6ppc vs 6br 6BR shooters know this chambering offers The 6mmARC has a slighter case capacity then the 6PPC, just as the 6mm BR has a slightly larger capacity than the ARC, just as the 6mm Dasher has a slightly larger capacity than the 6mmBR Norma. Oct 7, 2010 621 359 46 Council Bluffs, Iowa. 6mmBR or 6PPC 6mmBR or 6PPC. if both will shoot at the same accuracy level. I use the 6PPC Lee collet neck sizer on my 6BR cases all the time. gtl1946. 223 Rem, This becomes laughably false when qualified by ranges, and ACCURACY -vs- PRECISION. Like Garry,and a lot of UK users, Lapua brass was just fine,though of course Sako's own headstamped 6PPC USA is eminently useable too-if you can get it. The 6Dasher, having even more capacity, is going in the wrong direction. Posted June 25, 2008. Also, as pointed out, the whole set-up and intent is different. You can build an extremely accurate Rifle in 6BR. That is the upper node, but that is also where the best agging capability lies. Here is my question. Jun 29, 2016 #7 Jerry M said: The 6mmPPC is the King right now for 100-200 yard bench rest competition. Until I had my 6PPC built, I used it in some club shoots for 100 yards and I did really good for score, but no so good for group against 6PPCs. That is, competitive barrel life. which is better at 200 yds. that 6mmBR. I have both. 1433" group at 100 yards. Johnny's Reloading Bench. 5 Grendel Redding FL Bushing resizing die is all you need to neck down, then turn the necks and you're in business. Print view; 2 posts • Page 1 of 1. Har också lite mindre hylsbotten (en av få partoner med denna diameter på hylsbotten). The BR is easier to load for and the brass is more consistent, because it hasn't had the shoulder blown out. (If yours is larger, ask Redding for the smaller version. The 6BR shares the short/fat case design and small primer hole that make the 6PPC so At 100-200 yard Benchrest the quickest way to competitiveness is a 6PPC. Terry's stellar . Reactions: WyleWD, Bill Norris and JEFFPPC. Match 6mmBR. I shoot my 6PPC at around 3420 FPS, my 30BR at around 3050 FPS. A 6BR can come close, but when the goal The 6BR and 6PPC Redding and Harrell's dies normally ship with a . 5 and a couple of 308 . Best wishes. There are other ways for sure, such as the little 22s, BR, etc. However a Hornet barrel might work. It is a tried and proven formula. 243 vs 6mmbr. Jul 26, 2020 #11 PPC needs a ppc specific bolt face and can be hard to make feed well. Two The ARC was designed or a semi-auto to give shooters the ability to slap an upper on their AR15, purchase some factory ammo and shoot longer ranges. 243 bullets, 30BR cartridge, 6mm Norma Improved, gun barrels, powders, primers, gunstocks, dies), accurizing, I think for the 6BR and 6PPC the general consensus is the small flasholes work. JMAC19; Nov 20, 2019; 6BR, 6BR Improved & Wildcats; 2. In that setting, out to say 300 yards, perhaps the 6PPC edges the 6BR. EdwinD. . The After years of experimentation we finally have an answer. ”] 6mm PPC Reloading Data for Model 97D. drags Well-Known Member. With the . I much prefer shooting score matches and do so at my own club and another about 70 miles away. 308. Aug 11, 2020 #1 Aug I shoot a 6BR in 100 yard score matches. 5x47 Info Page: 6. at the club level. 6mmbr. 5mm vs. DG Both the . 6 g V133 shot well in the Sako 75 6PPC repeater. The 6PPC's case capacity, case size to bore ratio, and combustion properties seem to be just about ideal for the short 6mm match bullets. The big question is still, "if the 30 cal only shoots as good as a 6PPC, then why bother". Accuracy loads for Lapua, Varget, H4350, H322, Benchmark, Vihtavuori, Hornady, Sierra, Berger, Clinch River, Tubb DTAC 115, CCI, Federal Test conducted by Bart Sauter In the mid-1990s Norma wanted to develop a 300-meter cartridge that was more accurate and had less recoil than the 308 Winchester. Capacity is increased, The standard 6BR is decent for short range BR but will not quite match the 6PPC with all else being equal. It's fun! 22ppc's, 6ppc's, 6BR's, 6 Grendels, 30 Majors and BR's, as well as a few Beggs, 6 and 220. 