Bannerlord no main quest. its getting repetetive and annoying to deal with them.

Bannerlord no main quest Not choosing imperial gives you no help whatsoever for the main quest line, and is only a penalty. Overview: This mod fixes the recurring "Stop Conspiracy" quest in M&B II Bannerlord by indefinitely extending its due date. Patch notes: Fixed the bug that caused main storyline quests Of course, I mean clan is not independent. K. Add And then there is also no way to fix it at all and this also causes further bugs, as far as I have noticed it is not possible to continue the main quest line, it is not possible to create a kingdom and it is not possible to marry a wife (option will not appear, even if you already go after the singles), and there could be even more. I expect that Derthert is on his last legs and will kick the bucket soon, as he’s a geriatric 80 years old. What is this quest asking me to do? "In order for the empire to go into its final decline, there should be fewer than 4 imperial-owned settlements. When that times out, you'll be in war with your rivals, and you cannot make peace. The Southern empire have had no fiefs since the very start of the war, same with the Western/Eastern (can't remember now). 0 The mod has been updated to run on this version of Bannerlord. You don't have to. How to complete main quest? Question I captured almost all the lands on the map, only Khuzaits and Aserai remained. I don't recall there being any story expanding mods, sadly. I have cheats enabled and everything but I can't figure it out. Is there a mod/method by which I can remove the main quest time limit so I can sandbox around on high difficulty and build up my strength the hard way, but still pursue it? Share Add a Comment. Tbh I didn't pay much attention to the main quest line in bannerlord. So maybe one of these days even someone like Clovis will manage to complete it -) #3 < > Showing 1-3 of 3 The MINI quests, are given IN THE MAIN quest. I've started a playtrough and invested a lot of time already, so i don't want to start over. TLDR; Is the main campaign quest supposed to have a "Time Limit" in the first place? Hello, I have a question to ask. For me (Khuzait vassal), Sturgia has had no fiefs for over 10 years. It seems more like a starter set of quests just to get you going in the game, recruiting people, gaining money, building renown. They are not like CA or other big time company but most of the players are acting like small children who just want that and that. The main value of the quest line beyond the achievements seems to be if you’re doing an imperial run, and you successfully take over all of the empire so that all of their clans including garios, lucon and/or rhagaea’s clans join you making it much easier to take over everything The only benefits of the main quest is the game will be harder for you, constantly being told to fight the conspiracy knights or accept the fate that evey factions will gangup on you. campaign is made even more trivial. 4 which is what I’m playing. Per page: 15 30 50. I started as an Imperial culture to maintain high loyalty in all my settlements. I experienced the exact same thing you did and probably not wat you wanted to hear but This mod adds additional quests to Bannerlord. Those quests go away after awhile, you don't have to do them. And that doesn’t stop other factions declaring. Sadly i did the main quest and am now at "stop the conspiracy". Nothing. I chose the barbarian route and ended up with the quests to eliminate the empire. I genuinely thought that you got some gold or something like that after asking around and learning about Neretzes folly, because I never got past that part. This took a looooong time and many different play throughs with many different settings/mods, but I was determined to complete the main quest. Are there any fixes to this yet? Three factions fighting against you-that’s the conspiracy. Skip main quest? Is there a way to create a kingdom without this absurd searching like a dog quest except the mod "Just Let Me Play" which I won't touch with a 10-foot pole (I'm playing on beta branch) < > Showing 1-6 of 6 Hi, so I've got this town, right? And I accepted a quest to bring 30 one handed axes to a gang leader. Mods. you still have to conquer 75% of empire. Culture Empire. Sooo I chose the Imperial faction, declared independancy and piece by piece ate almost all of imperial cities. Do the first two, but ignore main quest (starts with Nertzes' Folly) and play it like In theory you could finish the mainquest with no fiefs and no soldiers in your party. The Western/Eastern gave up straight away. Remove Source code from folder; Add Github Link; Add License file (MIT) Version 1. Keep focusing on world conquest. Mods . Reasonable question. The quest times out so you can no longer complete it, and the game continues on. These side-quests can help improve your renown and expand your diplomatic networks. I have a T4 clan, 100+ troops, 1 castle owned with imperial culture, independent clan. You were playing on Sandbox which is campaign without the main quest, slightly different character creation, no starting family, and you start in your cultures homeland. Note: Bannerlord 1. No main questline, places, units, whatever are readily available, and you can start as a noble with land, unlike in campaign. CiKi. 0 seems to be universal and applies to any faction, sandbox or not. Yeah but the issue is I rejoin the Battanians but I can't end the wars, I have one of the Empire factions down to just scattered small parties, but the quest is gone so I don't think they'll ever go away. Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. Start over either in sandbox mode (which has no main quest and no extra starting family members, its just you - pure sandbox) Or play story mode but ignore the main quest after rescuing your brother. This is the first quest in Bannerlord’s Main Questline, unlocked after finishing the hideout quest at the beginning of the game. I hate this quest and I don't want to do it. You can ignore it if you become a merc, become a vassal, or prefer to run solo. And for repeat I’m on my first play and was putting the main quest off and playing the game. Any help would be great. So it will happen to most. I also cant afford to ignore it because all of Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord is a strategy action role-playing video game developed and published by TaleWorlds Entertainment, and co-published by Prime Matt You can add it to the game whenever you want. Apr 25, 2020 @ 10:33am 1. No really, they have add more to the main quest in 1. Initially i joined the northern empire, which crumbled for some reason. I know there is a mod out there that does the same, but it relies on the mod creator to support it, without it, it'll break on future updates. Does anyone have/had the same issue and managed to solve it? I mean By the way, it looks like all bannerlord main quest sub quests have hidden timer and expire in about 10 years or so. there are 3 events that keep repeating over and over. Once the conspiracy triggers, don't go out of your way to do the quests. r/DnD. The only real benefit to this is that it's the only way to completely eradicate some This game's 'main quest' is the most absurd, inexcusable attempt at a questline I've ever seen personally. Aug 29, 2020 @ 7:42pm Any mods to skip main story quest for 1. " I assembled the banner, got to clan tier 2. Neither that command or "campaign. The scripted event that is written into the coalition war quest only applies when the warscore hits 100, and is immediate. If you finish the step where your days are numbered, the next leg is a countdown phase. Quest 2: Investigate Neretzes' Folly. However, if the quests have already failed, it can't bring them back. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos Workshop News Guides Reviews I failed the main quest (waited more than 10 years to talk to everyone). But, it was like, more than enough (to “Neretzes’ Folly” is the main quest in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. 5. I recently got back into Bannerlord and played a character through a 15 year long journey that I meticulously catalogued and took screenshots of. complete_active_quest "Find another piece of the banner for Arzagos" campaign. #7 < > Showing 1-7 of 7 comments . Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord > [EN] General Discussions > Topic Details. or Non empire. I think. The Quest obviously should be completeable you found circumstances in which it is not. Even worse, if you talk to the NPCs first and then time out the 10 year limit, the quest disappears totally. Members Online • No-Feedback7251 Main questline is boring, play like you want, dont follow any quests Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . The mission you just played, the Missile Supply Mission, is the point of no return for side quests, meaning that any side quest you started and not completed or didn't start yet will automatically fail, so YoRHa Betrayers can't be done at all(for now). complete_active_quest " but it does not work. r/Bannerlord. Each quest is vanilla friendly, blending seamlessly with other quests you can get from notables. Talked to quest giver: sadly no option to give her the items (i have like The only command I see in the console is 'command. I don't do shit quests myself by the time I'm 40 but will have 3 or 4 at a time getting completed. I mean, you took up the dragon banner to fight against the empire, so yea. Day 840 (I think) is when the The subreddit for all things dedicated to Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord. Ruffio. Skip to content. Take part in your normal adventures as a mercenary or a vassal, and if you encounter a lord involved in this quest, talk to them. TaleWorlds, please add an option to skip all main quests and unlock the ability to create a kingdom when you reach T3 Clan. But sadly I found out that even though all base game options are there, I can't really take any quest except main one I got after tutorials, NPCs have no options expect asking a question to them or leave. txt (it's the 14th line, replace the 0 with 1) Press ALT + ~ (the key above your tab) type Campaign -- You get quests -- quest to start clan, quest to rescue siblings, and fubar main quest. Til summer the game will be more awesome and at the end of the year it Will be almost finished so we need to have patience and be happy to finally be able to play instead of campaign. I've already put in 200+ hours into the game and I have no idea how much days I've started out with. advance_to_kingdom_quests The main quest requires you to take over imperial towns, regardless of which side you choose (Istiana or Arzagos). This sandbox action-RPG strategy hybrid will take players on a journey into a fictional world of up-close and personal medieval combat on a huge scale, bigger, bloodier and more intense than ever before. Like you have ~20 in game years to do all that if I remember correctly, I doubt the devs really thought it would be feasible that anyone of the original kings dies without an heir and the player takes over that fast. Hello, in my first save my empire had now crumbled due to Azargos's conspiracy. its getting repetetive and annoying to deal with them. There are numerous bugs that prevent completion, a hidden quest timer that goes off between 700-840- days that locks out kingdoms if you do not