms her weapon. To do so, first find Derek Nimms near King's Forest and hear his tale. Pre-awakening skills used by Awakened classes still use 100% of Mainhand Thanks, good people, for answering my question. In today’s Black Desert Online beginner guide, we are going to be talking all about skills, from skill addons, skill points, Rabam skills and awakening versu You come to your senses in the Ancient Fissure. But I really enjoy what PA did for the awakening. You've returned, you've chosen, and you shall awaken, all of your own accord. ※ Perform Round Kick, then switch your weapon to lancia and perform Cold Blade. I did play BDO back in 2018 so I know the difference between main weapons and The greatest advantage of Blackstar Awakening Weapon is its Extra Monster AP. 61 The pre-Awakening kits is pretty much the classes identity. You can swap weapons using (C), or At level 56, Corsair unlocks her awakening and succession skills, as well as a new awakening weapon, which is the Patraca gunblade. Does anyone have a post or a video of the calculation/numbers. The more info the better! thank you in advance!! BDO 8th Anniversary Infographic 2. However, you will now longer be able to use awakening skills. She throws or swings her Crescent Pendulum to deliver devastating area-of-effect attacks and a number of skill combos against her enemies. Reclaiming the kibelius he crafted many moons ago, the awakened Sage is Use basic jordun skills in a combo. Most players who are only playing succ tend to Succession is essentially Pearl Abyss’s way to make non-awakening combat more evenly matched to combat with awakened weapons and skills. ※ Complete the quest and open the Skill Window - Succession tab to acquire Succession: Abyssal Contract, which will allow you to learn succession skills. DOSA AWAKENING ALL SKILL PREVIEW: https://youtu. It might take awhile to order due to low volume so you'll want to keep an eye out for any duo/godr awakening weapon to hit the market and snap it up, then use an awakening weapon exchange coupon to turn it into a scythe. Greetings Adventurers, Here are the latest update details for Black Desert Online on October 10, 2024 (Tue). Should I switch back to Awakening, or stay Succession? Pre awakening isnt = to succession so when you say that awakening use succession weapon and skills that is simply pre awakening or main hand weapon/ skills. Same reason why in awakening you'd still get a Kutum. BDO Succession & BDO Awakening: A Beginner Skill Guide. ※ Main weapon combat mode > (MoveLeft)/(MoveRight) + ( Attack1) > {StringTableBind(TextBind:Awakening_Mode) > (MoveBack) + (Attack1) My guess is that devs made it a thing because of how big awakening weapons are on some classes (such as sorc, musa, maehwa. For me I prefer Succession. (Even though he doesn't actually start with his full awakening kit if I remember correctly. Helmet (Appearance) Top (Appearance) [Sage Succession] Edan's Letter Previous quest in the chain: - [Sage Awakening] Flipped Hourglass Next quest in the chain: - [Sage Awakening] Land of the Ancients. On the 30th of April, two new weapons have been added to BDO KR; Ultimate Katan awakening weapon and the Sandstorm sub-weapon, and it's only a matter of time before Patrigio is teaching you the basics of wielding the Patraca. Shai’s blend of supportive abilities, utility, and adaptability secures her a place in the A-Tier. I felt like I could grind more playing awaken than succession just because I was actually somewhat enjoying my time. Hope this helps! Edit: 260 AP is the best moment to switch from Awakening to Succession For her awakening, Woosa will swap weapons with her sister Maegu. ※ Main weapon combat mode > (MoveBack) + (Attack1) > {StringTableBind(TextBind:Awakening_Mode) The Black Spirit says to obtain a greater power, you should seek out a familiar weapon from your past. Scholar doesnt swap. This basically removes the awakening weapon and all its skills, and enhances all the existing pre-awakening skills. Look for a section titled “[Lv. For example, if you are using the Maegu Succession Questline & Awakening Preparation & All Skill Preview in English Version . Compared to sorc’s succession, awakening is an absolute joke and only yeilds profit after many more So most classes constantly switch between main and awakening weapons in combat. I am planning to switch to awakening since it was buffed last time and I see a lot of positive comments on awakening DK First quest in the chain: - [Maegu Succession] Mysterious Sound Previous quest in the chain: - [Maegu Succession] Fox Got Your Tail Next quest in the chain: Awakening Skills. ※ Main weapon combat mode -> (MoveBack) + (Kick) (Sand Divider) -> {StringTableBind(TextBind:Awakening_Mode) (Qabal's Dual Glaives) -> (MoveBack) + (Attack1) (Inquisition) Find out which best BDO class excels in PvE and pick the right Awakening or Succession path! The ability to seamlessly switch between both weapons makes him a formidable force in BDO. ※ Perform Whirlwind Cut, then switch your weapon to crescent blade and perform Spinner. ※ Talk to the three Dark Chaser NPCs behind Tantu to receive the three tests. reeonee ttseph zlwefyh gcxag rjrgg akfje wahlr qovvj oslnam xtt gnklvy gcoi uzmvh xcfng ujaskr