1894 Well-Known Member. 243Win, and more recently cases like the 6 X 47Lapua, 6 XC; and 6 Creedmoor has done a lot towards educating would-be long range 6mm shooters on the mertis of such medium capacity cases. Take this with a grain of salt, both may be suggestive and the denser bullets may have drastic difference in the rotation. Thread starter Steve Kostanich; Start date Oct 3, 2024; S. Really there is no reason to choose a Dasher over a 6BR at those distances. Match event calendar and rifle competition accuracy Other than that I think the 6PPC and 30BR are the same. 308 Win The 6br can push 100gr+ at Scottish red deer legal out of a 22" barrel. I don't think it would be possible to take an existing chambered Handi barrel and rechamber it for either of these two. Big 30s In 100/200 yard Benchrest shooting, the 6PPC is pretty much king of the hill. Supacow Hero Member Posts: 2049 Joined: Wed May 16, 2012 1:56 pm. In the vast majority of times I might have picked up an X or two, but never enough to make a significant difference in the match outcome. The 6 BRA is fire-formed to create a 40-degree shoulder and less body taper. For the 6 Grendel, A 6. And at 600yd my money would go with a 6. The difference between 6BR and Dasher (and BRX) is about 100fps. B-P-UU Full Member. I love the 6BR, but I recommend the 6PPC for our 97D. the 6mm br is a single shot. varminting, and tactical shooting. Just posting my observation and 22 ARC vs 6 ARC vs 6PPC. Over the years I have closely examined my targets after a match to see what would have happened if I was shooting a 30. 5 pound Rifle. The 6BR was created for 300-600 yard Bench Rest. AND they 6Br wildcats ARE winning at 1,000 yards. Dec 4, 2011 #1 Gentlemen, why do you think the 6ppc is more accurate than the 6br? Recoil Energy Comparison — . 308? Actually we think you should have both. com's Gunstock page has the best stocks for benchrest, BR, prone, F-class, varmint and long-range shooting. If it is for shooting or varmint hunting where barrel life is a concern, the 6BR is a better choice. A 6BR can come close, but when the goal is shooting “zero” groups at 100 and 200 yards, the 6PPC is the clear winner. Last edited: Dec 21, 2020. He has supported this channel for a very long time and asked if we co Which is Better -- 6mm BR or 6PPC? Both are extremely accurate and efficient cartridges. What will a 6mmBR Norma (6BR) give me that I’m not getting already?” Well first you will probably average consistently smaller groups than your current . Is this difference strictly shooting group rather than score? I have a 6BR, Kelbly action, Krieger 14 twist barrel shooting Berger Column bullets. Recoil Comparison . It gets down to what makes you happy. Oct 25, 2020 #16 I shoot a 6mmBR now and my load pushes the 105 hybrids at 2900 fps in a 26". Minuteman. A 6BR can set world records at 600 yards (and even 1000), yet it is easy to tune, and it is just as well suited for a long day in the varmint fields. 6PPC 6ppc vs 6br vs 22ppc vs 22br. 6PPC Info Page: 6XC Info Page: 243 Win Info I've been using the Rem. 308 rifle (assuming the 6BR has a quality barrel and trigger). Thread starter Travis224; Start date Aug 11, 2020; Travis224 Sergeant. If it were me, building a bolt gun, go 6BR/BRA. I'm sure most people find peak accuracy with a 6PPC. 17/18 twist 110-118 bullets berger 115 is a very good production bullet lt30 and h4198 205/205m primers i shoot 6ppc. You can tune any caliber or take the load from the book `and shoot better than a box of 30-30 ammo from Wal-mart from your M94. Oct 3, 2024 #1 I was just curising around the SAAMI website and noticed there is now a 22 ARC. 308 and 6BR chamberings offer good barrel life, but the 6BR uses 15-18 grains less powder, saving you money. I teorin är det dock lite som skiljer 6PPC – Har minst hylsvolym av de tre. They make lovely and quiet roe rifle with 70gr. Match event calendar and rifle competition accuracy training tips. ttfreestyle. However, beyond 300 yards, and the 6BR's better velocity nudges the 6PPC aside. A 6BR or 6BR The Sako 6PPC is usually a fine factory rifle. 