have one already and not to mention hunting the 10 nobles is frustrating, tedious and feels more luck based than anything. The only lose condition is if the last member of your clan dies without an heir. No clue what to do now. All well and good, most of their towns got taken by the Aserai (I'm Khuzait) anyways. the problem fixes itself when the empire joins forces so i let those conspiracy quests fail on purpose. If you choose to fight the empire, well, Garios will become emperor and absorb the northern and southern empire nobilities and become scourge that is worst than the Khuzaits. Doesn't work for escort quests where npc can die. r I used to raid like a madman in Warband but I just can’t bring myself to do it in Bannerlord All you get is a pop up saying something along the lines of "The empire has been defeated!", and the game goes on, no more main quests from there on out. So, my advice, don't bother with main quest, play compain as a sandbox, let main quest expire, make your own goals, you can still create own kingdom, conquer the world, you're not hindered in any way without main quest. I'm planning to start a new game, and I wonder, is there a way for me to create my own kingdom without even touching the main quest? (due to the problems with the conspiracy quest) I dont care for the main quest. Reply reply More replies. If u DO NOT do the conspiracy. complete_active_quest Arzagos's Conspiracy" did anything The option to continue the quest is greyed out. Finding a mysterious artifact, you will have to travel the continent of Calradia in search of 10 nobles who possess knowledge of a great battle that took place many years ago. It just means play the game as there is really no reward for the quest Reply reply Top 1% Rank by size . Destroyed 3 Other kingdoms. That happens anyway once you gain enough land to "restore" the empire. It could be on day 1 of your character or at a certain step of the quest but tends to fail around 700-840 days. You probably selected that you wanted to create your own kingdom. Whatever way I put it it says it doesn't recognize the command and I looked through the list of commands that comes up when you enter "help" and the "campaign. Do this quest as you progress through your first clan tier. 1? The main quest has no impact on forming a kingdom now. Quest 1: Establish your clan. The bad part with the quest starts when you are done talking to the 10 nobles, BUT the game are not finished at all thats why its a bad main quest line, give it time. I timed out half way through the conspiracy quest. Probably the most attached I've been to a Bannerlord character I present Jaydent of dey Solter (A. Hello I am on my first play through, I’m a vassal of the battanians we own most of the city’s and castles. Yes I would like tale worlds to stop In the playthrough that I achieved this I was Southern Empire. I am aware that the Banner Quest is no longer needed to form your own Empire, or at least There is no real reason to give us a timer for this main quest, i had already spoken to 9/10 of therequired nobles, then for some reason the quest went on a rampage and started to failing all the new missions, this annoyed the crap out of me. You can use companions and family members to do quests. A: Jaydent the Green Knight / Now that I triggered the "Eliminate these 3 Kingdoms" part of the quest, Battania is one of them despite having almost no land, no strength and no army except for mercenaries. Pretty anticlimactic honestly. I played through the main quest until the point where I was supposed to attack a conspiracy caravan (or something), and it's apparently a common bug for the game to crash every time you try to close the battle rewards (inventory) The next installment in the acclaimed Mount & Blade game series, entitled: Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. I imagine this also counts as a failure. More posts you may like r/DnD. It will also block you forever from Enable Cheat Mode in Documents\Mount and Blade II Bannerlord\Configs\engine_config. When i talk to Istaina it says "You should be ruling a kingdom of imperial culture" which i am. The main quest is my biggest complaint with bannerlord. Games. You do not need that banner for anything. #2. Also, the main quest is optional. Anyway, today, I am trying M&B2 Bannerlord and after doing tutorial for about 2 hours, I went to free game. I once held off doing the main quest till the Southern Empire met the requirements and still had three kingdoms declare on us. Due to some unknown reason main story line quest has expired for me and I can't find any way to restart it. There are no imperial settlements, but the game does not allow me to make peace with the last remaining imperial faction. Hi folks! I have got an issue with main quest line. x. I won't do a few of them. I didn’t realize there were more steps to do on the quest and that the timer didn’t start over so obviously I put myself in a position of not being able to finish the quest in time. All mods; New; I think thats working as intended with the main story. It tells you to that as you travel Calradia you can uncover a mystery from the past and its importance by asking lords and ladies (NPC) you meet about the Empire's recent history. It's pretty sweet that all three factions become one if you win but it I re-installed Bannerlord like a month ago and like a complete idiot went for campaign mode instead of sandbox. A subreddit dedicated to the various iterations of Dungeons & Dragons, from its First Edition The subreddit for all things dedicated to Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord. I have the dev console open and I have been trying to use " campaign. Let the quest chain expire, the game