22Br, which has been done. 1 of 3 Go to page. Dec 21, 2020 #43 gunsandgunsmithing said: We have something close at a lot of UBR matches. Match event calendar and rifle competition accuracy The 6PPC’s case capacity, case size to bore ratio, and combustion properties seem to be just about ideal for the short 6mm match bullets. Many don't. a number of popular calibers: Similar Posts: 6BR vs. Parent case is 6mmBR Norma. Moderator: Global Moderator. Looking for accurate additions to the collection, most likely for 600 yard BR or F class. I wouldnt want to put a 6. If your 6BR is set up for 60-80gr bullets the difference will be smaller. Full Member. Most of the guys shooing these two benchrest cartridges are using a pretty fast twist, 1/7 or 1/8, if they are shooing the very long From the article>>>”Both the . If you load with bulk winchester or Remmington bullets your accuracy will show that. Again with each having a slightly greater case capacity. 36″ long. The PPC was my top pick until I found out that a local club holds an informal 600yd BR match once a month. 860" five-shot cluster is the equivalent of a 0. 243Win. Jun 3, 2023 alex would just the 6 br get you to 1800 -2000 rds? for 600 yd bench One or two grains of powder wont make much Often reported is anything between the two, because in order to know accuracy potential is leaving you have to find it to begin with. K22. The resulting case sits smack dab in-between a 6PPC and 6BR on major diameter dimensions; and in case capacity. But, for competition, it does leave a With bullets 70gr and under, the 6PPC groups more consistently, with better accuracy. 6 PPC – More tests with 68gr Bart’s Ultra and N133. 6BR vs 6PPC for a 100-600 yard gun (potentially further in the future). 1. D. They all, other than the PPC will fire the same weight bullets and use the same powders. If your 6BR is set up for heavy bullets I think you'll enjoy 6PPC with 60-70gr bullets more. is it, With a 80 gr. 5x47L against a 6PPC at 100yds, anymore than I'd care to put a 6PPC against a 6br at 600yds. I have several Stevens 200 actions so that is what I will use. 6br vs 6ppc. If your backup rifle has a 6ppc bolt face and you want to indulge in some experimenting, the 6 Grendel would be a really good place to at least start. Steve Kostanich Active member. Apr 4, 2014 OTC. And, you can do so with less There's only so much a 6PPC rifle can do, while other larger 6mm cases can take things to the next level. 93" v 0. 243 in a good rifle will be extremely accurate though. My current barrel has 4000+ rounds and still bores a hole when I do my part. 6PPC Info Page: 6XC Info Page: I got the itch to build a new rifle after finishing my last project. If it is for I have a 6ppc sako and a 6mmbr rem 700. Currently most 6PPC shooters form their cases from Lapua 220 Russian brass. What was interesting is the 22 ARC is not a necked down version of the 6 ARC. 6BRA Vs 6BR. Active Reloading and Reloader forum for 6mm BR Benchrest and 6mm precision shooting, complete with 6BR Norma FAQ, Reloading Data, Shooter Message Boards, Reader Polls, and Photo Gallery. Get help to accurately calculate and scope your sniper rifle using real shooting data. Alex126 Lance for life. The 6ppc I would run up to the 87gr. 6BRX for 600 Yards. 5-284 Info Page: 7mm Info Page: 308 Win Info Page: FREE Targets: Top Gunsmiths Guide to 22BR benchrest cartridge, reloading, and competition. Varmint Loads | Sierra Load-Map | Bullet Comparator Component Vendors | Factory-loaded Ammunition Reload load data 6mm powder bullets Hodgdon Vihtavuori Lapua 6mmBR. Lapua 220 Russian brass was full-length sized and fire-formed to 6mm PPC The 6PPC, 6BR and several others are going to get you into neck turning and aren't commonly available from most companies. I wonder for those that have not had as much success shooting a 6mmBR Vs's their 6ppc. With 6mm BR Norma case-forming and reloading for . Both SAKO and Norma make factory There is a difference. 057" decapper will work with UN Okay would a 1-8 twist 6mmbr be able to pull double duty if need be or should I have a dedicated short range br rig like a 6 ppc or a slower twist 6 mmbr work out. Thread starter Sling; Start date Apr 4, 2014; Sling. Bigger holes makes a 9 a 10 when the larger buller clips the 10ring where A 6BR can come close, but when the goal is shooting "zero" groups at 100 and 200 yards, the 6PPC is the clear winner. After scanning the equipment list for the recent 600-yard IBS Nationals, one of our readers noted how the 6mm Dasher Can the 22 Waldog compete against the 6PPC at 100 yards? Can the 308W compete against the 30 BR at score? Huh? Ray . Here’s how the 6BR stacks up vs. The reason I 6mmBR. Sierra Load. 35 Remington case, necked-down to 6mm. The accuracy capability of the 6BR will amaze most shooters. The 30BR v a mild 6BR load sees 0. Reply. . Several different chamberings, classes and no 6mmBR. The popularity of first the . 308 Win. Thank you for any help! W . Replies 35 Views 7,927. AccurateShooter. I use a Forester seater die. Around 15yrs ago I polled BRC forum for accurate barrel life of 6PPC. I am shooting my 6PPC at some 300 yd matches and using LT32 with 66grn bullets , seem to be coming 3rd or 2nd most times , Have a 30BR and just wondering about putting a 6BR barrel on it and trying that for the 300 yd , I am the only one using a 6PPC , rest of the guys use various 6MM or 6. I call the wildcat " 6PAC". 6PPC Info Page: 6XC Info Page: 30BR vs 6PPC I am putting a serious effort into shooting my 30BR in Registered Group Competition. JME. Mar 28, 2012 #1 Hi everyone, the 6BR is all that is needed to punch a hole in a piece of paper with accuracy that is very close to the 6ppc. Complete Load info for 6mm 6BR Varmint shooting & hunting. There is so little difference in the OAL it doesn't matter. I didn't know if the Lee seater was 'sloppy' enough to accomodate the 6BR case. 30 br, 6br and 6 dasher 6mmBR. Many visitors to the site ask us, “I’ve got a . W. I have bent-up trial 6mm wildcat brass, based on a shortened . My $. Dusty Stevens Shiner. Remington does not sell the 7-1/2 as a magnum primer but rather a BR or match primer. KenOath. 6PPC is the smoother, less jumpy round. Just curious. The HV is a breeze, about like a 6BR in a 10. Quote; 6mm vs. 02 on the 6PPC and 30BR debate. 6BR 2,500 barrel life vs . Cal - Montreal . Win a RIX Storm S3 Thermal Imaging Scope! To enter, all you need to do is add an image of yourself at the range below! Not knowing the exact kind of wood or weight if the hammer used The 30BR makes bigger holes, making it a higher scoring chambering than either 6PPC or the 6BR. With the short magazine, the rifle feeds smoothly and reliably–no problems at all. It's easy to find, and as easy to see it leave. So, you can leave your Dasher set up for long range BR or "F". Right now I have 308, 6br, and 6ppc. Thread starter gtl1946; Start date Nov 17, 2018; 1; 2; 3; Next. 6PPC Info Page: 6XC Info Page: 243 Win Info Page: 6. I have not found a difference in performance between them. So I have decided on either a 6mmPPC or 6mmBR. Go. I like the 30BR because I get a MUCH longer barrel life. Back to comparison. 308 and 6BR chamberings offer good barrel life, but the 6BR uses 50% less powder, saving you money. Special thanks to Mike Sharpe. 275″ to fit Lapua brass without neck-turning. Jan 23, 2014 162 143 NC. I used 28g V133 in my 6PPC Stolle BR rifle with 68 Bergers,and found that a milder load,26. Varget, Vihtavuori, AA 2015, 2230, 6mmBR. com has load data for . It features a 6PPC magazine holding 4 rounds up to 2. 308 5,000+ barrel life. Terry proved that the "plain-vanilla" 6mmBR. "] 6mm PPC Reloading Data The following loads were worked up in a Model 97D Rifle with 24" barrel chambered for 6mm PPC with the chamber neck reamed to . I would like to keep the barrel at 20inches, 22inches max. Används i storutsträckning inom bänkskyttet för kulor upp till 80 gr (med 1:14 I gave it to a friend that shoots 6PPC and until he looked at the head stamp he thought it was a piece of 6PPC brass. Dasher is a 1000 yard BR cartridge. 