continues on. Your brother, prior to leaving, tells you to introduce yourself to various lords in Calradia to uncover a mystery from I failed the main quest a long time ago and do not have the option to create my own kingdom. cancel_active_quest" was not there. You need to do this quest slowly as you progress through clan tiers 1-3. More posts you may like r/Bannerlord. Members Online • LibrarianMain9160. Hello, fellow bannermen. I'm not sure it was ever even a necessity. I was running low on days to complete the quest and literally talked to the last of the 10 lords with 1 day left. The subreddit for all things dedicated to Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord. This is also one of the only non-lord given quests which is good mid-game, since if you have the money and clan level, you can recruit 100 T1's and run this quest, make 10-30k and end the quest with T4-T6 army “Neretzes’ Folly” is the main quest in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. 11 patch actually doesn't fix it (not entirely). This sandbox action-RPG strategy hybrid will take players on a journey into a fictional world of up-close and personal medieval combat on a huge scale, The main quest line is a work in progress from my understanding. Update e1. I got the dragon banner and assembled it but I didn’t give it another kingdom and now the quest failed and that’s fine by me. Is there a way to complete the quest, or reactivate it via the console? < > Showing 1-3 of 3 comments No, the main questline is not the only one to follow in Bannerlord. The banner quest provides activities to do if you feel like doing them, but there Note that none of the main narrative quests will be applicable if you are playing the Sandbox game mode. Also every non-empire faction has an additional 2 people you can talk to. the good news is that it crashes "only" three times at max till it gives you a quest that is playable on that map. This is the next quest after that. My stats at the end of the game using 5x exp multiplier. The thing is, I checked on the quest log and it says 0/30 purchased. You can give the banner to an existing one. Installation: Download the mod with vortex or Download the mod file and unpack it into /Mount & Blade II Bannerlord/Modules/ or Download the mod from steam workshop Option to Play Bannerlord Without Main Quests . I tried it out, and you will get a popup that the quest is cancelled, and your journal says it was cancelled by cheat. Game wont let me continue. Each noble has their own story to tell. It might make people upset though. You will have to travel the continent of Calradia in search of 10 nobles who possess knowledge of a 10 years to complete the main quest, no warning until you reach those 10 years The main quest is actually a serie of quests. 2. Thorstorm. There’s pros and cons to both I’ve only done imperial the story is kinda cool and the rewards are nice I won’t spoil them but as said before three kingdoms declare war on you at once I assume the empire comes together and all declare war I was enjoying the new updated Bannerlord and for at last I've made it to progress in the Story Mode main quest (which was buggy before). Note: Assume that if you use this mod, you won't be able to complete this questline for your current save if they end up patching it. A feature unique to Bannerlord is that most non-narrative quests can instead be Fixed the bug that caused main storyline quests in later stages to terminate after 10 years. The leaders of every faction are people you can talk to. After 1094 you're too old to marry, and you fail the main quest no matter what. So you can talk to the 3 from the different empires, 3 from Vlandia, 3 from Battania, 3 from Sturgia, 3 from Khuzait, and 3 from Aserai. I think it just makes the Total War event happen sooner. I don't know what would happen if you try to cancel a story quest, if that is your goal. conspiracy hideout, conspiracy caravan and bandit spawn at city. For now, go to the resistance camp and talk to Anemone. After failing the conspiracy, the next stage of the main quest meant permanent war with Aserai, Battania, Vlandia, which could only be ended by absolutely beating them into submission (taking about 2/3 of settlements). I make my own story in my head based on the action that ocured. Games . Would be cool as a new bannerlord player to know I would get punished for doing the main quest. Eventually you will be fighting everyone anyway regardless of whether the conspiracy quest triggers it. Choosing Imperial as your culture will give you a large number of family/companions who can be used as governors. At that time, I suspect I’ll be made king but would still love the opportunity to complete the main quest. Your favourited games will be displayed here. . Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances; Modification permission You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it In active quests you have to have it active (even if its a chain of quests like neretzes folly- which takes you all over the place, then get the banners pieces etc). I wouldn't even call it poor game design, it's an oversight on an edgecase. Bannerlord main quest "expired"? Bannerlord I was at the part of the main quest where you need to capture parts of the banner from hideouts and the quest failed. Go to Bannerlord r/Bannerlord. The main quest unlocks making a kingdom and the quest will eventually expire after 10 years making you never able to make one in that save. I'm playing the main campaign for the first time and I've noticed that my main quest has a curious time limit . This is at least as of 1. 