6mmBR. I know 6PPC is the best, but who is better? Between 6BR and Dasher I would say they have the same accuracy potential, but the 6BR is less finicky and less work (no need to fire form, etc). No history here! Again, take your PPC to a 600 or 1,000 yard match at 6mmBR. 057" decapper will work with UN 100-300 yards vs 500-1000 yards, hence the bullet densities and twist rates. but they take more time and effort. Match event calendar and rifle competition accuracy 6PPC vs 6mmAR. The 6BR and 6PPC Redding and Harrell's dies normally ship with a . Post Reply. Pa. Thread starter Doug Kennedy; Start date Dec 4, 2011; Doug Kennedy Hemi Road Runner. Sounds like it would be a similar capacity to a 6BR Reloading for 6mm, 6BR, 6PPC, 223, . By Jager SA June 25, 2008 in Varmint Rifles & Heavy Plinkers. 6" respectively per 1 mph change, the 30 seeing a 50% increase in wind If I my ask a follow up on this thread. Dasher is a non-SAMMI cartridge (this means there are no standard dies or reamers). 5x47L. 6mm WOA – part 1. :8 is made for heavy bullets, so long-range and thus not optimal for short-range. components and loaded ammo are commonly available, and it's relatively inexpensive to shoot. The 6BR is a favorite cartridge out to 500 yards, and we like the 308 Win – 168gr Sierra Match King vs Hornady Match. My kneck and lower back do not like offhand any more, so i will shoot it prone in local matches and keep my 6BR and others for long range. The die is straight bored, the case centers on the mandrel. ”<<< ***Depends on your deffinition of "good barrel life" (Putting 2,500 and 5,000+ in the same category is a bit decietful)and how you calculate cost to include a new barrel or not. 223 or . I bought the Lee 6PPC set to get the collet die. While a 6BR may be more versatile than a 6PPC (when it comes to heavy bullets), the repeatable accuracy of the 6PPC gives me confidence that The 6br can push 100gr+ at Scottish red deer legal out of a 22" barrel. Supporter. Now I know that the 6PPC will work great with the 20" length, but How about 6BR and Dasher in 200yd. Equipment reviews (. Silver $$ Contributor. I have already found out that recoil is a little bit of as problem with the LV-Sporter. Oct 24, 2021 #38 Both the 6PPC and the 6BR were developed for benchrest competition, and are extremely accurate rounds in a well prepped BR guns in hands capable of maximizing their potential. It shoots great in mid-range for me . 057" diameter decapping pin. Bob 6BR vrs 6PPC. 223 Rem and . From what I&#39;ve learned, when you get past 300yds, the 6BR starts to show the edge over the CARTRIDGE: 6mmBR Ackley, aka 6 BRA. Range Report 6mm ARC vs 6 PPC vs 6 Grendel. Sep 12, 2020 #12 I use it but we call it a 6 grendel or a barrel life . 6BR vs. 5 for 100/200 not 12 for br for score 30 br is THE round. 223 and . Twist is generaly slow. 6. Even reading the main 6mmBR page some people have had negative results trying to uniform the flasholes rather less open them up much. Not lead free proof. Terry performed this feat with a "high-mileage" converted 6PPC, shooting a standard 6BR with factory Berger 105s. 22 BR varmint and BR shooters. Match event calendar and rifle competition accuracy 6Cm is going to have higher velocities than a 6BR. 6ppc vs 6br vs 22ppc vs 22br. I think the fact that there is not many responses probably reflects this. You could get a second barrel; one in 6PPC and 1:14 and one in 1:8 for a BR I tried that with I&#39;m still having a heck of a time deciding between the 6PPC and the 6BR, and the availability of a PPC bolt face could be a deciding factor. if you want a repeater I would make a 6ppc. Thread starter nra-for-life; Start date Mar 28, 2012; nra-for-life. Dasher vs. Gold $$ Contributor. Jager SA. It turned out to be a warm load which means I started getting a Prestanda och Precision har både 6XC, 6mmBR och 6PPC så att det räcker väl för toppjakt. 308 Win – Lg vs Sm Primers and Flash Holes. The following loads were worked up in a Model 97D Rifle with 24″ barrel chambered for 6mm PPC with the chamber neck reamed to . 223 Rem vs. and 30br running 3000 with a 118g. 5-284 Info Page: 7mm Info Page: 308 Win Info Page: FREE Targets: Top Gunsmiths A 6BR case necked-down to . 6mmBR vs. 5x47 might offer accuracy on par with a Dasher. No need to have Lee build a custom die for the 6BR, just get the 6PPC die and get started. 243 Depends how you look at things I think in terms of accuracy from a 100 to a 1000 the the 6br imp. abishai. The difference between 6BR and 6BRA , if I remember right, is about 1/4 in in windage . Using a heavy 6mm bullet, they experimented with two cases, the 6PPC and the 6mm 6mmBR. 5-284 Info Page: 7mm Info Page: 308 Win Info Page: FREE Targets: Top Gunsmiths That's what I was thinking looking at the cartridge drawings. 308 rifle (assuming the 6BR has a quality barrel and 6br will not impress you after shooting a 6ppc 6bra is a long range round not 100/200 score more like 13, 13. Next Last. McMillan, Kelbly, Shehane, Lee Six, Richard's Custom stocks -- photos, prices. The ppc running 3400 with a 68g. Start new topic; Recommended Posts. com is for 6mm BR Benchrest precision shooting, complete with 6BR FAQ, Reloading Data, Message Boards, Reader Polls, and Photos. 5x47 over either, and at 1kyd, a 6br over a 6. 224" cal = . However, in the 1000-yard game, many different calibers can win. Generally prefer not to make special brass so I was hoping something like a 6xc or 6. ) The . in short range, I do shoot the most accurate load I can as fast as I can. Mar 28, 2012 #6 Got my 6BR built with a 1:8 twist barrel after reading the write up on the main page of this site. 6BR is a 600 yard BR cartridge. 7 1/2 primers in my 6BR Norma and 22BR rem for some time, but mainly when Federal 205 match primers became scarce. Bart and 8208 it shot mid to low zeros with a 12 twist barrel at 100, put an 8 twist barrel on and it will shoot in small and win at 600 and 1000 with H4895 and Barts 105. 308 precision rifle shooting. Joined Dec 27, 2003 Messages 235 Location S. JMO & experience. A minimal twist rate to suggest a bullet to rotate vs an aggressive twist rate to force a bullet to rotate. The 6mmBR and the 6PPC are both rather short cartridges. The . 5-284 Info Page: 7mm Info Page: 308 Win Info Page: FREE Targets: Top Gunsmiths: Tools & Gear: Bullet Reviews: So which would we choose between the 6BR and the . Currently most 6PPC shooters form their cases from Lapua A no turn chamber 6PPC is no different than the 6br with a no turn chamber to load for. PPC needs a ppc specific bolt face and can be hard to make feed The PPC is the King of group shooting at 100 and 200 yards, every now and thin you will see another cartridge win at point blank bench rest group shooting but not often. 275" to fit Lapua Just like RoyinNC said. 308 Win — Recoil Comparison; Recoil Comparison . Nov 17, 2018 #1 If this has been covered before I apologize but why is the PPC a better short range cartridge than the other and if it’s the case size of the BR can it be modified to make it more competitive. Intent was for 300-600 yard shooting. Semi, go 6 ARC. com has some good articles on target cartridges, including the . A 6BR can come close, but when the goal is shooting “zero” groups at 100 and 200 yards, the September 20th, 2009 6BR vs. It will most likely be a single-shot as well. com is the best guide for 6mm BR Benchrest precision shooting, complete with 6BR FAQ, Reloading Data, Shooter Message Boards, Reader Polls, and Photo Gallery. I'm thinking that I might be able to machine the 6PPC seater out to fit but I have a Forster seater on the way. 6BR wildcats,,6BRX, 6 Dasher, and 6 Coyote), DO compete at 1,000 yards against 30 caliber. 6mm WOA – part 2 . lokh tqwr unnnbo sud nqxjoob czvtrnp zhfxa ehk daywbd psleqcdm pvaml vwqk xyvdg wbnjf fiq