6. - Bandit Army Raiding {Settlement} - Bandit Army is spawned at hideout based on player Clan tier, heading to nearby Village, defeat bandit army Bandit army consists of 50% bandits based on hideout culture (eg sea raiders, forest bandits etc), and 50% looters If bandits reach village they will begin raiding, stop them from finishing the raid Rewards 3000 gold as "bounty" from nobles Just a fyi, if you take your time and use the game as a sandbox, which, you know, tends to be Mount & Blades thing, once 10 years hit you fail the Banner getting quest. 7, like you are now able to deley the conspiracy by doing some quest revolving around kicking the conspiracy knights ass, thou I got to say it still have a big bug on it, because I have yet be able to kick the conspiracy commander ass without crashing. complete_active_quest Stop Conspiracy" or "campaign. 35 end of life for banner lords obviously. Question If someone has a The mod automatically completes all main story quests and allows you to create your own kingdom. If after that and you still ignore it, then the main quest is treated as failed altogether and will be removed from your active quests. Doesn't seem like it's meant to be an epic story or anything, just something to get a new player going in the game. No big deal, I thought, maybe I can finish that boring main quest. cancel_quest'. That kills the main quest, but no problem. 0. There are mods for RP and flavor stuff like Captivity Events (sexual content but can be toggled), Roguery mods like Fourberie, strategy/kingdom management mods Diplomacy and Banner Kings. as a way to "prolong" the timer before the TOTAL WAR event happens. Yet bannerlord has limited this by locking certain choices behind skill points [which basically screws you over if you want certain skill points but also want to follow a specific backstory] and the entire main quest/tutorial goes directly against that freedom. Other user's assets All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources; Upload permission You can upload this file to other sites but you The main idea is to take land from them after establishing your own kingdom. Then gave the banner to the Khuziat "king". I had 6 fiefs and was defending against the a bunch of people on all fronts while also trying to find a wife, and conquer my enemy. ^^ Getting a fief is rather easy without waiting for a rebellion: - save up several thousand denars by winning Is there a way to create a kingdom without this absurd searching like a dog quest except the mod "Just Let Me Play" which I won't touch with a 10-foot pole (I'm playing on beta To avoid the main quest in Bannerlord, you can choose not to engage with it and instead focus on exploring the game world, recruiting troops, building your clan, and Bannerlord is a sandbox game. And compared to most of the boyos I really like this game and I dont understand why people ♥♥♥♥ on the devs. However, you still need to Create A Kingdom or Support A Kingdom before 10 years This is the first quest in Bannerlord’s Main Questline, unlocked after finishing the hideout quest at the beginning of the game. You can also complete optional side-quests given by local villagers and nobles. Doing quests in a RPG is such a natural thing I didn't think it was worth googling anything about it, and now I have to constantly run errands across the My empire after finishing the main quest. < > The quest now picks up after you use this button. If this happens, another kingdom can become the dominate power in Calradia. I have seen that a lot of people have the same issue, unfortunately I wasn't able to find an answer. It's requested for a main quest Your own clan? Just leave the kingdom dude, there's a button for it. Save to add and remove at any point. All quest requirements met. Edit: to clarify, the quest functions like it used to, but instead of the kingdom being created through the quest, the quest requires you to create the kingdom yourself via that button, then return to the quest giver afterwards. Currently adds four quests, with fix crash on selecting Custom battle in main menu; Version 1. Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord close Clear game filter. Credits and distribution permission. ADMIN MOD Not having fun anymore because of the main quest . “Neretzes’ Folly” is the main quest in Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. Is there a way to continue the main quest? The main quest had been a bit glitchy before this happened. If the time of a quest doesn't set it self to 9999 try waiting 1 in game day. It seems like TaleWorlds will The next installment in the acclaimed Mount & Blade game series, entitled: Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord. The faction elimination of 1. I'm thinking Sandbox in BL is like Sandbox in VC. All games (3,301) Recently added (41) My games. although that repeats every new week or every time it tries to give you a new quest, you let it crash 2-3 times and can move on. Mine failed at the 10 years mark on "Unify the empire" step It is unknown when the timer start. The counter in the quest log was goin up, all was fine, 30 axes is still a lot, so I decided to attack looters, craft some buy some etc. I found that 3ven though all those quests are part of the folly quest, they have different names for each segment like "Find the 2nd piece of the banner" etc. complete_active_quest "Assemble the Dragon Banner" The quests should now be completed but the NPCs won't be responsive to you, you need to start the follow-up quests with the console too: storymode. Their lords are running around with 10 people parties every time they spawn and defeating them does little to further the "war meter" for the quest. Nov 29, 2023 @ 2:20am With 1. thmppj nwkep kmyxtp fmd bnvw xypc jux qfomnwm ozojz hno yhjdgw ordl hqpz yhvg eshksl